Page 2: Tilanne EASA Katsaus Part-66L ja B2L komitean ... · • GM 66.A.70(d) Conversion provisions • One more example would be the case where a person holds a pre Part-66 qualification

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Määritelmiä 66.A.5 Ilma-alus -ryhmät

• Group 1: complex motor-powered aircraft, helicopters with multiple engines, aeroplanes with maximum certified operating altitude exceeding FL290, aircraft equipped with fly-by-wire systems, gas airships other than ELA2 and other aircraft requiring an aircraft type rating when defined as such by the Agency.

• Group 2: aircraft other than those in Group 1 belonging to the following subgroups:

• subgroup 2a: single turboprop engine aeroplanes,

• subgroup 2b: single turbine engine helicopters,

• subgroup 2c: single piston engine helicopters,

• Group 3: piston engine aeroplanes other than those in Group 1.

• Group 4: sailplanes, powered sailplanes, balloons and airships, other than those in Group 1.

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Määritelmiä ELA1 ja ELA2 ilma-alukset sekä TMG

• ‘ELA1 aircraft’ means the following manned European light aircraft:

• (i) an aeroplane with a maximum take-off mass (MTOM) of 1 200 kg or less that is not classified as complex motorpowered aircraft;

• (ii) a sailplane or powered sailplane of 1 200 kg MTOM or less;

• (iii) a balloon with a maximum design lifting gas or hot air volume of not more than 3 400 m3 for hot air balloons, 1 050 m3 for gas balloons, 300 m3 for tethered gas balloons;

• (iv) an airship designed for not more than four occupants and a maximum design lifting gas or hot air volume of not more than 3 400 m3 for hot air airships and 1 000 m3 for gas airships;

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• ‘ELA2 aircraft’ means the following manned European Light Aircraft: • (i) an aeroplane with a Maximum

Take-off Mass (MTOM) of 2 000 kg or less that is not classified as complex motorpowered aircraft;

• (ii) a sailplane or powered sailplane of 2 000 kg MTOM or less;

• (iii) a balloon; • (iv) a hot air ship; • (v) a gas airship complying with all

of the following characteristics: — 3 % maximum static heaviness, — non-vectored thrust (except reverse thrust), — conventional and simple design of structure, control system and ballonet system, and — non-power assisted controls;

• (vi) a Very Light Rotorcraft.

‘Touring Motor Glider’ (TMG) means a specific class of powered sailplane having an integrally mounted, non-retractable engine and a non-retractable propeller. It shall be capable of taking off and climbing under its own power according to its flight manual.

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Miksi uusi Part-66L lupakirjaluokka

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Part-66L alaryhmät, kelpuutukset ja rajoitukset

• Part-66L lupakirja jakautuu seuraaviin alaryhmiin ja näihin liittyviin kelpuutuksiin

• L1C: composite sailplanes,

• L1: sailplanes,

• L2C: composite powered sailplanes and composite ELA1 aeroplanes, (sisältää L1C oikeudet)

• L2: powered sailplanes and ELA1 aeroplanes, (sisältää L1 oikeudet)

• L3H: hot-air balloons,

• L3G: gas balloons,

• L4H: hot-air airships,

• L4G: ELA2 gas airships, and

• L5: gas airships other than ELA2.

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• Poissulkevia rajoituksia mm.

• Aircraft involved in commercial air transport (tämä tulee aina)

• complex maintenance tasks provided for in Appendix VII to Annex I (Part-M), standard changes provided for in point 21.A.90B (Part-21) and standard repairs provided for in point 21.A.431B (Part-21).

• wooden-structure aircraft covered with fabric,

• aircraft with metal-tubing structure covered with fabric,

• metal-structure aircraft,

• composite-structure aircraft

• …

Page 6: Tilanne EASA Katsaus Part-66L ja B2L komitean ... · • GM 66.A.70(d) Conversion provisions • One more example would be the case where a person holds a pre Part-66 qualification

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Part-66L oikeudet

• A category L aircraft maintenance licence shall permit the holder to issue certificates of release to service and to act as category L support staff for the following:

• maintenance performed on aircraft structure, power plant and mechanical and electrical systems;

• work on radio, Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELT) and transponder systems; and

• work on other avionics systems requiring simple tests to prove their serviceability.

• In addition, the L licence holders will be eligible for two additional privileges which are linked to two ongoing rulemaking activities:

• the possibility to perform standard changes and repairs in accordance with the new CS-STAN (RMT.0245 (MDM.048)) on aircraft registered in any EU MS; and

• the possibility to perform airworthiness reviews and issue the Aircraft airworthiness Review Certificate (ARC) at the same time as the annual/100 hours’ inspection for any EU-registered aircraft within the scope of their licence category (current rulemaking task RMT.0547 creating a simplified Part-M for the lower end of GA).

• Lupakirjan oikeuksia voi alkaa käyttämään vasta 01.10.2019

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Page 7: Tilanne EASA Katsaus Part-66L ja B2L komitean ... · • GM 66.A.70(d) Conversion provisions • One more example would be the case where a person holds a pre Part-66 qualification

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Kansallisen huolto-oikeuden muuntaminen 66.A.70(d)

• Muuntaminen perustuu olemassa olevaan kansalliseen oikeuteen (ei perustietovaatimusten vertailuun ja mahdolliseen hyvittämiseen)

• Kansallinen oikeus ≠ lupakirja

• Muuntoraportit kansallisen viranomaisen valmistelemia ja EASAn hyväksymiä

• Kansallinen oikeus pitää olla hankittuna ennen kuin Part-66L lupakirjoja voidaan alkaa myöntämään (01.10.2018?)

• Oikeuksien tulee vastata kansallista oikeutta 66L lupakirjaan asetetaan poissulkevia rajoituksia

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• Esimerkkejä (CRD to NPA 2012-15)

• GM 66.A.70(d) Conversion provisions

• One more example would be the case where a person holds a pre Part-66 qualification which covered privileges to release work on composite and metal sailplanes and powered sailplanes, covering aircraft structures, power plant, mechanical and electrical systems. This person would be issued a Part-66 aircraft maintenance licence in the L2 subcategory, with the following limitations (exclusions):

• aircraft involved in commercial air transport (this limitation always exists);

• ELA1 aeroplanes;

• wooden-structure aircraft covered with fabric; and

• aircraft with metal-tubing structure covered with fabric.

• A further example would be the case where a person holds a pre Part-66 qualification which covered privileges to release work on composite sailplanes up to the annual inspection but not including complex maintenance tasks, repairs and changes. This person would be issued a Part-66 aircraft maintenance licence in the L1C subcategory, with the following limitations (exclusions):

• aircraft involved in commercial air transport (this limitation always exists); and

• complex maintenance tasks described in Appendix VII to Annex I (Part-M), standard changes described in Part-21, point 21.A.90B, and standard repairs described in Part-21, point 21.A.431B.

PEL M3-4 laajennettu

omistajahuoltaja Miukun lista…

Page 8: Tilanne EASA Katsaus Part-66L ja B2L komitean ... · • GM 66.A.70(d) Conversion provisions • One more example would be the case where a person holds a pre Part-66 qualification

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Olemassa olevat Part-66 lupakirjat

• Mikäli henkilöllä on Part-66 lupakirja, jossa B1.2 luokka Group 3 ryhmätyyppikelpuutuksella (mäntämoottorilentokoneet) on hän oikeutettu saamaan suoraan L1 ja L2 luokat ja kelpuutukset samoin rajoituksin kuin Group 3

• L1 ja L2 luokkien myöntäminen erillisen hakemuksen perusteella (vaatimus asetustekstissä)

• Voimassaolo nykyisellään 5v, hinta riippuu kyseisen vuoden voimassaolevasta valtion maksuasetuksesta

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Page 9: Tilanne EASA Katsaus Part-66L ja B2L komitean ... · • GM 66.A.70(d) Conversion provisions • One more example would be the case where a person holds a pre Part-66 qualification

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Uuden 66L-lupakirjan hankkiminen

• Ei koulutusvaatimusta, vain kokeet suoritettava

• Kokeet voi suorittaa joko 147 koulutusorganisaatiossa tai muussa organisaatiossa (tai viranomaisella)

• Kokemusvaatimus joko 1v tai 2v

• 1v kokemus johtaa vain rajattuihin taskeihin

• Koulutuksesta ja/tai kokemuksesta riippuen voi johtaa lisäksi rakenneryhmärajoituksiin

• Kokemuksen ei tarvitse olla täysipäiväistä ( harrastetoimintaa viikonloppuisin)

• Kokemuksen oltava monipuolista ja ”itsenäisen huoltotodisteen antajan” valvomaa (=Part-66 mekaanikko vastaavin oikeuksin) tai huolto-organisaatiossa hankittua

• Kelpuutusmerkintä voidaan myöntää, kun hakija on suorittanut riittävän määrän ennalta määrättyjä ilma-alusryhmäkohtaisia taskeja

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Page 10: Tilanne EASA Katsaus Part-66L ja B2L komitean ... · • GM 66.A.70(d) Conversion provisions • One more example would be the case where a person holds a pre Part-66 qualification

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Miksi uusi B2L lupakirjaluokka

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B2L Kelpuutukset ja oikeudet • Muille paitsi Group 1 ilma-aluksille

• Jakautuu seuraaviin ”system ratings” (vähintään 1 vaaditaan)

• communication/navigation (com/nav)

• instruments

• autoflight

• surveillance

• airframe systems

• Oikeudet: B2L aircraft maintenance licence shall permit the holder to issue certificates of release to service and to act as B2L support staff for the following:

• maintenance performed on electrical systems; and

• maintenance performed on avionics systems within the limits of the system ratings specifically endorsed on the licence, and

• when holding the “airframe system” rating, the performance of electrical and avionics tasks within power-plant and mechanical systems, requiring simple tests to prove their serviceability.

• Koulutus ja kokeet 147 organisaatiossa

• Kokemusvaatimus 1v-3v haettuun Group ja system rating (voi olla osa-aikaista tai vapaaehtoista harrastetoimintaa)

• Vaadittu lisäkokemus laajennettaessa uuteen ”system rating” 3 kk

• Mahdollista edetä kohti täyttä B2 avioniikkalupakirjaa

• Myöntäminen voi alkaa 6 kk asetuksen voimaantulon jälkeen (arvio vuoden vaihde 2016-2017)

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Kysymyksiä Part-66 L ja B2L lupakirjoista?

[email protected]

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Page 13: Tilanne EASA Katsaus Part-66L ja B2L komitean ... · • GM 66.A.70(d) Conversion provisions • One more example would be the case where a person holds a pre Part-66 qualification

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