Page 1: Timed Analysis 1 - Hayley Kiyoko : Girls Love Girls

Timed Analysis – Hayley KiyokoDYLAN KOOLMAN

Page 2: Timed Analysis 1 - Hayley Kiyoko : Girls Love Girls

0:01Music starts as non-diegetic sound. Bird’s eye extreme long tracking establishing shot of girl (Coley) on bicycle. Natural lighting . Rural area. Greenery and cars surround the Coley.

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0:05Jump cut. Birds eye long tracking shot. Coley on bike. Cracks in the pavement. Blue rack sack, yellow bike.

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0:06Jump cut. Birds eye long tracking shot. Artist’s name credit. Text fade in and out.

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0:07Jump cut. Title of the song on screen “GIRLS LIKE GIRLS”. Copyright and production details. Close up high, slightly canted, angle tracking shot of the road the girl is cycling down. Text fade in and out.

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0:12Jump cut. Close up high, slightly canted, angle tracking shot. Director’s credit on screen. Bicycle wheel not in shot but slightly out of focus. Text fade in and out.

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0:18Jump cut. Slow pan up to reveal one of the main characters of the video in a medium tracking shot shot. Bruising on the face, jean jacket, short shorts, trainers, black and white patterned top, choker and earrings.

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0:22Jump cut. Establishing wide low angle shot. Establishing shot. Location: friend’s house. Bungalow, urban, shrubbery outside. Wide depth of field.

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0:25Jump cut. Over the shoulder medium slightly side profile shot. Coley knocks on the door.

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0:27Scene continuation. Over the shoulder medium two slightly side profile shot. Second main character shown (Sonya). Black and grey stripped top. Warm natural lighting. Shot only last for a little while. Sonya shown smiling happy to greet Coley

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0:28Jump cut. Over the shoulder medium two shot. Reaction of Coley shown as happy, but shy. Scars are now gone, this is Coley’s flash back. Narrow depth of field.

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0:30Jump cut. Over the shoulder medium two shot. Girls seen happy and hugging.

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0:31Scene continuation. Third character enters, male (Trenton), seen looking at the girl in a suggestive way. Tropical shirt, buttoned down.

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0:33Tracking medium three shot with focus in the left third. Smile from earlier greeting has now changed to sadness. During friendly gesture of a ”noogie” Coley is seen upset and brushes aside Trenton’s hand.

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0:36Jump cut. Close up cut in shot of Sonya smoking. Narrow depth of field with attention to the cigarette and the hand.

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0:39Jump cut. Medium two shot of Sonya and Trenton both smoking, using his lighter. Establishing shot. Location: Kitchen.

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0:42Tracking first person long two shot of the couple. Establishes the location of the kitchen. Old fashioned kettle, sepia effect. Coley comes into the kitchen.

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0:44Jump cut. Medium wide angle two shot, which turns into three as Coley enters, then to two as Trenton leaves. Sonya is seen looking at Coley, intrigued or captivated. Coley shoots Trenton a somewhat cold look as she passes.

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0:50Jump cut. Medium two slightly canted wide angle shot. Sonya seen blowing smoke into Coley’s face.

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0:53Jump cut. Medium-long two slightly low angle shot. Sonya seen giving Coley the cigarette to share. Both characters seen smiling.

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0:54Jump cut. Close up slightly low angle shot with focus on the left third. Coley shown seductively smoking the cigarette. Scene is in slight slow motion.

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0:58Jump cut. First person long two shot with camera being non-steady, swaying along a canted angle axis. Girls seen smoking cigarette.

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0:59Jump cut. Close up slightly low angle shot with focus on the left third. Coley seen, in slower motion, doing smoke tricks with eyes focused on Sonya.

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1:01Jump cut. Medium-close two shot with slight high angle. Hand-held cam slightly pans around characters. Both girls shown looking happily and longingly at each other.

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1:03Jump cut. Cut-in medium shot of shoe and cigarette of Coley. Foot seen bouncing.

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1:06Jump cut. Medium-long three shot. Coley seen looking at Trenton, Trenton is drinking and Sonya is getting a cigarette for herself. The girls are close to each other with Trenton being distant from the two.

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1:08Jump cut. Close up shot of Coley showing her facial expression change to sadness as she looks from Trenton to Sonya.

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1:09Jump cut. Cut-in to the girls’ cigarettes. They’re close to each other but still have distance between them. Lighting is darker and the setting feels more enclosed than before. Their bodies are out of focus with focus on the cigarettes.

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1:12Jump cut. Close up shot of Coley with a look of desire on her face looking at Sonya. She smiles the more she looks at her.

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1:15Jump cut. Over the shoulder close up shot of Sonya. Slow motion with cut eyes to show seduction. High-key lighting, narrow depth of field, brings focus to Sonya. Next scene shows this is Coley’s eye-line shot.

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1:16Jump cut. Low angle panning medium shot. Narrow depth of field. Coley seen staring at Sonya.

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1:18Jump cut. Long two left third focus establishing shot. Field is dry with dead grass, pylons in the background with a forest-esque area to the left. Setting used to show a typical teenage setting, seclusion and privacy. Sonya in the foreground seen slow dancing and Coley in the back ground seen staring. Sonya is wearing clothing that reveals more skin as opposed to Coley who is wearing clothing to cover more of her.

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1:21Jump cut. Wide over the shoulder pans to full two shot. Sonya seen dancing in slow motion, Trenton seen with a bat about to hit something. There is no visible supplier of music in this, previous or the following scenes.

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1:22Jump cut. Medium two shot with focus in the left third. Coley seen still staring at Sonya, Sonya, oblivious, is unaware and is dancing.

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1:24Jump cut. Over the shoulder close up low angle shot. Sun seen hitting Sonya’s body.

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1:25Jump cut. Medium wide shot. Trenton hits a ball.

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1:26Jump cut. Cut in. Full high angle three shot of two beer bottles and a baseball (and Trenton’s foot), as well as part of Trenton’s shadow.

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1:29Jump cut. Over the shoulder medium shot. Coley seen looking affectionately at Sonya.

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1:30Jump cut. Side profile close up shot. Sonya now has a shoal but is still dancing to the music seemingly in her head with a smile on her face.

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1:32Jump cut. Medium shot with narrow depth of field and focus on the left third. Coley’s eyes are seen following Sonya’s movements.

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1:35Jump cut. Cut in. Medium side profile high angle shot. Sonya is seen spinning with her shoal.

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1:37Jump cut. Long panning full two shot. Establishing shot. Location: Bedroom. Somewhat dim lighting. Bed is made, multiple pillows, cover at the base, pictures on the walls, blinds drawn, girls are at opposite sides of the room, mirror on the wall.

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1:42Jump cut. Medium two shot. Focus pull from background to foreground. Sonya seen taking her top off with Coley looking at her, looking away, then to her again, then away. Pictures seen on the mirror. Mirror shows them looking like they are next to each other. Coley wears a choker.

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1:46Jump cut. Shot reverse shot of Coley’s action. Cut in narrow depth of field shot showing Coley getting items out of her bag.

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1:48Jump cut. Close up shot of Sonya putting on her bathing suit, looking at Coley. Bracelet on wrist, red bathing suit.

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1:49Shot reverse shot. Jump cut. Close up, narrow depth of field with focus in the right third. Coley is now looking back at Sonya.

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1:53Jump cut. Close up shot reverse shot. Sonya now looks down and smiles.

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1:54Jump cut. Close up shot reverse shot. Coley smiles back.

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1:55Jump cut. Cut in medium-close shot. Shows the girls’ legs swimming in the pool.

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1:56Jump cut. Close up shot. Coley shown playfully spitting water at Sonya.

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1:57Jump cut. Shot reverse shot. Over the shoulder medium shot. Sonya ducks into the water and smiles.

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1:58Jump cut. Over the shoulder shot reverse shot. Coley is flirtatiously smiling.

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2:00Jump cut. Establishing shot: Swimming pool at the house. Wide three shot. Trenton seen jumping into the pool. Floaters and sponge balls in the pool. Life guard ring on the back wall. High wooden fence and trees.

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2:00Jump cut. Long three shot. Floater in the back ground. Sonya seen on Trenton’s back both looking at Coley who looks unhappily back at them.

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2:01Jump cut. Cut in scene. Medium three shot. Coley and Trenton seen lounging and sunbathing, Sonya upright with feet in the pool. Trenton is the only one in the shade. Two dogs seen relaxing by Trenton.

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2:02 – 2:07Jump cuts. Shot reverse shot. Medium/long shots with narrow depths of field and focus in the left third mostly . Trenton is getting up and walking away. Dogs seen in some scenes. Coley seen watching Trenton walking away after having seen Trenton looking at the girls. As he walks, Trenton knocks off beer cans from the table.

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2:08 – 2:15Jump cut. Panning full 2 establishing shot then jump cuts from full 2 shot to medium 2 shot then close up high canted angle shot. Location: Bathroom. Coley is doing Sonya’s nails, whilst Sonya is seen looking lovingly at Coley.

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2:19 – 2:28Jump cut. Shot reverse shot between girls. Extreme close up of lips, close up two shot, shot reverse shots, then mirror reflection medium-full shot. Sonya is applying lipstick to Coley

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2:29 – 2:33Jump cut. Establishing shot, location: House Party. Panning full shot, then medium two shot, then quick succession cut ins to other people at the party. Low key lighting, cigarettes, Indie background with the décor being wood-like.

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2:34 – 2:38Jump cut. Low angle medium-full two shot, then master shot, then medium two shot then close up. Trenton comes in and aggressively breaks the girls to bring her into an embrace. Coley is now saddened.

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2:40 – 2:48Jump cut. Over the shoulder low angle medium two shot, then master shot, then high angle medium two shot, then over the shoulder medium shot and then close up side profile shot with narrow depth of field and focus in the left third. Sonya sees and then retreats back top Coley, Trenton is angered by this and is seen drinking his beer.

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2:49 – 3:02Jump cut. Cut in low key lighting shot – photos on the wall, medium shot low key lighting, medium shot - wooden birds and ducks on the wall, high angle medium-full shot of Trenton, then low angle full shot of Trenton and Coley is seen leaving out the patio.

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3:03Close up side profile shot with narrow depth of field and focus in the right third. Sonya seen sad and looking into the pool. High key lighting.

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3:04 – 3:23Jump cut. Medium two shot from behind, then medium two shot from the side, then narrow depth of field, then shot reverse shot to the medium two shot from the side. Coley and Sonya seen sitting by the pool, sad.

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3:24 – 3:28Jump cut. Close up narrow depth of field shot, then medium two shot then close up over the shoulder two shot from behind. Girls seen progressing from head on shoulder to leaning in about to kiss.

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3:29 – 3:30Jump cut. Over the shoulder close up, then medium shot. Very fast shot duration. Coley is being flung by her hair.

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3:30Jump cut. Low angle over the shoulder medium-full shot. Trenton is inaudible but the shot duration is slow enough to make out what he is saying. Narrow depth of field.

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3:34Jump cut. Close up high angle upward tilt shot. Coley shown with cuts on her face. Narrow depth of field.

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3:36Jump cut. Low angle close up two shot. Trenton shown screaming at Sonya. Narrow depth of field.

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3:37 – 3:39Jump cut. Shot reverse shot. Low angle over the shoulder upward tilt two shot, then close up low angle shot. Narrow depth of field. Trenton seen screaming at Sonya but Sonya’s attention is drawn to Coley.

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3:40Jump cut. Eye-line match. High angle upward tilt close up shot of Coley with her bruised face looking back at Sonya.

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3:42Jump cut. Low angle side profile close up shot of Sonya crying receiving abuse from Trenton.

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3:43Jump cut. Over the shoulder narrow depth of field medium shot with focus on Trenton as Coley comes in to smash him over the head.

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3:44Jump cut. Low angle medium-full shot with narrow depth of field. Coley seen charging towards Trento to beat him up, Sonya is in shock and Trenton is on the floor.

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3:44 – 3:57Jump cut. The following slides will show multiple jump cut flashbacks placed in between Coley hitting Trenton. High angle medium two shot, then low angle close up shot, then cut in narrow depth of field close up shot, then cut in narrow depth of field full shot. Girls seen being happy, Coley hitting Trenton, Hand being run across the dresser, beauty products on the counter.

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3:44 – 3:57Jump cut. The following slides will show multiple jump cut flashbacks placed in between Coley hitting Trenton. Low angle narrow depth of field medium-close shot, then close up over the shoulder two show with narrow depth of field, then low angle medium-medium/close two shot, then cut in medium shot. Coley hitting Trenton, Coley and Sonya lying on the floor laughing, Coley hitting Trenton with Sonya trying to pull her off, then the girls dancing.

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3:44 – 3:57Jump cut. The following slides will show multiple jump cut flashbacks placed in between Coley hitting Trenton. Low angle medium-close/medium shot, then medium low key lighting shot, then over the shoulder high key lighting shot, then cut in narrow depth of field shot. Sonya seen pulling Coley off Trenton, girls seen dancing by the blinds, girl seen blocking sun with hand, Sonya seen dancing.

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3:44 – 3:57Jump cut. The following slides will show multiple jump cut flashbacks placed in between Coley hitting Trenton. Over the shoulder medium shot, then close up shot narrow depth of field, then shot reverse shot close up shot narrow depth of field eye-line match, then cut in shot. Coley seen watching Sonya dance, Coley seen looking at Sonya, Sonya seen looking at Coley, Running with a bat in hand.

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3:57 – 4:24Jump cut. The following slides contain scenes of Coley and Sonya kissing and hugging at the end. Close up two shot with narrow depth of field, close up two shot with narrow depth of field, close up two shot with narrow depth of field with the sun in the top left corner, Close up two shot with narrow depth of field with the sun in the top left corner.

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3:57 – 4:24Jump cut. The following slides contain scenes of Coley and Sonya kissing and hugging at the end. Close up two shot with narrow depth of field, sun glare used as a transition technique to the next scene, close up two shot with narrow depth of field, close up two shot with narrow depth of field, close up two shot with narrow depth of field and sun glare at the top.

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4:24Jump cut. Confirmation of cyclical structure of video as establishing shot of the road from the beginning of the video with Coley riding her bike is shown.

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4:34Jump cut. Close up shot with narrow depth of field. Coley seen with her scars, smiling.

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4:24 – 4:59End credits

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