Download - Tintic Drain Tunnel

  • 8/14/2019 Tintic Drain Tunnel


    A great tunnel enterprise for gintictintictiantic mining distrBY WILL C HIGGINS

    A martin and associates of salt lakeare actively engaged at the presentin formulating and perfecting the deof an enterprise that is gigantic in

    magnitude and which should add manyss to the life and productiveness of theses of tinticgintic district utah and at the

    ee time provide means for economicalationation to say nothing of the added revss totb be derived from milling opera

    electric power plants and irrigationositions

    doubt could be made to produce many mil-lions were they susceptible of economic op-eration to depths of 1500 to feetas it has been demonstrated that their orezones extend below the water level withevery indication that they will maintaintheir size and value to great depths

    for years it has been the dream of tintic mining operators to secure drainage fortheir holdings latat depth to say nothing oftransportation facilities that would obviateexpensive hoisting and an outlet for the

    brict and this is especially true whermining in the district is concerned

    the propositionwhen rounded into shape the ente

    in question will be known as the tintigintinel company

    this company according to prelimplans proposes to start taia large dratransportation tunnel near thothe hegoshen valley on the foot c

    line and drive it due west under the





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    it will be cut by tinticgintic tunnel 1600 feet photo by will C higginsthe dragon mine elevation feet depth at which

    district the deepest mines haveuntered water troubles which have veryriallyririallyally handicapped mining operationsee in the southern portion of the districthe silver city and diamond sectionsayly every active and producing prop

    has been obliged to abandon developtt and ore production upon attaining ah of fronifrom three to five hundred feet

    9g to the great volumes of water withh their owners have had to contendthese properties without a question of

    production of their mines at a point where

    reduction works could be erected with every

    convenience obtainable such as an abund-

    ance of water desirable railroad facilities

    and short hauls to smeltersshelterssmelters and millswith all of these advantages in view mr

    martin and his colleagues have prepared

    and presented a plan that is meeting with

    great favor with the mining men of tinticgintic

    district and which promises to solvea

    knotty problem that has long confrontedoperations in tinticgintic disminingsucsuccessfulce

    ledges and mines of tinticgintic districtveins as is well known and there

    number of them which practically pa

    each other have a strike northerly

    southerly so that the tunnel willcu

    system at right angles the tunnestart near a point located at 39 de

    55 seconds north latitude and at long

    about degrees in utah county

    ship 10 range 2 west on the

    side of tintic district and almostwatervater grade with salt lake city

  • 8/14/2019 Tintic Drain Tunnel


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    the yankee consolidated mining company



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    the lower mammoth the victoria mine





    the mammoth mine knight christensen mill

    godiva may day aid uncle sam minessome of the prope arties which would be benefited by the long tunnel ofthe gintictintic tunnel co photos bywill

    C higgins

  • 8/14/2019 Tintic Drain Tunnel


    results obtained

    running this tunnel through the rangeythrough and under the igneous forma

    s of tinticgintic themines of the district

    d be drained togreat depth and the

    the tunnel will be used for transportationpurposes and all companies and owners ofmines after having made underground con-nectionshect 0ns with the tunnel will be giventransportation facilities so that their ores





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    chiefconsolidated shaft at eureka

    r drawn from the veins and fissuresd be worth many thousands to farmi-ands in the valley thus securing twoings by eliminating the constant meno the one and by giving to the othermoisture needed for the successfullingng of crops

    facts about the tunnelhis giant tunnel when completed willbout five miles in length it will proba-cut under treasure hill in the silverportion of tinticgintic district and

    yy mines in that locality that fare knownossess great deposits of payable ore

    whirwhichh cannot be successfully and profit-worked to only shallow depths on ac

    t of the excessive flow of undergroundrs such for instance as the old swanthe south svswanseairansea the laclede the

    tanaana sunbeam united tinticgintic and oth-whiled it will also the mines in

    northern portion of the district whichsunk to the water level

    he tunnel will be equipped with doublekk and the ore and waste bearing carsbe electrically operated while the wa-ayyay or ditch on one side or in theof the big bore will have a capacity ofo second feet per minute the

    of the tunnel will be from ten tontyaty feet per mile to complete the tunwillvill cost in theQ neighborhood otof 10001000

    esides accomplishing the primary ob-of draining the mines of the district

    and waste can be delivered at the tunnelsportal at a trifling cost the ore to be treated in reduction works to be established ator near the outside terminal or shipped

    process of organization and it is aned that the directorate will consist oof the most prominent and activemen in utah whose names will be aned within a few days reports areprepared by some of the most comand well known engineers in the wethese will be ready to submit to thlic in the near future the financingattractive enterprise will be accomby the sale of bonds and stock

    some of the mines to be benefitthere are hundreds of properties

    district which will be directlydirectlyA benefited by the drivinglong tunnel and these might be dividtwo classes those already sufferihandicapped by the presence of wtheir workings and those whose dment is held in abeyance becauseknown fact that when depth is attainorationserat ions must be checked or entirepended because of this great obstacle

    and economic continuation0oe the mines of the district heavy prand regular dividend payers at thetime are still working dry

    but tis not far distant when they alsobecome confronted with the water p

    to all such the knowledge that thewill have eliminated this obstacle whshall have reached water level wilencouragement to proceed withoutapprehension there are others toowill be vastly benefited and thesemine owners who have not thorough




    oencentennialtennial eureka mine at eureka

    direct to nearby smeltersshelterssmelters thusdoing away

    with the heavy expense ofhoisting from

    deep levelslevels and other costs connectedwith

    surface mining operations athigh altitudes

    the tinticgintic tunnelcompany is now in

    pecked their holdings on the surfa

    who with the tunnel running n

    through their ground could run lhamhorn it either for the accomplishm

    development operations or the perfor

  • 8/14/2019 Tintic Drain Tunnel


    f annual assessment work this latterlass could then do away with the necessity

    nd expense of surface buildings and equip-

    ment and if successful in uncovering de-

    osits of the precious and baser metals

    ould find an easy and economical outlet

    or their mine products

    with the tunnel in commission climatic

    onditions could also be practically elimi-

    ated by operating through tilethe big bore itould not be necessary for the miner to

    buck heavy snow and face zero weatherr

    n the winter time ingoing to and from

    work if mining from the tunnel level and

    his method of operation would also have

    many advantages in its favor including a

    material reduction of expense

    isome idea of the sweeping benefits which

    ill follow in the wake of the completion

    f this deep drainage tunnel and chow it

    ill affaffectact a large number of the mines of

    district can be gained by a glance

    ver the following table which shows their

    evation and the depths to which they can

    e drainedproperties affected

    ame ofmine orplace elevationBle depth

    aska 1649

    ullock 1500

    hief consolidated 1600

    olorado 2300

    ornucopia 1500

    ragon 1600

    amond 1250

    amond divide1 1790

    agle blue bell 1700

    ureka peak 2909merald 1830

    our aces 1140overnor 2000odiva shaft 2000emini 1467

    umbuumbug 2400on duke 13001200on BlosblossomsoTa no 1 2250on blossom no 2 2300

    oe bowers 1500nightsvilleKnightsville 1500eystone 1500

    ucky doyboy 1400aclede 1500

    martha washington 1750

    mammoth peakmammoth 1841poll 2300pex 1655rimrose 1350abbits Ffootoot 60 1300wansea 1100unbeam 1532ilver city 1150ilver pass 1684ioux peak

    sioux ajax tunnel 18061py 2400

    sioux consolidated 2300


    4 1852treasure hill 1500tesora 1495undine 2100uncle samunited tinticgintic no I1


    united tinticgintic no 21750

    1500united sunbeam

    1200yankee girl

    elevation of mine above sealevel

    depth gained by tunnel notallowing

    for gradetunnel right to veins

    another feature of importance and ofpossible benefit to the promoters of this

    enterprise is the possibility of the findingfindan

    of underground or blind veins of theprec-

    ious or semiprecioussemi precious metals the discovery

    of which under certain conditions would

    invest title in the tunnel company in an-

    ticipation of such discovery provision is

    made in section 4 of the act of 1872 revis-ed statutes section 2323 which says

    plied to the irrigation of land wil

    company an earning capacity equ

    to be obtained by the draining of

    in its course or the revenue to

    because of its transportation facil

    the pasteast side of tinticgintic range

    mouth of the tunnel there are ten

    sands of acres of rich land which

    water for their transformation in

    and valuable farms tandland this gre

    virgin soil could successfully be

    and cultivated by using the wat

    from the big bore As a matte

    preliminary estimates indicatevalue of the water will fully c

    for the driving of the tunnel

    ore extracted and marketed from

    banys own mining property on tthe tunnel and the revenue to b

    from transportation receipts woultically clear gain

    it is estimated that between fifsquare miles of mineral land will





    colorado shaft no 2 should be benefited by tinticgintic tunnel

    where a tunnel is run for the develop-ment of a vein or lode or for the discoveryof mines the owners of such tunnel shallhave the right of possession of all veinsor lodes within feet from tilethe face

    mouth of such tunnel on the line thereofnot previously known to exist discovered inhsuch tunnel to the same extent as if dis-covered

    d s

    from the surface and the loca-tions on the linelindofof such veins or lodes notappearing on the surface made by otherparties after the commencementement of the tun-nel and while the same is being prosecut-ed with reasonable diligence shall be in-valid but a failure to prosecute the workon the tunnel for six months shall be con-sidered as an abandonment of the right toall undiscovered veins on the line of tilethetunnel

    irrigation featuresit is estimated that the flow of water de-

    rived from the driving of the tunnel and ap

    oded by the tunnel and when thas reached completion and fulfi

    outlet landand transportation will bfor millions of tons of lowgradegrado oas the normal output of shippinfeature of the proposition is thea custom mill near the mouth onel which is located within a shofrom a high power electric linethe tinticgintic branch of the denvegrande railroad

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