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Titanium Dioxide “93

This international conference will be held f4- 15 September I993 at the Wyatt Woodfield Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

First hefd in 1990, the conference wilt address such key subjects as the supply, demand and price for TiOz to 2003 and what plant expansions and closures are pIanned in the 3 990s.

Developments in Eastern Europe, China and the CIS will be examined with emphasis on how these are affecting Western producers. Wow high solids, r~idiation-~uring~ powder coatings and other developments in coatings will affect demand for new TiU2 grades will be covered; as will the effects of PPC, ground carbonates and kaolin be examined regarding their impact on TiUz growth in the paper industry. Finally the current status and outlook is for TiOz wiII be studied in metal titanate and TX&extender pigments, uftraviolet absorbers, ceramics and catalysts.

This international conference will be held 22- 23 September 1993, at the Hyatt Woodfield Hotef, Chicago, Ilfinois.

Some of the main issues to be covered at the conference include:

I-Iow the’ max~m~rn value of fiflers can be achieved to improve the design of moulded reinforced parts; how filIer exports from China are affecting Western markets, and how traditional suppliers can cope; what appIi~at~o~s andgeographi~ areas wilf show the greatest growth for fillers over the rest of the decade; how to add value to fillers by surface treatment, such as leaching, particle size control, total quality management and better packaging; what properties are required for fillers in wire and cable, automotive, building praducts, adhesives, sealants and friction products; and what class of functionar fiIler is being readied for the market.


Laurel fndush-ks Inc 29525 Chagrin Blvd, Cieveland, Ohio, USA,

Awarded IS0 9002 quality-system certi~~atj~n for its ~timony oxide plant in La Porte, Texas, The company supply fire retardants and catalysts.

ISQ 9~ standards are well established in Europe. In Britain, where IS0 certification first started, there are same 2~,~ companies of all types registered, The British guvernment offers grants to manufacturing companies preparing to meet the standards. Some SO0 companies in the USA are now certified. There is growing interest in IS0 9000 in both the USA and Japan, with a view to improving export markets.

oI993 Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd

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