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 Visions Enterprise

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 Version TM-V4-010 Revision #: 0 Date: 7/18/2007 Page 1 of 28

Inspection Reports (TM-V4-010)

1.0 ObjectiveInspection Reports document the equipment integrity, process history and anomalies (if any) that currently exist.Inspection results must be reported objectively and with sufficient detail both for the results to be interpreted and forothers to completely understand the results of the inspections.

Within Visions, it is possible to specify the current condition of your plant equipment and allow the user to:•   Apply the inspection report to multiple pieces of equipment.

•  Provide insight to the current equipment integrity.

•  Create Work Requests to repair any noted anomalies.

•  Input the Process History of the equipment to provide a historical summary of the equipment integrity.

•   Attach photos, documents, reference reports pertaining to the equipment or inspection report.

This section of Visions Training Manual covers the following topics:

•  Locating Inspection Reports

•  Creating New Inspection Reports•  Layout of the Inspection Report

•  Completing your Inspection Report

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2.0 Inspection Report Functionality 

2.1 Locating Inspection Reports

When the user is working on a piece of equipment in Visions, the user is able to access any Inspection Reportsthrough the link provided on the Navigator located on the left-hand side of the screen.

Equipment with associated Inspection Reports will cause the “Inspection Report” link to be presented in bold text and have a ‘+’ that if clicked on will expand to show the all currently existing inspection reports for that equipment.

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The user also has the option to access Inspection Reports by double-clicking on the desired report as present in theEquipment Summary:

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 Alternatively, you can obtain a summary of all the Inspection Reports currently existing within your database byaccessing the Inspection Report Go Log located under the Go menu,

2.1.1 Navigating the Inspection Report Log (Equipment Specific)

When working on a specific piece of equipment, the user has the options to view, create and delete InspectionReports pertaining to the equipment.

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The Inspection Reports listed for a specific piece of equipment under the Inspection Report Go Log as shownsummarize the information that the user might want to sort and / or search on located on the highlighted area of theInspection Report Log. Searchable Inspection Report details are located across the top tool bar in the highlighted redbox. The meanings of these characteristics are described in greater detail in Section 2.2 – Creating a New

Inspection Report .

2.1.1 Navigating the Inspection Report Log (Go Log)

The Inspection Go Log is useful when the user wishes to retrieve the Inspection Report Scheduling Dates forupcoming Inspection Reports to be carried out. In addition, it allows the user to open multiple Inspection Reports

applicable to multiple pieces of equipment. To open multiple Inspection Reports, highlight the desired report, right-click and choose the “Open in New Form” option:

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In addition, the navigator under the Inspection Report Log will display the Inspection Report Memo Number and theequipment it is related to:

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2.2 Creating New Inspection Reports

To create a new Inspection Report, you must have a window open pertaining to the piece of equipment or circuit you

wish to create an Inspection Report for.

In the Equipment Index Window, double-click on the desired equipment to open the Summary Window, or right-clickon the desired equipment and select “Open Detail”:

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With the Equipment Window now open, right-click on the “Inspection Report” Link located on the equipment summarynavigator and then click on “New”:

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2.2.1 Writing the Inspection Report

 At first glance, the inspection report is separated into three (3) sections: associated equipment information, general

report information and more specific information divided into tabs at the bottom of the form.

Equipment - Definitions  

Field Name Function

Equipment Number Defaulted from Equipment Index

Plant ID Defaulted from Equipment Index

Name Defaulted from Equipment Index

Equipment Type Defaulted from Equipment Index

Status Defaulted from Equipment Index

Classification Defaulted from Equipment Index

In Service Check Box Specifies whether the equipment is currently in use

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•  Excavations (Pipeline only) Summary

The Summary field is used to create the Executive Summary of the Inspection Report. The purpose is to givesummarized information about the inspection carried out but to not go into great detail. The intent behind this

summary is for it to be used by Management for reviewing the work performed during a Turnaround over a year andto help plan for the next Turnaround.

Field Function

 A.I. Name Identifies the Inspection Leader or Discipline Responsible Engineer (DRE) in charge ofmonitoring equipment in this plant, circuit, etc.

Reason for Inspection A customizable drop-down box, this field identifies why the inspection as carried out atthis time.

Regulatory Comment Details from the Regulatory Firm overlooking this equipment as to why the inspectionwas to be carried out.

Chief Inspector Identifies the Inspection Leader.

Chief Inspector Sign-off


 Approval date of the Inspection Report from the Chief Inspector.

Operating Time Identifies the Operating Time of the Equipment since the last inspection, turnaround,shutdown.

Reset Operating Time Resets the operatng time of the equipment back to 0.

Work Event Created under the Tools menu on the top tool bar, identifies the event that theinspection was associated with (if any) such as, Turnaround, Shutdown,etc.

Inspector Name Since different inspectors might be carrying out different inspections on the piece of

equipment, this field allows for multiple entries of Inspector names who carried outwork.

Inspection Summary Text box to be used to create the Inspection Report Executive Summary.

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 Version TM-V4-010 Revision #: 0 Date: 7/18/2007 Page 13 of 28 Details

The Details tab is the location for all the detailed information resulting from the visual inspections and from any NDEs

used as are references are stored.

Details can be written for and applied to a:•  Standard Piece of Equipment•  Standard Piece of Equipment with Associated Components

•  Major Piece of Equipment

•  Major Piece of Equipment with Associated Minors•  Major Piece of Equipment with Associated Minors and Components

Before Inspection Results can be entered, the user must choose to what equipment the inspection is to be applied to.To the left of Inspection Details is a tree map with four buttons: Add, Del, Comp, Min. Initially, the user only hasaccess to Add and Comp.

Command Function

 Add Will default to the current Standard or Major piece of equipment currently being edited by the user.

Del Removes the Standard, Major, Minor, Component from the inspection report.

Comp Identifies the components that are related to the Standard / Major piece of equipment that were

inspected.Min Identifies the minor pieces of equipment to be included in the inspection report.

Only after this selection has been carried out, will Details tab become editable for use.

For standard pieces of equipment, such as a vessel, drum, etc. the user need only click on the “Add” to allow theDetails tab to become editable for use as this will automatically identify the piece of equipment the user is working on.

If components are to be included along with or are to be the stand-alone item(s) inspected, the user will click on the “Comp” button and a pop-up screen will appear identifying the attached components,

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For cases such as Corrosion Circuit, Major Exchanger, Major Tower, where the user may wish to include specificminors. The user must first click on, “Add” to identify the Major

Then click on, “Min” to select the desired minors. A pop-up box would appear displaying all the minors linked to thatmajor. If multiple minors were inspected, the user, holding the CTRL key would then click on the applicable minorsand click “OK”. Components that belong to Standard or Major Pieces of equipment are added using the sameprocedure.

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Inspection Details

Outlines the visual inspection carried out, the inspection procedure followed and provides insight on the inspection

findings in greater detail than the Summary.

The Problem Code is a classification used to describe the primary fault seen in the equipment with one of a limitednumber of codes. This list is user-defined using the F3 Customizing Drop-Down Lists option.

The Inspection Component Completed check box is used to indicate to the user and reader that the Visual andany NDE inspections carried out have been completed for this specific Details Section.

Unlike the Summary outlined in Section, the Inspection Details should allow future readers to gain a clearpicture of the current state of the equipment inspected. For example, for the summary, the phrase, “Light pitting onmost surfaces of the vessel” may prove sufficient for use. However within the Inspection Details, it would be better to

state, “Active pitting, ranging from 0.015” to 0.050” on all surfaces below liquid level”. With this information, thereader is able to understand completely the current vessel integrity. 

Note:  During a turnaround or shutdown, there is usually only one Inspection Report generated for each piece ofequipment. The results following the initial inspection during the Turnaround are added to the existing inspectiondetails . 

For example, a vessel may be given an initial inspection immediately after opening to determine the cleanliness andcleaning scope required. The results of this quick visual inspection are recorded in the Inspection Details and thenlater, when the detailed Visual Inspection is completed, these results are added. It is suggested that if different peoplecomplete different parts of the inspection, their names and the date are indicated immediately after their comments.

External Comments

 Accessed and edited through the “Lookup Data” menu,

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External Comments allow for the uploading of generic inspection notes that are common in all visual inspectionscarried out on equipment. The comments are editable by the user and are equipment-specific. To add ExternalComments, the user will click on, “Add / Modify”

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That will bring a new screen displaying all external comments currently existing for the piece of equipment beinginspected. The user can choose External Comments from any of the equipment types within Visions to be applied tothe Inspection Report.

Highlight the desired External Comment(s) to be included with the Inspection Report and click on “Select”.

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If the user has accidentally chosen the wrong External Comment, simply highlight the incorrect comment and click on “Remove”.

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Once all External Comments have been selected, click on “OK”.

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 Action Taken

This text field is used to identify any other actions or changes to the equipment in addition to (or in the place of)repairs or alterations. Examples would be process changes, the addition of corrosion inhibitor injection points, epoxycoatings, etc. During a shutdown, this section may also be used to record work order numbers and to whom theywere issued and a brief description of the work.

 Activity Codes

Lists all activity codes (e.g. VT, UTS, SWUT, RT) that were carried during the equipment inspection.

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The Repairs section is used to describe any repairs to the equipment, including welding. Repairs can be either fully orpartially completed prior to the equipment returning to service.

Field Function

Repair No Non-customizable number that is created within Visions to identify the numerical order of therepair recommendations to be carried out.

Repair Type A limited list of repair types used to describe what area of the equipment was repaired.

Repair Date Identifies the date when the repair was carried out.Completed Check if Repair has been completed.

Repairs A text box used to provide detail on the reason behind the repair, repair procedure, etc.

Location Identifies the location of the repair


The recommendations section is to record long-term recommendations or requirements. This would be applicable forwork not to be completed during the present shutdown or inspection. Examples would be to evaluate the metal lossrates and develop a strategy for the equipment for the next shutdown.

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For each recommendation created within this section, the user has the option of creating a new Work Request orInspection Task .

Field Function

Recommendation No Non-customizable number that is created within Visions to identify the numerical orderof the recommendations created.

Recommendation A text box used to provide detail about the proposed recommendation

Completed Check if newly created Inspection Task or Work Request has been completed. Action Taken Identifies what work (if any) has been done related to the recommended IT or WR

Created Memo Type WR or IT.

Report Number Identifies the report number of the corresponding WR or IT

Department Identifies what department is responsible for executing the recommendation.

NDE Reports

Provides a link between the NDE carried out during the Inspection and the Inspection Report.

If the user has accidentally selected the wrong NDE, the user can click on “Remove”.

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If the user wishes to review the NDE report, the user can click on “View”

To read more about the use of NDE Reports and their relation to Inspection Reports, see Training Manual TM-V4-016.

Check Lists

In this section, the user is able to link the Visual Inspection Check List that was completed during the initial visualinspection. Check Lists are standardized reports that summarize the condition of the equipment and its associatedcomponents,

 All linked Check Lists are categorized according to,

Field Function

Date Created The date the Inspection Checklist was carried out.

Inspected By

IR Title The title of the Inspection Checklist.

Checklist No Memo number created within Visions to identify the Checklist report.

The Check Lists tab consists of three (3) commands,

Command Function

Link Links a completed Inspection Checklist to the Inspection Report.

Remove Removes the Inspection Checklist from the Inspection Report.

 View Allows the user to open and view the Inspection Checklist.

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For information on Checklists, see Training Manual, TM-V4-TBA - Inspections Checklists. Process History

The first paragraph for the Process History is for the process conditions (ie. Operating temperatures, levels,pressures, fluids present, etc.).

The Operating Condition is information you would want future inspectors to know when inspecting a piece ofequipment. For example, if a carbon steel tube bundle was replaced with a stainless steel bundle, this would be notedin the operating condition.

Operating Condition is also a place to maintain a simple  record of inspections and respective results Distribution

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This informs whoever receives a copy of the Inspection Report and/or whoever is in need of knowing the integritystatus of the piece of equipment. References

The References section is used to link Inspection Reports, Inspection Tasks or Work Requests from the same piece ofequipment or other pieces of equipment which are usually similar or have information pertaining to the equipmentbeing inspected. This is particularly useful for sharing information between different plants and / or business units.

The necessary commands to utilize the References component of the Inspection Report are located across the top ofthe References Tab, Attachments

 Attachments include any documentation, sketches, photos or other files that are applicable to the Inspection Report.

Command Function

Open Opens the attachment currently highlighted by the user.

Embed Embeds the attached file into the Visions Database.

Link Links the attached file to the Visions Database but is stored within a separate folder.

Edit Opens the selected attachment and allows the user to edit it.

Replace If changes to the attachment have been made, the user can re-attached the revised attachment.

Delete Allows the user to delete the attachment from the inspection report.

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Save to File Saves an embedded attachment to an external file. Linked Orders

Linked Orders include any Inspection Tasks (IT) or Work Requests (WR) that were created to ensure the equipmentinspection could be executed properly.

The necessary commands to attach and sort Linked Orders are located along the top of the Linked Orders Screen,

Command Function

 All Displays all linked Work Requests and Inspection Tasks to the Inspection Report.

Work Requests Displays only the linked Work Requests

Inspection Task Displays only the linked Inspection TasksLink Ability to link Work Requests and Inspection Tasks

Delete Deletes the selected Work Request and / or Inspection Task

 View Opens the selected Work Request and / or Inspection Task for viewing Inline Inspections (Pipeline Equipment Only)

This feature allows for the linking of ILI Reports to the associated pipeline segment / pipeline misc. inspection reports.Inline inspections are accessed through the “Go” Log under the Pipeline.

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Command Function

 Add Inline Inspection

Remove Inline Inspection

 View Inline Inspection

For more detailed information about accessing and completing Inline Inspections, see Training Manual,TM-V40-TBA - Pipeline Module. Excavations (Pipeline Equipment Only)

Documents the Excavations carried out for pipeline construction, inspection and maintenance.

Command Function

 Add Excavation Site Adds existing pipeline excavation site report to the Inspection Report.

Remove Excavation Site Removes the selected pipeline excavation site report from the Inspection Report.

 View Excavation Site Opens the selected pipeline excavation site for viewing.

For more detailed information about accessing and completing Inline Inspections see Training Manual,

TM-V4-TBA, Pipeline Module.

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