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A Bridge to the Future: Understanding Nanotechnology, Part 1A History of Ancient GreeceA History of Ancient RomeA History of Ancient Sparta: Valor, Virtue, and Devotion in the Greek Golden AgeA History of Native AmericaA History of the English LanguageA House Reunited: How America Survived the Civil WarA Way with Words, Part I: Writing Rhetoric and the Art of PersuasionA Way With Words, Part II: Approaches to LiteratureA Way With Words, Part III: Grammar for AdultsA Way with Words, Part IV: Understanding PoetryAlexander of MacedoniaAmerican Inquisition: The Era of McCarthyismAnglo-Saxon WorldArchaeology and the Iliad: The Trojan War in Homer and HistoryAstronomy I: Earth, Sky and PlanetsAstronomy II: Stars, Galaxies, and the UniverseBard of the Middle Ages: The Works of Geoffrey ChaucerBasic Human AnatomyBasics of GeneticsBehold the Mighty DinosaurBig Picture InvestingBig Picture MBABrotherhood of the RevolutionChildren's Literature: Between the CoversChristianity At the Crossroads: The Reformations of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth CenturiesCitadels of PowerCitadels of Power: Castles in History and ArchaeologyClassical Mythology: The RomansCold WarCommand and Control: Great Military Leaders from Washington to the Twenty-First CenturyCommunication Matters I: He Said, She SaidCommunication Matters II: That's Not What I Meant!Conflicts that Shaped Pharaonic EgyptCreating Humans - Ethical Questions Where Reproduction and Science CollideCrime Scene Investigation Par 2: The Philosophy, Practice, and Science of Crime Scene InvestigationCrime Scene Investigation Part 1: The Philosophy, Practice, and Science of Crime Scene InvestigationDante and His Divine ComedyDarwin, Darwinism, and the Modern WorldDetective FictionDiscovering the Philosopher in YouElemental Matters: An Introduction to ChemistryEmpire of Gold: A History of Byzantine EmpireEpochs of European Civilization: Antiquity To Renaissance

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Epochs of European Civilization: Reformation to the Twenty-First CenturyEternal Chalice: The Grail in Literature and LegendEthics: A History of Moral ThoughtEvolutionary Biology, Part 1: Darwinian RevolutionsEvolutionary Psychology IEvolutionary Psychology, Part II: The Science of Human NatureFaith and Reason: The Philosophy of ReligionFeminism and the Future of WomenFirst Principles & Natural Law: The Foundations of Political Philosophy, Part IFirst Principles & Natural Law: The Foundations of Political Philosophy, Part IIFrom Here to Infinity: An Exploration of Science Fiction LiteratureFrom Jesus to Christianity: A History of the Early ChurchFrom Troy to ConstantinopleFrom Troy to Constantinople: The Cities and Societies of Ancient TurkeyFueling the PlanetFundamental Cases: The Twentieth-Century Courtroom Battles That Changed Our NationGlobal Warming, Global ThreatGod Wills It!: Understanding the CrusadesGreek Drama: Tragedy and ComedyHeaven in a Wild Flower: The British Romantic PoetsHeaven or Heresy: A History of the InquisitionHeavens Above: Stars, Constellations, and the SkyHebrews, Greeks, and RomansHigh Seas, High Stakes: Naval Battles That Changed HistoryHistory of Native AmericaIcons of the Iron Age: The Celts in HistoryIdeas that Shaped MankindIn Michelangelo's ShadowIn Michelangelo’s Shadow: The Mystery of Modern ItalyIslam and the WestJerusalem: The Contested CityJourneys of the Great Explorers: Columbus To CookJudaism, Christianity and IslamLiberty and its Price: Understanding the French RevolutionMasterpieces of Medieval LiteratureMasterpieces of Western MusicMasters of EnterpriseMonsters, Gods, and HeroesMyths & Mysteries in ArchaeologyOdyssey of the West I - A Classic Education through the Great Books: Hebrews and GreeksOdyssey of the West II - A Classic Education through the Great Books: From Athens to Rome and the GospelsOdyssey of the West III - A Classic Education through the Great Books: The Medieval WorldOdyssey of the West IV - A Classic Education through the Great Books: Towards EnlightenmentOdyssey of the West V - A Classic Education through the Great Books: Enlightenment, Revolution, and Renewal

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Odyssey of the West VI - A Classic Education through the Great Books: The Twentieth CenturyOne, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic: A History of the Church in the Middle AgesPhilosophy and the Law: How Judges ReasonPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy of Thomas AquinasPlato and AristotlePolitical Theory: The Classic Texts and Their Continuing RelevancePrinciples of Economics: Business, Banking, Finance, and Your Everyday LifePurpose and Persuasion: The Power of Rhetoric in American Political HistoryReligion, Myth, and MagicReligions of the East: Paths to EnlightenmentResolute Determination: Napoleon and the French EmpireRethinking our Past - Recognizing Facts Fictions and Lies in American HistoryRings, Swords, and Monsters: Exploring Fantasy LiteratureRock 'n' Roll and American Society: Part One: From the Beginning to 1960Rules of the Game: How Government Works and Why it Sometimes Doesn'tRussian Revolution: From Tsarism to BolshevismSeven Wonders of the Ancient WorldShakespeare: Ten Great ComediesShakespeare: The Seven Major TragediesSix Months That Changed the WorldStranger Than Fiction: The Art of Literary JournalismTake Me Out to the Ballgame: A History of Baseball in AmericaThe American Legal ExperienceThe American PresidencyThe Bible and the Roots of Western LiteratureThe Blessed Lens: A History of Italian CinemaThe Brewmaster's ArtThe Building Blocks of Human Life: Understanding Mature Cells and Stem CellsThe Catholic Church in the Modern AgeThe Dawn of Political History: Thucydides and the Peloponnesian WarsThe Dead Sea ScrollsThe Decline and Fall of RomeThe Ecological Planet: An Introduction to Earth's Major EcosystemsThe Enlightenment: Reason, Tolerance, and HumanityThe Fundamentals of Business EtiquetteThe Giants of French Literature: Balzac, Flaubert, Proust, and CamusThe Giants of Irish Literature: Wilde, Yeats, Joyce and BeckettThe Giants of Russian Literature: Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and ChekhovThe Glory That Was Greece: Greek Art and ArchaeologyThe Grandeur That Was Rome: Roman Art and ArchaeologyThe Hebrew BibleThe History of Ancient IsraelThe History of Venice

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The Iliad and The Odyssey of HomerThe Incas: Inside an American EmpireThe Law of the Land: A History of the Supreme CourtThe Life and Times of Mark TwainThe Literature of C.S. LewisThe Medieval World I: Kingdoms, Empires, and WarThe Medieval World II: Society, Economy, and CultureThe Modern Scholar PodcastThe People and the Ballot: A History of American Party PoliticsThe People's Dynasty: Culture and Society in Modern ChinaThe Quest: The Historians Search for Jesus and MuhammadThe Second Oldest Profession, Part 1: A World History of EspionageThe Tiber and the Potomac: Rome, America, and Empires of TrustThe World of George OrwellTolkien and the West: Recovering the Lost Tradition of EuropeUnderstanding Movies: The Art and History of FilmUnderstanding the Fundamentals of Classical MusicUnderstanding the HolocaustUnseen Diversity: The World of BacteriaUpon This Rock: A History of the Papacy From Peter to John Paul IIVisions of Utopia: Philosophy and the Perfect SocietyWaking Dragon: The Emerging Chinese Economy and Its Impact on the WorldWalt Whitman and the Birth of Modern American PoetryWars That Made the Western World: The Persian Wars, the Peloponnesian WarWinston Churchill: Man of the CenturyWorld War I: The Great War and the World It MadeWorld's First Superpower I: The Rise of the British Empire From 1497 To 1901World's First Superpower II: From Empire To Commonwealth, 1901-Present

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