


The process of providing or ob-

taining the food necessary for health

and growth.

Protein is a macronutrient that

builds and maintains muscle and

body tissue (eggs, milk, fish and sea

foods, chicken, soya, nuts and

seeds, beans).

Carbohydrates are a source of

energy for the body (whole grains,

fruit, and vegetables).

Fat is an important part of a

healthy diet. People especially little

kids, need fat in their diets so the

brain and nervous system develop

correctly (butter, oil, nuts, meat,


Minerals help your body grow,

develop, and stay healthy.

Vitamins are substances that

your body needs to grow and devel-

op normally.

Water is a nutrient all its own,

helping every cell in your body func-

tion properly.

to live a healthy life

The European Commission support for the production

of this publication does not constitute an endorsement

of the contents which reflects the views only of the

authors, and the Commission cannot be held respon-

sible for any use which may be made of the informa-

tion contained therein.


Eat 3-5 portions of fruit a day!

Eat 3-5 times a day!

Sleep at least 8 hours!

Visit your doctor for a regular

check. At least once a year!

Be physically active! Exercise at least

30 min. every day.

STOP eating at least 3 hours before sleep!

Drink water! 1-2 liters a day.

Do not eat snack food, such

as chips, chocolate or cake!

Do not eat big portions!

Do not smoke!

Eat more food containing amino acids!

Do not drink alcohol!

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