



;i; Northern New Jersey.




Office on Bladreall Street next 4oc

to tha National Union Bank.



tiix MONTHS.. .



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Offico In tbo Tone Bnlldtog,Ov.r'J.A.L5»a'.81ote. DOVEB.M.J,

/ I EO O. OOaUllMB, H. D.,




DOTIB. S ,» .






IDKTWK1I JOLLKl'd noittAHUIt'-roT,)


Tue Dlkce bai beoa entirely reflUed iu a nullM U M . Ltffi!1 «li4 OUiafen'i H.ltOulllaB

K. B.—I wish to call particular attention tomy large line ofREFRIGERATORS,




D O V E R , N . J .

I. II. J O I . L B I , • • - • • • • ' » « "

H o r n ! •»<! O u t l x o n l 0 ' • ' •



wtobute dn l i r !ii



Oftlce !««»;—0 A. M. to 13 *. ererySator."„' 1U.O. CooWn, Oo. Sopt


L. 0.BIEBWIB1H, Beo'j,Dow.N. J .






C.1j DOVER, K. J.

y l T I. I1O8B,





OLIVER S . FREEMAN,Carpenter and Builder,

r. Wm. H. UooJile, or «t 11» po.1; olllc. wiUDroravUs ftUanded to. earner Union andTM BU.. Dover, M . J.


PEARCE 4MONEZ,Carpenters and Builders,

Ptam, «p<ciaoiOoii. (or M U h p . i n b w t itAlran . u i m»lori«lj (umlibed. Jobbing aBpacUltT. OHloe and sbop opposite A. J,t W l loinber 3*nl, ia buiuins (orm«ely oo-

• o™l«Jb»B«fl»B*SlJArp. ;Wit FKABCX ' o e ' utlms.


Penonal atwnUon gKen to all call» Ujr J.O. Johtuon. OfllM and wareroonn in th« oldIBOH En» WliUw, Korrteitiwt. I H J


. D. R. HUMMER, 'irti nlll flaco jou Is'tha b»t <!onir«i.l«.

, U > | luulnwa In U» 9lat«.





H. VflH HORN illnliv

Will Give Bed Springs and Mixed MattressesWith Every Bedroom Suit Sold. .

N. B.—Notice the first name. AMOS and No.73, before entering the store.

ROLLS OF CARPETJust received, consisting of Moquettes. Vel-

vet, Body Brussels. Tapestry Brussels,3 and 2-Ply Ingrains, at 10c. to 20c

per yard below Tegular prioes.GOOD FANCY MATTING, per yard only 1 6 <Jts

PARLOR SOITDEPARTMENT.Having just received 75 n^w styles of Frames

and Coverings of Parlor Suits, I canshow a larger variety at lower

prices than any other house inthe trade.

N. B.-Notice the first name, AMOS and No.73, before entering the store




73 Market Street,Near Plane St., - NEWABK.N. J.

A Saving of Two to Four Tons of Coalin using the OSOEOLA or QUEEN ESTHEE KANQE8 with reg-

ister attachment A large line of stoves in stook as fallows:

Oanopy,,Alt Canopy,

Gem £ortane,Blister,


Now Broadway,Arcacd,





STORE A N D SHOP ITOVE1<HoiuA-, lIoDBrdi, Dattj, Uomlaj, Portland, Heteor, Vld*tt«.

'ULt.SH & WARHES and THB miBIHNO BTEAB AND HOT WATER HRATEBS,Plumbing, Tliinlns and Btaun FlLtlnB Work dona la all brancnM.Look at my large atoclc lnfore purcDislcK.

D. S. ALLEN, Doyer, N. J. •




Home Argand,Dandy.


l a response to n lar^o numljcr ofrequests inndo by patrons in Dover andvicinity, Messrs. CORNISH & CO., haveopened a branch M'fit'urooiu !•• eliurneoftliolr local rcprescnfntlvf, Mr, JO1JXIt, DALKY^II-MS, at N«. ,5 ItUICK

UOVKH, K. J., ulicro n cliolcooC PI4.U0S asi OWiMS will bo on

V.t'H". fllr. Pnlrytupto•\vlll IIR In attendanceto i«Lcivc orders and;x1iil»ie instriimout.s.

r<Us am nz\ facloij. Easj pajmoM plus to suit z\\ prui frrtt lo nnj ndrlrcat. iPlrndlnff |iurtfuUf auIUlied I* mi l bttmrv i|ttNg€-I.<iiTl.rm.

D ri.lnHnnln S Brick Bloch, Oarer, H. J . ,






Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c,BRACKET AND SCROLL SAWING DONE TO ORDER.

COAL, .men MD BOHJII HATEBIALlw»jl on'hind. H.Finji Utely orooled > Ivcga Co*. Trwt!* wilh COVKRBD POCltET

•• and « Cftputtjr of one hnodn*4 out, we cin tnpply our ODitonsti with

« D R Y AND SCREENED COAL.»P M U M tlNtrlsi to 'luwtla'thrir awn a » l QM h»T» It wantoU u 4 iMdod^tthcnit ihanlluc.

TALKis cheap but it takes money tobuy SHOES. I t will, however,cost yon less money to bay a goodpair of Spring Shoes, Ties or Slip-pers at my store than it will ifyou buy them elsewhere- My as-sortment you will find the larg-est, the styles will be correct, andmy past reputation for using thehighest grades, will be fully sus-tained.

SPECIAL:I have about 200 pairs of Ladies'Fine Shoes that cost from $2.50to $4.00 a pair- I will offer themwhile they last from $1,25 to $2.50,

P. O. HEAGAN,Opp. D., L. & W. 11. 11. DOVER, N. J.



Beat Bugar Cured Hams, per pouiid 16c.

" " Bbouldera, per 1b . . . . . . tic.

Dent Buioked Beef 12c,

Nio-Nao Crackers, 4 lbs. for 35d.

Best Boda Crackers, 4 lbs, for 25c

lb. pall mieet Jellor '.28c:

large cakei of Boep 32c.

New Um\ Ue&DB, quart Qa.

Table reaches, per can 19c.

Hundreds or other LargsJiiM fu our Grocer;nepartnient. •

J i 5c.'Wash BattlaB, lare« Pto Tin, ruddioj; Pans,Large Jelly Tin, largo Dtppor, Tin Fail,Quart ftEeaiure, Vegetable Urtter,B i w B t L d l B i t F k Ski

, gVegees, BiPi

Quat ftEeaiure, Vegetable Urtter,B|iiw Beta, Ladles, Biont Forks. Skimmers,Kaatlnn R.wnn, Pin nutera, Hauc« VmePuUto MH>liers, i l I l 7 f b

DRY GOODS-Pine Fancy Figured DreM Goods, regu-< f i -

lar price 8Oo. no IT loCiViilt of tbe Loom Mualln. regular « , , „price lOo. now WiC,

Good Quality Muilin, unbleached, reg- j , . .ulsr price 5Jifo. now V i C .

Yard Wide Sorlni, wortli To. noir.... ,j.i-Q

Our Leader Corsets, regular prfre a>o. nn-now £OC,

Children'sDlaolt Hibbed Hose, regular AIpries Me. now JOa. or 8 p&Irs tor.,,,C<

Clarfc'n O. H.T. Cotton, perdoK, spoolsCoata1 Boat Cotton " " "

Fait Colors Apron Glngluum, fio. per yard.Hundreds of olher bargains la our Dry and

Fanoy Goods Department.

SALELarge Pudding Fani, Egg Turners, Col

den, Waib Daiim. 4 gootf . ] « Jel y T

Ii. LEHMAN &, Oo.

BlacRwell St., Kext Door to tt)6 Dover Post Office.


to Chicago.T I T A T T S T i f i i ' - i n this Columbian year. If yongo vonmnsti O.A.M. IB M. n r i h ? T O a S t t i l a W 8 o n ( f i t j , d * n ^ gOi y m

T T V ^ T T f a W vl^ ^ a v e ' u s ^ 8 0 m u 0 ^ m o r e money to Bpend{ VlHOl. J. l /11 on your wardrobe. I i cither ovant we can

serve you, having just mannfsotnred tbe moat mtenuve and elegantstook of Men's, Youw Men's, Boys' and Oliildren's OlotluDg er«roffered in Ibis State. We invite you to eall and examine our

Spring styles Men's Suits $10 to $20

Spring styles Young Men's Suits $8 to $16

Spring stylea Boys' Suits, Long TrowsetB .16 to 112

Spring stylea Children's Suits, Knickerbockers $3, $4, $5, »G

Spring styles Children's Suits, Eilts, Ynfitoo, etc... J2 to $10

Besides a large assortment of Children's Cloth and Leather Hatsand O»ps—a new department just introduced. Fay no profits to(lealors; buy at manufacturers' prioos of

Marshall & Ball,807,809,811 anil 813 BUD S H E ,

NEWARK, N. J.22i and 223 riain Street, Patereon.





Diamonds, Watches, Clocks,Jewelry, Bllver and 8ilver-Flated Ware, Gold

Peru, Bilvor-Platod Knivos, Forks and Spoons,AT TOE LOWEST MJ.BKET PUICE.


the larveat apartment ever showu f n Dover. A full line of SMOMOIU andByo Olaawi. ID [ramea at Gold, Stael and Rubber, properly fitted \a

theuys, I am constantly replenliblns my stock in all Itsdapart-mmu. Ton «lll «l«aj8 ilnd t b i i i t n t pattern! aid >t;£i.

1 3 * AU hlndt o[ WATCHES, CM)UK8 ana JEWELHY REPAIREDor olbemlM r«norat«d u Kqulnd.


Watches Sold on Instalments.IFNOT.WHYNOT?» ! ltt• lttm.m«tl.ra,

l B l l lAliina,Plli!«,Bllloi»nani,Femalo Weak-

n m Nurroui or WaitlDgnnti ot Sill TUwrite to the InternationalMedical Institute, J« Weat28th 8 t , Ne» fork, Torpamphlotoncureaodhowtoleopwell.

THOS. JOHNSON,aunufactorer and dealer la

Ksauufiti, Edtluii i Haitili,(and all work la UirblA aad Qnalta. All work

of tbo b«il ordsr tad priwi reuoubU:oKWKLt. arnBur, DOTES, H.J.

GO TOKanouse & Hosking's

BAKERVfar tneh Broad. Caka and Piedally. A ftCBh itock of CO^FECTiuNEHlO w n h a n dSDBSKC BTHUT. " N«AR CANAL BBIDOB,

DOVEli. H, J .




Brief Noles. of the Happening* cf a WeekIn Hew Jeraey,

Senator Lemuel Miller, of Cape lUy, la out

la If (marl building » short line railroad

Mr*. U t r ; A. lUddle, known u lbs " Bea!

Estau Queen," died at Atlantic CJt/ Sunday.

Forut fires caused much damage to rah

Umber Und In Atlantic county tbe first of tbe

Tb* Central lUflroad of New Jersey baibroken ground at White Home fur astation.

Dr. Wlltiani II. Beacb.of Eatoutowu, basbeen appointed Collector of tbo Port of ForthAmboj.

Prof. Ni ton Haas, principal of ibe Uniontinel lebool, Hkckenucfc, Is confined to blihome with tbe grip.

John Miller, 00 y«r» old, a Nairark irid-iwor, that hlmwlf In the abdomen Sunday,

Despondency ted to tbe act.

CUrlttopker Browo, m. tnerolwr ol tu* Conaolidated Brewing Company, hie been nominated for Mayor by the Democrats of Pater-ton.

After holding off far nearly two wuki,Founder JamH A, Bradley, of Atbury f«rkhudeddrd to serve n Councilman for oneyear.

Work on tbe new ed(fice of tfaa Uanhal]Street PreBb;teruui Church, at Camden, willbe returned as eoon as the frc»t Is out of tbe

Sparki from a pasting locomotive set fire totbe bern of T. Bretfitor at KldgeBeld ohSaturday afternoon, destroying tbe building.Lots, 91,000.

forest fire alcmgtb* West Jenej Itallroadbetween Siralo Statlou and Cape May CourtHouse did a lot of damage on Wedwiday be-fore It was extinguished.

A league for the lujiprtwion of gamblingon race trucks tuva boea ortanlud liaat county. Tho HOT. W. H. Denart, ofRaritau h tbe Pretldeut,

Womon anil children of Aabury 1'trk arealgnlDg a petition to Qovernor Flower, ofNew York^asklng for executive clemency IntuecaaeofCaMylellarrii.

Tfae Board of Health, of BliEiUtb, Intend!to begin a IIQUM to IIOUM totp«Uon to » »tbat every precatlon 1B taken to guard otaolersand other contagious diteues.

Bamuel E. Demarett, of B«igeu Fields, hu

been nappoioted a clerk In tbe New YorkCustom House. About a year ago he wai dis-missed on account of bis politic*.

The tnonetrousaea turtle on exhibition atthe University of FemityWaoIt.1! H.BI>DB to-quartan) at Baa Isle City l u t lunmifr «uc-outnbed to tbe wvere weather this winter.

Ida Oltar, saren ywrt old, was burned todeath Saturday while playta? around a OreIn a garden in the rear of her parents' homeat, three ralloa south of llicken-uric.

Tbe FaBttic .lolling Mills are constructingthe largest draw brfdg«ia the world. It will1» pltoed over MacomU'i Dam, Hew Vork.Tbe draw alone will be .1)0 feet long, and willweigh S.400 tons.

James T, Morgan, of KUubetu, who bs.ibeen appointed Secretary of tbo Btate LaborBureau, h u left the Singer ManufacturingCompany. He hat been wtUt tbe companytwenty-five years.

Eilnbetb Sheldon, of Patenon, last Fridayipplled to dor. Werta tor a oommimfoa as a

notary public, but the application was re-filled, became then la no provision In tie lawfor woman notaries.

Tbe citizens ot Clinton bare organised aBoard ot Trad* to trauma tbe buttons In-

u of IUB wwii and to etcure mtiaufaO'torles. TUB people of Clinton propose to pushtheir borough to the front.

Tlie realdenU In the lower end of Cape Maycounty want the Freeholders to build a ma-cadamlird road from Cape Hay Court Houseto Cape Uty . It will be couilderednext meeting of tins Vt-eehaMen.

Mrs Tnoraas B. Foroh, of Glonboro, aboutt^etk ago got a fragment of bone in ber

threat at dinner. Bne dl«d Baturday after-noon In great agony. All tbe •(Torts ophyslclana to remove It were futile.

Tbe hrgeet tax eale er«r kn jwn la AtlantliCounty wilt take pUce on Mty 2fltb, at EggHarbor City, when Marshal Gfto. BenftMil 10,000 town loU and 1,045 acres of landiwoed by the* Egg HarborLand Company,

Tbe new Reformed Church at Cherry Hilli i about ready for occupancy. Tbo contract-ors, Adsmi & fiturr, think nrvfees can beheld In the church on April Uth. Sevenmonths ago ' \ e first cburcb building naaburned.

Tbs people of Gladstone are) so well pleasedwith tbslr present poatmaitar, who Is a Re-publican, that not one of them will take thooffice from htm although there are but lireRepublicans In the town. Tbe o (HOB pays fKWper year.

John Aea, the only survlror ot tbe originalCnrUty ma»t»U| who flourblied i o thU coun-try during tbe Civil War, Saturday cele-brated tlie Mrentletb aoolTemry of bis birthat fcU tome In •North PaUrion. Mr.Reawaabora ID tbe County of Wicklow, Ireland.

Hlchul Farrington, living near Chimney;Rook, en Wednesday cut hU throat with a

r, and, flndloc that did not kill him,lumped Into a w«lL He tbiu repented ot tl«act, and lib cries brought help. He naadrawn out of the well, but li txpestcd to die.

The Bergen Drlrlog-Parlt Association havea force of men engaged ID Improving thetrotting track at Oradelt. They will beobllgsd to take ouia license under the new laws.The track la la Washington townahip. Tbeassociation Ii like a gentlemen's driving club,

Tbe Iter. John L. Scudder, ottfas Tabtr-nacle, ncommeeded a man for appointment

ft conductor on tha Jemy City and BergsnRailway Company. On Thursday tbe manwas put to work, and he disappeared aftermaking one trip, taking with him about *3 oftbe company's money.

Tbe large flour mill and wood yard ofdiaries Randolph, at flatoDeld, was buroodto the ground on Thursday morning of lu tweek, * A borne and barn adjoining were al-

, dwtroyed by the Ore. Tfae total loss laeatimated at 110,000. The lira was nndouht-edly tbe work of an Incendiary.

There It soms talk of consolidating the twoIntern*. Revenue District* of Hew Jersey,The terms of the present collectors do not ex-pire for a good wbilo, and oo application hare

yet been filed here. The term of theDistrict-Attorney will not expire for twoyears, and there Is no one spoken nf for tbatplace.

Tbe Indictment of Bob Davis, of JerseryCity, in connection with the ballot box stuR-Ing, which bas been pending In tbe UnitedStaws Court, has been dismissed because of

i death ol Buer.ll HoFhllllps, of Hodsooinly, who waa the principal witness to

prove the conspiracy with which he wnscharged.

As a result ot tbe recent priza offered of «10it the beat Princeton wng produced, ccinpe-

UUon open only to undergraduatei, tbeoom-

ilttee having tbe matter In charge his re-celted maoy ccntribuUcmi, but, cot being of•uch a standard and quality as rtere dtslredor expected, an addition of |2T> to tho originalamount bai been made.n

Tfat charred bodies of tbree drunken men,supposed to have been trampi, were found intbs mint of ths fire tbat destroyed tbe barnbelonging to G. T. Jaeger at Itajwood, Ber-gen county, tarly Honda? morning. I t Issupposed tbat the men entered the Urn tosleep and set flro to the bay. Tbe loat on

urn and bay amounted to * 1,750,

A special session was held by toe CamdenPolice Commlmtonen last Thursday, andPolicemen tUuliy, Doud and Anderson weredismissed from the force. Chief DarltinttracUd to notify tbe discharged am to

ira over their stars and accoutrainoota.They did tot go on duty last night andprobably obey the orders ol tbe oommlasbnerswithout further resistance. Tbe dischargedotfloen had nil been tried before tbe commis-sion for IniubcTdlnitlon.

White playing near & Inntlre laat ThurtJ*yafttwnoon along the Central Railroad, Jennie,s, s*ren-jear old daugbtor of Jobn I y ,Bridgeton, was probably fatally burned liyher clothing becoming IgafteJ. A bralcemsiloaped Troin a moving tit»lo and wrapped Llfo a t about tier, but not before nearly everyarticle of clothing naa burned from her Itody,

investigation euoiratltttliereftratwun-y e coses c/ eiuall-i>ox In tbe hmpital tent

at 0nake Uill. It nas alsa asserted

bad broken out m VVio old intn'e pa»!l-IOD, and tbat au epidemic was feared In tin

l d otber county iuHtitutlDintbere.It was given out, too, that tbo old men lim)been allowed lo mingle wltbtlieoonvaloarenU,

:. Oaborne, of Jersey City, scar cleanerenajiloyed by tut) Pennsylvania Hall road, wasarrdited but Friday. Detective Futer SWrls wont to Oibotue's UotiwetKc. 2-1T Wajwstreet and fouud a large ijuantltj1 of propertywbicb, It I. alleged, Oaborne kad taken, Tinc*r cleaner w u arraigned belora Justice

who held I1I111 for trial in defoullof P 1,000.

K. Piue, a couductor on the KriiRailway, wancoinniitUd to tbe county jail atPatcrson late tjaturday til^btupgu the chargeof bigamy. February Htli, lie marriedll a young girl wlio Hvtut with berwidowed niotUer at &M Bt might »tre*t, I'ate•on. About a week ago ilin dl*!b\ erol tinVine had a wife and cbf Id living at l'J5 Pa von lavefiuo and caiifteu bis arrest.Tbe American Press, an orgiuiizatioii fur

the gathering and dlssetnlntlng of news, (liedtlclea of Incorporation at Trenton Saturday.

The capital stock I* $2,500,000, and tbo lucor-poraton ere Orland J. Hailth, of ttia Amerlcai

AsaoelaUon; Albert P. lAngley, of tbip C l d Union ; Robert Williams, of thi

Uterau Ci.U -, Albert UITBOQ, U[ ibe CindnKtl Tribune, and /ameaJI. Kitiernon, of tinnaonta Sentinel,

Tlie sbad, whose annual migration up IliaDelaware will soon begin, are to be accorded

partlttutatly "taking" lecepUoa tbleyear,union all signs fall. At tlie hundreds cf (libIng landings along bath sborei from tbecapento faralMwetta falls at Trenton, tbe11


have erected tbelr net racks, wbllo tbe bunksIn tbe cabins whore shore nets are still drawnbivfi been made up anew, and all IN In readi-ngs for tbe sbad array.

MUs Jennie. J. Daly, of Jersey City, wn,ran over and seriously Injured by a horno midcarriage In charge of R e m P. Frauds andJames H. Lyons iu West Hew York a fewmonths ago, She brought milt against Francisand Lyons for 13,000 damages and obtainedjudgment for $1,600, Counsel for tho defeo-UtnW appealed from the verdict, and FridayQuprema Court Judge LJpplncott ordered anew trial, lie declared the award was fx-

A late bulletin from tho ceiiiiNdopartuientshows tbat ttie slllc Indmtry of New Jersey islarger tbau tbat of any otLor fit ate, and com-prise* more than one fourth tbo total capitalemployed in tbe alllc Industry In tbis country.The amount of capital employed In the In-dustry la New Jersey as shown by the census

f i m is ¥10.800,1)37; tbo numbor of hamlpp y d , 1T.01T; the ivun\ial wage* paid *T,-

170,130; and the ralne of tbe annual product,S30.7W.871.

p Donnelly dropped dead atblsreai-dence, about two piles below Laudliville,Tbursday. Donnelly was well known a« amake clmrmer and snake tranper, i)wndliiR

t f bi ti i bmost of bis timwoodlaud below

manilolln, 1their itwuet CuntfUsu tone

mtralto Boln tbnt ««it of npjilniiiii) tint »bnwoil liuvoice vfns opiTefiniinl. Tlio nislng feature of tlio evening

Marlon Ulchanh'Bsulo, which get tllauglilug und I'ftiiwil Jior ra'ullNnigUbourniiJHIillBrd Huge struck o happycLunl in o guitar iluot, eud tha Messrs, lg lojart carao fu fur n good Bboro of ii|i]ilnn^e fur

iud Bclectlou. Miu Auuio Hlchanls saqg

anotlior nolo ID tlio luimlUblo etj'la BO charoctoristio <>t Uer VOL-U! olforttf, and wan calludback for A neejnJ unng. MM. Ayera again

1 ttie close BU«»UUII of tlio nutlkoceIURII H well rctiiferciJ" riMiiijig, and MlaesjBrci* mid UBKO wcro inlled upon for al.wbieb Lrougbtnn encore. Tbere wt>n0 otlicr attractive (rnturea to mnbt) tb<[ram highly i>len?ioK au<l enjoyable not' \a niAttcr but In inatliod and tlio Im-gibrlllimit amllsime guve lilting tvaliiiioii]lio tnlcnta of Ibe perform em. Tlie nuJi-1 won coiiijiow.1 of po.'plo from DJVI

Kockawsy, NQW Yurb aud Domiilo. Afterntflrtttimnoutilr.JoHfipli KiiicUmin £nve

a reception at bin inothcr't* home In honor oftlio artists taking part fu tbe concert,

p, ) Rroving tbe vast tracts of

d t l l l I hpeculiar game. When the body was found,one cf bis curious pets tbat bod LMD bis CDQ-atant companion for three years wna fouudcolled up on bis bred it and refuied to allowthe body to be taken until bis unattenlilp waikilled. . .

Word was received a t tbs oillca of theBoard of Street and Water Commissioners ofJeney Citj l*it Frldsy tbat the cemsnt mainwhich crouos the Hackensack MoadoiCOOTBJS water f rein Qollovillo to tbe Teem-clr

ia Jersey City Heights, was 16 danger ofbursting. Cblef Engineer Huggleg found thatUJB wooden capping In wlilrti too iron pipesrest bad almost rott«d nwny, oautlng tliepipes at one of tfae connections to tlnk severalfeet, A gang of men Is engaged in impairing

±t> capplna.

Mr*. Bykw, the wlfeol tlie Ilev. Goo. H.Byken, the Metbodlst Episcopal tululster otBrldgeton gare out • statement Tburnlay thatber nuaband was on nls way boina and wouldarrive In this tity in A week or ten days. Sliedoes DOtsay where he baa been sluce his nud-deu night, but says that he will beable toprove to the satisfaction of tlio New JerseyUonff i-ence and hit friends tbat tbe scandalabout him is entirely untrue. The conferenceit Iu recent session suspunderi him from that

body for a year.

Lawyer LImlabury, of Elisabeth, securidlast week a wrft of certforarl from Ctilof Jus-tice Boailey to have the Bupreme Court re-

law tlie license granted tbe Bouth Jerseyrace track by tba Gloucester City Council.The afflJ«Tlts upon irbiob It was granted were

lade by members of the Camden County Lawand Order TjWgae, Tbe license granted tbeOutttnburp; interest In tbe Cloverdale racotrack faas be«n rescinded liy tba On!re Town-ihDp Uommlttce on the ground thrtt It wasIllegal to grant It.

Andrew J, Stoelmatt, aged 65 years, (a tyingIn tbs City Hall of Atlantic City with a dangorous scalp wound, Inflicted with & pair oftinker's lhean; '^ the hands ot oi-Pollcaruan

laojSjkt^ bolstnentyyeanhlsjunlor.Tha tiro men became Involved In R fight on tbestreet last Friday n.gK over Becky Bmitb, Inwhom both are Interested. Bereral police-men arrested tbe trio, Dr. Ultnor wasaum-monad and dressed Qteelman's' wound, a deepand dangerous gash In tbe top of tbe head.Byke and the woman ore still under nrreit,

Jolin David Miller died lost Friday ot hishome, No. 158 Washington avenue, Klttabotb.Mr. Hlller was seveoty-eeren yearn old. Helived m the city nearly all bis life, anil for

it bnlf a century carried on tlie budneseof a shoemaker, fie was one of tbe organ leersOf tbs JelTerson IKHH, tbe first Germanmilitary company formed In Elizabeth. Itllourlihed In ante bellum days, In tbe earlyflftlei be helped to organize Elizabeth's firstband, which for yean wtn known us tbe f&tetIron Band. Mr. Miller was a strong Demo-crat.

Tbe house, lUJCone street. Orange, wherethe flrit small-pox caw wudlicorerod aboutA month ago, waa burned to the ground lostFriday night by the health authority. Thefire department had two streams playing uponthe adjoining buildings to prevent tue llsmed

spreading. TIIB bulldliig was a trnystory tenement, and It made a duo bonfire,Ibe residents turning out several thoumndstrong to see It. There are n o * four eaten ofsmallpox ID Orange and three in Bast Orangeill among colored families. No immediateears of the spread of the disease are etiter-al&ed.

Janes Row, of Fatenon, a boothholr, nn-1bli associates amused tbeimelres last Fridayatttrnoon hy annaytoR the menat work in thobaker's shop at No. W Prospect street. Roxathrew cobblestonet and dirt Into the itDUgliWin. Nagele was kneading, and the baker be-came angry and undertook tc box tbe boy'asan. Ross almod at tho'bakor'a licad wttbbit blacblug-box, hut before be had tlmo tostrike tbe baker felle<t him with a board,striking him on tke bead. Ro*n wm corritx.away by hli companions, and half nn hourlater was found by a policeman !n a vacantlot unconscious. Ho was removed to 8t.Joseph's Hoipltal. Magele was arrestwl,

Brfg.-Oen Wanwr, Mayor of J e m y Cityand commander of Uicr First Brigade Nutio nalGuard, will be honored wltb a reception givcmblm by Gen. Drake and Ihe Veteran /.OUQVBBof Elizabeth on the night ol April IStb, at ttio

inovatrf ZouateAnuory. Gen.\Vnu9ErandafT will be escorted lrom tbe depot tbrougli

Broad street to the armory by tbe Zouaves,beaded by n band of 1M pieces. Tbfl routiwill be ablate wltb fire nor 1« Uou. Pralte I<renolved to get ii|uaro with tbo Aldrrmnwho umuccKifully tri»d to tako tbe armoryaway from the veterans, and neither any oftbem nor Mayor Ilankln will Ret an InviUtlon to the affair, for whlcli lt0QQ UckeU urc

Farmpr Jtil.n(.;rliii6», of I.smliBrtvillo. WHEiinitlyaHltidledoutof f?<«M>r it vroman lostweek. Blie was good loukiug atnl wliuu obi'came to tho former'iilmiUGaiKi said Mic nantedto buy h\n farm bo named a jiretty biglifigure, fcihe liuinttxl uji U binding tb? b u r iby V-iiyitiE i'-m down, and prod 11 w l e fbill, wbicli xho handed Iu tlio fnrmcr. (iii

10 had beard of the bunon men ami theiriyn, took tbe note to I bo bank !•> have it ei-

a i-amliig Ui-ltlottialiwif- Urbill Lack to Hit) woman ami [ben droiv

on bis oivii wtoro for tbe diiFormrc to pay heri',m, WWlo lie wan dolug tills tlte ivudiauged tlio guod hill for aticlhor whldi, tog gbis sorrow, tba fann

ben he iittcnipled to

d to li*cnui)U>rf(.-itit In Hit- lunk.

A FINE COHCEBT.The f'oucpft liy tbe New Clinrdi Lenjuo of

ii'tiville last IVlilny evnilug, vinu unu uf tbivftivlteL Hiubitales tlie )«-'*>;Au ot Uvnvllloive Iiad tbo jileftBUro of liateufiifi to. I

Maggie Voting awl He. KJ'vor.l D. Nelgtibil tlie prugrnni witii a moiiiliiliti

guitar duet, and (ulluWinu tliin doliglitfultreat Mfssni. Asa and BUitrnrt

Fwal duet ivlncb jiloasnl tt

ill tlut tUcy wore eti^urod. Mrs. H, A.leTB gave a reading entitled " Tlie ii

ttmt met witit lieurty u]ii>tr,iipe nu.l

tlie i«3ifuNner tod

elocutionary taUmti( a UigU urdLT, A vncol duel tij IXi:

IUcho.1 d* und MIJIber on the proRrftin, nnd tbclr cityrto* rersiveil a %<xA tteal lii Vat* imturn of


fcnor solo tlint w reived with miprrdntlDti

Uj tho ouillrace. Mr. Mulalibour has ft teiiof rare fiwfctiir>»3 and undor oxn'llc

control. A comic i-o^itatluii, " Dridgotu \-',»pcrlcnco with tlw HjiiritB," by Mm. Ayors,mttbeaudieiioalii u joTlnl mow), «n<i (IIBI

Miss Young and Mr. Neighbour gave anotherbllittonofthuir hklll o-IU: tbo guitar

id ,oi Ibo > nftbKM Ua(t;e gcvvi->ivod witliliuw ivt'll her

Real Estate Transfers.Itift nre tho latent r«al entate transfers

In Morris county:

John C. Ilrown, executor to Clian. K. Jobu-son, property la Dover, Tor (SINI,

JBB. II. Carrell and wife'to Frank A. Ncl-BOO, In Dover, for i?W.

Blory L. Brady to Ellen T. F.tiUcUy, InMorris towneblp,foi-tl.

Kllon T. and Jan. W, Knteley to MlchnelO"CoiuMrt.uMt>rTlatownrt..p,fiut.L.

Oscar I.kdsley, SborllT, to Cyrus U. Force,ti Koxbury toirnthlp, for fCOO.


Aug. W, Cutler and nlfe to Samuel IJQOII-iril, Jr., In Uorrlntown, for t.|,i«.Hi,

Jobn T. Maudervllle to Lydla M.aml Husan'\ Jlooiue, In Pequaunoo townaliip, fur ?!.

Hurry ID. RltUanJj, guardian of Iwra (I.Tclman, to Jns, Tiihnan, in Chatbam (own-ship, for £1,1)00.

Win. Bimous mid nlfe, ami Abrnbonijlmoiis QI.-I n-Ito to Fred. H. Dwcb nnd Man-on l'ituey, trustees ot I. Ii. Jolley, la Dovtx,ror *i.

A MEW ATHLETIO CLUB.The Ken Jcrsoy AmuR?ment Company, of

Newark, vbfch rewntly (11«I artlclosof In-frjrj«rotioii uudor thn lavs of tho Htnte ofNow Jtrsay, ]jroin(«s to be one of tho fore-m™t enteri-riKs of its kind In the country.Tbe inu-iittwu of tlie promoters of tbe enter-jjiihouro to give atblmfc DxhibitiooA of allhind) owl advtuca the (uteres. In pure ajiort.TLe gentlemen Larking tbe company are iiumof weoltli and IltMTallty, aud will spareiiBltber money nor pains to cbtablUU ouo ofthi fureiiiMtatbleticclubsin tlio world !» tlionititrDiKiliH of Mew Jersey.

Thpy have sernrcd a Jeise on CaledunlauI'm 1.-, mail}-atros in drcumfereuce, contalu-lug 1'irge groves, an OJMJB Held ror athleticB|.nrtfi, mid a qnarler-mlla running track.Intlietoiitroipftho park li a large Inclosediwvllion callable ut <w»i fortsWy seating 10,fl0Uj.nrboiid. Tiila hall trill be usud fur the open-ing ottmolt.jii of tlie HOW company, whichnil! take pUm> on Avril 1(ILU. A grand e*T-nival IIQH Unsu armngud, ol which tuero willbe a dlstilay (if the fistic art. TiiopromlorattractUm. of tbo nightlabfl mwllng betweeuBilly Illmmer, of Knglaod, the bantam-rolgbt i:liaui|]lon of the world, and Dannydcllj-ldf, of Now Vork, tbe foremost baatamreigbt lioicr Iu Anierlea to-day. The boys•HI battle at HU pounds, give or tako tiro>oimd«, fora [lursa of fi.WO, i takes amouot-ng to -'.(MXi, and tllla of tiftiiU.ui cbauiplati,vhk-h I'litii-iier lino tiii»aa>fully UeW against

Prior to the big event will be two attrntf-loiis buLwccit lnnav* aspirlug to cbamplonank. Uiw bunt In Tor six rounds between

Uuorgo Arlington and Daniel Uaragbty, wliowill liox fur tlio nelwr weight cbamplonablpsf Newark-nut a very grust title truly, butno that will not iu tbo least lessen the vimf the battle, limb boy a ore clever, game

Tin, tliinl bunt J« nn intercity inntcti be-wean Fmnb Muore, ot I31(*»bctb, nod Prof.VlllUin UOM, of Ne-vart, Tho men areUhtivolsliU aud are La tn* ten rourtiU for ft

*iO0 purse.\cconmiodfttiuiis have Imsn mule for tbt

.ting ot T,lHo people, biieclal trains willivo Newark on nil iiuea and out of towniftum nil! In) sure of reaching home before•ruing. Tbe doom to the big ball will beowu open at coven o'clock, at wpich time

» nraiiJ concert of ulanaicnl geluctionii will bebegun by tlio First Und of fort/

At S::t»o'i;luck tbe Unit bant will aommen<«and tha programme c,)ntinned until tho end.TJcketa for the carnival are ti, *-" and * . . ;

holding tour, I'M.

Dladfl a stock Company.» 11. VDU Horn b u incorporated bliuro business under tlio uatue of Amoa

II. Van Horn (limited), with hlmteir, EmmaC V £ n Horn and Edward T. KUmeot, tucor-

•ntnrs, the (tapers t>clng filed on Friday.Tbeybaveniialdlucaiiilalnrii.iO.OOO. Amoa11. Van Horn is President and Edward F.Klenient fs Secretary and Treasurer. Mr.ICIemeiit bos been with Mr. Van Horn for -

inty-four yean, beginning when 14 yearsold at a email salary. He has for nareralyears buau tbe principal buyer and fluanoUl

»unger, aud bis ability has been recognlteiltbe change jist made. Ilr- Van Horn will

; W. Uorwl ixl wife tu W111. H,

IVm. H. Buker to Pbobe J. Corwln, inUndoip'ii and Hookowny lawnshliii, for »2fl.

Ezra F. (Jnrrabrnnt and wife to Wm.Llnde, Iu UorrlsUiwn, for $3,000.

Nicholas V. OwfTroy ond nlfo nud Lu<-ettnmd Krncst A. Itodler to D, P. BtcClellmi, In

Morristotvii, for ?vO,.*iW.

Unry B. and Tlios, J, Joyca to Louis D.aplur. In CUatbam township, for • I.

IJOUIB D. Byler taTlws J.R[ibr,!nCI)allinraowneliiii, for t l .

Mary L. Linabcry lo J. 13. Parker, In Hor-•Istowa.tor *A.*t0.

Ilnliort N. Cornish and wife mid others toCatiiarlue H. Cnimmoyur, In fassaic town-ship, for $5,800.

>u)ien A. Hathaway end wife to Wm..rindockor, In Madison, for $550.

Sarah J. and Oscar Llndsloy to Dowltt C.iluclsloy, In I'afsaic lownebip, for fl/KX),Catharine oud Jobn rowers hi E£ug. A.

*wroiice, in IUndol|di town ship, for f 1,000.Uftrtbn 1,, and Win. ]J. Thompson to Then.

J. aud Jolin O'Ktofo, U, MemHinw towv,nUip,

Walter C. WitborliBO mid ivlfn nml otbprslSnnmsl C, Piilis, In KwkBirny Iowi")li1|i,

Wbat Would Y o u D aIf assured !>y tcfentldo mon tbat tba worldwould comotonn end within tha ntxt twelvn

OniFgn; Tbe I.nnt Days ot tlioWurld," proves to bo nf thrilling Interest. ItIs ibe conception or one of tha world's mc*t

ngulihed astronoiuerf, worked out withinboimda of sdimliile poj<i*iblllly. IVbllo

educntlng ibo reader In (he most modernpbasa of self iice, It In as full of itiloreilfog

rprlses as Tbo Arabian Niglita Kotettalamt. Tbe most (Dforesting part ot Uita won

derful novel Is round In bin description of thi^pldatlou and cipwtatiori Into which tbo3(ile of the world are thrown. !wng!ne th«

condition of tlio stock excbnrjRo with n fnctof such Import storting them in tbe face. Tbe

chsptere will bo found in tho Aprilnumber of Tbe Cosmopolitan mngazlne.

I'rcbnbly no novel baa over been presentedi an American magMiiie Kith such illustra-one BH accompany FlnmmArlon'n "Umego,"

wkkb commences In April Cosmopolitan. IDlist of Illustrators are to bo found tlie,es of Jenn I'mil Laurotis RncbogrciEFD,

Cfaotlii, Vcgrt, O. Haunter, O era nil n andMenulie.

Fire at lUndiBOn.A lire broko out twn o'clock lost Tuuredoy«rn(>mi iu tho handsome residence nf F. A.aman, Jr., on Urnus ovetiuc, Mndliaa.

Soperal men vrtro pain I lug tbe building whentb» fire nris noticed In a bedroom on tbeBccoud floor. Attatnpta wore- RUMIQ to tele->liane ttie JIadipoti Fire Department from Urnlumping station, wblch Istituatcd near Mr.leuman'& bome. Tlie'plione was out of order,

bowemr, and Engineer Btctvart, nn hU bl-?nt to notify tba nutborlos. The fire•net], however, l>y tbo men employedplufo, with tba BBsifltntieo of tbo

meoDanlcs working on tba building, but not b«-

lssiipi>OHCiltlie flrooTiglaatedfrotna defec-tive flue, and tho teams gave evidence of bar-ing been smoldering for many Lours. Tbe" imnge wan fully reverer! liy insurance.

A Hook of Outdoors,••UuMoors" Is tbe titlo of a. irrrcsbinft little

bonk which IK a. jik'nuMte to re&rt. Tto cof ontten wnt^r onldrs, nm! innfiSnnre nrtifrlfi*n Tnnnif, by F. A. ivellopK: Yacbt-

8, liy t im A, Hlennrt, successor to Edwinn,lurgcsa; Cycling, by Julian

Football, hy Walter Cnnip; Bawbnl], by J." MorBe ; HoneraaniMit, hy H. O. Jlernii

ing, liy Benjnmln Onrno; Canoeing;, byC. Cowjer Vnux-, a collection of authorita-tive article* on healthful outdoor plmiuillluntrat<(l by Copoiaril, Heals, UallngtYoui* and Shule. lliU bwlr, publithed bytbo Pope JJfjt- Da., of llostan, for tbo benefitof tho Columbia blcjelo, containa nrtlcleewithout any idvertlstDE iu tbam. Bent bymall to anjbody for fire two-cent sUmna.

, . Suadeu Doatlt.

Rev. James Prancia Potter, rector of tbeepiscopal Church at Pomptfon, died suddenlySaturday afternoon ID front of hie church,lie wits at work on the green which front* ontbo cburcb, raVIng the RIBUS to make the placelook cheerful vtben bis congregation came totha Kaeter services, Tbe superfluous grosshe piled In two bundles and set on fire. A

ind blew the gparki In tbo direction oC thechurch, and the clergyman became alarmed.a u i l L t U WDMtlll MUIIUQ VU JIIIH Ultl , ' .tlngulsb the flames, when he dropped dead,lie was about sixty years old and bod been

jrof the Foinjiton church only two weeks,

Arbor Say.

Arbor Day Is approaching. IC everyoD*should oliWTvo this day &pr.royrimtriy sH ttia

uayn ol this country would bo beauti-fully lined nltli ornaoiental trees, and toonour counties and States would bare juit asittractlve dd.'eiraya as those or Europe.

Evory school child ahould plant a treeaudful ly guard it as It grows. Uwld« boltig

a pleaciint rrmfnder of happy school dayi Inyenrs to come. It would add beauty to tba

scape. Parents should encourage tbechildren In this noble wbrk. Do not allowth* other RtiUi to outdo New Jorwy In this

8TA.TE HOSPITAL NOTES.Itev. Dr. Erdman, of Morrtatowv, occupied

IB jjulpit uu EiHt«r Sunday. The floralijeeorattons wore lapetb, the chaaoel beingcompletely bid behind a deep bank of 11111Mund raro potted plants. Dr. Erdman spokefrom Ants 13th chap. 83d and 33d verm.

Ilr, James Wicks, our Roaisl asslslaat en-gineer, bas taken uuto Llnnell a better halfto help share hla hearth and home. We un-derstand she was a U I M VandarhofT, of Lit-tleton, and a very estimable young lady. Weextend our congratulations, Jninea.

A great deal ol richness prevails In tbisvicinity, grip nnd pneumonia belnji tbe moreiromlnetit.

As I snt looking out of the window on Bai-ter Buudsy, a poor little liy mflila his appear-ance upon one of the window panes; he WOB»ttll very weolt, not having got properlythawed out, yet be tried to make the best ofbe situation. Tbe tUmtfht camn to me, ho*ituch iMttar off wa Ebould Rtl o« tt W6 vauviiv\y make tbe mosb out of a bad ihiag whw,

ooeadiMi rtqulrts, than to b« continually find-Ing fault with everything and every onearound us, how much better the world wouldlw by our having lived In it.

Tbe faraien oro preparing for plowing inthis vk-fnlty.

1 will send a full aecaunt of the Employees'Dull nest w»k.

A largo number attended tbe Easter niorn->ing services at tbe Preebyteilan Churcb. TUBfloral decorations won* elm ply superb, fars on1" wing anything ever Men hare bo tor*.Rev, Mr. Campbell took for bis text, " Putye on the whole armor of God," etc Rev.Campbell la a very fluent epoaUtr and beldtho Attention of tbe audltmca from beginning* ~ id of hla sermon.


Mm. Mlllo Pisber spent E.stor nltb hertrents here.ilm. Lydla l'lenon depirled for KIlEobeth

lost week.Mrs. Lena Andreas spent Easter wltb herfronts tore.We arc Informed that J. C. Cowdrick, of

Ogdcnsburg, hits given up writing norele and1 going lo preach the goepe) In tlie near Iu-lre. We with blm suoceaa,"lied Tope," Is vary much inlrtiken In but

ICGVG Issue ot (.be Dover Indos aWut Fred.Andreas and wire Eolog to East Cambridge,

lied Tape," In careful In the future.I was totormwl theA Mr. Qttorge Roe, who

loved bere last Saturday Is going to peddletilktbissumiiior.

All tbo men but lire w-ro dlschapgndat t ieEdison works last week.

There ore now about thirty-two membersthat belong to the S. O. V. Camp.

Tbo old wnah bouse connected with tbe it ticniaant Ogdetuburg will be put In workingirderln a few days.

Mr. George Dalley, of Ogdenjburg, left lastreek for Atlanta, Un. Ha Is nudged ft* en-

KluetT fu DUO of the large manufacturingestnbllnliments of that city.

Tiieilsbermon nre atter the trout.Many of tho residents along tbe Walkitl

bnve enjoyed grent eport lUe p « t m t k Iuduck .hooting. BcRinLER.


[Arrived too late for publication lost week]Mr*. CbBB, Wood gave a Dlble rcadloK hi

Ibe Centre drove *cbool houi« on Sundaynrtemoon. •

ilia Mary Hulbert, who bas be*n spendingthe wiuterat Newark, bai now returned borne.

Ur. Jfluiti TrowbrlJge, who has beeu work-B for Mr. Chtries Clnrk for the lost two orree years, ia now going to move to Dover,

nni Mr. Cum Coo will take bli place.Tha LadkV Uiulonary and Aid Society,

tvlifeli wastobavebwn held at tits borne; ofMm. Join. l lu lWt on Wedatad»y atternoou,March £Uth, b u been ixMtponvd on accountof tho bad roads.

Mr. Btotn, at SrooUsn, is viatUnx at UIBhoraact the Rev. C, Wood.

A social nos given at tbe home of Mr. Cbjw,YounR«for(.hflben«nto{ the LL E, Chwreli,at -which there was a large attendance.

Little Horace Demorest h u been very alok,but is a llttlo Iwtter at this writing.

M.ln Lnura AVright U spending a few day!with friends at Hendbam. D A I I T .



The Dover Printing Com pan

Friday, April 7, 1893.


;re tlie largt

BOONTON.The churche* In tliis I'jwnu

decorated in the must ekgantcongregations tliot attemlwi wie7er wen at any ot them. There were HIMlltty children IwutUed nt Jit. Julm's'ojUiurcb. The inside was decoroU'd tram]and their new oigan was plojrt!«l 'or •••» "time, Tho rrabj lor ini i , JkleUiodlitl aDutch lUfonned were nil full, liattuiiijthe services. The Catliulic fhimrh vruh d,oraUd fn tha moat elaborate maimiT.jirofusJun of Jlowcrs met the ejo everywheiand tioir nrgnn gave gimural tatinfuL-Uuii.

Riebani Kuli-y, of I'ort Oruni, s[:i!Ut Easwith hl> mother ami friends in Bouillon.

Dr. A. E. CuTimaUtr arrivid safe hufrom tits trip to Kuruj« Hulling Imlo ehMrtj-. l ie had plenty of frlenda to grhlui, fur tbe doctor ia a favoriuf Lcic. Jgentlemanly qualities endear him to lliu g<eral public aud he is a gtutk-ratiu thiil wuibe minted willy from line cuiiiiuuiilty,

Herbert Jones, a ton ot lliu late DauielJones,of Oroeu, nu t nltb ident l y baviuR bla fuot laceratwl by a lucatching bis foot as he wus ridiugona wo^ou,Lockjaw b u set In, but Dr. Car'xjiitcr think*he can save bltn by bonug a bn|e lu liin otit'ekand feeding biin that way.

•folm Webb, null kiiowu (.round here,one of the bravest anil num. tIlk'lent oilof the Newark JKIIIM foive, ivn* i-isifrlendi and his father and motlier-in-law, Miand Mrs. IV. K. Davenport, far the last Ftdays,

Ulw Maine Dommn, ol 1'ak'reou, In huispending Eaator nlth her mulbor on I'ulatrvut.

Curnellua OiJullivau, a vole ran uf [hu liwar, died at the huino of May Uruca on An;kL Ue used to be I ts baiter nt the UounHouse for yean. He will be burled to-iuirow. Hs said beforo bo died he wus elghyuan u]d.

Eugene Gould moves on ALram C. Vnlaud'u far in to work It on eliarea. Mr. Itomairetires.

W. J. 1'oweri, I'K,f. ttcod, W. G. l.eiglbin nnd C A. Norris, were ulivUiltrustees ou ilontluy. Timrt! "era al«votes cait, ouly G rotes lu oj>iK)*itioii.

Th* Darragli Manufacturing C\>. Isby an Injunction. Tiiuro trill bs a hibefore the Chancellur to submit ovabout the nppoiutliig of n Heetivw indays.

E. A. Hacker, of the linn ut il acker & ComercbauU, or Main utrwu, wa, tjUrtetiDirector o[ IUB UOOIIUJU Natiouul [jnult to 1tbe unexjilred term of tho late Jus, Ilolmm.

VV. II. Vole, ol Ultuiun street, ban let IIIPine Itrook farm tu the Kepler Brou.,Cresco, i'a. Mr. VuimlnUin, wbo work mioa aliarts for the last four jem», move*Fatemon.

Mr. and Mm. Char leu Ilinl spent tfa*t<out of town with Irittiidu In UlixjuifltrlJ.

Mr. and Urn. Dencou tjmilh, of Myrtle Ava n tJowly rcroverlug from a twvuro attachtha grip. It CJUIIM, rather hard on them tocoullued tu tha house an they nre both vt>iictlve fur their Bgu nud alnayb altlu tuabout.

Michael aiuAuJre.ra, an old resident of thiUmu, died bore March :>uth. i i s wau burlla*t buiiday from iiln Iitte resldeuco on UrwMtreet. l ie lenvtu a mf-> audbix cblldruii,SOB and live duughWrti, tu uiourn bin lo.He n u a quiet, re»i«ctablo old teutleiimand null Ibought of iu tliu foiuniuuUj-. IIwas IIIHJUUW jears old.

. DENV1LLE.If tbl

turn their atWnlioo to tbelr epring ploughiujWo liuve undeivUKKl tbut ititTo in tu !JU hui

eral outtagus built itt oi:cu at Mt. Tabor X'arl•108. Iliucbmaii LUH jiurcben^d

horae.U. I). Dixoti, at liocknwny Valley, bai

leaned tbu place tlmt bo Bold U* thl l i

pmpany lor tliia jenr.U'. L Dlckersoii haH a very la

t liirpfi onk-r f.

UenvUle and Cjpatuut Oivvo Btbools k&\been closed tbla we«b lur tlio Kpritig vucatbi

T n l h ^ H "villa

> the DtiS jHJStruJllcO

addreued to the umuuetint of Denvil'fe. JNJSInuuter Higbtcr cuuld uui dtcldu to big xailactloD wbo tba Lord .Mayuror Umiville vRO Lu dycided tu UJWU the letUr, wliliU vfrom MIUD rslrillviaj of tho Carrol famll'tbat at ODO tiuioowuwl tba lann loltly H•lutred liy Nonb Krecnmn, on the back rwW Itockaway. 'Iho letttr xua t r im JliOarrull'a. Hlgier. lvhont faht) haA not hiMfd fro

-in pter iniriy Vearg. -trany^Wiu fiTOuld i™tbls who CAU give dclluuttt information asib« faniliy'a whertabunta nud tiuuunlt tsame lu Uenvillo jwst olllcu limy nlll furwaralliucb.tifotBiatKni.

>Mnard Hhawner is vuiitemilutlue buihllia iununer rttddetice on tbu roumluuuu of Lloruier LOUM>, which »Hs dtttrojwl by Hintiout a ye&r ago.

l lev .C. R. Kojdor will 1111 the |>u)j.itt i ls jilac« u t i t Hubbath, ivhk-b in uuiiuuwllu nioat mlulitera, ttw they usually Uko avaniaKD of the cotilureiK-u viotk aud taked»y oil, I t ia . ipccted thnt Sir. Wuyder wnotreturu to Him iliurye, wblvli bo lias tincharge uf for the | « « ttiii» jean, Jlla iilurture will be t t^ r t l t id In many otliur rrjptcuby ilie "hole [lecjjle, ns bu h»H ad in IiHteredbut dutlii fiviun aurftutltoummitpoint aud many a rUtTerlnit msn baa Iweimade to feel eatier and more comloriaLlfnjtuuu>|ih)lamhrui)lcbi.iiJ. 'i'hu willknown him to lacs Mime ur the blttire.i ambaldtBt days ot tha t«nt iviulvr to rail ithiiM nbu tu>te kuIUring on tk-k bids, aithey *»>,-*, nnt iiieiiii,ar« ul thu uhurch eltbti l r i . Hujdw al,H3 will be grtufly miued irotba Satibatli scbool and iu Ui« umii) fleliliJabor coumcted nlth tbe chiiKh, in nullaba took an euihuilnatic nnii notkliiK InteiBiW« nlth them success tu their LU* lltldlatior, nbeievor It may be.

Tbe Let receipt* of the New Church Uagiconcert given iu ibttuhu:ch lu»t Friday t u -ing are t?25.IHI. The ttholu nllutr iiruvtdgrand

STANHOPE.The weaUer ou Monday, TuciUayand \*c

nwdav ot tbla week has put tnofiusMi faruieilu tha notion of plowing.

Tbe great oumilt and Lattery caae nhlchappenul oier tu fletwDR over H w n k ago Ireported oa Uaviug been bellied. Theonothahappened tola week baa not beeu Mttled.rtcoru two lor Wetcong thin time aud let Ui«band coatinue to play.

Too tiuuex Cuurt »i hl^h c-peued on Tuwd'aOt thl* wet-k noj largely BtUimled iro(llu*er«nt parts of tbe county many wiliieatofrom Dtckertonn and vicinity, Incluiilumany cationaltlc*, wire on hand, belli(Utpoenaed l>y tin,tJtataIn tbecwioitd iuc»»«of the MtuUagaluatJospph Maun, hieJttutcn of Uio " ludeptjiidout" was uu ba•nc. Mews to be a *irict observer gf wttrmnspirea about tbe coui t bouae and no iluublwill give an int«i««Uiig account ot the courtproceedlug. Tueawwultnnd battery cane fromtJwartawood alw draws niauy witutiseBwherein AMlstftiit Fitb Warden alacker wa»saultedbybre«KenoftholUUlaw. A i mdispute a rer s five acre piece of laud aloug th.foot of tbe Blue Mountain | u Fraokford townuhlpdnira l i t rge number ot K-iloiwn. Thiland is BO poor that the fern leaf droops andthe ' 'huck| eberrie."grow pnlo and witnemteiUfled tbe xvbote tlve acres won not wurlhover (5.

Ooorgf W. and Howard Wright have beengranted a licenio to fciep tbe Brooklyn I ockHotel, known as the I'hmnJx Hotel and A,Barbary M » t to keep the Hopatcong Hotel.T. J. Knight* liwnw to keep the BtanhorwHouse w u laid over Ull Thurtdiy mnrnlnRfor a bearing on a remonstrance sfgped byonly live persons.

Tbe CommlttM on building the new under-wear factory have a number of moo to wopreparing the trench is for the foundatltwalla. J . D . Lawrence scorns to be the super-lutendent of tbe work.

John Koborte, of Uoonton, bn» iiartrf abranch grocery Btorotntbo Parker buildingwith John O. Dtsaell ns partner.

The movtog Is abont over lu Ibis place fortfals year tbe way It looks.

Tbe smlliDg face of George Opdyke 1Lmls«d I r a n the atore of Warren Ilwted* to•nine again a t Klug's store a t landing, hiformer haunt when a bachelor.

MOEHIB FI-AIN8.- - »Mr. A. E. Towel! W*OTB a bread amlle. It'o

a girl.Hi- Louie Urotubry is lUlting fricndi in

Wutfleld.Mr. C. K. Btout rodo from Newark to the

Haina and retu mod again ou bis wheel onTbunday,

Mr. Jot, A. Bailey bos moved toHorrU-town and tome one elte b u taken charge ottbe green botuo.

Wu Corrle Freemen ii spending her Eastervacation at home.7 Mr. R. B. Williams Lai moved Into bla newhome.

Lftlt Bunday w u the day fur electing newoQlean In the Bunday tchool. Tbe followingofScen wcrs elected: Bupt, Mr. It. ItWUlIama Asn'cBnpt. Prod ahutoa B M JJdltB Betn T r c u Uios Ualtoway librarlan, Cave Cronibey.

B«r. Dr. Uampbell. proache* again unitButxUy

Qoiw a number attended tfaa ball at th*Asylum on Wsdoaaday cToninc. FKUX.

SnffTavwt VUlUiut Oardal « a t U» lftOS EUA ofllc?,

POET HCHer. \f. II. Morgon I

.nd the uvoul^ wbo kui

to s yI bea

. Morrismfgriiu- n

of tuts Btutt- of Vt-c of o r g»<il i


ging to AlluiUi"a—iiur

Bijtno of tiltm havnbere Mr. Turn Alli>railroad to tbu F.-rt-i

That t-tory tbu WYork, I,U1IHB!HII the other dayuvit Uay abutit Mayor U'r,[lka tju drunk to du bcurding to it* own stury itH hvtt it publiibtd II, ioii.ionco liear.l HIIHU t!,u dJorof Hie New VorL- Uuiald.

irutbtlie bud ynlU,h<

iTh a bu

r in

•o uiidgaTcL'iiu uuxt Jay tb<,! , , , ; .» .vki.ih,

e (a them

f tiio tbcatrend went lo thu HcralJ ollliett a piew of hUmluJ.erald tuld of tbe tditor'o i

ctur and nddi-d »Lnt Lbu I'a " IVbai the actor oiimUarU.'r on our tablo, wheould not lltid ft," leaving plio inluds of tbu rt»(kns»f tbe lluruld tbu IbB actor stolt tbo ijiiarUr. . \ t i tt-Lor tama on tbo bouriln nml befoaid half a ilo/t-u lined of bis \>}n-e one ul tin

Ku!K>ry ROJH shouioj " Wbu BUAO HtnnoUter f Thut wus euuu^b. Thut ni't'ir

ulueaswus over in tlmt llwatra for tbuii. 'I'lic Mayor of Juiisey L'ity is uiarfu ier ntiil!' and tvnn't ml ml nnytbln^ tt

Now York Wcrlrl snj-s. If it Miid ho WHS atigcl be might begin to hunt uround in ]ln

«Lutbobn,l btendoins.rry Lloyd and Irvlntht boyr* ivlu camo 1aster Humlay with thiii U'ii<--hli:K hdiool toid my* hu likes It O

rry illswIJ,

rflonbapc t' U y

e up in HUBBCXrate.

1 see they are culling down tils t>nlitury tl;bul grow near tbu old null plte. Tiiuy su;.bat in a sign tbut tbii umkTui'iir fmrtoiy I(oingto but tar t tJ r l»b la»ny~t lmt fn/tbijmtujiic iitid cui'iwntcrb uro Koiug tuhtmt tli[wilding rUb tanay .

Itev. M. L'uiidit, of Eastoii, llllu.l the pulpof Kev, 1. i l . t'oudit, nf ^[auhnpf., l»ht Nut

uy oml -jwkiilii (JIurh'M llnll I,etore Uio UM1. U. In thuarUTHoon.Tlie i'resbytery of Naw ton meet* iti Divte

T d f kTbut ftlluw

u for

y of n

nd to pnia jimt vt\Wuvury jittti

mid iri i

t tbu ^

IL-l.ft, : ilnllfliit I bo j'jlwlietht- ji

or uotl So in-td fu- our gowl UiJenda tu huwl abuut au emptj treasury niniKi-r. lu tact If ibey impow « " tutilf ft.•veuua only," w hicli tbey arc bound to do li

tbey tarry out their principles, wliyadopt tbo nlau KiiKKexted by Uili ten il<

• of rniaiiii! tllid c

1 sun a gwd ilory in tbu N'uliorml Cur »ucuniotivo JJuildtr tbvutliuriluy tu a limn over in Irtliuid r<tn intd a IOLMIIvoor the locDinotho mn Intu him, I bo>rgut(cn wbicti nlLb ihu rccnll thut Ibu itwuus thruwn oir tliu track nud IUIIIHI, Thrlnh iioi«r fri)in wblcb the Mary is cuplcililu a Kiiniiar aL't'lik-nt uceurrtd to thu tautmu about a ytur agu. How in tlmtf Thur liuiidvr aud tluu't tell tbe nuitia uf tht>-lull iiaper fruui wliiib tbu utory is ctcauwH forgot, 1 gui'iH. Ttu-y lull a

tbut wbon Uuultil UCoimell wutmtthozof bis fume, bo v\tif udvcrtised one day U

lBf j ie i f l i at Tniu. "J'tio I.oudou 'i'micip

iji 1'nruc'll mornsrler to toko dow

gotn indol tho re{iol

ijuuuuy and tlib ipcech.

t d ltunu llirmig tticro tu

nny act ol 1'urllu

u longiiiid he addressed them lu their nurom bvuiutilou to Ekud and this Tlemuti-ed, ftiruui!oul(iiiotuiiilL<rnUud

ot tbe I-IHWCII.

ThL-y it-ll me tbo Htui>hu|>o folks tire .tbefoundatlunfor their now mulorwetory and theorontll man who ww totiun* Is uui ill tig ttiuru too. Tlmy will biilti ucJU|iy Ihv enuie building. Wull, tlfuuil tltuu wbon that old ivull of the grin Imill will oltVud the eye no loi>gi-r uor ouilnger tbo nick of the iiubtur-by. I t lua bucnguud many jears uuva ttint (;ilai mill m

ntd, ueiure my Unit'any tvay.jtiu U. DlMdl baa utarted a sturt) in tl

1'urhor building, rltuuhoiiu. Ho piojiiMfu I"forcatb eoluly, 1 byiiovt', nud to umkell•bjttrtfor thotwwbuhavoibucuHh to trudt;

rvilli Him. 1 boiie hu win p rope r ; but tuurclive or &ix ilortt In Htunbujnt nuiv.OUHH Joe itnlky hat rented ttiu stoi«hi

at 1'eler Uon'ory or tuin town ami propvun U.tttit bltf I'ar*? u£-tb.ti irtut^ ff1^*" ~ *t~. •are uafii fellowu Lo ruu ugaliul, but 1 i\>ow> tho world ones every man a living

'a nu doubt Jiallcy will gut his.

nn-d t


ucuiutltutlciiul, ns Judgu Llji iluroaiiiy imuuuiw. 1c ull slur!

jiuttMigu i:anl llio rucu ttunk pvo[<i tjUill. Il ituuld bu U1L;U tu li

ii. wuurvo tbeni rl^bt, though.U'DIIttin ITinnnur und bin gang hnvo

iliiltheil jiuUlug lu u enllch iu the rt.ch_dnuiio lieu, butwefu tihliipiiigiiurt nnd Mt.Arlington mailou on t m Ai. 61 l i . DlduQie ISoivark lwitlej |)roifut>u optinnjf u'luarry tbero, 1 btllovi1, uud Trimuit

mklijga nuy f ur tbtiui to get lu to LliuTalk ID chuup but it takes muiiDy to build a

illruudand more to IUII It aiier It la built.ilmuier tmiuw tmttUigduwn tlie imu <ranch irotu tJuliii.lnjij.are lo the V

. J,

W00DP0HT.:, tboi)

Lhu bird< aro tlujlu^ gaily*Diuith but itguiii Btinck our community,

AIIBB Irene Willr, daughter of Jsmae tVilln, olUurdloini, dleu at ihu ruBiduucii oi Ur. J. II.fluritou laai rJoturday, at JJover. Bbo wotiroughtbutuo to her mtber uu Sunday 1,

We regret the luui of our Gchwiluiute turraji highly tBU-tJirttKl by ull wuo knew lior.

* t Saturday Air. l i . U. Itockivcll, Jr . , olHurUtOHU.wt'iil tu Uratigo whuu ba ban en

1 occupation iu u hard ware ktore.t iloLduy Menrjni. A. I'. Nixon und J

U'olton, J r . , * e n t to Muutclalr, i*heiu the}nve eugagej eiujilojmeut.LnBt Mondny ilra. Hyde, of Hurdl.i

loveu b> Mowurn.

Iu the wnj of talk I will tell you u tnle thattrua. Uu Hopeivell niounlain lives a re-

markable old lady. ]I ir nnme ii MargaretHiker. 8be ia S3 yenrt of age ana lacuttiug n new set or teeth. Her son, John H,

Liter, in RI jenrs old ami liaa a doublo wt otwtb all w»y n.nnrl that nri> CB eoumlsllar ytt .

Dr, B. Utter b u relurncd honiD again.Wai. T. ltiL-lianla, of llurdtowu, has moved

i ltockaway.We didn't bave any school this week or la*t

owing to the iilneu of the teacher, Mr. At-trTood, bot KB are glad to sea that he Ii

.round ngaiu.The •boctiug match Tor a breech loading

did cot come oil last Satutdny at ilunl-u, as them were not »booteru pnoughwat to make It p lull table,r. U. LouU, of Sparta, Bold bla meat

market lease at Kulan's l'olnt to a gentlemarJfrom Ironfa.

reeds at j>r«fiit «re in very good caiItlon. HAHD-TACIT.

Hnrlng ii here. The blackbirds, robinpeeperr, iva«p» ami Illos all nay so. As v

re reading Dur inner a few svenfnga elnco,were hltton by a luotrpiito. Yea iprlnft I

Tbe •light.

rim] bli;iv a rrgulnrnaleon Tuesday

Tbe roads aro iu good condltfun OH far ttud is couceraed but ratler dunty.A few patches ot HUOIT BUII remain to n>

•iiid us ol tbe wintry scones jmt put.Ur. Ktngdnn La« a fine toim of humoshich will jirova a valuable a/ljunct to tbe

wlll.LtfRla again ou Monday.Spring baa brought many uImogen in ourttie village.The Mev. Mr. Lawton's lalorg bava wased

•, hut we trust wherever tie gees tbe timeipet and bonnt cITorts may aeoampany; tnat Oiled with tbe Holy Spirit his

k ha abundantly blessed:. He was aireacter of rlsbteoasnets and his words thoaat one thoroughly anauiintcd wltb gospeluth.Our Sunthy school ia Mt without n loader,i Ur. Wru. lUt'hardi, its in perl n tend ant, left

Ul.ldletownr N. V , on Wednesday of tbiareek. Our thoughts and Imt wlsbcaga with

Faithful in the work we trust bo willInd a plcaMnt homo amid bis now jturrounj-


We nl] do Sado as a leaf'' were the wordsthe Rev. Mr. Day, of Dover, HB be,' vitbiderneM nncl true Cbii>lian Bjmpathy

wrought tbla fact forcibly to tbe mindu of tbe•elaUvn, friends and nelgbbon of UIra IreneWlllli, wbo had gathered In the church ot

pUM to pay her their liut tribute of loverespect. TliDiiDglnEWAi eouductod by

nbor» of the cboJr of the Grace U. E.inrch. "Ailwp in Jesus" and two IOIK-IDS betnR Bung. The church wa* crowded,

many from Dover tains present. At a 11 over,cnuhtid and broken jrleld* but a sweeter por.

—•> to her jouog ilf« crushed iind brokeuJ elded K BHeebieea which thow In*

LwugOi may well long (or. Mr. and Jin.Willl* BOd Ibfl brothers mod tUUn of the dt-Pftrted one hove our wanne«t sjmpatby fntbl* th» hoar of their dpepMt dbrtrwt AlsyUw bright proqMet of glory which Inut badMSTerbflforatlurD ami b* th»lr .oUwiUno,

to u It wot nan. \hrwigh Ullu In Christ.


Kuudaj uveuhiK nere of a very blub order,An ejeolleut jinigrQtiiMie bod been preptrcxicoohlatlng of Kiuter aongt, dueU and IQIOB,with re^pimsive rtading and recitations. '~pallor, Hev. V. Clark gave a abort butUn*[ing udJri'i* in hlghappUatmood, probibly (ccai^o Im van Able to make the g\B tinounLtintut that tbo congregation woistart tbo uow year t-utirely true from debl

E bo r>in£ii'K aud r^ltcitions by thflchildrenIw .Suuday rnrhdol were very line, as was tlluii ur tbo children ol a lurgor gruwth. T•liuii'li was iiai;kt'd from uulpit to gallery andJLordlier it wtu Q niTiiorable EaJterHarslce.(L'V. Mr. Cliirk K | ]1 tliU week attend tliniial M. K. L'niiroreupe »t Juntey City.

IV lint they are (1164*1x3 to call moving wetban nanHpd unJ our nchool reopened on Uonday.

lauac Lunger bus retired from tbu millualmss mid accepted a potitlon at thi

bltycle world.Kjt-oi. K, Fiuonau has reulguud hlt<pooitiotlib I'ustmriHlor Todd aud has aluo accepted

a ,o»iilon at t i e blcjcla works.W tint wn» formerly tbe family resldeuct:

the li. K. miLkle family, comer of Main •Foundry streottf, has undorgouaagreattrans-roruiatiun. What WBB once i u spacliliarlors Ix now turned into two line gkTrout Htmea. Ouo occupied by our euterprisini! clothier. .lo»eph Harris, while tbe other isui^upled liy thu touuurial urtlHt, Mr. Beu.Milliner.

Many of our young people, eipvclallylew earner;, who have beou accustomed to thutioro ftny t'lty life, are inking tbe ijuuetion,vhen ! jh when 1 will wo bare a [Saturdaylight theater train from Now York. Boom

tho trnl

KJio thanrti ihruo wliu begin to doubt its tVutn. Uulre repeat what we then said, tbat it wlutx-ly roiiio, end that, too, long before tbiawn of another Kiatcr week. Anil then f<grenter Hoctaway.Mr. 0eo. AV. Htlchle informs us that thure

i no truth whatever In the report that hli;1( and brother are to dispDwuf their lumbe:

A nuiiiber of our young fulk* attended thi[mcart at Uenvllla un Friday uvonlng andirt having cnj.iyeii a rnre ruuslcul treat.Mr. KlUha Esrla has taken poigcealonof the

irm ou tho Uonvllle mad, wbiab ha recentlyurohaird from tha Win. G. Lathrop «Bta(e. time ago no spoke of a

ilnfte tUo ru'lly IICK!"•|n'H;», mn "iR III"

Mr. If .1. HfriHTt, fnrinerly at tha buadhe I'liiiiiR'ling (iBjiiitiiient nt ihu Libertyjflf wurke, was In tortii over iiuuiliiy.lerbiTt Is now tMiinet-'ted wltb the AngleLineiicin VttruiHb Co., of Newark. Tbe

[Inn id taul to bu mnltiiiK a MKicfalty of's enamel and varnishes, whlL-n are

said tii bi> lunong thu best on tha nurket .Among tlioki! from here » 1 M attended th'wittlou given by thu MIB»PB Hall at thel3tno in Dt'nvHIo Jatt m k wai Mr. <<>K>rgiler and Ida Merrilt, Ur. John Hazletou

md MIHK Kiibio HnudtTD, Mr. David Fiohtoriiitl hilt* Iila KiL-htcr.

l b r i / KuudaiH, a lad living at Illberulamd wurrilns in tliw blcydti worn a, luet with aluinful ai^cijunt wblle at bla work on TUBS-lay evening, ftiuewl by a heavy weight fall-ug on bis kg liisucb a nmuuer as to dislocateils aukle. Dr. UJO. Foster was called whI'jibccd the ankle nud convoyed Hundals toi Is bone.

Warren Degraw eays he can prove by Dr.i'oster that tbo now boy which arrived a t his

nise on WeJnoRlay weighed t tu pouuds.Mr. II. 1'erkliiB draws tbe roina over on

Wo »cud to the tin* tbU wook thirteen ;iubicnbcrs from amaug tbe memb«ra ot tbeltockt.Ki.jr Athletic Club. Tbe boys appro-:lnta tha fact that the KllA gives the moat ilaule local athletic DSWI and tbey want i t .

Ttie laemtiers of the It. A. C. are happy,i'buy have at last succeeded, largely throughtheelforU of Mr. Perkins, in securing fromMessrs, 1). K. & d . W. Htfckle a lease for thelino Held adjoining the Liberty cycle

.r their athletic grounds. Tbo work of en-DBlng and putting the grounds In ordeiion ba commenced. A cinder track forjfllna will be laid out wllh a diamond for

base bull In the ceuter of tha field. Whena>ni)i]oto tbo club wilt bave one of tho llnut

.blello grounds Iu uorthero New work will be pushed forward ax rapid).i ,iutslttlu uud It la hoped to bave it lu couUUD. tu oiren tbo toason by the first week In

Hay.'1'uo event of the weoli will l« tbo woond

if tlie aerie* of bowling matcbes, Lawrence•a, Coubuy, which will take place onJover olloya on Saturday oi-ening, April

liy tlie way, we boar that Mr. J . U. Merrilljntcmiilutes putting In boirllng alleys 1ininxitlon with hla pool rooms.The pool match at Merrltt'n on Saturda

^. 'ear^Qf^iidTVllUo Waer outplayed b!opponeut from start to flulsh. Iu Juxtlce toMr. HsIJtiB It should be said that owing to

it llliitfta bo w u not iit the best of com'auJ, although ho played brilliantly

limes, bu was never In It. The scare At tbullnlhh wan ; U'uer l i t . ; llaldus 53,

A nuinbtr of our rider* concluded ratherivcluulurily to try ino walking tor a fewuya tills weuk,U. F. a. wntlunraitolugat teuplas

wheel one day mis week succeeded ia knock-ig down three (huumn) pins a t cue roll.IV. U.UoodulebaHtmwlDter'Bdust to brush

from bis JJdirty ad he rode all wiuter, noti-un etopplug for snuw, mud or Ice.Utbun. Joseph Harris nud A. Ubert

facli out with new Liberty*.I members of our bait club are in daily

jiracilce by handling the ball. Hllenhotramore bpeed aud greater curves than ever andtVaor liuldd tnom with great ease, auntner ,Ujrry aud McCabe, tbe nun men to be tried,iUim up In guotl form, as do all tbo old play-ra. AuuBgar Douglitj expecM to Have aL-am composed txoiualroly of employees.c tiilxTly r j c h works.The latest la tbe Liberty Cycle Baud which

ras orgaufxnl on Wodnewlay evening of hutreek with twenty-four members, eocb one alUuidau and all emplujues of UIB Liberty)Cle works. Tint baud will ue fully equippedlib thu most improved Instrmutjuis »ubby uulfurms, and their leader and liIrucior nlll be one nl ta » national reputa-,ou. The ctllccra electod ore:, Fresideat,rtd. A Uuuthcr ; tSccretary, W. V. Winti

Kittoni ; Ti-eaeuter, Herbert irawrence, !£•iiember Is requeated to meet At Liberty Hall

ct Wednesday evening for practice.

I T . ABLINOTON. 'Tbe Misses Edna aud Carrie Hart, of HUM-

betb, N. J., are spending a fen days at HattlBreslln.

Ur. Collins, of New York, spent lastSua-i j at IJilUIde Lodgs.Mien 0, I'raddsD ban oivened sobool agaiiftcr a few woeks of Easter vacation.Ur. C. ltudino boa rented the Uoner hou*

and tnovtd into it tbis woek.Mn. Ci. B. Xlerkbart spout taut Wednesdayith ber parents at Mt. rjeasant.Ur. David Crocker, of I?e*r York, WM ajeot of Mr. It. Chaplin Tuesday icd We>y ot latt week.Tbe concert held in the M. £ . Cbutch lail

Tbunday ovcnlbg wasagreatsuocess, Bl[lollare was realized.

Tbe roads from upper Mt. Arlington to[InnUink are in a dreadrul condition, as the

r bitiki oa both sides of the road on "•y llltl are still live feet high,M.J.IL Laws aud little eon bave bum

[«ndlug a few days in Morrfstown.Ur. J. U. VanNortwlck spent last Tuesday"lisalwth.

ourd w u broken this week for Miiihlei'a cult age to be erected near Hotel

Iresllu.Mr. Thomas Allea w ho has the contract for

nacadamlsing ttie roods of the borough, com-nenced irork tbla week. -

Ur William B. Tucker, of Klliabeth, « uIlotel Breslin on Wednesday.

Mayor Frolblughara baa bad quite an addi-on built to his barn rrblcb greatly improvn

Is apiiearance. Mr. 0. E. Cook did tbe work.Mr. and Mrs. George Bctitty spent EastwPort Murray. RUBTIOATE.

CHESTER.Ea.tcr was observed In all our churobe* by

i])pro|iriate lermoua and muito. In theivening the nnlon aervice was In UIB Congre-gational Church and Mr. England pnuohed•tn interesting dlsoourjoupjn tbereiurrostlonor the body. '

James Vmidcrrter, potUaa*tor-elect atlldalo, has rtcelv«d bis coiuinlaalgu and1) soon open the office tor tnnumlnlon ofill.•Ir. M. It Hnyder, formsrlj our Cross

^oails merchant, luu engaged lu busmen atiaston, Pa.

Johu Moore, of Newark, our former town*mn, was here oa Saturday.Henry Eockanbury Ii movlna to Dover and

rill be employed i t tbe car shops.Tbe lawsuit to which we referred to k i t

nlting, Cooper vs. Todd, Is .till oodedded.'bo Jury of twelve men, after remaining out

night, agreed todUagree and came in with•erdlct. They stood 10 to S In favor of

dd on lait ballot,L. C. Wolverton, JesM Chapman

Ifquirs Pitn«y bavo been drawn aa jurors3T next term of court at Uotrlatown.More proposals bava been race! red by

Dmraittea on man u facto ring Industrie* and»tn««tlng is oalled for Ha turd ay evening toconkliUr anme.

, Three GoKillgore's XX Cough B/rup. Kltigon's

XX Camphor Cream. KOIgare'sXXPorousl iutnt .

ICuoa * HUBUL Orsraoa and PJaiF H J(BWn«, AseBt, Cltertfr, H J


- O F -

ever seen ia Northern New Jersey at

TAYLOR BROS.We hare spared no pains in selecting THE LATEST

STYLES AND BEST QUALITIES OF CLOTHING lorour customers. The display we offer is one ire areproud of, and we arc sure if yon will call and examineour slock you will buy of us. In fact llio goods willsell themselves for the price is right.

Miller & Youniun Mocks in Derby asidTourist lints of all colors, now on sale nt


Sussex Street, Dover, N. J.SPARTA.

Kuter was observed ID both our cburcbealiy appropriate exercises and an artistic dis-play of flowers.

The altar ID the M E. Church was profuselylecorated with cut flowers and plants, ex-Hussive of the joy and triumph which areipart of the Eatter celebration, and tbe tiro-

me throughout was In a spirit ofnatural and tlncera reverenue. A large coc-gregaUon was present both uiornlDg andBveaiug, joining in tbe tinging of the Cutergreeting and attentively tbtening to tbeex-

clm tbat followed, MpecW mootloD iboulrl_ giveu ttie cuoir, In the renderluR of an-

tbeins, being itreoghBued by the rich so-prano voice of Mrs. Cutntnlogs. Their slog-lug wu excellent and Rave, religious en-

Tbe annual jN'sw England;he membert and friends of'

pper glf en byIf. S. Churcbof the

Wednesday evening w u well attendedmd all enjoyed the " feast of antiquity andloir of souls" so thoroughly tbat when Itas over they still lingered and ohatted over

tbe occurrences of tbe evening. The inem-i did tbe entertaining and dUl It well,gentlomon, whose gray hair sad solemn. have been seen oa many occasion de-

bating sound money, and protective tariff,rprlsed bis liaarera by a bit of comic

character. Then another member sang andone of his fellows rose to remark tbat it re-minded him of Mark Twain's Baying t tat " J

a saddest when I ilng and so are those thatjar me." After that sedateness was forgot-

ten and mirth reigned niprome. Almostverybody bad something witty to say

good star; to toll and the hours fairly llswby. At Its close tbs supper was deeUrad asuccess. It had promoted good fellowshipand barest Ur standing room only will be therule at tbew suppers.

Most of our people wbo made change* tookdvantage of the weather by moving before

Saturday.Ur. Win. Gray filed at the home of liis

daughter, Mrs. NoUn, on April 8d, after along and painful Illness.

Jliaa Lena Andreas and also MUu EvaHolllnshed are now at home spending theEaster vacation,

Mr, Frank Hagaman, of Dover, sjientUlster Huniiay among his many friends here.

"Hampton," don't mind obstacles. Love'sibor is seldom lost where there 1H an ardent

lovsr and a spirited hone.

D I B D .BTABDOlVOtJUll—At BUIkvn, -A writ

Kmlly, wife ot John D. Stanborougb.

WANTED.A capablo anil efllcleut girl for genera!itimwnrk. Apply at the residence of

ir Bank St., Dover, N. J.

WANTED.A good competent girl for general house-ork. One that Is a good cook and laundress.

Apply toMRS, U. L. DUNHAM,

fr t QoIdBt., Dover.

FOB SALE.Fifty bushels of Seed Potatoes at forty

P I R D f l Y , niONDRY. TUESDflY,March 25tb, 27tb, 28th.

Ladies', Misses' and Children's

Hats, trimmed and untrimmed,

Flowers and Novelties, etc.,

all of the latest styles. Please

call and see us.

mrs. Rlary macFan.BLACKWELL ST.,



EDWARD OIU.Bal,Ironia, N.

FARM FOR RENT.The Mirftarflt MUU Farm near EenvII,„ with two house* for rent Immediately.

Apply toH. L. DUNHAU'a

Insurance and Real Estate OfJloe, Dover, N, <tt-10.

A CARD.Having beeu elsotad Constable- of Rocks--.,

-jnnihlp ttt the hut olootlon.and qu.Uflrf fi•aid omfe, this Is to give notice tbat I bsiatven up wiling beer at my gtooery store

It Hop*. And while I will not s»Ubc«rdiing tba Incumbency of the Constable1* oflli

will not »»Ub*er dLthe Constable's ofllw,

p s n t will ba contlnuad thofoii.. WILLIAM UOXEHKN.Hope, N. J . , Msrch !>lst, M .

AN ORDINANCE'o regulate aud control tlie transfer oflicense granted C. 8. Williams to keepbeer saloon in the Town ot Dover.


SEC. I. Bo it onlalnod by the Mayor. H«cooler. Aldermen and Cotnr— " '*—n Coiincilmiv(n«r. juuDiin . __-if the Town of Dover, That a licensea C. H. Williams, dated June 1st, . .

»p a beer saloon, niaj be and thehereby transferred to Lucins N. Sticklt

M *1m .7.1 n g. i l . i f i i l **«_*• M* . IJ . J ^ Aor tlie unexpu-ed term of said license, thatIrom the ditc hereof to tUo 1st day of June,ltittl, mill license and the privilegoa therebygranted to be anil renialu subject to all laws,ordinance* and mguUtlonaappUcaUe thereto.

Attest :—Jos. V.3AKKR, C

NOTICE.A reg iUr meeting of the Ban-

Lolph TownBhip Committee will bi

leld at tbe Enf^no Hotuja. Dovor


at 9:30 o'clock.

CONBAD XANN,19-lw TowHBhip Clerk


at Tnria ami New YnrrlmmEdUlUlL-.,.


Hats, Bonuota and Toqueieen from one to fifteen dotlan. Hn'

trimmnl afl low na twenty flyo rents. "IMWI added evpry wcelc iu they c

Feathers, Flowers,Hibbons, Velvets,

Silks and Lace?,in all tim n«w ihadee. Neiv and utrllrn

aomo ' emfamldered nillle, AVrnpiwrs.valste and unilcnrcar, Drow TrimmlniaUorj. (Millhr and pri™ will mirorahly with tlio lowcrt Seir York u

l a n d see for yourself.April fltb, 1603



PRAMATjCCO,,Hupim-tiug the Talented Youug Actor,

J!lK. JohnX Mooreami a Clevsr Com[>oiiy o( Players In

IJowpifuI Drama


.# MR. HYDE.A Strong Uast, ^ietfinl Scenery, Startling

MechtuUeal GITects.KoHt'ivwl Rente at II. Killgore's, Dover,

D. Plartry'n, Port Oraui!


Beaerved Seata, 60 ol»,


Furniture UpholstererAHD HEALKRIN

FURNITUKE, CARPETS,Bedding, Shades, Curtains,

Poles, Oil Cloth,BABY CARRIAGES, &c.






orncK ix



DRESS GOODS.We invite attention to our new stock of

Dress Goods for this season, now on sale.Cashmeres, Henriettas) Ssrges and FancySuitings, in all the new shades, now readyfor inspection. Fine Frenoh Serges, 46inches wide, ?5c yard.

Black Dress Goods.Priestley's Silk Warp Henriettas from $1.25

to $2 00 per yard. Fine Frenoh Black Cash-meres at 50c, 75o . 85o. and $1 OQ per yard.Also English Serges, 'Whipcords StormSerges, &o

Wash Dress Goods.Ginghams, Peroales, Cambrics. Satines.

Outing Cloths. &c, in great variety. And asa SPECIAL Fine Dress Ginghams in neweststyles and colors. 7o. per yard

Outing ClothsIn Plaids and Stripes, all new goods, 0c. yard.

Silks and Velvets.We have just plaoed on sale an elegant as-

sortment of Colored Velvets, Bengalines,Surah and China Silks in all the fashionableshades.

Table Linens.Fine Bleached Table Damask, 63 inohes

wide, 45c- yard. Napkins from $1 dozen up.



SHOES.All the latest Styles and Novelties in

Ladies' Fine Shoes, Oxford Ties and Slippersnow ready for inspection.

Mall Orders Carefully and Promptly Attended to.





HAND SEWED, on!the bent Oak Leather nasc

Bar dlreoEfrom the manufacture]if jou enn't got a " Fisher" Hornof

from yonr dealers. All goods ian b«turned if not aatiafaotory. YOU BUN NO BISK.

• G O T O •

Bennett's News

Annual Charter Electionor TUB



11UBLI0 notlo li famby siren thit theBotrdi or lifgl.try, In tod (or tb. m.

™j Election D I B S U ot Ui. Tomi ol Dorar,New Joraey, will meet at tbe m e n ] nhoee

MONDAY, April 24th, 1883,





Tthnt everybody ia and so are we. Like the flowers that treadupon the heoln of winter our HOME MADE Surra hnve just legnnto blossom. -

ill remain in ranlon ucdl nine o'clock

y ol volen nwde by t

tlUad totherlghtof mirage. Inelection dlitrltte at lha Den nniuim municlWl el«uon,.wbo iball appear In p X ? £ , £ *jben. orjball be ,ho»n by the aOldavlt, I™

H H t n a VAIIW Ih a.kl.1 Jl—i f_& . . *

K0HT11KIW P1BTIHCT,comprising that porUoa of tbo town 1? * \ ? « » » &",?*"1K Blackwell sironi Ht. AUi j ' s Hall to the erowlDE of

—-5w,1f!! Lack«»'a«i'a and W a t a n 1


THEYto speak, it IB a trifle early to talk of blossoms, bnt not too soonto talk of our HoHwrr, Hows MADE SUITS.

are wondorfnlly well made. Oar very best efforts wero |forth in the production of our Men's Spring SniU at 112, !andH8. ., • • ' " . • • '


Innual Meeting of StockholdersN o - U e 0 o r t b e " f e - g ^ B ^ t h & - t - ^wmsmgiven thi

liboldm o

FITstyle and workmanship are the characteristics of every garmentwe show. Yon don't need the shape of an Apollo to look we!in them.

PERFECTBatiafaotlon is Ruaranteed with every suit, so much so that wepledge ourselves to take back tuiojored and return the cash forany article bought that does not give perfect satisfaction uponoloser inspection at home. -


MCGREGOR & Co.8 5 0 & 8 5 2 Broad St., NEWARK, IM. J.




Uplioliterlng tai Fsrnitue Work,M



U-ansr"uitaj. ol • nod aeleoUon.W a QEO >ARR,

Tft Orata, B I



It given me pleasure to acquaint my friendawitli the fact that they can have teeth extractedwithout pain by the use of Dr. .Tessop's Local 'Aumsthetio at ths offioo of Dr. Freeman, Dover;

Misa LIKLLA HDRD,Hnrdtown, N. J., Jan. 2Sth, 1893.

Try the " Local Anmsthotio at Dr. Freeman'soffice and be oonvinoed that it is all tbat is olaimedfor it. Miss Litim WraasT,

Mt. Freedom, Feb. 2d, 1693.lean cheerfully recommend tbe "Local Anes-

thetic" for extracting tooth. - 'Kins. A. H. PtmoEU.,

Sucoasunna, N. J., Feb. 4th, 1893.Dns. FBEEIUH AND VmuajkNn •

DSAB Sins:—I am so woll pleased with the useof the Local Anmsthetlo in having teeth extractedthat yon have my permission to use iny name anyway you ploase as reference.

MHS. E. B. ErlOLAtTD,Chester, N. J , Feb. 6th, 1893.


DR. R. O. VREELAND,"aftor ten" years experience, having a well known 'reputation for extracting teetli, fias aooepted apotation with Dr. Freeman.

DR FBEEMAlUias the eidusiv eti^faltoDr. Jensop's Local Anaesthetio.

Who can tell whether tho•eHable method of pro

cejurc concerning tho sell-ing ol* men's footdress Isexquisitely spirting afterhe fashion ofnnnrt?


JAMES E.TEUDOIAH.« itttet, nur He Amor;, h u i lot ot

total and Pnrnltnra wMck mnit ba add briprillaUorabontcoetpriot. U.^obaaa

THI, KOBBU oomrrr


•HtcOHPOJU*aUi:aaA3lciH s i . IIY«.

FnaUant-HBIIRT W.;jilLLSR.Vlea-Fnaldait-^AUBUICS B. HULL.Becretarj aid Tr»ae«r«r' H. T. HULL

aUNAOBBSlHonrj o. HU»j, Haor/ W. VUlar,Hamptoo a Marah, AsnUu B HtU,FluUpRHoara , . ' TUI B.Tai»,Cbu Y Swan, II. D. aUmiod D Haliej

John natahar. -

January let, 1S« f ll«Su,g91 lUABIUTIKU.

January lit, lam, U.T08.W


Interertle declared aaomat la dedaltftachjw.

I t a ^ d . on or Mora tba IM JIJS el-, Anrll, Jttlr u d Uctobar, drav in— tbe u t daji ot aald tsootui re-

rll, Jttlr u d Uctobartbe u t daji ot aald t

BAHKISa HOORS. -9 .*. M lo 4 p. M. oaRy, axoeut Uatnrdaj.

Gaturdaja from S a. ». Ui M i. I1.00A and'romTtoBr. M






Friday, April 7.1893.BotoredRtUwfoetdllloeat Dover, H. 4.



Ttteetret* tprlnkl r Uw'lfa u« again.'They began to work Un noun nt ibe oar

sbops yesterday, . ,Commoa Council will matt In regular SM-

alon next Monday.Three ex-taachsrs are now truaUei of

nettocl district Ko.Bl. .- Tbe Agitators are reorganising aud eettlogready to twirl tbe oorerfd sphere.

. Esv. E. A. Hamilton has accepted aoull to' tbe Deckertoira Presbyterian Church.

Ifaa regular meetlog ot the Board of Vroe-Lulders will be bald neit Widnaiday.

Work boa bffrun'at the new quarry at Shlp-, piogport, and they are lu ne«l of laborer*.' Joseph Green, cf Rockawsy, cut hli handbadly wbtte trimming tt grana via* one dnylast week. " ;

Tue Salvation Array expects to build barracks on Water street, Alorrlstomt; In tieo u* future. ,

Lair Judge Cutlnr and FroMculor Sahuou. bsffuitbrirduUea Monday at a social rttalt

otlbeoaurt.'•" • - . , ' • •'•" Counterfeit Sfi-cen.t pieces aro plentiful It

Is sa)ft, though onr personal experience Istbat Mil kinds are scarce:''- T h « Control Ii. K. Co. »r# going to flU lothe " Y » at Hooatoong Janelloa and erect awater'tank and coal chutes. ;'

Tba Fret, HrtbcdJit mlntiUr of Hackettitown bas canacd a tempest In Lts Book by the,

*; publlcaUott of an UHempcrod htter.

bis farewell sermon to bb Paterson charge.He COPU I It necessary to resign because of Ut

: b e a i i b . ; ^ " • • • - ' ; . . . ; • , • •

TbelamUtar yellow telrgram la doomed to-oblivion. Tbe new series Issued by tbs West*

; -arn Union Company u printed on pole lilue|•. paper.

There waaa slight fire at Ksglei's black-wnftb shop on Udrrls atrwt lc»t Saturday.- A

; dole about a foot In diameter was burn«d fot h e w o t • - . - • •

. Mra, JOOD Thatcher and Mrs. J. Frank; Wudiley, ot ttorrtstown, have purchased lo' g :

at Ocean Beaoa and will build during tba• ( J u m n w r , • . •

The carpenters of tblitcwn last week madi• demand for u> nlnebour day without a rs-

• duotlcn in wages and tbelr demands wereaccededto. - . . ;

0. A. Bennett bas resigned bis petition olSuperintendent ut tbe Morris County Machine and Iron' Company *« work* to take•ITeotMaylet. ,

.• Bluebirds snd roblnt, organ grinders andbalmy air, burning buds and greening fields

.:'• are in evidence that Water ban taken hlmtelf: out of the lau of apt-lag.

Ex-Warden Major U, B. Monroe bu leased• large summer hotel on toe Jersey coast, justbelow the Naratnk Highlands, and will runIt; during tlw coming mien, '

.. .Her. Di\ Strong, Prof«aor ofTheology In Drew Seminary, it foontoisauesi Ooooonlanoa of the Bible, tbo work being

• LOW In tbe publisher's Uods.'••';•, Win. Sire, ot MarristotHi, and Ulss Clara' JjonoU, of Newark, will be married at A )>.

M. Monday; April 17tb, In Ornton flail, cor-ner of Broad and Bridge Bts., ~

Thomas TLomblll was' burned about thefact quite badly Monday i t the rolling mill.

' lie was working at one of tlio puddling fur-uacet and the Qtme pulled out into hit fae*.-There Is quite a demand for cottages at Mt.

•' Tabor and the waton prouUos to bo • boom-V log one., The Value of land In tbat nelgbbor-' hood nag largely increased during the past

; ftwyears, .... • .•,•- : ".

Speaking of Uie grip, It it caloutoted tbsttbs number ot perton* nbo have w?er wen •well day since tbsy bad tbst disease Is fsr

'. greater tbsn ibsnumbw Wiled Uythat sweep-


. '• ThomasDarling, aplumb«rft»r Mr, Byram,: of Iforrtitown, fell from the roof of a new. - house on tha Jobnts tract, on Monday, a dis-

tance of someSS feet tn the ground, snd m a'.'not seriously hurt. .'" ':;'•.;..:<;'';" • . ". .-•'::.• Fr*atAw«W», ageia yeftra, waa aWiick. In theiMKkbv.Uw boll while pbjlog In the

:- scbwl yard a l Mt. Holly oa Tbursday. Hew u knocked secseisss, and died: froiii tfaa efr

\ feotiof thtttow BaWrJay mcrnlng. -;/"... ,.:•• .Tlieeonipedtlveexaml&ttloiis tor the free

- BCiwlarahlpj to Rntgers. offered by tbe BUte: toth*p*reoDjn eacli Aawmbly Dlitrlotwho, ibstll ibow tbe bIgD«taTernge In a prescribed

, courts Qtitudy,«tU be held atMorrtstown1

V o n ' J u w 8 d , ; \ j r ;; .;•/';. '[-I':'."-;: ?"-'-:X;-:'. ":'-• V i

'. Ihe fort Oram haw ball club.lavo oom-,p]etcd aUTangementa for tbelr llrst game andthey will cross bat*; with Badtettstown

-one wsek from to-morrow. ' Tbey are Working. o n tfcelr grbundand will bsTB It In good abupe.'.It.wlll boa flrst-clast game.,. . . . . . .

" -A spKlal meeting of tbe Common CounoUws* ttW l u t night to transfer tbellcensft olCbariei IVIIIlaraswjLuduiN.Btickle. Mayor

•'", Uunbun, AliWmeu Brown and HoDarlt and!* Counellineu Broad well tnd Burr were present,

: .216 otter business was transacted. ' " .

, > William BIoBHuafid Kwtin Kiellman.wnowire badly burned at the Porolte Powder

• • Works a> Um weeks ago are able to be outV and aiottod aod we understand Uiey will notrbeara scau- to remindi tbeinof tntlrexperl-1

enoe In namrairlng powder with sin Iron bar,

-Lait Friday Mr. MahlonShijunan, of! Gbrjstal stmtiwganirtmmlnibis lmittreM

'.' and under an apple free found several apples• tha tWla iaon tunaw, tb i anowallwioterj, Th»y w m perfectly p'reMrved, and were ms

• mdlow and juloy as tbougn tbey bad been Just'7 plofced from the tree. .,:

. J . Tbe Mwen. Duryw a n gettlog the ForestUctrn t t Bodd'. I*ke la retdlnesi 'Cnr.lhi

, summer SMson, and Us Teteran Jaka Allen,^ p!Lidg6Wbod,"»Wn»Te cnargnol tteboaU; tbisyetr again, acoodlUon of ttiDga t ta t- will cben-tbe besrtsol piscatorial yltltonto

• UiIsbeaQtiruIllttJolako."

. / , T b e oongregaUoa ot the Calvary Baptist' Chni^J, & JfonUtowB,bwdecldtd toohange

'. tbe name of the church to that of tbo African- iBaptirtChnroh, and will meet in thb rooms-' formerly occupied by tbe Morristown Repoth

: Uean Olnb'nntU tbe aew cburoh In Buuei. aveooe has been completed, ; _-. -. -

•>- Tnnwr Bejmour, of lUckaway, Wt Dover• Last W e d W a y utght TI-L 11.. V, ft Vtt R. B.

for ColTax, dal., to visit his father %ho baa;. SL (arm » a r that place.- Be will stay aboni

; two months and It suftfd with the.location*: will rotam to Hockaway and take tbe rest ot

^ tb*faml)rUokto'CailforiiIa. '

. .; Communtwi -services will be held br the. Pitabyterlu'Chiinb. Sunday monlog ta&v-tto eongngatiaa of .the. Grace Uetbodlsl: :; CnorcVuiU inert with; their; Pm^ler lan.'", friends ' I n tba «TenlRg a union meeting win-:' be bdd 'In tfae.'OraCtt Uetbodtst Cbureb, Dr.• j Hallonay condnctiDg tho serTices.

''••?^Tbo seoonl-bowilDg s^nie Intfaai' twetd lAwnnce'a eiod-of tha'Iklberty blof ole works will lia rolled on

'VtheDoTci-.ftlteyatoiiiOTiow-; Tffe would Ilk to m, tbeMatter win thU gome

) y M thftt'wwld neotasiUte tbelr coming again,'-'•nd'Uiey-Bre'ABet of men who can't oome

:;; often enongh to'wipr rt>«niVj*ut.;;;'y

: Ennlna Cpwpany at tbe Armory/was a pro-1 nwooeditiflaaa.' The aimory was beauU-'• fully decorated, aid a/Very large crowd as-^•embledvto wl tws . the:ferti»iUes.: There,:; were twenty-eight couples in the grand march,Ci*a-t»y;''*«»?V'C|"t;.*!-tlll»rt"«».'1»i"n1^™.;rAddIe Arthur,-of Newark. :'-•• .;•':'!-' ;r ""

:•: Hudson Dal rymple, onlybrotterbftte late4Jodie DtOrjmple, who' has bean IQ Cdllornla

' for several years aid not beara from, arrlredin Howlitown jesterday: (Friday) vsA wentdirect to tbe.Burrogate'j offloe and iutltuted

' f brmal preUmlB»ry.proceV»tijs tocontert thewQlof his late brother, bo being tbe onlylegal heir.; Us is stopping in Hew York wltb

chBdren.-7ChronIcle::.." •'•!;,.•".;'„-'..

..iVTbtchangingstjlea of eaiterUda-gaVe Uii'".-BUnbeUt Bally Journal, an.opportunity to- don a new dress, and Itcams, out Monday aaZ clean tM bright M tbe a « t Suwera of tjiting.v_ SIUUM deanl/ tdllii M It U prlnlod, and the

people ol BUnbeUi ato faiond In haying «>lighten"' land hosHt a newjpaptr to repre-i«it Uw»a. l l baa won aticoiw upon Iti mer-

d we Bjagratulat* the Jouroal upon Itail rt^JM^^ j^-^'aajik

Tbe Morrbi Canal will open for navigationon April l&tb.

Goorg* E. Buttgn tuu been aiipalnUd pont-WMtflr at FairiuouuL

Too* Port Orun base ball club taiTC re-ceived their oew uolforma.

Tbe Wrcm will apuear In Bifcer OperaHouwntit Thursday nlaht lur tbe benefltofHorrti Cnunoll K or P .

TboBpriuft announceaieDt ol MU* Holan'amillfutsr; store If printed in another cglum ofUiU Imprwslan, and it will lutrmt our lady


John Cfaainberllo, who drlrea for StationAgent Bravo, naa badl; hurt latt Saturdayby baviog a barrel of oil roll over him irhllit t i l t i t o U t f i M d t &Bon'ntore.

Tbe Arlington Clut, ot Ilosuton, gave a re-cttpUoa last evwlag. About olxty ooupUt

prawot, loolmliag a oumbar* fromCoier. I t goes wltbout iflylng that altJoyed UionuolvM to the utmoit .

Ttio eawtalnmeut by UH U'lXomUgLibrary AwociiiUoa In tbe Pylbhu OptraE t V r t O tomorrow algbt oubifcj be well attended for tb«y bare arrangedexcellmt programme.

The Clarke JitdlclDO Company will be atBaker Opera House for two weeks, rommono-lug* Honday evening. Thiyglvea very excel-l«nt free show every night In connection withtiie aa]« of their raMlcinw, and some highlyrecommended.


Uia. Catharine Powers, vrifo of JohnPowers, dlud a t the bome of ber son-lnlaw,Wm. W. Blcklet, on Park iiTniUR, at 8:16 A.JI. Tuesday. Her maiden natua was CatbarlneAllen aud ibe ww born August Slh,united In marriage to her aged bual«nd itbo

" i to mourn bar loss on June SOtb, 1833.'ran ego In connection wltb ber bus-

band tbe united with tit. JoUn'i EpiscopalCburcb, and bas Ufnya lived BO tbat wbmdeatb came It bad no terrors for ber. In, bti-

: bor friends farewell she told tbem to meettwyond tue fiver and altbougb I t w u

bright bare, It was brigbbr over thare. Tba2M Psalm war to her a BOUTW ol great com'fort and to her children she said, " Do notmourn for me, but meet me In heaven." Bbewai a lifelong reslilentof Randolph townihlpand lived for many years In Dover on Morrisstreet, from when abe removed with barhusband to Ulllbrook, f here they resided un-til« few weeks ago wlien she came to herdaughter's home to be more cinvenleotfor

treatment. Her elckutu whicb w uat long duration wu borne nith cheerfulnessaud ChctttUa fcrUUit* tu which the wts ms-

, the laving cars of ber children. Herborne w » to her tbt dmtest plat* whereahe at-

ber friend* with a cheerful smileand performed all the functions of wife andmother In a way tbat will make ber memoryvery precious to those to whom At mlulitared.Her mild dhpotldoD and kindly heart ajio,endeared ber to many frlenda and neighbors,among all of whom her death will cause abid-ing regret. Sbo was the mother of ninechildren, six of wham «ue living. Mrs. JesseJennlng* lira. Jo»pb Lose/, Ulas AugustaToWeni, Un. J. U. t^m^ Ucs. W, W. Htckleaind Mr, Elmer rowers. The fnuarAl WAS

held at Ibe tttldcac* ot Wm. W. Blcktea oaTbursday at S o'clock i\ u, ths Rev, Dr,HallowaT officiittiig. Tbe remilns ot tbedsceased were laid at rwtt In tbe family plot

clocuatHlllCametory. " .

MUa. DJkBtlll V. NJlWBAK.Airs. Carrie W. Newman, widow of W, 8.

Hewman, diedalbwreeldenceIn Doier abouto'clock Monday ulsbt of consumption.

She bad been an Invalid lor twenty years andh r the put year she steadily grew worse.Hbe lived In Dovrr for tventy seven years andwas respected by all who knew ber. Tbefuneral services were held ID the Free-Uetbo-list Cburcb on Wednwday afternoon, Ravs, Ijogan and Soutbirorth oOldstlng. She

leaves four oulMnn, Win, S., ot 8tanbope, iQ, K , of Jersey City, who are grown up,C&ni«,t«edl7ftndCtiarlteiiKQdU. BbefUburied In Rockairay. ' • =

•• . •• i ; ' ' . • ; -• ;• • •ivn t R A u s n . - . " "" • ' "After a abort illneM Ult* Ann Fraher, who

tutdepenttheajeaUrpartofbirlffeln Fian-,dartt paasad to reason Friday morning, M»rch I81st, 1803. Mlas Prater-was born In Ireland. I

4V je»r* ajo, at the ag« ot US JMTS, 'she entered tbe employ of tbe late Rev. Kan-Ling Force and b u resided at the'"ForceHon)Htead"eversince. AttbedealhofUn.Force, who survived ber busband, sbe wasprovided for,' Thelata Mr; William M. Fore*,of Newark, offered to provide her a bome Inthat cltj where be could attend to ber needs,but sho clung to tbo old home. She was akind, warm-hearted woman and will be muchmlsied. The funeral ssrvloe was beld in at.Mary's Cliurcb, Dover, on Monday^ith Id-termeot In tba cemetery connected with that

' ' OIHTUJklir WQTK8.,- -Urs. Ernliy Btauborongb, wife of John D.

etaosborouib, died at ber bome at Miltonlast Saturday morning at the advanced ageof 74 years; Shs WAR one of the beat knownaid most highly rwpeoted rssldmta of thatnotion, anl bad lUad tUere all U r lit*. TheTunoral wai beld Monday, wltb InUrment at


The Y. X. C. A. Tftia PoaBaaalontbalr Saw auarUnr-Opened to tha *Pub-Ucwith a Beteptooa,

~ Tae Vouttg U«n'a ChtUUao AssevUtlna itDover on Sunday a! t«rntua beld tUelr a retmeeting la Uutr new quarter* in t i m gbink building, and on Wednewiay ofurnconand evening tbe Ladle*1 Auxiliary formallyopened them to tbe publlp with a receptionand supperthat luted from S to II o'clock,Tbfc] big rambling building h peculiarly walladapted for tbe purposes of too anociatloaand wltb tbe expenditure of a nominal »ifor repairs and th* building of a gyowaaliUey will bave a hora* tbat will compare verffavorably with auy In tue BtaU for town* ofthe sama claaj. Tbo assoclatioD pold to.500for lbs property, and f [,000 added to it willput In such ttuip« «a will make it ODB of themost) complete bulidluga of Its kind, andwUSoh could not be built u»w for one kali asmacb agaln^ As compared wltb tha oldquarters IMa " out of light," Entering theball to the left Is a double parlor where mencan meet and engage In qulat oormnstlon.There) Is a handsome new bruuela carpat onUte floor, the windows are prettily curtainedand the walls and manUls are hung witb pictures and adorned with ornamonta to make

baroomi homelike and attracllre. Acrossbe boll fi tbe reading room and Just Imclt of

thattbaofnusofSeoreUrySmitb, Thfircomoan be shut off from the other part of thehouM by tbe gn&t heavy doors io tfcat nosound oan penetrates to disturb the raderr.Back ot the parlors and baU Is k largo diningroom which will be used (or tbe present as agjmnaaiam for the smaller boys, but at wonas the new "gym." Is built the ladles willreserve It for their use wben giving BoUrUln-nienta.. Up-atalra the front room to the eait,basbMn Bttad up as a UdW parlor anddreeilng room opens off of I t The Arithmetic

l will have a room up stairs, and tbuladles are considering the pmotteablllty offitting up two of tb« rooms at bedrooms fortbe aooommodetion of deaervlug men whomay oome into town and not be able to payfor tbelr lodging. The furnUhlog and careof the rooms faavo been assume J by the ladles1

auxiliary, wyj from an DUB3iT&tioa tbe; willbe permitted to do It without Interference oratBUlaaot from tbe men. Tbe itomeuhe energy and tha tenacity to acoompllali(bat they have set out to do, lint their workDuld bo madamuob lighter It tuemouirould

turn lo and help,The ladles gare an esoellent topper and

besides sold light refreshments, and a table offancy goods was well patronised. The liter*ary and muiloal part of the program was asfollows t

Bolo, Mils Kittle'Day; wlo, Miss Mayu r d i t d d n u , E. J. Row, tddreu, 0. T.

KeUboura, President of Omtge Association;addnn, John B. Qlbeon; kodreiR, Dr. W, \f.Hklloway,

The auxiliary now numVers a 'bundndmembers aod Ii ooniUutly growlDg. Tbeymade a snug sun frcm.tboir leoeptlon andwill turn over to the traasurer of the associa-tion $100 baddes paying all their bills for thenew furnishings. TheydidnotreallBSBll tbia

ilr cntartalnmsnt, however. Theybave noalved many articles ot furniture from

tend* of the association and bave room formuch more, and will b* vary thaaktul [or anyfurther donations that' will balp to completeblvmiUhSoiottbcrooroi. Tba good that

be accomplished by tba association U mappartntUiatltdoeanot itqulre anj demon-stration here and there ought not to be anytrouble to pay (or tbtt new boms. I t leanInvestment tbat will yield a blthfr itanilardof manhood and a belter quality of citizen*.

Tbe LadlfS' Auxiliary wish m to expressUtlr appreciation of tbo very liberal oautrl-bntlonoftjdlbieafor. the mpper Wtdceadaynight, and for tbo very generous response totheir appeals for aid. .

Janes W, Bishop died at bli borne on Pe-HmoBD0 rtreet on Tunday, alter an Illnesslasting but ten day*, of pneumnnln. He wasablaoksmlUibytrarlatnd WM ernpfloyad attha car shops. He was born at Basklngrldg*nearly 63 years sga, and will be burled at his,naUre place to-day, thef unenU serrloes being |beld at Grace Cburcb, of which be was*member; tils morning. Hfs wife and three Imarrifd daughters survive blin. ' .

1 Mm Hanry Wlw, one ol the oMeit mJ-dentaof the Newfoundland vicinity died oaMonday, IMP*! about 75 yean. Sha was burledWednesday. _ - •'-. ' • ..'

FarewDll to their Fa*tor,

Tb» CODgregaUonof Grace Uethodist Cburcb imet In the church parlors Friday evening to•ay farswell to Rev, Thanua Batll anA Ida

illy, and they muit baveftlt pleased by-th«hearty expresttotw^ regret at their gotocaway, and -by tba tubttanUal testimonial oftbat regret In the tbapo ot s> good fat pan*whlab was pnsentod to the paitor. Mr. Hallb u been the pastor ol Draw Cburoa but oneyear and leaves now for raanns tbat are en-tirely personal, and not from any dissatisfac-tion within tbs church. He goes with tbe'oeitwiibMof.bbcongregation and the sin-cere esteem of maoy outaifo the chtrch forhis earneat, sincere and consistent Christumchsracttr, h i« not ueflnltelr^nown whowill snooeed Rev. Hall, but It Is likely Bev,aD.Deckor,of CUnt<m,v*ttlb« assigned tothis charge, . ^ - ' ' ' -; -

• •:•:;; A DeUgbtmi Boception. - ' .;Tbe Anunai;Kait«r Olferliig-lUcepMoD by

the Ladlei' HUsionsry Bodety of tba Preebytorlan Chnrch was held atthaganonage onUonday night, and it was ona of the* mostluocesaf ut In point of numbers and generalenjoyment of any jet held. Fully, one bun-drod. persoW were then,' and tbe gwiai aodhospitable' diplomacy of. Ute ladlet of the re-OftpUtm.ctsnmUtee In keeping tiell guesta outbe move showed tbat they possessed excep-tional qualifications tor ralstlonarj work, in*toclel way a t lt**t, Tbm was tome rery-UneTbcaland Initromental mnsio and excel-lent refreshments. . " • . . , • • .• / .--• '••, .

• • - . " • — . • • • » . - » • . — — , " . ; . • • - •

- Special Servioea at K i n e ^ U . ; ,Rev.'Dr. W. W. Halbway nas arranged

[for a series of special servloes fn-tbaHlnsHill Pnst<7terian Cbitrcb, begtnniag Tuesday

I evening, April 11th, and continutnt tbrongb'ont the w»k. "• The servlnu wltl be conductedby Dr. Hallow.ay exoeptitig on ThuivtaTnight, whBD R«7. Tbo*. Carter and Mr. H. 0.Jeuklot, of. fioontos, an. expected to n«premnt A'cordial inrltiUaji is extended tosA) pntons In UIB ntighborhorf toattewi th»meetings and aid In making them a

. :ABur*la ty .

truee Into M..O. Bavera1 stationary and to-bacco itore and goods to foe amount of about#15 were taken., Tbe tbltf broke a windowpaneandreacfaed In and renared tfae stickover the sash witb which Ur. Havens locked,tbe window. .The cuhregliter was brokenopen and flity ccuU.fn penntea takon and; anumber of knWM andclgan war* also itblen.The'thlef maie tla exit throngh the frontdoor, leaving It ajar. Then I* DO due to tfae

All tb« persona) property" of tbelate John0. HUl'wlH be sold at public sale a t bis ]attreald«nr»on Friday nu t , 'Apr l lNtb . Baleat 10 o'clock A. *. ihirp, . •; .

:-•"' .-v,'-,lawn.for (Via by Jenklna, Bncfc £ Co., JUuo HilL


Tha UbsilyBlnyeleWorka at Hockawi _- A areat Indujtrr v l th a Bhort His.tory.

If five fears ago some man had stopped Intbe village store at Kockanay and stated tbafon the lint of April, 1S98, four hundred anlillty meu and bo/s would be employed thenmaking hlcjclashts'tcformitloB would havibeennoelved wltb an Incredulous imlle, orperhaps with tha frank statement tbat theprophet was cither daft or a fool. Vet sucha propbecy could nuw be sbown to be an itablbbed fact, aud few persons evao In thlivlclnitr reallM wbat au estenilvs Industrythe Liberty Bicycle Works are or know whatan army ot mechanic* and laborers flod re-manaratlve employmeut there, Bevvn years

I ago the Rockawsy Manufacturing Companywas orfknlced and established a plant for themanufacture of brass good* In varloui art!-doa, e-specklty hetog made at abuttou hole nttaohmaot for sewingI Tbey did a fairly good business, Mtdaboatfour years ago, when tbe bloyde began to

) In suon demand tbe ooiupany decidedlat tbsy would locreaae tbelr plant to as to

be able to manufacture for Uie trade. Theywant to a great deal of expense and It wainineteen months from tbe time they began

drat wbeel wai finished, and theywereinhot water because of tbelr inabilityto fill tbelr contract*, On the tltlt of Hay,

I, Hr. Robert Peiklns, a practical\ cle maker from Eogland ctme to Rookaway

usuuied tbe superintesdeney of tbeworks, and twenty-tout* d&yfc UUr, onOrst of May, shipped twenty-five completed

i and Tuibe4 MM rett ot tfcs contractiout so tbat tbe stress was put on the otherparties and instead ot having ground forcouwlalnt against Wllaoa, Myers & Oa, forooo-delltory ot goods, the latter firm bad todo the crowding and the Jobbers wan unableto beep tbelr contract, Tbs tuccess that at-tended the advent of sir. Perkins, and tbesteady demand for.wheels' was assuranceenough to that genthunaa that tbe time waiopportune for the company to put a wheel of

1 tbelr own on the market aud after a struggletba firm were made to see It and the Libertybicycle, a wde*t Uia p«ai at suy wliwl nil lh«

• B U T B K SERVICES, 'EuUr day w u tbe most beautiful and j

ipriog-llke we have been favored wltb Inthis year of grtoe and tbe services la the,churches were , very largely attended. < Thecburcbes ware very beautifully and elabo-rately, decorated, and tbe services werecarried cut according to the programs aspublished In thaae columns last week, .

pRKsaVTiRUK encacn. IThe pulpit was banked with palms and

other pUati, with, uright colored bTooru* tobreak tb* Monotony of gr«n, and a numberf p l U f lh# tt*l«Jy Eartw Wy lent a

gractful alrgancs to the decorations. TheW t u Tery fine; and tba :evsntna* >er>

vice* the bvmn/were iuog by the Sundaynhool, UIM Rlobards song* aoto, and Ubsdage, by requaat, repeated tb» solo ahe sangin tbe morning. Er. Halbway's Mrnioo wsaoddresstd to tb* school and it was pitchedlust !n the proper key—not an easy thlny to

d o . • ' . - ' " - • • • . •' ' r " ' ••-, . . .

.• .'.•••.. O H A O K o u u n c n . - ; , . :Tho ladlea having In charge tbe decorating

of the church or* to be congratulated upontba Urteand skill they displayed In arrangingtU planU and flowers la tbelr church.. Her.Hall preached » vary aioslleattermon In Uwmomlna; and Ui# program in - the eveningwaatxoerdlngly weUcboflBB ami the patttrf-

U l l

U tU» rwult, and Rocks, way 1A Indeod a favoredvillage lp having located tbera an Industry of

on slxe, pajiug sesjly •10,000 ovit in wagotevery two weekt, aud occupying teven greatbuildinge, wltb otiMrfut pn»p«ctB that the

ipaolty will bave to be greatly Increased toloet the demand for the Liberty, for already

the company has had to refute several largeorder* became of their Inability to fill tbem,It waa a bright day for Rockaway when Rob-irt Perkins oaiue over tbe sea.We bad tbe pleasure ot visitlug tha work*

sfonday and through tbe courtesy otUanagerirklni «od hit «(lLteut bwdaof. departusaUi were nbomi tbe full details of tbe mauu-

laotun of a. wheel, awl "tioo It IB consideredthat there are more than three hundred sep-arate jftrts to eaoh bicycle,- tbe process ofconstruction becomes a mighty Interestingstudy. We round B, U. Crane, the »We snditTable Rockaway correipondent of tbe IJRA

I at tt» head of tbe raw stock department, andto him we are Indebted for a good deal olittentiim and Information that we could not

a got lu any other way. Our drat visitwas to tbe inspecting department. Boreivery piece tbat enters into tbe construction

'of a wbeel is brought and gauged and musteiact or it U reiwted, *od It muit be of exceptional skill to control this de-

partment, for nay dtftctln tba wotklog partsat tbe machine would be laid at his door, andthis great reepanilbllltr rests upon A. B,Doughty, who has ihown bid fltuwt for theposition by tbe very few complaints tbatami of dafecti, and most of those are from

iw« In the material tbet are not visible.Dur next move ii to tbe machine shop,and here, perhaps,' li the moat Interestingpart of the works. - Uacblnas of tbe moatIntricate construction and delicate adjust-

wt * etand In foor long rowi, tome otem requiring .skilled machlnltU to runam, while others a n atUodad by boys of

Ittle experlanoe, and, strange as It may seem,mott iatricato uuaioM are. lbs eariut to

manage, moat ot them b«lng automatic ii

' , ' • n » 8 T OHURCU. -Tbe morning servitws at the First Church

were conducted tu nnul^ Tbs choir sang anEasier anthem. The pastor preached an ei-Mllent Bermon, taking forbla toitthe 34thchapter of Bt. Luke, ISUi, 14th and Ifithvanes, Tbsre w u no special Eaibjr service

, In th« Sunday school.., la tb« • vealoR the « tereisM wtre oonduated by the paster/asslstedby Bup1! DUtsiway. of tbe Sunday tohool,Edmund Mojor, president.of toe Epworth

eagua, and S, A. Tajlor,' president ol UIBroang peoples prayer meeting. There were

recitations by Hiss Anna Buck, Was BerUiaHoysr and Mr. EUwIbert BIy; a d u t t by

Jennie Proed and Him ROM Fiteharbert;a solo by HIM Kitty Day. Mr. Kdward Jen-' M o V K e w York, formsrlyof Dovw.ondIlr. Fstor Tiltmau made short addressee. Tbeplatform and pulpit ware bandaomsly deco-rated with plants and out flowers. , ~ •

. CBBTSTJU. BTWBTlCUAPlCL.' 'ISatter was celabratadat tba CbrjsUl fitrest I

Chapel tor tba flrst time io the new chapel.Hualo w u rndertd by On choir, tbnprlcwyclaaa, and a duet was sang by tiro little girls,title " Baiter UUIee," A solo was given byJttla Martha Bedgmsn and an acoompanl-mentplayidby bvr aUter €lrac«iwblob didthem great credit. Tbe school now cumbersabout one hundred and sixty witb an average,attendance of one hundred and twenty-flTo.All who attended were greatly pleaied. .

Baiisr Opsra Hooa«, *Saturday night, April «Ui, Honghton'a Ufa-matic Company, supportiDg tha talentedyoung actor, John T, Moore, and t> ctovsrcompany of playtra, presenting tbe intereat-log and wonderful drama, Dr.JekvUandHr.Hyde; or tbe dual nature of man, in lira acts.E m j care bas been taken to place Urfa latestnoccss before Ibe public worthy Ita greatmerits.; The cost has been seiecUd for tmchparticular character persoDlBed, and from(canitul and oonsclentloui artlite. 'The scen-ery and mechanical effects a n true to nature.Don't miss seeing Dr. Jekyll and Jf r. Hy£e.Prlotjs SSc. and 50d. Oa sale at Robert Kin-gore's Corner Drug Store. \ ' .

An Eveninr at Home.' On Tuoiday April Jtb, .the generous,

pita'llty of Mr. and Mrs Bayrs was liberallyoxlended to mtiny ot their friaoda at theirbaaatirul honiD. In Cheater. Dancing ibeprindpd feature of th» evening, was bsortllyIndulged In hy all TbB member* of Cheater's

clDg d « * vrMent, were tbe Mines Bayre,the Miwsa DtCamp, Uln Baward, W u Statts,

Bvans'and UaU who proved by tbeiigrace and COM; with what luooen th»y ware•procreasing. RefreshnanU wart gracefullyserved at the clbae of tbe evening. The mualcunder the leadenhlp of Mr. J, Bnnh

Jlent. Wo unanimoualy thaakllr. andUrs. Sayn for a most enjoyable evening andcongratulate them on tbelr perfect success, atentertaining, O^towrttK fi vxsriL

.. *':' • .-.. •'• O a t d o f T h a n k s . ' • . * •-_• •Mr. aad Era, Jamtt WUUs, ot Hutdtown,

wish to eapreea their titankt to tbe friends andi t l r a a n d alutbeobolr of tbe Qraos U.E. Cbnrcb, who so kindly aided thsm dorioglUwstoknasaaiilattbB death of their daugb-tsr Irene. :-.-. •-._' ' m" -

; : OlaarlssT Saleoommwow this •week *t th» Dover Be*-HW»Store. H-Helmsn. :

Infanta' and Obitdren'aWear.BaauUfnl new line a Caps, Bats, long and

abort Cloaki at popular price* at the DovarBaaar ot J. H. Grimm.

• Vh»sOood TblncS XX Cough, Syrup. Kiligorei


y , yrket and superior to all In several point*,

i d R k l d

tWr DperaUoD. Uen the bub ia made, andthat Is one of the strong features of the Lib-erty, a patent of Mr. Porklaa'i. It U turnedout of a solid piece of two-Inah steel and

ma through sixteen different machines be-elt Is perfected. Ths it*el is turned toi required proportions' and the Huge la

mlteredoutleavIogproJaatloniorlugK, These' lugl have two boles bored In thtm througbwhich tbe spokes pass one bead on either aide,pulling In opposite dlreotloos and formlns

perfect tattgejit from the bmd at tbe

ib to the nipple In the rim. Thli is aleatun that oo othw bub potaessae ss all ot

n require a slight bend In tbs Bpoke at tbebub, thereby weakening it. The companyiss Juit put In a new machine built txprenl/!or them to make their new valve Tor theirpneonistio tires, and it Is a fine piece cf

:hlnerv. Another very luUreetiog pieceof meoaiaism Is th« machine tbat makes tbe:hald pins.: It works automatically and bisi capacity of 4.000 plus a day. To look at aflulsbed bicycle one would not Imagine thatall this' machinery, some of It masiUe andponderous, would b* rrqufred In the makingof tta light and grwatul Liberty. Thla dt-partmint Is under ths sunerrliion of Herbert

a. prince o( good tcllows, popalaxwith every one at Uiir woikt, a thorough

bftulo and s> coutteous gcqUomaii, and habas an able awJatant and good second in tbeperson ol Joseph Menittr. Next to rte ma-chine ibop is tbe tool shop .whsr* twelve ofthe finest mechanics are employed exoluilvely

making tools for the various machine*,nndsr tbe dlrecUoa of Foreman Luwbrinok.

In tae nickeling and pdtahlng departmentwe flni the genial and jovinl W. J, Conbay

i charge, and tbe same thoroughness of de-tail I* efaown bare as In all tbe other depart-ments, Every piece nickeled ti dipped tn'e.solutlou of copper 11 rat to prevent tbe poeaj-Ulilj of rust br«aklaK throuib the i.lcktl,

id making a more'Unacbui sarfaoe. Frome pitting room tho piece* are taken to Ute

polliblng room, where' the emtry wheel andburntibtoft micblnonivo them agllttariug sur-face. ThereiiAbealtbyrlvalryamongthsdB'partaionts anHallareoatbequlTlve, so tbatonly the best that each can do Is brought to;the turfaoe. - Mr. Oonboy Is so proud of bio

tpartment that be stood tbem up agaltiit allthe otber department* In any gama of skillo r p r o w e s s , ' - ' . ' ' ' . • ' • • • . • " > • '

The enameling process uietby tbn Lfbartypeople Is ot their owntavenUaneAdltle totenacious tbat when Itris putonltbMomrs a. jtct tbenutal u») no nutter bow roughtbe QMge the enamel remains Intact. ThomasRogers k toe foreman.'The wheel-room ii under the charge of Johnurlf, one of the 9ne«t mechanics at the works,

.ind tbe greitttt skill Is need In adjoitlng tbewheels so that each spoke will ha ve thm proper; |tomlon and the wheel turn In a perfect circle;

. In the finished stock department e»f ry piecetbat goe* Into tha construction of a machine

n b* seen In ita perfected state. Hr. Craw-ford boa as tils atslitant In this department"Jack" Harieton, the crack binvola rider.Th« assembling aad constructing • roomt are Iicroei the way from tbe oOloa and ooaupy threebulldlnfw, and' are, perhaps the ba&leatpartjof the norka.. ttere.the forks and fmmesaremafle, and the bnutag room runsUi* width ol'the three buildings'and b a very I ntareiUng,proceif. Stewart Walters la Uia foreman otthe bracing room, and A. J. Helling* U thefiuperlnfeiident over tbesa three buildings asMr. Schroder Ii over tbe four butldtalpi on tbeotfaertlOeof tfaastreet Thsclericalforceat|

E. 6. Arnold, Private Bcontaryto Mr. Perkins, L. K. Itoffauui, receivingand shipping clerk, aud 0. W. Baacb itockclerk. TI» laat departaiont vMkd waa whithe, t trt i are mado aud It la a very Ingeniousas well as a slmpl* process. Here again i l r .PttktnV* inYDDUve tacuUj c»me In play and

Lhe Liberty pircrss of fastening the tire lead*tbun all for stmpUcIty and strength. TbeInner tube or air chamber Is made of soft,•trong rnuber, and X&t outer covering Isdetachable, a wire being sbirred through oltherdde with a thread oa each end connected wltb

1 a nut with a right and loft thread, so tbat, InDose of an accident, It can be takbn off, re-, ilred and put on again In a few minute*.TbeaJrvalveugedoa the Liberty tire* Ii alsoa 'patent of this companr's and Is abso-lutely non-!«ahable.< It Is made witb a valv«teat at each end, and so arranged that

.he seat In one tnd must be tlgbt.' Thisdevice and tbat for fastening the tirehave been .applied for by several of thitaxsn roaauffccturari foe next Tear. AnotherImprovement Is lb» use of seamless drawntubing {or the cranV bnwkvt burtcod of a castbracket, and a dust cap so fitted si to preventdirt from setting Into the crank: shalt. Abandy little oiling device I. used In allths principal Deaxtngs In the.shape of anipple wltb a spring top. The point of the

Is pnsMd.against It and the. oil Inserted

and cloo«t tlrt ho'.e. Tbe company make*wheels weighing from flftnen lo Uiirty-fiYpounds and tb*y are tating Urnir pUc*tbs marlcet with tbe host. A Cliieago firmlart (all pl*«J am order for 2,500 wheel* anda duplicate order tbla jprlug had to be re-fused becauee of tb* inaUllty of tbe companyto make tbe<

The social aide of this great mauufacturingplant It quite « iuUrcsting at tbe mecbanlcalsldo. Tb* compauy f ull/ reallM that « thejvould keep their men around them i t l D d

tbey must Had them e i recreation andthat end tbey encourage andaupuortaUkiiutiof spoiU and ulrorrfoM. Qo Uonday they•eound tbe coctrol at UM two largo fields ad-joining UM works and will grade it Into a baseball ground ami bicycle track. A bram tarn!of twenty pieces b u been organised and willbegtb practice in B week or BD, and ttia com-pany nave In contemplation' the erection of abuilding to be used u a gymnuluni, pool andbilliard room, and a library and readingroom will also be provided. Tbe base bailseason at Hockawaj promises to be a brilliantona as Manager Dougbty has already receivednearly enough applications for games to 1111tbe schedule, and they are from the bestamateur clubs [n tbs field.

These works are an incalculable benefit toftockaway vat only becauio o( the tnonsythiy put In circulation there, but because ofths general Ugh character ot tU wnpWjtee,who muit In the very nature of things keeptbs standard ol citizenship up to the necessarygrowth of tus place.

POLICE N*W3.n Glan bos reo»lT«d a summons to

appear before Juittca Qage to-morrow morn-ing to ahow cause wby he should not be linedtorcroeltytoanimals. ItwillberBmsmberedby reader* of the ERA that be let a horn* layIn the road all of one day last wseb. H. R.Dobblm, of Horrlatown, agent for the N. J.8. P. O. A. It the oomplaloiht


• Fort Orara bojt, Matthew CeGmot,« Deltoey, Wm. Ucr«ik, Wtu. Beam,ll d l l U if^i d

y,John Blley and llarUn i

d l l t b J U_ >t before Juitloo Gageday for stealing oo#l from tbe Port Oramfurnace and tha lbontoi Iron Company. Tbehearing was postponed until Raturrlny, vb<Justice Gag* will bind tbem ovtr to appearbefore iha Grand Jury. Tbelr parents willgo tbelr security. Hereaf Ur, all parents whoare recelven of coal stolen from the*, com-panies will be proscouUd to the full txUnt ofthe law.

Three little boyi at Mine Hill amused tbeni-selvei ou Thursday of l u t week bj throwing•tones through the windows of a tenementhouH belcngtns to Un. Rose McGarrJ, Itcoat nor (10 for repair*. Tbe boys are Jameetod Frank HSEBJ and John O'Ortea ana theyrange In sgn from ava to twelve years. Theywill appear betore Juitice Oagb on Mondayafternoon.

Jake Btalter, 8r., and bis son Jake Btalter,T , left nibemla lu t FrIJay with tbe Inten-tion of buying a pair of plgi. On getting olfthe train they procure! a bottle of forty centrum and before tbey bad drank it all they began to get wild. Nlgbt watchman Byram at-tempted to arrest them and Jake, Sr., tried todance a Hi on th« watchman's toai, Tha tonthen tried to wbip tue watchman but thelatter tnwegwUogrtthembota lo the. lookupwhore be kept them orer'nlgbt. The nextmorning he brougbt tbem before J ustice Oagewho lined them eacb UM and coat* and sentFake, Jr., to Uoiriitown for six days. Tlialtd man went bome without bis pigi.

Marshal Hagan arrested Wm. Hughai, ofPort Oram, last Friday ai some of UIB peopleup there complained against btra as a dis-orderly person. HebAsboen In the habit ol•prinkllog holy water on tba people In churcLind would go around Hit itreets prayingwhile oaly bait dressed. Justine Oage com-mitted him to Uirttatowa wbera ho will be

[amined n to hli unity. - , ,Joto K. B. Etll and bit wife attended the

Wgllanb Ball last Uonday.night. Bell and;ib wife bare not lived together for somelime. About 1 ;50 o'olock ^Tuesday muniiugaemethlmorossiiiiE ttie Ewex street bridgerlth another woman and ibe went for ber and

suootedKl In tearing offbercape, Bell strucktab) wife and she then went back to the ballroom.- Tae next -morning she went beforeJustice Gage aud made, two complaintsagainst him, one for disorderly conduct sudths otbir for assault and battery, MarshalHagan arrested him on ths flnt cbargo and"uitlceUage fined him (AMUndomta, Be-fore he left the court room Constable Hikerarrested him oa tbe othtr tihtrge and t t a Jus-tice bound him orer ID the turn of 1100 to sp-pear at tbawxt term ot court,

Mrs. Joeepb Burton, ot Allen Mlue, was" 'brougutbefQreJuatlceOagelast

Friday on complaint of. Jojhn -Thomas. Ur.'aod Urs, Burton and Tbomuaro miinben oftbe same cturob, Tiro w«ks sgo laat Bun-

! day the men had some words before they leftthe church after eerrlee. -Thef kept it upafter reachlag tha church yard and then Urs.Barton took' a hand and atwuiod Tfaomai ofimmorality, Tbire ware a number of peopleacound b u t H n , Burton <j*ed the most ob-scene lanRuage. Bhe wai convicted on herowneqlduK* and Snad »1 and coats.'

Justice Oage's court rootn iva* agalu crowedon Tuoaday morning wltb people who wereanxloui to bear tbe evident* In bastard/ vaseot Wood vs. JaoDlngi, but tba Justice cleared

m of all minors before the heatlogTbe defeow bad subpoenaed a num-

ber of young men aa witnesses but theproiecutloD would net allow tbem to testifyai It wat feared they inlghMncjimluate them-selves. Tbs girl's testimony was strongagainst Jennings and tbe jury brought lu averdict of guilty after being out but a fewmomenta. After hearing the vcrdtet Jen-nings made an excuse to go home and has notbton b w i (fom since, ' :

lira. Ellzi Locke went btfore AldBrmanBrown l u t BatUTIlay *norutng that Charles Hebneke bad tbreauuedto sboot ber. Marsnsl Hagan arrested bimand tbe bearing was set down for yesterdayafternoon; but an one of Benneke's childrenIs very sick and bti wife Is an imporUnt wit-ness it w u pottponed until tb* child recoverseuRlclentlj to allow ber; to attend. Tberohu been considerable talk about Heonoks forthe nait two weeks. Tba story Is that he h ubeen rsry attentlteto smother womin andwhen his family heart ot It aod ati«d. Umabout U fas attempted, to commit sulcldg.Borne stontlonal developantuto are expectedat the trial.

• . . •-' V. K . O. A. BTotee.Sevsnty-sU men attended tba men's meet-

ing lost Sunday, and many more were turnedaway because of lack of room to accommodate'all who came to hear tbe farewell address ofthe Itov. Tho* Hall. Mr.. Ball gave a spir-ited and spiritual talk; he waa alwayse. val-uable frleod tobiirMsooIatlonaud the young

will mbs >!• g«ntei uulle and kindly

Mm, don't tontet h> alt«nd tbe men'* meet-ing In tbe new building next Sunday at 4; 15.Keep your eye oa the bulletin board; rpsaktrand subject will be duly announced, . _ . ".' There will be a special meeting of tbs oovs*'

work committee on Fnday evening of thisr e e k . • ' • • ' . . : " , ' - . • • . • • " • • - ' •

There will, be a meeting of the bate ballassociation on Tuesday syenlng next at eighto'clock, when officers for tho coming year acdother important btutnen will be traoucted.All members In good sUndlng will b» allowedto vote. • • • . " -

The feltcws are talking of orgtolclng awhfelclub, Good Idea. Keep up the enthu-tiastn and puih the club through/ ' ~

All young men are cordially invited to tbenew roomt.' •' • ) ' ••../..'-. ', .'. Tbe rooms will be open from 8 A. it. to 10T.«., and visitors will be always welcomed.Any who have not as j t t been through thenew bunding are cordially Invited to do

Oarpeta and Farnltore.vou want to see a nice dUplay of furni-

ture and carpets;,. vialtBIckarnon'*, Dorer.They are •tiling good* cheaper than Newarkor Hew York price* and'drilrer everythingat yoiic house tn*. B«e our baby carriage!a t | H Bee our *1B antlqde bedroom suit,right pleoes. __ . ; ' •

The firm of C. W. Bowl by & Co. baa bttcbanged to Eowlby St Chapman, and tbs newflnn are now atttled ID their now, quarters Intba Odd Ydlon'a bulling oa Busssr atreet.Any one coatemplating the purchase of anorgan or pfauo, sawinR mafklne or washingmachine will flod it to thtlr advantage to calloa them before purchasing.

Tbe Bloiids, Steaxa Heater.ForPurtrated circulars send to The Prod.B t C . , Otrmaa Valley, N. J.

; .. XidGHovMt KidOloTesISpecial values offered in all jtvlM In the

Jt*st spring ahanai at-the Dover Batar of.'a^:wJ«mthecmn'U'i«MvediB.Bjrin»:baek^ '"

QBSVAK VALLET.E. J. Neighbour spent Kuter at BrookbUr. and Un. Bllaj Neighbour and Urn.

Jeue Wiae bave been Till ting friends In NewYork and Brookljn.

Mrs. Hager entertained t ten of her manytrltnds last, t&turday.

Urs. UarretHeala, or Dorer, nieutHundayith her parents.Ulab Carrie Uoi'lor, of Middle Va1l<y,i]wu

Eaatar In our villtge.vbLauU) wltlle ebowlng Uie promlnen

parts «f a uew revolver to hl« brother. Johnshot him through tbe linger. Tti» father marliiiulck work of tbe revolver, there will Le uimore accldonls from tbat one.

Tbe Lutheran Uabbatb school bad 0 tipeclairvlce In thulr church lastKabbatb Avunlog

enUt]ed"ble«aiiigaatidboauUeaof£:astertide.1All parts were w*U rendered, but little AlsmNunn deservB* the largest iloroof pralto, «aber r»cil«tioii waa exceed lofty well renderiMl.

lira. BUpbeus and son, ot Ut. Olive, spentfew days recroUy witb Ur. and Mr* C. B.

Hendenhot.UQg men iianieUutu hava occaitlon to

leave a town very suddenly, as was Ibe rMtwith oua young man. in our vtllagie on Bunda jevening, His rant intimate friends aro BHXI-oui for bla return,

Jaiie IVlse, of X ower Valley, jspeut Sundayit Dr. 15. C. Wfllet'e.

Un. Oeo. Utourette, of Callfon, Bfuetday wltb bor alster Airs. Welifa.

At tbo Communion on Sunday at theLutheran Church, eleven new member* wereidded. The cboir Isrendaring some excellentintbems, we Oiluk it wouli be a bard matterto Sad a Iwtter cboir lu Morris county thanire bave In the Lutheran Cburcb.

Tbe Social snd Literary Circle met onTuesday evening at tbe home of Mablon Van-Nest, and a vary epjojnWe evening vros spout."" uewJy elected oiilcera are ai follow* : Miw

iBmitb, Fre*.1, Mubton V(.»K»st, V. V.,Kete Maughrlgut, BwreUry ; Gilburt T,

Watah, Trea«ur«r.' A vary lut«r«sling pro-gramme waa prepared by the various commit-tees. Instrumental duet, organ and cornet,UISB Wise and Ur. VanNeut. Heading,"MaryMelooeon tbe Chinese Quutftm" byMIBI Dlrd. Song, "Tho Sblp tbat Never Re-turned," by J. B. Kunyon. HefldlDg, "TbeHew Yenr'a farty," by Him Emma DufTord,luatrumental duet br Mia* WifeauilMr.Vao'Neat. Tbe circle then adjourned iuto tbehaudi of Ibo B a Ur tain meu t Commltte wlioentertained inom very plDaaantly until tbo

IOM of thi flvenlog.Tbe farmers are busy nuw tilling lbs soil,

They report tbe earth in fins coudllion.Un. Hudton ani daughter Ulnnte, ol

Flanders, were tbe guesta of Mra. II. H. Coo!~ ver Sunday.

Tbu ladles of tbe Presbyterian UlssioBarytJoatoty will bold na all day meeting nt tbe1 iolMi-B.A.P.Doffns.

HlfcLBROOK.Arthur Crater 1B working fur H. A, Hyorry.Loul* Busbbw, frttm NewaVk, spent Hue tot

with 111* grandtuotber, Un . ttojnolds.Liralo Covort, from li t . Preedom, Is atay-

IOR with ber aunt, Mr*. E. Sharp.Chas. t>. Park§, who b u bean- working atprluafald, near Uillburu, Is ot hom«.Mrs. U. G. Teed camo up from Xewark to

spend Efestor at her fatber'i, Mr, Itogorn,Mrs. U. J. Wemmer, of Ifew York, aotl

Mis, F. fi. Turner, of Newark, bavo beenwith MJnr LIEKIS Powers this wetir.

Urs. E. Bbarpspent a fendays nltb friendsn Dover recent);.Un. UellmM Uilleu, from Phlllinshurg, Is

•tilting her ton, Alfrea GUIeti.8, A. Bperry has uilabllsbetl a uillk route

isleuillng to Dov*r.Pew families cttauenl tbelr reeldouces on

ipril l i t : Uoorge Parker moved from MtUODO Ave., Dover, into Sin, K W. Ycung'dbouse en the Mt. Freedom road; Hobert*'(erson moved from tjbongutn Into tbe bouserlth bit brothftr-Iultw, Altred Qitltiu *, C, B,LDderson moved to Dover, on Urnnt street;

and Jamea Ii»ctAy ct»nR«d to Mr, Wood-'lUll'fl houso near tho church.

On Avrll lat Cbarle* Power* quietly pamd>way at the age cf eighty-threo; for a week

behad been Buffering from an attack of In-fluenia which proved more than bis failingstrength could rally from. Mr. I'owars waa"Dora near Fort Oram ; be learned tbs wheel-vrlght'i trade from ZBUSB I'mden In Dover,and about 1SU went to ply his trade InNorthern Pennsylvania ; returning In ltMuto worked at Morris Holm until 1B0O whentie came to his fatber-ln-law'6 farm near Do-

: in 16B7 be cams toliillbrook and openeda. wheelwright Bhop which was closed oulyabout four jeors ego, when fige began toassert Itself; In 18ft) Mr. Powers marriedMl» Harriet Lnmsos. They had ilx cMt-dren, five of whom are living; besides Tlioe.V, Power* at thi* plow there Is out son inColorado, and betides Miss L&cle Powers,

'bo hoi lived with her father, QUQ manlwlaugbtor Is in New York aud one in Newark.

Both Mr. and Mn. Power* wero U to-longmembers of tba Dover Presbyterian Church.During tbe twenty.ilxyearsUr.'PoncreJvM' this plioa he gained the friendship of oil by

i kindness,' straightforwardness, and up-right conduct; he was a good mm. Thefuneral waa held at bin late residence onTuesday atternoou, tho Bev. » . J. Brownifllcfating. interment at Dover, Rrsi,

HOUND OLIVE. Ifrom present appearancns ths

spring vvlil be itilHclentlr pleasant and earlyto compensate for an uuuiually severe win-ter, Tbe roads In this vicinity am in excel-lent condition, except In a fsw places whereniBltlng snow banlu nre still producing mud,and Irultdoea not stem to bare been Injured"n tbe least. Two or three farmers began['lowing on Saturday opd tlis odor ot imnlceFrom tbe annual "bonfire" evidence)* thaictthatijirlng work bos fairly bfffnn.Hr. AI. Iittka ira* Wmu trom Andover for

EnaUr.Mrs, BbpheDB and Bon tauta vli!u>d frlendi

it German Valley on Uonday,We met Dr. Adstt, of 8uec«unna, at Flan-

ders last week, and understand that he besbeen atteudlug Mm, T. B. Tharp.

Urs. Cbarlet W. Eaton spent EaaUr wttUer mother, Mrs. Wood bull, at Sucoaiui

After several w'wkj of levere fltncn she faastwarly recorered bar tuual health under tfaeiklllMlcareof Dr.Adsit.

We enjoyed the privilege cf listening to anexcellent sermon by Rev. Ur. PrloLett at"uocasunnalaifc Sunday,

Ur. Hal»y Wolf contemplates erecting abandtoms residence on his property iBudd's Lake this sea»u.

Mr. H. H. Stephens baa removed an oldland mark by tearing down the old «nw millt » u tbe mill road. '

Tbe redilcnts of Flauderi aud vicinity areto be'oongmtuUtal far tbe flfnt-dam meatmarket opened by Mr. A. J. Read oppositeMr, Woodhall'* ttore on April tst.

Dr. Alfred Scbofield, fcrmerly located atIblcago, bu apeued au auloe at Wettdeld.

- LOWEE KIBBBWIA.UonU county loses on old roildent by tlis

Mtb'st Lake Denmark ou Tawda; ot MnVanderblH,aged 81. She was tbe widow ©<John Vantf«rbilt, ooutiaj>f Oommodon V«o-dwlllt, founder of tha Viuderb|lt mllllODs.

Rot. P. P. Head b attending the NewarkConference thi* week. We understand thatht expecta a charge ebewhare.

Machinery for the concentrating plant Isupected dally. .Wa hear tbat tbe switch extension of

Jlfbernla R. R., now In process of conitruo-tion by tba An^over Iron Do., will be con-tinued to Stlcklo & CO'B aton, ami tbal acoal obute will be erected.

Ulaaes, and May Munson yltited'{*n&% in EaUnon laiV Friday.Mrs, Ertler's bouse In Bockaway Iifast .

, reacting completion, and wltl be occu pled bybar as soon as flntahod.

Wm. Uey will won move to Rwkaway,where fae now has a permanent position.

IBONIA.Bamutl B«6cWiani« Is driving a Qne team

of bonestlut he purchased of Squier Si Budd.A. PUilhower and wita, of Hu«msu

ipent Sunday with JDS. Gray and wife.Ber. Baker Bmltb, ot Flanders, preached

In tbe cfanpel Ju t Sunday afternoon. .Mrs. D. L. Dlokenon sad Urs. 6. a. Har-

vey spent last Saturday at Succaiucna.Tu#). Sksilsnger mnd wife, cf llorrlstown,

spent Sunday with Mr. and Un. Chaa. Stroud.Tbe farmers bave commenced to plow, bu t

theitnn b u not all gone yet.George lUdner h u purchased a new bicycle

wfalcta he iele&rnlrjg to ride. He takej a fewLeader*, but will not give up.

WbeelerCorwin, ot Kenvll, was cnlliug onold friends hero on Tuesday.

1KB* Ann TVoodlt found h«r six months oilcalf dead In tho bini Saturday rcomlnR.

TBOY HILLS.A. A.Baldwin IibnlldlpgaUmenow btniu,B. H. Card Is being treated far*r *—

Dr. Collax, of Fotnpton l'ialnn.Mr*. Ht«reason moves to Newark this week.

I Ilr. and Mm, Ernest Leonard, of Orange,1 rpent Hundap wltb tholr parents in Punlp-Ipany, '

JIba Henrietta Mitcholl apent Gaater witbfriends In ROMVIIIA.

Uia Dillon spent Ewtar with berlirotbiIn Brooklyn.

MIM Lydia Baker and Carnot ITeelor iptiEaiter wltb triands )n Orange.

Elmer Honks, nt Newfoundland, andKn l t J Uucblnr «nd UeO. T. Boon'

I too, spent Eaiter with B. U, Card.. Tbe report from tbe trustees of tiioI Cburcb show all Indebtedness for improimtntx and putor^a salary paid up in tnll,

1 . . . z«*""

» H. E,

apodal Potato f hoisnbatafnah from tie factory this iprlng. The Kei

rdnberandCoalCo.'; :

• » • ^ • » - ; , '

B . auphoa's Prepared Buckwheat.

POET OBiM,Mm. Kuski-y is having bor home on Mai;

street pniutwl, wuicb, wiUi tbe n«w portiorecently added make n nut Improvement fthe lioute,

»pU Hlminona, Hr., baa be«ii confined tuUls home l»j Eickiieu Cur Uie j*»t fc« tiecks.At firat be ww c< in polled to abandon hit'ocatlon ou account of having an attack oftbe grip, and ba coon became convilMc*be thought, end nUuied to work ngaln, but alittle too soon for bis benellt. A u-lapsa occiirrol and a severe case of pneumonia Bat Inand at one time last week grave fear

entertained Hint it would prove fatal.But ire are pleased [o km » tliat a favorableliange lias taken pliee, tad Hr. mmmons laOT liuprovlug M well at can be enticlpatei)

under tbe condition lie was In.Uer, Cbai. JJIHUU, paalor ol Ht. JoUu'a M-

I!. Cbiiroli, ii preparing and paukfos bla of-"ecta RIM\ gelliug in rftailiuei* generally lotAt exodus, wLicb will take place ador thevuforenctj now \n Geuluit. Wao bla BUI:

cessor will be weare unable to say at present,Tbe cWngfag hause tb&t was rietlrajed by

. re at the Ilurd nifna iwmo ttireo or Uweeki ago !• rebuilt ag4liu

Clark Bros, agalu moused a good audienceu t Saturday evening with ttieir for'Hutu Hlackstone," in f jtlilau Opera Houno.Tlicre wai a larga audience present In

Pythian Opera House na Monday evening,March 2Ttb, to witum tbo play to bo fiivan»y " Howard Clinton Comedy Co.," but the.'oinpaiiF Tailed to put In an appearance hencetbe crowd "gotlett." Word wa* receivednext day tbat tho manager of the company

attacked wilb tho monster " grip" atmi, wliere be was riloylng, and wan cuw-I to cancel ilx cHgBg«oienl«, ot wblcb

fort Oram nan ona. This explains tbo noci>ltearauco.Dou't forgetjtbo euUrUdiluent In Pytbln

:)[»ro. llauaa oa Hatunlaj evening, April 8th,jnder tbe euiplwi of the Luxemburg LibraryAsiociatlou. A treat ii in store far tliosewboitUnd and you will get your mcuey'i worth

tbli time.A deltRatlou of Uorils Lodge, No. lar, K.

of r1., o( Dover, made Hup*well Lodge, Ko.17, of LbU place, a fraternal visit laet IVIdayircnfng, among wbora was U. D. (i. C, HarryIValkor, wtio luuUlled Into onioe of AI. of thiW.t William V. Curtis. TbU is a mw oiWu•reataJ witli the artoj>llau ot tlieunw ritual.

I f«e lliroiigh tbe new*pai>eni tbat In sev-eral towns there la oonelderabe commotion

tha putiuetiUirnljIp. Well, wbo ourtest pottcaaBter vtlll be we are unable tomy, Lut I bear of tbree o( our Deniocratlc:rt?iMin thbt are inclined to Iwk. In tba tilreo-

of ixwtuiaster, but tbere It one tilingcertain, all can not b*.vo It. Whoever maylie lbs lucky ontf, It is to be hoped tliat tbeoflioe will not bo moved from Its u rwutlocation an It Is the moat convenient j>!aca Itcould bs boated for one and all, generallypeaking.John Sparnon, Sr., has been oil the tick lint)r tbe put week.H. rjtull, tba pbotograpber wbo has beeu

locaUd here oil winter, packed Ills elinnty andmade bis de|ortuio on Tiii'slny lut fur otbiuartern.Tlicre appcan to bu ogcuerol cleaulng up

w«fik. A [leraou can look In any directionwhatsoever and see parlies raking and tlear-' ; away tha htspB of old Eaibage tbat bave

emulated during tbo winter, aud burningup that wliicb will burn, It makes a gruatImprovement lu tbe appearance of tlio placesilaiUKlj wbluh betote looked In a dtsspicabloitate of dilaf Idaiion,

The Tort Ontu Haw Halt Club remindtieir new outlit, eucb ai uiiltoriin, civ., onist Tuesday evoviug.There Uaomolfhsdcif a troupe bilkd to play

i Fjthian O^ra Uouae neit We<lue«dayvenlng. KOBL'IUBICO.

FLANDEBS.tivveral at our villagers have been 111 mostt whom, 1 bellave, are Improving, and some

ire nearly woll.Tbe number ol removals and changes lu tbe

-lllage, Including UIB " movIngs la," la uu-iiuaUy large. Ur. A, J . Heed and family iuIra. Ann Dlckeraon'g house ; Mra. Dlclicrsoni Dovee ; Ur. Jobu Bwackbuner, ol l'leaa-at Hill, ou his farm puroluuwl of Mr. Heed ;Lr.Haberl Priestn pavtof tUe "mm honw -,"

Ur. W. \V, Apgar to house vacated by tlr,','rlce i Ur. WUl Slurp to houw sacaUd bylr. Afgar { Juitlce Miller and family to.UBtlD, III.; Ur. Wuiley Wean and familyi house vacated by Mr. Cooper; Ur. Cooper

mil family to tbe Myers' farm; Mr. AndrewHoplor, Chester; Ur. Clsaaon to bta nawlomo, tbo Sonnctt property; people fromlewark in tbe bonne vacated by Mr. Classon;>, A. HofTman and family In part of Mr.lelson'i house; Mr. Batacn to Na ugh rig lit;

Dr. Miller In bouee raoated I)J Ur, iiaUon ;Ur. Ellas Crater to Caver; Mr. Bllu Bbel.lengor, of Ledgenood, to Mr. Crater'i farm ;UT. Silas Howell In part ol l i r a llopler'thouse; Ur, larrlion to tbo Borland bouse.Tba gitator part o£ iWn changes have al-ready taken place, the others will probably' ttba near (ntuw. . ' ' , '.

Kait«r wai npproprUUIy ohnerved by bothctiurches. Tbe Ulnest af aotne doubtlecs bin-lored In one way or another the (lirul deaor-jtloE. There were sotne cliolce out tlovera,nbo potted plants, Ia the PresbyterianCburoli, one umimally floe bouquet of lilies,geraniums, &e., was furnished by some of theladles cf Bnrtley.

Tbs Lodfoa1 Aid Society of the U, K.Cburcb beld a Tery pleoeaut meellug nith

Ira. John Dsboron Wednesday afternoon.Tha Sere. Win, Stout and D, K. Frambet

are obsoot attending conference.^Memrs. Oeo. Ilawoll andJamea Tradway,r,f ChNUr, wrro in the village on Tuesdayafteruaon.

Mr. Bllas Force bat be«n making a shortitaynt "Force Homettcad."

Un , Jaa, Uavion ant daughter Mignonette,of Hewsrk, aro spending several days at"force HoiiuMtead."

Ur. Jamei Fraher, fonuarly ot this place,now ot Bridgeport, Conn., waa la tha villageTor a ehort time, called here by tho death ofliiannt, HIM Ann Praher, an old andiuectod re*tilunt of this plaue.

Mr. and Mrs. Saulel VVlUfatusand Mu Hoy,of Faterson, bave been making a abort visit

'ith Un. Williams' fatbor, Rov. D. E.'rarabei.Mrs. Carrie Fox, Df Pleauut Hill, returned

last week after spending the winter mostdellabtfully In Florida:

Mr. and lira. Phillips are vl»l ting nltb tbeligntodson and granddauithter, Ur. and Un,•ohn FlAer.

At this tvrlUnt Ur, D. A. Nldiolu la itlllunder tha physician's care, but It In hopedtbat he nil! soon be about again.

Mr. Harry Nicholas cotne out from the cityon Saturday last to cpend Easter wltb bisifok father.Aunt Aon Praber, wbo died lait woe« maurlod on Mondoy, fuunral sarvlcsa hsfug beldi the Dover CatboIIo Church.' Ber niece

wbo cams to care for ber is also quiu feeble.The very "Elaborate" bllli of H. W. Mill-

er'a sale attraatcd a number ot people from adistance who went bome wondering If It wasa flrrt ol ADTII W sell 1" There was " lots of'unlnlt l" .

t, Wm. Stout goes to ConforBiieeweek, and we understand the Methodist* willworship «lth toe rreutijteritas iwxt Hucdaymorning, tbo two oongrogatlonB meeting Inthe Uethodlst Gbtirclt tu tins evening, with,preaching by pastor Smith ofthe PresbyterianChurch.

Tbo Annual parish meeting of tfae Fresbyte-rlan Cburch occurs neit Monday afternoonit three o'olock.Mr. Apgar, our 11. R. Agent, bas moved

Into tbe rooms adjofnlug K. T. Woojhull'sstora, Mr. Price moving therefrom to a partof Mr. Porlond'a l.uildlng opuo*lto tho mill.Mr. Ilcad has moved Into ttio widow Dlcker-

i>a reaidence, the littler movInn to Dover.William Sharp Is to occupy Urs. Chamber-lain's residence. '

MIra Battle Ho well liaiboerj conQned to thohouw with seiwe lllnws, bother many trlMidtwill be pleased to learn that ibo Ii improving.

Ur. F, T. AVoodhull'fl duughtor and ffctnlljtpent Sunday wltb tholr parents on tbelr wayto atrQUdsUuxg,Pi».,to whlcb placa tney mor<

At tho Lowest FosEiblo Price you can buy

CLOTHINGof ua on tlieso term; and save something. At the same

time you will get THE! BEST, because we keep no half-war qualities or doubtful values. We start at the

oheapost trustworthy makes and from that wogo stop by step to the highest grades. A.U

articles in stock are worth EVERY CENTwo ask, because all ar» marked in

plain figures

AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES.Always look at the ticket and bo sure the price is marked

in plain figures. Some dealers who mark in characterswill ask you up on the price if you have a running

account witU them or trade by tbe monttirALL THE LATE

SPRING STYLESuow ou hand. Call and look at our attractions.

PIERSON & CO.,The Ooly Oue Price ClDtliiers ID Dover.





0, 20, 30 and 40 QUART MILK CANS.

Mrs, Stark, an iuJuatrlouB and bard-work-Ing woman, WAI taken suddenly III wbilo a1fiuccaiunna last w«k, but was removed Icber home in tbfa placa and Ii quIU feeble.Easter was observed In both of our churches

.rnlch were liandwmely supplied wltbflowenappropriate for Uie occasion. Tbe wrrlcesv e n fartrwtt'-- — J '-••••—"—

BLf. FREEDOM.Tbe sudden death of ilr. Joseph Cramer\at ft sbadotf over the -"hoU oommMnity, and

RI be wm an Elder In the church, bs will bettt*B.tly uitued. The fuaeml w n l c u took,ilan on Momby tbo 3d, st bli UU m l d M

Easier wai obwrrod La the P r w b j nCburch DO Sunday. Tbe church w u nlc*lj<]ecoraU4 wlthflowera and vines, but lootedtad to see one pew draped In mourning.

Ur, Boile Clark, ot Omnbo, la vldtlogfrieuda la tbla commtiultj.

Ur. D. M. Marcbnnt t pn t Suclaj' wltb hliparents.

Mi*. J. B. Ulackw»!l ha* not returtwl fiVlanna on account at ber sick child.

Mra, Join Powers wbohasbwn very sicklor tbe lajt sir *eeki at ber son-in-law'f, Ilr.Wm. \V, Slokles at Porer, passed <j;iiQtlnwfty on Tucsdsy morniBg. Tba lunsrltervtce trill be bol<i on Tbaridaf altornooot& Ult llDUW.

H Sujle Bulrd is finding a week borneUer parontd. • DAI


Mrs. Katie linry, J^lwanl MDMBBUD.Un. UwJe TbtunRs, Hi» B. Hoyle,Normnn Davenport, Maggie Kolley,Juiy Kelley, Mra. Tbos. P. fexan,Michael O'Lerlan, Joi. Roiwalt,P. U. feUnwn, Janio* Bejrnolda.

To obtain any ot the afore letters » r "ad-tidndldUItbiUt

FACTS ABOUT T i O f f l D E T R *



- A l l E AaENTB FOR-

\ The Syracuse Steel Beam Chilled Plow.

§ 52

"5 Nleel Beams, Jolnlcr^ad^WbMl aHudanU. C u i o l * I

(O thg qualities thai connnend It to etcry fanner. To yw it lai lo ba . (



At no previous time hare we been able to plaoe beforebuyers such an array of novelties iu

Spring Garments.



and Suits.WITH

Blazer and EtOR JacteisATLOWPRICES,



Special S i p i t s in Lii Slate

SATIN W m , No. 5, 9 cents." No. 7, 11 "" No. 9, 14 "" No. 12, 18 "

PLAIN SATIN, No. 16, 22 «MOIRE, No. 5, 9 "

" No. 7, 10 'f

Ladies desiring Ribbons forfancy work will find it to; theirinterest to inspect this lot.

. WM.EBAKER, " "Dover, N. J.


tbat Lave Ixfii iimil

t-iTtct or putting Iit« Kshe, mill il is UIHIITMIIllnally Umiliil tn clvtwill l«

tbflt H rollthe the

4 k cam* 1.1 trt^oii mar bu is rntillnt uiul

l conv

ho right «.f u-vln

ubulitlt-iil clmtiuH iniule byn early ilayn proieci.M i

nguiiicoinjmrimil stri

Intruded to provide for tli*L-rhiiiinihp>'i« "'i'1. »i!"l'l'', iu

iiKincimiiy he. ul)!t> to K't 'mlirli Llio fclmws uf An

LivEftiwii,, Mmtho WMto Hliir .'

81.—Thr r

I...lite raiiilpli

tin'o fiiva i)

Vk-w, V-•mill of I

MVI.ili;Milp Xiironir, WML-II KIII.II (ram l.twrpoumi Feb. II f«r New York,

The nHlciuli htaie, ttt tn llio Mfiiifilnrn d".Itilin 01M.II, C'tilllfiiitin," npjii'iiili'il to tliletter in Iliu botUf, lliul tlinre wilt no per

They ulnu point nut that il IVILK inigiK'f)itlilti ttwl u liotlle (liniwii irnin ilie Nnmui'where tho Xnrmiiu wmiM Imvu Iwn nl ili<tlma of tliDiurliltnl. riewrlbnl in tlio Mlcrwould Imve drifted iiKiiitist thi-UiillMivnii1

to tliu jitncc where tlio Inittk* nils fomnl.Tlie Idler found <>l 0cwin Vi.-w in i.

follows ;IWtO n. in. I'l'l), IP, S. S. NiuMiii-. Wliil

Sur l inc , lit wn.To who picks tills up: Hp|mrt wimi ym

llnd this to out- nyi-nts, If nut III-JIM hrhtivHint our alilp i

r livemil it'f

ll tlioOoo Iwnt liiw nliv

limn cargo, Mon:t l l t h i

mil borils.•inly Kiiiic,

c«l lr! il of IN liv

clMitr Inl l

lirmiKlithi,We were ntnitk liy nn

I .li inline Mioirxtorm HIKI (toninl t » o liniNow It is 3:30(1. m. l.y my ivnti-h a

the great nhlp Is il>-rk level with tli.- MMI.Report to ilia (IKCIIIB nt Itrmuhviiy, N

York, M. Kersay it Co. Uoort IITPHII.JOHN OI.KKN, Cutllctiiiin.

ir.ivs or TIIK AV.

lunU ii—5HkcCol., bus


('k-v< i>{»«<n.

intlon on lji\i<i Krii'U-tdlliaheniltif the Inke I-

NIK-IS, lu Jail nl !

« l 1'fltrnnnn Mime intuituyont Uunuvillr, Twin.—Patrick P. Kflty, <l»'lo well kumvnNew York political divtei. la IHI-MIIK IItier clrciiniMt.iiiLTit tlmt lend hit ivliillvi>sU-lieve time he lina mat with foiil [liny.—Fourth AMlttnut IWnuwtt r - dowiMaxwell npiHili.tol IPS f.jiirivltiat post tnntit era nnd of this timnit-r 'went to Oil viioilicit-s ruusrd. Iiy ivmorti-|-John FnrriDBton, of C'liinmoy Ihx-k, «<?

mid thnn jiimpc'l Inta'n well. ' l lVwipulli-d out of the well l>y mmo iirlKl.l, Is still alive.—Br B vote of the Htn.-k1iol.U-ri of 11Edison Electrio llliiiiiinaiinK OomnnnvNew York, at n mwtlr.ff h*\& yvHtenUtha cupilul slock of tho louijiati)' \rih icreated from ?0,fiOO,OOQ to$l(l,OUO,04iO.—Tlie Northern Pndrlc HniUvny ComimIs Boon tn have n direct Himlera rtJiiuectitwith the PMIIMNIHI, running etitin*through Cniinriiim territory from I'cnSound, on GcorKlnn fay, to Qui-lw, milinnceotGlO mi lei.—Col. TIIOIMM P. I. Clndtlnrd, am of tlifirm of aoddiinl H rot 11 CM, cut Ion mmnfneturera In the I)>itune viiMuy, miowners ot factories mid exlfii-ivo ix-uLu?Interests In Mn5<uicluisott«, unit otlintMalta, Is deml nt J'roviileiict-, IL L

r.\riHii.ii.-i> IV <

.iii.v, M. J . , Murdi HI.—-Vl<r C'hntilint t-tiitittil mi onler (o-iliiv n-rinir•1-. William P. 'J'n-iicyim.l

i wi Khw causa why they si Mif»l mined from iiileifciirii with

lr. J.wtliuy In tho iJi^clmrKc of liUis pa-tui-of tliochon-li.wli) ilivy Hhoiild iH)l l>o enjoined

iii-ffcniiKWltli the fi.'lloivcrs c.f the'enjoyment of I1K» iirnpcrtj

lihlincsof the imrMi n^ n \<Uv 111.—All is qiilft

Wmkinnii IVrrrtu* I''rly

r I ,Ni..




l t d

l . v


( : , ,

: i l ,n i.1

!:«•<•, i

i-. rti>— (ioi

mi H

»nr.,". I'l, hill

l'l.Al\loni-inul h

m|iiill)- il.mlhunV

lu I'hmiliitf.tnil Iliiiiiol.n.l>, X. J . , '.March !!!.— Tin-

milt nnd vn»l ym.l (ll-....|,i,I ! l l l i h l I

ntili-tfly wrtTkiiiK tin-»-i- witli rhillip .Icd.lo

iTfix, -Mini'li III.—The1 thu Military Academ

<lH.ill •:•!,>• noti-C.itii

r'llin W.nld'-i Fnir. 't , N

T. Y . ,

iiniiH] o fill ITr like duty.

r Tv|1L.Miiirr, N. J., Miir

j h

pWccivlniy c.f Ktnlc, Tlie fiirJohn 1". K.-hfMj i.f NfwnikVliili-r nnil J. Wnrrni Untlnnil Kilwaril 11. Uonm of lli'c

jury iHWoililunon MMacknr'K (i-Hiliuit.

March HI.—The p

Hi. iii<l Ilii;

i will not hnvc (i |ii-eliiiiiiiiiry»<\ko. court. ]{i|ipt-y wlii-n UMi*sil>h< iiidlcliiinii .NIM lie wnswimtei. n Njitwly trial.





Tiio fullowlug coniuiutilcatian ii fromof ciur corrDepomlciitt, Mrs. Carrlo K. UarUu, a Imly well known uiid highly reand who occupy a posit loo of lbseoolnl dlntliiL-tfon In West X-eyrten, Maiui]*ritijee |» c-( fuch n nature and IU importanre to many Is so great aud far-reaching,that we giro It to our renders ia herwonlB.

"Last summer 1 was all run dowu,ihiili, no appetite, very little sleep nlglind none days, faint ipolla, tnmhlltig f«llliuil natm) wuak I could hardly wslk arou

the rfX'in. I continued to run down ID beallnd etrength until I feared utUr nerviroalratlon with Jta untold miwrifs." 1 Bt-nt for our town physician and bs cagood many times. I soon Imd to gl^eorli entirely, etill hia medicines did me)ol. 1 tried to ride out ons uaoraiug, but

went only a tew rods aud had to coino boms.iiy huabaud thou went to church, leaving mewith the hired liulp and my children. Such i;rriblo ilay as I Bpenttonguecannotdcacrlbcould iciircely get from tbe couch to a cbaii" U'hou my lumbund came la from cliutold him 1 was WUTUS and tbat 1 would• I did not get help soon ; that I wouldikcaiiy uioro of the doctor'* medlcio* hiy Dr. Urecne's Kerrura blood nnd iiei

remedy. If ho tho light best.Ho aJviocd mo to try it aud weut iuutfly and got a bottle, which I began

take; up to this time ne knew nothing ofexcept BB we hal Been it advertised.

Another French TrialspAma, March 81.—Another

Arrived, lint not uu the VnuThe Chiimbor of ]M>»Hlefl, by n

d i l l t ti th(UP of LM

to 242, decided to retain the lirjuorknmciidinrnt bill iv> ]mrt of tho Imdwt. nl-ihotiijh the Qovumiiiivil e^prcKKcd itwlf asllriuly oppoBcil to tlio aiuctiihiietii, wliich

1 Incrcuxcs tho burdens of UIP liipiur (nulc

Two 1'arlKlirii In tlm Ylnwti,CLKVEIAXTI,O1IIO, jrnrplifll.—I'lro broke

out In tlie Purest CilyVuniiNh compnny'sworks, nt tho Quliipy ftrrrl cro*.«liit( uf tin-C'levdnnd & Plttftltnrjf rallrmul trucksMiortly oftcr noon. Tha inflnimdile inn-kTiulsin tho huildlriK lnnned ivith stu-lirnpldltr that enonixi of the rnijilnjes wa«RUetuled with mtmh fllfllculty. 'IVn menfuik'd to get out of the funitrc Intn ivlilc-hthe Interior of thn worka wa* nbnwt in-Hnntly cnnvrrtnl. nml they perished In the


Vist-ENKES, 1ml., Ararch 31.—TIIB juryin the Iloh-iiiunn niunli-r raw tuts jvninimla vf-rdirt, limllng llio dcf^tKiant Kniliv ofvninntiiry nnttisliuiKliKT nml IIml LU iiim-idiment at imprlMiiiniPiit for ton ymrw.'Hie ei-it!onee shownl tli.U Clitirlt'i Iliilmn-imn nml Ocorge W. IJiwino were in lovewith S«llln OImldrii «ml tho girl fnvorwlDOJUIC, mid for tlmt lniwin HolitHitmn shutand killed him January 2K, 18HX

A Little Olrl'eExperience ina LMr. nnd Mrs. Loren Trescott ar

tba Uor. Lightliouso nt Buml Uoiich/fiUcli.anil are liletwed with n dauglitor, four yeortold. I-ant April the wait taken down withMeasles, followed with a dreadful Coitgli andturning Into a Fever. DoctWH at lioiue andat Detroit t rental her, hut In vain, sbo giworse mpldly, until she WHJI ainoro " handfulpy,of bones."—Thou BIIB lilud Dr. a KowDiscovery nnd after tho uw of two and n. linlfbottleg, WIIH completely vurod. Tlioy Bay Dr.King's Now Discovery Is worth IU weight ingoM, yet you niny got a trlnl bottle free atRobert Killgore's Comer Dnig Store, Dover,Oroin, HaucD & Co'a Drug Bture, ToitOmni,and F. N. Jvukim' Drug Store, Chester.

Strength and Health,If you are nut foiling strong and healthy,

try Electric Bitters. If " U Grippe" himleft you weak and weary, use Kleetrlc llittcm.Toll reuicdj acta directly on IJvor, Htcmocband Kidneys, gently aiding tliose orgenn tojwrform thoir functions. If you Are afflictedwith Slclt Headache, jou will find qienly- anjpermanent reller by taLing Klectrio Jtltten.One trial will convince you tlmt this Is theremedy yon need. I.nrg«> hot ties inly i'Jc. atIlobort killgnre'M Corner Drag Htore, BovtOrain, Hnnce & Co'a Dnig aiiire, Port Oram,and h\ N. Jcukins1 DniR Sloro, Chester.

" In llio tnurte of twn dajs our famll;phjt-lulttii came Iu nnd, saying that be fount

ibout the caino, finally told in* that hiconcluded to ask for counsel, Ho Iir

formed me that 1 might cboost any doctor 1ined to meet him In consultation.I eald to him, 'then you comldi

pretty badly olf ('" Ho nnawcred, • I certainly do, and shall

lot iireecribo for you again until aome otbdoctor Boes you, as I do not know what 1give you next.1

1 then Fald to him, ' perhaps you will beoffended, but I Lave not fatten any ol jourmedldne for two days but a n taking Dr.CJroetie's Nervura blood and nerve remedy.'

ilti ftusworw), ' I am not olToniled ; Ifwill belp you 1 shall be very glad. You may

ittinte Its uie a wc«i< and If DO better, thenwill have counsel.1

• Hut at the end of a week I WM better,a weoliH I was a good deal better, no chills,feint feelings, I could eat some aud si

quite well. In three weeks 1 ifM nrouad,houb tha house. In four wMks my hired

girl left mo aod I went to doing ray bouse-rork alono, and bave alnce coatlnued to do

io, with eercn in the family.iluce tbat timo our family physician

advised Its use from time to time, saying tbatit would kwp up my Btrength better He hasadvltcd others to take It, telling them of the

d It did mo, mid to-day I bave reason, yesgreat reanon, to tbank Ood for my reeorery,aud through the uce of Ur. Grwno'u Ncrviblood and nervo remedy. J am only too Rladto testify to its merits. QoJ bless Dr. Greeni:ud Mr •

Tnis nmderful raodlolne,"i&rkable remedy 11 purely v<

and harmless, and can be procured a t anjdrugstore for II per battle. Llko tbe abo

and pxcelleut physiulan, all doctorshigh standing recomnieud the tick to use Itfor itcurei. It is especially recommended totake ss a ijiring medicine. Everybody needs

ring medicine and both pbyalelatu andtlie people unite In pronouncing this the bestof uprlng remedies. Uie It now, eure. Bt

prescribo and recommend it becauh'SIs nota patent medicine but a physician's jtfa

Iptlou, tho discovery of tbe eminent. sclsllst, Dr. Qreene of 33 TV. 14tb B t , New

York, wba is BO wonderfully auccessful IDnirlcg all forms of nervous and chronic dls*issea, and who can be consulted free, peiwn-

ally or by letter.

Lnre> Knitting MUtt J>ct(rnjr>l.CAMDES, M. y . , March 81.—The cnnllns

nml spinning, parking slock uiid Iwllcbultdiims belonging to tho jilnut of theCarudi>u Knitting Cn., in this village irercd09troj-c<l by Jlre. Tho muhi bulidiiiKhawovor, WAS wived. Tlit> lov. i.t ^tiniii-iiled at from $U0,OW to $70,000. The liraIs thought to linvo slnt-rwl in n ciinl.

Hillh. J Ic . llturk Il.irnr.l.BATH, ihircli 31.—Fire broVn out

Opera Ifuine block nt '2.Ti », in. nnticnlly doalmyi-d it with Us cont.'iitKUes,t««f tho Severe lToi.m fled tnattlra tuicl RAVIM! nnthinf- SeverdniKued down the flro-i^jipa in aIIIIKMI condition. Tim total 1CM h

t h

Tint Lives torn In n f-lnklnu limit.XKW VonK, Mim-li 31.—Two Hvi-x «•tt by tho nlnkltiK of a uinnl hunt ntot of aTtli street lit 0 n. in. Ju s'Itlinms, T>) jfiin old, onp nf tbe nnl MHIK-1 C'nrniim, the iiiilnnt didiuhtciie rniitiiin, Jowjili (.'itrinnn, uerc drown

WAMnxirrux, D. C.T Uarch :il.— Il |.authoi-ltntlvdy Icnrned nt the JV[umiin-[iiof JuHticn Hint fijHt:iiil cotiUM>l Hfiirv W.Jeckmn, employed In Ihe Gnte City Kitionnl hunk tjmo of Atlnntn. On . 1ms urbeen ivaiavnl. hut nny further action »Ills iwirt In Hit" citso IIIIK l»>t'!i niisiii'inti-iuntil Attonwy-»ffl«iil 01,,,-j-nml Rccn-UrL'nrllHlc of tho Trraistiry IVjmrt incut iiRreupon a conno to be pursuit).

Dr. Hale ' i Houaehold Ointmentthe finest remedy ia tlie world. Ite-bso-

lutely cures catarrh. It cures neuralgia andrhoumstlam. Curat piloa Uhe magic. Cumsalt rheum Ju tLa most Boothlng tnaauer.Cures Inflrmtidandgrantitatftleyellds. Cum

h aud colds. Can ho taken fatcrnnUy.A. potdtlve epwmio for pnoumonla. CuU,bruises, burns, chilblains, sores of long stand-Ing, corns nnd bunion* are cured quickly;different trom all eho ; superior to all elw j IIhunoequal . L S i W b L g lh p Bold at Robert KIllgore'B Coi

Oruj Btoro, Dover, N. J.

I tind buttered with indigestion and consu-ltation In its worst form ftfear*, and trltd imuy m culled remedies with-out relief. I finally wag given some ot Dr.Dtnua'u Dyspepsia I'lllg, nnd Blthough having

[1 them but a ihort time I have been great'ly b«nem«!. I cheerfully recommend themWall whosuiTer with tboeo ti-ouble«, osthejU-B d i f h t ll tb diU-B doing for(ailed to d

Tha best s&I

what all otber renicdieiE. G. FETTIT,

lit Au\ Engineer Fire Dep't.Atlantlo City, N. J.

i Arnica Salve,e In the world for Cuta, Bor«B,

B l t Rh F fl, Bor«B,

Brulies, Ulcers, Bolt Rheum, Fovsr florw,Tetter, Chapped Handi, Chilblaioi, Corns,tod all Sldn ErupUotui, aud potdUvely ouxeiPiles, ar no pay required. I t 1B guaranteed tegive perfect sattafAcUon, or money refunded.Price twenty-five cents por box. For tale b jRob«rt Killgore, Dover, Oram, Hanoe &Co.,Port Oram. and F. H, Jenklns.Cherter.

A Iti lumiT Itoj tr«m Kiiriiiulklit.Alurjcr »Enso^f, . \ .,MritchUl.—Daniel

Hennewy, fourlccii ytiira uld, Is held by I atlorol police as n ni nil way. He cotiltsuctl thatlialmil run awny Troin liislionm, in SprhiR-Held, 31os5., and tlmt hUfntlicr'n nnniAn-niJohn Henorssy.

NEWTOIUC, Marcli Ut.—Tbo balr ofunknown man, apparently nbout SOycold, naa found drowned in the Hnrlcigriver, nt (ho foot of One Hundred an ijKleventh street, about 8 o'clock a. m.•was removed to tho morguo.

Mn. To trot end It*ni1.Ifsw TOHK, March 81.—JJrs. Adelnida

TownMnd, tlie wife of tbo wealthy Impor-ter, K. II. h. Tomuutiil, who linn been iso-lilted for tiro weeks in Iicr rtsMi-ncc No2a7,Miu1isoii avenue, while III with trphmfever, died (here at 0 a. m.

ll Adjourn Orer Good FrlJar.T, JInreh 81.—Tha AasetnUy r«o-

Jntlon Io Ailjourn over Good Fiidiir wntconcurred la by tho Senate with only onalUMcntlnn Tot^Senntor Parker

' that tired feel-




Dr. Holo'a Honaebold TeaU tbo urcat blood purifier aiid nerve tonicncta tpon all the secretions of the eysUXenabling tho liver aud kidneys to perfomitWr proper functions, giving tone andBliviigtu w the nervous sysbim, a oertaln curefor djfipepsla. Two monUi* treatment for60c. Get a free sample at Robert Klllgof e'adrug store, Dover.

WTIF Don't You stopmghlng bofore tbe en tiro mcicous membrane

lining tho air passages leading to the lungsbecomes Inuauxxl, as it surely will bo from acough neglected. There Is but one remedythat gives Instant relief au3 cures quickly.Dr. HIIIO'B Household Cough Cure cure* everyIdnd of cough from a nimple cold to incipientconsumption. 20c and 50c. bottles at Robert

Siro'a drugstore, Dover.


will r-fiiclMy iipprecinto tho ndvuniftp-ikiDR tolocltoiiH frum stocks thus olTerc'il

".rtU with Rootls dhulved nnd carric11 coranRrtOruin Kenson

ru>it Ktaple linci to It produced in u wide ranOKnllthntiofAHhlalm^ui

Wraps. Jacket!:, Top Coats, Traveiltur « " •

SILKS. SILKS.Weinke cHiiL-cinl ]iriilc )ri calltajr the nXVtjon nf inir jintruus io tlit- RTunJcBt coll .lion of Itlch Km-cttics «i> have over plucvdim «Ktill)lUiin. (ironmilne. 15«(!i>Bsflli, Fuch-cssf Fnntaim-. CrjfitnlHnoTruvrru, Sumlinr(•luce, \dobtintr, DamnsGtace.OmHnc-, elr

TVOOL S S K 8 S FABHI09,We exhibit every fashionable fabric fuSiirins nml Snmnicr nenr. Crystal I'opllnt,IlirJs-KiC Heps, Chnnpcnblo Crei**. Silknnd \V«il llerens, VoTonn. Whip Cords.I'rmled llcnesflnes, Dotted Wool HerRn-lincB, Nicillc .Stripes, I'cn l'nintft. In l'liifntio(Klnnuriro]>SackfiiKtt oml Knund Twills


Our nssortment nf thunc Roods IIHomur, mure vnrled and cnmplete than anywo imve yet shown, and einbrMceK recrnlarCnnibrlc. N'ninsnuk and SvrUii Kd(;ea. Iniisr-i:™« »nJ .Hatch Setn, In nil firatlc* nn>'styles.

BLACK DaEHS QOOBS.We cull panlculnr nttcntinn to our lino oMourninj{.(t(M>.U. Tills department is notrcplclo with all tho IJItent Productlona foSpring and Summer wear. In ft will bfmmilafull lino of Silk Wnrp Henrietta'ClurlctU. CAtnd's Hnlr. Alpine Cloth, Nun':VellinpH C r p n s Uln^niU Qrnadinci

OTJR MAIL OBDER JDEP'Ti rqitlppDil fur prompt nnil efficient >cr\'icc

Free Delivery Through oat New Jeroeiy.

777 & 779 Broad St.,


NOTICE'.The annusl Btockholdera mealing of the

Soioreijm1* MercanUle and HavlttnTAssocM-Uon, of DoTer, N. J., will ba held at theiraUir* on W*<ine*d»y erralnp;, April lStb, 18U3.

MT of eleetliluff i

H, A- UROAIIWKU,, Bea'y.Dated Dover, March 27tb, 1B99. 16 2-w.

HOUSE TO April 1st, brick house on Union

City water bath and all Improvements. la*

quire or


Upholstery GoodsMoviug or House Cleaning

makes many things in that line

a necessity. It is our

Model Departmentwe would tell you about. Eeac


SPECIALTIES... u itiiiku a Kjieciiilt)' of rocnvering Fn

iiiture at short nnik-e, and tuabliig Hlidde* amAmihigs to order for stores and prlvatilioumsi, AVealM) iiLike to onlur Hllp Covers ilinen to jjrotoct furniture aud uuke over anmake nuw innttresses In the beat mauiieOnlurs for Teatu and plalu and fancy mi

•iuls will he Ukcu and eietuied In a worlinhke uiaiinor.

Gurla'lns, Tapeslries, Portieres, &c,

Tambour JJUM Curtains, «J tof 10 jntr [iaiiiid Jiiglit..Hnuli CurtaluB, fJ.'-'i to *Uffi aud ujiwnrdB.C'Uoiilllo Portiei-es at W.UH, t-tM, $•.&

"i.W, .7.*), t~'M, S7.1U9, $&.9S and u|iMa)<ls.TniM;atry in nil groJew, from We, to tHI

wr yatil.HrocaUilies ut 13, W.'.B and UM ]icr yard.Tapestry Kquarcd for tlmlrs from U"ic. Ul.tX). Tuexu wiuarcs are mauufitcturer'

QIH]>1DH, anil oro worth fully i"> per cennore tlian asked for them.GiirUIn EmU, V i yard* Ion-, 8I.IMI ax

I 4 1 ; worth t'J.IW.

l^IXTURES.IVo liave all tlio latest dexIguH In l'oles ui:ixturiir. from !i"io. ujnvurdu. 1'oltii from

11> feat lii length, and ovory kind of Vix-ro bclongliiE to tlio uphokterv Inmiiicay bo found m tills stock.

Rugs, Mats, Hassocks, &c,

i cHmyrArt

lino or Hassockach.

a Itugs, "fe to $Uuurtt.. all-wool,

at ««. , *

T.t and ull I

didu.\ to *1

Main from (We. to $1,(it) out! unwarkin and OoaUkin AlaU. Japan

IIOH, he.llattlucs In several ntylea and (junlltle*

ibo Maltinfttt put down at moderate coat.Mnttlng Slats 55c.

Jknldlng and Kiirlug*. all HIECH sud priced,Our Loader—A 40-11). fJ-ploce) ns l r Ma

WNfortti.Bust Hair MattrcExcs, 40 ibw., for (=14.50,Kent H, A. Hair, (all fuU BIMXI) 40 ]ls , fin.Chuajwr Mat*ros«jB for f.l, HM and f(ch

2M oach.Clrculnr Dulstors, for fulldzt. l«da, In pink,

iluo, red aud white, fort 1.40 each.Ued Bpriugs, fllM, #8.75, IS, HS& aud #$.75.Upbobtoi-ed and Spring Cots, several e\tm,

atll.AOandupn-ardfl.In tLo rame (lopartuient wo hare Felt,

fkrltn, China Silk, Fringes, Loops, Chains,Screen, Pi-aines, Easels. Table Covers luChenille,Tajxartryand VDlour, Piano Covers,Holland [or sliauW Umbrella Stands, Cabl-leta. Cuspidors. Curtutu Btrutdier«, Towel!Uch» and Rings Coat Hacks, Hbnvlnglloflsca, Couch Corore.Tiioro Is no UubolsUiry Doportinont

y thlr« in Noivnrk. Call and nee it.

01, 703, 705 BROAD ST.

. J.


VTOTIOE Is hereby gtrrn Uiat by virtue1 \ a warrant Issued by Jacob T«llms-.Uharles Jennlnge and Nnwton Wearnr. Town-shlp Committee of tba Township of JeflenuD,n the County of Morris, to tunlie tlie unpnlitaxes awessod on l«ud«, tune men t«, ueredlta-tneata and mal eataU In said tonoshlp ID theyean X^. »ud 16ie, the subscriber, Collectorof taieu for tbe said township, to whom tbesaid warrant Is directed, will on

WEbHKSDAY, tbe 10th day of APRIL^jxt, at tba hour of 3 o'dook p. w. at Wood-port Hotel, in said totrmntp, sell the lands,«nemanU, bareditameots and real estatesbereunder described at public vendue (tT tbshortest terra, uot exceeding thirty-years forwhich any person ar persons will agree ictake tbe same end pay such taxes with Inter-est tberoon at tba rate of twelve per wntfrom tho twentieth day of December, thousand eight hundred and ninety-one,Together with all oosta, fees, charges and ex-

IwTl'Harvey heirs, tax due tlUS. Deecriptlon, wood land near Union turnpike, EM acresadjoin lands of John FJcliter estate and fid-ward llurd estate.

Jubn FJcnter estate, tax due $1B IS. De-scription, wood hod wear Hurdtown, BcboolDisc. Ho. 11, 130 acres adjoin lands of U. KStickle & Co., Abrom tibanger and Lav)Harvey heir*.

Payment must ba made before tbe condidon of tbe uie, otherwise tlie property wlbe immediately resold. « - * - . »

me my band this. IStbof March, I8«3.

HORACE L. COOK,Collector of I t u

|your 2r«H«« it ce


HOT WATER HEATERJfOMofM, MO «m»Ift |>0 if lM^MHtyio tnanmgett a common mfve, andjruxzr ovAntxrJcni>


inning, Plumbing,—AND—

STEAM FITTINGludltlulr tranche*


'erfect Steam JfteaterA LOT OP

Second-hand Parlor Stoves,good condition Ind for nl« at a btrgaln.

Stovi rsjml r . of .11 IITV). will b . f nmlihod .1urt notice. FartlcaUr attratlan glran to

tbff branch.Uorrlt S t . one door from BUckwsll.

A large stock of secondand wheels in good condi

ion. Pneumatio and Cush-on Tires from |35 up. Sold'or Cash or Monthly Instal-tents. Bond for Catologuo.

R. C. VREELAUD,'9 m. D0VEH, N. 3.

li Uie wtJve roe4iclntl a f t « olCartelk Add and the best dlalo-freiani Vaoivn to Ktence.

JVlia 1% a apccific for mftlljpiantCMC* at IVlHMiplnir ConRh, andA rarely lor Atibnu, CiUrrh,

1 Odd*, XUpbthcrU, Croup, Scarletr| H«j Fever, Sate Throat, md all Diteaws

The VaparltlnR Appwaiu* h »!mple j-ct perfect,ad U die lifcii mcUiail for clotroyinj Infection.

f, H. SCHIEFFEUH h CO.. New Yurk. Ed* Aisab.

OS. R. WILLIAMS,Mason and Slater,


Orrtcm NEAR Cxsnui, DEPOT.

FOE, btrn and lot cm Prospect street

Uie bead ot Chestnut stnet. Will be sold'low Bgant either a i a wbola or withoutnpp*r pnrtfcm of lot to suit pDrcbattrm. •

L. C. BXfiaWIRTH,Executor of Wata of Wm, O e o m dM'l

kUpenonaan taraby tarbtt&m to 11Centra OroTi stresun em U» mmli

.fenlgned tuidca ptaaft* oCJOwlaw

THE BICIlMDS-BEflCfl CDPlPfl)(T.Oertlfloato of Kaductlon of Canltal Sto

13. aoorga IliirhanLi, 1'iwldoiit, Ilci. , IV. C'rabbv, Bocreturr, Hicliard Ckin

Iaii, Trwuniivr oml Frcilerick II. DcachDlr«cLur of Tlio llicbaiihi-Jt*!Qrli CouinanIXQU liuiirv* lllclianhit lU^bvrt Klchardst iVuII. Lambert, August us filuiuou and lleury <" ' ' Iwliw cUH-'klioldors rciireBeiitlng twi

oiid nioro in vuluoof tbo exktiug caiii•, du hei-oby oertlf



taJ klock of u lu L-UIIIJIUUT, du Itei-obythat (it a meeting uf tlio htockhoknulil caiiiiaiiiy iluly called for tlianow, held ut tho ofllco or tlie oo' Uiu town 'it JJuvtT, in tho '

Mori Li, uuil Btato of Sew Jonajr, oi^Ui liny ui Junuury, iu the year dghi bunilredauil nliiuiy-lhruv, It tvus rvsolvei

by thu vuta uf luuru tliau two-tlibiLi iu IIItttruxt uf Uie Blockbuldcm uf suld cumpou;tliat ttie otpiUil sUmk of said tiuaiiiauy lie i~e-ilutoU fruin twenty tlmUHUiit Jnihtra tu flftwn

•wd Uolhirn by calling iu '— -Uiu s belli by imcb uUivkiiokler of sulil

aud poyfiig to Uiu iituckliuldcn* Uiet r value of the B!

__jg tbe Boiiio, cudtlmruof.

' i-lUiws wlioreof w« hare hereunto s-jveral luiuds and deals tbo Silk tluy

Jauuaiy, ttghleuii huiidrod aud iiiuaty-tlirfiOKUIIUE JtlUHAAUtt, [B]FflliD. II. liEACli, [S]ilKN'HY IT. C'KAHUE, (s]itlCUARD COSLAN, [9]]ItOIlTRlCHAItDH, [8]WM. II. LAUUB11T, [B]At:o. MU.V»O.\,[H] ,1IKM1V J. MlKKl.»[K]

Kiinied, waled ami de-llv-eml In tliu |irc*-t'UW Of

DEW1TTH. HUMWEll.Ktato or Kovr Jersey, I M

Cuunty ol MorrlH, 1Ho It tfiuoiulwi-cil, Tliat on this (Iftwn

toy of February, In llio jeer of our Lord oitliuuBond eight linmlrwl ami nloety-tltree, Ui[oro uif, Ford U, Hmith, oiio of tlie llostermhe Court of Chancery of said Hlato of No

Jerwy, jwrsoiiully aptwured LoWitt K. Hum-mer of lull ago, who being by me duly swornuccomiiiff to law, iloiKmos aud makes proof to

tliat bu was present and sawi, FreriorJck II. Ikacb. Henry

. . . J . , inrdCoiiIan.IIcntTluchardfi,Robert lUdianls, William II. IjunhnrtAugustus MmiMii nml Honry J . Mbel, tinparties named in thu foregoing cei-Ufliuit

Heal DIIO ih (Ivor tba same us thuir vi•y act and di'tid, and us tlia voluntary nSeed of each of thorn ; and that tliei

uixm tliln (lujMtiiitiit Biilisnrihud li(g own unttheruto as nil attesting wittiest.

DBWITT It. HuiiMKH.ihwribod

Fuitnb. Hwim,r lu Clmncury of M. J.

r'itneaiday o




S U 8 B 1 I 8THEMT. DOVER, H. J.

• •louked with U10 beet of eierjtiling in tlioai

IDH, aod Mid at tiring prioet. o»ll md turn*

me mr stock u d prioti. All Roodi dellfeted

to any part o( the lawn at ibort notlee.


A CAUTION!When you oak for Ballantins'a Export, be

roro you get I t Do not accept any other•,locKUH Bonie one soya It Is just u good,oall glan of the genulep U better Uum •

gallon ot cheap imitation. For atie In *Jnt«laai places and delivered anywhere ID

the Northern pu t of tbe State by





Soda and Mineral VateraOF KTCRT DXSOIUFTIOIf.



Dr. E M s ' W SyropFor Colds, Coughs, UoaneoeBS. AiUima, LaQrlpjj»! BrODCbTU Wbooulng Oooib, and alltiiwrif* of the throat and lungi The tonlopropertlea support tb« ayttem. Tb« Expectorant unloads Us oongeatad mucous mem*branfcVwhlla the Anodfite nueTM nerrooiirritation, thaa'answerlDi; tba indications ota oomplete remedy,

JUBITIJT, H.J. . HOT, 15tb, 1603.We do hw*by cbeerfnlir unite In noon

mending Dr. Edwards' Cough Syrupaaarpeiior remedy 10'" Qrlpp," and all fornooaRfa. M we a n using it in our families,


forms of

I can Dbwrfully unite in raoomi . —Edmrda1 Tar/Wlld Chury and Naptha

oogh Bymp, ai an elTeotlre remedy for pnl-lopary alBeatei, Uv lw used it in my family,— HBVTT. A. H. COHXILL,

' New BaltimonTN. Y.Both Sic and 50c die roach entered.

M.D.HICKSboj n fine rtoctt of


Musical Installments

Watches Cleaned for 76 eta.and upward.


HOTEL FOB SALE.For^islfl the valuable propertr known atILLBV^S HOTEL, InvonUj located iniver, New Jersey, two mlantea from Dela-

A Watorn and N. J.

t v> i i^tituuiiu i aiml puiiues inht> rear. By reason of the death of thu far.

proprietor, tbo property will be sold toose tbe estate. Terms easy. PotBeadonren April lit, 18B3, or sooner If desiredpnly to


•orMAHWNtlTmJvr1'Morrifltown,New JBmy,

3-tr Eiccutorsof Isaao B. Jolley, deo'd.

THOMAS B. McGfiATH,FunaraJ Dlrsator and Enbalmer.ErMjtllnj; perUIalng to UIB biulne* far-




$100 io $900LOCATED ON

Park and Mountain Aves. and Vicinity,

Blackwell and Union SU ,

Richards and Myrtle Am-,

Lawrence St. and on Ford Ave.

Near St.Mary'* Church.








SDVXI, a. h

FOB BALE.A djrelting with about two acres

at ground for % 1,100.. Another dwelling witb about tw<

acres of ground and barn for $1,600Property in Dover. Apply at thi



Central RailroadOP NBW J E R S B T .

Anlhracito Goal ami exclusively IUMICclsAulluHS and comfort.)



For New York, Newark mi Eliz-abeth, at 6:46, A. M.; 3:38, 5:08 p. MSUNDAYS, 6:62 r. M.

For Pluladelpliia at 6:16, A, M3:38, r. u.

For Loog Branob, Ooean QroviAabary Park and points on NewYork and Long Branob Bailroadat 0:45, A. M ; 3:38 p. H.

For all stations to High Bridgiat 6:16, A. H.i 3:38, £:68 p.SUNDAYS, 6:52 r. M.

For Lake Hopatoong at 0:46,8:66, A. ii.; 3:88, p. u.

For all stations to Edison, 6:46,8:66 A. «.; 3:38 P. X.

For Itockaway at 9:20, A. M.12:10, 2:61, 0:22, 7:25 r. M. SnsDAYS, 4:10 p. u.

For Hibernia at 9:20 A. M.j 12:10,2:51 p. H. SUNDAYS, 4:16 p. x.

For Easton, Allentown and ManohChunk at 6:46 A. H.; 8:38, 5:58,'. H. SOUDAYS, 5:52 I. v.

HBTXIHNINC1.Leave Now Tork at 6KX), 1130,

A. M.; 4:80P.M. SOUTHS, 1:00 p.M,

Leave Bookkway at 6:87, 8:15,A. u.; 8:16, 3:30, S:B0,'p. K.

SUNDAYS, 6:44 p. K.

Leave Fort Oram at 9:16,1120,l. H.; 2:46, 6:17, 7:20 p. K.

SUNDAYS, 4:11 r. H.

Leave Lake Hopatoong at 10:50A. M.; 5:41, p. X.

Leave High Bridge at 8:15,:40, 6:17 p. u. SUNDAYS, 8:00 r. aJ . U. OLHAtTBEN,

Oenl. Bupt



X f O R H » T O W N



iles, Pftlnto, Oil», et«.


Btlei snd Beelu, Bleni T»ekle and Bports-

Hoosekwpinj] Onoas.

x i m i o i



Eagle Wheel OnlUraton, Waltsr A. WoodCowera. Beapcn and Binder*, Hona Bake*,

Amenotu and BalUrd's Bay Tedden, LereranflTraadr '•


» » » » t o Smith ft Sckbait,)


Contntoti taken and materltls furnlihed fo:

' B U I L D I N G S , 11 R I D G E S ,

whither of BRICE or 8T0NK.

Shop oo Morris street, next to former IROU

Kfu. building, Dover, N, J.

L7-1T. J O H N ^ . ECEUABT.



Masons and Builders,D0VE11, - S . 3.

Cotitntcti fortl) Uoda Qf work taken u dUmatoja.foriWad. P n w l ^ « p S i Si BTM7 bnmch of tnuou work.



HKXT TO D., L. & W. B. R.


Wall PaperATA O BUCK'S,


mmfmai,. ._ _ Dom,B.j.


You have noticedthat some houses always seem to needrepainting; they look dingy, rusted,foiled.. Others always look bright,clean, fresh. The owner of the fini"economizes" with "cheap" mixedpaints, etc.; the second paints with

Strictly PureWhite Lead

The first spends three times as muchfor paint in fiye years, an \ his build-ings never look as well,

Almost everybody knows that goodpaint can only be had by using strictlypure White Lead. Tlie difficulty Islack of care in selecting it. The fol-lowing brands are strictly pure WhiteLead, " Old Dutch " process; they arestandard and well known—eBtablisheby the test of years:

"Atlantic" "Bradley""Brooklyn" "Jewett"

"Ulster"For any color (other than white) tintthe Strictly Pure White Lead withNational Lead Company's Pure WhiteLead Tinting Colors, and you will havethe best paint that It is possible to pulon a building, - .

For sate by the most reliable dealerspilnts everywhere -

If you •re .going to paint, it will pay y«to aend to ui Tor • tool* eonti(nir>K Informlion that may u v e you many a dollar!will, oqly.toit you a postal card to do so,



ExclflsiTB Riglitof Nortliern


Mathushek Pianos' wnion AitB


SATISFACTION QTJAHAWTEED!Kow It your cbanoe Tor territory. Addn

Wright Organ & Piano M'f iCompany,


SS11[) THE%TB.


Establisbed 20 Yearsi l l t t l B RESPONSIBLE.

Dover Boiler "Works, - - P r o p r i e t o r .

HANvrAorvnut OF

am Boilers Smote Stacks, Oil Tanks,Chomienl Punt Ore Buckt i 11

kidomienl Punt

kinds of

Stacks, Oil TanOre Buckets ani (.11eet Iron. Work.


Old bnllon taken In efdmnga | Cool andWood, Barreled and LOOM LtmD, Hnir, Pin*er, Cement, Front and Common Brick,

BRSIDK, BUps, Curhlns, Bills, tilate Kan-su,etccoa. Moania AND DIC'KEUBON aTs.


Shoeing,uaBuuwnuor b i t OPBQOd a llOrAft-HtlOfiliinca In MnnwUon »iin blTotbor bitralm

jororuiaokwel! and lioreen 81*. Dorciie buHiaeiB li ID oUaree nit practical tn""rieDood iionta-iliODr and 1 rt-ipect tall

G-eo. MoCracken.


AsKronwntrAniLYoiL, »«



Duplex AutomaticSteam Heaters

Duplex HLflnra aol Bet Water Hsaton. Tbare made of wroaeut boiler iron, have- oo

Qac-fl, and oUttn sapanoritT ID tbog point!: Great economy fn fool I or a t eonstractlon I No nuances*

futa I No long tana or beauDE mrfaoe dlt to koop oloin I Easj to manaftn I 1l t lift t tba top f a la

olt to koop oloin I Easj to manaftoal to lift to tba top of a large maerf'dfflRfct/

All tfndi of Plnwiiing, IIOOHDR itid Bbon Work Hulitfw.urv oiooated. In dt«clI IjmoaainvDsaDi) Hut AirFurnioe-s ototncription; Hanltvp.rir, Cull or j , Tln-v»«,uthd, Curpdti, eto- Lolilph and Boran

Uotl. Lamps, Patctu, Oils, F*trtnnk's BoaHori'« llnbber Bunknt ChsJa PMQDS.

S. R BENNETTto A. Wlglitou,)



TIN, corrxR ADD Huut IBOH Rooniia,


Sheet Lead,

Lead Pipe,

Pumps, ft




L. H. IVES&CoFancy Goods,






Winter UnderwearSTATIONERY,





Shirts, Shirts, Shirts,Men's Oullng Oversblrta, in tat colors, lite,Jlen'i Onllng OvershlrU, in fast colors, !Ko

tfeu's Unilershtrtii, 20a to 30cMen's Whlto Uorliio Bhlrts, SOo.Men's UulaundBred Wblto Shirts, ffllc. and68jMen's Laundered Wblto Shirts, UOo.

I rspcchlly Invite tha attention of mmblf department. We nre the pioneers 'Ivedownto ROCK BOTTOM t l l l O E aCall anil Inspect our (lock and compare OL;

Rgnrea, Everything as rap men ted or mone<refunded. IlnpccUnlly aubmjtted to oat

nda onlj,

H. E. Groengrass,PROPRIETOR.


Carpenters and Builders,

JJOVKil, JV. J .

obbin; prouptlr attended to,SLATE BOOPB—WofarniehDnUoluiila

.nd pnt on alato rools b j good mechanic*.-Backets1 PhutbinK Paper always on band,Offlo© and shop on BlaolcwaU Bt., next I

Jover Lumber Gomponfi Mill.W. It. TTlLOOZ. A. B. BXBAT.


H. L. Dunhamtarn LlADIftO





O m c K - B A K E B BBH.DINO,

D0V*B. H . ) .



Boiln and Mineral Watera,SBLTZKH, VIOHY, Eio.

• . Aoun jon

Hinohliffa's Oslebrated ExtraB lager. Porter, &o.







IMUI cxpe UITO ID tlmft s r J ~

radiulos atij liiindnds or tfis leadins bi

AH ORDINANCE|iroTlJJug for an election ot member* of the

Common Couooll or Dover.PaiaBD HAIICH 2t)Ui,'m:i3.

Ba it ordained by tba Mayor, Kaoordur,Ald-rmeu and Common Coundlroen uf Do-

BKC. 1. Tbttt'au uleciluu shall bo bold ontheliratUoDdiy, the Uwtdayof Mar uait,

coon Uie hours of us o clock in tlto fura-. . . . . j , and aev«n o'clock In the aftanioau oflaid day, for a Hsyor, ODO Aldsruau andthree Common Couudlmen, all to Mrrs fortwo years. That uld (lection shall be heldIn the Southern Dlstriot, or pnclnct. a« »h-uinelias b»n harttofore set oil am <wtUid by resolution of the Uayor, RaceAldermen and Coniuion CouncUmen, In tbePark Hotel. In Dorer ; and ia tha HnrtnsrnDistrict, or praidnct, u tha aama lias beenheretofore tat off and deslguai«d by thuMajor, Recorder, Aldormen stnd CouiotuuCoundlinen, at tlie IEnglna House, la Dover.

BKC. 2. Thot Samuel M. Clark, CbarlM W._u>rlby, William «. Collard and TtieodoreDixou, ahsll bt Inspectors or Judgfti lu taJ4 "HortUorn UUUlot, and tbat Loxtata D. TlJl-jer, George A. Raj nor, Will torn II. BpauglerMud BleubiD A. Brood IT all, aball In Iupeuturaur Judges la sold boutiexn District, to con-duct tua Mid election provided Cur in this or- 'dliiBiico. and under tvboso direction or inspeo-tion ulil eleeUon stiall bo licld ; WHOM tfutyIt Bball be to itotslva the votes aud judge •ndddteiniine tba qualification of votera ngrot-aoly wiib Uie act of incorporation of Dover,and llila ordinance, nnd according to lair lutiiL-h cases made aud provided in all things,

Sic. 8. Tbat aalil Judges or Inspectors ofelection, add each menilwr thereof, auall, be-fore they open tbe polls in their respectivepolling: iirecinoU, teveiaily take an oath orafilrmation, before some person competent toidratuinter an oath or BlllruiatJOB, faithlullymd impartially to execute Uie duties uf then-.•ejjwetl*o ott!ue» according to law, and thateaiu Judges or luepeoUirs, or any ttvu ol tbenilu said Northern aod Southern Dlstriotu ra-spectipely, fciiall. attbeliour of tlx o'clock Intba forenoon mi Monday, ilay Uio t uext,and at thu polling placet deslgnatad for theirrwpuatf VH polling i'<«cliiata(inusa public proo-bunaUou tu be uiaov tbst tbe poll* are openadtbe ret a for the reception uf vutrs j and uballcontbuie to receive votwol all legal vatenlu 'Uielr re*i*ctif» prtcluuts until tbe hour ofseven o'olock la tba afternoon of tbe. aamaday, and no lunger, and that thepolli may bedumxt between UM boura of ouo o'clock andtwo o'clock in tbe atteruiioa.

Hia 4. Tbat Jmepb Jobnuou aud Uusta-. us A. Alnun anall Iw Ulorlu of tbe Board ofElection lu aalil Mjrtburn DliuicE aud Bvd*ney T. timUh and J, W el li nj(ton 1J riant anallbe Cleiks of tba Hoard ot Kleouon ID saiddoutDoni DiAttlct; and tbat It enall be tbaduty of eald Ulsrkn to attend at tbe poll Ingplaces in taelr retpectlTtt iflectlon Uistrfctk,at We nuur of ilx u'ciock la tne foienooa ottbe day of eletilon aforeaald. and tbtm and -tbere tacb resi»ctfTely to tacvp a faithful audfull register ot tbe uauua of [tie voters whobball vote, aud Bball alto enter upon the pollline tbe place of residence dt eacu ptnwn vut-log, and every person at tbe time uf oHurlugbu vote shall tiuly utau tne street la wuioube retldes. and iu ouao of refusal to make ttiestatement aforwald, the vote of »ucn peruousnail uut be reeotvwl ; and In tbe Hlstiucw urdisability of either ut asid Klection Ulorki, itetall be lie duty of said J udgea or Inspeotora,or any two of mem la the Emotion Diatrlot luwbloniiucta absanceur dlsalnlity ocour, toap-pulnt somt) tit and oouipoteat person todis-otiarge ine dutlus of Ulerk ot Kitioiloo In suubKleouon District, and uld Uiiirlu, rospeotlve-ly, bball belore tne; enter UJHIU tan dunUarnoui tbe duties of tnelr ulUcas, take and sun-aonbeauoath or alllrmauau, Caltbtuily nudImpartially tv aerv« aa Ulorka of kuun Kiev*Uuu, aad execute tbe dutlea requirod of tbeiuby law and tbld onbuonce.

Bto. 6. Tbat tbe Clerk* of said .ElectionuuUtjr tbe iuipeotiun of Ine Inspectors or* 'jea aloresBid, or a inoJorUy of tuetn la. ! of tbe Bald poillnu prwluota, abaU makea cttrtillcats of toaiiuunwror vuwscaatforcacti person, and tor wbaC oltloo rsspeotlvcjylu tbttlr reauecUve polling preciucu, wbicnurtitluateinall be siKwxt Dy said Judge* orluBpeoton or a majority of tdeui, aud atu«o '

' t>y tbe aald Uleriu, one ot whom shall ite<er tbe same to tne Uouimon Uounull uf

Uuver ut lu UfeXE DiBetltiR alier said Klecdon.Ui bu illtd tvitn thu reouitlH of ma UoinmuaCouncil of Dover. . •• t

BBO. 8, And b» ID ordained, Tbat aaldBlection In "old Uiltctlca JJUtncta snail bentld aud ouuduoced lu tne eaoie uiauuur lu allleapeouasfBuow.iujuirtd by law (or bum-ing eiwtiuiia lu luuuiuiuliutu, wblvQ by thelusi preceding ceuaus couuuued a populationexcttdlng lour iboiuanJ inbabitanw. .

UUHAUJC L. DURHAM, Mayor.Att*at;

Joa. V. BAKIR, Oerk. 18-Sw. .



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