  • 1. Tolerance & Intolerance

2. What is it?
3. Let me tell you what happened to me
Personal Trainer
Two little cousins with me
Lady cuts
I say something politely
Ignores me
4. What happened there?
5. Its time to take a stand!
Please stand if you have ever been the victim of intolerance.
6. Lets review some examples
7. The Holocaust?
8. Jim Crow?
9. The Rodney King Riots?
10. Burning the Quran?
11. Hate Speech?
12. Bullying/Cyber Bullying?
13. How this applies to you?
Whats the leading cause of death among students your age in the US?
14. Car accidents
15. #2 Accidents/not car related
16. #3 Suicide
17. Hmmmmm?
What causes someone your age to want to kill themselves?
18. How would you feel if someone went home and hurt themselves because of something that you said?
19. In teacher school
20. And then imagine that school is your only safe place
21. But now the kids in school are giving you a hard time!
22. So what does this have to do
Learning about other culture and countries
Have to be mindful about our own prejudices
Let others speak their mind
Agree to disagree
Humans/people w feelings
23. If we do not learn from history we are doomed to repeat it!!!!!
24. Intolerance in History
Armenian Genocide
25. Genocide in Darfur
26. The Holocaust
27. Japanese internment camps
28. Jim Crow
29. Jena 6
30. Zoot Suit Riots
31. Mexican Repatriation
A victim
A spectator
A perpetrator
A combatant
The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.
Dante 1265-1321
33. First they came for the Jewsand I did not speak outbecause I was not a Jew.Then they came for the Communistsand I did not speak outbecause I was not a Communist.Then they came for the trade unionistsand I did not speak outbecause I was not a trade unionist.Then they came for meand there was no one leftto speak out for me.

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