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Link Road


4th March 2015

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1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................... 2

1.1 Objective of the Environmental Management Plan.................................................................. 2

1.2 Responsibility for Implementation ............................................................................................... 2

2. DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION WORKS ............................................................................ 3

2.1 Scope & Location............................................................................................................................ 3

2.2 Key Activities of the Construction Works................................................................................... 3

2.3 Responsibility ................................................................................................................................... 4

3. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................. 5

4. ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL RISK .............................................................................. 6

4.1 Potential of Environmental Impact............................................................................................... 6

5. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ....................................................................... 7

5.1 Control Method Specifications..................................................................................................... 7

5.1.1 Diversion Drains / Banks ..................................................................... 7

5.1.2 Table Drains ....................................................................................... 7

5.1.3 Sediment Control Barriers ................................................................... 7

5.1.4 Velocity Control .................................................................................. 7

5.1.5 Stockpiles .......................................................................................... 7

5.1.6 De-watering of Site ............................................................................ 9

5.1.7 Use of Site Machinery and Plant --- including noise / vibration / fumes/ airspace encroachment ...................................................................... 9

5.1.8 Storage of Fuels ............................................................................... 10

5.1.9 Shaker Grids .................................................................................... 10

5.1.10 Installation of Underground Services................................................. 10

5.1.11 Waste Management ......................................................................... 11

5.1.12 Rubbish Bins .................................................................................... 11

5.1.13 Cultural Heritage .............................................................................. 11

5.1.14 Landscaping ..................................................................................... 12

5.1.15 Flora and Fauna ................................................................................ 13

5.1.16 Contaminated Land/Asbestos Management 11 5.2 Training of Personnel ................................................................................................................... 13

5.3 Emergency Procedures & Contacts .......................................................................................... 14

5.4 Maintenance, Inspection and Audit Program ......................................................................... 14

5.5 Supervision..................................................................................................................................... 16

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Appendix A --- Site Establishment Plan

Appendix B --- Environmental Aspects & Impacts Register

Appendix C --- Environmental Management Plan Inspection Record

Appendix D --- Site Specific Emergency Response Plan --- Environmental Spills

Appendix E --- Site Induction --- Site Specific Risks

Appendix F --- Stormwater Management

1. Qanstruct Head Office --- (03) 9810 8300

Construction Manager – Clem Perin 0148 560 201

Project Manager – Jack Wright (03) 9810 8300

Site Manager – Dom Sherlock 0418 571 707

OHS Manager – Michael Harvey 0407 470 678

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1.1 Objective of the Environmental Management Plan

The objective of this Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) is to minimise the adverse impact of construction activities on the environment.

This objective will be achieved by:

- Identifying possible environmental risks;

- Setting up systems to reduce the risk; and

- Managing and maintaining the systems throughout the project to ensure

correct function of the Control Systems.

1.2 Responsibility for Implementation

The Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) will provide a description of the procedures to be followed during excavation and general site works. Emphasis will be placed on the management and protection of the local environment.

Qanstruct (Australia) Pty Limited (Qanstruct) will be responsible to implement the Control Systems and procedures outlined in this CEMP.

All subcontractors will be briefed on the plan and will be required to adhere to the systems and procedures outlined. If a section of works does not comply with this plan, rectification of that area will be made a priority until such time it complies with systems and procedures of this plan.

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2.1 Scope & Location

Qanstruct has been engaged by Toll IPEC to undertake the design and construction of a Warehouse facility at Link Road, Melbourne Airport.

The 'on site' works will include site preparation, bulk earthworks & construction of the facility. During the construction of the facility it will require the use of Excavators, Rollers for bulk earthworks and the use of Cranes, EWPs for Steel and Tilt Panel Erection and the loading of the roof sheets. During this time there will be frequent deliveries of construction materials on heavy haulage trucks.

The subject site is located on Melbourne Airport. The site is relatively flat. Surface run-off from the site during construction works is expected to discharge to existing drains to the south of the site. Any surface run-off or pumped discharges shall be directed to properly constructed sediment control barriers prior to final discharge to these drains. Refer to civil drawings which detail the location of existing and proposed drains.

We note that whilst there are no natural creeks, streams and rivers nearby that may be affected by the works, we acknowledge the potential for sediment/ waste water to enter the drainage system on the Airport. Therefore, caution will be exercised to ensure that no pollutants enter the stormwater system.

There are specific conditions defined by Melbourne Airport in their Development Manual for Capital and Maintenance Works (Dec 2009) that have been incorporated into this plan A Site Establishment Plan (comprising the Traffic Management Plan for General Construction works) is included as Appendix A.

2.2 Key Activities of the Construction Works

Following is a list of key activities undertaken in the construction of the proposed development.

- Site works / bulk earthworks

- Footings

- Underground services (stormwater, fire service, sewer, water service)

- Precast concrete panels

- Structural steel

- Roof and wall cladding

- Reinforced concrete ground slabs and external paving

- Mechanical, electrical and hydraulic services

- Finishes and fixtures etc. to the office and warehouse

- Landscaping

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- Construction hours are Monday to Friday from 7.00am to 5.30pm

- Construction hours for Saturday are between 7.00am and 3.30pm

2.3 Responsibility

All of the above works will be carried out under the supervision and instruction of Qanstruct. The works will be staged and generally in the order of the key activities as outlined above.

Qanstruct will be responsible for the implementation and maintenance of all on site Control Systems.

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Following is a list of the documents that we have used to prepare this Environmental Management Plan:

- Victorian Government (1970) Environment Protection Act

- Victorian Government (2009) Environment Protection (Industrial Waste Resource)


- Victorian Government (2003) State Environment Protection Policy (Waters of Victoria)

- Victorian Government (2006) Aboriginal Heritage Act

- Victorian Government (1994) Catchment and Land Protection Act

- Victorian Government (2003) State Environment Protection Policy (Waters of Victoria)

- Victorian Government (1975) Wildlife Act

- Environment Protection Authority Victoria (1996) Best Practice Environmental Management - Environmental Guidelines for Major Construction Sites, Publication 480

- Environment Protection Authority Victoria (1992) Bunding Guidelines Publication 347

- Environment Protection Authority Victoria (1991) Construction Techniques for Sediment

Pollution Control, Publication 275

- Environment Protection Authority Victoria (1991) Doing it Right on Subdivisions --- Temporary Environmental Protection Measures for Subdivision Construction Sites Publication 960

- Environment Protection Authority Victoria (1991) Industrial Waste Resource Guidelines


- Environment Protection Authority Victoria (2003) Water Quality Objectives for Rivers and Streams --- Ecosystem Protection, Publication 790.1

- Melbourne Airport (2009) Development Manual (Capital and Maintenance Works)

- Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997

- Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

- Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000

We have not listed all the applicable Legislation and Regulations due to the extensive number of documents relating to this area.

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4.1 Potential of Environmental Impact

The following is a list of activities that have the potential to have impact upon the environment.

- Design & construction; including selection, delivery, installation & disposal

of building materials & components

- Site works comprising of:

- Site strip and stockpiling of topsoil

- Balanced cut to fill

- Creation of batters onto and off of the site

- Installation of underground services including:

- Stormwater drainage

- Temporary Swale Construction

- Electrical

- Hydraulic services (inc. sewerage, fire services, plumbing)

- Gas

- De-watering of the worksite

- Water runoff from disturbed ground

- Noise and vibration / fumes from machinery

- Creation of dust

- Storage of fuel

- Mud and dirt on made road

- Rubbish / litter and other waste

- Chemical storage

An Environmental Aspects & Impacts Register has been completed to assess the potential environmental impacts from site activities and determine the necessary controls and persons responsible for implementing the controls. This document is included as Appendix B.

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An Environmental Management Plan Inspection Record will be used on site to inspect adherence to this Environmental Management Plan and is included as Appendix C


5.1 Control Method Specifications

5.1.1 Diversion Drains / Banks

This area has already been constructed therefore Qanstruct will maintain the existing stormwater system.

5.1.2 Table Drains

Given the size of the project, there will not be a requirement for table drains to be constructed.

5.1.3 Sediment Control Barriers

Sediment Control Barriers will be constructed using sediment logs or gravel sausage. They will be installed around the mouth of side entry pits. Water will slowly filter through the logs which will remove the suspended contaminants. Installation will be as per ‘‘Keeping our stormwater clean --- A builder’s Guide 2006’’.

Logs will be monitored and serviced regularly as required (e.g. after heavy rains or when there is a build up of sediment).

Rock logs are to be positioned around the perimeter of all pits that are lower than existing soil level. This is to provide extra sediment protection prior to construction works being completed. The areas around these pits are to be kept rolled/ compacted to assist with the above mentioned controls.

5.1.4 Velocity Control

Velocity of water will be controlled in drains using a large rock that will be placed in the base of the drain to slow the water to prevent erosion of the drain

5.1.5 Stockpiles

The quantity of spoil to be stockpiled will be minimal as all contractors will be required to remove all spoil from the site.

The stockpiles will be located on a flat section of land. Each stockpiles will be constructed with a slope no greater than 2:1 (horizontal: vertical). As the stockpiles are temporary, they will be 'dressed' as smooth as possible to minimise dust and erosion. The stockpiles will be watered should the potential for dusting occurs. All stockpiles will have silt fences placed there perimeter.

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If required, dust will be minimised by using a water truck to spray stockpile/s and reduce opportunity for bird attracting activity.

If required, a sediment control barrier will be constructed around the base.

If Melbourne Airport identifies a wildlife or dust risk the soil piles will be covered or removed.

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5.1.6 De-watering of Site

De-watering will be minimal on this project and where required, water will be removed from the work area by a mobile pump which will be kept as close to the surface of pool as possible. Care will be taken to avoid pumping from the bottom of pools and constant supervision will be provided during pumping operations to ensure this does not happen.

Water will be primarily pumped to vacant land adjacent to the site, with any water that is discharged to any waterway or stormwater drain will be in accordance with EPA Pub 48, which specifies that construction run-off should be less that 30 NTU before reaching waterways.

As mentioned in 5.1.3 Sediment Control Barriers (P7) will be constructed using sediment logs or gravel sausage. They will be positioned at the mouth of side entry pits to the south of the site. These barriers will be monitored and serviced regularly or as required ie after heavy rain or when there is a build up of sediment.

5.1.7 Use of Site Machinery and Plant --- including noise / vibration / fumes/

airspace encroachment

All plant and machinery that enters the site will adhere to local Occupational Health and Safety legislative requirements; including provision of a current logbook outlining service intervals, hours of use and maintenance carried out.

Qanstruct’s OH&S Management Plan further details requirements for site plant and machinery, including the requirements prior to the start of works for evidence of operator’s license/ competency, records of recent maintenance, current plant risk assessment and completion of a daily pre- start log book.

Any plant and machinery that has not been serviced and maintained will not be operated on site.

If any plant requires certification, then such documentation will be made available upon request. And if any plant or machinery is the subject of a Workplace Health & Safety notice, orders or any other form of restriction, then it will not be used on site.

If any machine is to be found to be producing excessive noise / vibration / fumes, it will be serviced immediately to resolve the problem.

Crane lifts will not to exceed 42.5m above ground level (i.e. 157.5mAHD) --- and are very unlikely to even come near this height given the reduced height of the facility being constructed.

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5.1.8 Storage of Fuels

Fuels storage will be kept to a minimum.

Minor quantities of fuel that are kept on site will be stored in containers specifically design for the storage of fuel (i.e. fuel tanks attached to plant and equipment).

All large machines will be re-fuelled by mini-tankers on site. Re-fuelling with small quantities of fuel kept in the site container to run generators and pumps, will also take place with care to avoid spillage. If fuel is split, the soil will be excavated and removed to a tip licensed to take contaminated spoil.

Chemicals containing ozone depleting substances will not be used across the site.

5.1.9 Shaker Grids

A shaker grid will be installed at the entry / exit points of the site prior to the commencement of earthworks. Excessive amounts of mud will first be removed from vehicles then all vehicles will exit the site over a shaker grid. The shaker grids will be elevated to allow any dirt / mud to drop through. If the void fills up, they will be cleaned out.

In the unlikely event that the road becomes ‘dirty’, a street sweeper will be engaged to promptly clean the road in order to minimise potential impact from sediment pollution to nearby watercourses.

As a secondary control, entry and exit points to the site will be minimised and sediment control barriers will be established at existing stormwater pits at entry and exit points.

An assessment of the site activities will continually be undertaken and remedial actions promptly implemented to prevent any offsite carriage of soil.

5.1.10 Installation of Underground Services

During construction, and wherever possible, pipe to be laid and trenches backfilled all in the same day (i.e. no trench will be left open overnight or for any prolonged period).

Once constructed, sewer system to be sealed until connected.

Stormwater system has been designed to discharge to existing road drains in [location] and to the west and east of the site.

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5.1.11 Waste Management

During design of the structure, consideration will be given to the selection of building materials in order to minimise waste. During construction of the structure, consideration will be given to the delivery, installation and disposal methods of building materials to encourage recovery and/or recycling. Considerations will include:

i) Pallets for materials to be reused throughout the project ii) Manufacturing of glass, joinery and/or other materials offsite to

eliminate the production of cut-offs iii) Site cleanliness is to be maintained and the site is to be left in a

clean & tidy condition each day iv) Where possible 50% of construction waste is to be recycled or re-

used v) Waste management reports to be prepared and submitted to

Melbourne Airport on a monthly basis

5.1.12 Rubbish Bins

A bin with a secured lid will be placed in each site office, lunch room, change room and toilet block. These bins will be emptied every day or as necessary throughout the day. Supervision of the waste will be performed regularly to minimise the impact of birds congregating to the detriment of the airport operations.

As a minimum, one large site bin will be provided for all trades to place construction rubbish in. This bin will not be allowed to overflow or be overfilled and when full will be changed over promptly. This bin will be covered at all times.

As part of the induction process, all workers will be advised they are required to clean up their own rubbish as they progress.

5.1.13 Cultural Heritage

The site is in an area of cultural heritage sensitivity. Melbourne Airport (Australia Pacific Airports) has an overarching Cultural Heritage Management Plan # 12498, dated 4th September 2013.

Prior to construction activities commencing on site, a heritage induction will be held by the Wurundjeri Tribe Land & Compensation Cultural Heritage Council (WTLCCHC) to familiarise key site workers with local Aboriginal traditions and culture and specific site conditions. Qanstruct will provide similar training during the Site Induction to all other site workers. This is detailed in Form 29 --- Site Induction Topics of Discussion.

When excavating, workers will be mindful of aboriginal artefacts (in the form of rocks, Bottles and/ or bones). Reference will be made to pictures displayed for identification.(Displayed on Notice Board)

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If found works will cease in the immediate area and the Site Manager will be notified. Melbourne Airport will be notified immediately, a 25m buffer zone will be created with the installation of a physical barrier, works will recommence in another area of the site. The Site Manager will contact the Melbourne Airport --- Environmental Manager who will attend site within 1 working day to assess the significance of the find.

Melbourne Airport Environmental Manager --- Renee Atkinson (03) 9297 1618.

Within a period of not more than 3 days a recommendation will be given by the CHA as to the process to be followed in proceeding with the works that is in culturally appropriate manner.

Further actions to be undertaken after an assessment of the discovery will be in accordance with the CHMP document prepared for the site and or the Wurundjeri Tribal Council.

A copy of the Cultural Heritage Management Plan is to be kept on site at all times.

5.1.14 Landscaping

The following is acknowledged in relation to Melbourne Airport:

vi) A permit will be required to remove any vegetation vii) Melbourne Airport planting guidelines are to be followed for any

landscaping works viii) Origin of soils certificate will be required for any soils brought on

the Melbourne Airport site

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5.1.15 Flora and Fauna

The site consists of predominately paved areas with small areas of sown lawn. The EPBC Act and Regulations do not apply to the project as no remant vegetation is proposed to be removed and no fauna habitat is proposed to be disturbed.

Notwithstanding the above, no tree is to be removed without approval from the Airport's Environmental Manager.

The construction site will be isolated by perimeter security fencing from any adjacent tree reserves.

5.1.16 Contaminated Land/Asbestos Management

i) Any soil to be disposed of off-site will be in accordance with EPA Guidelines IWRG621 & IWRG702 and Melbourne Airports Soil Management Guidelines.

ii) If any contaminated soil or water are found contact the Melbourne Environment Manager immediately. Renee Atkinson- 0438 601 237

iii) If any asbestos containing materials are found works are to stop immediately, the area is to be isolated until further notice. The Melbourne Airport Program Manager is to be contacted immediately.

5.2 Training of Personnel

All personnel on site will to be inducted. As part of this Site Induction, reference will be made to this document and an explanation of the environmental issues will be provided. Once inducted, personnel are required to sign a form stating they understand all issues discussed and will comply with all requirements.

Further to the above, all Qanstruct staff on site will be briefed on the importance of being diligent in ensuring this CEMP is followed.

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5.3 Emergency Procedures & Contacts

Site Specific Emergency Response Plan for environmental spills is included as Appendix D. This is complemented by Qanstruct’s Emergency Response & Crisis Management Procedure. Additional site specific emergency (safety and environmental) procedures will be defined in the Project Risk Assessment and task specific Safe Work Method Statements that are in use over the course of the project.

All spills exceeding 5L in volume or that enter the stormwater drains will be immediately reported to the Melbourne Airport Coordination Centre (03) 9297 1601 (24 hours). An incident report will be provided to the Melbourne Airport Environment Department within 48hrs of the incident occurring.

Emergency Contacts

All incidents, accidents or hazards will be reported to the following stakeholders:

Toll Ipec : Peter Petito (03) 9694 2868

Melbourne Airport’s Project Manager: TMinsight : Manuela Marasco t: (03) 9908 3047 m: 0421 051 429

Melbourne Airport Program Manager: Damien Morley Capital Program Department t: 9297 1724 m: 0408 503 730

Melbourne Airport Coordination Centre: (03) 9297 1601 (24 hours).

Clarification for any additional queries on the environment at Melbourne Airport can be sought through Melbourne Airport’s Environmental Manager on (03) 9297 1618.

5.4 Maintenance, Inspection and Audit Program

Safety Walks will be completed weekly.

Construction Environmental Management Plan Inspection Reports will be completed weekly and, prior to and after rain.

Qanstruct will conduct water testing during rain events, the testing will be conducted at different points along the storm water line. Additional water samples will be taken for verification of water quality. These water samples will be tested by an independent contractor.

APAM Environment Team will conduct monthly /or as required Environmental site walkovers to ensure control measures are being met and recorded.

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OHS&E Internal Audits will occur every 6-8 weeks.

Soil Movements; internal and external

Prescribed waste removal

Asbestos identification & removal

Environmental monitoring

Site Inductions

MSDSs --- Qanstruct and Subcontractor

A copy of all reports will be kept on site and available for review, if requested.

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5.5 Supervision

Jack Wright (Qanstruct), Project Manager --- 9810 8300


Ensure all works are undertaken in accordance with the CEMP

Engage suitability qualified & competent subcontractors to site works so that impact to the environment is prevented/ minimised

Report incidents to client's Environmental Management Representative

Dom Sherlock (Qanstruct), Site Manager --- 0418 571 707


Overall responsibility for environmental management on the site

Induct all supervisory staff into the requirements of the CEMP and ensure activities are undertaken in accordance with the CEMP

Train personnel in relation to the CEMP and allocate personnel that have adequate competency to carry out the works

Delegate environmental responsibilities to contractor personnel, while overseeing compliance

Document daily work practices, excavation volumes and material tracking records, inspection plans and test plans. Keep regular photographic record of the works

Ensure Inspections, Audits and Meetings occur (and are documented) to monitor OHS&E site performance and corrective actions are closed out promptly

Ensure all hazards and incidents are reported, investigated & reports are closed out in a timely manner. Sign off forms when complete

Manage any emergency on site

Inform the Construction Manager or Head of Safety & Environment of any serious or notifiable incident within 30 mins

Michael Harvey (Qanstruct), Head of Safety & Environment --- 0417 470 678


Review and update the CEMP, define and monitor implementation programs

Schedule regular audits to monitor compliance with the CEMP

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Oversee investigations and report any information concerning environmental matters to the Director

All Supervisory Staff


Ensure works are undertaken in accordance with the CEMP

To report regularly to all management in regards to the CEMP

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TNT Australia - Melbourne Airport Project:

Business Park

Cnr Link Rd & South Centre Rd, Address:

Melbourne Airport Business Park

Date of Risk Assessment: 13/02/2014 Persons Involved in PRA Workshop: M.Harvey

Aspect (Activities, Product or Service)

Potential Environmental Impact



Env Risk

Legal Requirements

Controls Required



SITE ESTABLISHMENT Installation of site sheds and fencing

Removal of flora/fauna




Airports Act 1996 and Airports (Environmental Protection) Regulations 1997Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000; Victorian Government (1970) Environment Protection Act EPA Vic (Feb 1996) Best Practice Environmental Management Environmental Guidelines for Major Construction Sites, Publication 480, section 4

No construction works outside site boundaries. No tree removal without approval permit from the Airport's Environmental Manager. No remant vegetation is proposed to be removed and no fauna habitat is proposed to be disturbed. Place tree protection

Site inspections

Site Manager

Establishing amenities and connection of inground services

Removal of flora/fauna Effluent spill - pollution of waterways.




Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000; Victorian Government (1970) Environment Protection Act EPA Vic (Feb 1996) Best Practice Environmental Management Environmental Guidelines for Major Construction Sites, Publication 480, section 4

Use location services and/or Dial before you dig. Melbourne Aiport excavation permits are in place.

Site inspections

Site Manager

EARTHWORKS Excavation of soil

Pollution of waterways




Airports Act 1996 Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997 Environment Protection Act 1970 State Environment Protection Policy (Waters of Victoria) EPA Publication 441 - A Guide to the sampling and analysis of waters, waste waters, soils and wastes.

Place bunding around drains Place silt stockings along drains

Site inspections and after large rainfall events

Site Manager

Excavation of soil

Contaminated material uncovered




Environment Protection Act 1970 Environmental Protection (Industrial Waste Resource) Regulations 2009 EPA Publication 448.3 – Classification of Wastes Airports Act 1996 Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997 Industrial Waste Management Policy (Waste Acid Sulphate Soils) EPA Publication 448.3 – Classification of wastes EPA Information Bulletin 395.3 – Instructions for Completion of Waste Transport Certificates EPA Publication 364.1 – The Transport and Disposal of Waste Asbestos EPA Publication 344.1 – The Transport and Management of Used Containers

Contaminated material to be assessed by a licenced contractor. Melbourne Airport to be advised immediately of contamination. Contaminated material to be disposed of at an appropriately licenced EPA facilitiy.

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Excavation of soil

Archaeological Disturbance




Airports Act 1996 Airports (Environmental Protection) Regulations 1997 Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Victorian Government (2006) Aboriginal Heritage Act Australian Heritage Council Act 2003

Work is to cease if any heritage or cultural artefacts are found Melbourne Airport informed for reporting to Heritage Council of Victoria for further action

As works are occuring.

Site Manager

Stockpiling of soil

Dust Pollution




Airports Act 1996 Airports (Environmental Protection) Regulations 1997 State Environment Protection Policy (Ambient Air Quality).

Soil piles to be watered using non-potable water when required

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Trucks driving on site/excavator use

Pollution from fuel spills



Airports Act 1996 Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997. State Environment Protection Policy (Ambient Air Quality). Environment Protection (Industrial Waste Resource) Regulations 2009; Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004; Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007; Dangerous Goods Act 1985; Dangerous Goods (Storage and Handling) Regulations 2011.

Fuel and hydraulic leaks to be cleaned up immediately.

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Trucks driving on site/excavator use

Pollution of waterways from dirt




Airports Act 1996 Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997 Environment Protection Act 1970 State Environment Protection Policy (Waters of Victoria) EPA Publication 441 - A Guide to the sampling and analysis of waters, waste waters, soils and wastes.

Install shaker grids/tyre wash at exit points Place bunding around drains Place silt stockings along drains Make available spill kits - provide spill response training

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager


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Land pollution - Inappropriate identification, handling and disposal of potential contaminants Cross-contamination of previously non-contaminated soils.




Environment Protection Act 1970 Environment Protection (Prescribed Waste) Regs 1998 EPA Publication 448.3 – Classification of Wastes Airports Act 1996 Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997 Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004; Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007; Dangerous Goods Act 1985; Dangerous Goods (Storage and Handling) Regulations 2011

Develop Hazardous Material Management Plan

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Generation of building waste - increased landfill




Environment Protection Act 1970 Environmental Protection (Industrial Waste Resource) Regulations 2009 EPA Publication 448.3 – Classification of Wastes Airports Act 1996 Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997

A minimum of 50% of construction waste will be reused or recycled during the project. Provision of waste bins for different waste streams

As works are occuring. Monthly waste report to the Melbourne Airport Environment Department

Site Manager

Import and compact fill

Import of potentially contaminated materials - pollution of land, harm to humans




Environment Protection Act 1970 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000; Airports Act 1996; Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997. State Environment Protection Policy (Groundwaters of Victoria).

Origin of soil certificates for all soil to be approved by Melbourne Airport Environment Department prior to the soil arriving

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Spoil/fill stockpile failure and sediment mobilisation and surface runoff - pollution of waterways




Environment Protection Act 1970 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000; Airports Act 1996; Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997. State Environment Protection Policy (Groundwaters of Victoria).

Place stockpile covers and sediment fences Place bunding around drains Place silt stockings along drains

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Erect pre-cast panels

Disturbance of local residents by truck and vehicle movements and noise Disturbance of and noise to local residents by operation of plant and equipment




Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000; Airports Act 1996; Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997. State Environment Protection Policy (Control of Noise from Commerce Industry and Trade).

Develop traffic management plan. Operate only during permitted working hours

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Concrete delivery

Disturbance of local residents by truck and vehicle movements and noise




Environment Protection Act 1970 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000; Airports Act 1996; Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997. State Environment Protection Policy (Control of Noise from Commerce Industry and Trade).

Develop traffic management plan. Operate only during permitted working hours

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Concrete pour. Washing down exposed aggregate concrete

Spillage contaminating the stormwater system




Environment Protection Act 1970 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000; Airports Act 1996; Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997. State Environment Protection Policy (Groundwaters of Victoria).

Appropriate sediment controls before pouring and delivery Vehicles to return to their depot with excess concrete and for thorough wash-down Chutes, barrels, wheelbarrows and other equipment must be rinsed in the site wash-down area. Trucks use shaker grids/tyre wash at designated areas Collect and filter contained runoff water for possible re-use

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager


Building waste and inappropriate disposal




Environment Protection Act 1970 VIC Environment Protection (Industrial Waste Resource) Regulations 2009 Clause 11 EPA Publication 448.3 - Classification of Wastes

A minimum of 50% of construction waste will be reused or recycled during the project. Provision of waste bins for different waste streams Bins to be closed/covered at all times

As works are occuring. Monthly waste report to the Melbourne Airport Environment Department

Site Manager

Wall cladding

Building waste and inappropriate disposal




Environment Protection Act 1970 VIC Environment Protection (Industrial Waste Resource) Regulations 2009 Clause 11 EPA Publication 448.3 - Classification of Wastes

A minimum of 50% of construction waste will be reused or recycled during the project. Provision of waste bins for different waste streams Bins to be closed/covered at all times

As works are occuring. Monthly waste report to the Melbourne Airport Environment Department

Site Manager

Services and external works

Building waste and inappropriate disposal




Environment Protection Act 1970 VIC Environment Protection (Industrial Waste Resource) Regulations 2009 Clause 11 EPA Publication 448.3 - Classification of Wastes

A minimum of 50% of construction waste will be reused or recycled during the project. Provision of waste bins for different waste streams Bins to be closed/covered at all times

As works are occuring. Monthly waste report to the Melbourne Airport Environment Department

Site Manager

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Removal of flora/fauna




Environment Protection Act 1970 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000; Victorian Government (1970) Environment Protection Act EPA Vic (Feb 1996) Best Practice Environmental Management Environmental Guidelines for Major Construction Sites, Publication 480, section 4

No construction works outside site boundaries. No tree removal without approval permit from the Airport's Environmental Manager. No remant vegetation is proposed to be removed and no fauna habitat is proposed to be disturbed. Place tree protection

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

LANDSCAPING Clearing site Delivery of topsoil and fill

Pollution of stormwater Load spills




Environment Protection Act 1970 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000; Airports Act 1996; Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997. State Environment Protection Policy (Groundwaters of Victoria).

Cover stockpiles and surround down hill sides with a sediment fence Trucks use shaker grids/tyre wash at exit points Make available spill kits - provide spill response training

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Fuel and oil spills




Airports Act 1996 Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997. State Environment Protection Policy (Ambient Air Quality). Environment Protection (Industrial Waste Resource) Regulations 2009; Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004; Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007; Dangerous Goods Act 1985; Dangerous Goods (Storage and Handling) Regulations 2011.

Cover stockpiles and surround down hill sides with a sediment fence Trucks use shaker grids/tyre wash at exit points Make available spill kits - provide spill response training

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Noise from trucks




Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000; Airports Act 1996; Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997. State Environment Protection Policy (Control of Noise from Commerce Industry and Trade).

Develop traffic management plan. Operate only during permitted working hours

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Turf laying and planting

Wastage of useable topsoil - resource depletion




Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000;

Strip topsoil at start of works and leave in designated areas no more than 1.5m high. Soil piles will be managed to reduce the risk of birds attraction and dust - all soil piles to be covered or removed if a risk is identified

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Turf laying and planting

Import of potentially contaminated materials.




Environment Protection Act 1970 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000; Airports Act 1996; Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997.

Origin of soil certificates for all soil to be approved by Melbourne Airport Environment Department prior to the soil arriving

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Turf laying and planting

Attraction of birds




Airports Act 1996; Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997.

Use of instant turf only, seeding not allowed.

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Turf laying and planting

Spread of weeds - destruction of native flora




Environment Protection Act 1970 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000; Airports Act 1996; Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997.

Removal and proper disposal of any noxious weeds

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Choice of plants

Depletion of resources - use of water




Environment Protection Act 1970 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000; Airports Act 1996; Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997.

Comply with Melbourne Airport Planting Guidelines Use native plants that require minimal special watering or fertilizer. Use organic composts that meet Aust Stds

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

OTHER Use of chemicals and chemical storage

Land and air pollution




Victorian Government (1970) Environment Protection Act EPA Vic (Feb 1996) Best Practice Environmental Management - Environmental Guidelines for Major Construction Sites, Publication 480, section 8.4 Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997.

Minor quantities to be kept on site and storage & use in designated areas, in accordance with MSDSs. A spill kit and copies of all MSDSs to be kept on site - provide spill response training Use mini tankers to refuel plant rather than storing bulk fuel on site. Low VOC chemicals to be used, where possible. Hazardous materials stored in compliance with the appropriate legislation and regulations.

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Spills & release of fumes




Airports Act 1996 Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997. State Environment Protection Policy (Ambient Air Quality). Environment Protection (Industrial Waste Resource) Regulations 2009; Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004; Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007; Dangerous Goods Act 1985; Dangerous Goods (Storage and Handling) Regulations 2011.

Fuel and hydraulic leaks to be cleaned up immediately. Liquid paints NOT to be poured down drains. Spread on waste cardboard or similar and leave to dry. Paint brushes to be rinsed and paint solids allowed to settle. Container of paint solids to be disposed to liquid waste facility.

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

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Likely (1) Possible (2) Unlikely (3)

High (1) 1 2 3 Medium (2) 2 4 6

Low (3) 3 6 9

Use of trucks, plant and machinery

Exhaust emissions - air pollution




Environment Protection (Vehicle Emissions) Regulations 2003. Airports Act 1996; Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997. State Environment Protection Policy (Ambient Air Quality).

Vehicles and machinery must be regularly serviced and maintained to minimise noise and exhaust emissions and oil and fuel drips. Minimise truck idling. Provide spill kits - provide spill response training

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Fuel and oil spills




Airports Act 1996 Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997. State Environment Protection Policy (Ambient Air Quality). Environment Protection (Industrial Waste Resource) Regulations 2009; Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004; Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007; Dangerous Goods Act 1985; Dangerous Goods (Storage and Handling) Regulations 2011.

Fuel and hydraulic leaks to be cleaned up immediately.

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Site cleanup and disposal of waste including prescribed waste

Increase in landfill due to waste.




Environment Protection Act 1970; Environment Protection (Industrial Waste Resource) Regulations 2009;

A minimum of 50% of construction waste will be reused or recycled during the project. Separate bins to be included for waste separation

As works are occuring. Monthly waste report to the Melbourne Airport Environment Department

Site Manager

Ground & water contamination as a result of incorrect hazardous waste disposal.




VIC Environment Protection (Industrial Waste Resource) Regulations 2009 Clause 11 EPA Publication 448.3 - Classification of Wastes State Environment Protection Policy (Groundwaters of Victoria). Environment Protection Act 1970; EPA Publication 344.1 – The Transport and Management of Used Containers. Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004; Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007; Dangerous Goods Act 1985; Dangerous Goods (Storage and Handling) Regulations 2011. Dangerous Goods Storage and Handling - (Code of Practice No. 27, 2000) Hazardous Substances - (Code of Practice No. 24, 2000) State Environment Protection Policy (Waters of Victoria).

Use licensed waste companies Wastes disposed of as per MSDS

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Waste and dust blowing around site




Environment Protection Act 1970; - EPA Publication 344.1 --- The Transport and Management of Used Containers. - Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004; - Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007; - Dangerous Goods Act 1985; - Dangerous Goods (Storage and Handling) Regulations 2011. - Dangerous Goods Storage and Handling - (Code of Practice No. 27, 2000) - Hazardous Substances - (Code of Practice No. 24, 2000) - State Environment Protection Policy (Waters of Victoria).

General site wastes --- use one bin system and sort in subcontractor’s yard to produce quantities of material for recycling, reuse, disposal etc. Empty drums are to be taken off-site for disposal. Do not overfill skip bins. Provide plenty for use. Cover where potential for windblown litter. Reduce, reuse and then dispose Do not send soil to landfill until alternatives for beneficial reuse have been explored as per consultant’s advice.

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager

Wildlife attraction to waste




Airports Act 1996; Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997.

Soil piles will be managed to reduce risk of birds attraction and dust. The contractor agrees to comply if Melbourne Airport requests that the soil piles are covered or removed if a risk is identified

Regular site inspections and as works are occuring.

Site Manager





Likely (1)

• The impact will probably occur in most circumstances

• Impact could occur 10 times per year

High (1)

Off-site environmental discharge/release not contained and significant long-

term environmental harm.

Possible (2)

• The impact should occur at some time.

• Impact could occur once per year.

Medium (2)

On-site environmental discharge/release contained, minor remediation

required, short-term environmental harm.

Unlikely (3)

• The impact may occur at some time, but unlikely.

• Impact could occur every 10 years.

Low (3)

On-site environmental discharge/release immediately contained, minor

level clean up with no short-term environmental harm.


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Env Mgt Plan Page 1 of 2

Environmental Management Plan Inspection Record This Inspection Record will be completed each month and when sediment and erosion control methods are corrected (generally after rain).

Project: 3574 --- TNT Australia Melbourne Airport Date of Inspection:

Checks will occur: Storm --- within the first 2 hours; Prolonged rain --- daily; Dry weather --- monthly.






Velocity control barrier / furrows in place

Table drain and diversion drains in place


Drains formed entire length

Minimal ponding

Traffic not crossing drains

Water being collected and released to non-sensitive area

Sediment control barriers in place

No erosion of drains


Fixed Securely to ground

Catching all water flow

Geo fabric securely fixed

Build up of sediment

No erosion surrounding barrier

SEWER Not collecting any waste until connected correctly


All vehicles exiting over shaker grid

Road has minimal dirt/ mud on it

Void under grid is not full

Grids aligned with access points

Main traffic areas free of mud

Dust is kept to a minimum

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Env Mgt Plan Page 2 of 2

Environmental Management Plan Inspection Record This Inspection Record will be completed each month and when sediment and erosion control methods are corrected (generally after rain).

Project: 3574 --- TNT Australia Melbourne Airport Date of Inspection:

Checks will occur: Storm --- within the first 2 hours; Prolonged rain --- daily; Dry weather --- monthly.




STORMWATER Not collecting contaminated water and running into stormwater system




Separation of different spoil

Diversion drains in place as required

Sediment control barriers in place as required

WASTE CONTROL Bins to site sheds and amenities emptied as required & covers maintained

Site bins not allowed to be over filled

No loose rubbish around site

Check beyond site for rubbish

Concrete waste pits to be maintained for prevention of contamination


Visual inspection of adjacent waterways

Name of Inspector/s:

Duration of Inspection:

OHS Representative’s Close Out: Name:

Signature: Date:

Site Manager’s Close Out: Name:

Signature: Date:

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Shut down all plant and equipment and remove all potential ignition sources in the area I

Cordon off the area & evacuate all workers not required for containment & clean up of spill

Report all spills exceed 5 litres in size or that enter stormwater drains will be immediately reported to the Melbourne Airport Coordination Centre 9297 1601

(24 hours). An incident report will be provided to the Melbourne Airport Environment Department within 48 hours of the incident occurring.


Contain the spill to prevent it from entering any nearby drains or waterways

I In the case of large spills,wind direction should be considered when evacuating workers to a safe point. It may also be necessary to warn neighbours downwind.


Workers involved with the clean up will be provided with all equipment and personal protective equipment specified by the product Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)


Clean up methodology will be in accordance with the MSDS register.

I All waste is to be disposed of in strict accordance with the MSDS register and the

Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)


Clean up methodology will be in accordance with the MSDS register.

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Issue Date --- November 2013 Form 29 Page 1 of 4


Project Name:

TNT Australia


Project Details

Who is the building for, scope of works, site value (then people can calculate their own site allowance).



Qanstruct is Federal Safety Commission accredited.

We require OHS compliance of all site personnel in order to maintain our accreditation (which allows us to work on government projects).

Expect inspections each weekly & audits every 2 months. All site workers may be asked to discuss the safety of their job with the inspector/auditor.



OHS Rep has been elected for the project. Identify OHS Rep.

Toolbox Meetings held fortnightly --- subcontractor’s supervisor to attend & communicate back to own work crew.


Roles & Responsiblities

Show where site phone numbers are displayed and advise names of: Site Manager (who is our Mgt Rep), Leading Hand, OH&S Rep & First Aiders.

Refer Section 2.1 of OHS&E Plan, esp. roles & responsibilities of subcontractors.



Direct them to the location of site copies of Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practice & Standards and discuss what is relevant to the project.



Safety boots, hi vis clothing and hard hats must be worn on site at all times.

Other PPE (safety glasses, gloves etc) must be worn, as required by SWMS for task being carried out.

UV protection --- refer UV policy.



Direct them to the Policies on the wall.



A current SWMS that is approved by Qanstruct, is required for all site works.

All persons involved in the works are to be signed onto the SWMS for the works (may be multiple SWMSs).

All persons must adhere to your SWMS requirements.

Any new work or change of works that is not covered in your SWMS, requires a new/amended SWMS to be written, signed off by all workers doing the work and approved by Qanstruct before doing the work. This is a FSC requirement.


First Aid Location

Identify where First Aid Shed is located & First Aiders.

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All persons must immediately report to your supervisor, any hazard, near miss, unsafe practices, injury or other incident.

Supervisor to report to Qanstruct immediately --- any injuries (inc. before person goes off site for medical treatment) and hazards/near misses that could result in death or serious injury/damage. This is a FSC requirement.

Supervisor to report to Qanstruct other issues before the end of shift.

Supervisor to arrange forms to be filled out --- subcontractors may use own forms and provide a copy to Qanstruct.

Qanstruct uses Hazard Reports (that are resolved on site with Subcontractor’s supervisor), and Issue Action Reports (that are sent to company’s director to follow up).



Facilities are provided --- lunch room, toilets etc. Keep them clean.


Evacuation Procedure

Show Emergency Assembly Point location on Site Map. Discuss

evacuation siren/ air horn and where it is located. Evacuation siren

tested 10am every Friday (evacuation not required).

Evacuation drills will occur every 3 months on the project. All persons on site expected to evacuate to Assembly Point and stay there until notified.

Discuss Emergency Procedure.


Traffic Management

Refer Traffic Management Plan on wall - which will change during construction works. All workers are to regularly review Taffic Management Plan for revisions (esp. if arranging deliveries).

Delivery bay provided & car park --- use these. Only approved Trade Vehicles in the construction site.

All vehicles on site: use a Flashing Light & Reversing Beepers.

Site Speed is 10 km/hr.

Seat belts are to be worn when vehicle is moving.


Smoking Policy

No smoking in any building, under covered walk ways or near entrances to buildings/ enclosed spaces --- due to passive smoke effects on others & legal requirements.

Dispose of butts in bins provided.


Plant and Equipment

Plant is registered, if needed to be (e.g. mobile cranes with SWL > 10T).

Plant Risk Assessment & recent maintenance records provided to Qanstruct before plant is used on site.

Only trained and competent operators to operate plant & equipment.

Operators to wear selt belts (if fitted) whenever plant is running.

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SITE INDUCTION --- TOPICS OF DISCUSSION Daily pre-starts filled out.

Visual observation completed before use of equipment.

Damaged/faulty plant/equipment must be removed from site or tagged with an out of service tag and fault reported to Supervisor immediately.


Lifting Gear

Lifting gear must be correctly rated & suitable for the lift.

All lifting gear is to have current test & tagging.

All lifting gear is to be visually inspected prior to use.


Electrical Equipment

All electrical equipment is to have current test & tagging.

Power to all portable electrical equipment and leads is to be supplied through an RCD.

All equipment to be visually inspected before use with faulty equipment being withdrawn from use immediately.


Hot Works & Fire Extinguishers

Hot Work Permits are required when there is hot work (i.e. grinding, oxy- cutting etc) in an area there are combustible materials and where fire/explosion could occur (i.e. grass/ building products could catch fire).

Discuss location of site extinguishers on site. Subcontractor will provided work area if required by SWMSs.

Any discharged site extinguishers are to be returned to Qanstruct immediately for recharging.


Working at Heights

Work at heights will be eliminated wherever possible - by working on the ground, use of extension tools etc.

Where works must be done at height, work must be covered by a SWMS.

Workers below must be protected from work at heights --- inc. exclusion zones, barriers, spotters etc.

Ladders will be used as a last resort. Preference is for scaffolding, EWPs, platform ladders, step ladders then trestle scaffold.

Working from ladders will only be for short duration works (< 30 mins).

All ladders used on site will be industrial ladders.

Emergency procedures will be included in the SWMS.

All harnesses & lanyard to have current test tag. All fall arrest items to be inspected prior to use.



Is to be maintained to a a high standard on site at all time, all rubbish to be placed in bins.

Housekeeping is a good indicator of how safe your work practices are.



Barricading to be erected around all trip or fall hazards (inc. excavations

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SITE INDUCTION --- TOPICS OF DISCUSSION and pits etc) immediately when the trip or fall hazard is created.

Barricading should be 2m from the edge of any excavation.

Rebar and pickets to be capped immediately when installed.



All chemicals brought to site must be approved by Site Manager, accompanied by MSDS and the safe use & storage of the chemical listed in your SWMS (not refer to MSDS but specific requirements).

Chemical quantities on site will be kept to a minimum.

Site MSDS register and MSDSs are located in OHS Rep’s site shed.


Site Safety Rules

Inductee to read booklet


Issue Resolution

Refer Section 2.23 of OHS&E Plan, Issue Resolution Flow Chart.

Discuss with inductee how site safety issues are sorted out.


Site Visitors

Visitor to sign onto Visitor Sign-In and be escorted by inducted person at all times when on site. Also need to sign off when leaving site.

Visitors must read and comply with visitor site access rules.



Do not discharge anything to storm drains, creeks or waterways.

Use water efficiently & minimse dust generation.

Report any incidents to Supervisor & assist to clean up work area.


Additional Site Specific Controls


Induction Sheet

Complete Induction Form (Form 5).

Tickets/ Competencies to be copied.

To be taken on site tour by own Supervisor to become familiar with the site (inc. entry/ exit & Assemby Points).

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Appendix F – Stormwater Management

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Stormwater Management

• Where practicable all stockpiles will be removed from site. The remaining stockpiles will have silt fences placed around the perimeter, the bottom buried below ground level.

• Jute matting will be placed around the surrounds of all pits and rock logs placed on top of the jute matting to provide extra sediment protection. Particular attention will be made to those pits that lay lower than existing ground level.

• Proof roll areas to consolidate loose materials and flatten uneven surfaces. Focus on monitoring and maintaining areas near drains and pits.

• Prior to and after any significant rain event all sediment protection will be inspected for any remedial attention. This is in addition to the environmental check incorporated in our weekly site walks.

• Environmental Management Plan Inspection Reports will be completed weekly and or after a rain event.

• Qanstruct will conduct water testing during rain events, the testing will be conducted at each of the discharge points. The water testing will be conducted during daylight hours. Additional water samples will be taken for verification of water testing results.

• Testing for pH and turbidity will be conducted at the start, during and after any significant rain event (as mentioned in Qanstruct Stormwater Monitoring). This testing will be recorded showing time, date, flow of water and point of testing.

• Water samples will be taken for verification purposes, all initial testing is to be done by Qanstruct. The water samples will be clearly marked/labelled ie time, date and where sample taken from.

• An independent contractor will be engaged in the testing process to verify initial testing by Qanstruct.

• All results forwarded to APAM once information collated and recorded. • Ongoing monitoring of all hardstand areas will be undertaken by Qanstruct. The

hardstand areas will be maintained by the use of mechanical sweepers on site.

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