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The Easter International Tournament…..

The 12th Edition of the Annual Easter Tournament dedicated to Hamrun Spartans F.C.

Youth Nursery founder Tony Bajada is being organised by the Hamrun Local Council

with the collaboration of the Hamrun Nursery Committee between the 27th March and

the 3rd April 2013. The Tournament will once again be an International Edition with

last year’s winners of the Under 14 Category ADSL Athlone of Ireland coming back

with two teams for the same Category won last year.

As in recent years this Tournament is reserved for four categories. Three Festivals are reserved for boys born in 2007,

2003 and 2001. For these Festivals no winners will be declared as they will be more focused on fun games giving

these young boys to enjoy the game without any pressure. Ten teams will participate in the Under 14 Category

Tournament for boys born in 1999. Two groups of five teams will compete for a semifinal place to play in the final for

the Tony Bajada Challenge Cup.

As is done in such Tournaments or Festivals a slogan is proposed during the event. For this year the Organising

Committee made another effort for the respect in the game which is as important as winning. The slogan, “THE WILL

TO WIN IS IMPORTANT…. …..BUT THE WILL TO RESPECT IS VITAL”, should emphasis in younger players that

respecting others when at winning or losing is a BIG win in itself.

We hope that together during this Tournament, Officials and Coaches give these young players enough time and

space to enjoy this lovely game by playing all players as much as possible in a most friendly atmosphere especially in

the younger age groups.

Together with the Hamrun Local Council as Organisers of this Tournament wish all the 29 teams coming from 14

Nurseries to have a great Tournament and will be a wonderful experience. Thanks goes also to the Sponsors who

have been supporting this event year after year. Hamrun Spartans FC Youth Nursery wish to thank the Hamrun Local

Council for the support given throughout the year.

Noel Debattista

HSYN Secretary & Tournament Director


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Official Hamrun Spartans F. C. Youth Nursery Kit Sponsor

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Tony Bajada tal-Hamrun Nursery…… role model li ghandu jibqa’ nfakkar.

Minn zmien ghal zmien nisma b’hafna idoli jew role models u jsiru films dwarhom,

jinkitbu kotba u tant affarijiet ohra, biex kemm jista jkun dawn in-nies ma jintesewx. Sa

certu punt huwa tajjeb, ghalkemm nemmen li hemm limitu specjalment skond xkien

l-effet veru, u l-ezempju taghhom ghall ohrajn.

Bla dubju ta’ xejn fil hajja ta’ kuljum kellna diversi nies li fis-silenzju taghhom ghamlu

l-gid lil ohrajn, minnghajr hadd ma qad jdoqq trombi jew jinhargu kotba jew films dwarhom wara

mewthom. Inhoss li hemm uhud li jistghu jissejhu bhala role models jew idoli, sejhilhom li trid, u prpoju

wiehed minnhom huwa l-mibki Tony Bajjada li ghalih ser jinzamm b’kommerazzjoni it-tnax l-edizzjoni tat

Tony Bajada Memorial, minn nursersery li tant kien ihobb dik ta’ Harmun Spartans. Nursery li tant ta’ hin u

ghamel sagrificcji, iva huwa tajjeb li Tony jibqa’ mfakkar ghax xoghol volontarju li wettaq, biex assigura li

n-nursery tal-Hamrun fil-bidu taghha, tifjorixxi u jkollha bazi soda, biex dawk li gew warajh setghu fuq

il-passi tieghu ikomplu jimirhu fl-ideat u l-idjologiji tieghu, bhal bniedem ezemplari fejn il fair play u

formazzjoni ta kull tifel fin-nursery tal-Hamrun, kienu ewlenin fil hidma tieghu permezz tal-futbol.

Jien li kelli xorti nahdem mieghu, meta tnejn konna dak iz-zmien membri fil-Kunsill tal-Youth FA, dejjem

gharaft fih dik il-persuna li tahdem u qatt ma tistenna lura xi grazzi u metakoluz f’dak kollu li kien jaghmel.

Matul dawn it-tnax il-sena li ilu jigi organizzat dan il-memorial, dejjm rajt il-livell ta dan it-tournamemt

jikber, mhux biss b’organizazzjoni tajba, izda wkoll b’inkluzjoni ta’ tims barranin, biex aktar dan

it-tournament inzamm haj u partecipattiv, forsi whud minn dawk l-aspettativi li kellu Tony tant ghal qalbu.

Niehu din l-okkazzjoni li filwaqt li nawgura lil kull nursery jiem ta’ futbol sbieh fi spritu ta’ fair play,

inheggeg l-aktar lill-amministratturi u mhux anqas lill-Hamrun Spartans Youth Nursery, biex izommu

principji sodi u kif suppust fil-grassroots futbol, principji li ghall Tony Bajada kienu l-nudell ta’ kif

verament tkun nursery serja. Jekk nitilfu dan is-sens ta principji bazici ta l-onesta fil-loghba u l-karattru ta’

l-individwu , inkunu verament qed nitilfu l-aspettativi princiali ta din il-loghba tant ghall qalbna.

Il-partecipazzjoni hija sabiha, ir-rebh f’dawn l-etajiet huwa tajjeb imma sekodarju, izda l-edukazzjoni

fil-formazzjoni tal-karattri flimkien ma xi rebha jew telfa jew xi esperjenza sbiha, zgur li johrog il gid tant

mixtieq, fejn il plejers taghna jibdew jifhmu li fil hajja kemm it-telf u kemm ir-rebh ghandhom post it-tnejn

fil-hajja tahhom.

Joe Micallef

Segretarju Generali YFA.

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The Under 14, Under 12 and Under 10

categories play their matches at the Victor

Tedesco Stadium. The Under 6 category

matches are played in the five-a-side pitch

next to the Victor Tedesco Stadium.

The Stadium is named after late Hamrun

Spartans FC President Victor Tedesco, the man

behind most the honours won

by the club during the

eighties. It was his dream way

back in the eighties that the

club should have its own

stadium. This dream came true

in 1996 when the stadium was

inaugurated. Though the

stands were partial ly

constructed, the Hamrun

supporters had a place where

to call home.

Throughout the years, a

number of improvements

were made. However, the major leap was done

in summer 2008, when the pitch was

converted from natural turf to artificial turf and

floodlights were installed. During summer

2011, major construction works running into

millions were carried out on the terraces and

the facilities housed beneath and behind them.

Seating capacity of the stadium is now 2,000.

The Venue…… Victor Tedesco Stadium - Hamrun

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Athlone ADSL

Tony Bajada Memorial 2012 Winners

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Athlone ADSL

Tony Bajada Memorial 2012 Winners

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Athlone ADSL, last year’s Under 14 edition

winners will be coming back to Malta to

participate in this year’s Tony Bajada Memorial

with two teams. Athlone, coming from the

heart of Ireland, were the first foreign team to

win the prestigious Under 14 Challenge Cup as

all previous editions were won by local teams.

Athlone had a great tournament last year as in

the group stage they won two games and lost

one. First game they faced

Floriana and won 5-0, against

Paola H. 3-0, losing to Pieta H.

0-1. They top the their group

and were drawn to play

Birkirkara in the semi final who

won 3-0. In the final they faced

a strong Mosta side who yet to

be beaten in the tournament.

Athlone showed their true

strength and won the final 2-0

to become the first foreign side

to lift the challenge cup.

Athlone were impressed with

the Malta tour as apart from the

positive football experience

they also found time to enjoy

their visit on the Island. Another

highlight of their stay in Malta

was when they managed to

meet H.E. the President of Malta

George Abela at the San Anton

Palace in Attard. Hamrun

Spartans Youth Nursery officials

accompanied the group in a

private meeting where the

President greeted them and

wished them a great stay in

Malta. They presented the President with some

gifts. After the meeting they toured the Palace.

Athlone will look forward for another great

experience in Malta both in football and social

stay on the Island. On behalf of the Organising

Committee we wish Athlone a warm welcome

to Malta and wish them great success in this

year’s edition of Tony Bajada Memorial


2012 Edition winners Athlone ADSL are back……. This year they will participate with two teams!

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1. Nurseries registered with The Youth FA, nurseries registered with the Gozo Football Association and foreign football schools/

academies/nurseries are eligible to participate in this Football Tournament.

2. Children born after 1st January 2007, children born after 1st January 2003, children born after 1st January 2001 and children

born after 1st January 1999 are eligible to participate in this tournament.

3. Before the start of the Tournament, each participating team taking part in the 1999 category has to present three copies of

Registration Forms. Thirty minutes prior to each game, the line-ups must be filled in in triplicate by each team and presented

to the Organising Committee. The Youth FA card of each player must be at the disposal of the event organisers. Officials of

teams participating in categories 2007, 2003 and 2001 have to present one Registration Form before commencing their first


4. Each participating player has to play the entire Tournament with the same number as listed on the Registration Form.

5. In category 2007 every team may register up to ten (10) players, categories 2003 up to fourteen (14) players and categories

20001 and 1999 up to eighteen (18) players.

6. Category 2007 games are played on a four (4) v four (4) basis, category 2003 games are played on an eight (8) v eight (8)

basis, while games of categories 2001 and 1999 are played on an eleven (11) v eleven (11) basis. Each team can make use of all

substitutes. A player who has been substituted cannot enter the pitch again in the same game.

7. Duration of matches:

2007 Category: fifteenth (15) minutes each half, with ten (10) minutes rest. 2003 Category: twenty five (25) minutes per each

half, with ten (10) minutes rest. 2001 and 1999 Categories: thirty (30) minutes each way, with five (10) minutes rest.

8. In Categories 2007 and 2003, the OFFSIDE and BACKPASS rule will not be observed, while in Category 2007 KICK-IN will be

applied instead of throw-in. In categories 2007 and 2003, the normal GOAL KICK will be applied from the imaginary line with

the opponent 5 meters from ball. In category 2001 and 1999 the normal rules and regulations of the game will be applied. In

Category 2007 play will be in the form of Fun Games without goalkeeper and with smaller goal posts.

9. In the 1999 Category, if a player is shown two yellow cards throughout the tournament or shown a red card in a match, he

will be automatically suspended in the following game. Other actions may be taken by the Disciplinary Board.

10. Each team participating in Category 2007 should present a ball size three (3), while teams in the 2003, 20001 and 1999

Categories, should present a ball size four (4) for their games.

11. Only registered players, coaches and two officials are eligible to enter the pitch during the games with their respective

teams. Coaches and officials should stay in the area allocated to their team.

12. Football shoes with metal studs are not allowed. The use of shin guards is mandatory - they will be inspected by the match


13. Categories 2007, 2003 and 2001 play in a round robin league format. In these categories, no winners will be declared.

14. In the 1999 Category, the teams will be divided into two groups and will play in a league format of one round. The team

classified first in Group A will play against the team classified second in Group B and the team classified first in Group B will

play with the team classified second in Group A. The winners of the Semi-Finals will contest the Final. Teams classified third,

fourth and fifth in Group A play against the teams classified third, fourth and fifth in Group B respectively.

15. In the event of teams ending up with the same number of points in the group stage of the 1999 category, first the direct

encounter will be considered, then overall goal difference and then the overall number of goals scored. In the event of

remaining the same, five (5) penalties will be given between the two teams.

16. If a Nursery or team fails to honour a fixture, this will be reported to The Youth FA.

17. In case any argument that may arise is not covered by these rules and regulations, the rules and regulations of The Youth

FA will be applied.

18. The Organising Committee's decisions are final and cannot be appealed.

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