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First let me thank you for picking up this WSO. There are LOT of WSO's out there that you could have picked up instead, so I'll do my best to deliver. I am going to keep this as clean, concise, and as to the point as possible - so lets get into it.


I'd like to get something out of the way; it is my understanding, that sometime ago, a warrior posted this traffic source/site AS a WSO. Now, while it may not be as well known as other sources, it HAS been around since 2006, and many, many IM'rs already use this site for traffic (including myself).

That said, I may have waited to reveal the source to you now, in an effort to avoid stepping any Warrior's toes. Although, I may just decide to disclose it in the WSO post anyway.

That said, this WSO is NOT about revealing a “new” traffic source, it's about how to USE it (much like using youtube, facebook, etc...). I'm going to show you how to get the most out of this site, and hopefully give you some new FREE tools to play with along the way.

I'm sure with some of these tools, you're mind will start to wonder as to all the other uses and possibilities you could have for them. So feel free to explore all the other possibilities in addition to using them for our purposes here.

So, without further ado, the not-so unheard of site is...

Maybe you've heard of it/used it, maybe not. Either way, you'll get some great information from this WSO.

SlideShare is a wonderful site and resource. According to, there are currently more than 70,000,000 visits to SlideShare each month. It's free to join; and although there are features that can be unlocked through a couple paid membership options, it is not necessary.

SlideShare is basically a platform for uploading and sharing content in the form of various types of presentations (powerpoints, videos, infographics, etc...). We will be

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focusing on using the quickest and most simple means of presentation their site offers... And that would be - PDF files.


One of the best aspects of this using this traffic method is how quickly you can set this up. AND I have a few sweet options/tools for you to make it all the more easier.

SlideShare has a built in feature to try and keep out the riffraff. In order to have clickable links in your PDF, your PDF must be a minimum of 4 pages. Any less than that, and you'll have dead-links. I typically create PDF's that are a minimum of 5 pages, and on the very last page, I'll put a link to my offer/squeeze page.

By having this minimum page requirement in place, they can help keep people from just abusing their site.

Other than that, there are no additional minimum requirements as far as content is concerned. Each page of your PDF could have just a few words on it (similar to a powerpoint slide) and it will fly.

However, I hope everyone does their best not to spam this site with blatant advertising. That's not idea here. My fear is, if they start seeing too much of that, they'll put more features in place that may limit the use of their site for internet marketing/lead generation purposes.

That said, I suggest giving something of value within your PDF presentation. Present a short “how-to” guide (IM related or other), or make a presentation that is just entertaining (I saw one a few weeks ago about the movie “Anchorman 2”), you can present a crazy marketing tactic (search google for ideas), look at other presentations to get ideas, look at the various categories SlideShare has to get ideas, etc... You really just need something that stands out in the crowd.

If you don't want to, or can't, come up with your own idea for a presentation, that's ok. I'll help by showing you a couple alternatives in a bit.


Alright, you've got an idea in mind, but have no idea how to create a PDF file – no

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problem. All you need to do is download a free tool called “OpenOffice.” Here's a link:

Open Office is awesome and easy to use. It is a very sophisticated word processor that includes a PDF creation feature. You can add links, images, etc... If you can copy and paste, you can use Open Office. Let me just show you the three basic elements we will include in our PDF's using Open Office.

PDF Element #1: Presentation Image

First and foremost, when you post your presentation, this is how it will appear on SlideShare (not my presentation by the way):

Notice, that the person that posted this presentation used a very trendy image – Miley Syrus (you be your own judge on whether or not that image is royalty free) But the point here is, you can use a similar tactic with your presentations.

The presentation appears to be about “2013's Best Digital Campaigns,” so somehow he's tying Miley's controversial shenanigans at the VMA's into his presentation and using this crazy image to draw attention and get views, which is obviously an

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5 days/96k viewsNICE!!!

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effective tactic. Just watch yahoo/google trends, work what's trending into your presentation, and you could see some great results.

Another reason I showed you an example presentation is, when you are using PDF's to present, the display image will end up being the top-half of the first-page of your PDF. So when you create your PDF using Open Office, you will want to use/create an attention grabbing image, then size it all the way to the edges of your document.

Under the image you can just put some brief text about your presentation, or write “Presentation by: Your Name,” so when the viewer opens the presentation, the first page of your PDF doesn't look strange.

Getting attention is key. If you receive enough views right off the bat, your presentation will end up being deemed as one of today's “Popular” presentations, which puts it towards/at the top of the page for whatever particular category you posted it in. Then it goes viral in a sense. More people see it, more people click on

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it, it becomes even more “popular.”

PDF Element #2: Presentation Content

Surprisingly, this will be WAY easier then you may be anticipating (especially when I show you some options in the next section).

Again, the minimum requirement in order to have clickable links within your PDF is 4 pages (I do at least 5 to be safe), and I only put links on the very last page which we'll go over in a minute. And remember, there's no real requirement for how much content there is within the first 4 pages.

Again, do your best to deliver quality information. Even if it's short, give people something they can use, something that's funny, something that's entertaining, etc., and work into your offer. Don't just do a sales pitch for an affiliate product and then put an affiliate link at the end. You can try it, but I doubt it would convert well.

I see a lot of people doing that, and I don't see them getting very many views. I read some time ago, that SlideShare has an algorithm whereby, if people open a presentation, but don't view it all of the way through to the end, the presentation gets pushed farther down the list. Pretty much the opposite of making the “Popular” criteria.

I usually present a step-by-step summary of a marketing method (like a strategy for making money on ebay, how to get a youtube video ranked, etc...) then, AFTER I've given them some useful content for free, I invite them to click a link that takes them to my squeeze page. Imagine a friend shows you a badass car in his driveway. You REALLY thought it was cool. Then he says, “If you think THAT'S cool, check out what's in my garage.” That's the mindset I try to work from with this. GIVE them something cool, build trust, and THEN invite elsewhere to look at something better.

PDF Element #3: The Offer/Link Page

As I just mentioned, I personally like to use this traffic for list building purposes. Not that you can't use it for affiliate promotion (in fact many do).

What I do is, in addition to giving them valuable content up-front in the presentation, I'll then offer them a complete product for free if they opt in through

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my squeeze page.

I'll either offer them a different IM product then the content covered in my presentation (do a presentation on ebay and then offer them a Facebook product), OR in the presentation, I'll give them the summary of a product (not a sales pitch, but an actual step-by-step of how a method works), and then at the end, offer them the method itself (one of my own products where I can show them the entire method from over my shoulder or a PLR of the method – for free)...

You could to the exact same thing (summarize an internet marketing product) and then send them to an affiliate link for that same product instead of a squeeze page OR send them to your squeeze page and offer your product or PLR for opting in.

So, once you have your attention grabbing image fully covering the top-half of page one, your presentation content complete, and your offer/link at the end, just click the [PDF] button in Open Office, create your PDF, and head over to SlideShare:



This is for you people who like taking streamlining a process (I know I do). Now, if you happen to have your own blog and you wish you could just snag the content from one of your blog posts, magically click a couple buttons, and turn it into a PDF file to load onto SlideShare as a presentation – you can...

In fact, you could also search for free content, free blogs, free articles, etc. and do the exact same thing. Here's how. Find the free content you want to use as a presentaton and copy the URL of the specific article, blog post, etc...

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For an example, I snagged an article from It's likely not free content, I just snagged it for purpose of this example, so I wouldn't advise using this content to promote anything. This article happens to be a how-to guide for using Youtube's keyword tool, which could make a great presentation of your own:

Just copy the URL and head over to

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Enter the URL in and click [print preview]:

You can delete any images and content that you do not want included in the PDF. Once you're happy with it, just click the PDF button. And there's your presentation.

Again, don't just use anyone's content. This is only for YOUR own content or FREE content.

So, how do we add our own links/link page to a PDF file? I'll show you that right now, along with ANOTHER way to streamline this process.

We talked about using a PLR product earlier as a promotional product or a give away. Well, here's another way to use it. Some PLR's don't allow you to alter or give away their product and some do. What you can and cannot do with each PLR is usually stipulated quite clearly.

So, we have our PDF created via Print Friendly, OR we have our PLR of choice, and

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we want to add OUR offer/links at the end before uploading it to SlideShare.

This time, let's go to:

Just click the “Edit Your PDF Now” button and then upload the PDF you want to modify.

This is also a free service unless the PDF you want to modify is to large of a file or has over a 100 pages, then you'd have to become a paid member to use it. I don't think that will be an issue for our purposes here.

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Once you've uploaded your PDF file, simply edit it using the edit tools located at the top left corner of the screen.

To add an offer/link page to the end of the PDF file you are editing, you can again use Open Office to create your offer page in PDF form. Save and keep this offer/link page PDF around; you can re-use it over and over again. Just add it to other PDF's you'd like to modify where the offer works with the presentation.

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Once the PDF page is created, click the “Page” tab at the top of the edit tools.

Click the “Append” button to add the new page to the existing PDF.

After everything is complete and to your liking, click the download and save button located to the far left (as indicated in the image provided).

Alright, now that all the heavy lifting is done. Let's go to SlideShare, upload this bad boy, and watch our handy work in action.


This will easiest part of this already simple process.

Once at:

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Sign up and then click the Upload button.

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The image and title must grab the attention of the audience. The category should fit and will help with getting targeted visitors. SlideShare also has a search function, so keywords in the title, description, and tags will come into play.

While you are inputting all of these details, SlideShare provides a “Virality Score” as a gauge for the effectiveness of the details you are providing.

Once everything looks good. Hit save and continue. BOOM! You're done.


Just know, there is a learning curve to EVERYTHING. Tweak, test, try, ect., is the name of the game. This is not a magic bullet and each presentation does not always guarantee thousands of views daily.

On even my “failed” attempts, I still managed several hundred views over the course of a few days.

The best part is, you can post as many of these presentations as you like, OR delete and re-post the same ones over and over and over. Even if you experience dismal results and only get a conservative amount of daily traffic from a single presentation, all you have to do is scale the number of presentations and turn a heard of dismal presentations into a huge flood of monthly, automated traffic.

Each time, play with the title, description, tags, and category. I don't advise having multiple posts of the exact same presentation uploaded at the exact same time. That would be the epitome of spamming.

When you get ones that really take off, they will likely spike for a day or two (THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of views), then plateau, and then tapper off to only a few views a day. Just delete it, and repost it.

To your success!

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