
Trackingthe Birth PainsShocking Examples of

Persecution of Christians in 2015

“Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will

kill you, and you will be hated by all nations

because of My name (Matthew 24:9).”

Sign #7Persecution

The Persecution that Jesus

foretold is specific to HIS

followers ONLY!

Tribulation Hatred Death

N.T. meaning:• betrayal • imprisonment• secular court trials• fines

N.T. meaning:• detest• pursue with hatred• malicious &

unjustifiable feelings

N.T. meaning:• to murder• to kill one’s

spiritual life

There are 3 Levels of Persecution

that Followers of Messiah Jesus Will


Level 1:

General Tribulations

Followers of Messiah have

always endured tribulations.

But in the West, things are

heating up. Take a look at 3

examples of tribulations

that have occurred in


Kim Davis, Kentucky

Clerk of Court, was

jailed for her

refusal to issue

same-sex marriage

licenses. Kim, a

devout Christian,

simply refused to

check her faith at

the door!

Michael Overd, a

street preacher from

the U.K., was fined

for alleged

homophobic comments.

A judge just

overturned the


Christian bakers,

who refused to

bake a gay

wedding cake,

were fined

$135,000! They

raised more than


Granted those are light

afflictions compared to

persecution in other

countries, but for Christian

countries in the West, this

is just the beginning.

Level 2:

Intense Hatred

Followers of Messiah also

face intense hatred from a

savage group. Take a look at

3 examples that have

occurred in 2015...

The world watched as

ancient churches &

monasteries were

destroyed. Children were

sold as slaves, property

was confiscated & death

threats were continually


Christians in Aleppo

were forced to flee

the city or die at

the hands of ISIS.

Many now live in

refugee camps.

Muslim extremists in

Egypt frequently target

Coptic Christians. Mobs

of Muslims have even

descended on Christian

homes-often throwing

rocks & demanding their


Level 3:


Sadly, persecution isn’t the

end of the story. In 2015,

followers of Messiah are

being savagely murdered.

Take a look at 3 recent


This year, 21

Egyptian Coptic

Christians were

kidnapped &

beheaded by ISIS.

This year, 30


Christians were

shot & beheaded by


This month, a

largely Christian

town was the

target of ISIS

terror. Dozens

were killed &


The common thread is

obvious, but retaliation by

followers of Messiah Jesus

is not the answer.

But I say to you, do not resist an

evil person; but whoever slaps you on

your right cheek, turn the other to

him also.

- The Words of Jesus (Matthew 5:39)


We use God’s mighty weapons, not

worldly weapons, to knock down the

strongholds of human reasoning and to

destroy false arguments.

-Rabbi Shaul (2 Corinthians 10:4)

Christian Persecution

2015 in Review:

“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even

so, when you see all these things, you know that Messiah is near, He is right at the door.”

- Matthew 24:32-33

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