
AMC Institute

Trendspotting How to Predict and Position Your AMC and Your Clients

for SuccessAdele CehrsCEOEpic PR Group

What’s the benefit of trendspotting?

Start by listening.Competitive intelligence.

Bottom up approach.

Bloggers, listservs and Twitter…

Contrarians.Find out what they are saying.

GTS it.Cash in on their massive stores of data

Industry Predictions.What are they saying is coming next?

Look to the Polls.Leave it to the experts

Watercooler SharesWhat are people talking about?

Time Machine Framework #1 In the past…


Where your trend will take people, products, service, industry, etc…


In the past, associations have opened up some of their educational content for crowdsourcing.

Now, a step above crowdsourcing, member controlled innovation allows members to take part in the creation of actual products, meetings and changes to the association.

As a result of the Crowdsourcing 2.0 Trend, the member-association dynamic has changed as it becomes clear the best way to ensure member satisfaction.

Time Machine Framework #1

The Shift Framework #2 Three disparate things all point toward this incoming trend or change in the market place that you are identifying first.

The Shift Framework #2 With more Gen Xer’s in leadership positions, they desire completely customized membership experience

Members are asserting their desire for uniqueness by demanding products that are malleable, according to their individual career paths, personality and networking preferences

This will cause a shift in the way associations tailor membership offerings, allowing members to call the shots about how they want to interact with the association moving forward. This is called The Me Generation Trend.

What’s Cool Framework #3Example:



Everyone is doing it b/c this is what’s the consumer desires…

• Facebook was cool 10 years ago

• Phone calls are for old people

• Email is for parents

• Now, The Ocular Social Trend is in with the popularity of Pinterest, Snapchat and Instagram

What’s Cool Framework #3

Scarcity Framework #4 The trend was bubbling up for a while…

What others didn’t do until now…

Research shows…

How the trend will address a need for a select group of people in the know…


First propelled into the urban consciousness by New York's Magnolia Bakery in 1996 and subliminally promoted by the pleasure-seeking women of the HBO series "Sex and the City“ – cupcakes have always had a place in our heart.

Businesses such as Sprinkles Cupcakes and Crumbs continue to draw repeat customers who appreciate the dessert's size and portability.

When an economy enters troubled waters, this does not spell bad news for all categories. “Affordable luxury”, for example, tends to perform well in a recessionary environment.

Given the recent economic downturn, Georgetown Cupcake sells out its treats with a long line of patrons waiting to buy the $2.75 cupcake because people feel “it’s an affordable luxury.”

Scarcity Framework #4

Smashing Framework #5

Example + Example =

New idea created by smashing two categories together

Smashing Framework #5Instant Gratification + Quick Solutions

=The Member Kit Culture

In the age of instant gratification, members crave easy and quick solutions to their industry or profession’s problems.

This desire has birthed a Member Kit Culture Trend based in ready-made systems assembled to solve various problems. Kits allow members to enjoy the benefits of problem solving without a lot of effort.

This will change the way association’s organize content, provide updates and communicate effectively with members.

Trend Creation Exercise Develop a trend for the Brewers Association based on the information below.

The Brewers Association has seen a significant rise in the number of craft brewers in their membership in recent years. Craft brew sales have increased by 15% in the past year alone.

Bars and pubs across the country are adding more taps and expanding their beer offerings to accommodate the consumer interest in craft beers.

American diners increasingly crave food grown in their own region, rather than delicacies trucked or flown in from far-off locales.

The 2008 recession ushered in a new way to socialize and spend their time – creating an increase in the foodie and home-brewing culture. Craft brew competitions and festivals are cropping up across the country.

Large brewers, such as Sam Adams and Budweiser, are diversifying their product offerings to keep pace with microbreweries across the country. For example, in May of this year, Sam Adams released a commercial talking about the 60 beers they brew each year.

Biggest Challenge Exercise

What is your biggest communications challenge?

For example, here are some things we hear often:

• People don't understand what we do• Staff doesn't know how to talk about the organization effectively• Board in-fighting• Internal communication challenges• Departmental silos• Developing trends• Identifying and talking to the right audience• Buy-in

Thank you.

C = ConsultingS = Speaking E = Email

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