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Page 1: Trinity

Bible Teacher Pastor Leon Emmanuel

Page 2: Trinity

What’s in a name?

• Teacher • Father • Leon • Cousin • Brother • Uncle • Vs • SGO

• Animal lover • Writer • Artist • And many other


I have many different “names”.

I am:

Make a list of all of your different “names” starting with: I am:

Page 3: Trinity

Am I more than one person?

Teacher Cousin Father Brother VS

Animal lover

Writer Artist

ME All of these “names” make up me, although they are all very different.

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An Egg

An egg has three parts




The three parts are very different but they make up an egg.

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Water • What is the chemical formula for water?

• What are the three different ways in which

water can exist? H2O

liquid solid - as ice

gas – as steam

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These all have the SAME formula. They are all H2O even though they are all very different.

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skin flesh core

All of these parts make up an apple although each part is very different.

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The Apple

• When you cut an apple in half, what do you see?




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Christians believe that

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit,

although they are all very different, they all the one

GOD 1Jn 5:7 “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the

Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.”

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Today many people wear a shamrock on St Patrick’s Day. (March 17th)

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Write your name in here

On your copy of this diagram put in the THREE most important “names” you wrote down earlier.

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In your own words, explain what the Trinity means to Christians.

Extension: Can you think of any other things that are made up of different parts but which need to be together to form a whole?

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