Page 1: TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN · 2012. 11. 16. · The Transylvanian Principality Descriptions of nations: 1. Their leading class was made up of wealthy tradesmen and craftsmen in guilds

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Page 2: TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN · 2012. 11. 16. · The Transylvanian Principality Descriptions of nations: 1. Their leading class was made up of wealthy tradesmen and craftsmen in guilds

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

Important information Give clear answers and make all your work unambiguous – even if you need to make corrections in your text. Try to be concise and keep to the point. Do not use more space than is provided. Only write the number of words or items specified in the task. (If you write more, your answers will be evaluated in the order they appear.) Please write in blue ink.

When working on the exam tasks consider the following. • Read the instructions carefully. • Do exactly what the instructions tell you. • Study the sources provided (pictures, diagrams, texts, maps). Please keep in mind

that the English texts will be only rough translations which render the meaning of the original text, but not their archaic style.

• Use the resources that you are allowed to use for each task: the maps of the secondary school Historical Atlas [középiskolai történelmi atlasz] and the bilingual dictionaries. People, topographical data and concepts can only be evaluated when correctly spelled.

• Consider your answers carefully before writing them down so that you do not have to correct them later.

We advise you to follow these steps when dealing with the shorter or longer essay-type questions:

1. Identify the place and time of the given event or problem. 2. Use the given sources and the map [középiskolai történelmi atlasz] to understand the

task. 3. Collect the general concepts (for example: development, change, production) and the

time-specific concepts (for example: serf, guild, personality cult) that can be used to describe the given event or problem.

4. Include the information contained in the sources, or the conclusions that can be drawn from them, in your answers.

5. Make drafts or outlines before writing your answers if necessary. 6. Identify the events leading up to the given situation, its causes and its results. 7. Describe assumptions about, and explanations of, events. 8. Include your own knowledge of the era (names and dates) as well as your own opinions

and personal perspective of it. 9. Make sure that your sentences are clearly structured, and that your ideas are easy to

follow. 10. Your whole answer should have a clear structure. Check your grammar and spelling.

For your information: The following will be considered when your essays are evaluated: • understanding of the task • proper and relevant content • logical overall structure and accurate language.

Good Luck!

Page 3: TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN · 2012. 11. 16. · The Transylvanian Principality Descriptions of nations: 1. Their leading class was made up of wealthy tradesmen and craftsmen in guilds

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......


1. This task is about the institutions of Athenian democracy. Write the missing data referring to political institutions in Athens in the 5th century B.C. in the table below. The table should contain four concepts from the diagram, and for each of these concepts the letters of two statements which refer to them. (One item in each line has been supplied). (Score: 0.5 points for each correct line)


Exile for 10 years

drawing lots drawing lots election drawing lots

Institutions of Athenian democracy

’... what with festival-grants and jurors’ wages and other fees and largesse, [Pericles] bribed the whole of the multitude, and used them in opposition to the Council of the Areopagus. Of this body he himself was not a member, since the lot had not made him Archon. [...] For this reason Pericles, strong in the affections of the people, succeeded in overcoming the power of the Council of the Areopagus [...]. Cimon too was charged with being a lover of Sparta and a hater of the people, and was ostracised.’ (Parallel lives by Plutarch: Pericles)

„[Periklész] a színházi pénzekkel, a törvényszéki napidíjakkal, s a más címeken fizetett összegekkel és közsegélyekkel megnyerte magának a népet, és felhasználta az Areioszpagosz tanácsa ellen, amelynek ő maga nem volt tagja, mivel sorsolással soha nem választották meg arkhónná. […] Periklész, mihelyt biztonsággal támaszkodhatott a népre, letörte a tanács hatalmát […]. Ezenfelül Kimónt mint Spárta barátját és a nép ellenségét, osztrakiszmosszal száműzette […].” (Plutarkhosz: Párhuzamos életrajzok. Periklész.)

Public assembly (ecclesia)

Popular Tribunal (Heliaia)

6000 people

Council of five hundred (boule)

500 people

Strategoi 10 people

Archons 9, then 10



Page 4: TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN · 2012. 11. 16. · The Transylvanian Principality Descriptions of nations: 1. Their leading class was made up of wealthy tradesmen and craftsmen in guilds

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

Statements: A) Applied originally when suspicion arose that somebody was trying to become a tyrant. B) Officer leading a military unit set up according to residential districts. C) Its members received daily wages and took an oath to ensure fair jurisdiction. D) Pericles held this office for altogether more than ten years. E) Every male Athenian citizen with full rights over the age of 20 was a member of this. F) In the golden age of democracy this body exercised supreme power. G) After the Areopagos was pushed into the background, its importance in jurisdiction increased. H) In the 5th century B.C. this was often abused and used to get rid of political opponents.

concept: letters of two statements: a) A, b) Public assembly c) B, d) C,

2. This task is about the development of agricultural technology in the 10th-11th

centuries. Answer the questions referring to the development of agricultural technology in the 10th-11th centuries, using the sources and your own knowledge. (1 point for each correct item)

szántó ugar

tavaszi vetés



throat-girth breast-strap harness crop rotation

‘The asymmetric heavy plough, which was often fitted with wheels, and whose archaeological traces are known from the 10th-11th centuries, not only ensured that the seeds to be sown got into the soil but also led to a richer harvest because it turned the deeper layers of the soil. The heavy plough required more investment and greater traction.’ (Historian Balázs Nagy) „A gyakran kerékkel ellátott aszimmetrikus nehézeke, melynek régészeti nyomai már a IX-X. századból ismeretesek, nemcsak az elvetendő mag földbe juttatását biztosította, hanem a föld mélyebb rétegeit is megforgatva elősegítette a sikeresebb termést. A nehézeke nagyobb befektetést, több igaerőt igényelt.” (Nagy Balázs, történész)

4 points

arable fallow

spring crop

autumn crop


Page 5: TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN · 2012. 11. 16. · The Transylvanian Principality Descriptions of nations: 1. Their leading class was made up of wealthy tradesmen and craftsmen in guilds

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

a) Explain briefly how the introduction of the breast-strap harness was connected to the spread of the heavy plough. …………………………………………………………………………………………………


b) Explain briefly why part of the land was left fallow in crop rotation. …………………………………………………………………………………………………


c) Which phenomenon was both the most important driving force and, at the same time, a consequence of the development of agricultural technology in the 10th- 11th centuries? Underline the correct answer.

- the increase in the population

- the emergence of guilds

- the development of long-distance trade

3 points

3. This task is about the society of the conquering Hungarians. Complete the text about Hungarian society at the time of the conquest by writing in the missing terms. Choose from the list of terms below. (There are four extra terms) (1 point for each correct item) Terms: nomadism, dual principality, raids, seniority, system of familiars, tribal, feudal tenure The 10th century was a period of crucial changes. Following the conquest, a decisive change

took place at the head of the semi-nomadic Hungarian state organisation which had developed

in the east: the previous system of a) …………………….. was replaced by the monarchy of

Árpád and his descendants. Power was now solely in the hands of a single prince and the old

nomadic aristocracy. Increasingly, the b) ……………….. system was losing its significance,

and the real holders of power were the richest clans and heads of clans. This old nomadic

aristocracy and the free herdsmen participated in the c) …………….. , and the plunder

enriched both them and the prince’s court. (Based on a text by the archaeologist István


3 points

Page 6: TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN · 2012. 11. 16. · The Transylvanian Principality Descriptions of nations: 1. Their leading class was made up of wealthy tradesmen and craftsmen in guilds

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

4. This task is about the history of the Counter Reformation and the Catholic revival. Using the sources and your own knowledge, decide if the following statements about the Society of Jesus (the Jesuit order) are true or false. Mark your choice with an X in the table. (1 point for each correct item)

‘Whoever desires to fight under the sacred banner of the Cross, and to serve only God and the Roman pontiff, His vicar on earth, after a solemn vow of perpetual chastity, let him keep in mind that he is part of a society, instituted for the purpose of perfecting souls in life and in Christian doctrine, for the propagation of the faith through public preaching, ministering the word of God, spiritual macerations, works of charity, and especially through the teaching of the young and uninstructed in the Christian precepts, and lastly for giving consolation to believers in hearing their confessions, and confirming them in their faith.’ (From the Jesuit Constitution)

„Bárki, aki társaságunkban a kereszt lobogója alatt Isten harcosa kíván lenni, és csak az Urat és annak földi helytartóját, a pápát akarja szolgálni, az ünnepélyes szüzességi fogadalom után lélekben legyen felkészülve arra, hogy olyan társaság tagja lesz, melynek célja a lelkeknek a keresztény tanok szerinti gondozása, a hit terjesztése nyilvános prédikációk útján, Isten igéjének szolgálata, lelki gyakorlatok és a gyermekek és a kereszténységet nem ismerők tanításában és a gyóntatásban megvalósuló szeretetszolgálat révén, illetve a keresztények hitben való megerősítése.” (Részlet a jezsuita rend szabályzatából)

Statements true false a) The Society of Jesus was founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in the 15th century.

b) The Jesuits denied the ecclesiastical supremacy of the pope.

c) The Jesuits founded schools and considered it their task to suppress Protestant teachings.

d) The Jesuits built their first churches in Romanesque style.

4 points

Il Gesǔ: the first church of the Jesuits in Rome

Page 7: TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN · 2012. 11. 16. · The Transylvanian Principality Descriptions of nations: 1. Their leading class was made up of wealthy tradesmen and craftsmen in guilds

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

5. This task is about ethnic and religious conditions in Transylvania in the 16th-17th centuries. Do the task using the sources and your own knowledge. a) Write the missing data into the table. The table should contain, next to the name of each area, the letter of the appropriate pattern on the map and the number of the description of the nation constituting an estate which lived in the given area. You can use the relevant map in your secondary school historical atlas. (0.5 points for each correct item)

The Transylvanian Principality

Descriptions of nations: 1. Their leading class was made up of wealthy tradesmen and craftsmen in guilds. They obtained considerable rights of autonomy and paid tax to the state annually, in a single sum. Luther’s teachings started spreading among them as early as the 1520’s. 2. Their society was largely made up of nobles owning small and medium-sized estates. From the middle of the 16th century several branches of the Reformation appeared in the area they inhabited; most became followers of Calvin. 3. They obtained a collective right of nobility. In return for their privileges they were obliged to provide general military service. The Reformation hardly spread among them at all.

Area Letter of pattern on map

Number of description

Hungarian counties

Szekler sees

Saxon sees




Page 8: TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN · 2012. 11. 16. · The Transylvanian Principality Descriptions of nations: 1. Their leading class was made up of wealthy tradesmen and craftsmen in guilds

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

b) The following statement refers to an ethnic group which was not represented by an estate. Name this ethnic group. (1 point) The majority of their society was made up of Orthodox Christian peasants living as herdsmen. ……………………………………………

6. This task is about the emergence of the United States of America. Using the source and your own knowledge, answer the questions referring to the emergence of the United States of America. ’We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. [...] The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. [...] We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States.’ (Extracts from the American Declaration of In dependence) „Magától értetődőnek tartjuk azokat az igazságokat, hogy minden ember egyenlőként teremtetett, az embert teremtője olyan elidegeníthetetlen jogokkal ruházta fel, amelyekről le nem mondhat, s ezek közé a jogok közé tartozik a jog az élethez és a szabadsághoz, valamint a jog a boldogságra való törekvésre. Ezeknek a jogoknak a biztosítására az emberek kormányzatokat létesítenek, amelyeknek törvényes hatalma a kormányzottak beleegyezésén nyugszik. Ha bármikor, bármely kormányforma alkalmatlanná válik e célok megvalósítására, a nép joga, hogy az ilyen kormányzatot megváltoztassa vagy eltörölje, és új kormányzatot létesítsen, olyan elvekre alapítva és hatalmát olyan módon szervezve, amely jobban védi biztonságát, és jobban elősegíti boldogulását. […] Nagy-Britannia jelenlegi királyának a története nem egyéb, mint ismételt jogtalanságok és bitorlások sorozata, amelynek határozott célja a teljes zsarnokság érvényesítése államaink felett. […] Mi tehát az Amerikai Egyesült Államok képviselői, általános kongresszusba összegyűlve a világ legfelsőbb bírájának ajánlva szándékaink tisztaságát, e

4 points

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

gyarmatok becsületes népe nevében és felhatalmazása alapján, ünnepélyesen kinyilvánítjuk és kihirdetjük, hogy ezek az Egyesült Gyarmatok immár természetüknél és joguknál fogva, szabad és független államok.” (Részletek az amerikai Függetlenségi Nyilatkozatból) a) The ideas of which 18th-century ideology appear in the text? (0.5 points) .................................................................................. b) To which of the following concepts does the text not refer? Underline the correct answer. (0.5 points) social contract basic human rights separation of the branches of government c) What ‘injuries’ did the British ruler commit against the American colonies? Mention two royal decisions/measures which were offensive to the colonies. (1 point for each correct item) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..


d) Who was the head of the committee that formulated the declaration? Underline the correct answer. (1 point) Thomas Jefferson Abraham Lincoln Franklin Delano Roosevelt

4 points

Page 10: TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN · 2012. 11. 16. · The Transylvanian Principality Descriptions of nations: 1. Their leading class was made up of wealthy tradesmen and craftsmen in guilds

írásbeli vizsga 1112 10 / 36 2011. október 19.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

7. This task is about the Austro-Hungarian Compromise. Answer the questions using your own knowledge and the following diagram, which illustrates how the Austro-Hungarian compromise was implemented in practice.

The state structure of the Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy

a) Circle the letters of those two specific issues which were considered to be shared affairs. (0.5 points for each correct item) A) concluding a treaty of alliance with Germany B) introducing compulsory education C) establishing an independent judicial organisation D) sending a declaration of war to Serbia E) extending the sphere of authority of high bailiffs (főispán) b) How does the sentence continue? Circle the letter of the correct continuation. (1 point) The state structure emerging as a result of the compromise was called dual monarchy because… A) … the ruler reigned together with the estates.

B) … the principle of separating the legislative and executive powers was put into effect.

C) … the state was comprised of two, legally equal parts both of which governed their

internal affairs independently.








Affairs belonging to the authority of the Austrian legislative and executive power ________________

e.g. public

administration, education


Shared affairs


foreign affairs

defence finance

(considering common affairs)

Affairs belonging to the authority of the

Hungarian legislative and

executive power ________________

e.g. public

administration, education


Page 11: TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN · 2012. 11. 16. · The Transylvanian Principality Descriptions of nations: 1. Their leading class was made up of wealthy tradesmen and craftsmen in guilds

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

c) What was the official name of the state which emerged as a result of the compromise? (1 point) …………………………………………………………………………………………………... d) From which year until which year did the state emerging as a result of the compromise exist? Write two years. (0.5 points for each correct item) …………………………….-……………………………. e) Which Hungarian politician, who played a decisive part in the success of the negotiations concerning the compromise, was called ‘The Wise Man of the Nation’? (1 point) …………………………………………………………………………………………………...

5 points

8. This task is about the history of the two World Wars. In each set of pictures circle the letter of the one which is connected to the First World War. (1 point for each correct item) a) 1.


Page 12: TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN · 2012. 11. 16. · The Transylvanian Principality Descriptions of nations: 1. Their leading class was made up of wealthy tradesmen and craftsmen in guilds

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

b) 1.


c) 1.


3 points

Éljen a fegyverbarátság Long live brotherhood in arms Éljen s haza Long live our country Éljen a hadsereg Long live the army Áldás rájuk és népeikre God bless them and their peoples Győzünk mert velünk az igazság We shall win for justice is with us

Olaszország Italy Juliai Alpok Julian Alps Karni Alpok Carnic Alps

Német hadsereg German army Magyar hadsereg Hungarian army Hadsereg-parancsnokság army headquarters Frontvonal front line Szovjet támadás Soviet attack Német ellentámadás kisérlet attempted German counter- attack

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

9. This task is about the stratification of Hungarian society between the two World Wars. Do the tasks using the source and your own knowledge. ‘Numerous guests paid visits to the beautifully furnished house in Andrássy street. […] Pear-shaped chandeliers were reflected in the marble floor, gilt chairs stood along the wall. […] We spent most of the summer in Derekegyháza. The estate in Derekegyháza was bought by my grandfather, Manfred Weiss, and the lady of the house at all times was my aunt Elza Mautner, who became a widow very young. The vast expanse of land included a mansion, a swimming pool and a tennis court. […] Sometimes hunting was organised. Twice a year the so-called “manhunt”, to which my father invited his friends, ministers and bankers. […] My father [Ferenc Chorin] was not interested in hunting: this was more a pretext to get together in the evenings, to discuss events and make plans for the future. […] What Bethlen was to politics, Chorin was to the economy.’ (Excerpt from the memoirs of Ms Strasser neé Daisy Chorin) „Az Andrássy úti gyönyörűen berendezett házban rengeteg vendég fordult meg. […] Körte alakú csillárok tükröződnek a márványpadlón, a fal mellett aranyozott székek állnak. […] A nyár nagy részét Derekegyházán töltöttük. A derekegyházi birtokot Weiss Manfréd nagyapám vette, s nagynéném, a fiatalon megözvegyült Mautner Elza néni volt a mindenkori háziasszony. Hatalmas területen kúriát, úszómedencét és teniszpályát foglalt magában. […] Olykor vadászatok is folytak. Évente kétszer ún. férfivadászat, amire édesapám barátokat, minisztereket, bankárokat hívott meg. […] Apámat [Chorin Ferencet] a vadászat nem érdekelte, inkább ürügy volt esténként összeülni, megbeszélni az eseményeket és terveket szőni a jövőre. […] Ami a politikában Bethlen, az a gazdaságban Chorin.” (Részletek Strasserné Chorin Daisy visszaemlékezéseiből) a) Name the social class to which the author of the source belonged. (1 point) ………………………………………………………………………….. b) Below you will find two pairs of statements. In each pair, circle the letter of the statement which is characteristic of the author’s social class. Support your choice with an example from the source. Use your own words. (0.5 points for each correct item) A) They often imitated the lifestyle of born aristocrats (previously known as the upper


B) They absolutely refused to mingle with born aristocrats (previously known as the upper




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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

A) Many of them held high political office.

B) They were able to exert influence on political decisions mainly through their connections.



10. This task is about the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. Answer the questions using the sources describing the events of the 1956 Revolution and Freedom Fight, and your own knowledge. Sources:

A) ‘Suddenly somebody says: let’s go and pull down the Stalin statue. We got on a lorry and as we were going workers were emerging from the factories. A student revolution might have been surpressed. But when the workers got off the tram, and the crowds began to move ... [...] When we went back to the Radio, fighting was already in full swing there.’ (From the memoirs of Ferenc Czene) A) „Egyszer csak valaki azt mondja, menjünk, döntsük le a Sztálin-szobrot. Fölültünk egy teherautóra, s ahogy mentünk, jöttek ki a munkások a gyárakból. A diákfelkelést talán el is fojthatták volna. De amikor a villamosról a munkások leszálltak, és megindult az áradat… […] Visszamentünk a Rádióhoz, akkor már ott dúlt a harc.” (Czene Ferenc visszaemlékezése) B) ’The agreement was the following: Soviet troops were to be pulled out of Budapest, and Hungarian troops were to take their place. We were to give up our weapons into their hands. [...] We went home to Tűzoltó street. In the meantime, there was an atmosphere of victory at the Corvin cinema, they were filming, masses of foreign journalists were running around with cameras, note pads. There really was an armistice. The Russian tanks were rolling out of the city.’ (Confession of István Angyal, commander of the armed group in Tűzoltó street) B) „Megegyezés történt a következő formában: a szovjet csapatokat kivonják Budapestről, helyükre magyar csapatok állnak be. Mi azok kezébe letesszük a fegyvert. […] Hazamentünk a Tűzoltó utcába. Közben már nagy győzelmi hangulat volt a Corvin mozinál, filmeztek, külföldi újságírók tömege szaladgált fényképezőgépekkel, jegyzőtömbökkel. Valóban tűzszünet volt. A szovjet tankok vonultak kifelé a városból.” (Angyal Istvánnak, a Tűzoltó utcai fegyveres csoport parancsnokának vallomása)

3 points

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

C) ’Having broken the resistance of the rebels, the Russian troops fighting in Budapest took the Parliament and the building of the Central Leadership of the Hungarian Workers’s Party, as well as the radio station in the proximity of the Parliament. They took three Danube bridges connecting the eastern and western parts of town, as well as an arsenal and ammunition magazine.’ (Soviet Minister of Defence Zhukov’s report on the Hungarian situation) C) „A Budapesten harcoló szovjet csapatok a lázadók ellenállásának letörése után elfoglalták a Parlament és az MDP KV [Magyar Dolgozók Pártja Központi Vezetősége] épületét, valamint a Parlament közelében lévő rádióadó-állomást. Birtokukba vettek három, a város keleti és nyugati részét összekötő Duna-hidat, valamint egy fegyver- és lőszerraktárat.” (Zsukov szovjet hadügyminiszter jelentése a magyarországi helyzetről) D) ‘We take the tram on Margit bridge to Buda. The atmosphere is already a lot hotter at Bem square and a bigger crowd awaits us here than previously at the Petőfi statue. They are also listening to Peter Veres right now. […] The noise and the crowd are massive and growing all the time. Slogans are flying, songs can be heard. We sing alternately the National Anthem, the Szózat, the Kossuth song. Sometimes they start it here, sometimes there.’ (From the diary of István Zimándi Pius, Premonstratensian monk) D) „A Margit hídon Budára még villamoson megyünk. A Bem téren már sokkal forróbb a hangulat és nagyobb tömeg fogad, mint előbb a Petőfi-szobornál. Itt is éppen Veres Pétert hallgatják. […] A zsibongás, a tömeg óriási és egyre nő. Jelszavak röpködnek, énekek hangzanak. Felváltva énekeljük a Himnuszt, Szózatot, a Kossuth-nótát. Hol itt kezdik, hol ott.” (Részletek Zimándi Pius István, premontrei szerzetes naplójából) E) ‘When we reached Kossuth square a surprising scene welcomed us. On both sides of the Parliament Soviet tanks and anti-tank guns stood. At the base of each gun there was a Hungarian flag! On the barrels children and adults sat, clinging on. As if it was a popular feast, they were befriending the Russian soldiers. […] I saw the first burst of machine-gun fire very well . It came from the top of the coffee house, as a signal. Following this they fired bursts from the roof of the Institution of Labour Movement, the building at Kossuth square. […] By the time I got under the archway they were shooting from the tops of 3-4 buildings and also from the front of the Parliament.’ (Recollections of an anonymous witness) E) „A Kossuth térre érve meglepő kép fogadott. A Parlament mindkét oldalán szovjet tankok és páncéltörő lövegek álltak. Valamennyi ágyú tövében magyar nemzetiszín zászló! Az ágyúk csövén gyerekek és felnőttek ültek, csimpaszkodtak. Mintha népünnepély volna, barátkoztak a szovjet katonákkal. […] Az első géppuskasorozatot jól láttam. Ez a Kávéházas ház tetejéről jött, mint jeladás. Ezt követően a Munkásmozgalmi Intézet, a Kossuth téri ház tetejéről is sorozatokat lőttek. […] Mire az árkádok alá jutottam, 3-4 épület tetejéről és a Parlament elől is lőttek.” (Névtelen szemtanú visszaemlékezése)

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

a) Which two extracts describe events which took place on October 23rd, 1956? (0.5 points for each correct item)

Letters of extracts: ……………. ……………….

b) Which extract describes the event to which the following statements refer? (1 point)

‘The bloody event [...] added insult to injury. The armed fighting which had seemed to slacken flared up again. [...] Following this, the hunt for ÁVH (State Security Authority) people intensified. [...]’ (Historian Ignác Romsics) Letter of the extract: ............................ c) In the following you can read the continuation of extract C). Whose name is missing? (1 point) ‘Every member of ...........................................’s counter-revolutionary government is in hiding. They are being hunted down.’ Name: ......................................................

3 points

11. This task is about the present-day problems of developing countries. Answer the questions referring to the economic problems of Black Africa, using the sources and your own knowledge. Sources: Nigeria: ‘Hungry, half-naked kids and grumpy, unemployed adults dawdle on dirt roads. There is no electricity, there is no proper drinking water. There is neither health care nor school. Fishing nets hang dry, deserted boats carved out of trunks are scattered around the muddy shore. The oil which has been seeping for several decades, the rain which has turned acid as a result of burning gas flares, and the cutting down of mangrove forests which were in the way of pipelines wiped out the fish. Nigeria has been destroyed by the very thing that promised so much at the beginning: oil, which constitutes four fifths of the state’s income and 95 percent of its exports. In 1960 the country exported almost nothing else but agricultural products, mainly palm oil and cocoa beans. Today these are almost insignificant in foreign trade. Today Africa’s most populous country of 130 million people must import more food than it produces, although previously it used to be self-sufficient.’ (Journalist Tom O’Neill, National Geographic)

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

Nigéria: „Éhes, félmeztelen gyerkőcök és rosszkedvű, munkanélküli felnőttek csoportjai ténferegnek a földutakon. Nincs villany, nincs rendes ivóvíz. Nincs sem egészségügyi ellátás, sem iskola. A halászhálók szikkadtan lógnak, a fatörzsből vájt csónakok elhagyatva hevernek az iszapos parton. A több évtizede szivárgó olaj, a gázfáklyák miatt savassá váló eső meg a csővezetékek útjában álló mangroveerdők letarolása kipusztította a halakat. Nigériát az tette tönkre, ami kezdetben oly sokat ígért: az állam bevételeinek négyötödét, kivitelének 95 százalékát adó olaj. Az ország 1960-ban még szinte csak mezőgazdasági cikkeket, legfőképpen pálmaolajat és kakaóbabot exportált. Ma már mindezek alig számítanak a külkereskedelemben. Afrika legnépesebb, 130 milliós országa ma több élelmiszert kénytelen importálni, mint amennyit megtermel. Pedig hajdan önellátó volt.” (Tom O’Neill, újságíró, National Geographic)

Kenya: ‘After becoming independent (1964), the state […] bought up some of the estates and distributed them among small-holder peasants. This, however, barely reduced the shortage of land; from time to time the average density of agrarian population, which is more than 1000 people/km2, and food shortages lead to ethnic conflicts and make it essential to halt the demographical boom as soon as possible. The Kenyan economy is characterised by the duality of excellently equipped large estates producing goods for the market, still partly in European hands, and small-holders using primitive farming methods.’ (Ferenc Probáld, geographer) Kenya: „A függetlenné válás (1964) után az állam a […] birtokok egy részét felvásárolta, és kisparaszti gazdaságok közt osztotta szét. A földéhségen azonban ez vajmi keveset segített; az 1000 fő/km2 feletti átlagos agrárnépsűrűség az élelmezési helyzet romlásán túl időről időre etnikai feszültségekhez vezet, és a demográfiai robbanás mielőbbi megfékezését sürgeti. A kenyai gazdaságot a részben még európai kézen lévő, kitűnően felszerelt nagy árutermelő farmok, valamint a primitív kisparaszti gazdálkodás dualizmusa jellemzi.” (Probáld Ferenc, földrajztudós)

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

Name of country Most important

export goods Most important

import goods Gross national

income per head in 2009

South African Republic

gold, iron ore, black coal, diamonds, platinum, chemical industry products, sugar-cane, corn, wine

machinery, means of transportation, textile industry products

5770 USD

Kenya tea, coffee, sisal∗, vegetables, fruit

machinery, industrial equipment, chemical industry products

770 USD

Democratic Republic of Congo

diamond, copper, cobalt, crude oil, coffee

machinery, means of transportation, food products, mineral oil

160 USD

Nigeria mineral oil, cocoa machinery, industrial equipment, means of transportation, food products

1140 USD

∗Fibrous crop mainly used for making carpets a) For what reasons do a significant number of countries in Black Africa struggle with food shortages? Mention two reasons on the basis of the sources. (1 point for each correct item) …………………………………………………………………………………………………


b) Typically, what kinds of goods are exported from Black Africa? Name two groups of

commodities. (0.5 points for each correct item)

……………………………………. …………………………………………. c) Of which of the countries in the table is the following description true? (1 point) It is the most economically developed and industrialised country in Africa. Its development is mainly due to its valuable mineral resources. These, however, are mainly exploited by foreign companies. The name of the country: ………………………………. d) What are the historical – political reasons for the characteristically powerful foreign influence on the economic life of countries in Black Africa? (1 point) …………………………………………………………………………………………………...

5 points

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

12. This task is about the demographic changes in Hungary in the last half century. Do the task using the chart depicting demographic changes and your own knowledge. (1 point for each correct item)







1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010




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a) In 1963 populist writers initiated a debate in the media reflecting on the unfavourable demographical changes, which had been going on for almost a decade. Name a demographical change shown in the chart which prompted this debate.


b) In 1973 a comprehensive social-political set of measures was introduced. Its most important elements were the following: increasing the sums paid for family allowance and child-care benefit (gyes), extending the range of home-building subsidies, partial prohibition of abortion. Did this have any demographic effect? Circle the letter of the right answer.

A) Yes, it had a lasting effect.

B) Yes, but it only had a temporary effect.

C) No, it had no effect whatsoever.

c) In which decade did the decrease in Hungarian population, which is still going on, begin?


d) During the decade following the change of regime, the number of immigrants became significantly higher than the number of emigrants. How did this effect the change in the size of the population? Circle the letter of the correct answer.

A) It slowed down the fall in the size of the population.

B) It slowed down the growth of the population.

C) It speeded up the fall in the size of the population.

D) It speeded up the growth of the population. 4 points


live births



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nd d


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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......


Please read the following information carefully. You must do three of the following tasks. You must make your selection using the following rules: You must do: one task on world history and two tasks on Hungarian history, one of which must be short while the other task must be long. They must also be about different periods of Hungarian history. Study the tasks carefully.

Number Periods and subjects Task type

World history

13. The Islamic faith short

14. The Cuban crisis short

Hungarian history

15. Town development under the Anjous short 16. Foundation of the Hungarian state long

17. Kossuth and industrial development short 18. The 1848-49 Revolution and Freedom Fight long

19. Economic consequences of Trianon short 20. The Rákosi period long

Below you will find a table with all the possible combinations of the tasks that you can choose. Mark one of the columns by circling the corresponding letter.

Task type A B C D E F G H I J K L

short 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14

short 15 15 17 17 19 19 15 15 17 17 19 19

long 18 20 16 20 16 18 18 20 16 20 16 18

Only tasks which have been selected according to the rules above will be marked. You will find the evaluation criteria after each task. The scores will be entered by the examiners.

Only do the three tasks you have selected, and leave the rest of them blank.

Before doing the tasks please study the Important Information on page 2 of this booklet.

You can make drafts while working on the answers.

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

13. This task is about the Islamic faith. (short) Describe the most important characteristics of the Islamic faith, using the sources and your own knowledge. In your answer, include the other religions that influenced the development of Islam. ‘Memories going back to the 5th century maintained the names of pagan gods of the Arabs, (including also Allah and his three daughters). […] Mohammed belonged to the poorer branch of the Hashim clan of the Quarysh tribe. On his long-distance trading journeys as a caravan guide, [he got acquainted with religions other than his own]. […] Merging the elements of these with pagan Arabic traditions and including the ethical requirements of both, he formed his own religion. […] An example of the blending of religious traditions is the belief that the pagan sanctuary of the Kaaba was built by the forefather Ibrahim (The Abraham of the Old Testament), and the black meteorite rock was given as a present by Archangel Gabriel to an ancestor in the Quarysh tribe.’ (Historian György Székely) „Az V. századig terjedő emlékek az arabok pogány istenségeinek nevét tartották fenn (köztük van Allah és az ő három leánya is). […] Mohamed a mekkai Kurais törzs Hasim nemzetségének szegényebb ágából származott. Mint karavánvezető, távolsági kereskedő útjain [az övétől eltérő vallásokat is megismert] […]; ezek elemeiből és az arab pogányság hagyományaiból, mindezek etikai követelményeiből ötvözte új vallását. […] A vallási hagyományok összeolvadását mutatja, hogy a Kába pogány szentélyét Ibrahim ősatya (az ótestamentumi Ábrahám) építette, a fekete meteorkövet pedig Gábriel arkangyal ajándékozta egy Kurais törzsbeli ősnek.” (Székely György, történész) ‘Maria’s son the Messiah is only a messenger. Messengers have already passed away [from the living] before him. His mother is one of the righteous ones.’ (Excerpt from the Koran) „A Messiás, Mária fia csupán egy küldött. Már előtte is eltávoztak a küldöttek [az élők sorából]. Az ő anyja az igazak közül való.” (Részlet a Koránból)











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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......







Criteria Maximum Achievedpoints

Understanding of task 4 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 4 Describing reasons behind an event 6 Structure, clear language 2 Total 24 DIVIDED BY 2 Exam points 12

14. This task is about the Cold War. (short) Using the source and your own knowledge, describe the basic characteristics and the principle relevant features of the international background of the Cuban crisis. Use your secondary school history map.

Photograph of a Cuban missile base taken by the United States Air Force in October 1962

nehézgépek heavy equipment rakétaszállítók missile carriers 12 valószínűleg 12 missiles, probably táv- irányítható remote-controlled rakéta 5 kilövőállvány 5 launching pads 20 hosszú henger 20 long cylindrical alakú tartály containers nyitott tároló open containers

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

















Criteria Maximum Achievedpoints

Understanding of task 4 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 4 Describing reasons behind an event 6 Structure, clear language 2 Total 24 DIVIDED BY 2 Exam points 12

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

15. This task is about the early period of town development in Hungary. (short) Describe the factors that promoted the development of towns in the Anjou period and the circumstances which determined town development, using the sources and your own knowledge. Use your secondary school history map.

Hungary’s economy in the 14th century











Bányavárosok mining towns Harmincadhivatalok One thirtieth tariff customs Fő kereskedelmi utak main trade routes A Visegrádon kijelölt út route mapped out in Visegrád Bányavidék mining region Fegyver weapons Szövet fabric Fémáru metal ware Bőr leather

Arany gold Marha cattle Textília textile Bor wine Nemesfém precious metal Élőállat livestock Iparcikk manufactured goods Levantei áruk Levantine goods Nyersanyagok raw materials

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......







Criteria Maximum Achievedpoints

Understanding of task 4 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 4 Describing reasons behind an event 6 Structure, clear language 2 Total 24 DIVIDED BY 2 Exam points 12

16. This task is about the foundation of the Hungarian state. (long) Describe the circumstances under which Stephen seized political power, and the means and methods he used to consolidate his authority, using the sources and your own knowledge. Use your secondary school history map.

‘In the Middle Ages royal marriages were not considered to be private affairs, but […] served to consolidate the reign of the dynasty. If a period of war was over, they meant a guarantee of peace. Sometimes, in order to consolidate the reign of the dynasty […] they tried to find an ally who would help them not only to eliminate possible attacks, but who could be expected to offer them military assistance.’ (Historian Mária Font) „Az uralkodói házasságok a középkorban nem magánügyek voltak, hanem […] a dinasztia uralmának megszilárdítását szolgálták. Ha egy háborús időszakot zártak le, akkor a békekötés garanciáját jelentették. Előfordult, hogy a dinasztia uralmának megszilárdításához […] szövetségest kerestek, akinek a segítségével nemcsak a lehetséges támadásokat küszöbölték ki, hanem akitől alkalmasint katonai segítséget is várhattak.” (Font Márta, történész)

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

The slaying of Koppány (Illustrated Chronicle)

’The priests and the bailiffs are to bid all the village mayors that under their orders everybody, young and old, men and women, should go to church on Sunday, except for those who guard the fire. And if as a result of their negligence somebody stays at home, but not to guard the fire, then this person should be beaten and his hair must be shaved off.’ (Excerpt from Saint Stephen’s first lawbook) „A papok pedig és az ispánok hagyják meg az összes falusi bíróknak, hogy ezek parancsára vasárnap mindenki menjen a templomba, öregek és fiatalok, férfiak és nők, kivéve azokat, akik a tüzet őrzik. Ha pedig valaki amazok hanyagsága folytán nem őrzés végett marad otthon, az ilyet verjék meg, és nyírják le.” (Részlet Szent István első törvénykönyvéből) …………………………………………………………………………………………………













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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......




















Criteria Maximum Achievedpoints

Understanding of task 8 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 8 Describing the reasons behind an event 10 Structure, clear language 8 Total 42 DIVIDED BY 2 Exam points 21

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

17. This task is about the reform programme of Lajos Kossuth. (short) Describe how the promotion of industry was connected to the question of customs duties in the reform programme of Lajos Kossuth, using the source and your own knowledge. ‘I am a man who belongs to liberty. I belong to liberty everywhere and in everything. […] I have always professed, and still do, that the system of protective tariffs is not an aim, but only a means; not an educated state but education, and even for this purpose it is only good because it is an unholy necessity. Is it our fault that industry in the world was not brought up in the nursing arms of a common and equal liberty? Is it our fault that our industry has only just begun to develop? […] Almost all nations would employ the system of protective tariffs as the tutor of their infant industry, and would bring the child up to be a man under its protection […] give us also that tutor, let him mature our child into a similar man; give us protective tariffs as stairs on which we can ascend to the level of free trade, do not force the Hungarian child to fight a strong man, no doubt the poor child would be trampled to death, let us bring up the child to be an adult, and then open the gates and let the fight begin.’ (Extract from a newspaper article by Lajos Kossuth) „Én a szabadság embere vagyok. A szabadságé mindenütt és mindenben. […] Vallottam mindig, s azt vallom ma is, hogy a védvámrendszer nem cél, hanem eszköz; nem kinevelt állapot, hanem nevelés, s még ennek is csak azért jó, mert szentségtelen kénytelenség. Mit tehetünk mi róla, hogy a műipar [értsd: ipar] a világon nem a közös egyenlő szabadság dajkáló karjain neveltetett fel? Mit tehetünk mi róla, hogy csak most kezd fejleni műiparunk? […] Csaknem minden nemzet gyermeki műiparának nevelőjéül a véd[vám]rendszert alkalmazá, s ennek oltalma alatt férfiúvá nevelé a gyermeket […] adjátok nekünk is azon nevelőt, hadd növelje fel gyermekünket hasonló férfiúvá; adjatok védvámrendszert lépcsőnek, hogy feljuthassunk a szabad kereskedés emeletébe, ne kényszerítsétek ki a hazai gyermeket az erős férfiúval küzdeni, hisz a szegény gyermeket az erős férfiú agyontiporja okvetlenül, hagyjátok a gyermeket férfiúvá növelnünk, aztán nyissátok fel viadalra a sorompókat.” (Részletek Kossuth Lajos egyik hírlapi cikkéből)











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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......







Criteria Maximum Achievedpoints

Understanding of task 4 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 4 Describing reasons behind an event 6 Structure, clear language 2 Total 24 DIVIDED BY 2 Exam points 12

18. This task is about the history of the 1848-1849 Hungarian Freedom Fight. (long) Outline the most important military and political events of April and May, 1849, using the sources and your own knowledge. In your answer, include the changes in the balance of military power. Use your secondary school history map. ‘1. We [...] do [...] solemnly proclaim, in maintenance of the inalienable natural rights of Hungary, with all its dependencies, to occupy the position of a free, autonomous and independent European State. Furthermore, the territorial unit of the entire state is declared to be indivisible and its integrity inviolable. 2. The house of Hapsburg-Lorraine -- having, by treachery, perjury, and levying of war against the Hungarian nation, [...] by violation both of the Pragmatic Sanction and of treaties concluded between Austria and Hungary, on which the alliance between the two countries depended -- is, as treacherous house of first Habsburgs, then of Habsburg-Lorrain, forever excluded from the throne of the united states of Hungary and Transylvania and all their dependencies.’ (Extract from the declaration of independence of the Hungarian nation) „1. Magyarország a vele törvényesen egyesült Erdéllyel és hozzá tartozó minden részekkel és tartományokkal egyetemben szabad, önálló és független európai státusnak nyilváníttatik, s ezen egész státus területi egysége feloszthatatlannak s épsége sérthetetlennek kijelentetik.

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

2. A Habsburg-Lothringeni ház, a magyar nemzet elleni árulása, hitszegése és fegyverfogása által […] saját kezeivel szaggatván szét úgy a Pragmatica Sanctiót, mint általában azon kapcsolatot, mely kétoldalú kötések alapján közötte s Magyarország között fennállott – ezen hitszegő Habsburgi s utóbb Habsburg- -Lothringeni ház Magyarország, a vele egyesült Erdély és hozzá tartozó minden részek és tartományok feletti uralkodásból ezennel a nemzet nevében örökre kizáratik, kirekesztetik.” (Részlet a magyar nemzet függetlenségi nyilatkozatából)

Military campaigns in April and May, 1849

Balance of military power at the end of May, 1849

The complete Hungarian national army: c. 160 thousand men Imperial-royal forces mobilised against Hungary: c. 170 thousand men Russian troops sent to Hungary after the agreement in Warsaw: c. 200 thousand men …………………………………………………………………………………………………











A magyar csapatösszevonás területe Area where Hungarian troops were concentrated Az osztrák csapatösszevonás területe Area where Austrian troops were concentrated A kormány által V. 21-én ellenőrzött terület Territory controlled by the government on May 21 Magyar csapatok Hungarian troops Császári csapatok Imperial troops

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......






















Criteria Maximum Achievedpoints

Understanding of task 8 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 8 Describing the reasons behind an event 10 Structure, clear language 8 Total 42 DIVIDED BY 2 Exam points 21

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írásbeli vizsga 1112 32 / 36 2011. október 19.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

19. This task is about the economic consequences of the Trianon peace treaty. (short) Describe the most notable economic consequences of the Trianon peace treaty, using the source and your own knowledge. Use your secondary school history map.

Imports Groups of products Exports 1913 1925 1913 1925

7.25% 10.70% Energy resources 0.24% 0% 56.37% 67.47% Raw materials, semi-manufactured goods,

spare parts 27.89% 3.39%

5.87% 6.33% Machinery, vehicles for transportation, other investment commodities

1.27% 8.57%

22.08% 13.32% Manufactured consumer goods 4.96% 1.59% 8.43% 2.18% Products of food industry, livestock,

foodstuffs 65.64% 86.45%

100% 100% 100% 100%

Structure of Hungarian foreign trade in 1913 and in 1925

















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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

Criteria Maximum Achievedpoints

Understanding of task 4 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 4 Describing reasons behind an event 6 Structure, clear language 2 Total 24 DIVIDED BY 2 Exam points 12

20. This task is about the Rákosi period. (long) Outline the characteristic changes that took place in living conditions and describe how politics appeared in everyday life in Hungary, using your own knowledge and the sources.

Number of working hours needed to buy some products or services Year Men’s woollen

winter coat 1000 bricks 1 kg leg of pork 1 kg loaf of bread

1938 178 73 4.4 0.8 1952 243 178 6.5 0.6

Festive parade past the ironworks

at Ózd Female workers breastfeeding their infants in the

factory nursery named after Mátyás Rákosi

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

































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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

Criteria Maximum Achievedpoints

Understanding of task 8 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 8 Describing the reasons behind an event 10 Structure, clear language 8 Total 42 DIVIDED BY 2 Exam points 21

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írásbeli vizsga 1112 36 / 36 2011. október 19.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......


points Achieved


I Short answer tasks

1. Athens 4 2. Agricultural technology 3 3. Society at the time of the Conquest 3 4. The Jesuit order 4 5. Transylvania 4 6. American Declaration of Independence 4 7. Compromise 5 8. World Wars 3 9. Society between the World Wars 3

10. 1956 3 11. Black Africa 5 12. Demography 4

Total I 45

II Longer, essay-type questions

13. The Islamic faith 12 14. The Cuban crisis 12 15. Town development under the Anjous 12 16. Foundation of the Hungarian state 21 17. Kossuth and industrial development 12 18. The 1848-49 Revolution and Freedom Fight 21 19. Economic consequences of Trianon 12 20. Rákosi period 21

Total II 45 Total score for the written exam 90 Correcting teacher

Date:………………………………… __________________________________________________________________________

Achieved points rounded up / Elért pontszám egész számra kerekítve

Points (rounded up) to write in the software / Programba beírt egész pontszám

I Short, simple tasks / I. Egyszerű, rövid feladatok II Longer, essay-type questions / II. Szöveges, kifejtendő feladatok Correcting teacher / Javító tanár administrator / jegyző

Date/Dátum:……………………. Date/Dátum:……………………………….

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