
Tunisia Security Update

Sousse Attack

armed attack that killed 38 people, 30 of whom were British...


7-Actions Government of Tunisia (GOT) has taken to strengthen SECURITY

1. More armed security personnel have been

deployed at hotels and beaches

2. Declared a nationwide state of emergency

3. Building a 160km (100-mile) wall

along the most vulnerable section of

southern border with Libya, due for

completion in the early autumn of 2015.

4. New anti-terrorist laws

5. Reforms within the MOI to speed

up the response to future threats

6. Plans to restructure internal & operational

command structures...

7. Reached out for support from the

International Community...

Moving forward…(Expat Personal Security)

● Maintain a practical level of security awareness (think how you would act in any major city…)

● Stay Connected with your Embassy (register & receive updates)

● Stay Informed (subscribe to the Tunisia Security Update Blog / Facebook Page)

● See something...Do Something! (Inform the authorities, embassy, or even tweet it!)

For more information

Resources...Click on the Links

● Canadian Embassy-Tunisia Security Info

● FCO Tunisia travel advice

● American Embassy Tunis

● Tunisia-Live for news updates

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