
• • : : • • ; ; • - • > . - • • • ; • • : • • - V - . - '

tuSiterafure, 0ncncc, Hewa* Cereal m Jttavalitii, ; cntit


The Ola Hohio,There's a.B[iqt that 1 love, Ihoro'g a home that I

Par 'better tbahiany on eartli;It in bound to my heart by the holleat lies ;

-And I-iiriaproli-1-liowfoiidlyrlta wortlr. v i'Tia not boaiity iror Bploiidorendpttrs li to me,Oli/iio! for ilsjfrindeiir lialli floivii—But 'tis foiid affection that biiicfi me to theaMy pld hoMe-r-my dear lmppy,homB ! "

Oh-! homo—what muiio Is in that sweet §01How closely it speaks to tho lieait;

• What a world of depp tandBnieas ill thoa. to found—. OJi LiyJitLftom JiiolutroksuEOrfOiild part-?u e c u l d p a r t ?$-: Could bartetttlierjayB oXtf BWiot Irtrite of love -

1'ur a path lu a strange world unknown jQaukLieiikiarvn n iileaaHrnM. aujjirjirtleiiiily ruvu

jdajn him | 'rulers* and priests combine againsthim j and people sloneTiiin i yet, 'over HToJmof ihe'conflict'anil!storm, of violence, his voiceof eloquence rises clear and distinct ns a tfitm->pel-call, ns lie slill nrenebes Christ nnd himcrucified. The whip is iattJ-dn.his basic till lire"blood slaris with every blow, and then Ills

-mangled -hoiljMS thrown- into ,a.4ungeon.*;T.biitat midnight you hear iliat same calm, strongvoice which has shaken the world, poured forthin a rhyme of praise to God, antl In! an ettrtli.quake tocks IliB-nriron to its foundations j the

If they knew rtio real: value ul home.

aonio sigh to be wealthy, some seek to be jjreu!,- Some envy whut'otliere eon do;

But oh! I'm eontont in-my lowly eslate,_EorJ,haJi<mtla-all around irffr irro-fTnrT — "

And the lbs that sire iieui-nsi und dearest lo me,-—AmLhcBtte-t-haHtrii tfuly iny uwn, ——^

With fondant afleotioii now bind mo to lliep, 'My old house—rny dear Iiuppy home!

iCiLy ¥ ,'jflio C h a r a c t e r ©f P a u l .

^ L . ^ *;BY J . T , JIEAni.IiY, '". . , '•

Paul, in hig natural eliarseier, before his con-version, resembles Bonaparte more than anyother mail—I mean both in his imellrciual de.velopinenti and energy of will: He had theaalni inflexibility of purpose, the same utterindifference-to human suffering when he hadonce deiirmined on his course j the same lire.Jess, unconquerable resolution < Ihe same fearlessness both of man's power anil opinions, andthat calm self.relia'iii'e nnd m..«inr;,,,,,. .1

manaclet fall from the haluJs of the c'liplives,

the 'bolls withdraw of themselves ,and the mas ,

aive doors swing back on I heir binges.

:—-One cannot jiolii4-to a cm^ln e\mt.4fi-h4a-«fr.

feoi*,-Avliern he : ftilieied n:"iiThirfenTrHndvBiPF

wny to drsctmraueiiii'ul or fear. Tlirongii all

lij-s [iiiiilnin jile, lie uxtiibili-il'lba same hiln--

[liilily'cif i Immnter and Ipfly N|nril* Willi JiFS~

eyi's fixuii cin regions beyond ihe ki'ii ol tmli-

nary inor laKj ind kinilihiir nil B-lni-ii.g il w a ; nn^

AflicJetliiE I n c i d e n t .

,Dui ing all eif ihe summer of 1849, when thecholera was hurrying multitudes.-to their lastrest, a'highly respedtable ami Inteies'iirnj familysyna seized by ilm (•pidemie. Five of jig mem.liers were prffstraled alone time, nnd such was

'the alarm nf the neighbors thai no one came toHiuir Mslsmnee ntllmt eritit-al-imilpentr-.-WlMmall sei'mOil hopeless, there was one, tho youn-gest chilil, of fcaice three summers, who hadbeen pruviucnlially spaigd for the (iceiiiHtiii,who lias rriinisleicd as an nni-iil, Hiir eidosl

requiring the greatest attention, was' ihespecinl suhject of Ihe liltlu otit'ij care, Alulwhilu the jiiiiient was; .;_iui.i|c.r' *he

wilh inifiise interest- ilie [inliil rafrnieliariee of

hoi siiifer. An unbidden u-iir I!need her cheek,

.-he -i-cririi-d sn-iving lai i ivum •THiif remedy Him

, . • . ' • J ' u r j

HOW KUJliu'tfif 'nVJJi.Vi I1ECAJ1E.

Fipml "ffpirit:"—Vyo got "a-rather goodslory to leli you about a Jury Trial,'' wliichjiappencd not a liii;u!ieil milns froin

and ti?e .On Doctor 'FTaiikliii's iirrival at I'aris, as

"PlunipotoiHiaryfrom lire UuileJ Siak'S, duringI the Revolution. Ihe king exprf'sscd a wish to

see him imrrtedialely. As there was no g'.iingCity Court IlriUKe, some- real sport was ; to the Court of Krajice jinyH, wilhrut

had. Ill,not fay who was on the jury, and 'iTbf ibe wijjuiaker, a wigmnki'r of

ra"tttcrtl"PirctTr ftii- I*rhc t icaI.... t Fnt-stsers, . •;

l i v L K V ^

substantially true. -' Tlie Ceurt was trying a " boss" mso. A

gentleman liovruwcd a horse from n friend, and jrndu il-n nfiinial about ton inilen, when the 1

The setui-bearing .phuil.s mil!vuloil by the\.-in xuinnion. vUli ji|I citiii'i' r.-jiMahle

w, sue Iroin liiu (IIHI movement* of ilioIn an instant a richly dressid Monsieur, his

arms fa ldad j ju ; prodigious tunll of furs, and n germ in the sted, up lo. the full niaturily of Ihu

ihtirlung Bvvbrd..Jjy. his sicle, inade hi» nnjwrir-ance, (l_wjjsi,.ttie kings wiguwteff-witll, bin

" eiilier" died. The owner wjshed seventys far the horse, jnjt his1 frigid thought it

in January. A disjmle arose, andwi'iij jjj C.'uiirt. The evidence was to

llii'io wns no way'lo jot out of

Mrvani ni^JjMry, a louj; s.wurii by ins sidetoo, iUid-Jt loail—<tf" sWeel.HCiiiited band IIOXI'P,

do wig,*1 as he jaid, " de silpelb svig.j

plant, Hiiliji'ct ta and rcguluiuil in.jjiowih hy lUed lasvs. . . .


i full of

Under ordinary circumstances, the results andtipcmiiiins of Ibi-'st; laws nio thu same. T h e ,

ri^l^poriseSFj-th^jioner of a!i«nrUinir ibe mois-

|ierijiitleil him lo--r«-vcil, ha iiiessed. forward to

aiHirnnrnrfrrrhle-crinvn, a fadeless" Irifijfdom,—-

And then his death, how indeseribalily sublime,

"NifpTftRJirrilyiiirr-iTrihe. midst ol a"ln!dni!jI)T

Blorin, wilh the last words that / t i l from his

lips a balllc-cry, ami bis passing spirii wnlch-

ing in ils delirium the torn heads of mighty

columns, a s they disappeared in lire smoke of

conflict, is a sight thai awes and startles.

But behold Paul , a lso, a w a r w o r n veiepui,

li.QIwi.iviihrnanyjL.saiL-lJjliiillLin a siiiritunl

warfare, looking not on earth hut on heaven;'

Hear bis calm, serene voice r insing over the

orms and commotions o f ' l i f t : " 1 am now

sndy lo be offered, and the lime of my depar-

me is al band. 1 have foughl a good fight, 1

avo finished my course; there "is laid "up": for

he a crown of righteousness," N o .shouts of

ocmen, nor smoke or enrnago of battle' su r

ounding his spirit struggling to be free; hut

nf - i , ; , , ; . , , . -;,,,,,,in ii,,,.,.m;i.,., ,.r 0...1. .... i

.ovor others. But Ihe point of gieniest resi-m.bianco is in the union of a gimng, cflrfoci judg.ment, ....iiu rapidity of iliought nnd sudden hn»poise. Theyjhoiight quicker, yet belte; thanother men The power, 'too, they possessed.

was all praeticarpower 'fhere'iire ninny-meiHof slrong,minds,..whose forces nevertheless^waiies in leflecliori, or inllieories, forolhers loact upon,-Thought may work out into language,but not into action, They will jilan beiier than

•;they can ..perform.'.'Bui. these men, not OIJIJU. thcfughl' IJe'tter;- b^t °vli&v-FHh\i\s*\^iUfc=K^iiM;?\^^

• all other men.

ction of hii emoiioiii— even lerror Itselfto llie^Bia^^^ of his wiU>*^srBjhi.biieil iii hiicbnilu5f*wJmi'imlf!ei]tlffffl5 earih, and blimietfby ihe light and voice from Heaven, John,when arresled by*the_game_voice on t'ha'Ialp-'nfPatmoi, fall o n hit faae a a a ^ j ^ a j l ',j_

dared not stir or speak till enequraged by the"llngnage, "Fear not." But Paul, (or Saul),

.thoiigh if persecutor, and a violent man, show-ed no aymptoms of alarm or tenor; The voice,

; the blow,-the light, the filiiry^and the darknesithat, followed, were sufficient to upset (he

• atrongeit minil | buHie, master of himself and— h i " e m n^qn», instead' oi giving way to" ixcla-gg

mations of .terror, simply gai.l: "Lord, what"""* IbniLhavt me

- -judgment-aa iteauy^nd fltrong as ever, he klieiv.'. M once-fhat lomelliing vvai wanted of'd

ever ready to aotj hi nsked what it was.nil -lime oiuliis jracKcan Do _„„. . .

J~:luishedibyuihe-eomindtion^bont'itr 'Straightback to Jeruialim, from whihee ho had so re

iettero' to logalizt liii;i the east: toJegalbse

with those hi- Had followed with violence andilatightsr. Hia strong heart nevtr beat onequicker puliatiori through fear, when the loftytuireig qf the 'proud city daihed on hi» visinii,

~**~" Joy to Uie cSark aneys.

l^tteni''';iwcietlirhi8'.'fi(iib*ih'ihif.''So"nu'6ftGod. He .strode into the synagogues; and be-fore- thft*aitdnielieJipriBitoijreae_Baii BhHat'nmrhim ciucified. H i ' thundered at the dobr.ofthe Sanliodriin .ilself, and ihaking Jc-rusalem

: fury h :asia«jns dogging

-But, instead of goiiiR lo places where heunknown and where his feelings woufd k.tried, he started fot hjs native city, his father'shouse, the hon>e_of his boyhood, for hii kind-red and friends. To entreaties, tears, scornand violence, he was aliktf impervious. TiAntiochj aiid.Cyrus^. along the coast of Svn;

e, ovitr-Hielmown world'frg went Kkoa blazing comftt, walnng

the top of Mar's Hill, with the gorgeous citv—at_h4». feet, and^lhe^Acro'polia and Parthenon

bittind him—on the of his shall*red vessseisin t|« intervals of the crash of billows, inth^glojfflywH3 of a prisonj on the borders

giltnn, he; 8jesfcsjn_lined tone. Deterred

presence, and

wme grand embodiment of power.TbtfW^i him, and king

MQrsjwearinei!b,er tq eat or drink till they havi

w i i u l i l i i M p v i a i i ' l l i e p n i n o r ( I n ; j i i t i - t i f i i f d f d i n i

h e l f i i i ! I U T . n n i l F u i l d t ' n l v ' q i i i n i n g t h e I ' l o i n , a s

a i i J J i a w i n g s o f I t i v e , | i r o c i i i t j i ! a ! ( ! n s s o f c o l d

water, relumed, anM eiinrbing on a chair near

tlia'lurk bed, pres-'eiiieiri.lio s[iRlkThTg^ tlViuiglTi7

and in lisping aeccnlB said : — " Drink lliis, my

Jenr sisi tr , i1 will cure you," Slits spoke as

oi>!< who know, for ibe jifititsnt recovered—

tiiniiijli.nol Ulitil after Ihe angel nur le hud pass ,

ed into the ".world of spirits," from the same

disease ; bill her memory lingers as Ireslt as the"

viuluLi thai bloom round her resting place.

- • T h e N o b l e r B l o t l v c ,

A French Qflicer, who was prisoner underiliis parole at Reailing, England, met with aBible. He read it, and was so struck with itscontents, that he was convinced of the folly ofskeptical principles and the Imth of ClrrittianHty, and resolved to become a Protestant.1 VVIienlijs gay associates rallied him for tjjjidn* so se.rious a tuin, luTTHTil, in Ins vindication, " 1|]Hve_iione I'O more thall General Bernadolte,

So Ihe c.,he wenl In the Jury —the Jiiugo re-»ftiUinf- iluit it was fill' fhiriri lo »'ale the nmoiuitmoney due to fhlTpiaiiititl -'I'iii-y .wcnfrnifT

jujd^Jo^;/»rly-_cigl)t_..mortaMiourH argued M J Owhat the hoife WAS.worth.1 Eleven of them,

lie damage tui^hl to be sihout S 25, as oho ofho witiieiises hail remiiiked "llmllhe ciitlervain't bigger nor a wliulp,* lie thought, " l,eOlild llaUiad hiiii up. in a handknrcher !•"

The twelfth Juror."(who, by llie wny, wasi new blind al juries, alnl a religious mail,)loudly coiiieiuled,.hmvovor, that the owner olthe horse.ought lo have seventy,dollars, whichwas thnt ho demanded. This to "enraged thealanee of ihe jurors thai lliey swore to be re-

^ehged as soon as they .were discharged. In'act, they Ibreati'ned that if ho, juror No. 12,lid .noLmakeaip hii mind that t/ial." wooiyIOSS" was worth'oiily S23, they would, when-cor occasion offered, kndck him on Ihe head,ilill llie old skiufiini hung out for &70. , '

At length the balance of the. jury found il

lie soiig* of Ihe redeemed, (hole guarded him,nd welcomed him home,".

HowT l i o D e a d .

little do we ihink ol the deud, TbeirOnes lie-entombed in. aiid neighhpihoods. .The lands they cultivata!,ha liousei lliey built, the works of their hands,no always hefore our eyes,*.We travel theamo road, walk the same pall), sit al tho sameirejiidei eleep in the sumo loriiria, ride in the

f i nfit, p-iA

eliioni reiiiember that those who once oeeiipiyd

trangeHint the living »o soon forget llie dead,ihft world \i full of the mementos of Iheir

ves."*' Slrange that the fleeting eares of life'lotild so loon Tiish in and fill the bneast, to

he Exclusion of those so near. To day mnnlauds anil weeps over thi grave of his 'departed

'''Olid, , To morrow ho passes that grave withold indiflerence. To day bis heart is wrungiuralHhe biiterness of- angiiiEh for the loss,

f one he so much lovird-t to Inorrow^ihe.imagef that friend is eilaced from his. heart and al-nqit forgptlen, ^Vhat a commentary upori man"i"

T e a a n d CoHtso,As to the mooiod question:whetlierlHtugii

ire-rn no waycbmpiilenTio irecide,*"'l>eoplo willk both' of those beyeragos, the dcuuncia-

itms of dioieik refdrmeri to ,tho

vunitnnuinf, and iiicn beinf.the case,.,o hintis totiities whin it .-is--ino'Bt—filling- to lake theno orthe other, will not be at all put of place.

HI Tea.'fjvhioli.h'ai.fallen,undiraurliiotice,andiavo Ihe reader to maki up hii own opinion!Tea, as tho niorning bevirage,/when break-

ait forms n good substantial ineal, upon whichhe powers for the day of meeting the various

treng, ti much to be imtuiuiaudtd | but WIIBTT

hem in a more decided manner j and, besideshhr^etrwithout-a-eertaingoaniity.of seli'd ali>

"meiit.isniueh'mOTe likely to in'Bjiince^lliriWf^vous hyrtem; Tofliariy, tea in.the mornin|

he iystem,nhey-ibap bylhrohkn^e."

the gifted FicncU, musician, \much subtect to fits of absence of mind, ind ofcourse guilty of occiisiohal eonlrelemps" On his

Rome, the Pope-had prowded him vmlia compeient cicelrone, and'evinced the. greatesidesire tint 'h6 -straiiger should see all that the••acred cih contained lo interest hi* cunoMty

VnU'bave ifParil my sinser^ in the yi\.iincChapol '" hind the Pope —" They surpasseven my—KXpudutiims,"—nrphrd14 And i» your cunosnty entirely satisfied V'continued the Pontiff " Have you seen andheard all you_des»e ' "—" Not quiti1, holy falh'

abstraction •• f am exceedingly anvious towitness the ceremoniakwhich lakes place dur-iffg-a-vacancy of to* Hbl^-See^1—" Oh," aaidthe Pope, laughing, " there you taimy hos^itality indeed—?you must escuee ins iJE I makyou wait io>~ifrar ceremonial as long ascan,1' - •

,vbo bi'come a Lullieran."." "i>s, bui he became so,!l raid li,is,sj " to obtain a crown,"." My motive," said Ihe Christian officer, " i s

hesrime ; we only difler as to place The oh-etrof -liernadoUo iFItrrtitaiinrcrown IniSwe?en, mine, to nliiain a crown in heaven."

F i z a r r o ' i G r a v e a tIn tlie crypt iiiiiler the high altar are deposi't-

ivas*'d Wii Miim iHirai- til D"p l a t r n T a f i i ^ ^ *s mil] f

lieee of silver dropped inlo ihe hilnd of the sa>

Descending a lew" slepsTeiilered arsmall jilaci,some .twenty feet long-,' quite light and white-ivashed, and smelt and .looked so much like acomfortable • wine cellar, that I caught once looking,-aroutid_jor_the_nins andlollies, 'i"ho first ohject l.-aaw was a largeiquari tombi surrounded by (he erecl figuref an abbot, and close By, in an.opening, in the

wall, T noticed what-appeared to bo a collection[if dirty ings, but hy. a'closer.inspection provedlhal ibis was nil that remained of the leiiovvriedconqrrei;pr of I'eru, He Ira's Still on him thelamp clntliQs'jind shoes which he svpro at themoment of his assaisinalioii. Of course, his.igdy is noibiiig but a skeleton, covered with

:lry-liesh-and ^ ^etnabft. Tlie body is covejed with what was

once white liiiqiii RWatlied aroilnd him,-hut theInst qf_ceniurie«_hniL-Collicled on him, andiumeuji toi al^ghf.brdi^.col^rj a i * ''.jjin'osfpulverizes when touolied, T h i body i»placddupon aiiarrow pieci of'plank, in a sloping pb-

-and has—feeen_ placed "in that positionmerely to put iioutof-the-way.^-Tlie-folks inLima do not think anything of the , jemains ofpoor PiKarro; ami I dare say a little money j>j«;dloieuily Jrivestid, would procure for any eu.rioiUy hunter the whole cf the remains, .

a BoefOTT'•' ^..Belf.mifflcient humbug,' wlfo ISbk tip,the"

business of a physieiaii, and pretendud to a

called to_yi«it a young mon'.afllicted wilh apop.-tacy. .Bulus gazed long and harjd, felt his,•puTii and~pbokot, looked nl hi i , (onguJT andwife, and flnally gave Vint to the' followinggublime opinion r

4 tlvuik h« t. a gone-ff H<wI\o, n o 1 ' c\claimi.d the soriowful WITL,

" do not 'ay Ihi t"" Ycs.'^retnrned Boln^, lifting tip hii hat

ind eyes lieaVL>n«ard at the =,ime time,—1 do sav ^o; there ain't no hope, not theest ihic;lit ; tie's got an attack of mini tit m hislosl frontis—

" VVTiere ' cmd the itarlled wife** In his lo^t frnnti^, and he canTt be curedthoBt"*onte trcmblis sn< UL'ai r>i paths

You set his whole planetary hyelem is derang-ed ; fustly, bis vox populi is pieFsin'on his aivaloium , seconnly his culacarpial cutaneous'has siviHatrcoafiiotraDiy. mure iand lastly, hi^ solar ribs are in a concusse<atate, and he~aiM't got a*nymotiey-^consei]uently he's bound to die " -

S K —Surgery may heal a bodily wounibut ajjwt^jalnj-eon bind uptfiebrieof aslan

d e j o » 3 l o t l g n e ; "_

ihe effi-rti in y in

- , Oiio L± : i j u im^vas triuiUuiia!iajtQiidJwo™ !s ; pimvrsfs :i srrttilKmtif^mWtltiht jiiiiiftirs." iifier baiul-!ioX was tiied ; Paiii.n nnd o r p n i r , whu-h have been .M-Mflvett

I-SIICCCHS. . f i j y i ] t h e f c i i i i i l i l i i u i i i J u l i h u i - n i l ; i n i i n t i v e , tfc.

l u g e , l o t h e e x l r e m e i i i n r t i l i c i i l i u i u o f l l u c l o r L 1 i U l i H , u e a p f l l . i ' s l u r . ! , l . i i ; i l ; , ^ i | ' h ! n : k , i h i n

F r a n k l i n , t h a t a i - e i i l l i ' i n a i i g n l i i M J n r l i P ! ! v v i ; 1

but all wilh she sm——I'lie iTiqin.rfc-iT

s i l k s and pcrftiniiis, S I IBHUI , n o i w i i h s l a h d i i i g , j ; s u pa i l i.f ihe w a t e r ; ihe rcinniiijlur- belli

is : i b , p i ! , r d ' b y ,I ' r e s e n l l y , h o w e v e r , a s i n ' a l l l l ie lran.=]iorts . t i m e , c a i b i . n i c y

; o l a g r a n d d i s c o v e r y , l l !£_u i - m n k u r c r ied o u t | , , , K H 1 in i h e l e a f ; ilia i-.nbi.ii \W\MUU\\\S, v.\\h

I t h a t h e k n e w - w h e r e * t h e , f a u l t l a y — " • n o t in-j t h e fiiilH a n d o r g a n i c .

f .thi! fault . ,11ISF r a n k l i n , smi l ing , j-i'j.-lii'J lira

could Imrilly lie tli'uie ; Icr that hin

j "m:\iJf by God Almigl i ly liims'jlf, « k o w;;s

i s u l i j c c l ' l o ' c r r . ' " . r

U p o n Ibis tlie w i g m i i k e r look in a l i t l l e ; bu l

I |r!:ilit ill fill


U'M's, Kuirn ihii l i ^ v e s

.•si iLLilrriols in btii'Iil u p

I-, vnnt'd jmiijf, .

ucUon ol ihe .reruaiH,

las IIU iiHBio try ID ciiange me miiul ol llie olillan. There he sat, listening to ihcir oaths andrgiimetils, . This was too bad, and a ruse wasesoived iipon as Ihe only chance of escapeiom their horrible confinement. Quo of ihem,

iii)d.^ciu30U{;li>and ..tumble ^fellnw,. waxing..varm, walked up to No. !2, and remarked—

" I' d^-d if Ihis'll do ! This place ii a»ort of heaven to you, you old sinner, while tois it's ajierfect hell!"

" Oh ! iieveFmind wearing, friiuds," rejilied

'"' Lei's argue-anil—you old cuss !"'" YiiuVegot_lhe whole oi us nearly gtatved, and yet you

Iris gooil hmtfor, I3f, Fraliklin couldin his lietirl to put a check lo his cliiidisli rant,but related olio of liw fine aiiecdotus, wliichIruck (he wlgmaker wilh such an idea of Ilia

wil, that as he retired, which he did,most profoundly-j ho'.Fliriigpd his

if mid.:

(vanrtffar |He"!" '" ' """-•"•••—f- -- '••'•• -»-^.<-,~-»

" N o swearing In the -jury-room, if youlease,. Why not'drifteratef1-; •

"Deliberate! well, that's good—decidedly;o! Will yon ever give in 1 Say yei or. no.

IIih,il W* 19

"Well , then, I'll pitch you out of the win.dew, you contrary, stubborn, old fool,"

Saying which, he! actually took hold of No.2, and moved him towards the window, when

the latter, becoming dreadfully frightened, criednut—'! Bailiff! baiiifi!" ;

(hat officer, hearing the uproar, immediate.y rushed to the door and opened it. But,.nll

#n-jt»t9fl^jcould noLuller'tt-word.-In

:he inquiry as;.tp wliat wai the maliori ourlUgilislic juror'stepped up to the ballill, wilh-a

knowing wink; ... :^.~3"-m'....:.......,'.. ^ \,,j_ ..,».

"-Look heroi1 George-, vf e can't agree, and Iivani you lo do me a favorv I wrint ydii" to goup lo old woman's, (ell ber to iorid down bedsand beudinf7focelyV4n.;.-alsQ^a -obarcoal fur-nace and !a-l3UtclierkTiifr!-2W/iifr^-ffmyTO/ieat homefbrliiree months-" . - , ; *

Very well," said George, the tilings shaiibe here in one hour1"

Ofl went the bailiff—click went the lock,and up spoke No, J3 r

"" Jn Qpd's name, %vhatdo you mean .'""•>T'H tell you what t m o a n . We "liava

made up our mind riot to stay hire anotherhTght without'somelhing in tht flesh lint toeat. Sooner tlian starve to death, wireiglyed to do as qtljef Jujgrg ggrnetimes hayeddhi-^we'll eat one of. our eonipanjoni, pfjpurse the .meanestiJiiE flraj," . '

11 But isn't the liorso worth $60—lV":V •"-And-wlvn he 9 gone,—wellr—htkt. Ibe

muiiKSI/ "

' _Tln. horse i , viorlh 10, oi 30, oi $25 '" Y«, we'dagreed jesterdiy, oi the day be-

foie, he wai worth S 2 J ; and sooner than Fayon my oath that a hoise winch could be liedup in a handkeiclncf, was worth more than

5. I'd hint canniblil, and eat up ttei 1/ dam-ned jwyman m tlie loom.' and then cat up


No. J2 bccAme Ecrious, and gave in Itwas ihe first time he ever was oh a jury, andwill be the last. He, after leaving Court, walk-

ypry fast for a few square, muliering to^ [|kc aa if a vraa;on load of cord-wood had

cape from what he supposed a murderer's denlie is not round about Court houses like he"*use3 To "wao"—-N. YTSpiiit qf Times.

Q y " Oh dear," Raid a . fashionable i ginwhen she Jiifst beheld a QiieilpnbeE—'thought such things grcw~in slices,"

? i i . i t in i> j i l l t h e j ' f e

t o r n - , w h e i i l , i y i - , u i l s , & i - , , l i a « t w o t• 11jt,

s i ™ ; i l m p i t f j c i i i - . i l o f i b e HMid f u r ' i b ets in

... , , , , luiidion of ils ."peeics; nud Hie providingsl.W contended Jhat there mu.t be. something toman and animals, . ;the matter wiih Doctor Franklin's head, li ' • ' , , ' " , - . .

From llie early growth of tho plant, up lothe first formation or foundation of Ihe seed,

was at any rale, said he,,oul of the fashion.He begged Dr.. Franklin would only ]dcuse foremember, darhis hfad Iriitl' not de honor to be the plant is busily'employed 'in drawing from

the coil, waier, and thu atuidr'nliere, the heces .made in Purree. Is.o ! fur il it had been m a d e , . , • , . - • ,„ , , , , , . „ „ • , - . , . , , , , , , -. J sary inaienahs iwiuircd in Ihn tr.aiiiie w-cilj butn l a r r e e , il no Lin muii: tlup, hiiiraui 'h a hciiil. i J. l , , '

v - , ' _, c, i, _ r- i !• i , i i i l a " l c " t ' | ; i ' pro;;iefseB lowmdri muluniy , ihuiNoiie of Ibu I'j-ench nobii'swe, hail a head a n y . , , '. - . • , - • ' ' • • •

.. i-i._ I,-.. ** , , . , , r , , r v , , , phosphates*, sail.?, iniroacn, Ssc / i lu i t wtjre dia-; like.hi.». Isol tie area! Dnl;o DOr lop" - i i - • a • •

nor de grand monarch LiinseH had half such ahead as Dr. Franklin. Ami he did not see, lii>said, wliarbuFinups any body had wid n headmore big dan do head of do grand monarch

Pleased lo see the ncor wigmakur recover , „ .•• ' • • ° -I 1"_|-plmU^-13ul us-lliu 5Ml.ii .

NumiiNLieu iiiiuugn tuu urruru ]mirrr, sTm u i a w n

from it, and cancentmted in: ihe-'t-euds; and

when Ibuy are fuljy ripened; (he sleliiri, stalks,,

and straw a l t much more diitlcieiit in null itive

matlera Ihan at the lime of the lloweiimr of. the-

Jhn porn.-jMT


Ah, Docleer Franklin ! Dycleer Fninklin!

/raid your bead be loo big for nil de French nai o n . " •"• ' • .

up.We have never heard of so easv.Tind vet sol

aughablo a method as thai coiitajl'ied tnaskSleifl and the prtifereuce ifjv<in hy ilie i-fillliirom ihe bipini'ot the Times,~r\?lrich gftve, an'•'j=arly cut buy j c

acoount of Joe Merriwealher'sascent, as toldn the following extract, by his brother':.

"You reecollcct, Mrs. Harris,", says Jie,

is'Vile iitsl tilijcct of Ihn fariiier; and the strawand foiageof s-eonilary rouseijuence ; the soejia suffered to ripen before liarvb'siing'."

The same or very similar results occur litthe ripening of the sgu.!^ of the; various grassoi,.it,Jia..lhe,' stems.leaves and-hr'ads ofgrnsses llmt We vS luab le , "~ralhej; than llie g, for feeding niirppMl,jt ia_YoYttTa*iincfc8T6t.Tlie~iamitr 'lo- ciiT'lis gtasifor hay at the tiiitu it wi|l. yield the grealiitamottnLof nvailautrhTitriinent, r" ;;•"*"- ':'-'••••• -. From the change ih%j iakes.plnce in the grassfrnm-'ilnr lilnnfnmin^ tn ihe Vipc'ninr nf ihr nrcd.

and the nioru favorable apjia>''enl eirect it bai upon them : J am slronnly ofthe opinion,that n, given .-quantity, of th.o earlycut aflqrds more nutriment than tlie same grass.

1 brother. Joe allers wain drensysprt of a chap ; j cs that are left to nearly mature theirsecd.fond of biass buttons (in his'cohf,.and tho. flarin'est kind yf red lieckerchers ; and this time

l ioj iadonapair of buckskin breeches, with Al ]ohKih wo hnvo ocidar proof of tliefact;•lnii*.undarJii^bao&.;.Vr-u |!.-wIicn .1 w u that cmnbnrri.sin the greaie.t.perfe.piioi,, can

sudden I-tbduglit the IjitTe fuller was a grow- - . . - . .^nvjancommon tall," till I diskivored that the'buckskin breeches, that w.ur as -wet ai a young

an1 draw up kinder, and' w u r a Ilftin' Iff otherJoe off the ground, '

Brother Joe," scz I, " j'pii'ro a goin' up."-'•Brother-1

olio,"h'^sei! lie,

.-'.' Anil he scrunched dowiv miley hard ;'butit warr.'t oy no use, fur aforb long, ho wur amatter ov some fifteen feet in ihe iiir," •

" Brother Joo. l ' aez i . . . ..".,, \.-J_ ;" I am here," sez he. ' •

. j 1 . Catch: hold ov-the top ov that black-jack,"

.-:•••'•' Wk-W_.fei brother:- Joe, and- he sorterifeaned over and. grabbed , tho la'plln'. But itwarn't ov' noirtoi fur, bWwomen, ef .you'llbeljovo mo, it gradually bepun 1o giv way atthe Tools, and afore he'd got five foot high-

~itji'!.t-»plit otrt*n- the—growid-.-aT -ea^: -a<jou II pull up a spring redis|i

" Brolhir Joe, J.Z 1, igm" I'm lihtnwK'," WJ he" Cut }our slr.ipg !" stz I, fur I seed il was

the lait" Talk ?" £C? brother Joe, thoi>!;li he look

£d_EQjUi_renrcachful at me, fur broachin' aiclla subject, .but.arlcr appeafcnlly considerin'awhile, he out wiin his)ack-knife, wu' leanin'over sideways made a rip at the sold ov his leftboot- There was a considerable deal ov craclc-lin fur a second or two, then a crash, sorter

Mr, Joseph Oroutt hasbrou'ntit us-for-exhibition-,'inrge root of crauberryivine; placed in a box,";which was made to ooiiiain a iiuniitlly' cif'thu /

vities.;:.thickly, hanging..wilh.. ripe- fruit, IJ.umade the oxperiment three years ajo last May,planting 40 buneliet in a row two feot apart.

l removingtbe«od, 'nnd'planting the cranliBrries, with' no

morotroublo and atlehtjon than he would have

taken will] acabbagi plant. • _ . ' . ' ., ' :

soil "• ia a sandy gravel,, fh .for peach'

troo|, and of which 023 arc-growing., i n - a n

Orcliartso iienrlrt.lp ehil their l o a v q ^ f l n r U l e r l '

. c r d n ' b e t r y v i n e s , - '•.••' - « . '•-• ••• •;. - u ' ••,;,••

: Tho first year lit picked about a pint -oftruit, tbo second year, four .quarts, the third, or -present year;_fromigeven to elghj quarts Qf'.mfl-.markably line fruiU •Tho vines havo shot the •pi.csent siBson, tliren foot MX, inches in length, ,are surprisingly^trong..a,iv3 heaUlry. anil the

old wood is ioadea Inietly'witti Iho hnoit bir-

We how consider the question, '.' Cancranberries he "cnTflS itcd with -success on~lf[r~land ''hiag dccidod-nr^thc-afftrmative,—'-Cultivator.

bestore frequenljjr applied to for tho

Sntf-piii^iviTTg-Cfrgi fcr the vr:nter--pthey-BtMHtld an plnBttd-point do

and in a barrel; when the barretis full il may

shot unlike, and started him, and the last thingI seed ov brother Joe, he was going round Hire ' *" 'a four^spoked" wTIeel close'd "towarddown !"— — * u—•—J

Qty~[n chaiactcr, in mannara, m style, in allha su^retne^|lence, is aunpliciiy-

1ic-hetided, placed nn its friAe.'and rullod tnaquarter round every day;j!iJ3 will prc/ent^rajsyolk from settling ngainsl the shpll, and untilyolk and shell are attached the,. i{ , cannot-


td thto'hnit Aafjn^ lhA timaft all the ^ ) i ' ^

:.^^, ..,-.'„,will


rB. H.'Petfcrson, Editor.

Higlitstjown, Hay F4,

Ne Sutor Ultra Crepidam!LET THE COBl-EIU STICK fl) HIS I AST

" Experience is tho mcthor of wisdom"—"AVH,we have had ours, and paid for it, und wo may as

it is said, " bought wisdom IH llio In fet " Thi-re

O * Byftrticlos of agreement mutually entered

BON, recent Editor and Proprietor, on the onepifrt, ajjd Mr. KjiWAtib 0 , TAYLOK, former pro-prietor, nu the oilier part, this Journal mid e tub•-liahinent^.(lgEpthorj\ 'Ml <['n unpaidand <iclv crtwementis) will revert hacli lo tho lattergpnlli-muti, for the preceut, in, view of other andpamaiienl arrangements being mado for Us fu-ture, and, wo trust, its successful prog) OMHOU Intho meantime llm n {fuzettc" Hill grorl its pat-rons and fncndii rcgulailyj so thai lhe\ mil RuftLrno loia whatc\or by tho tonlomphiti il jriuiijjo-

-givo-to-thia wiue eaw a translation altogether tooliberal, and really-soem to believe.thut a bornyankeo is'equal to anything—that he can do anything; everything, that any man can do! LotTurn try it, BBJIVO _hj»n done '—tliHt'w'all ! ^ ^ ^ _

heir paper regulaily, during tho yearThomas Applegate, 1'homai Duti'hor, Wm A

IIOWDS, ffl, Wm A Bowne, Foter Conover, Cmonths, Aaron—Pawes, Freeman Pullon,~l£aac

ullon, Alfred Perrine, Honj Rccd, Ira &11101 k,lark II Silver, tJeo II Ficldor, R IZ. Foruun,'. F. Johntion, _TJLOIIIIIS A Johnson, James l{,aird, R. M Smith, Wm. II JS'orcroaSj J K

Mount, Esq., H E Morrison, John Myum.-Ciioi:Van Maitor, Hon John C Wnrd, lJ II Wyc-kofl, Joi 1 JiMi^on, Joseph II Jimuion, J b \ id W

Now, Ilia (ruth is, that .thu seemingly wi*o sawi» a piece of profound nonsense ; and wo can proveit so to bo in very few ward* ;—Nii man ifiliorna man at all ! Ho is Lorn a liahy.' Ho Tiuu&pbo unshed, sW-uldled, fu] mth a spoon, <sont |Aschool, and mailo to servo a long apprenticeship,before he becomt-s a nitin ; and thru it depend.1! ingrant ^legroo, upon how ho is brought up, whiUkind of u niati he will make. In (act them arcMO two_nicn in tins noild pretiw 1^-iquvl. ( nr H.-mati reared in Franno talk English without tttulying it? Can the btfet ploughman liiij igato a tijip '-Can the he^t .{jailor f-:it well on a horso sud leapB. fivo-barred jrato 1 (.'mi u hnvyir, truinrd tomake tho wrong nppeur right digent juatlawu'iCan mi honest parson dabble, in parly politics 7If not, what buMiM—i haj u haiiiirpulliir phyirninto make himself propriotor and editor of a . newa.paper 7

Wo ft-lt that tin) study, of llio Divino Art gavea Muni the highest literary opportunities, andeverybody Eaid that tho iniimigomfiit of a nevi i-papir WJ9 .i hlrrar} unilfrtaknif , and nh\ thinshould not a physician inuko llio boiav of editors''Perhaps ho mi^hl, weru it his KOIO duty lo coinand ejcprcES ideas, collato and comnirnt upon pa? * -ing CTi'iitv, and feed (ho greedy public with philosopliiccil biiKh-meul, pooticnl custard, financialsausages, and wit pickles:—our own experiencein this lino has not been at all mortifying, for ourlabors liavo met with considerable approval —But to act also LIB projiriclor.' " Ay, theru's the

—nrtr™ '

" Mr. Muggins' little boy has fallen m a. litand wants 50U immediately," c u e 11 miner} -maid, rubbing into our office, \\ ith mln u cheekand utarnijT eyes ; and we rise to the call of bu-rn unity ; but jubt aa_iio seue. our I1.1l, " wo can'tclose tho inner form for want of a squ iro andthreo hues of advertisement," ejafulatcM tho" devil " Can wo divide ouruel- 11?

Ajra.111, we nro in the midst of a loadi-r, whenwith stately step and slow, in stalks Mr Nickels'I Tho fourth colurnn of editorial overruns jicyenlines, tho cars havo-gone by, mid tho-papcr has'ntcomo. If it is not wet down in_ai> hour we HIJO.11

~mias-th«»imnlr«nd-ire cttn"l>w;t*tnTtherlnBt stickof news for want of Brovier sinull cap?

" Ileigho^ho ' we can't hflp it, but let themail fro'. I'll run down to tho city and bringtypo and pupor by tho niyht tram , thut \•erve our homo subsiTihoia." .Hut JH=' n- theb«ll taps for tho coming cur1), up dushei at speedFarmer Jones Irishman, lf Plazo 3 er 'oniier ' ourBill's kilt entirely ' It 's his foot that ho put inthe chinokof. tho lo(j, wheu. the axe as he ws1

holdin1 on to como down, (bad inanncn till i t 'jout^of it's own accord, and it's clean chopped oil"it is—jest hangin' by tho skin, aud he's bled lideath at that, aud }o'll never too him m tinworld, barring yo may be one o' 'em ; for he's udevil, and no mistake ; EO como immudcjetlj '"Wow, what aro we to do ' To Have life, or tenlarge tho intellect—" that's-theTquetfiou'"—" Some things cau be done as well an others ;we have the highest American authority fothis assertion—but then you know (and w<'ought" io navo known) " no m m can do Iwithings at the same time," except those remarksble men who cau gmde tho plow, altond societies,

—support thoir—fainilion, miMint -the-stump, am|fovflm ihe Jiatiflii_nll at once ! The very exist'euce of such geniuses (or gonn) convinces us thuiall men aro nut equal to llio task of managingpaper and conducting a medical practice al th


t y ; every man has his place, and fiom the ap-preciation which oar efforts in that line have a l 'ready received from the public, we bel IOVO it itours1 to heal t)ie body, and leave Jnpitor or sorneother Icharus to guide lhe_chtinot of the Snn'i

~5.pnrtotype—the prat.' We are sincerely thank-ful to 'the great levsr. of this toist machine fo;knocking us back into our proper positionsoon, before the direejjon of pur attention hactime to rosultia irijurjt to our patieuts. Hence

forth lira iateud-te-Tamaiir-llke-a-flentnnil, everour port; and, in thapkmf our lit«mry

are peoplo enough in the world who oan't aflbrtl | monts.—[I'UBLISIIKH.]tu npuit a uupaflor urtlcle, aiid~nni«t bo conloiiturith- tho secotid-qualityT upon .tho-ptiiiatpfo-thnt"ons rnt!St:.cut_llil_cattLjicDDrduig_to-tho-ckit4i,"-aud " a half a loot is totter'than :no bread." Forthe benefit of such wo wrilet

"All men wore born equal," is tho fhndamon-ta! text of ou* Declaration of Independence, andmost citizens of the Univernal Yankee Nation,very naturally conclude that all men contimia

oL-when they-rra-rrj-grown tljrto inaiurityThey think eo until they are taught better inmany a wrestling match or walking wager. They

P-VVo publish -this week; a lintof-tlro subscrkera, who ha\o paid inadvnnrn, freiiuJqiui iry lut

5ii ; if any nanie«^aro oniitleti, notice to ths.tjcfwill 1>8 giyeu at this office, ^Yo take tliisportunity to them that tliny shall receive

Va«h!)ourii, Charles Ivoolm, Daniel s C'l uk, liouths, Ahm Voorlmes, J J Hulklr>, Aaron

Coward, StMiin '1'aylqr, Goorco Martin, D. Cticliman; Johu A. Bufgiu, 6" mouths, Col. IVm!ook, J T nulcliiiibon.

B3"TIie vcneriiblo "liilnsmmi aiul patriot Iluur}|a"v, 1(4 i,i])ull} Milking , and, tlonbtle-4, * ie J«u '

l o nation will IJO railed upon to'moum (ho Tof her f bright, particular Ktur,'' whodtt etc»d\triilltinry~lTa4 ro~lT7iF slitmfT ujiou in I dc tm>

[)~T l'li« thtiteenih .uiniu i ,\.\ of the Ann m mi»ptii( I'ubbi ation Socltl^ , eommeiufil it'j urt

-ion in Philadelphia, on Wednesday last, ant:eport thu Library of tho Socitty to consist uC25 volurues j the receiptji for tho past yoninsing fi oiii tin File of hook and Hails, togtlher

with doiiiitions, iiinouulud to $-12,01)0.

IL / ^ e hud thn General Miisiouir} oprridont till* M'^'odl^l 1 piiropal Churtli, lor (llPfolTiinfr -vcar, dunanil So<10,()0(l foi il, Mir 1 01 In

TMIIIIJI '1 ho A'hoLilc and Join 11 il thinkt will b^ met promptly

BT/ 1 hn fai fa iiul '\tonumi lit 111 hnncr <f thi*J itliT of hifa C uinilr\," no\v luroiiifaol eiei1011 at \\ .1'lini^tmi, h n an en fiom il > 1MM nrano hundred ki t

J j fl o foi it i tilled 111 tho Aih • ' ate and Journil, nifr th''cii iht ol tlwi N "\ 'liibiiiu, th

MI tjio tint ol .Ijnuan hi't, 213,0(^0^0111 lo uKof iJu t havo beui ukcil up und taken lurtiy fiomtho fclrpeU of that citj—-1 100 leads 111 onoJ i j

mo been luKul up 111 1'uurlh Ward alone' thatnearly tqiulu tho (ityol MighLitown in rainyu eathrr

l'umble fane. The whitewashed wdllc, rendereddoubly-£|aring- by thn dazzlingtreams in frdnvovery window ,—tho tread of uveryleaking boot upon th» nakeiLfloora, and manyithor slight annoyauce», will hayc tho effect ofmtracnpg-him, (uinW lm bu uiiilrely ubsorbi'il11 hifi devotional exercises,) (.imply her ause he isnot accuotomed fl> them On tho whole, however,Jt am very much inclined to let ymj strip our

of ever'y gaudy and ruperflu^u orna-nniit, which, as yuu say, " iiolthor add to-God'sglory, nor tho piety of cluin h members ;" but Imust bog of jou, Ulric, to lcino no our cushion^find our carpel-, for I do not tlnlilt wo-can bo any

more religious for nioking ou'riwlves uncomforta-ile - If needs no, lot iiF,~I)eJforn ontirnly djsmnnting-our—chnrohes, -wtrip from our~own"floorH~a'"carpet or two, tfnd diveet our own rooms Ofisomesuperfluous ornaments, and banish a few of ourown luxuriously cushioned seats, to givo the poorSfor, whilst these urtieles aro considered indispen-bibto tFio oomfort or dignity of our dwelling houses,

The Genuanlown Jelegraph fny?: —Pcrhnpstliere is no ltailroad in the United b'latcs themanagement of which is in abler and. hetteihahiii than Ihtil bi llin above hainoil roadi Allopinions seem to <igrce thht as it rpgaids care-fumcb3, vigilance, and comlort, it la ahead, in—deed, ol all others i~mid to be mainlyallnbulcd lo I lie liberality of thi; co'n]inny inilt conlingclil e\penbM, and especially the <5u_pcrinleiiiling influence, under this Rvstem, of theCompany's principal agcnl* W<iUiam H. Gali-

gcntle-iij .mil >i more ahje bu'itni sa-man \\e elwll

look for in vain connected _vvilh any_othe_r_gr_eatihroiiijlifare in the couniiy Allhough we•havo not-passed.over this road for more thantwo yenrs, all our frmnds without exceptionhavo spoken of it and its arrangements, in termsofMlie very hightsi commcndalion."

"uroly may b» purmittedj:ho u-o of them in [ r h e a b ° v e ia _a truthful e\hibiiion-of-oiiopinion in relation to the officerai Conducforithirilouso of Worship.

Believing as you ilo, that these- Temples aroprincipally, ercctod " for vain show, and »i a spiritof rivalry to outvinfioine sister church," you mayperhaps const imitiously 1 onsidcr that tlio molioyso cvpondtd m gunig (liiplojmeiil to tho poor,im^ht bi> otherwiso 1 xiil fi(> «*? to bn equ.illv hnno-*liicial tojhirn Of conrit. it irni-lit Thn slonn-tultcr might bo as wi II remunerated ii ho w t ^prtparui|r tho matoi ltil 101 tho croi'lion of a thea-tre, a pmato pilaro, or n ]>ubhc suloon, for 0110" vam (.how" is at, c°"d, or ratlur as Jjadj asa.iothrr IJut I tliinh lliol il 1111 much bettci appippuition of tho moni'} (0 build 4 house-ofpra^-< r \\l(h It, -«\ 1 11 Admitting 111 it soino gavo lo Ibrrbji < t 111 the spin! u lm h )ou .tb rnbo to ,[in if t'i it cdilici 'hoiild bo but tin.- mcdiiini 11'f ih ition (o our ^IIIIII'H ,011!, llio objiM't IHLUIOIIIpli^ln 1 wliK h at liuft a fm ilc^out In art) wiilnilfoi_ it in its ijintcinpl limn mid jucctian.

Thf* ^y^^ ni ol o\toi(ion to which }on refti,wiwrrby iiioiK) n ulitimcd " (ii provide (nrilmil pold loi tho Tim1)1! ol llio I,ord," is, I jjreowith >ou7 reprHli ll'-ibli' 111 llio LVlrrmo, .mil bowit ^'linilil be Mil re full} piaclidt-d m this 1 md olfrLidoni, is rather a UM t^n to me Von mi's!piriloii nit, Uliu, Jor indiili^iii^ in «£iinl»o\cijoin Mid rabu ol 1 pfioi u urn in who had to bi r

the IUIKK to pj} her J>0\ ront I lcall\ roilld 11 >Llit Ip thinking uluu I lead ol her, th it ihr liiightIJL tin \t.n idciitif il w oiiun Ih it \\o he utl 01 mi1

lon^ lfrn, who bf-in^ rallit r haul if lit. rni^ m ?undiM tood In1! iinnihUi'i Ii \t, whirh was —** H\ci p[ j 0 io]n nl, > « ^hull .til hkt'w ittj pen Ii ' 'but WJIIL.1I it-II upon her ttjrtltd i_,ns in thib Jorm—" IXcepl v P'J' tho pi'w-n ut, j o 'hall ullIf'i^n llio |uri'h'*' Suoh ri "Horn tt \ t ' wouldlii-\o been almo t a snflicii nt warrint for tho poolw orii ni'b it.qi|L"itiiig her ni ijrhbuis to u?3r3t hor mtin difficulty j but held h« appe llrd to 1110 I

iind general management of the above CompanyOur own, location," aUonling us many facihlies to discover their merit, and when discovered, we accord " honor lo whom honor is due


TfriThe most celebialed remedy evcr-yel discovertfor tlierelicf of diseased and afflicted Politician,1

The above iiaitiul icmril^ ^ a s dibcoveied .1few }(?dis binu.1, and it^inluert lei-ted hy tinpresent Kmjiuroc of Hu.-isia, who by an impcnal ukase has orjereil ila constant u^e by hion ti Liilit;lii( 'led snl JI_U-, 1111I ln-i (.umliSLnided lo rucommurjil it lo all 1 lie crowned head-"IIHI reigning ninl po\( imrg jinntrsnf JOumpe,as well ns lo tho citizens of the United Plates

Board of Chosen FrceliAlders.Wli.»NESDAY, May 12.

Thp jnnnnl mnpliiijT nf ihn Rmrd n(


I This inontkly is unsurpassed, by any of its class,either JM America or Europe It i» decidedly the

p ' Mayazino—Its illiJatntlloiIiTliid typogra-rceholdcrs of the County of l^ercer met at the ph> far exceed Ihoso of any othor ch*ap penodi-

lourt llnuae yesterday at t l o'clock, A. M. cal in o*iatence. It la odited-by Vha. Ann Ste-The commitlec;, lo make distribution of the phens and Charles J. Peterson. J h e nanwjBf lb _

School fiiiid. reporti-d ,13 TOIIOIHB former in a host in itself I WhaUajj^-i»«f5r conn-

No of Children. A;)por.,onment * ^

• lngjNoiimgham,Tri'iilnn.


Princeton.Hopewcll,LawrcnCe,East Windsor,West VVmdaor,Hamilton,





$201 OS12096

J.7fJ9 flfl !3G8 265fi4 3732JB4492 4 J213 46523 56

$4,572 74The report of this commilleo y\at> accepted

and adopted.

Mr Smilh moved lhat tbe collertorq of thpscvordl townships bp informed thtit they enndraw one-half of the amount now, and theother half on tne firbl of October next Adop-ted

home- sharp ^hootm?- look pl.ife betweendifiuient niPmbcrs in reference to the mdebtrd-UBSa of seviral TiTw"iT3hips Trenlon o«eH $1,5 H 7 7 ; Princeton, $569 7 5 ; Noltingham,$400

On motion of Mi Green, the Trei£i!rer_vifl\aulhon/cil tn borrow 46,000, temporarily.

On motion of Mi Smilh ihp nmount ofCourtly l a \ was h\pd .u i»I2 000 —'

has not lier elegantly yffiteit, "Widsentimcntul tales wilhj a* delight bordering uponadoration? 'J.J^c-1iilter is loo well and too favor-ubly-luiQ-WaJ- tu tlio reading pubho —Ucomment from us

Tho present (May,) number contains somo^ftho most highly eutertaininfr and interesting prosoaud pestlcal essays extant- The fashion-plate forMay, ono of tho most chaste and beautiful ofof fashionable conc»ptiona, is worth more to anylady than the price of subscription. Wo cannotpause ti> notice all ita nice and effeminate beau-

und'peeuliar (eaturea- Lot itsufllco for u8 to say, that nothing but the mosttart hyper^critiKism could find within its columns*a singlo fault. Its subscription prico for siuglonumbers h $2 per aiiuuui

l l was in tin* form of (111 oleaginous

ILT Mrs. Clay ia tiuablo to visit her husband,tho Hon-JU-oiiry Clay, at Wauhingtoii, in COIIBO-quenca..ol? her own rapidly Kinking condition.

ia said thut tho Senato will agree, to thoadditional appropriation to tho C'olhm1 ete.inio£?by a mnjority of sixteen or twenty ; and that thoHouse will pnii it. _

'•uch a parish ! 'j'ho pew-renting system involvesso many advantages and diTadvantagc^.that it isa difficult mattor to decido whethor to retain orabolish it. It appcary to ho tho most certain wayuf pjjnig llio niuii-ilir' }, WIIILII IS a duty

I'niMDLLrniA, May 2jthMn Ei'lIflU—TS^^Hj-SfJli havo the itooilni-s^ to

pnbhth"for"mo~nio forrowiufr letter to " Ulric" 'Fumd Ulnc —If you will permit me_to take

cuch a hburty, J would prefer Ullmig to you, to

incumbent upon us ns:nny other. I Jiavcknownloealltlta utaltby (_iioU"h to eO'jnpensa'e lmjily'tho Iuboror in ihoir Vjubydril, lmt for tho nun-requirement of a regular stipend from tho iudivid~ual lriombors, llio worn out minister receives attho close of hia labor about orio-third of tho salaryhu wosJwL 0 c\puct, and cyon that lie must ho

ir*! -RrtiiiSTint partly in " tiaik-," \ 1/ liutti t,eggs, and-^alico t i n w t eoTTfLs'i that~nhi n peo•pte^cnn-po

trillo to IJB shown th« way tornsn jronii

king'.at'you. 1 havo just road your letter ofthe 24th ultimOjjiiid I may say with a mind opento convictiou, for I sincerely wish to be govomodalways by truth and not by prejudice, and 1fraukly • acknowledge. that I urn, ready to agroowith you on "several' points -therein explniu'ed, andam very oorriJKtliat I should so greatly have misconstrued some of your sentiments in • " T h ochiirity Sermon."

I find that the internal decorations of Churchesare thn object of jour animadversion, Tathoi_lh,iiitho substantial structures which cojitiiiii .them f.mid I admit frosly thot those might often beles« profuse and costly, and sttll bo in keepingw ith the general beautj of the building , anil as

might bo very well dispensed with ; at tho eamotimo 1 think we might moro charilably aBcribothem to a defect in tanto, father than to a meansof sclf-'glorificution adopted by those who contrib-uted tcTTEeir prociiTemeut

It has never been my misfortune as it has beenyours', to listen to a niiuiuter of Chrmt "prate

for their unwearied courtesy and support, we, caajnaltn them no^baUet return, for uumy fnron

tjpui to' le»ve With_tliem jn irno brotherly fecl-Mdr $&*&%&> S f Jtpn&>- A « BTtlolB;—"• Lotthe cobblar n tkkto hu last '•"


of his congregation in their hohalf, direct their. attention te the faded carpet, the old-fashionedIampuj or"the tarnished bible . such inconsistencyWould indeed havo called forUi my denunciationsas scverelyjas youre' were ehcitad, andtho_cliurchiVwhieJi snch_-elngu1ar jumbftficatuma are TuBto-mary, must bo conducting itself in direct oppositioito tho injunction " Let, all things be done decent,ly aud in order." Ju our churches tho replenish-ing of the-furniture is discussed in the vestryroom, or taken m hand by a coinmittoe of ladies.T So not wonder at air that your disgust was~cx

TlU Unit yuu Were carried |n imaginauoiCited,

tT The ftt*ryjfibd House of Delegates havetoe oirculation m

*lt KrJ1* "f thn btaltc of otlior


(o tho destitute, hovel qf tho poor, whose reliewas thus sunnnarHy ctit off by such an untimelyTeeollection of tho church's unfashionable fumi-

Ileavoii, Yon

and threo lumdrad sittings reserved cj^f^ssly forthose who *' have no money," btit who ciiii heartho " news of joy from Heaven" Without price,—1 nover yet havo seen the sight, and 1 hopo Inever may, of a poor Man turned out of thn richman's pew—T)uf*Thavo SLCinmd do eeo, and trustI rvernlinll sen, thosb~Whom God bltsscif worlds abundance, iruostontousty im. ist oncomfortably estublmhiug a poor biother 111a seatbeside him in God's House, where all should bo

Hind, floating UJIOM 111" suilatL oi 1 lkrXailofr.i,from whence it ia collectL-I] with great Jabcjiand p.nns and bol'lcd and hciemptically seakd,reailj for home 1 Orisumptifn or livLign lian&po'lalioii. The present Emperor of Austria wasthe first !o pronounce,nporr its political sanatoi ^effect- , h a M i i g t i ipd it liiiii '-pll a m ' a f t e r w a r d " ;

applied i( with the bayonet (0 thousand.11 of-hisleliaclon suhjioK \\ Lour it immedi ,Iely rr-lie\cd of ill 1\MII-;LS nf conn-ionre, j-ml iulkilinto an .i^u table .lpaihilie nlei p

His holiness P iuq-J \ of Ihp T'.ipal Sla t^,havui^; lii^n prescntLil v ilh a [PV. bottles, andfull} tt-ti il ill rju ihues 111 (lie recent revolution111 his «;ee, s n ' e s ' ' '1IS I'nqn.ilihi'il apprnhition,

prc-ii nl elect, and iHOsprct.v i1 Umpiroi ol

France, Loui^ IS'jpoleon, ii now fulllual of iis puWLri on Ill's Ai«einbly, Cabinetand llu pponltf al l.-if-p^rinil iq_M'M - . 1 ' " • " " • "in rL' .uu lo m i flii-dL> A^e tjuanlily hasreicmlj bci 11 nnpriiteil into tin- coiinti v by lluHi KL\ Ai<.hbibln>p of — - , of u lit'in itm.ij lit1 otnVmid by jmlitiLiii (-in lnl ile=i m jjai-tiruliir, ind morbid polilici 11-3 |r(.iuialh i ! " i u

•sOO.OO, jiPi brittle, as it is coiiiiiltred in\^liuiblc ,

A Prcbj lenan COIIP^C IS lo be establishedat Colid I, 111 Texas Thelown gives to (hePresbylcry the' buildings of the old ArmainaMission, including tn'pnlj aLrt> of 'and on

it Ktaiule, and one lt'agup_uf tile unMland of the town tract ; 30,000 acres were al

-\n 1

I COURT.-—Hon. Stacy 0. 1'otlspiLinlni(^ T h e f iiciul w i s openid Au'-leid iy

morning, anil the case of G. \V. Wiimpolc i">Joseph Ju--ti('t-', wai titken up This is a «=uitagainst the Sheriff of the couiity ior aellins;properlj claimed hy the j)laiiliff. The Sheriflwas inilemmlied bj ceilaiu mcrch t i ls 111 I'lnJ

I I I I M OF EI-IIOP Do«.Nf —The 'scnun U1-I1-op of the Piueatalit Episcopal Church in theT nitid Si itts, 1MS notilied ihi' other Hishop-.-of thiti Oiim-ehj that a mooting of-the -Kuard otBuliops will lonvpne .U Camden, in this Stall,on the 24111 of .(tine neSi; for the trial of fji ljojiDoane, on rhatgea pietLii'ed rip;,iiiis-l him hjthe Bishops of Vnginin, Maine .mil Ohio.

Sltu.1. Vox iu RAMIJTIN.—This 'dfcailful disea e, it 1-, naekis to disguitt. il. pie\ails in tuncity, to an rtlaniiing extent. The - nulliorilicshliould do illi in their JIOWCI to arrest ils ra\a-ger. We feel bniimi. in clu:y Ibniirjelves and


cd tho first nnnibbr of u boa"utiful wookly sheet,just lusiird in New York, bearing the above titlo,IIOTTH^^TO7!^^!!!!!!!!^!!!)!! of spiritual intercourse,byClmllos 1'ttltridge.

SAitrMs's U-iiov M(6t/fNF, for May, IM a-goad number, "mid well worthy itsThitheilo highmd uiiiullicd reputation It la dehorving of at-tention from tho mere fact thal'many of \ln load-iftieli, t irrj us back into the midst ot the pa&t,thii.4 making old lliingH new, and all thiiigs beau-tiful I'm 0 '•sS f"1 } ' a r

irat.l(r —Dun

lil 5i(,-¥lIlO\ HI HlSJIIll' HAMI.IN -BlsllDp[laniliu, of f\e\\ VorK, h 1-- t-Ciil in his IC>-I|;II.Ilion to the (jiiiitr;5l Conference1 '1 lit.-lejson assi^ne I i. ill heil'h


Niitiuiinl Anniiul Council of the CmunlirCliurch: in llie United ' Stales, began.- in Hnhimore, on Sunday, in ihe Metropolitan1 Cathe-dial - - ,

Abiint Ifn o'clock, A~M , a procci-ion was

im\ ta lked from the Archbishops itaiduiie

ppws,, but uro obliged to tkulk 111 tomo coiner of casualty lhat has occuud in Ihc vicinity oftho chnrch-to hear Christ's free gogj>cl-UJ 1 his" Caindcrr, wulim mil** nieinoiy7*loi)k jilare oli"may not bg_an^oyer^dxmvn stutn iif-nrTHire ia tins- -&timday-aflemoon I.ul,ii8i»i lli»-^iTown whero you reside, but in the place wlieio / Tavern A youiif; man, nanmd John JM.iIone,

ample provision is made in ovory church engaged in the distillery of a Mr. Woodruil,of which I am cognisant ior the acpommodatien n a s g c ! l [ ((J c l e , l n F O m e t l H 1 , e „, a V d t or cibtcm,of the poor. In one of the m-wl beaut.fnl churches w h R h w a a n e a | I y o r q u l k , , ] n | f f u , , o f b o , | u l g

•winch wo have .11 our city, there a*e between two w a , e r fle h a ( , p ,d C ( .d a 1)(Mr(] ^fn^ l h e c l^

tern, and was busily employed at his task,when d jolorcd man,"named Polk, stepped up-,on the board, which, under the pressure of hibweight, gave way, und precipitated both mlolhe resotvoir ofToilmg watcf1- The loloredman c/ui;;ht hold of the lop of the vat, "and ncaped without serious injury ; but JMr JMaJpne••unk iii it tif.nIv lo his arm-., and IjLfoie necpulil be extricated,

one mauB sous."You "conclude j'our letter with thin inquiry —If God soonest condescends to dwell in the

lfi,J;OU trito-heari^—why—should we «ourt-his pjesonco wjthua the-vast cathedral, nhoreworldly splendor and inaguificenco entice ourthou^Kto from His majesty and glory to the pasgeaiitry around UB?" To this I reply that we

o poor," and after exciting the sympathies .inuatendeavor to do oUr-dtity-Ht-ihat-etets-oiHtftin whioli Gsd has plucoil us, aud if uncontrollablecircumitaucsii-TWjuire that the coftly eanctnary

iinuet be tiie one in which our feet uliUlTtrend, maywo not hope, if we ask II in sincerity, to obfain ablessing aveu.Xhora-?-_X-thiuk we-moy ! We arenot to " neglect the asseublmg of ourselves toN

gether," and~ whether it i» in tlie "gorgeQjaChurch," or humbler ftine} our services may al-ways bo characterised by fhe " treaty of holiness;"

In conclusion 1 Beg leavfiT-to liay'thai althoughfully aware of my nicompetency to. do the same

justice to my cause, which your superior ahiliti™ Z_enables you to do for youra, yet it was withji con^

turo.Yoa allude wnmily to the tlistracljon ot atteii-

tention which is promoted by tho superfluousdecoration ot churches Thli, I think, depeiidagreatly on two Things. first,-the state of the wor-

', jmdlieLojidiy; Hie force of-pien-A truly, npiritnaHy-

will, I think, be able ^o-^lff^i PH-t?'without durtractioii," whflthor.jtJie chnrehVi dra-pery be blnet crimson, or drab J or whether there

'.hat when they slrippcdilvim of hii pantaloonsand draw crs, hia flet-h pealcii from the honesMe img(led in great agony and pain until be-\ufeliD and 10 o'clock on the earne evening,

whpn death put an end to his mi«ry Theyoung man was about twenty-one years of age,and was formerly from Eaeton, Pa, This sad

borb.qod.-'a-gluom av£r4he enlira naigh- —

Fliifa Sun.

n Sweden, when a man geti drunkfor the third time, ha is deprived of his right tovole.

The frigate Cumberland has been ordered toGreece for an explanation of the treatment ofthe Rev. Mr. King.

Upwards of, twelve thousand petsoti«,ar-j r t the, past wafckj-froffl-foreign-

eciejUious rnotive that I ventured to eiprei!a,my.diseent from, thjuo sentiineuts in the ',' Charitys*J3noiJsLM1i^"XjM'la^.w-p»^irioal«t^ to.impress wrongfully the miuda of many in regardto th» rich, their chnrches, and the poor- If I

y errora v'<n injnr. .m nV1>ahi wrong, I U.any if Gxaiuimuthfir_hH«_«ntertami'd-Onft. unjusts.euliment in regard to yon» »he humbly craye*

VIB ^17ixiiudu vun flmtlly UlM "thdagh we bontow aU-our

good; lo feed tho, poor, attd^hare notich'arity OUBtoward anoth»r,*it. pbafiteth us nothing." She

h hcannot forbear expressing the hope, that we each

Q ^ - Arrangfinents-are being'made losleamhnat farry at'-Beed^t-jwbarfySouthwark.-

B3" Thje ^tcaroer MissiMippi has been put in.commission ami ordered' to sail immediately for

OS"" We observe that a lew caaes of chol-• hav^-gccurretl tu une or two noim-riTr

the front of ihe Ifiinch, nod thence up Ihebrnail atsLc lo Ihe grand. .aLler, cliamumg - Ihe- JAVJES J^IUUSW- ft!oC:npiivi:y; »nn-of—Dr J . K#

procession being headed bj a larije gilt ciulifi\r

followed by atol)les beaiing lighted taneisThese were followed by the archbishops,bishops, and clergy, the former ar/nyed In mag-nificent robes.

The Council was opened by llie-A-tchhishopof Baltimore. Afler other appointed ceremon.ii-'-, and ihe reading of the Deciee of the Coun-cil of, touching .the profession c.f failh,[jranil t-liRh Mats was picformed in a \tr}solemn and unpre*-=ive manner. Over one hun-dred voeadalii_\ii're in j h e choi[l~bcaid*>?-ll.t*Germkiiia Band

At the conclusion of Ili^h Mii~s, AichbifchopHughes end red the pnl'til, and nail from Ihe

*" unriei is tnetlotir amthe chepherd " T h e Rev gentleman then pro-ceeded lo deliver a very excellent seimon._Ail££-lbe-CQnclusian of the discourse, the lCpis-copal body proceeded to iing tbe ceremonials,chaunting the Miserere and Lifany, termina-ting with*a solmn benediction by ArchbisliopPatrick Kennck. The procession then formed,

I in tbe- same or-

der in which it tntercd.

03?~.A, fire in Gloucester on Friday, damagedone of the mills to. the estimated.',,amount of$30,oOO, and on«r IiUndrCd" and- twenty-fivebands have been thrown out sof employ b j it.The loss is said to have been covered by insur-ances, but it will lake six months to repair thedamages. - ," ~ -

J E ^ Q n Monday morhirig last. Mr.- J.WnjtlU'H"wagon with live paseengfrsTcotnuig from Long-a-Coming lo, ,Camden, waa^jipget, neat HaA-donfiela^ Trl-VlSennet received a'sevejJB cot,

Jives. *

gg~The friends of the meaaure of JonBtrac-Camden to Gajte May, will /TVF o supsrWtqdaHtyy"

A j / Also,'BOARP&,'meet in Convention in' Cajnden- to-day

meeting ui uatuden fo^i&y, also, •• ten o'clock.stale of Illinois.

Sttawijerries-miil^reani" -were servedbreak ,occj«r d Jti.tdeup at Jones'"Dock street-Ho(eJ, PhUadelrfhia, on

'.'.How nmiablo-ar*'thy ttCbma^

clw, oh, Lord M-ftosU !

" Tui Two BKIDI *," a tulo by T. S Aithuryit bi'Tiirn 111 It if wnttpn In hif best vein, andpinpoits to be " a tulo of leitl hfe" Mr Arthuris .111 uiilhci of mint, very favornbly known toU10 unlihc a& th« writer of J vanity of amusingand iniirrstnig t jkt , .md thu 13 equal fo some ofIn Ut,t To lie hud of T. B l'etcison, No 1W* lic tnuL t lici t, Phil ldrtlptna I'uco UJ eta.

LI I - ISL 'S III \ IM. A n — J O 415 is on our

tnblo, ui d contuiiiH iti 11 ual (jiiantity of nittrebirrijr"iiuiTrtraucous matler Thli in in fact whatit jmrpiirti to b« 111 "Mine—" Tho Living Agi1 'u To catth Iho manmrs h\nig as they rise,"thoukl bf tlw lu^hcbt aim and ambition of an 111-fHngi'iit, m(f [I* rtiuil pi oplo

(^iLvroVs FiiTOHin, tho AtliLn^ of moiUrilhtci.iturc, hoKN a hij'li nnli= umoiij^ its compr^iifol Hi' daj It 19, perhjp., us °MII tt vc*sel of its1

1 lacs 1.1 'pvi'iity four) \n llouls upon the blight""lid tj> ir^lmif sea of htriaturo Kditcd andpub-

Ji4lu-d L) 1<. GlTiiiiuiiit Htrcil), l'oiioi) I'nco ^ 0 per year —1/W.r} poison who :11ms at binijf " A , No ly"should IH) Ml PO bl'bilUll if llv

GUANAM'B MAIIA'/JXE for May is beforo us. Its

illnstriuions and riiibolli-.hnicnta rank with thosirof thn bf8t nioiithlicn i-f the day. Wo cheerfullyrecommend it to tho lovers of light litorature of ahiyli ordoij. ]t will afford a rich treat to those,and amiiscmeut to tho deep utudent, who mayrcijiiiro it in an hour of ri'lstalion

On \V rrfiipsd'jy.

DII3M.ftlny 5lh, of Scarlet Fevor,

Cnroliuo Ely, of Janturillo, Wiaconsia^ it) her Tlii

On SalurJaj', May 8ih( ot Fcarfet Fever,

and E. V. MoCbesney, in his sixth year

I lake these httlo Lambs, eaid He,And lay them on my breast;

Frotiction they,Hhall find 111 me,In me bo over blest

Gazette Weeltly Almanac,(Carefully Corrected )

14 j Tnd IV, : -. :

f6 Snndayr : .17 Monday, .18 Tuesday, :19 Wedni-silay,90 I Thursday, :

4 46,

4 444 434.424 414 40






2 593-.S3-3 474 13•set.7 488 49

HIGHTSTOWN |kf AHKET.Reported by liaird, Field 4 . Co.»

EGGS, per score,, . . . . . l. . ' 20

POULTRY ' 9CALVJES, per pound. . ' 4OATS, per i-ushf 1, • • 35TORE, per pound, . . T V : . , . . . —BUTTER, per pound


Wheat—galesjif-priqiti^.rSOe; .white, 95c.Rye—last sales at 75c, j /

Corn—market bare, sales of yellowy afloat, 64c.Oats—ecarce./sflles orEepni».r45c. .

br. B..H..

attspecUnTlyTen3eliTiirj'™"eision-U beryioe* 1Ui* -Inhabitants of

K iaiL A . MAdiiiNf "wiiBaB "8 "BOPJES• ,'EABEN IN ONE TOWN.

HO wljjbe hippy; -tfi wait W their nunjen,]Bui, Meads apd MhylnaB them that llielr

„ „ . . _ , , . Brhbraiii>^; a 1'arBHihd•well iolooted,itoelt of DETT OQODS & ORPCERIES, Pro.

;: Visions, QneeniWaM, Enrthsnfare, Hardware,•^BMltjMin SHaiM, Surtifnar har t ind caps in great

•varietWi. WeodSilTVarB, Ploiglti and Castings

latent Improved

a^yiprttfalty^limta-eontiauanaiiufJtVte^amBfThi Improved Soap is of inperior jqualiW,;aaa is

fold for S inrtoad of 10 cants par ftranck-.B*n»rlyi It ig mBnufalud t tfddftld S

,how fold for S inrtoad of 10 cants par ftranck-.B*fonn»rlyi It ig mBnufaolurBd at tfaddofteld, S-J., by«u,ii],Mi!lard,;aad iojdl^jfflfWto po:pBTfm IBI illa Qd«., uj .».«««. iniimra, aua Bom^py,,mjama p a spm in this village,, Orders by mail or otiwrwiiepunttuoily attended to by * .

April 33, 1152-^m .... '

N e a t n e s s , C l i eap i i e s s & Beipf t to l l .

BIT nratar Ain HBEESE.T J BSPICTFULLY. announqe.;to their friends

1 ana the public, thai; having commenced on-si-ill tha ,-Blackgtnith Bh«p1 '[nm^f] jmJlaln-

street, lately flcoupiefl by Jahn^Lewls, they arenow^pfepareii^yiteoiifo with iwiaKfiiJeTieiipnesiand despatolrairbflsinesg entrusted to their care.They hope by strict attention to their huainess tnheir huiihe

e, (lorsealilMTOJjftaiie^cfpatfiiiHtfe, (lorse Oim---. lugj i a all its branches will,receive particular at.

, tentioii, and all of the modern mod™ introducedHlffhtBtown, jlpril 0, 1853—Gin

NEJV C H E A P S T O R E I' T T E N R Y KGHLES8INGER has just opened

J-J- a new Clothing Store in Ilighlglovvu, whereho Intends to keep a full and large assorlirieiit of

_—-mans and boys olothinf, which he will Bell at NewYork and Philadelphia prices. Hn also will haveCOiiManlly on hand a great variety of gentlemen*weaii suph as. shirts," eoltars, 'drawer*, suspen-ders, capSi hats, and a great many oilier articlestoo jiuniarbua to mention. Just, givo him tt calland judge for yourself,

Hightiiown, 4prll 9, 1153—Sm

Tailoring Eitatjiiiliiiicnt.

LLIAM STVVt3 would respectfully i.,.form hit frieiHl«-an<r-t1iu bli i l

that he has taken the shop.lately oceiipted as a'piiljtiiig office, where he.willha glad to executewith degp-aifih all Averk under his charge, Clotl).ing will lie madq in Lhe latest Paris fnuliiuns, pqunlto any obtuiued in the largest cities. Ilia priooBare cheaper thaii all. Cutting- in rtll Its hianclicsattended to, •

ii, 4prii y, issa—'y : '

WEAVING,p H E Babsfiriber, living en the Old York

leadinir froin iiijfhtMtnwn to lll

IS THE^inft'! M.AK|..UP. YOUR' CLUBS!!i Best, and Musf Popular T,nd!»i

Iogaztne in tlt% World,

ctcrsou's Ladles' National Jiag»initiated in Sige, and Improved, in

•i,;. Elegance and Mprti,


This Magazine is now acknowledged by thogeneral voice of the press, to be tlieieheapegt and

• The beauty ot Itsd n d l i f i t^ n e i y

variety, interest, and tlavated tone of JUpnteJita,rena6f it more popular e.^oilvilisn theT-hree Dollar Magazines j whilo It ii fqrnlibed at0ne Doljar'leag, , , .......••,-;....--;. •„,•-..; • -


n|as, aoouraqy and authority of thllith matterfof Fashion, It Is, in fact a month ikptjior' all ri.Jvilii—q?e-eaoh -MapUfosiitly^eolstjtdi i*la,t#i,fradded a full detcriplloiii ClVliljT iiifor-.d p prriatiott on all the Lateat Styles, j e O T ;from Loiidoii and Paris, This'^aftt«ilie 1B, In

B k f j S ifrom Li id d a ^ fourKasiern cities, the T ^ S T Book of, jSiiihian,a«d is-takon by-alKwlio-wiili-to kndw,tlifl_.Latest.Stylos, ' . • ' ; • • " • /


ncomplete its attraetibni for 1858,-Bad fan-tlie beet Ladit.e' Magaaina ill- ilia World,uk

proprietor'hiyi contracted for a Beriei ofllluB.

..jipr—1-lortieuHuM, Croehet-worit,-Jfeiiiiaii?Embroidery, aud new Household Receipts,

bt niibllnhbd in mw-Tirorg uuMlilete yperiodical.. These will render Jtho 'f Ladiea^Na'.tioimi/' indifipeusubifi in tiie Parlor iiiirt Sitting-roon], and neoesgary alike to tho Faniily, and toYoung Ladies. ' .• .T U B - T E R M S - - I T ,1(3 T U B CHEAP13ST

: OF ALL.'-Quo copy will be Bout to any plaonTliroo Copies, , , . •Bight Copies, , . . ,

^Hisleeii UBpiea, 4 • . .Any peisnn or persons wishing to subscribe,

will piiolosB the inoney in a jotter, and send it bymult to tho Pubiisher, when lhe Magazine, willbe sent in ratiirn, regulurly, during the time it issiijiibribfil for. At ilio uht'xuniplbu'la'w prio't'thdMngMiue is pubibliod nt, it ciAu'iiot bo sent for nlonger period limn ii \% paid for, as euongli can-.firirbB -made—oil-'.-it.-,lp--fliiip.loy collydtoFH.- 'WioCuih in advaline, is tliereforo strictly* rtiquirod innil cases. ' '•< - -


^B 005 00

10 00SO 00

To repay persons for geltim; up Clubs, Ihe-ful-lowiiig Hpiendid preiniuuis will b@ giyeiH I'or 41.Club'of: Three, either the full-length'," Wdthiutj./ton," the picture of " Children Untiring," oj-. thesuperb new -1 Freiniiun L'luto for I$5t2," nqwF-be=jug eu|rraved. /For a Olub yf ISiyht, any two ofitiicjo pinks. For a Club, of Sixteen, either of

pllltpa, AND ,\N EXTRA COpy Op TUB B1AOA-Ail Lhe premium platen are of the lur||r,?:t

*ur framing, and no one retails iu PhiUuieN|jhia for lesa. thuii two dollars..- Snub ujicxnnipledjiiditrjanieiitB-far getting up elnbfi, were hover bo-foys.otTered by uny .Magazine, , ,

Ohronio or Neraous Debility;


or Stomaclv,QiinglipaMn—Inward Piles—A'eiility

' of (lie SUmaeh—Nattseii'-'Hiariiiitni—'Die'.gUU, for'';' fuml-^Fiilliiess; or .weight *te theStoYndch—Sou —Mnctaliaiis—Sinking orPluUerihg'at the Pit ofiheSiomaeh-^Swim-ming of the Iiead—Harried and difficultBhiFUUt!!liig'ulth\.hlChk^


BigM—It'mmtthdilvli Pain in theHeqdptffieitney of PfspirflMn—Yellowf•nttl tf the shin and4yeg—lPtiin in .the. Side,

" -jlueJt, Gheit, Limbs, &.B.—Sudden WluthetBf-JHeai-rBi/i.rningh\the PUtA^Oonita^i

• imilgininga'of ,'E»U—and '@real Depteii-iojltf Sptrita—fianbe'effeeiuiilly tufei by

- t l '•

tropared by'Dr. di M. Jackson, Jlo. ISO-Arch'.'Street,- Philadelphia. ThoirpowprOTreriha-abovB"-diieaRoHrapt-exoelledT Iftflqualledf byany other preparation iu tho . United' States, flsthe cures attest, ill many cases aftBr rtilful pliy.'aicianB had faited, ., . , • • " - ' ,

^*hey are entirely ..Vegetable, and frea fromAloliolic Stimulant, and-are Worthy the atteu-tjttn of invalids,' FoijeBiiug great virtues in the

anJ 'glands, exercising tho most searching powers in

k and afleetioria of the digestive organs,i n l snfn, ffr.Hitiii^aiid-pteasaut, j . .

READ THESE OEllTIFIOAETS"MlsNBiiAir, MqriHIS'Cp. N. J., Jiiiie 17, 18SIi;

Dr. C. M-, JaeUson. Dear Sir,—With plcnsurcI testify to the've5*Lf^-piiitiry virtiw of your"Honil.ind'ii UtMlnaii flittci's'' About two yearsngo I was serioUHly uilViuted wllii Liver Coni-plaint "and Nervous Debility, -mid wu» reduced'HO low that niy FhvMieiuuH und friends duHpairpd'of my over -gelling well,. I was in, that ooudUlion about QUO year, and had also given up nilhopes of recovering, wlioii my atteution wascalled,lo your adveitisement in " Bootta WeeklyNow«piipw," I rendit anj believ'tad yUur niedi.eino vvouid cure me, i.HOiit to you iuf ttio flit-ters, and. took eighi bottles,' They eireeted a'ct cure, Sluee that timo I have sold a greatinaiiy dozen in various jiergouH ^ iio were ailhi?*ted witlr]j[?urCgffi[i!uTiiT,"T3y^p'[Mi;i TiTTBTfer;vous Debility ; and iu almost uvery case theyhave efR'etLal a cure. I enuld procure a grentnunib,T;r of ceftiilquteH from persons who iiavubeen quri' lliuJJittcrs I.huve Bold, Any one.wishing any iufbruiulion (rum jno .in regard lothe aboye,Iiittt!rs,.I will freely eoiiimunlaute'withthorn, I perijMnuiiy known by ail tlis' lea-ding men of the county of Morris,

' ' 1 remain yor ab't Servant,- -.- JOIIN J, UALLENM'TE. '

ANOTHER GUEAT : OUBE, .jliitt»towii, Biirlinpon Co, NP J, Juno ID, 1831. Dr, Jrinkssn, Bear Sin—I wa* troubled with

Liver DisiiHtfee aisd iJyKpppHia a number of yeai'-Hjinid h;y«i spnnt ii in'i'iil fl.'-i[ nl' ii-ionnv in entploy



As tto molt TimarlsaMo EgtBrnal AppUcattML eterd d

fihouid TeCBive-"ih8; anentitjirof tliifir^ronWf•4fifly-npytr-eoinjj|iihir«rm'e-dull, without cliisi-

i H s ' h W t '

Start without it."= . - t . of* mere limn sixteen yesra hai est&bliiheii

Hit fact lint Mnrchnnt'a Celebrated Gargling Oil, fir Uni." * — ' ""mlly Ernlimciuioii, will oirc IIBIL CIKI, anil re-

Sparing, Sweeney, Ilingbqnq, Wmdffalls, Poll•'P^Ut Oallnugi Cracked; H^els,^ (Jiuls of nil

, Jtlnda, BroiJ .WoiiiidB, Spraini^ Bruises, Fis-ttijB^flitfMtiSond Uraeki, Strains, Lameness,Jo'inSere't-I'oot, Scratches or Grease, Hnnge," ii.-IBt'cB-of Aniinnla, External PnH

B(nfgJ "OorOJi WliillowsJ. Uurua and Scalds,. Chiliblairis, OBapptid Hauda, Orampi, Con.-traetioha.of tlie Hitselei, Swellings, Wca^noMof the jDinta^CakotUreaitg. .<fcCc»fcc.-i-itfc--~

K—Xb? unpHftltalsil juccaia of ihia Oil, in the euro el ills-gasis In' itmms anil Vikills, fiml qvonT in h\!timn mrW, T§tlftlly bceoinii)^ more Unowa is iho furniiim community.It rah hardly be ereiiligt^'eMr.ent Uy. thogg who have been!n titeJmUirQf keeping it |i^ their emUleiiuni holing, whata vaflt anipmibjjr liatn, guHerinf arul UtiVe, drs saved bythe riniHly iLijplicniiun of lUia oil.

tlf^ lie nui-8 lho' hailia nf iholBro'Tii'onriolar, OEpROEVf.. MEllUHANT, I.iiekpDrl, N. Y.; ii blown in llie Msfit thg.buuig, utiil in liis handwriting over lite eui-fc, ^ ,

All onion atklniMd io [lie |,topriotp» will tia promptlyrea r fnd i !

1).wn:liin,, W.

rearndu !o. .. , *!H»t n.rJirillilileLnriliQ Aaenl, anil i'fi whSDWO

aftraiaiJii^iiuil by the us?u yf ihia meillfine:; ^Saul by rssitbelitlile ileulen Rcnenilly, iVi'-iho'iU

gtoige arid Uaniitu, AlsQby i '

•It* Smock, lllghtstowi! j B..H Guuinery Tton; A'. V, N.- Voorheos, Cranberry •'"' AJohues, Pa.rriuoBvill!!-; D- L> Pratt, JaoobNtoFraser & JohiiBoii, .Utiorgeto.wn i W 'ISordenlnwTi ; J, 'C. hgbcrf, I'oinlmrton ; SrCiiilro.s, VinnenUiwn vXI;irdi.i& ^ ^ Lhu. MA, D- Iluines, Mt,IIo!ly, '

WhoIeBule aijeiiia urn, F, Klptti &, On,delphiit.

.Sir, VVfiriii^.frsiaicltn Jiitne ; Hoyd \ i , 1'•JU Oortluiiil atreet; C. V. Uiickner *& Co.,Barclay street, New "York, ., ' Q


-o DDR.ES powdor Hiiiida preeminent nnd first ;jn"

J. •• rank, of nil those Gallic Powder whiuh havepome, uudur the nntioe of nil tlie, must uljiu cmd•eiqjifrit'neeU.Winners' aiid_ Agriculturists, in HUHCouutry far maiiy years, in fuct Sve.Bay without£ije eji-^iijiit f*?ur of eoutriEdieiion, thiit JrJr the (ilH.ruses In whitib il is fiHod stands fiir suporior to unyother preparation, nor is its Uoneneial eflbct coil.,fiiieil only iotlio Animiilhi a disnago condition, but on the contrary' in the pei'-feotly healthy nniinul givo a proper dosb niixud Iwith'its Faeil, wiil-iiliprnVB'ita Biges/mii, iiml-by-tliis nluaiia tlie whole -Physical .condition of the'animal w -.gtr-engiheuetl' lenfiiW, impravinir the

. , jiiaii Ikimtly, "and- "particularly children,flrn. tiKirc subject, thon intestinal wcityns; :aniliipiwithslandingjheir .prevalunco.aml ihe daij-preroU^.tiiiidency of thoir prejdnctiln proilude a'nilincroiisp other diieasifg, ihoro is, perhaps, nonem n w ' 1 - n f T i . i r - i i i f i — T i n ' ; e n m p l i i i r i i ' • " • ' • ' • ; l ' • • ' -

P.M.iHffcohtrWyt(rtrictrttalnre7^tJ«'Bti5;7iitliijrcn win chFerfitf ondnwiveji!iheirplay, Sefc wljeii tlityilecline their (iljtyar amibocoirn rnpoilyi'dlili inrfcoinplaifrhT^rtlretiBrientcihould IpaTn thecauw,Mif snysymjiibmeof wormi .appear, iminediate ailsrttipn, and a^uilable 'Mid effeetual rein(>dy Nhriulil be glvon-thBai, arid WB take plpasu^p jn hpJngLjtklf^in Pay-rthat W, W.dLAmK'SlNFALtinLE WORMSYRUP ii one that emi lit! depended upon in alleases, Jtean befiven to the most tender'infant,as well as the adult, without danger, while itisreertain-iriTlerlrDj'rri*'nndltfiVirig'BurfpotH lliehndy worins o/ all deseripiionf? from the An,

;earide« (or sniall in aw worm) lu'ihe formillabliTrania Solium, (or the Inpe worm :V none eanescape its influence. It fins tnany d

River, l)y tlis8 o'clo'ql^ A^

First t i Mjjeeond J f ^ __ ' fl.00 "

L JT Yurirfrom ^Her- No. 1,,udld.jrtoamer-JouN 'PbTTIR,,fititud 9 pi a ^ J i y (tfamer^Ji.

j j e f j a c q l a y ;streat, t .S5P. «*._«'j «jdby (learner *jjrSiriipurt i t 0 6,'eidsk,i *. H, .•';'.

From .FhiliidolphiB — leaves foot of. WalnutBtre»t via "Ferry**!* Camie'ii at 8 b'aloek. A, M.ij H l d - 4 T v M i ; - " '-1-1 - -•• •" . ,\_< . ' - ,

The 3Un II^M, train for Naw York', and 4,83 *P. BI. train for Philadelphia, ilop only at Burling,ton, Ilordeiitown, MighlBtawn and jamesbHrf,

'lilielitlOi leave Boriianlbvra -fot_Trentoii-ai,7,30, D,3U, and 11,30 A, »(., and 8.30 Biid 5.3Ur . M. . - • . . . - , - • . . . . . ._..,. .

AAROS COWARD, Ag't.Iliglitstown; rtlaroh.3, liafl—' ,

Thi a entirely-infillibji^anii efll'ctifsl, rNp worm can posaihiyexjst within j !s influence, .HIKI freqiifiuly. oticimo beiiig.'^uincicnt. . tt h-iMjf^aiJve, ijiureforcrt/rjulrlng "no'.ioillw J

(sickening ehihlren fur several diiya. 'Thess alononra {ulr'ahtiigca wlii'cb exist in no oilier prepnr-ttliejn. , i , - , ; ' ; . " , - .

We, tio not wish lo ilescanl upon the intiilsnnd wtinik'rfui eilet'lspf ijiis medicine Warlli-\f&* articles nei'i] jAlfllne, dn'ii trifi rrei|iienily'talsehcioii, lo pyliji llusm upon tlie public. hi-tlrcdcinantt siiows in whsiiesfiijiptiiin riiis mwiiciiie' is l|(>Jd..wher(i' il haslioen iiilrrtilticvd. '.AlNiMgli! nihl will dp ifiore10 convince any Olio nf-'iis merits, limn vtijiinigsof jiuffltTg and false ceriil!>:n!cB..q! ciirjis, issjiruito defriiHd Use pnlilic, and (Ictjcu ihein of their

f~, • Tiiurit hits MM fir como to our know-it fiiiple ciisn wln>reit has fiiiimi in cvpelSj an;j_wr> cm •i'.i.o(iiif(;}i,bnjiilanl.evii|p,n.<l.e

wliiire. it bus liciiti HiicccsHful, when nil othermedicine has heeu .Uic.l in vnin. Ii i» a meifi.raic, uniiur Prrividcnce, deslincd to restore lliou-i>iiinU !u Jiu.iltiij niid-tesetiii-prcnmltire univcs. l'amphluiN, Cfiinaining fur.llior fiifonniiiion, togclhir with criilence of. thelililily of this incd:i'iii'c,.'cnii 1)0 obtained of anyof lhe ageiita^ ' , . . .

[ p i y W-, C U I I K , at hisCluiinicEl VVnrehoiiBe, No. 10 Ntirlli fifli) St.,Pliiln.l.lphia ;' and for Sale by J. T, ITOTCMIN.SON, Hi^lUilown ; Aliin, VooHiess, Cr.-nvberry;Laid & Co., anil J . I). Clriytrin, EriL'lisritcrnvn'j.iiiinos.Llnyd, lilauk Millst'A.. Bmoel;, Miildle.ifiwn Point; JajneaClaiJJ. Kftvpoil : Win. Mur-

M i i l , l l i . | n \ v n .•• .1 U m i l i ' . i . ' R i . i l I l n i . l f , 11 r

i TRAINS [«•»», WTj,daily; (Suiidays'eibepletf,)'aaftllpwi! '

FOR NEW YORK,:First train at ''• ' ' C.S.'. o'clock, A. M.Second do. ' 9,48 '• , »Third do.-- S.4U- <> P;MiWnrth do, (Transporta'n) 4.63 ;' " ;j »

•FOR PHILADELpmA- ,First train at 10,40 d'elook, A, ASecond'do <EjpreB§,) ' 4;S8 ' " .r, M...

Aopommodalion J L ip

BOIiUKNTOWNHh) U M onily-TtSuitiittysJ.X Jers, Markotin'f, Sic.,'as I

FOR NEW YORK,Leaves Dsrdeui own Station at ,fi,lS A. s<

" ". JLI.ighliitnwn do. 7.00 "'* iljiiUy^b-LU' . do, .. . ' 7-00 ii=*=11 ;?pniB%voo3 do, . 7.30 'J'" . South Amboy do, S.UO •'

By Stbnrner, and nrrives ii; Now;.York near t infoot oT Barclay street, about IU A. M,

F&R MORBENTmVN,Loavoi New YorU at 8.S0

" -South Amboy . 6J)0 '<S.2S "3.3S "'e,oo »

Aud arrives at. Burde;,B45.-|!».5u.-J'-.. 0 , f lSIi , Ag«nt,

- March 3, 1*52—If

F. i i .


NI2W. YORK- AND P H I L A D E L P A l A ' -

ACCOMMODATJON LINE==Lcave .NewVuri; at 0 A,M, foot;of CourilaiiJtetrett^ viaJ City, Priticeion,>'7Vcjiton, Cuinden, or.

ni 11 P. M,three raiies.-froin-llie 'former |iliieo mid raur'frornthe latter, takes tills method of iiiBiriniug his oW'

-. friends audthe pub|io in geueral, that ho itill oou-'tinues the Weuvijigbuiiueia, whore he will w^aveto order carpets; woolens, linen and cotton. Pur*tioular pains taken with carpets | the warpa foundif daBired, and Wove at from Sfl to SO doiiti tieryard.

Gooi'ga B. EvernhanuApril 0, 1 8 5 3 — 4 , r i ' . r "

e£§ ail jrtterH, post paifl to ' ' "^CHARLES J, PETERSON,

No 1)8 Chestnut Street, l'hiludiMphia'.

Shaving Saloori;J.^loeUton itreot, under tUffoMpHuliiig of."'- whore gentleiiKn caii qbtajttjflaliijiv»-

Thanltful tor past favors tho iubseribcr would jesj«otful|y ioliflit a ooutiiiiiaitee. of thCflamii

. Yoit i ig1 I j f t f l i e i ' S e i i i i i i a r y . •

f j i f l lS well established' .Institution^ in lhoJ. healthy und plcaiiant. village of-irreehoid,

easily aoseislblB by-ths C. & A., Ilailroad, andstage from fliirlitfifqv.Mi, contliiusB ill BUooessfuioperatjon. The 'Principal;-assisted •by excellentTeachers, devotes, hiinaejf pl'rsonalLy to the dailyduties of tuition. Now urru-ngeiucins to tha com*.

; f ^ y n d a n ^ ^ ^ r lho P1'.pi|8_!Jfiy|a-i^^,!Mde»

ol lliis scliool, are 'equal to those of unytbor list class Bcliooh The liii_e» Of public, con.


M. A. BpWI«3, ATTOniwpy ATiAW.I^.. nndMagterin ChaneeiT.TIijrhtatiiwii,tty Mmt aow <«. R.--M.- SMITHS Ilotel, tf

New Jettey Wf ctenios* Mutuall ^ , PriacBtpn, W, jj,


M, WTLB5, Sec'y & Trem'r.Q, TQLMsrEj),'"

, FtnamtaLOonM OLIVER II, UARflME,

THIS; is ati^BfsoeiiMiBn of-"Wotkingmen and. atlrtri, for: tbe'miitual jisiigtauee of each oth.

• By

itfMe felluwiaf; annual do

ou fhouid be

'WtttM;^uMd-:aJauist;*iekaeM idmnj^i jsjfioth.

l e t B e y . . ," • • ' • ...

TJio session egiisjsfs.otQ.,oiiartersof 11

st'.Wedueiiaiy,in-'5ruy,' Tho %Vinler Sessionths 3d WednBiday in November,

•QuAitipBih—Hi--AuVAKnr..' Tiiwiut.HJtion.iu M Eugliiliand clttBica! Btudiei, andailj .iuntiutitiqu in yomil-inmiig|;,.(iiii;linl»i{f; albuighti,'fuel, washing,) 045, :TLBSSOM iu Miisio,

piano or organ, With use, of iustrurncut, ^19,—Freneli; ®S. Drawing! .$(1,50... Uso^iif booksiSO eta,- Boita^rt^tjouery mid iheet-jnusio, nt,ook"Btoro~priouB. For further particiilars, ad-Itt-m A. ftlClfAHDaON, Priucipii),'1

, Of B, If, RANDOLI'II, TreBiiiror aud busiuoMgput of tho Yoniif Ladio's Seminary, FreeheHl,ilOiirnouth Co,,iN, J.,

FMohold,. Maroh, IB, i852.-ShSo. "'. • •'•'' '

ing varioiid pliyflicimis. I never derivod anypermanent benefit, anil seRreo uny relief until Itook youi'. "IJoothind'g Uerinan Uitterij,*1 Tlu'yhavo.eiired ino entirely. I BUilared uli the, eviii-tunis you liu vo described in.your circular, I hadeoucluded liiut uiy disoah-o w*as incurable. Myjjiisineaa la glasB'.'blaiviiig, 1 urn well known Inthis county; aud talcs great pieagyjro iii' lecouir'mending-yonr medicine. . ,

Youra, Iloajioctfully,. ..:-. WILLIAM ISO 11RMAND.

In three.fourthi of tiio eaBo,B Dr. .Ilooll'and'sLionnau BiU.e,ra, prejiuiid by Dr. C, M, Jiieicson,js as efleqtnal as it was upon tlio eiiKosrefurrud tn

e, ...AU.can be cured.wliaiiiedicinie;"?-1*.;''"*"--"™-'*" •*-'<-'-—

\Vhile, Eakinlnwn^ Jolih 11! Davis, FreeholdCorners • Ailen & Co., Clnriisiiiirj; ; Joline* &.Co , lVrrincsviUa, N, Jersey, And also by ilii:Storftkefpeis generally.

A[iril '30-tJm. • • ' • ' ' . "


i b iT W ^

tpr which IB neeoitsary for oH Iiiedieinei toobtain• tojilljuw oovinterfeiteri to jiui forth a (spurious ii^"TfT6:*ff'tfi?™i^f'ttia!We'i~oPtlfuii'wiiO;Btb;ruiTinously deesived,LOOK WELL TD THE I


dent* per Ballon", --.•7'-— ;J ] Y I l i f l l ienseizea, at 75 cents pjrgalhJn, ,,

* tfOO DSfrels BpHedPainFOii, at;85 eeuta per' - ' • '.: galliji,'1 " ^ ' , - / . ... *

{000/Oullont BoifeS Paipt Oil, in oasia of yci-

They have the written signifture ofO-NI. Jaek»-son upon the wrapper, aad jjiu jiaine .blown'intlVs- bol i jo . - .—-, ... • • " .

JCT*;:Wit)iq'ul;wliie'li thi-y are B|)Urlous a '

ForsaTo whpleaRlottiidrHtai], itt the O'erin»iiMedioinB Store, No. ISO Arch.St'ono Jjigr, bfilBwf-'ixlh', •,1'hiiadelph'ia, aiid by respeetabij dealomthrDUfflioiit I.ho country, • '. Whojosalo and Iltvtull by K. M; MODOKALJJ.^ S O N S , Now liriinswleifj N, J,, by IIIA Sslocit,tri|jht8towii, N. J j uiid j . BARCAUOU', Bouierivilio,^.;. X . ,^

iifa all till sccrJliouiiof tiio jiurnrx, UtTiTtif'iinilHost I" a .natural, oondltinn, thereby

thro^oiraiiy iendofiuy to disease, kyc-piug liieirfilsin Dud'cbid^ in a perfeetly . heulthy. "stotn, andthroiijjH4tbia nieaiiK'yolir stoclt\is iiicrdfi-rii in.Vyiiiu und jjoofj condition which Jb''.lh»-••prnaoniund ecoiioruical li'armer is inoro (than wealth,—

Pmvder hiiabaeii in n#-fnr rnniiand nontfis -ojenuiuo exeopt llijit which'bears theXmnif -of-Fiekkr4ta •Catllo •Tomk'rr~7-ltr-ppnwduiily by ' . • . "1,'AWS f U A L S T O N y •'-. No. 23 North 3d St. itbovo Murket, 1'liila.

'•[irrFor, John L..''Wuv,-llii;hutown, N J,

JacobBeriberi' are riiqu^sted'to call and gottl* wil

Btnlter^t- the "ttagette" QiTjee, whoi

tOrlllS flub,',:thas

AUiiij^s^t, Aftsr.tliat period,they wilUbi placedruothefchandsfor cdil«ction, • '

, : " / : . ; BDWAJIDO. TAYLOR.

are sold-, and on the'dilj wfien purehaaedtrains be


S.Hgar |»ead,, CaiifplrBrVMuitard, Gum ShjF pl GIUB, a'H"kjnd«,Coppsrai, Sal Eratiii,Oarb. A\tn, -Boap J d


fWittiest Writers and comie Designers of th'gday,

NCOUNTY .Muranoe Gtt

MJtitSi fflojn 3S to 60 cta/pBij S i i k i f > i i i i ' circulation, of 30,000.

tfi iJls oheapueBs bringsi

jFersqnB will not bB.allowpdpnithB

N k lduwii!Mj inm SB fa 60 eft : FersqnB will not bB.allowpdpnth itweeon lho depoti in Newark, unleii ' they

_$ J p git within ttfi iooptof svery; iiidivlduafj being only



aarfcigt TVTO CEOTSnrfiili aaaoftinmit Qf Tateat Medicinsj

Soapj;;ffl^ffl;:..'.('v;-J : tnd. coarso inaolimory, in barrolo or_ , . , -CMke, of ony conaiste d

'., feioMij.esnipfl'r lfc,ISO TottriBliiio'Mineral Paint, in barrel!), »

4 g ^ . . ? t % ^WmW^u6»orib»».will bo.lowcad a oommwibB of tw*nty*.iye p i r ee'nt. ^. Clubs or ASBOoiaiitrae, whore th« papem can bemailed to our addregjJir one package, will receive

-««fc#«*--^^#::m^m^: Mimffaituretl if the Best Frieiion JilqUheilin. . : • ; " • • • • • the World, :• . • . . - , : . Stapt ft«m

wairtntad:Dot ttfchUliu thsd d e d ^ t h l I t [jori|tibni mnat, ^

Lij Jtll: lattwa containing, remittances or contri-butions must bo addrewid ts.the Pv ; JOSEPH A>

EP fforpBrly with Juih' pPaaiajugi:CnmrninB fe yan Duzer.'

QTAitfp^ ttir the stoVi plaOBileave thsiUlfmrnit^Mi^

Sirrgcon & Mechanical Dentist,wffifciiy^rMini4*te•Bldhaitta'atSa BWinSis, hag

laltiili. tho «liop formerly rail.t|Jt^teJtiiBii(ffiJ

m w i j m t m o a »r« loodjjrme,,.. __,:..:,.,,:. on hand, a Eonornl aueortmont. of Copper,J i B i i ' ' ••" • • • - ' • • ' ' * " ' - • • •

abiye ths Bfjihtstpwii Bank, wheri" he par-lt p t f & i th l i f lSheet Iron Wars, whiih hs '.: Juno i», ilsL-tti^w««w!W»t|?s


y ' - ; t - : * t r ' i ' "*i. " ^ •»•?'' - • ' : "•ivn pnrn, nil ,1,, Minfli, miitL ||,i mmmmm....... .,.....,,:,.

' .Tli«, BuWoribw-w.enli mjioit a eharo .of'then3 f t b I t o ; t i ' ^ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "' ' in Stouten


KtJCKlSt, & CO.uWJfdEESALE -pR'V.GGISTS, .A..NIJ DEALB.ESiiibinga.Meiiioiiipa; 1'aiuto,

X*. : Oils, .Window,Olas», Vanii-h,, &o., 220,-SOS) Gieenwiuh sireet, on door belowTisir.

;aods, unionj which .(hoy svouid uall i

BaUi^Briek,ManufaetoreM, . Drugjista.

Cream *JL*Bftarr

Indigo;""Nntinegf.Sal Soda,"


;; CuiXorOi'iE,; Salts, Bj£t> Logwood,Bfirnitbnf, British,Lustre,



DEs'cm.n'ioN CAN HE oinwijiED'-AT.

I,, ^I'AY'S NEW .STORE, Ko, AhStoelttou'Street, in McMiirmii's New. aiitl

hiiildiuir. All of thn popular.nnvuin^f

MAIL LIN.E—Leave Niiw-i'orlfal 0 A. M.and 0 I1. 51. i<»il of Lihel'lr stieet, via JerieyCity, Trenton, Biii,:t)i, lulling sioamboat at Ta-couy, in 4, 1-2 lioiirs;"JU'iiiiiiiiin the Jiiies leaves rii'iladelphia, frorBfooiQl-..VValnui. street, al 0 A. M. 0 A. M.- und0 o'clock IVM.

in afioye liiiSs^tst class, (a, M

lui, ii'iiiy liuTjifiTiiUtliu lowcwt"city pr'i&fHT Iiiipcr, writinjf do, j .mid riiyeUpes of tivery d-

£i-iierul aHuor.tiiiMiL of the betit staliiiuary in thecountry.-. The folknving- iJOpulur nnveio will al-1

ayafio on hand. All o£' Li]j.partl'H jjtnat workSjujili'iin jUnrryaU'is;' Mrs. Fivlcoring, Cruisinjj inbLnst War, by O, 1). Peterson, DunViViid-tralilu -wafkih—JVlnfrrrattighi—fspttffri, Yaitkge-

YQHIS, Odd-.Foliewahip expQBed, &,q,. iSie,

c i n o upA-riNaT-i BRARYT"Any oftlio above books will bi loaned, on the

deposit, of thulr full value, and wlieii roturnnd, injood order, ouB.foiirtb of the price will bo dedue-ted for the usage.

( •" Agent for the>sa!o of Fiekardt'i celebratedw^'qtfder; . . .

mchSa-tf . ; -i JOHN I,. WAY,

NEW.yORK AND nAHWAY,. ,LraVe New.York, at 6 -ahd B A, M. and 1

2; 3-IJJ, 0 Ifl, find 7 P. M, Saturday nightsao'il 10,30 Wfdnt'fiday nisht.

JM, amljSM,:3l?fUfl!; SfflK)0, 30 U'tiiiKiPiltiy nighls

,'ICK. acd 1.,


navca New-York at3"l8a«d5,l'Sf..-M.-

8ff,M.aih! 12 M.nnJ 7,80 P, M,'


1 . iU!U J , i u %. m . , , . . .Leaves We.svUji;un&wict at; 4'M, 8,80 and-

W--—^-^ -- —e—-^-

ILLUgTIUMM,MMiSla Puiilishad 'iiilhe City of ATew York, everyS a f N d ' 3 4 V r S l l

yNd,''34,* JVnn:rStreel-ia_.frpiiJiJrpwiwiiy, • ,;



Tha Propiietor it'the PIC K will cpniiiiuo tomaUBtlijs favorite jiajier more rich aiidreadublB

i l every sucayeding Number,tabeat feature la. that it lijmrejy Amftriftaii.

' - "Leave" M w Yot'H lor Mprriitowh,7"Ddfefuinl iinermciliaie piaees, 8,30, 10, 11,30 (Fr't) •A. M, und 4 and 0 P. M, . ; •NENV.yoRJCBQMEBV'iLLE ANO WHITE

. , * HOUSE- '• v"-. Leavi -New-York for Somervillei Whit*Hauto n;ij ihlefhieuiato places, -9 A, M... ft ,aiiu B-1B P . M, • • • • - . • • • - , - • • •

•'"• - '•-• FfiEIGHT ACCOMMODA-flONS; ' " ; ; '—i¥ceivi;d al ilia foot, of Liberty. A

EliKaboihio'wn; RahwayINtiw lininswictt till.

ark.'PnnceioVi Trillion, &O,untili % "Pi SI,-Jtarbv except the7 Ph!iadel|>hia U ifrom New York anu Newark, 25 c


/Hi persofl to show and deliver their ti(&et«VPasieiigers who procure., their Tioiteta at tl a i ^ t f i : f c t i M g U i taiTj..a:fctoV,tioMagfrUa,-e

liues exeepur7Ticl{dt§ are leoeived UyConductor only fin \k6 trS|u ftr whloli they

id d th d l j w h n pu laaed

j&igff%3gfejgj^^• --TF^-.Z'


: T -- - . ' ^ I' _._* - ^ ^ * - ^ r^^^^^^Tg^-^-K. ^ y f -

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r^T^ ^ - ^> : - , " . - - - * , - = F T I ^ = _ • • - ; ^ - • - A y - W — . \ , . *' ~ "- ~ " ^ ^ ^

-Ne Sutor, Ultra Crepidaiii!" I.BT THE cVnljBH OTICK TO HIS t.Alf.

1 Experirnoo is tho mcthorof wisdom"—Well,

articles of agreement mutually enteredinto on the 1-th mst, bctwflon l)r. B U.

recent "Editor and Proprietor, 'on thu onopart, and Mr EUWAHU (J TAYLOII, fonurr pro

prielor, on the other part, this Journal und

lishineiu, (togclhoi with tlio unpaid niibsciiplionsHud advertisements,) will revert back to td<> lattergentleman, for the. present, in view of other andpcnnnnrni .irrdDgciiiLiitB being inado for ita £u-

ture, und, wo trust, its I pro^rownon In

we have h#d ours, und paid font, aud wo may as I " ' " nicautimi) HIP " OazelU" will (,'roet its pat-well give oth«lsih« udvwit.igi- of it Ki Him, llln'iigh I r o n 1 1 a » d f ) l f 1" l l t rt'E111 l l Iy . u 0 t l l u l tll(l> w l " »"lTor

it is said, " bought wiidom is tho " Then- ' n 0 inw "hatpior by the oontomnl itcd arruiigc-

are peoplo enough in th« world who rnn't afford ' won11*—[Turn ihiirn ] „ _

to sport a^stigsrior article, and niuitjjo^coijlpntjwith tho second quality, upon tho principle that11 ou» must cut hia cont according to tho cloth,"and " a hnlf & loaf is tatter than no briyul " l'or_the benefit of such Vi e wiite. . . '

" AH men Were born equal?" IQ the fuudaiiiQii-tal text of our Decimation of Independence, audmost otiiom of the Ouivorsnl Yaukro Nation,

very uaturully roncludo t'hut all men eouliiuifl.equal, when they liaro (jrown up to maturit).They think vo until thej nm taught helt< r mmany a wii-bthng mutch or sulking wa-jpr Theygive t« this True taw a translation ultngetbrr tooliberal, und really seem to behove thut a bornymikro is equal to anything—that ho can do miything, evr rythmg, (hat nny man can do ' LotJU"1 try it, as wo lm\n dnnn !—thn I'M nil :

Now, the. truth is, that this seemingl) v.\ie sawis n piece of profound noiistuso; and v>n can piovoit no to bo in \ciy fow words —-No mana man at all' Ho IE born a baby

l)o washed, un-iddleuV-fcd with ITBIIUIIII,

school, nnd mndo to frii> u Iniif apprenticeship,

hefore he bei omi'd .i UIMII , AW\ thru it di'piinh Hi

jrreiiJH^digicu, upun hnw In is '.roughi up, uluti

kYud of a man hi* \u ]l nmkr Jn t u t_llii ciiaLL

110 two men in Ihlri MOlld prc-dftl} iqn I (. in i

man reared ID Franco lull. English mihout •Ui'h-

mg it? Can this best ploughman iumr;ato a ' h i p '

Can the br*,t t.uloi h,t ut 11 un a hoi^e- iiMil leap

a five-burn d _gnt.n ? Cen u l i u y u , tr j innl tu

make tho nrmig iippear right dijjott ]U6t IU\M>?

Can uu honest par*on dubblo m paifj polities ?

If not, vhn t buRiiiftss ha^ a homirpulhu ph\Hieinn

to maUo lnmseli piopnttur nnd tdilm i>f a n^us

p-rprr ? ~

Wo f It that tho -itudj of ihn D m n r Art ;n 'nr

a Hum the highlit literal \ ot>f urlnnitKp. and

everjbudv said that the ninu.igiinriii ot u 111 i,s-

popcr was a literary undertaking , nnd n h j then

Hhould not a plnmcMii rnuke tlio best ul editor* '

Purhups ho nilKht, l i rni it h i i ioh dutj to com

nnd cxprcGs idejb, collate and couuncnt upon pa •;

ing c\ttitn, and feed the (.reeds publu with philu

tiophical hash 1111 it, pocticnl ciibtmd, fnnuiciiil

naueagrs, and 11 it pirlili-s —our own 0

111 this line lull ni(t bofn ut all mortifj ing, for our

labor»~havo mi t with conssidiTdble apj)nnal —

Hut to j e t aNn ji) piupiictoi ' " A \ . tlu.i»'i. IIIL


" Mr. Jlugjjuia1 hltle buy tins fillcn in u fit,ond wnnts you immediately," cut1, a nursery-maid, rushing into our office, with ,f,hi u t hoi 1:and staring eyes ; and we rise to tho call ul hu-manity ; but jui,t as wo seizo our hdt, " up CJII'Iclose tho inner form for want of ,1 sqinro andthree lines of udvortibement," ejaculates tlin" devil." Can wo dividn ou

Again, we nr» in the mid&t of a loadr-r, W!I«IIwitli ctatcly sfi p and BIOW. 111 btnlks M.

tTVVo publisli this weolt, u list of tho ouW.ri»bera who have paid in advaiico, frem Jauuury lntIri522tif uny Humes nro omittcJ, notiro to that

fect Wl)J 1)0 giVwn'nt illia oflifn -Wii-tilke ti l l*opportunity to assure thorn that they shall receivetheir paper regularly, during tho year*

Thomas Applegate, Thomas Butcher, Wm. ABown*i Esq., Wm. A. JJowne, Poter Conover, (>months, Aaron Jlawes, Freeman I'uTloti, Isaaci'uiloii, Alfred Porrirte, Bonj. ltccd, Iru Smock,Clark II. Silver, Geo. II. Fielder, 1{. R. Kormnu,

. P. JohiiHou, Thoina*? A. Johnson, James ULaird,- It. m. Smith, Win. H. Norcrosn, .1. HMount, Ji"q., I{, E. Morrison, John Myers, ("rionVan Martor, Hon. John C "Ward, D B Wye-kofl', Joel Jimisou, .Ttjaeph II. Jiinifion. Pavid W

Wushbourn, Charles Kooloi', .Daniel S. Clark, 3liioiithn, Abni. VoorheoE, J, .T. Bidlsley, A'urouCuward, Siunn-Taylor, G'oorrre Muriin, D. C

Jlichiri&u, Juhn A Borgiu, G mouths, Col WinCook, J T llutchuiuoii

QrTThe vi'iicmlilo BtaJcNmon and patriot Honr\L l i i \ , H i li ' idl) f i nk ing , ..iiid, rlunbtlt -^H, rm Isn

tli,t! na t i on will be ciillud ifpoit to nnji irn t he 1<>

of h t l " b r i g h t , par tK U I J I f-t H , " w h o s e Ht^»d

bi i l ln i iHj h a i long -hoiiri upmi hc i d(.>tm>

mMw.fa.iin. 'l'hn.wlilin-iifii.linii.iVnl<«

doubly glaring by thn dazihug sunhght whichatreamn in from every, window^tho tread of uvorycreaking boot upon tha naked floors, and manyother slight annoyancen, will liave thn nflUnt ni

distracting him, (unless ho bo ontirely ab«orbodn his devotional exeroinos,) simply because ho isnot acgualomcd to them On tho whole, however,I am very much inclined to let you strip ourchurelieH of ovory' gaudy and iiuperfluqua orna-ment, which, as you say, "neither "add ti>.God'sglory, nor tho piety of church members;'1 but Imust bog of you,-Olric", to leavo us our cushions

H.nrl Ql^r r n r p n l n , fnf T ' I I I I n u t l ) i in l r

The Germanlovvn Telegraph fayp; —Perhaps

t|iere i« no Railroad in ' the United Klates the

management of which is in abler a.nd better

hands than that of the above named road. All

opinions seem to agree that as it regard's care-

fulness, vigiljtflce, and comfort,'it in ahead, in-

deed, ol all otheis ,—and thin is to be m-nnly

attributed to the liberality of the conipany in

it's contingent cxpcnsi.1?, and especially the Ml-

perinlctidinp influence; under ihiH'Hvstcm.'uf the

Cpmjiany' agent, William II. Gats'-

more reli£ioiw for makiiij* ourflolven micomfortabio. If nreds bo, lot u?, boforn entirely disinuntImp our Chun-hen, btrip from our ownlloors a(arpot or two, and divert our onn rooms of Homo

superfluous' oriiurrnnits, u»'l banit.Ii a few of ourown luxurioutly cushioned seals, to give the poonfor, whilst theso articles aro co«r,idoicd Hiidispon-uiblo tho comfort or dignity of our dwelling IIOUHOS,wo surely may b» perrnjtti'd^tho uso of them intho House of Worship.

B(.bovuig as you do, that thche'Temples aroprincipally erected " for vain HIIOW, and in a spiritof m.llry to ontvinfomn Wftler churi'li," you mayI'crlmpi eoiiscientioiiHly connder that tho moneyK;I expanded in giving cmployrnonf to tho poor,might bo otherwise laid BoaH to bo equallybo'tio-

JJLI Ull to them O f POlllBi. it iilt[irlll Thn elnna.

cutter might bo na well remunerated if he wereprepuring tbo mntariiil_ for tho oroetion of a thea-tre, a jiriyato palace, or a public saloon, for ono"vain show" is tiu good, or rather as bad, ue

v\lioina more courteous"gentle-

•ria'it*arid'a more able bnsines3-man we shall

l«o)c for m nun cormcctcd-wjili-any-other great

throuijlifarc m the country Although we

iwm not parsed over'this road for more than

two yenrh, all our friends without exception

ha\c spoken of it and ib arwngcnients, in term"

of the very highe's1 commenddlion "

[The above u a truthful exhibition of OUJL

opinion in relation to the officers, Conductors

and general management of tlieahovi-

Our own, location,* lfforduiij u^ many f.icili

ties to discover their merit, and when discover

ed, we accord •; lioi>6r to whom honor is due

Miik i f aa it iti'a m u c h -fow }uain

ITJ" I h> thntcrnlh mum I no ol tin Vmc-uunI i t-i £i 11 t r u b l l L i l t j o n S O C K I s , ( n u n i i e i i C L d i t s a n

sion in Phi ladelphia , on W e d n e s d a y ]a,«t, and

r ipo i t t h e Lt ibur> of tlio Soc i t tv to con^i-^t «l

H»^j \ u l u i u r S j the l e r r i p l s foi tho p I'st ) r i i i ,

arising from tha aale of bool;(> and tract*, ^to^etlu i

with fiontitiniiii, ninouiited to .^-12,01)0.

Q_, Wi find t h o G e n e r a l Mi M O I I I I ) r p i r i t i o n s

"1 the MethodijL-l-fuacopjl f ' l in r . l i , III^ f n m .

ing j t . i r , d i m n n d .^MrUlOfl foi i i . sin ii)>-lul

proirc-utibi:. ' Thii Advocate and. Journnl will bo tm-t promptly

propriation of the moiiey to build a hauno of pray-er will) it, oven admitting that raimi gave to theobjrf t in IJ11-r (j j int \\ IlK b ^uii .il>Lf i tbo to t h e m ,

for if llliit edilico Hhould bo but the meiii iml ol

f ih ' i tml) to out -111111 l ' t <,onl, thu ob|el t F J J I I on;

|ili l n d Viliuli .vl I' ift a [1 n di Mint he u13 MI hi d

foi it in its i luilempl.ttion nnd ciei tion

T i n '>Jfi!ini oi (>\tnuioii to u h u l i } o u n Ii 1

w ' i ( i e b ) nmiK y 1 o b t u i i i d " t o p iowde t u n e '

•ilid gold ioi tho T e m p l e of the Loid, '* n , ( a^reo

with 3 rur, rr j i l thi i iMbln ill llm i ' . \ t icra,e, a n d buw

it should bo tuiccrHsfiilly ))iin:iiai-d in th is land ol

fnu'doni, is rn the r a niywtorv ID m e . Y o n mp-sl

pati'.un n i t , U l m , lor indulging 111 i i t t u d e o t t r

j o i n nd * .1.0 ut .1 pom wonuui u lu ) had to b i g

TTmneThcinosl celcbijtcd lemed) LVPI \el distoveiet

for the relief of diseased and afflicted -Politicians

The above nairml joinedy WJB disrovcrcj a


piehcm Ti.njuroi of Ku^si-i, whteivlpd by the

hj an imppri

IKI pc rent i l l \ ( iLi ldini t

• D.Jv.'J'lio far-famed iMiiiiiiniriit in hono r -o f tho

" r i i l h e r o f bin C o u n t r y , " now in course of O I K

(ion at \ \ i limjrLon, lull j i i^ i i i fiom iLi b n c noai

twu luindri-d feel.

mil.-o tee iT-fitatetl ill the Ad\»cate and Join

e r " I l i e l - r c i l i l n f l l m N y ' I ' n l n . i m , ) ) i i t

Hinco tho fiiBt of January hist, 21.'),000 cnrt-loaiK

ol I'nt h i \ o kei 11 ukei l UJI and (alien u». i j fium

tho GtreeLi of tjiut city—1-100 Isadii in 0110 i i j \

hnvo been, rakud up in Fourth Ward nlolio ! th Jtnearly,equals tho ctty of Hightatown. in rainyweather.

:liiicB,Tffio~cars have gone by, and llm paper has'ulcomo. If it is not wet down in an hour we shall

of news for want of Brovior smull capa.

" Heigho--lio ! wo can't help it> but lot tliomail go!. I'll run dowti to the city and bring

—typo aail-pnpor—by thu night-tram ~i~ that will- aervo our homo mibscritiaric." But just us thn

bell taps for the comiiir; cars, up^auhes at tpendFormer Jouos Irishman, " Flazo yor 'ouner ! omBill's kilt ontirely ! It 's his Tout that ha put 111the chiuckof the log, whon tlio axo as he washbldiu'on. to como down, (bad mannera (ill it ')jost^of it's own accord, and it's clean chopped offit is—jost haugin' by tho akiu, aud he's blcj todoath at that, and. JB'H never see lum-ln -tinsworld, barring yo may be ono o' 'cm ; f° r n 0 ' " a

tlovil, and no mistake ; to como nnrrjaclejetly"1

N0W1 what oio we to do ? To save life, or toerdnig* ttt*-hit«lleet^^"1illittr£^li6j)ucflloiitM—"-Some thing* <i«tt-b(j=iloito-nB weH*W olftTTs ,"we havfl the hifrhoat Amsricali" authority forthi» v. assortion—but then you know (and we

otignt to riavo known) " uo mm can do twothings at the same time," except those remarka-ble men who can guide tho plow, uttbud societies,Bujiport their fnHitltes, jnount tlnr"BtuiTip, andgbvom the nation all at ouco ! The very cxi«t-once of each geniuses (or gonii) convinces u« Hintall men are not equal to tho task of managing u

and conductinr; a medieul praotice'al ihosamo rn£ment._ Wo wore bred to tho latter du^ty ; every man rhas his place, aiid from the ap-preciation which our effortwiv that Jino hiiv'e al-ready received from the public, we boliovo it isours* to heal the bod}, and loav-o Jupiter or sorrloother Icharus to guide the chariot of the Sun's

' >j>rototype—the prat ! Wo are sincerely thank-ful to'Iho great lev«r of this vast machine forknocking us bnck into our proper position sosoon, before the • direction of our attention hadtime to> result jn injury to onr patients. Hence-forth we intend -to romtiiu like 'a sentinel, ever at

-our punt; aud, 111 thanking our literary patronsfor their unwearied courtesy nnd support, wo


lo' leave with tHem, in truo brotherly feel-

,,}|i^Tth#v,ach(ic»-UialJoJii5«i» thkarlioler:—-"Let

the cobbler stick to his last.'"


of Delegates havo^ t g i i e d td?tbo bill to prohibit ibe circulation ia

St«J«of-«jp»il biflii of • thu UttukuufuUicrwill, I thujk,4b«> abl» ta^"^fif^ppm. the Lord

h t d i i " h h th h h " d4 ^ ^

without distraction," yfhothBr the chnrch"* dra-

pery be blue, crhnaonr or drab;~"or whether there

[LZP Mis t'luy is unubln to Mail hci huslwnd,tho f(on Iloury Cley, ut W.uiliuiglou, in ronso-qui?ut,n of h*1! own rapidly sinking roluhtion

O " It ia mini that tho .Si-nato mil agrco to th»tti^gSBfc ippropriutuui -to Qio-Cplhns' t.tramci'3

by a majority of mttuvn »r tncnly ; und that llioHome will pasi it. — ,

\ , May 2.1lh.EDIT on —Will jou havo llm goodncfa to

pnbhih foi mo tho following letti>r to " Ulnc"7

Fnrnd Ulnc— If

ucli a liberty, I would firoter talking to you, todiking at you -1 havu-jtnt read-yo«r-1etter-ol-

tli'o'S-ith ultiiHo.jiiid I may say with a mind oponto couvictiou, for 1 siucoroly wiBU to be governedalways by truth and not by prejudice, and 1frankly • acknowledge, that I am, ready to ngroowith you on several .points therein expltmied, andam very sorijgftnabJ should so greatly huve mmconstrued some of your BeutimeutH in tf Thocharity Sermon."

I find that Iho internal decorations of Churchesare the object of your animadversion, rather than.

I adinj^Xieidy_lrml tbPfi« might oftenprofuse and costly, ajid'trtill bo in keeping

t ith the 1 liirul beauty of tha building ; iiud 1

might bo very vt LII dispensed with ; at 10 oaniotime I think wo might more churitab'y ascribe-them-IB fi~deIeTt in taato, ratlior tIiTiU~tb~a

of sclf-glonfication ndoptcd by those who contnb"uted to thoir procurement.

It has nover been my misfortune as it has boenyours', to listen to a miuiater of Christ **. prateabout the. puorV' and after exciting tho sympathies

~of—hw congregation irr—thoir-burraif, direct thoir-attentiou to the faded carpet, tho old-fashionedlamps, or the tarnished biblo ; nuch inconsistency-would indeed have called forth my denunciationsus severolyfas yours' were ohciUd, and the church111 which such singular jumbltficattont are custo-mary, must be- conducting itself 111 direct oppositionto the injunction " Let all things be done decent-ly and in order." In our churches the replenish-ing of the fiirttUure 11 discussed in the Jrastryroom, Dr taken in hand by & committee oT ladies.I do not wonder at all that your disgust was ex-

cited, mid that yon were carried in imaginationto tho destitute hovel of tho poor, whoso reliefVas Thus summarily cot ottby such an unriTtTaiyrecollection of the Tcrrrtrch's unfaehioiiable furin-tufo.^' '

You allude warmly to tl»e-distracMon of all-en-tmitinn in pr/nf)ntl-H liy lh« Bnpnrflu

decoration of churches. Thia, I think, dependagreatly 8h two things: nrst," the state or tfiiTwor^Bhippor*u mind ; and secondly, the force of provi-

•A tiUlj ,BMUluaM>uiimlud •

« " "Bof-Ihe Mud, hia jBtteutiim t adjaii^wjZi mast prob-

ably bo dlitiactea', and he will long for that per-

.^XjdHfilfSl&t1* Vh'oh hi»_ha« ever.fceeji u s e i j ^

1I10 fundi (o JI

In4f» thmliin^-whPU-I-MviiJ-ot-h*^, tbatihi^ im/'Ul

bt' tlit.' \ c i ) iili-nlicjl woituu that HO lit ,jd in no'

I'"'K JL'"i wht> bun^ 1 i t lur h iid nfhe l n n j niij

nndtiiitoo^ hci 1111111 t t i ' i t^\ t , whi^h \\ 1 J —

" J \fopt 30 l rp tn l , T,II »lmll JII IIKLUI'II pen h ' "

hut ulnUi Itll upon hi-r ttnrtlcd cjif, in Him (nnn

— " r}\rppt }« p iy thu pi-ft-jtiit, }0 'hall nil

limii thn jun-.l i!" Such a "1010 ti \ t " wuuld

luu-o be-on .1I1111) I a ru f l inml wir iant fur tho pum

Homan'n rcqucbtm;; In r iifiyhbol, to assist hci in

thf diflitult} , hut lud -he jjipi-.ilrd to me I

, Imnld I

.il ul<.nsc oiiit'rpd i n i on it mt u^t

n u n enlightened "—111 |tet^, jn I hn-i <<in

ded tn leLOiniiiLnd it i ' ) , i l | Hit n o u n e d

la well ,11 to the i i t i , r u s u f tin- Unilid Slates

It ua-. di~L()\tied 111 the feirin uf an olt-a^inout

fluid, flnatniu; UIKJII t |i" Liufau -i) I ikt Ij.uln^.i

fiom w' i tuce |i is tollicli'd with gn-.

nnd pains and bot'led and hrrPinriu illy

ie.ulj fni liBini- ro.itiiniplii-n or III'LI^II t iant jm'

lalion T h e p i e s m t Emppior nf Austr ia n a i

the f.r>.t loj ironnnii ir upon tiiiQtui}

(dfqt , h.iviii>; died it him p|f alii' afterward'

.'pi I 1 d 11 ui ih the bajonel l,i thoimtidb of hi-.

ol ,ill

Board of ChosenY, May 12.

T h e annual meeting of the Board of Chosen

Freeholders of the County of JVIercPT met at the

uirl House yeMerday at 11 o'clock, A M

The (.ommittec, to make diitnbution of the

School Fund, reporlrd as follows

No of Children Apportionment



Princeton,Ilopowell,I-awrcrice,-F-ast Windsor,





368 26534.3732364432 45249-46—523 S5


bj hi





rvmuhi-,! a HIT liy nil mo.niH to lc-av~1 irh a pjrirh ' Thn pt\\ icntilljT'}sUlii ni\()h r sto many .iiKnntagi>n mid ill adv uil.igri, that it isa ddhcult m liter to dccido whothnr to rtl.iiu nrulioh-ih it It uppcars lo ho tho mu^t (.rrluui u a jnf pajing tho iiiiiii-tcrt haljrj, which is u duty asincumbent upon "•> as nm otl.i-r I l«avo knownlo iihth "3 \w.ilthv 1 uouijb to rO¥nppiiLli'p ampl>(ho 1 ibon r 111 lin 11- Mncjaid, but lor Iho 11011n-ijiuii incut of a ri gul ir .tipund liom tho ludivid-ual ini'nibtrs, tho worn out minibtt-r rptr-ivcs attin- tlo-,0 of his labor ubout OIIP third of thoi-aluryho was led to t \pett , and oion tfiai in>content to take out partly 111 "trade," Mi butter,egjC3' and calico I must 1 oufess that when peo-

tri'llo to bo1-'shown tho way to He»v<ni. Youcxjircsa Jour chanty" for '• tho poor who own nopinvs, but are obliged to skulk in uomo corner of

-Hte-ehurch ^0 heai ehrist'n ftte frnspeT!" Thismay not bo an over-drawn stato of affaire in the-Town-where y»u-refliderbut-reeido, ample provision is made hi every churchof which I am cognizant for the accommodationof the poor. In one of the most beautiful ehurqhoswhich wo havo in our cityrthere. are between twoand throe hundrsd siltuigB r.eRcived fcflrqsii] forthoso who " have no money," but who can heartbo " news of joy from Heaven" without price —•I noyer yet haVo seen Iho sight, and 1 hope Inever may, of: u poor man turned out of tho richman's pew—but*! have seen itntl do GOO, and trustI ever shall see, thoso whom God ban blessed withthis world's abundance., mm;,l.erttonaly inust oncomfortably etitabhbhiug .1 paer biother 111 a -eatbe«ido him in Gods House, where all should be

'-iiljji.i.t'!, tthiiin it imuiiiJjjlply rt--

LO of eonscionce. ,nid lulled

into .111 .i^iet ible ajmlhtlic !>k ep

Ills h o l m e , I ' m , ) \ of Iht. P.ipil Kt.iipi,

having be n presented with a fi-i\ Ijottlt , ami

full) ti lLd It, qiiaJiliLs in the recent ri'iulution

in h i , >=ee, pivff it his unqii.ilifii'd jppiol),i(ion.

flic jni i-iil elect, ind prosppcLvp JT'iippioi of

Fl nice, l .oni , Nap-niton, 1 now (Halving ,i full

l u n l of i t s

,iml 1 In- jwpowirs un his Cabin?)

in iisjatu tu JI rffieatj A quantitv In ,

ieeentl> been iinpciited iiiltr'lhis ciuiuli) bv the'

Rt Re\ A11J1I1 shop (if - , »f wlniin it

in 1} -hi* obtained by jmliln\ii Lindiilatii in JJ.II-

licular, ind morbid pohl elan, ;;i nei.ilh flue'

^00,00, t.ei hti'tle, u-^j^ 11 ^nalun


The report ol this commiilee «a s accepted

am] adopted.

Mr Smith moved the collet tors of th

ceveral towiiRhips be informed that they ran

diaw one-.half of the amount now, and lhi

oilier half on tnc firsrof OLlol'cr nevt Adop


Some sharp Miooiinn- took place 'ictwce

ditn'rent mpmlicrs 111 icfcrence to the indcblod

nubs ot beveial townships Trenton .ouea $]

514 7 7 ; I'nncetun, *869 lo ; Nottinghan


fVi m»t)f>n rif_|V)i- Gieet), the Tiaasiirgf v?a

nuth()fJ/i"d t" borf»w-$<»T*0ftr-temporarrlY;0 On motion of Mi Smith the amount r

County l a v «as livid .it S>1!2 000 — ftatcGi-z

M i n r m l .n i iu —llun SHlaej (! 1'otl-

prp'.idiin; The ('nrfiit « as opined }Cttnda

inoi 11111 ;, and the ease of (T \V W-'tnpole v

Joseph Jn-tici", " a , tiki'ii ii]i 'lilts is a t-u

against the ShenH oj the ciiniil) foi Filling

piopert] claimed by tin' jiI.inlilF Ihe Kln-ntl

was indemnified bj ciMtain muchai ta >n Phil


T r i i L o i EI-IIOP DeuM IIIL Senioi Bish-

op 01 the I'litesiant Pin'.c.tiiial fhuieli MI the

I'nili'tl Si ite-T, has nolilied the otliei Bi hnp^

nf that C liurrh, that a meLlinj; uf the Jinan!

"TJUlTTiii-. will convene at Cttniden, ill i

(11 tin1 24lh of June nevl, U>i.J££^zztrm flT-hop

Poine on chaigi -• \m/i / t^d n^anisl him h^

the Bi-ho|u> "f \ Miriniil. Maine and Ohio

Book Notices..tonics' T!JATIONAI. MAOAZIHE.—i

['his monthly is unsurpassed by any of its class,nther ia America or Europe It n deeldtsdly tht

11 Magnzino Its illustrations and typogra-ihy fur e\cced thoMo of any other cheap ponodi-:al 111 oXistniicc. It js edited by Mrs. Ann Ste->JIIOIIB und Charles J Potorson The namenf t j i^ormer in a host m itself I Whslla4y-ujirtJur couu-

hss not her elegantly luSWteit, -mid sweetlyHBntunenJtol lulnu wjlru It dehijlit bordering uponadoratlun? 'l''-c latter IH too well and^oo favor-

to iiood anycomment from ii".

Tho present fMaj,) number contains nomo ofthe most higbtly entertaining and interentuij; prosoand pmticnl essays uxtant. The fnHhion-plnte for_May, one of tho most chaste and beautiful ofof fashioiiifblo conceptions, is worth, more to any-Indy tlian tho pneo of subscription. We cannotpjiiie to notice nil ita luco and effeminate boau-

_ties-; or ita ploobing-and peculiar features. itsuffice ft^r 11s to hay, that nothing but tho mosttart li}per-critinnin could find within its columns,.1 Biiifjlc fault ICB Hubscriptiou prico for singlonumlW'rs~i3 $Z pir aniTimi.

Tur SrniiTnAi. TLLiMiiiArn ^ W a have receiv-ed iho firnt numbiT f-1 a bcuutifnl weekly shcot,just issued 111 Now Yo£k, bearing the jibove titlejduVntod tu tun illustration of spiritual intercourse,byf'hailBi Partridge,

KARTAIN'S UNION Miniiiz, fur May, is ft

gooil number, mid well v,oitli} its hitherto highmd iin.ullicd reputation It ib doaervmir oi at-tention from the mere fact that many of il4tIead-<aitielis c irr\ u» I1.1t k'into tllr mill ,t uf tho pat>t,thiii iiiaUuicr old tliingi 111 w, and all things boau-tilul I'nro 4;.'J pi-r_jcar

I 'o . t . fN C A M n E K . — T h i s d r e a d f u l d i s

e t - e , it \i u , ( ' ] i s s In d i s g u i s e it, p i e v a i l s 111 o u r

c i t y lo a n a l a r m i n g ' e x t e n t . T h e . n u l l i o r i l i i s

. - hou ld d o a l l in l ln ' i i p o w i . i t o a r r i ~ t i t s l a i a

) ; I T W e f'~-i b o u n d 111 ik i ' v lo 0111 < l w s .ui.1

c o i n m i i n i i y , l u t a l l a t t e n t i o n to th in


n. a I

A Pre*b} teilan College is to he i>suhlis])i.d

•itGolial, 111 Ttvas Thcldttii j^ivrs to the

Presbytery the h_'iil'!.!'lg-''Jiflf Ihe old Armaina

i»i-f6n,"' frTcnruo*6—^AK'ftlSj^Hiue? of land

M Inch jt stands and one league ol the unsold

land of the town tract ; iJO.OOO aci'ua were. -

he mpsl heai t imdtn^anl nielanclinl>

cami illy that his occured in the vicinny of

Cirnden, within our liieTnoiy, "look place on

Saturday afternoon last, near thy Sorrel Horse

rn, rmrm?d

You concluda your lettor with thfi Inquiry :—

*' If God soonest rondesconds to .divell in the' lllliiirilp, rnntrttn llfurf,' why "t'OUkl Wfl imntt-

hia presenco within the vast. cathedral, whoroworldly splendor and inuguificeuce entice ourthouykUi from Hie majesty and glory to the pas-geaiitry around us?" To this I rouly that wemust endeavor to do our duty hi that slate of life

i Sweden, when a man get« drunk

for the third time, he is deprived of his right to


iirwbicl, God has placod nay and If imcoutrgiraiile-fborhood '-~JJ/ufa Sun-—circumstances Teqmro that the costly nauctuarymust bo the one 111 which our feet shall trend, maywo not hope^jf -wo-usk iLin sincerity,' to obtain ablensing even 1 hero? I think we may ! We iirenot to " neglect the assembling of ounselvoa to^gelhor," Hn^IwllEtUer it is in the '• gorges JSChurch,1' or humbler fane, our services may al-wayB bo characterised by the " treaty of hohuesa"

III conclusion I beg leave to nay that althoughfully aware of my inc6mpetency lo do the name-justico-Ui )»uae, vvhkih your anpetior abihtieaenables you to dofor yours, yot it wa» with acou-Bcieutioui-niotive tliat I yeuturod to eitpresa mvd7sserit from, thoso souumonU in th,e "CharitySsrmoil,"- which I tliought woro calculated toimpress wrongfully the minds of many in regard,to th* rich, their churches, and Hie poorT Tf I

wrong, I trust 111 y onurii will lujufe ho oue,any J Grandmother has mtorlained one un.instsentiment in regard to you, she humbly crave8

forgiveness of tho i n n , and to jnsurct it ah». r«-

goods to fend the.poor, and/hare no^ charity onetoward noothcr, it profiteth us nothing." Shecannot forbear ezprossjug the hope, that we eachmay pver Jje-^tnlhug-1* say witli_the Fsalmml,

•nior the"*^tttc sanctuary, or fljag y,humbler fm't," Haw amiable are thy Taberna-

^ official statement,'1 of'.giebop Doaaeshows that the nurrjber of persons confirmed byhbh tiiiiLjeai i»ik?TshlsKU gteaier T>yj[i^

. rThe«ii>*o«ilioleahe>nldhav<i..ajipfl«red iMt. Jbgl\ theWk t t i"to't{ f b'j l t ! " "

d, Due who lias always attended

illof God in thbs kiad uf «wictanry, w

engaged in the distillery of a Mr. Woodruff,

was f.ent to clean something in a vat or cistern,

which was nearly or quite half full of boiling

water. He had placed a board across the cis-

tern, ahd was busily emplojed at his task,

when a colored man, named Polk, stepped up--

on the board, which, under the pressure of his

weight, gave way, and precipitated both into

the reservoir of boiling watnr. The colored

man caught hold of the top of the vat, .IIULL-.

dTpiid without serious inuirv j^burMr JSIalone

tunk 111 it rreaily to his aims, and before ne

.be., extricated.,. _was.,litefq|lv^ when they stripped him of his pantaloon^

and draw erft, his fiet-h pealcJ from the bonen

He Imgtied in great agony and pain until he-

and li) o'clock ori~llle tame

when death put an end to his misery. The

young man was about twenty-one years of age,

and was foimerly from Easton, J'u This, Fad

circumstance cart a gloom over the entire neigh-

The Frigate Cumberland 1ms been Lordered to

'Greece for an explanation of the ttealment of

the Rev.Mr. King.

ttJ" Upwards ottn elve thousand persons, ar-rived at New Ynrlf Ihr: past WBP.IC. from


H y Arran^mentB-aTii-bpiirjpnadirtorhaVtra'

steamboat ferry at Jieed *t. wharf, Southwark.

ID" The Steamer Mississippi has been put in

commission aud ordered to Bail.jnimedialely for


observe that a few caies of chol-era have oef.iirrwl at pn -jinin

" Strawberries and cream" -were served

up at Jones'Dock street Hotel, Philadelphia, on

l o i lii'-iioj' I I A M I I \ [>i->hop

[lanihii , ol New V m t , h.i- «-i-i»l in Ilia i t - i ^ n a

lion lo the MethoJisfGeniMMl ConJejeiicL'' T h e

I, ill llLtllll

(-'\inoi,ic JSAIIOJSAL L'UINCII. —The •ie'Lond

National Annual CouiK il of the Catlloln

C'liuich in the Unittd S.ali1:, 111 fialti-

more, on Sandaj, 111 the JMi Iriipulilan Calhe-.

Ahnut len o'eloik., A M*, a pi'iLCtsion

foiUieiL— weatJiig-lheni pont i f ica l s - -CAIIOLIMK

—and walked lrom the Anhhifchoii'it residence

lo the Calhedial, jiamny round the to

the "front-of the chu]vch, ;and thence ui> the

-.dble to thL_£ja.nd diau'ilnifj—• the

procession being headed by a large gilt ciutil iv,

followed by aioUtPS bcanng. liirhled tapeis

'1 hcte were followid by the archbishops,

bishops, and cletgy, the former arid} ed In mag-


The Council was opened by the Archbishop

of Baltimore, After olher appointed cerpmon-

iei«. and the reading-of the Decree of the Coun

cil'of Trent, touching the profession of faith,

grand I'liijh JNlass ,waa preformed in a vei)

solemn and unpreF=ive manner Over one hun-

dred, vocalists were in the choir, besides tl.e

Geriiiaiiia liaiul s . _ . - i s t

At ihe ciHiclii«ioii of Hi' Ii M l « , Archrnf-hoji

1-lu^hes cntt red ihe puljiit, and read from the

TUTn cnaplef ot John : '^Christ is the dour and

the shepherd." The Rev. gentleman then- pro-

ceeded lo Ueliver a very • excellent sermon

copal body proceeded to sing the ceremonials,

chauliting the Miserere and Litany, termina-

ting with a Bolmn benediction by Archbishop

Patrick Kennck. The procession then formed,

and moved frqm the Cathedral m~the came or-

dct in which it entered.

fire in Gloucester on Friday, damaged

one of the mills to the estimated amount of

$30,000, and one hundred and twenty-five

•hands have been thrown out of employ by it.

Thelossia said to have been.covered by insur-

ances, but it will take six months to repair the


n Monday morning last,. Mr.

wagon with five passengers, coming from Long-

a-Coming to Camtien, was upset, near Had-

dontield. MrfBennet receivedsTac-Vere cut,

aud lbTe resf fortunately "escaped 'triih their


Qg— Th.» frigni«B nf

ting a railroad, from Camden to Cape May, willmeet in CorivenTion. m" Camden to-day. ,'±'ii«

animalBoard of Freeholders-meeting in y; also, at ten o'clocET

Oa Sunday evening^ squite a periousibreak occured in,4he and Baritan

"Tin Tno BUBLI," a tain by T. S Arthur*is be lorn 11-1. It u vinttLii in his hest vein, undpuipim* to hu " . i tiilo hfo'* Mr Arthur1. .111 ,iu(he>i of )Wriit, very favoiably known totFie> mil-he .ie the writtr vf a \unity of amusingand met resting la\r^ and this IH equal to some ofhi- l,i •,[ To be hud of T. » l'oteison, No SiS' hf.tnut hunt , riiiladi'lphia. I'IU-U 25 eta.

l a n 1 /ilh LIVIM. Af. 1 .—^N'O -ilTi w on our

tnli'o, ai d cnntiiim its quantity of uitprobt-niiicrlinnicius mattci 'l'his_is in fact what

it pm port • to b« mi 'raio—" Tho I.\vmg Ago *'" ' J o c j t t h tho manners h\nig as they ni>e,"liould bo thn hiyliebt aim .mil ambition ol an 111-

tilfignut, intL'lli ftual pi-opln

tho Athi;ii.< of inodi'Niliter ituri-, holdt. 1 hiph 'aiik among ita compoi'rrfot th > d 1) It 11, pirhnps, as ''•mi H vevel of itrfrl.i (a -ncu t j (uur) us floats upon the bnghl

•md ])arkhnn tea ol htcialiirolalmd by F

Kdittd and pub-JUIoomhcId amf(.Jll'illiOII, Corner oi

Tn inuiit .stiii Is, UiHon J'IICO §>-2 ppi vear —Lvi ry peTion who aim? at boiug " A , No 1,"ibimltl IK) in pDispssmii rf it.

VUAMAM'B MAQAZIXK for Muy in before us. ItB

illaslritioii^.and finbollibliinriitH iniih with thosonf tlio bttat lnonthlipK if thn dav. Wu rhccrfully 'ULnniuRiid it to tbo loveru ol hjjht liloratirre" of ahifjl> orduiu It will nflnrrl a rich treat to those,nnd umusei2iiM]t to tho de^p ctndajit, -ivho may-rcijiiiro it in nil liimr of leliitutiou

JO1ED.' ^On WeJup-K'oy, Alnv 5th, of ^carltt Fever,

Carolino Kly, of Jancsfillo, AVi.icoiisin, in h'or 3d


On KalurJaj', May Sth, of Fcarfet Fovor,

and E. V. McGhosnoy,1 in his siith ytar.

Ijuke these IiAnd lay them on my breast;

Pioli'ttion thny shall find m me.In me bo evor ble&t

Gazette lVeelily Almanac.(Carefully Corrected.)

Day of M. •&. W SONrises, I sets

MOONj sets & chang. -

14ini s171819yo

Friday, : • :Snturdnv, :Sunday, :Mnijijuii, -Tuesclav, - :Wpdn^sday,Thurnday, :









! • ! • • •" • •




^ Sr^ J3

HIGHTSTOW'N MAHKJET.Reported by Laird, Field & Co-.*

After the conclusion of the discourse, the Epis— 42OTATOKS, per bushel,' - . $1 00 —I

EGGS, per dcoic : 20

POULTRY, ' 9CALVES, per pound. . ' 4OATS, per bnohd 35PORE, per pound 11TflTTTEK, per pound,

Philadelphia MarUet:"Wheat—sales of prime red, 90c; white, 95c.

Rye—last stales at 76cfJ

Corn—market bare, sales of yellow, afloat, 64c.

Oats—scarce, sales of Eennai 45c.

Dr. B, H.H0M(E0PA*TlflST;

Respectfully tenders hi* -Professional SerViges totho Inhabitant? of

Office at R. JH. Smitb'ff Hotel.


^ V P n superior qaaifty,"ae 10 i u i i t a ^ WV ^ Aleo, ^DARD&.JjflfsnicbV.Biitoblo for

" 8rbdardiurrf for Sale E> A l ^ E N M

Aprd 30—3L

Early Plants'


Spring ana sujnanier

WAT SMOCKHO will bo happy to wait on their numer,

frrf d hppy

and enhvjnfft *stock of gooda is nusurpassed in this section of tha;country, embracing a large and well selected•tacit or DRY GOODS & GRpCERIES, Pro,

_ visions, Qaaensware, EurtlianU'iiro, Hardware,"iterfsand shddg, Suinmer hats'and caps in gnat

n e t u w v W d " W P l u h d C, S a p gn

Wooden"WarBj Ploughs and Castings,all o£ which; tpU ho snld, low for 6ASII ',

Ilightstown, A>ril 9,1853—Tf

CRANE'SImproved So£V»v

H E subscriber, thankful for pail favort, wouldt f l l l l l f %potfoly iollelmeimtiam

The Improved Soap is of tmneri jntt old fonj^iiBtnad-of-IQ*-oBntg j j

Jt i f d HdQ j j u n d a

formerly, Jt is mairufucturod ftt Huddonfiold, N,J , by RuBael Millard, and sold by different -pro-cers in this tillage. Orders b y majl ,or otherwisepunctually attended to by 1

Russel MUlard, Propiietor.

Neatnesi, Cheapness & Seipatcli-


TJ ESPBCTFULL"? announce to Iheir fnondsCv and the public, thai having nommenrnd bu-

-rmmfla-Hi-thfl Blacksmith nhuii; luuaU'd uu Mainstreet, lately occupied by John Lewis, they oroliosv prejared t6 execute svith noatnesi, chaapiiessand despatch all business entru-ied to then- oars.They hope by striet attention to their luitiinefrs to

IlnrsH shoe^paflioitlTrr-at-u introduced

i a fibtsial BJIIIIO of pstroirigeall its hrane.hps will rp^riun

tentinn, nnd all of the modoru modfilight>tonn, j4pnl0, 1SS2—Cm


Ht N E Y "sCHLES&INfrEU hnH]n«it opsneda new Clothing htoro in Highlstossn, svhero

ho intends to keep a full and large assortment ofinanB_and boys^lothing, which ho ss ill sell at NowYork ilid Philadelphia prices Hn also will hiveconelantlj on hand a great variety of g< litlnninuiiweal, sunh an shuts, collars, dram-re, m«pnudors, eapi, hat*, and a great many other articlestoo numerous to mention Just give Him i calland judge for joursmlf

IIightBLown, _4pril 9, Ii52—2rn



H2aga%in§ ?#* the

Pctcr§on?i Ladies National Blag.In&eugsd 171

Elegance8t£?t andand Merit


Magazine is nosv aeknosvledgpd by thevoice of the press, to bo tlie cheapest *md

~ ellishment,best Tho beailty at Iiganee and .fidelity of its Fuihion Plates,variety, interest, aiid elevated tone of lt$

[ts, render it more popular syen inan llie


Three Dollar Magazines , wane it ii iarnlaliott at^onrDoi;One DoHKrhTffiPARIS FASHION^ A H 1 A D O F O T H 1 R S ,

Ho other Magazine pfetendi tditha oomplete^ness, accuracy ajid authority of thil; \a mattefaof Faihion It w, in fact a month tthkkd of all ri-vals To each Magnificently eolored t late, isTiddiBii~a~fTili~tetteT d h W H ffTili~tetteT lmsai deseriphottrgWmformation on all tho Latent Styles, reoelVta directJfom London and Fara This MaJUiiil* is, inour Lustirn nitiei, tha 11 XT BOOK of I'ashion,

"andn- takeirbyTil!-w ho- Viflh—to know tlli -Latest•btj las, -1 HE DEhT L VBIEi ' M A.GA.ZINE iM T H E

WORLD.T " comnlula its attractions for 1853, Bud rau-

dcr it tlin iiri > Lirfi"i' MVc-'i-TigP ' " **"• Wnrlrl.the Proprietor has contracted for a Series of llluB-tratrd artitko fiom competent IIIUHJB, TII Horsoiii.iii.slup, llorticulturs, Crochet-work, Fashion-able Embroider}, and now Household Receiptu,

h h l J d in_n?ivLjdlro1 Na-aild


W ILI.I4.M STULTS wnnlil rt-pretfiillj inform Ins friends and tho publm in genrr lt

that ho has taken tho bhnp lalclj uccujiied-jia-iprinting offlce, where he. will bo glad In E\rful<-•Aitli dpapatdi all ftoi)? under lux charge C Intb-ing will be made in the latest Pans f i hums, rqu ilto any obtained 111 llin Ijlgist r ilicn, Jhi pnrnsare cheaper than all Cutllli J in >11 lib brailc he-iintended to

Highl-tov*!!, ^pnl a, 1I'51=^ y

WEAVINGluWnber, liviUg en the Old York Bnnd

thaji—iw^T-Irt-riodiculi —\ li gf* wiU icudnr thotiDntiii" indiipeii" Llili~uTlhn P trlor mid Hitting-room, and ncccssarv alike- to tlio Family, and to•\ OLHI^ I arfic^ \^-

TilL ri I R . M S = 1 T . 1^ H I T THCAPI <3 Inr vr L

One cop} will be sent to an^ placfl hrLn t opies,

^H 0(1j till

iu nu20 (10

Anj pcicop or pt raOiii wishing tn ftub^nnbi ,mil i Uio muni*) ill 4. letter, Qlld HtMid it h\mail ta the I'libl^icr, \ thcu the JMugazmu willhn gent m rt-tuni, riguIaiK, dining thp iimo it iMihscnbed lor At iln urn xaiupkd law punt theMigaslilQ m published it, ]t cannot he saut lur n.]f}WTt*T peiiod lliau it ia paid ft*r im Dtimi^h Lullimt bft iiiiidu un it lu i iiipliM Lolh etar 1 hu

j u quired inll i dd\ dtirr} i thrrpfaro

three iHilLb from the fop IET pi irn nnj Ami irmnHIP 1 itter, talus OIK nu thud o | miuiinuig lnB oldfrituds and the public in goueral, that ho still con-tinnes tlin Wc4\mg biisiupss, where IIL will nt*Li etu order carputa, Kaolons, linnii tlld cotton Par-tieular pains taken with carpets , the arps fouiui-if desired, and i m n at from 22 to 50 cents peryard

( idH c«l c-i

PRK"HIIU"SI TOR CLOBi._ _T_n fc[Ui\-[i rgDjja lur £c tting up Chili , l]m iull o u n i j NpUfidnl [jreiimiui will be g^Pii l u r iClubui ibr t f, ml i r r the full tcngth £i Wi?hni(rton, f iho jiictuiD of " ( hilditru llUlhiH^;1 or lliosuptrb II \\ ' Frrimuin LM itt, fur 1^»>2,' now b( -!«4 cii|Ff*i\ i d 1 or a Chili nf Diglit •my two oltliL^c plate I or a, Club of "sixtt t n, tith^r otthe B p1 >tf -i, \ M J \N rx m \ t o n ni— 1 in** HI YP \i h i All tho prf lnmm pi it' •* J I ^ ui ihn I u^t t

IZL fur irainiiijTj mid no aim n l uta m illnl itinl|jhu= for lcis tliau two doll tin bin li inif \ unpUdluduccniLiit^ for gi tlin^ itp t lub^, w c_ro ui n r be-ioiD olli Fid bj ui^ ^ijTa^me


Chronlo or Nervous Debllity3T»TATiRTiaJl.


Iiiver or Stomach,Snrh as CBiistipalidn—Inwai d Pihs—Aeuliiy

o/ thr Stomach—Nuuseil-*Ifcnrlhurn-~Dis-gusl far juud—rullntai*ai weight •%n theSlomiifili—Suu Eiuetatiani^Smkijip on,riiitteung at the Pit of the Slamaeh—Hwimtninp- af the head—Itufrted and difficult

—JJteathmg—Fluttering at thr foatt—Ghaiti -Sff S h

JJteathmgFngIng or Suffacattvg Sensation when w a lyingpastm e—Dinmesa of msian—Datsor Webspastm et f V

lH in tht SllllljBack, Chest, Limbs, ti,r—Sudden Flushesof Hrut—Jluimng m the Flesh—Constant

-Imagining* af—Eml—nnd -&ieal DiprissImagining* _, .ionof Spints—can be effectutlli/ eurtd by


Celetratved tterman ^Prepared by Dr C M Jae'sion, No, 180

Areh Street Philadelphia, '1 heir power overtho ITboviniiilamTaliorejretllearif equalled, byany other pmliaration iu tha United Statai, asIhe curei attest, iu many casei after ikiliul phy-

iauB had failed.They era entirrlj Vegetable, and free ftonll^lwili^ gti»->iiin»K itnt} urn worths tho atlen-

tisn of invalids Posserting grtat virtues m Ihertctlfination or din BFCi of the Liver and loE trglniids, r\i rt l mg the most aeirchiug powers inwe il ni"«-. and aftcclions of tho digestive orguns,

iLhal, §afo, CLT*'i'"r aHfLj?le«icgiit

April 9,Oeoige B, Evcnbaiu.

Sliaying Saloon,N Stockton street*uiider the nltl printingO ^ can eBtain

cs aurl combed head^ at any hour durihg the weThankful for past I'm on llio Bub^cuber wouldl>0£ If ally goli d i t a cQutumaiiggpftligiaina

L. Maitin,Iligbtstovin, Apr'l 0, 1BS2—3ft

A BOWNE, ATTORNEY AT LAWand Master 111 Chanrerj. Higljl.,l.o«u

Next dour to B M SMITH'S Hotel If

^ lit Ii fter po t piitl lo ' 'Cl iVULhaJ T E I I R S O N ,

Nu UH L IIL hint airiLt, l'lnl idi ij In i

rvw, Jlnmu I n N J , June 17, iftSlDr L' "VI Ja ik oil Ue ir Sir — W pli 11 lire

I t f l i f ) ta tlin e\ll iniilu nr> Slltui ot sum' Uu fl md' . U iinaii I.nti i \huut luo v i i i sIT,, 1 SSJH ti nouJj am tud ssitli Livir LornpHiint "and N c n o m Ilihilil \ , "ud ss w rrdiiLtdM loss that in) I h j ILI in md liicnds d» p n n di f m j es i r IJCIIIIIJ ssill I SSJS iu tliut eondi-liun about unn-si ir, j^ud h- d al«.ff jjiscji up allhnpr-i ot re rosr imj , w'ion my ulli nliull ss ast,alli-d to \our udsuti nun lit ui " bt-otls Weekl}Aesv-pi|iLi, ' 1 reml it and belies cd j our inedi-t-inu svoiild Liiro me i s t n t to 3011 lor Iho Bit-ter-, and ta^ik ei^lit liollki '1 hjj} ellet tod a purltt.t cuiL huica ili it tuna I hiisB sold a jjrc ilin ins tlo7i n tn \ Jiiou- pti IIII ssbn svera ailS «-lid uitk L i . t r t iiii|iliint, 1>\ H]JI ]i 11 mid N t iMiu^ DLIIIIJ,1\ , Lili 111 jlmo t i s i r s L 1=1 tilts

l\c ifliul tl 1 Linn I utiild prnntrc a j | n itiiinbHr nf ttrtilic i u - trom pLr»inis sshd Ii is n

d bj 1I11 ljilttr-. lha\r> Bold Ans ffl»1115 iii'oiniatinn from me in r i^ i rd lo

lu aouso Uillnr^, I ssill fietl) t oniiinniiL ilr- rtilti1 111 I 4111 pi 1 OIIJ.I1} Unossii bj all llio Ir 1.u^ muii of the county ni MOIIH

I rt(n'uu J or uli t ?er/ant


AM)TIIEU CU1EA I1 CURE.JISiH 1OSM,, Hurliii^tiiii Co N J Julie lH.lH-jlDr J I I U N J H , Di 11 N i r — 1 « 1 3 tioublPd siltb

i \ r r Di»r i u ml j)s pnp ir j . nuuibirot 31 111,lid ll ISt -\n lit II gl int dtal ul 111OI11 S 111 LHipllfS


YoiTug LiulUV ~Stiiiiiiaiy.

well ciUhlnhfd Institutioi 111 thohoaltli^ and pleasant tillage ol I'rei hold,

ciiily Hceesribls by the f & A* Raihoad, andstage ffofli Illght^lov iif rontlnues in ^!ieiTf

tiifulopeiation fl hn Principal, a& Htod by cxnLlhiitItauli^rs, dnvoles him&Llf p 'isandll} t-o the dail^dutn *f of tuition »ev nrr4ngeuieiiia to iho comfort md mlrri A of tho pupils have beou inlUe,iiTrd^herriid"iieemi JiN for |iaitn"lS and ||ii irduuiBin behall of tin school, arts eqtm{ tn tlnHt oi iiii>otln r hiKt r la~ hd\ ool '1 he hues oi public ron

Jersey ffieufatUuOs5

Association, Princeton, N. J,INCORPORATED UNDER THE

LAWS OF NEW JERSEY.H, MOUNT, Frcililent,H. M, BUTLICB, Sec'y & Trcaa'r.



la an asi>ocialion of WorkiugmLn and

R ofin%UesB or !__iiy the payment of tHe foltuwnig annual de-

entitled to a, weekly bonofil, if jou should bedisabled by iicknean or aestdsut, from attendingto your ordinary business or occupation Co-malei Insured against mckness common to both

'Ihe Eec3ien ronsrts oi 2 quarters of 11 wtreach 1 ho Summer **-Q* ion comjnen* £s on tha.l&t ^ edne^daj 111 Ma\ '1'ho \ \ ml? r bt^ ionGominSiiees on the 2d WediUibdd} in KV& (*rnber,— TbB iBi PFii QuAriuidt,—1^ AiivA-,ses--=*Hoatuition in Jill Eugh h and r! i^sical studies, anddml iiisjtrtietion in vot il IIIU&IP, (lnclndnip1 a

piano or organ, with u»n of uistrumi ut, "j, ISrru iLl i , %j U r a « m g , ^ 1,10 U*e ifbooka,10 r ts Bodies, slatieuer/ and sheet nill L, i t1 ook store priei 3 Yur lurllier partit-ulai ,drLiM A niUHARU^OiS, Priuripjl

Ur B Y R^NDDLIII, Trnasnrer and hi*rniagent of the YomifT Ladi^'g Seminary, FreehtiSIaiirnouth CQ , N J

Freehold, Maich IB, 185Q -Srno

Tallow3 Grease, and Ohio

Yearly Deposit of Members :_ $2.00 por year, draws J$2.00 pet week -

3,00 " " 3 00 "4,00 " " 4,00 •'

. —-5.00 a ai.00 " "

ous sizes, ,it 75 cents per gnilou -SDO Barrels Dolled Pami Oil, at 55 cents pe

, gallon5000 Gallons Boifed Faint Oil, in eaukgof ya

MM "riSCUB^EX-GOV. Ponniugton, C-Fuk-B j i VVlh E N k Jf

riSCUB^EXGOV. Ponniugton, C-Fuk^ q , Bonjamin VVjlhamson, Esq., Newark, Jf

Js; CharlM Burroughs, Eiq ; Charles G. McChes-™" "" T t N J OH J Ni liwy,


g , q ;Trenton, Nw J,| OH. J u a n Neilson,leg, S^.,'MewBiynBwwk, N, J.j T.

1'tona giiesrat 55 emits per gallon350 Barrels T u m i r t Oil Various kinds am

qualities, from 35 to GQ eta per gallon1500 Gullona (a caskn of ^arioua sizes Vqrioni

kinds and qualities, from 35 to CO otipsr gallou.

SO "f oni TalIowJSreBi», iand coarse machinery, 10. barrels ox

^cMfcg, cf # n j uunmnlencyPtico six cents par Ik,

.._150__Tom Ohio Miiionil Pnint, in barrels, aith& lowest market pBcS, * " J •*""=

y warrstrited -not-tfl"ehill in tTicoldest waatijori and considered by those usingequal to Spbrin till

su r i im j i ' n - • , ni>, I in s i r t h i i v i t l n i vi i i l i a i i i lit hem lit , u il * r irc.i J l l it lit T 1111I1I 1

k 3 11111 ' l l u u [ l t i u l C i e im in r n l l i r t 3 i l I I 1 1 *\ t c u i t d m e t utiFtl} i - u l l t r t d nil Llie t s m

,11111, } mr b a n d t s t r i b t d 111 3 ou r 1 l i u u l a i , 1 h a t l u l 1113 d ih i a e s n . 1111 u A b b 'MsI t u l l t n . 1* g U blasvilllj 1 u m SSt.ll kllfJSVll IIl i i r c o u n l ^ , u id t i k i g r e a t pleilBUIO IU TLtoiiij - n d i u j 3 onr im d i u n e

Yu ' l l l s , UrspLt tfullj ,


In fmitlis of th u ts Ilr IlnuHiad jtriiuii Bitti 1 , pnjMiiil I13 Dr I M JaukNiiijn efl^ttulLl w 11 SSJ iipmi tin' ( i-es lefi ntd tn

above All fill ba 1 uitd SS'ho ssi'l pruper's uit.


Parmers Farrier & Stage rxap


l^hl'JtltU^LLItLbU i*i IUL JtLJ,iUUI Sf M&UIL1NU 'tho molt romarlmblo Extrirnal Applicabon ever


become moody, dull and cninpiaimnr;, the par.en^s shou|d Ifarn the cause, and if ony sj mplomsol" vvorms appear, imnieaiatH atlFntion, and a••iiilahle mid iffeclual riinedy Nhoiild be giventliem, and we take iilensure in hping ahle 10 sa^ ,


Experfefige of mere uum slxiccn jeAr^ has establishedHie llcf lllnt Merrliinl'a CalobrainI Gjrgliijg OH, or Uni-

L r4mi!y Cinfafngation, will Lura must lases, *m\ n-l eu£iuii___

, Sweeney, EingLone, Wmdcallj, PollOnllous, Crnrked Heels, GiJll of_Tll

Jclnd3, Jicah Wounds, Spraini, Biuiseq, Fia-tiiln, Sitfut, land Cricks, Strains, LameneiSiJ o mdefeil Feet, Scritehea DI Giease, Mnnge,

WAI* l'Mufui Nervous AtFcctuius, Frost Bites,Doilsi Coma, Wlnllosss, IJunil and Scarlch,Chillriloins, Chipped Hands, Cianips, Can-tmetions of the Museta, b-sftlbninf Ihn-Jnmt^ r.n\al .Rrra...tii. ilr'

amps,q, We

tilled puc-cf9lit ili FU 11


eaiss In inn^L^ anil Cfilfli-, mul IM.IIiklly btcninin^ mure I nawii IQ Ihe lamina cIt fin h^hlly lie eretiiletl, e\renl ijy ill ^ ^ ivlioIn itre-JmUH uf kef^un^ H in ihcir embies im I hmi^i, whatft^ait inifiiii t QI n-tfn, gull'11115 aiui UIIIL, tiro Ba\Qd bytho nmi ly lppiiLiiian 01 llua Oil

^ s ML BIIEC the name iii tins aali, pmnrictei, GFORf EW MCIILIIAM I iLkpnn N \ , is Blown in llie u]cof Iha bullie, an 1 in lna ]i tiujwrilili^ uvtr the cuik

AH nrkra adihe^^tl m ilic pr.oprlolor ^lll be j rami HireiiForulLil lit

(Jtt 11 rum hlrt nf ilic ^ c-nf anil HCp whal wonders irean QiBiihr'lit 1 by iliu 11 u ui On 1111-In 111

•aid In niiii.i.iiVilc ikulL» kmeiillii •» 'ho I 1 i!f 1Slaloa and Lmuila AIBU by '

Ira t-uiuiL, Ilijrlit iu\, 11 , B H Clmmer, Friniton ; A V N VnnihcDk, Cranberry \ LIJoline", I'elTmr \illu>- II L- Prat t Jacob ln«n

Jobiifenu, 1st ar^etown , ^^ ^ I L U I HI

c , *S nif LIluulm,

( 1 jilu \ 11 , t .iMt Uul\ B

Wholoi iln njPiiL undtlphia

Mr \ \ rd 1 M ,,,1IJ ( nrtl mil slni t (Uar-claj atari, how \

Lidue11I1 iton

Uiu Ms \S

* dtord,

1 KMll i L n Tinla

„ I 1 1% t III


l' 1 A. I <

, i i i i i t l i ' J l

ami CclcTirateil^ *m m T p "p


Worms! Worms!I- -ilnmi

• SPRING AHRANGEM'EIfT.r>ASsr.yg£R TRAINS lHB?e Hightatewn

rirUE i" no complainl to tnch llie lm-man I,mils', and [iiriicnl uly tlnldrtn,

in- more iulject, ihon inleslmal wnim», dnd'liitnilhslBiiiing ihcir presaltiicQ .mil llie Jan-^croLs itiiiUncj nf [hen prisGiue In pmilurc olji!iiLieisr olhtr ili"ta",i», llicrc )<., ptilup", nunc

Qn romiil.ii.ntce i sc Ihe •nTtent on nf ih t i r

the j n r \ e r cotipiain, or are dull, u i ' h o n t 1

dren \vi\\ n 1 « o ) s be clTliiliil snu icTTvf ii

SYRUP is one that cm he dependfld upon in .illcaies- It can he given to the mo^t tinder iiilant,as well a* llie ddull, williom danger, while ilin fpfldin Hi ileMrov rnw^aniTltTtvTnpTul fronTTIiehnjy u onus of all de^cnplmn^. irom the A«>-cande^ (or wiall maw worm) tn the fnrimdab'eJmnia Sulium (nr llie (ape isnim,) nune canescape its iiiduente It Inx tnan> adsalll ijt s


tilt r< hy

infallible anil effectual No worm can pn«*ihlyf i i i t within ils inffHeriee, and fieqiifnilv ou tilo^e belli,! MifliLiuit [t 1™ puifraiivf, lhueforer iq i i i i iNjuio olhpr piir^f In lie l i k r n a f l ' r il,

h p i ; llio nrre_^it\ tjan K e n i p g r l n V m i l n p » e v i Ml d i j>- i bp*a a f o n c

TTI> a i l w i n l n ^ c * s s l i i t h C M I 111 ncj o l h t r p n > p i i -

a t u j n

W e do n r t w 1-I1 In I I - L T H I u p o n UIL i n u 1^i n d u unfit iful 1 !ft 1 U of i h i ^ miU t m e %Vui 1 hIf- u t u - l t i I H I I I j in l l in^ a n d Inn lic'ijin n ! hI j l - i h n o l , lo p a l m th t in 11 pun U I L JUIIII IL I lit-imuiLn^L m c i L i ^ L 111 Ihe d u n mil bhn%\^ i n s s h a lL-li inil l i i in tju«, inLiliLint1 i s j n Id n lit1 L it l u *liLCn inlici l u r i d A m j l r I111I u i l l d n m i n i!T i n n s incc a n s fine eif 11 mi ' i iW ih 11 \ til 1 im -tif puff ing ind i a K e cc i t i l i ^lii1^ n l t u n , 1- m i lUl ih f i aud the p u b l i c , m d HLPLL IIHMII of l l i t nm n i i e s , l l u r t l i i s i n s PI ( . u m . lu u n r 1 n a nIi '..i 1 n i^ l c c i 1 >\ hi n it Ii i« f UILI I lo I - \ | I L I

SSIU171* 1 1 1 SM t in Jigcjliuri I Illlllln it IS i j f l i r i

\ l u i c 11 b 1 c 111 mi c L [ul w h e n ill tilliLiu u i l i i ins h is Ii crf t r iL 1 11 \ 1 11 l t is 1 mr i l i11 u , 111 \ 1 I r is uli 1 i f di a,II 1 il m tf " l i n t tIn u

u d iu h u l m ii il r t s c U P J;I n t i a l i>iia f rom( j i n u i 1 , ' i i 11 1*1 u p h i l l s cmi l l i n i n g l u r

lliPI ml irlll llltlll, I JL l l l l I IS Illl IS lilt I1CL til tilt

u l i ' i t j nl iln 1m.1l ci IP c m be I I I I I I I I I L I I of m j

nf JilL tl^t Ills

[ O ^ I l e p i - t ] o n ! ) -bv W \\ C j * i i k , a l | n -( hi in t I \ \ ilLlirinw ,• ]\r» Hi IVii l l l 1 l l lh S( ,r r i n f i n p l T i l T i i i i i l Tur r a l L l , > J T 11TJTC1II%T

l f l \ , l l i ^ h l toss u \ b i n S i i o i h ' n t r i n l u r n ,L m l £w C n , m i l J H f*1 s 1 n n F-l 1 _11 i i l r t s s n ,J l l n i x r I c i s d , I l l l L k M i l l s A S u m I M i l J Uk i S \ i i I ' n i i i t Ta in t C 1 • 1U Ivi \ | j o r l W i n M m -n s A l n l I I L I - U n ' J l . i i u ' t M K u l H i n K K t

X daily, (S^ndapi'eicpptctT,) alfolloWH:


Tirit tram at 15^ o'clock, A M .hetond do, ' 9 48 " • ••I bird do 3 4U •• P M,Toiirth do (Transporttt'11) 4 53 " "'

FOR PHILADELPHIA.First Irani at 1040 o'clock, A Msecond do (Eiprtas,) 4 33 " P a.


8 00 o'clock, A6 00 _ «•

Belhnap, foot ofb '1

r-^fork fiom-Pier-mild stoamet JOHNifflB-2-

PoTTrii, a t

street, at 2 3T p M , andpby steamer '1 raiibpurt ut 5 u'cloehLp M.

From FhiludoIphiBT—leavei foot of WaUiutstreet via furry tu Camdou a t B fl1cloek1 A M ,and 1 r H

— T h a S^fl-p-M-Hram ror-NBW-^yorkr-iind 4 3 3rp »i train for FluludiIjihin, atop onlv at Burling-toil, HnniLIitinvn, llighlstown and Jarnofeburg

1 liB_hnoa Iftavfi Hortiontown for Trenton at_7 30, 0 2U, and 11 3 l | U ^ J L J C I 3.30 and S.3U

A A R O N C O W A R D , Ag1*.IIiSljtitosvn, March 3 , I8S2

Morning Accommodatidii Line


•L*. gers, ftlurhrtinp, flff , ai InllosvsFOR I>EW YORK,

Lenses B oun Slntiou at B 15 A siHHil l inn do 7 00 "I n n . A i i ; do 7 SO •'-pn sso d do 7 30 •'^outli ,\.nilio-v do 8 00 "

By BlLdmtr, and urnves in Now York near tliuloot of Bjrtlu3 =lrci t, about 111 A M

IUR UORDLSTOWN,Lease- %ni lu l l s ul 3 3 0 p M,

^LllLll Amboy 5 00 "hi.ui,SMiod SS5 '•J 1 1 burjT 3 35 ••"Uif;liU,loisi( bOU " ,

S. d i n v t s it Borde ilown i t 6 J5 r 51 "n Fl^i l i , Agent

"Ma tu 3, 1-jJ—11

tr'Liud-, pr#i niuient md h r t n'lank, of 1 I tbo e L a'tlL Puu di 1 \\ luuh h is r

cmliii mill l tin luitiLt ol ill thi" 111 •"' 1 I nl'ospi rit i\(°n\ 1 mn Is i n d J *igriiTtHui 1 la in tb Louutrv iur many V££$F , in lut.t sss t- tV wilhnut

b|j*» ^v^iM^t !•» r oi LOiiU tiif It n that I jr thi thr *Eti* ui sxhi^h ii i« u ed al(4iidh f ir&upi luu to an^rt lur prcjiir ilinn, nor I ith Ucnrlii I il tfluLt collilnfd only ta tbo Animal 111 a dim ibo lud unhtulth', Loudiuun, but mi Iho touti irs in thapni-fn-tly in d»b\ mini il ,JIVO a (iriipiT d u o I I U M J IIS lib iUF1-t.1l, \\d\ imprint" It Di_p tun, nnd I13

I II w i n luii thci u l m l e l ' h s 11 il c-Liiditiou uf l b E

1111m il H »tn Itiifiilil, llilLiq u i b t s lilnl qui i i l ibs &1 itlR fnr tfin

' II lh i t i u l i u i l Si 1b" H i , , ( nt'lc mill

iLtnii, I h t r c b s

\\ ' l l itI 111 1 rC t» , IV;Sinn I n

A [il l

1! nil u p In* lit n ^ ( n

i ini silli f\ Jp 1 r

F^ ut i illjj ( l - inn

lm "71t Ink.

H I M - , I 111 licilil

' J I I I ' « l i h r ip= \ .

And -"'so h) ih

K N O W L E D G E I S e C A l N r D BY R A D I N G

c M ITIO% sn\ i s n t im 11 v n s r Limn n , H F 4

u^, MOIIVL IU l a r n I L 4Mi cnMitivi s\tiiiksl rSEIlf TJF Cull rION r \^ IIL mil MM u 41

er which ismcessiry fur all mediums toobtain.n uidiiCH counter!. Ktin to put furlh 1 fponous irlicit at the n-1, of tin ol ihu a « lio are ruiniu»l> dacei\cd

OF TOD GEM INCK i l l ' t l i p H r l t t l 11 S i r r l l i t l l l f u l C M J l d

nu lifion the ssiupi 1 r, aad ihu liamo hloSYU 111

tho bottlo

SO" V ilhout ssmeli lh-J aro fpunnilB ^ n •

l i . rua 'o sshulH ntc inri retail nt thn Gtnin 11Mod Line MOID, NO 1U0 Ar th Stono door holos

ixlb. Pin! iililjl id, and bs 11 pietablo di ,ili '1tbrBiiLhallt tho nouutrs

\M7uln.nla and Rtlail bs

intnr il ibb

Ihrott oil au\ I udiiiLS to ill 1 1 L, lutjmijr' illitul and Lniti in 1 perleLth healths Rl Ifn, milllnniijih- tins me ins "sour tltiLk 1 uitir ^il 111\ 1I111 and juud condition svlmh to t in p i i l t n tmid rrtfcnninical Tiirmer 1 more th 111 •S\L_UII -—1 h n pjftuei ha- bet u in IIBI" lur tiiJiij i n . -"id

S pi tll'tl ssiiiuli III-UM llil 1 ' d l"

UIIN' T, wrt"? ^r^ siour iso ii Sli el, iu "Ui Murr u '^ ISiss intl

S 11 nf Ilir ptimil 11 nmt l s ofth itli^ioir ^ ^ '

1 lid ] _Nitino oi1 ills bs

•rcllll'iia>u pI k d Latlln

fto -3 Nnnb 'Id M iibur aalr h\ John L Vt usUlanh IS, ltDJ-tr

l*uu dtr I'n ]i irt dI &. HUS'l U\,n UuiUil. I'UnT

1 1 if

, K J , and J

L'5, IS'jl -U

R M. J b>

pae tnXN sETibtl, are fuqumtml to call an 1 «i,ttl» HitljJucub tituIU. ut Iho •'Uaicllu" Offlca, s\bo.epossLSSion Ihu Bpokh iTilI bo ill until t)io 1'iApTil next Aftor that period thej svill be placin other handi for oollcetioii


COUNTYFire Insurance Co


ht theTiliffye Gompa' "


At Higlits<own, N. J.Marck V4-tf.

•N] v.Jflr, jQstbett, Jsrsey City,

Harrisbnrg, Poi)na.

Cpinpipmcati°»B should be addrewod (oiflBTOR S«c Dost-uaid.

than fir whileI son cdnstaiitly^receiving large supplier of IJIB;

ind my motto is, " small,u *

- B, P. POND,

, a4 ^ ^proflts and (julck returns.

56 Water rtreet, (under the PenH it, Houpe,)


ii* il, mESfEOTFOLLY informs his fnmds an 1 the

m-m geittral, thut he will feaiime thoos-papBr-hangingi la HIGIITSTOWH BDfJ"" an old!bB94_at 0»B lininieis, '

tnat paper16Ug m that mi

llAI^L,, K L C K C T J 4- CO,


A KU DLALCltaniDliijf", Meiln illn», 1'aml-,X I Oil-,, Wmdun U l l i , \ a ru ib ,il,,

-aiJBjijii-Pi iuli Btiet-I ' bt-i.i,laj atn et, N O K York Ulttr lor i ilu on thnnoat libnral toruiH, a \ r i j t x t m is a i-at rlnifiit ofTootle, u.iHoft» svbieli thoy would uilL attuntiun to

- »UanufacJ.i.reraCroam 1 artnr,

Hatches,Indigo,NutinegsSal Soda,

Uora^,Autttttto,B Salts,Brimstone,

-Dvn Wood

H^uh 1 '_irij sodajCittor Oil,X^ t, LogSTsed,British Lu^tre ;

. of Ibo In I Ijtitni irj in tin1 in fi lkuin,; pnpul r nos t U ssill al

I on Ii md Ml nl Lsppmi -4 rrt t worki,II "Nlir^att's Ml- lVkering I ninnij* 111^t \N ai, bs C H lYt^rE-nn Dum I'S ud-' ssork", Miiiinoni^ni e\ijjo rtl, \ ankee~t>dtt 1'YlleAS hip e' pgF-ed, &rt=^oi—=^


\ 1\ Of til!


bus n b HJLT S\ ill Lui lumiotl, on td p t of tin ir full s dut3, unl \\hnu icturnid 111pond order, oili-«tnurlh of the pfico will bn dndiit;-ted for tilt Ue 1 ?i'

Cms' r» dr.ichJIU

ior tho i

# '

of I' t kardt'a enkbuttd

. JOHN IJ ^ V\


Vli'EPla Piahh-hed in thti ( itjj of Isilft York, c^erjS'ul^td ij * at Tin B4—ZnTP S(feLt,-"u *

from Broad\s i"

Clovog,CUIUUIDOU,Gnigar,Licorice,Castile ioap,Starch,

Sugar Lrad, Caruphsr,Mustard, Gum fehellac,Fig Blue, Glue, all kinds.Copperas, ^al Er/atns,Carb, Am Boap Powders,Alooho), Essences

^iiortrneut—of-Patrat-MfldieniesPeifumery. Soap, &c^

Manufacturers af the Best Friction Matches mthe World



ITT Jormerh-Witli Bnnh &rHillyer, Thoi. WDamming, Cummnia & Van Uuzor. mhltl-ly


E SUBSCttlBER^OBldnnrorm tho C1U1-ZBBS. of i f ightitown and tb,o public in gas,,

eral, that h%has taken tho shop formerly occu-pred «» • » fh fflj-rnTyi "•»** Anm to I- Pearoo,Ksq,, whgfo he^ntenos to* manufacfyra and keepon haudf a gene-ial assorttnent of Coppers

Jupon, BnttaniB and Sheet-Iron Wars, wliich he• m «"" »' wl,nl..rfl« n? mtjiil HK eriaati as Ban t

,Tho Piopmtoruf tho PICK will contnma to"hiaks this fas into paper more rich and readablesvilh every tsUGCLedmp' Number

l feature u, that it u imrely Ainerifanand numbenr among i s contributory some uf thrWittiest Writers and^conuc DeBiguera ol the. das

With its Fourth Number it reached a hanafide circulation of 30+0Q0^. Ita chenpneea brinfrit within tbo Bcopo of every ludividnul, being onlyONE DOLLAR per year, or TWO CENTS a.

Bingls Copy, ^

Agf ata who prooure Subscribers will be allowed a commission of tsventy^tive per cent._ Clubs or AesociationB, whore tin panes can be

^nailed to our address is osa iiackajre, will rerjoivfor Twenty-eight dollan, ftrty Copies ' Sub-icriptiqnM most be renittect m &dyaQ€e.

All ilstten containing (omittahcns OF co>]Uibutions must be addressed to the Prgprietcr,


Projairter of » The Piete"

Pr. A.&, Mechanical



BTILL continues at his old OfficB, a few doora, abovo the H.ghtstown Bank, whar* h» per-

forms all operations in Iho most scTentiflti man'

inf the %. S, MailThe V, S. Mule Stags for PnricotMJ, le»»« «•

above, at i^ ©'oloeki A, M., pa»ing-tlupngh, Karosboro ind1Scndde?i Mills.

R. M SMItH,N 8 E U E

June lfcrlBK-tf.N 8.EUE,

charges. Pcrsoua waited on at their rendenee


February 11, l i ^g ,—l

Januafy 14, lBS2tffiri.Tory bust satisfaction.

& Ketall

er Depot.ToniB:-Hous)E,;in tlie Block known His terms nro rnodernto

Apnlfl, ISte—tfWall Paconcjaaeaiio .continuo

d Quecrfs Ware Z. K. Myers, Tailor, city or cduutry. Still works,, teaderv, and tin roofing,

est notice.ppor Jupei^livgtiUeiSi leadell be Attended to at the ihert

nleqtfd-Btodcof Watt Vm EG3 Jeava- to ioform bis

Did Rags, Fowtcr, Bras andatth^ above place, Ho, 55'. PttpeB, Plaro nnd-Fa en m trade.

The Suhnonber would solicit aPublic patrouage,

DAVID V, CARHART-M 3 AV1NG removed (o hwaew itora-L m Stockton street,r f a ' l

N, B -CuttiogatUnd^d t» m thtshtirtest pwtolls aotise^ind Wnneottd to fit,.or no pay

uk B4,185g.—3m. •apply ladies and Usallamen with

, ShadHttW n d

Gents. Congresa GRIIOW, ptttoat leether "dq< ia svsiy T&H ty* Aa _ ^As»o^m6nt<.fobi1^n>»AoMC<mrt8j>ayoil1iooJ

IBLKET, boilt i yInqnire st thi»

IV. rr%&?



L,W_ YURK ANJ3 IU1IL U J E L l ' A I A —

ACt UMMODAHUN LINC—Leine Newil. ii d A 51, futit oi C iiuuliinJt street, \m

-f ( u s , I ' liiic'iun, ' i iniiton, Caniden, ar-

s inu -it 11 I3 AI

niTKanra aiuls alieel, % la Jersey

"-iLjmbuat al I d


iil ri f1 M ldi l if Lil

ils., I i i n p n . ' i i i nl, jinns in ' , 1 J honi*KLII I I I I I I I ^ I I I . Inn I it i isr , 1'lillailelphiB, frorrgmol Wilnuf, htiLCUal tj A M 0 A . M . and

•'(.Inli. P Alrj-,=. p a r e m ^[jn^e | , |1 P^—j,t c)?-"!, $3 2 j

i^a >~2 Jll

N r w \ORK AND RAHWAY.I t i \ e t ; s s \<nk, j l 0 alid S A M a n d 1 ,

j l l S 1 j , 7 1' Al h a t u r d a y n i g h t s ,

\ \ l h l


,,i,n iin j -hnu %u \ \ i l nc I i j ni^

M \ \ r KHii; AND

+3dutl .,15 P iil

I i lVl•-^ts^ l i i un^n i ik at 4,30, B,30 and

JO A M diitl 12 M nnd 7,30 P , M



LrTso .Ness "iork for Mornslown,ml iHitrineliitlejilar-es 8,30. io, 11 30 (Fr'l)

\ M .mil 1 nnilB I' M " ~ ~



D i s c K H S S Y n i k fur S o m e r s i ' l e , W h i t «

l u u e ami m l i r m e d i a l e j i ' a c tn , 9 A M ?

md 5 ] J i 1 J l

- r nuCTiT Ai'db"ininD\TioNSiMii.lititLiis (1 al ll e luol of Liberty si

ypss.\ 111 lor JTI/aLitlhlassn, l labway andN s IJIIIII^SSICU till 12J1 jnd by E \ ] i e# i1 rughl Irani unlill 2,30 P M and fnrrl ~l'imet lou-4rental, kc untill 3 P ?.l.

Ifrifk and IScssnrk, 2S cents;

,\ick fldtftr

AW porBoa


to aliosv and doHver their tickets! who proLure thsir Tickets at thd. r e rann j firry tir.Kot frritrg. oxtra

inen ftCtptcd nokolB are roceived By theC-'ondnetui only BII thn trim for which trreyare reld, and on ths day wRen purchased

Pcraona-v^jll not ba_allowed on the trainajbtrecu tho depots in Nowark, unless they pre-

sent tickets lor iueh rides bofora taking therf

Stages HifhtstownTO


STAGES for the above places leave theJRsii^adHotel , Hightitown, eyery dty at 1L45

i s

..Pulmonary IJulaaiii, Pecloral'Expeetomiit, Anli-. DyHpi;)Uo Mixture, Pulmonary Limu'iiMit,

J'liro anil Muili iiiulCndlJvrrOii, N I T - . •vine, yt-r.inifn.rp. Drpnrativr. Syf- _ _

• I f -

. u p , i lcart ; t!itrrei;ViiV, liniiiSrtjiirrcrifor, Coiijfh :ind t ' u '

tliiiitlp Tills, Fi'iiiiilo,• Pills,. ' Foimllo , . , .

' ••' • ' """"'"". Kpucillr, •&(',,

•UBfdlij ' .Iimi noivstniiily iiiid H;!ili"imjTPCi'deiiU'd^ .. ' miui'lL'm in iiin lr(i;.i,hii,Mil ipf = -

C o h o r t biiWiH,''('iinvMiiirifinni AMhnm, IFf.!irIlinuiKi:!', l l y s j i i n . i M , S i ' i u l ' u l i i

l ' t ' i l n ' h i I'.li'tf. A I

'Dr.. / W,'A\; iliirqiniJIrd. Fnlrm'. 'SHrcr-l'InlfilAinfuuiiiUrl ' N;fp/'nr!(*r^.—-JJr. j-'Urli^ Jin*

l*hh^l l l tMnu:c,r^Jji\ /•V/i'.'/.t Mil

hiif -Tube.

M e K L RDR.-FITCirM eKLEiJRATEJ} SIX-- •-'-••- ; ^ K K c T n e n s — v- - - v• On. ilia Pi'i'^-j'iilNvai ft.vul'C.ui'r «f

f ' o : 1 s n ; i ! ) i i i u i i j A c h i l l a , I > i s r : i : - e : i , o f l l i e • I T r l i i ' l .

'& i l i L I \ l X i i i dikf:., ami LUL s ' i i U i y i n [ i l l 1,1*1 ; i < ; i ' .

' I " 1 i i s J i i u f i k r ! 1 1 1 1 ! i < I L i i ' i i i j / v r r y I ' n i i l i l v . T n I h e

( ' n n H i ' M i j M i v i ' i i j ' . , i : i ! n : i t i d ' . , . j ( l % ' r r . t i i i ' i l . i u h - i M , -

L ] j e e a i i ' a m i i i m i i i ' u < ; u i i u i f a l ' c h i l d r e n u r n i n v i i U1 " " - l l i i i i i i - . ' • ; , - • , I l i i i ) c i i p i i - . , 1,1' l i , , a l ! ( . , , k l i n i ' f ' p s i y H ' . ' d '

t h i ' f H i ; ; ' i i i i u p . ' i . i - 1 * i t u i i i h o l i i l u y u i i S i i i i u - i : m i a i i i i -

T ' l i r p - r i , . i , y : i H. I ' l , ' ! i fc C ' n . , V f i T Un-dwnx-

i : ; . ; i i i ' . ! ' , w . h s . j , . • ; ' ' • • • ' - • ' ' • '

!i,V i*f. ' I ' i l i ' hVt i rMt! In riivii!:.!.;, n . niri'i-lioiitiijiui'Kiiiii irf-liiLt Dr. Kilph's Uwmjiiios, t>j bu liidl

O r ;V3fK,!icatf'ul Com


. 1 I : ,UI! ,I , , . ! I , ; i ir, V M - , :, • j i,v, \) i . M . 1 : : , : : .

LIN, . 'l i - v . T f t r o ' i j n r u f T ! i i n ! i . i i . i t"iiic-ii f i | « . . ~ .

n M;;r , >•,. H I M ! / ? i > . , • , ' . , .-. ,ii! ' .;v m n i u h u l l

" M i . , , - : , . , ' ; ! - ,\:.<>,"i-:rV:.U,,j.J,,l,i,l.

l J I . - i f i i r u t i f i l i o l i l u i i , ; , . r . - ' U r - i v f ' , 1 , t ' l i ' i e l i i n ' N , H i

i i ' e i i v i ' : ' , i ! i " ^ , n . i . i ; i i [ \\\:' c e i l > - r : i i ] I : i ; v t i M i i n ; . n !

i h i . i l i i M i i ' . i i l l l ' i ' j i p l l f i , i ) . : . l i l l , . , , : w i i n l i v r ( i « I i l l L^"I :

i l l : i n - i . ' l ' e l i i i i l i i t , h . . , v c c i i ' ( : i : l c . | l n i l ' i h c i n s i - ' i v

- •" i i - | n l i ' i i i : ! l i i . l . f ' i i y , i - h i i i i ! : ! p ; , ; , ! - , • ; , „ n , , . . r - i i , •

I ' ' ' 1 ; i , ' - H i / - : • • ; •> • ' i y r - ! ; i . l . , " i . u . ' ' i . i ; " l i l , \ K i l l , !

i T r 11 ;•, i l l i i i i ' t | t i L t , ; i l c ; : f . ( i i i \ j | i l , . - , i ' ; s . - v ' . i i * U - J i . i l ' i l

!;:••. i i i1"-. '" • "' •

'i:S:iLl^-^-l -O^ii ..•:.'.! Jbut PI;. M'NK]

nl mriiiirfne, whinli enyn^fB hi.; priiUniiul. mlot.oii, lit.' ciiiilluii^ fhij inifoi'Iiiimie ti^iiiniit thouliiiHi; ui ini.'1'iuiiy J Jiiouiniinl'Mii'u.aiiiniiiily iner-riirwilixtd mit ul'liin; recent yfltctinim lire prompt-Iy FxliusHi»li("d."'~iSofl'yOur."eaiie!( jiroporly nrutil"f-ulfil, not-[nit d i ed l ip , . " it/H.-ried j ienplemidthose iibout ,lo 'Hiiiri-y, .'elinuld hn piirfinuliirly

Cillltiftll-f (ifti'.o™ Utcideiil:; : what 11 tllciL(llllt ii).

1 .• Tiuc'Ptiriirul'ir •Nnii<::"~-'l%?ra m n lisihiL

• | ! . T , . _ I I Ii:,|,1'. im!illjf.-,i in whr , , hy.liii,,:;;.!!-, ;„ S o | ,iLi!!.V, !,'<'• wiii;| lip wiili i.lii' buy lu liiuuliiiild, iuiciwin :li, if nut ruiiiri-i! in inn; Hiiie, lioL niiiy begetsr" ini:i I liHIiiiir ; In iniilriimiiiiifl 111' jij,;i:,':Mj but

(U Vn-I'liii, J iiii^rtirji};*. I ' tw di' Llji?;ii^iLuo iiidillyg

H«T;I::-I!(.-.-[!, i:;iiirili>.-y Iliul !!i» ,,, IVOIVI KV'-h-m

V.H;LIC iKura iu'-ilift iiiuicl 'L'hn.iiiiliviiluiil'-hs'ci'iiiii'Nfiicblr, ho in uiiubio to 1 iihor wilh nnfjiislonipd v i .«,ir, or l,i rijiply iiiv iiiiiid lo Sludy , liia I'lep miurifj 'urn! iveuii, lie id dull, irrculiito, >f!l«'iifji1ii. inill lii:i Hpurt.wilirlciJN energy llieu •liKiiiiUl TIji'i'Q..n™_f'Viupli.if;ia.\vl}i.tth;i«hyiiltl a w l ' ' ' '

Yuuiii; mr:i.—~If you viilno y'onr lifn or licaHli,r r in i ' inber the (itUiy ol*. .1 111011II1, n ay , even ii

. >\y'-,;»j.IH;J.).,l^flto.)^uit.,tiiui,.I.ijolJi.of~-bi><Jy •niul-iiiniil, Jfi 'iiui'lcU iiii fill a . iniiJctiy delcr ymifsiiiii'iijii'.iii/j your l i i i i i w n i a (niu whorrdii! vdiiiiiiliuiiaiHl rt'siieiiliiliil^y, ean nUun. he'-ii i- i idyoii ; II,.. will) "phinc:! hihHfjif initlcr*'lir.KINIJ f i lN ' f sU ' ea imp i i t l imy rfl igomly coiifiiln

. In li'iijior aa 'a fr'jiiilmimii, mul iii wbiwe bijsoniuill b'j fuiiivc-fiuoked'tii Uio^ec olllia -nu-

• • ; -iit. . . ;T oo ninny think they will hug (ho eoerct lo

ris, ,unu cure , iiieniseivcs, . Aius ]bow ouijfi istiiia u fatal duhwion, niuiiya prflmiainiyoiHi'T- m n n , who m i f h t l i a v i ) beniii inofiiuti idij 10 ' suuir ly , imirfiuiid froin iho.en'rlh

I'. nli'iiiljcr (iiiit Elrictiii'cs of liio iirmllra 'urijrrsiiiiiv iitovtd hy tiie npplienlinii nf-.n i,ew i h o .nijH.ili;;! .iii-ci.i, rn-td clily hy Dr. IC. ; Whi!,,it JW

:•'.,.I .::,::..iil;HJy/ii! de iiiiili, 11 aiiiiitiy euied uiid

! itiiP'J

urn.; m T!iurf;"nvri;i, iflr-.i Ij(mi Atha iiiid t'iiiili'av*;;', tiiiti fiiiL'lif,!y.:i,;!.ii.;\v;.'i!:w it lo be.iho

' ' For ikFinsMul cure-Mi

,-V Fa. i%? Wii ? nf dicetiBti,

'liif fiioro violent siiil (-xeraoisrhiii llicrfiilfHnirpitin ';; eK|i;;neneoJ, (In; griiuUij- i,i iiio iufiuimco

, f*f iii f'u»'D,u]iiin t!ie syt'lt-Mj, Tin-wfora'onr great'..'£.:Uy*iU.uiii^U.uualop-'tbo.--pnin-.iiviiiiedittt«lyi ts. rcmnre Uia-vital eiiargy gf thtf utryom ayntRrn,'to»!iv; iioy litlTpyJ'faiioiisz Ifini^pr^, to dl.fiii^C'.llio {|laiidjiiinJ Kpnrtiifjna.frorri th« iiifiiiciiea^ of disfiisi», to*tjpii;rt!i"ii iho'iiurvrfc, jrtiuts and sitifWK, to giydsi ' i i 'altliy hnila'fl to tho fisiittUoiii df tho I,ivcr,{jitmn.ich', IJtiwcl.-i aiid Bl}iii; vni all tins IH u e .

p j 14.\dwsy-i7i"U-tmy,-jiid"iei vhicbiktit iuterjisiily' and liiijilitiu uxtrrually, will jjiyqB H ! t h 7 W M ^ n r t i M ' ^ W 1 W ' W e - ' [ ) 3 ( r y ; ' mid~ r i ?7 ^ ^ y ; d c i ?

. dertiicnon'otiaeyitein irtpragualiro to tlioutltieks: ordiiieaaOi niid; wJilrpmiiivel)' uurt all oojnpjaintiiheru tnnmemted.,. ;. I ; ' , ' - , , ' ' •

la IJsfdyayB Hcarij* •Rcilcl.-in sCoppmff jialn,liat it iiaafrtitjiicutiy Cured tho'worst"pMflrar**

' M foW JIOUiB,':. )

•*iv ' l a Jiri minutgi, ',Itowal


-" f


|,BT EvsliyilOBV llEjlD Tins UJUlSi'rfr.i,!1.—Tlio™ IB «.'.-..b»'l>arill« fur H.1I0 in Llm (liflennil lownu Ciilloil.H. ft

b 1 OF

Tlip -urosl Wojjiicrriil" Wmllfrin& of- ike ige r

I J O ^ ,,0 0 0 B O T T L m S

Tilla SloUJoliiii tij put lip III (iHSii. Hi)itl»aniiil tami ctirtil> liliii-B tJIBli

hln tiiij Inst 1'eii- tteaxa —Koiic la r;< n•iiilcaa rfftiiuil bjr H, p, S

recipe fur making tht* uiuiV iliev rail lHA Dr. JacobTy-:VMgiH'3 ii.iuypJiiilia. o^mt Xntttb~nw\\i\\\ )h aM?19* judge wiilyh U \h% giMiiilii^ and uVl^Iiisl, ssd of UiaabiicNty nl iho men wlics sri; tfijipj(*yp'i in aelfjiiw ll isth* niigirjfa J3r= ^ ' ' i ^ u ^ h a ^ .Suii.4|i&i-illB, Dr., B> V.

Dr. ^i'nwiisenti^ HurHapiiilHu. ftiid ^Uiu uteciielha h s i^airiBil & lepiiiatigN thiil nfjotlier raiifedy cvt-f gajnifi..IT a !iififilif:uitill-uU in yi4 one iiiUiiun ul' hnttls'i itl^t aVfir.aiid-is liisil^lliiUJtllri tijj uA iii-i?ap!ii -?"),))'.'•!! ljf'1.jlff pn j"° lUi yWii H&ij iriDi u f iif n:L|iii |-i llj iili>l \ *j 11 j > *,V I-H t'.k jit niti(MUhlUlifuQiit ganSijliiy/tlmn all Llie utkof Kai:;;[i|iiiViiU.MuiiiihiciturciK in l.Ue wbiM. = I'riiiejyul uifi«e t ' I'Ji

a AFFIDA.VIT.'fl.'U,',/ r / AVl^.r,.'!/,', i*.

hiiRiiiii»iiJ8,i ivvu me.liciil nuliuora, (1111I practieeil forfinaeitynura M?* N'iW ihQlrutli in, h,j nuviJ!" jil'iic.iiceil mftdieina 8*iy: in iiin iliii ! isilM, wicked niiaropri'iImi^s \ rul tu ilig eisfininli'.i' ,'in.l vfimeily of Ihc iBun,

•eil'm'di'ini!- 'Vvhi.,i wllkJiinii .w.riiui liu liiiiiciflnijd Irumfui in nil ilmlr iliJilliiisii and iiiiuraauraa wiili llialr Jcllii*mnii lie applied'io'one Ilnel Ulapp is. Bwtet lilih In mwuTiitfiurjng iiis.imxiiire, Biftilnii ili*j Uiiis RiiHas iio W O I I ^ii,itke, ii-? fin' fiiiliicsTiifnl l& ernlinviE ill tint'lii!»ine.F,s. • TherJ-mm Itiirti luiisii ii.ailltinj U11I liltnlllng mo i n i i n iiojaiblrni'iiiai In Linlcr In hiijlrosii the puTiiic wiili tilo'iiisliSF thatiliii Di,i l),,i'iurii H;,.VBnii!irlllii WIM noi ihe irenume, mimnat

nliiili! Truni llm OW IHelWa ftrxgital Jleei-a 1 -liitv,! H,,1,I tim ilv-g ft? inf_' t ' ,

•IIIIIIQ (nr t? 11 wimk. I will stli-D him iWU will pro-ihii"; iiim Blhclo i<ulil.iry pfoof of lllin. Ilia nlaiiiiiicniu Of'rlniiiipaoii, Hinihn.'tN & fin.. Hi'n riiHiunif .iv.tipH!.io..(!i_y.TTinfir{mifa.- j||T"p]y- iriailH^iH^ilflcsi^is^lTB.—piibfiC^iinil^kBtsfi"iln.i truth Hn aTi il,' ro^il ni la iiiff muring, fm-mqttiivg emit*pound; Tills J» 111 njuliun tint fmbiio'[•>''p'llOiliiiM niinp-butOld Ilr/'.lAIJOIt'rciwiiflijnil'uSiirHilpiirillii/, liuyliiif on illlisOKI Uiiumr'n liliFttiinfl, jiln rafniltj Pnni u/UUtfUrlunl-IHI-

rFiaiufiineraiiH the tJaiiicif Arms, .I'ritKipki tlffitt, IM Nast,i,uMrstI,N,-V. Vlf• ' - • - J A l ' O I I -TOWN-

(iulh tlepoie .liild y f e tull (.'liaimsti 'i'lmt Eomn tinm'ln i;;a l:i(t<i!


iay that he iii'lmt Eomn tinm'lSg i m l l

,ji' *H;ry. u r i i r s t u f J i n i c . 1- I.'*, ri mai l f,y i ;mh ' i ' \ d l j iU t f l i i t inlg \Y'li tl b n ^

in^im t irspoiient , a t th*jJ J i i U f l f N i ' < I ' ^

tfid jif'iinnrrit in wri ts Ifhki? B i ip


!iDi>., | ianjii l ,

i v l t i i i i s i .1 ' I ' i i i v i iMi -n . i a l t h e n i l i c oH i d , , H u n k . I ' n l i l n l i Q f , . w i t h W I I I I I I I f i i i i l T e nJ c i i t . ' 1 ' h a l s n i . l T I I W I : - 1 ( m i l I1111S i m i i f i P i i i i i ' i i l r u nl i i i i i i v i f t i <!(! [ , i i i i tu i t r u i i ' C i ' l i n i ; l l m i , i » i i , | f : i , ; M i K• f i i , i ' - i i f M n r , n a r i l t u i , i irf t o t ' l l l i i i u ' r l ! i i 11111,111

n f niio f U i '

p M i l r , l u i i l W i l ^ l H l t l i t i.n- i l d l i l i i i l , . , ! - = : i l | i ! V, j

l i i r i k , ' 1 D H i i ' l i l ' l l i n i , i , l . i i i , l e i ' t o l i v u f l i . v i l l

d!iy«, nnj tiirit, iL'Hhii;Ui,ai'lilu liurt,iriliu nii'mfn.'i

111. nihl

lie I In

it, Ii? could Map no" Ysm!,!iOniflthili!^ i ' l l t fif i t inn, (!if ll,^ iHMli'i frtt n rnf i ' i j i leftinl iiirniufriutiUR it l . i r . l i in

-Why liil InitfiU 11,it i,i;,lst:1 ii;inlg hfj: '^ '('.•wlisiK!,!,)iiH,Ml t*> frejjil D ii rafipe.. iiL'jiniinnt ill, QHp nf Ika

to Dr, H. f. 'rnvviiseiiJ, 1,1 u lilt'Ji kq..rQ|iliBd, tliat kgkne'.v l)r. !i. P. TmvnsiMid wniiifi he ilnwn nn lihn efurhe iih,niiil eniiimnncii. liut that hx ,1hi n'-ti u.ira fariiiiil, 11,1 im hil.l Airmotl a e^jiailneriiliiji Witi^ i/iiiu whycniltil fiinihli tile rsqiliiiln fiijieuntuf rajiitni — aiijl willwoll jMojinrt*,! to ilrtbii,! hiinsfclf agajiist any pttuskl)i;,i iiiif:h!lie nifliiti nil hl;n.

!Ju)fnii51lt tiiithpr siiys, Hint plirsunnt in tilt rcqUEJn!'I'mvusi'iid, he s>|-c,i n ieiu|.* tyr ilia

DM" Dr.; Jacol) TfiwnsejiilsT1IR OlliniNA.r, DmUOVKriEIt OF THE

0-en.uiriB Towflseud SarsapaMlla(iiil i!r\ Ti'iwiifeilil ifl rmw iitwtll 71) yeara oi UKe, iinil h y

iiiir. Imi'ii"t'li'iwn us llm.J Union niiii flfNUOVEliHH:.i ii.,; in;xi'INn rijtiuixAf, « roWNnHNDNlliXAPAiijLLA." Ili-iiiu |j,iiir, hn was coiinjuiftil luiliiiil ii« iii:ui.i:V,rf Hii", hy which iiiiMii.1 It iliis htuii kept milat i!i:iriii;t, itiid tl,,i dish's cirtMiHiHcE'ibtjti lo lliupe uiily wliii,aH pnvml'llH wiimli, uiiiLkiiiiwii I IJI viilue. It had reachediliu t;iir?l Hi urlnVi nnvri'ilirmn:%71!5.tlins^ JlcrilOli? whti lllii!{>«•£'!! hUiiUnl ill" iir,, iii-t^^c^:, aiiii gayyii mini dentil, .jiru-flUisn.!,! iiii w: >,.i,.| In ' '

IJKAI.lNU POWHR.Tii i f t i l ! A Ni l A

niiiiiiiliiniiru.l UII llh l

I.IlM.lKlMUATtCNUniiii i.i'riilhiil lur [hruu;li-y l;il,,n tNij^eniilx ii?i it to

liiililiii y.uinis H, 1'. 'I'iiivnHonia n d il,;vr-i' nh;nli/,Hi hill IVir d i ^ l n ' t l

i hy ;\ i/


fiieiut'e nf.ft Ryrijp of ifsi'Fiipiirilili, smS i^avy it taH:.n! Tiiwilsenr! iihs.irvo,! ill:,! lui'' \va,ilu,! to

l h| c'tliihlt ; ti«j,f,ic,v,Uv 11? lie sviiihfVi t<i Rniiiiy Ihnin in r r^ rv i i i i n^ ,ns lhoyfnrimiinil nil (!in rapiln'I —Sii-I Tr,v,'mcn,( al.utnl,l dS[i'inciit that the bottle! tlioy iw i j io unit weisto bn.of the m i ( i ia and sli.ipn an Dr. B."P. Tnwn.Itml''*, anil tIe|iCiiielit, at His requeBt of rnii,! J«oi,li.'I'owiiienil, went til the ollljo uf Dr. s I'. Ton usouJ,•nd procured one of hit laheli.

And densnont furthirsayt, that ha Inj hotn inforn.oj, SJicl Teiily IiellcYSB the Syrup of KariBpnrills, ioklEI Old Jacob Town.ioiiil'a, ii made Bfler tin mc.||i» f'lr.nijhed liy lUpniioiit, to , JI ol) Tolynsancl, us nforoiiii*' Anil furtlur denolis/it. iiiiu not.

'. WILLIAM ARMSTROMOiwoni to htform me, thi.i Cltlrday of May, IS 19.

c, s, woniiiiui.u• '- Miyor of the City ut Niw Yolk

k'uuwli'ili;'.. nf r h i ' l i i i - ' l r y ,

lu r i in l ' i l i iMJ i i l Dr 'n Si,

iir.pjlrrlli;", nii,(«nillil Jiiami nilii-i". I'-hli-li If iv :i!::i-,../i'i'»i.1.J/l7/.>.» mul '

inlijruviJ'niul^y it ia pwan. The



• if.'iti. K,'ll,,

PROOF!! PROOF!!4Iforo is proof enlicluiivs that Dr. S, f. Townnnd'i

tinnparilla i« tlio original. Tho fnlhnvinj Ii fi»m•ami gf the moi't rujjieutahla papori in tills stuli,.

FT1OM TICF.AiJtmiy JSvsiilri^ .Touriinli

j - . Dr. Towgsejid'i Swiapaiilla,' Tkii-e iiiTihinny iiB¥er has h^en so pnpuiara rimtrtf.or patent lnrMliuIne, hj IJr. T^wnsglidi'ji Sarssp"arlliiwluch tv&is I5ri^hially. an,I RniitihtiB! to ha niantifaoHi re J lu this eity, ot'lifMI Ijy.tha Doetor liimie'lf, iaiRfU -Wiiiilsi fui' iuvtifjil-yaBri aiid. to the present tlm*;t>> CIi,ip It Townsoiitl, the pijseiit prsfvieturii ajoet.the pnriiiersiili, w » foi'meil,Hit DdiitnrliBi reiided 1»Now York, ivhero llJikeopl o itpl;*, inilntteilii to th»business that oceumufctM at thut iioint, Ths innn..factory js In thli.eit^i oml-li ceBfliict«4 by th« junior- partner, Mr, Ohjip—Uerff all tie meiileiM ii 'minuht-

t u r s i l , ' . „ . , ; , •• ^ , . . " . „ . . . , ' , ' , , ^ . - ; ; . : „ . . -. ..Few of fliir^itixsna^ftTi ijnj'.idds'nf Ilia umniint »fthis niedlcinu tiiat Is menHfactilriid nhd E8ld, Besjdilthe Si.2ei in tiiis emintry.ii is Bllipiied to'fllo Cunid&fc,West Iiidiif'IiiiamU, idufli jlmerien, niiil even to En-

fnf.y enijiliif s..steam eliirinSj beiddes a UrgB liuiiiliDrof merii "syenicH and-girt?; iiwthe nrejsffrVtinri ni tki

J, (nuking uoioi, jirintiilg, ike., »nd turn n \ ,Veiidy fui' shipment, ever^DO de7.§n jser ilayi or nsarly8000 bottles. This isBn'onsmioiis'qiiahtltX-

'i'he |;rc:il mlo Ilio mnediiijne liu acquii.rl, lisi Iiiticail « number of men to got up itnifnUoiu, and thsr«it i t tha prucnt tiipo, other nrtsdieinss for sole, tlist

Are riiliml'' Dr. TiWffeje.mPfi Sfrijapiujna,-.1 .pfts In iisr.ik,ilar itnrted a short tima tgn inNsw York, i | eallei]11 Old Uoetqr Jacob S'owniahil'ii.Sarshptrilji," »nd »p.psretitly with » view, liy dint of uilvm tising, »ad fh»nttiril i t i inji t i mmrtaiHolii rnifcli ufltiit», IB aiipropH'.ate the nnirie nf Dr, a, p. iownsand's preiit remedy,my thus gain all the nftvaiitaina resulting frem thenhpulnritj'. of lh« ymno which he has titrijirjd for it,by years of pttieiit and ejrpeiiiiva labors. Dr. I, 1*.

.'Fo\vB!Bnii,.ioriiierly of this eity. a i l s well known

.lure, !« tha Inventor anil original.nropriBlqr nf th«siiirlielnti liiioiTn-BS '* Dr.'I'QWBsenu*? SarfiBparlila,*1

mid u-t* tjiiiils tiirse peircins u I10 are nttenijiting tuiolltheir si'tiElt at the genuine, tliDnld be e pQEad

"". '_• Tnpf . i ' "THE •K r i r Tot ' l t i fn l lyTr l l i i inp , ,

ftV- ',Ve1J!iiliii>lic,l t'fi'hdvcciiisiiiB'nt inn.irertaallj'• i,ini^ tiiiio Aiiinn t',at ilid injii-tiee Ut UT. S.F. Tni*y.seiiil, wlin iiihii inijjinal piopiielorof the ireparntiaiicit- ffiiliaprilla liuuwii ia Uc,-Tnwiiieiia'i. Oilier

hftve within llie ],nst jew months eiip-uqfjd ni1 " ' '••" tnnri by ttte-riaisj of

FO'.;"irrr;-:STA:;TLY STOPS-P^tN.ANO SPtE-

SiJ,1 siU in justice la th t Dr. niaks .tlrti'aJL

;hntIhev (11 LllUV B1T.IH1iy to iliikj! ',iliiiirii velalili)


iili,l ih , ' ii'tii-ri (Hs£Ui\'f-rir.s nlinin. I'.ujni-1,ir,i 1 m J in tifii.,,

iiii;ii, i 'fihi.iins maiiV nw. l i ,i'ii,™ ivSiiirh 11H' l i u n . i i r iir-ri! in !iivj>ni':i!_' i t l i > r 11 ,',

I, i i 1 l>i i - l i . lv i , . ! . |n : i l l i lu il,.:™ -,' ?Srtff=:,i'Mrii:-! ni'i P'l *'•'-!• itii'i ruo !,, :! in :*;u jl['*?j>iim

ii ,l ! S UK _ ^ n u r ,iiirijiteXi Whu'.U fly nil ill Vilpilr, lif )vf iili Oif.

l , gr, iirti thy v^ry tsKf.nfinl medical pvnptrite* of iliti runt, wli ifh »ivi* m it all hii vah le .

Any pyiTinn can biiil or siiiw thy root till they fful h dnrkceioroii llqiiiii, w h i t i i in iriato ftum llm esHiring imu ie r inihti re tn tlian fi'eiii i tnytliinil e l se \ lliey can th,*n s t r a in thi^inalpid or vapiii litiiijil, PWiicten wiili pour inolniHB», liiidIhon niili il "gAIiSAl'Alfll.t.A liXTIlAlJT or BVIllIP."'Rill Nii tuiR lint liit' iirtiala known lit tliii =GENtJINli OLD Dll. iACOV, TOWNSEWD'S• . • • SAUSAPAiULLA,. Thiais gg rifuparnil tiiatWiji;thg inr;rt nronnftiaa of llv<;Siirsiifjanlla root live nr.n rnlii,iv'i:TT7RVL>i'yilUn^ riip-abie tUeeiiiniiiK m:iJ or fsrinunmlinn H is (imciiSil nnti rujpulod ithan ,'v,>iy pnr'ii'la ui mefliriil viriiie is st,t.,,r:

5il in/t pure(ind ennrnnlratod iiirin ; iinil iliilfi II IH reiiiludtl iiicininlileof loiilii^iiny of iis rniuiiiile ;i|iil'lieiiiinil |ii'ni^rti,;3, IVe-piirsd in linkway, It is livula lllii inns! pii'«'i,rlii! iiBeiiL'in llie

O H I O of i i iuUJHSJSrnl i i i ! IJiHuifnuii,Hunee llie reamn wiiy we imar tiiinnit'iiilanoiiB 011 ever}

side in it*i fHVOi'by mon, ivnmeni and chiidren,."^Ve fiiid ildeing wtiiider?! in ihn enre ni1 - . .QOJtSiJMP'J'iriN, DYNPEPfllA, nnd LIVRR-

GOMPi,AINT, n'n.l in linHfTMXTINM. Xtmr)PTJLA^ PlhljlR. (1OS°I'J I'N.YKSiS. A11 W'i' 1 N1-2QlJI$\h}UtfMTtqN,>s\-l>JlMi'IjMS, UIMI'iMltlt.and nil nilcoiiona nrfcliii.' from

IMPCJIilTY OF TIIE BLOOD. 'II piisaegfiea a .miim?'.!ni!3 pniriiey lil nil fmiljihiini!! ar

Jitii 1'1'nm Indfgsicthnu frtini At:uLihi<if Ihe ,SV.',i'/?j''/(, frfnf!.urnSfiluU elfCuiall'iUi duhiriniiiMlHiis'ijf iihiyd 1 lin.- lu-niq.nalpil.'itlori"of the liearl, eold-ltal anil, cnld r.hitl9 nna"itiitTflii ll&iiNtvuf IhiMieiTy,. -il-liiis not il^gqi5bi;'rfl7f7>^(/s^!ftil

spirirjiiii, loliiiinsj stijctuieiiji" ihu iiinEt, tlirom mid evory•), her part,' Hill in nnllilns.In ia osetllonco innro nianijaslly lean aiH«

'•' It work* wotlilera ill even,of h'laar Alhiia or ITTMn.Fntllnirnft/ie Wamli, rjlmlrutial, Suppressed, or I'aiufuiMiiUfi.'lrrcgliMri!}/ nf the lnaMstniill perinds, anihliu lilyjjunit is einieiimi in eurin» nil il™ Amis arKidney nisetuM,

Dy removing ohsirudUfins. uil'.M?iilMing ihe generalsystum, iiBives'teiie and Birisne«i m the whole body, anathus u iH f f

um, i iBives te ies curoH iiH fdrnis of

J ' " ' • * • • "and thlla prev'enls or reltevy?' n griial variqly of.blhe r mai^aflies, « Siii'nfl.i irr/iutinn, Neuralgia, « , Vitut' Oanee,aimtmtpif, Enili/iliei'ilS; G tr'-mlaiitni, fo. ., . ;-J*-ttojiea Llie slbmnell, nnn dipstfon,

ll i l l

Inttitliyi"mribewoiiiurtorporiindeuneiirpnlinn,nllayainllaminiilion, riu.

riflen Ihoskin, Jijimlisos ihe cirelllalion' of inn blooii-v-i.iueinj uenijo ivBrmih -equally ni1. aver the totoiiuj ta«•hgeiuihle perspiration 4 relasea-Firieturt Jand tumiious. ifmnveii all oijsifgelinpo, iiiitl iiirigoralen me entire Rervuiiisystem. Ti noiihin then - ' '

T i i e Slorl ie lne y o u p r e - e n i l n e s i t l y n e e a fItill can any of tliom) ihlnsa ho said of S,,P. Tmynneild'

inferior nriiehi 1 This ypuiin mnn'«.l!(|Uiil tniifiBo b's-—.•-,: OOMPAKm-MnO: THIS OLD DR'B. ..iHIUIMe of one BltANTJ PACT, thaHli* on« is rNOAPAlli,B nf-DETElttOIlATIOTii ami

. NKYKii aPpILS,w,hilq llie other M E S S tmtrin^, fefimenihtg, and IiUicmgllie Ltitketi v-oiiuiinin( 11 inti) fl'iijinBiita s tlio lour, nek''iiuuid ejipiudJiiasanil iiiimat'irig uinvr EooiU I Mum iwtihu

v- t'jini'f.ifelq. aiinu^MO^bo. ijiijm?ji^ji^s^(vjjjy_^jy.t^ili,<fr^j^^l^j pgpgiaiJM(E-ac.til3ilUifrfftrnnt alr.k'n iw i.liill when

Inhil smir» ill Wllr ninmnenn, what miffiiiiflf 11

., tiiiiti'hnia.iiiyiijnisry, colic, niiil enrriipifnn of ihfiiWhcit ii BcrofuiR bat Jill jtciil liintidr in ilio liwly.i

Wjiai'prSluiiiniiinlij-jiiiniorslwliieli iirhiij.eii Eniiiiiimsoi. „ • , . . „ _ . . . , tiie Hkln, Rcald Ileilil, Bull niltam, ISrynipuiafi, Wlilty

ftew "toi-H Ually S n n . - j BwellinjB, paverSiiraB, (Intlnll Illeornliaris Intiirhal ond'ei.Dn.Tsivraiiio'a estrmrdiiini-y advertisement.whlek -... teriwlj J t la nolliing under lieftven. bill nn nM witnianf.e,icil|,i»j: 1111, eiiliie irfgu Ul 111* htfN, Will nnt esespt which touTii, givil tliua i)])oili all IHe^glda BLUMLUOilJ lnnrj' I " 'B |lf. g. 1-. i'oWllserld wllg Ii tjitforigirifel rTrfl. SF"1^"* nt,-i.... s*\—vi- Ti^«l,i,,^fi..n. In,, n Mii, Hn,l flislj

prif tor of ftv Towniend'!fi£z In di>nr tii nilrg, wliere lie has lieen i t r =Hi yeiitvi, is ilriring:aii Immrnsa tiusme«i,:lli rtqi

,iniJas«-tlmH fijiir liliBdMd diiMir-ef-SBTispiiriii..,,..y, and evLMi-i is enormous ijiluntity does net supplj

the demaitit. No metlldine ever giiinBd so Tgr|it ffO|.m2;uijEy ns7 IHS prgpfiiuUgii of thoiSafaflpsriUa, . Hi*

tar IBVOT. whore, irfiliiinij anil InlililTiinif ihe ilolicnlo t'iwina iljionTtqaivas which, il'aeisl "So of lierVniia ilimaaeii, ofirnpuriiy orihe

5rjjj|^ar^'7lin9r!i of'deranged cireiilatieiii-lina.iioaf IT all the ailmentswliirl] njUiut human ntilure, • • • . . , '

Now (« Ii not bgrriUio 10 iiiiiko anil sell, nnd tnfimMjiIlia Bonn to line, Ihis

. S w i n d l e r * .DrBfgilts »ni otherii that pell- Iar«iparllla, for tin

genning glid pflginal Br. ?J'©l¥nfeBdic'.isi'llfnai'iU|,: (hut Is lint si(|nerni*-S."P. TownisBt], o*nimlt« i frittiJi: ^ r _ _ l l , ~i i - _ . i . "m-» . ' i *' i' * ' . ' i i =

(hat is lint s i j n e t n i f S . P . T a w n , o l U ttWt,Bad swindles the iustonteri . ft'aM tli'tt'-yaajd ha

—guilty of jiiieh au MSt,~a BitlOToininTt any otluT fwaJTi«oij . | ie Urn j j i s t of comirnBii iKlWJit«nea"biut knttwrthat ourria tho rtnlj'genuine,; ,. V,-.•..- '—-.-i-1-"

p l i l J a c o b T f i V n i c n l , , '.l iorae - peoplsiwho ars' notVvoIl in'formtd,not read th« p.operi,;nBd j r f a d i i y Uhpy- h»f|i KA fn —|];;.».«t~thlt -'••fttiiVit tlitnr rnin'jlf-TOItllo their t t n f l ' s i " OM Jacob Towniindiil ' .thit itmust, of Cfl.unp, be Uie oria-insl. It it J e i h

•i3reir'»lnoath»y eBrhJrieBeaa to"rni(i(«' UiHOnri h b be'en In thfl maik t l ovortjrt vns

3-biii dirtThey RM eBrleavoijfig tn |ialm off on tiie pnniio is

^n old rhs'sipian, fer>, l i t is not a regular •dueiil«d'gltyjjgjiiifpaitd-nererattfj^iptefl tg ifiistnaefura'a meil,'ieluai..until illcia.|m#n-llirid.;.jiim=^e^tktjUie.0f=bisH'

nil Tbty/firy Uibyyo rwfwisUtu* jiiJopWWjie.;

he hetter to deceif • (ho puhiiei tiwy at tlio •a'nia-'tiniaj>Hi . . . . , iM.^ . , . . : . . . , - ^ . j -Jp .- TawBStm% Mil thi"'

,. vr**i*.MM* (,«,!,Hiim,-Bvfir TS.IHSHS thB jiGiSpie .yel.evsthat the (toff tiny Smttufutan, It Uia Dr, Towiueiiii'i''.Sawipiirii!!!,. that haj p rfwTng* jajnaiiy ifmiaerfijl.

feBataiiea wlileii ni other mmikliai iveiywMiarUjj^iise.^illiaijbSi.runtriieiia^]rB ftoya' eMnnHBswI syili agninat thwio jsifin foi.

0§^^^jf§m:fm\H^ii^,>-'"-:::'>>':Hp -;.' '::-


HlttTUtn(hat 8, P.'Tewnsrnd'n urilclo and nil! lir, JncsbTownccnil'.BannparMia iwo htmimtcld^fiparl, and Mmteljt ilufimilsa-.t tUi\t Ihoy onj uolUte in jTiiry iiartleiilar, liaving no_onestnilithinjiirMninioii." ™"T•:,'---'-"".• - ; ".-

Aa1 s; It. Town«nd- H TO doetor, (fij ntv#r ,wn«, is -nl" •'•"•• ' '——' ~ — o f meuietni-oi

mitmmUuw!itirMiiirssamknara<m\ma«&Bpf6tet!, mmgiuifimtn tf»« >J» pnbljfi"h»*» that ihw lira re-cotviW a gflnntfj*»ofent[fle meiiinino,f oBtifning nil thsvirt f th iiBloa mea in prepailiii! ft, iijid wl leh are in.

ei whfeh mijht roiiitsr Uiom the AQIIN'CSn f h > a l ^ i : . , ; ' ; ' : : .:-•. ,^-^i-

M W ^ l jk

c i a gflnntfjtuoi! of th» ariiBloa mea

hui «f"ehun hf

fHiiitviiiii^iiu niiuuiii y. _•lotli.ihf BffiniiartiiTel^ijf njsdm!4,peaan,af so»^«aMe»,sB. le. seoinirioh ilecitm--liiojsli- .Ifow:niuifll "WM niaiiii itaj II n

^oHS!Af8B h a u m K n o V w i i V f f l o r f l e a M f l r o ^ r : p . h _,_inanfjer tififlf.urihg mid eoncuntnilinf llnslr hlallng viriilo*

1 tnjWBniiiTSiiewiqdgoof iho various i !w» j j if liiiihuntnilinf l.of. iho, various ia h tift>|lbeih*eJsumwi|^eh!iJ»M 'MS.^J9^>j

g v i r lo*j j if liiiih

aIt ia i




S A It S APlilXL t, A...'.•. Woiulor'nna JJIeMlng ot .tfce Age,

Thelmasi ezlrsQrdinsrtj Medieine in //ie World'Thin Kxtrset Jg' put up In (tnart Boillos ; it ii six linior

ioUi. It bufci diieaeo - ivitUout voniitinj, purging,sloksijiiig of debiliiatijig'UieJfltlenl 'g

;-,-BnLffraaUiiiaiitV and guptriority of this i a p B r t llaiweroU othorMedioincsJi, whfls jt ersdjeatBi ilig-

G, rt.lnylgoralnM.tliQ-bQdy, Jt"Is OTie of the very best

aRT AND BWIMEU' MEDICINEBsv#r Known} it not only^puriiio! me wiiole ij'stominirstrengtliens tbo]iBriJoni but It ereates, new, jura

.iod-rleliBliiiHl j a power poiseised hy nn othor M«d>'lislno: And in this liu« thtt (fraud Buefot of ill wondar,fui suecasi. It has iiorformeil w jlllin iiio lost two yean,moi'o tlian.ona Iiiiiii] red tiioiinind euro! of nat'ere oaBei3f disesf e, at leastj SO.O01) were sonHidarod i)ieural,ie.It liu iBvod the lives ol more tliaiiJ5,0po.Bhildren tkothreo isast seasoiis, ' ' " . .

rIOOjOOO cuaciii p r Gonernl.-Oelillltjr a m l w a n t -OfNcirVOUg"

S-- P. TovffjsF.Np'i Sar^aparllla invigorates the,ygterpotty:—*t*O"tlT1fl rffTViigLhRYribsl=

their liiiiMeuitir eijerii}', hy the eiTuet?? of rne^ieiiie, oriiidifierijti,in r.fininiitTud in yoiith, or lite esrepgRiv'e in,dulgeneii of the passions, and brought.oii tiyjiliyiicalproitiritiiin of the Jlefmnnyttfirii iMsiluiiV, wiitit nfanibitieii, fiiliiiili^ sensutinns, lirfiniature tlegay aridilyeline, hasteiiiiig toward that filial disease, Unnimnlp

JKtili, Gail Ue Cl]li^^lv r^^i'ir^i'i T'y III'*3 I'lUng^gl ^njaily-..This SarsBparilla lei far iu|ierior to any

per copy, Each irrmreBsion is aoeompnnlBd byi n initruetive pletofiul kef Of roforeiieo, 'deserib-iiig trie Boeiiej thn eliiii'aetara, the Iiiatory wliieliIml to ilio ovput, Dud tlio principles eoritB«8«<rt lor.

In CDiinexiou with Siirtoiii'a. Magailno botliwork* will be fur ilsii.od on llie following liberalterrns, which are iuvurlabljf in eidyoiica ;—Quo Copy of tho Mugaziuo, and otia of

tho-Print, - —- - - • #3- 00Two Copiei? of tlfo JilBgnf.iiiBj aiid two .

of tiie Prinls,7~".~-", '-' - 5 00Five OopiBs of the Mitgazino, and fivo of the'hit, "togetlltjr witli oTT@~fjopy'~of"biJtjvwQTlcirtb

J,bo gettor up of tlip Club, .912, , " .•. ' ' •

T h e plica of Wrtrtaiii's Magaziuo bo ng of itself0S-ppr-iiiiin«ttf4iotlr-TVofltS!—jniirtlyirraj- nowT^rfIlio iibovo oflbr, bo hud foi what was herotoiprbtlio iiriiin of etlnli grpariiL^lsv —. —.

As'it renews and invigorates the system! gi ves netlvltf •to the limbs, and strength to the musouiar system 111 amost eEtragrdiliiiry dpjrrge., . _.^.^.. - - - - -

CiRaiisG and •girengtlien. ConsunipUon ean lie cured.}li'tiui:hili.s, Cowmmpliiin, lAvtr CawjUaiiii, Cald$Caiiiriht CnuziiH, ^if/iifld, SjiUl4ni: o}' Jttiwrf, SoreHUSS in ll:i! Chest, JUiClie. Flush, Nishi SmiuiJ, IH/fieuil III1 Prnfute Xxptelatelien, i'ain in till SirffQfi1., harv !>e?ji and cim be cur?rt,

BllIHIlIB Ulooit.ITn.'S, P. TOMHSKHU—I verily liuliovo your fiarso.

pariliii hns hien tiie nienm, lliroli'ffh 1'nn ideiice, ofiHviiiK niy iifa. 1 have for several yea>-3 l i i i lnl i id'.'oiigii. It hoeanie worse nnil worse. At lost 1 railedhu'Kii qtiniitjtles of L4nod, had'night sweats, ahd wsijCrLMilIy ciehilitrited iiiifl redueed, uiiii iliii not esiieet tolive. I have only used your Sarsii]mi'illn n short time,lllii there li;i? fi wondeifui change lieeir wrought inme. I am uo\v aljle tn wiiLU all over the city T raiseno hlood, nod iiiy eoHgh hiiji left hie^ Ymi can wellini'.iginc liiiit I nm IliaiiUfiil for thoiie reiiilts. servant, , , WAI. EUSSKL,', 03

mi»; F-itsri. P i t a i nDn, i, p. Towmmsn, not having tested -his inrsiu

pariria in rinsy of luts, of enurse, ntiver recomnieiidedit, am) wns i.iirpnV'1 in iTtiiMi-a tho lullowing liom nn

' inli)lli';riit atid reapeetabld Karmei' in "Wijstehestcrf'liuiitj i " ' .

' - . . . _ . pLmUam, J!ii«usn%, 1B47. .Dn.,B P. TowAsiiSB—Ilenp Sir : j have a littleigirl,

ie\i*;i leiiis of uge, who .iiaa been several yearsnfUii'tOil wfth I.'ila \- we tl'led'ainiortysvery-'lhingyfor

•liMJiJiiit « iilioiit anrenss . nt last, althnugli wo uriiildiiid |Hi reuriniMieililationiii yourfirctllers foreaneii like

lii;l'3, Wi; tliniigiit, its ijlje was iii very delicate health,WH \vould bivuher Eomo of your Sarsaparilla, and are¥liid WP diq, for it licit only restored her &£rongUi, hutihe has had no return of the Fits, to our verygra&tLih-iisiUre and surprise. She is fast Iiocominf ruggediuil healthy for wijifih w€ feel grateful.

Yours respectful!}', JOHN BUTLER, Jll.

Dn, 8 P. TowssRsn'a Snmaparillii is a invereigBand Ifiiiiidy cure for Ineiiuonf CaiwiinVntion, Barron-

. imiis, l!rt,I(insus Uteri, or t'ailinp of tho Womb, (Jos.tivrnesg, Piuj3, LencoEihfga, or Whites. oTliitriicted orriiilHiiui ,*ioii^iruiiiion. inKOntihenRe of Urine, or in.voluntary discharge .thereof, and for the general pros,tnitinn of the system—no matter whether the resultof inherent cause or causes, produced by irregularity,

. iltiiQsii or aeeideiit. Nothing oan be more surprising' tlian its Invigorating cfieefs on the'human, frania-

I'nrs.iris all wiiikiieaii anil' lassitude, from taking J* at' inou lieoome robust and fui! of energy under. iU In*Iliience. It Imhiediately eoiinferacts 'the, nervelessness of Hie female frame, which Js the great cause ofBarrenness. It will not lie expected of hi, in oases of30 delicate a nature,' to exhiliit aertifidates of c u mperformod, but we can asiuro the *liiieted, thaiImn.

, aiaijH of coses have been reported to us. Thousandsof coies Wiore families J u r e Been without children,after using a few bottles of tliii inTalmble Mtdloine,have been blessed with fine, healthy offspring, .

' Spent nii'SslHg t o BIotHcrg nnd Cli l l i l r tn .

"It is tho Brifey. and j i a j t ellbetnaj. medJeiBB. toiiniijryigjfviijif; »j« k&'^'JsUiyimXiBmWMWB^ttenilrtiit lijioh cUihlliirtli evflr-dlieovered. It strength-aiU hutli llie mother aiiii ihe child,'ji! events palullud,iiri!'ii,t> iiinren^es and iiiiricheii the food | those who

UrtuteJiMTjWIoreiiiia^neftiinflneuiisni, as it proveiitattendftnt upon child^hirUi—in Co&tiveness,

Pilos, f'riiinjm, Swelling of the Kyetj JPespoiiaeifey,llii.irthurri, ¥(,iiiitliiB, ,J'ain in the iijielt and Lions,halm l^ijiis, llemoii'hage.and in secrettions and efjnuii'/.ing tll6 eircuialiorl, |t has no equal.The great Uyauty oi-this medieine is, it is ahvays iafe,tnd the. most delietitQ me it most ^ueGeguiiiny, veryfew eases require any other mediciile, in some, al t t t i F ^ U r t f # H > I a r i J i f l U i

q y ed^U!rttif-#Hror-i>I»giiariJ is uieful.

•the open idliM^d^ithfilnl

p i fpangM^od^ i th f i ln i i rn lWialways secure a safe: and giisy.eonfliiemeat.

Rl tuuinnt lg i t i i , —SluekwtU'i Mont, Sept. 14, 1S47, :

Da, i , P, TewsiBHo-^Dear Bir l 1. liave. suflerad tM'I'ibly fur nine yeanrwitli tho Hhiuniatisiri | eoiliidera .nle of the time 1 could =not eal, ile&p or walk, l'liaaUie utmost distressing pains, and my limbs weife ter.rihly.^woilen. I have aged four bottlii of your Snrsa'.

-paiilln, ae4 ,ihey *av.e , lonQ me mora than one t h q tHand dollars wocllj*f eqart,.I «onv so mueh bettof—iii

• • t o i l JmftFr OTW^^^SieVed, You ore at iihil'ty lbBlJtnW8'r the '^nPt* rof the afflicted. • •, '•:

yours respectfully, : jAMiaS CUMJIlHas,VVte ABV, J o h n Seger

Of JorsaT.nty, an oil anil j ight^ raspeelalile Olergymaq of the IJiiptlit iieiiomlnrition, handed in the folInWing ceitillcuto ut Dr. S, I1, Toivmend's ofiioo, IIspeiiks fur itself^ '

^S^J^^S^fc^Pswf^iffiNfaTiuai.BH:?lllllT!fnTftSTl.give you a statoment eftho henefffT doriv-ed' frotnlisin^ your Ssrsaparllla, believing, liy so doirig, I

been, JBi.lani1flMi)ll1'flfflffi'-1, «h— •m.-i-g-— I -J was rsdueed'/dr innrty raontlu hy tliju.

fiii- me to wrilk or keep aboiit, J had also a tetter,which eoi-ered the rndsf part of my Head—wlilBh wastxiiemclj' troutilcioniis and ioro; itgotjtq be nlmostascah, I iiggd nriite ii'. immlief'fir.FnmHiljp^fHrJjnth

1 eofflpiain»j7 buETe"e%rv@d iule oV noligriSSti uiitii'I took your iarioparilja, which, through the

:of_rTOj,idenco, hoi I'estoriil.mttompro-Uian my iisutt.-hesltli, as I am now enjoying hotter than I Have for uliumhaj' «f.jBB, '_:l^m nowjp j s u f o f i p . . i b f e - -Jplievo it to lie tn inviloabli}. medicine, ind reesmninndit to my niimeroiiB acijug^luieea, whieh ia yerylargo. Si I Jsave been a minister K fjieat mallj )'e«rs.I Ijopi this hijty rtuteh rtily, btf u : mueli benefit tnyou ni your medieiqs hM to*

"•' jftifiiriw?,: JOHN

The follfjwing waa Vientliy'fllj BeW J, OfTtfNlSOpal (;hutcli-»oiiro:C4ho rtait Isi

derfui oHbctr of Dr. i , P.'-U'owjjiend'i jarsaparilla oat h o l y l t C B l , . : ; • « , . , • - , ; . . , - , ' , - ; - ' ; . ' " . v : , : . ! ; •-.' • . : * / • . • : . • -


Bkli.tB SJipiriBBoo i^ijantary iftota i and I hfiFSSw

: " 1 ;.Bftv£trfeii!'«B4(:If•Ottj^fr^' l

-BY j q

B. fl. Peterson, Editor & Proprietor.HIGHTBTOWK^TrfEHCEtt ftrtT, K. J . '

«™t- fratnli upon the »Rfiiriuiiato,tg- - - - * - - — - a , • - •

Fo(faJ]i'in; Higbtiitowp, for n short time <m-

—$lj50 per year, payablem ndvArjce.

^ ^ j ^ ..i" Kfl_!zLu2:j£^J'-L '--:- -

E, PROPBiBTons OF S A R T M N S IMAC34Z1NE.having pufeliBfod tha Inrgi

and h iiidBomaBtepljlutB,%tt,.jftillyoiifyuYi)iii»litis tiuil iiiM^^utiulf fiuill ilRs uolubiateJ J l bbyQoorgo CattBrmoloi rflproaantiBj

TH'fe FIRST nEFORMERS.-Frcnniing their Famous Pvolcst at the Diet of' • ' . , _ y - \ Spins, MJ-J62B, ,

now pflbr it in eoijnaxSpn with -their. Magnjiiiia 'onterms uiipreoddoutly low, '

Tliia majoifiooiit eomposilion eoutninj .'h'o'nrlyoils hundred figures, and includes autlietitja par .(raits of tha most promiuoiit inei'i-connected wltli^* Ut iiii|juitJnt uyuiit. 'I'lia <vorlt ' ( l l ' Of

nmrijiii) mnaBurcij 81 iiiqhos by IS , 'nnd tba priiithaa novar baaii rnlnilnfl nt a prinn Iraa ttmn * "

1'ropamtionsaTemfliiBj.lo-.'publish in the Mag"izino'a iihiieaof Uliistrated urtiakiH on J'IMISIIICANHininus ,-ebmineiieinf/ with a Fietorlal Lifo ofGeneral Jiipkioji, . . _ J

1 " " " " • " " " " • "

in'tijo yiiitodSiiites, to get up CliibB upon" theabove liberal terms, - . • .

Send'on your Siibijeiijitlniis, and' Beoiiro ,^0woi'tli of rbailinij and enifniviug for f'0. Ad-dress, JOHN 8ARVAIN &CO,, , .


T H E R I 5 A £ J O B N U I N B , O K I G I N A i :

100 Chatham Street,ONLY ACObBDiON DEPOTi

ertLablishmei'it received ihe.PrcmiiiniiJ. for their oiiso of Muaiaal Instruments CNo,

PI") at the, Iiiiu fa i r of tile Ainericiin IiistitiilF'.-AH alteniiilH littve lieeii mude liy persons besrriiiirtlio suiiio mirof, to reap tlic bi'iii'fitB of he sukipreniiinn, iho true JACOIIB tiiltfs this oppnrtuiiHyl i cull the aUoiitioii of the piiliiid'to. the facts i'u-

JjU.iiiw-io^liBrHamfi— -44UV-PnmtinrrrinistTiimomsare. sold only at 101) Cha tham street, and all i-lh-vf olainm to tha.premium are slieer inipositioiia.This Tnotliod is pursued', by us to convince andproteot' tha public against linpositidiiB of a Bliiistercharacter. The party boaring our iluine, andimitating our business; liiis, for tho purpose olmisleading the public, eaiiaatl to be planed in theirshow window a Silver Mndul, pbtujilpd from..theAmerican l»«tii.iito by eornfi.'of their fairiily, lormaUiiig Children'^ .Clotliiiij, as a premium forMusioal IiiBtriimeiitH. 1'elNons are plutlniilrirly•' i J t o l i L l i l " ' • —-J-

i'tqueiaiLU, ujiLii ayuiiL [itu^uueiii|* uiiu lookinglor our store, not to mind tiia iiaiiie, but bo eer.liiin an rcgurda the number, wliich is lOU ChathamStreet, • - ' . • '

N.'B.—^ocordoons, Vlolltii, Guitars, Banjos,Flutes, TahiboriiiM, Strings nnd parts of hiBtrii-fneirts, of tiie best quality, for sale 00 per dent,less lhn,ij( at any other similar eutuWisliment iutills city. Aeqordcoui tuiitil,and'* repiiired byJaeobs, wiio p'eriouglly does tlio Kjiairs'. Ai froqueiit epinplaliitii,ur.p lundB lo him by pontonswho, tljrougii inistako, have left their Accordsons in another store, and have bad thsni spoiled,lie reqoiiimendB Ilia qnstoiners to tftlse no"noticewiiateviir of signs and liajnes, but bear jn mind

ET 100 OHA THAM STREE T, , aAlways.on hand our delebruted Sqvoii Tray

££ asi*s»piSs!f^^M^^*S#**%*iar^!*>^»B£a3^&*«as-i(*»V**^;i^^»rt*6Oll3i ' ' \ i •" • • ' .- •

New York, Febrimry SI, iB51_ly, '


Petroleum3 or Rook Oil./t Natural Rimidyi procured fihm a Will jn

g ^ y y 400deep. Put/up nnd Solil by SAMUEL L; KIER,Sevenlh iStreet, PiUBburgh, Pa. ;


' ;•'•••": : ' ; RiTKUMATlSM. .

The following extracts .art from a letter receiv-ed from a "young gerileinaii al MiddieLnifr/, Sum.'mit Co. Ohio, They are attested by Chad, 'Uul>den, and PnEligah Curtis of that plaoaa,n-_Df«r Sivi—Gt'attitude

jwlilrtnatUWpr"/Waf hffliqtad' tVHli tlitit awfuland diBbeartniiig disease. thetjUiflamtoo^rh^i

"«Ti i t , whilst I •fll 8 e p , i ; ^ ,

i ia id wag.bioagjit.horiitf from tliBtpiano to Middlehtirg, where H a y on my bank for3yBr;:iwomoiitha-^-fpr three' wooka of thiatime I

j i i) njrnny Jlay wjthtny linibs ill bna position 011J qould not

^tlr u mraofe, nor: jiBVs niy bed changed Myicreatnii ooujd be hsafd all over tliu neighborliood,sp-jirtijimijfliwaSkrflyJBoffM'iiifr' When every orderremedy prByed'VB.lut3lc.Bi, 1 Ii id to recourse toyqnr iuvalnabla Petroleum, of which I bud madebut tliree applTCatiorii, until I commenced to got4 4 i '

L' . * ^ « ' " = ' . t '

ZH . v J - L 1

.bettartipp g

I ua«d ultogathei" but two bottles and _a

JffarUlOewSen, _^Br.SBgahOurtia,

.Fi cderick H Iileckci •

" THE OUT ' IS STILL THEY COME."••'."• ;>"-1;Huron Co., OltiOi Jan. 15th 1851.

%ftaarSlr:t^Sprii>t tltrto Woeke ago youragontor your Pptroleumr ~I htive

•re«wBref BipnHaHeeBr-gmrW>^f"WW«TW^>Z.tyitam, atiMded wiutMiatatttaiM alartflSSliatkttta'

I had a BpybJte flflpfihi; of long standing, Mid,'Stroloum a?i(l gave it'to"

._ . on old lady who hadjifjilWB^ir^hiSttaetiibyiJB 'lall and utramud tlft-nmscleu 0/ lier arm,ali(i.|jlTourdcrr wiui cured bynibbing theTetrblearnTBB Iho puita afliicted —,1 also bad ait-fltlookof bllul pilos, and by tho

i&tien ' of'j!p^iyftl*i"*fjJi F.



Castries afulcelPREPARED from £enm(, or the fourt

aeh-'or the1 Ox,' aftor BlrtoUoiiiL l P h i l i l fflij , tlio great Physiological .fflili

. IIoughton.'M'. D,, Pliiladejptiia, PaThis ii a truly woBaarful 'remedy


by J :

ftrapcpli' • " • " ' •' J "i1 1 •*—r—' -• "^.^i—**rr^« ^wiuiJiarnEi

Qonsllpatioii, and Debility, quriuf.alte'r-Watur,B'Mown method, by Nalure'i own Agent, tlio Gani-ma' • — - = - S i ~ - "

.of .PflDsiH,..Uiftiseil. (n'•walerli_will digeit-of dlisolve, 'five pounds ofiUmt^ileef-inrahuu.1 Iwa hum ti, uut of tlio Btoin-a q b . • • • '• - ' . " • ' • . . . ( '

PEPSIN is the great."'dig'eilitijr' prinoipln pfthe Gastrlo .liiiqo—the .Solvent of tho Food, thopurifying, jiresortmifj,: and itimulatiiig agjsnt oftho Stoniacii and Inteutnios, It Is nxtracted fromthe digestive stqmdeh of the Ox, tlrus forming anArtificial pjjrusiivi! Fluid, ^im/il,a|y Ijlce iho-;natural Uastrle Jtiioa In ife/chomical powers, aattfliMiisbiiig &aompht£ tLxidptn-fecl snhstitute for tt.By the ilia"oTibifprqTaratiou, the pains and evilsof Iiiillgestioji ana JJyapepsia are removed, justfis they would'bo by a healtliy stomaq'b. It la(ioinn;, wondprs-forliypeptioaj—quring.oases ofDebility,' Emaciation, Nervous Decline, andBy_8pjplw_CnnmimptiftT\l mipponej to beyorgo of tho pave , Tho Bpieutific • JSvidoiieeupon whieh it Is bnied, ia iu iho highest degreenuTioiis and rimarkablo. ' '

Seieiiiiflc Evidence,l^iMiafcailKt^'nial

Fluid, aiiatogoiis to Iho Gaitriq Juioc,. tnay boreadily prepared from the mucous membra i e oftbe etoinauii of the'Half, ju which various arti-clt's of food, aa nieut and epps, will bo Bofteiied,'nhiiiifjell, and ijiffesiijd, jiiit in iho some mailnirus Ihi.y would be" in ilio luiinan Ktoinaoli."

l)r. I'pieiiri, in liifi famons Irentiso 011 ' Food«iid IJitH,' jiubliHlied by Fowler & WeUs, N. y ^puijo 3fl, (stiiteN tlio Biime great fact, and diBcrihoHihe nicthod of pi'p|iara(ion, 'J'here ore few.bigher'UiitliiirilU'S than D , Pttreira, ' • • "..

r'r. Coinlit), in liia valuable wrilinp on th i - 'Physiology of DiegBtion,' obsoryM tbalT' u diminution •of. Ihu dnp ijiianiity of the Gastriq Jnieo is a. pro-,iiiiiinrit and ril|.|irf,vaiiiiitf cause of DyHpepnia ;'uiidjie Rtntis lliLit, ' ,1 distiiir/iiiNiifd profesmr ofiiii'iiiiiiiio in I.niidon, who was (severely nlllinted —wilii this' conijiluint, fliiding evwylbing elce tolull, li 11 (,Gnstrfq. J11 ioe,-obttiined -•from (lie (iluiniielis of living aniniuli>, which- provedonnipli'lely. HiieeeBsfiil.' •..'•. ., : ' .

IJr, (Jmliiirii, luiHior of'tlie on ...J_VqgPlHbSe JIet;':mjs_;^Ll! ritiv reinurkitWa ~faetin pliy«iulojry, that iho slomaqlis of anfmala, ma-eeruted in'water, impart to the fluid the propertyof dis^dlving various articles of food, and of of-lootiug a liiiid of ariiflqla! digestiiin of ihem in no •'wise difTereUt from tho natural digefitiye; process.'

ProfeSijor'DuugliBoii, of tho Jefferson College,Philadelphia, in'his .grant work oil Human Pliy-Biology, devotes 'more I him fifty pages .lo : an ex-amiiiation of this sitlijiAct, His vxperiinelils withUr, IJeaumoiit, on tho Gastric juice'obtained fronifile living liuman stomach, and from aiiimals, are

ooourfed as perfectly in-the artifieiai as ' in ' ' thenatural digesLioni.'- • . '.

Dr-John WrDrffperTTrofeRsor of-Cliemistry inthe Medical College of the Uiilyorsary of NewYork, in H|s 'Text Book of Chemistry/ page3iO,MayHj i I t has been a. question whether wtifloial,dig#Btioii-eotil(t-bir*rmrd—but i( isfijowuniversally admitted that It may be,' " , . ' " •

Dr, Cnrpf liter's standard work on Physiologj*,which Is In the library of everj- phvsi'elan, and islisiet ns a Text Book in all'tha Colliges, is full ofovidciice similar to (he abova,' respecting the re-markable Digestive power of Pepsin, and the faof.that it may be. readily separated from tho stomach.

paiirrTTfftjiBiJyi^rtllwagB ofthe Stomaeh, and deficient Becroiiou of Gastric/uice, • -, , • , ' " • • • ' . "

of"" J i

Hp. . . , „ g b Inrge umouut of Scienti-

fic1 Evideiidb, sliiiilar to the '.above, together withReports of Rom arkabld'Cures, from all parts oftlio United States, ' , . .'

As a - Dyspepsia Curer,Dr, Hoiighton's Pepsiu has produced the most

maWHouBH»rfeeUpir-oiiriiig (jaBeg^f-BabliJty,Emaciatiori, Neryoui Deolinoi and pyapaptlo "C o i i s u i n n t i d n , I t i a j r n p n i M i h l n t n j l v -• • • « • • • • • •

of oaaei in tho limits of this ndrertlf i rnent; butuiUhentioated cirtiflp^whaYft bo.Bttgiven of,more.'than two hundred remarkable, eurtf, hi Phila;*Nei,v York and Beaton alone, ThiiB were allnearly desperate oaiM, and tho: ourei were notonly rapid and wonderful, but permanent.

It is a great Neryeus Antidote; and pirtiou1

larly useful for teiidenqy to Bilious diidrderj liiy'ei1'doinplaint, Fever.and Ague, or Badly treatedFever and Ague, arM tho *evii effepts of Qumlne^Bltrcury, and oilier drugs upon the DigestiveOr»gans, after a long sickuess. Alsoffor excess ;iBeating,jiud the too free use of^prdeut spirits, l i t ;

ocqiiai|es;//f!alM^^ifsiniimmwOld "Stomadh Oohi plain til

l ^ f o f O l d ^ J C

once, N q j i M l f J m % y y gInstant Relief, A. *itigls dort roinovesthe uri»pleasant Byrflptoms;.ond it only needs'to be. r e .petitcd'far a Miott t i b k U h i i ' f f t

Turity of Blood, .nid Vigor of Bodyfollow at ones It 13 particularly exc«lleul_iuoas>>« ol Nausea, Vomiting, Cramps, Soreness ofthe pit of tho Stomach, distress after eating, lowcold ttato of tho Bloqd, Hoavinesii, Lowliness ofSpirits, Despondency, Kmaciation, Woakiicss,tendency to Insanity, Suicide, &c.

Ur. Houglilon's Pepsin, is Bold by nearly allthe dcaiors-m fiuo drngfl-iindHPopular TttedicrnBB,thronjjhoul tho United States It is prepared mTowder and m Fluid fprm—and in Prescription'"VUIJI for tho use of physicians

Private Circulars fortho IISO «f physicianBTmaybo obtamed of Dr Houghton or Im Agents, des-cribing (he whole process of preparation, iiiidgivnig-the imthorities upon which"tho claims oftins new remedy are based. As it iSJnot a secretromody, no^objection^o^n be raised'agamst it»Mo -y, bjeotJ0Jve4n be j i i a g a i n nsoby ph)siciHns,)n respectable Btaiiduig aijd legnlarpractice. Price. One' Dollat per bottle.

ID* Pepsm m Powder BenOy-mai),Jreo. o fpOBtl

EF Sold bj nil Druggists an|l dealers in Mcdi-


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