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come join the twitter madness

101 to get u simply started

NOTE - this presentation will not make you a twitter expert. it will just help you be a relevant tweeter.

why are you on twitter?

did your marketing guy ask?

just for the kicks?

peer pressure?

twitter neither makes you rich nor any likeable than what you already are…

if u r still not committed, don’t add to the clutter

lets get startedhope you have a twitter account? see youtube for step by step guide in setting up the profile

sanity check. all in place?


pleasant photo. full name, bio, company name, designation, likes, location, header, background.

listen & follow others


start following the experts in your areas of interest. get exposed to the ocean of information. no disgrace in following. just follow.

retweet reply reuse


there is enough information out there. retweet and reply to the good ones. this will break the ice.

focus & build your voice


time to build your own voice. unfollow irrelevant tweeters. focus on good information sources. start sharing your views.

status check

+ following a good set of tweeters

+ tweeting at least 5 per day

+ leveraging the power of retweeting

+ sharing views freely

bridge the relevance gap


listen closely to what your customers and key stakeholders are saying. use them in your conversations. follow customer organizations too.

share. don’t be a dinosaur


share a lot. links, photographs, videos. be a go-giver. give back to the next you on twitter. show your human side. everything is not business. give some stories.

don’t make a # of yourself


don’t bug your tweet with lot of # tags. use them intelligently. just your company name or the keyword. don’t be desperate. use link shortners. keep it clean.

status check

+ rich and relevant tweets

+ quality content? keep trying

+ made friends by sharing

+ stay at 5 tweets per day (at least)

patience. you will get followers


keep tweeting. don’t be too desperate for followers. they want to see if you are consistent. use email signature, cross link to promote your twitter.

strengthen the other branches too


show your depth of thinking. strengthen your other channels too. blog. write articles. be in media. integrate. twitter alone will not help you.

be open


there is enough science and art in tweeting. you just started. be open for more. learn a bit each day. don’t chew everything at once.

status check

+ clean page with information showing that you are human

+ share links, photos to connect with audience

+ include audience in your conversation - reply, personalize

+ don’t be desperate. do your job

+ be relevant to your audience. don’t boast too much one is ever killed tweeting

all images are the property of the author

twitter - kiranmohan78

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