Download - Types of Stressors



TYPES OF STRESSORSIs simply the bodys response to changes that create taxing demands.STRESSEustressPositive stress

DistressNegative stress

Types of StressMotivates, focuses energyIs short-termIs perceived as within our coping abilitiesFeels excitingImproves performanceCharacteristics of EustressCauses anxiety or concernCan be short- or long-termIs perceived as outside of our coping abilitiesFeels unpleasantDecreases performanceCan lead to mental and physical problemsCharacteristics of DistressThe death of a spouseLosing contact with loved onesThe death of a family memberHospitalization (oneself or a family member)Injury or illness (oneself or a family member)Separation from a spouse or committed relationship partnerChildrens problems at schoolExamples of Negative Personal StressorsReceiving a promotion or raise at workMarriageBuying a homeHaving a childTaking a vacationHoliday seasonsTaking educational classes or learning a new hobbyExamples of Positive Personal StressorsExcessive job demandsJob insecurityConflicts with teammates and supervisorsLack of training necessary to do the jobMaking presentations in front of colleagues or clients

Causes of Distress ( Work & Employment)Fears: (e,g., fears of flying, heights, public speaking, chatting with strangers at a party)

Worrying about future events (e.g., waiting for medical test results or job restructuring)

Causes of Distress ( Internal)End

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