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Kettering U3A January 2014


21st January 2014

Kettering U3A Year 10 Newsletter 06

Registered Charity No. 1108614

Next Month — 18th February

Flying For Life

Ron Silvers

From the Chairman HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you all had a good Christmas and that 2014 will be a healthy and happy one. Thank you all for the many positive and kind comments following our very enjoyable December meeting. A big thank you must go to The Seagrave Singers for their excellent entertainment at our Christmas meeting. There were many positive comments, not only for the Singers but also about the refreshments afterwards, so I think everyone had an enjoyable afternoon. It is now back to business as usual for the Committee, and as I have previously mentioned we have a full complement taking us forward to the AGM in June, a situation that we have not enjoyed for the last couple of years and we intend to make the most of it! The New Year is getting off to a good start with all Group Leaders being invited to a meeting on Friday January 24

th. I have said, many times, that without the support

of our dedicated and hard-working Group Leaders U3A would not be the success that it is and I hope that the event will be supported by as many Group Leaders as possible so that we can work together to ensure that our Groups continue to thrive. In the coming months we intend to revise the Newsletter and look at ways in which improvements could be made to the monthly meeting. Group Leaders and members will, of course, be consulted on any proposed changes.



The Battle of Northampton

Mike Ingram of

The Battlefields Trust

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Kettering U3A January 2014


Members & Group Leaders Information

Monthly Meeting

Dates & Speakers

Refreshment Rota

Terry Young is our refreshment organiser and she will keep the contents of the refreshments up to date. There is no need to bring milk and biscuits. There is no washing up! If your group is assisting please be there by 1.15pm to help set-up

This month it is Committee


JANUARY Walking Group FEBRUARY Sugarcraft MARCH Spanish APRIL Knit & Natter MAY Photography JUNE (AGM) TBA JULY Water Colour Painting AUGUST Canals & Waterways SEPTEMBER Writers Group OCTOBER Bridge NOVEMBER Discussion DECEMBER Christmas Meeting

You will be reminded by e-mail prior to your allocated meeting date Please note – this is a draft timetable. Should you foresee any problems please contact Terry Young ASAP Tel: 01536 392 065 E-mail [email protected]

Normal charges are:-

TEA/COFFEE with biscuits 50p

SQUASH (on request) 30p

Our next meeting at the Fuller Church, Gold St. Kettering

Format of the meeting:-

1.30pm Hall open

Tea/coffee & biscuits available

Time to browse the groups and sign up

for a visit.

2.15pm - 2.30pm U3A notices.

2.30pm—3.30pm Speaker

3.30pm (approx.) another opportunity to sign up for a visit and time to renew membership.

3.45pm Meeting ends.


You can view the newsletter in

glorious colour on the internet at

and a fully interactive versions are there too at

18th Mar Tell Us About It! Members 15th Apr Antique Roadshow. James Burton (TBC) 20th May Vulcan To The Sky 17th Jun Annual General Meeting 15th Jul TBA 19th Aug TBA 16th Sep TBA 21st Oct TBA 18th Nov Every Picture Tells A Story. Mike Leonard 16th Dec Christmas Special

OBITUARY - John Watson

It is with much sadness that we announce the death of John Watson, a founder mem-ber of Kettering U3A. As many of you know, John had battled with Malignant Melanoma for the last five years with dignity and cour-age. Janet and John belonged to the Strollers Group and the Lunch Club from the incep-tion of the U3A in Kettering. They also en-joyed several trips and outings together. John was also a keen member of the Bridge Group and had latterly joined the Ise U3A Canasta Group. We offer our sincere condolences to Janet and the family at this sad time. Mary Earl

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Kettering U3A January 2014


Your Kettering U3A Committee 2013-2014

Chairman Cyril Young 01536 392 065 [email protected] Vice Chairman Mary Wildman 01536 741 222 [email protected] Treasurer/Membership Sec. Maggi McGuire 01536 392 716 [email protected] Secretary Marian Tucker 01536 510 354 [email protected] Outings/Groups Co-ordinator Maureen Curd 01832 732 361 [email protected] Speaker Secretary David Clayton 01536 520 965 [email protected] Newsletter Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 [email protected] Committee Member (Co-opted) Elizabeth Toseland

Welcome To New Members

Jackie Hanley Sally Cherry Jenny Yates Tony Smith

Don’t forget that if you can’t get to the meeting you can:

♦ collect a Newsletter from either the Library or Tourist Information counter at Kettering Museum.

♦ use our postal service, cost £4.25 for half year. Ask the membership secretary for details.

♦ download the newsletter from the web site, and click on Links

To All Group Leaders From the Committee Please check that any member of your group is actually a member of the U3A. This is important because of insurance implications.

Group Leaders know the Post Code of your venue. The emergency services will ask for it in order

to despatch an ambulance without delay.

Group Coordinator Message

I would like to invite all group leaders to a meeting Friday 24th January at 2pm in the Fuller Church Assembly Room. Contact: Maureen Curd 01832 732 361

Web Master If you wish me to put additional information and/or photographs relating to your Groups on the

Kettering U3A Website, please let me have this either via email to [email protected] or by letting me have hardcopy. It would also be useful if I could have your permission to quote your email address. There is not only a list of Groups on the Website, but each Group also has its own page for the purpose of displaying both information and photographs. At present I have been able to include photographs for some Groups, which is due to the efforts of their Group Leaders. Richard Boyles - Kettering U3A Web Master

News Letter Editor ( Cyril will be producing the February copy) Copy deadline 10 days before monthly meeting: Saturday 8th February 2014 Members photos, drawings, cartoons, poems etc. are all welcome. I will publish if space permits. Please e-mail reports, information, photos etc. to Cyril Young [email protected] or call 01536 392 065

To All Members Unable to attend your group meeting? Please remember to advise your Group Leader as this will as-

sist your leader in all arrangements. Thank you.

If you are aware of anything affecting one of our members, such as an important birthday, anniver-

sary, illness, etc. and feel that a card from U3A would be appreciated, please contact:- Joan Rolfe 01536 521 531

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Kettering U3A January 2014


Visits and Events As many of you are aware a NON REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT is required for you put your name down on any of the arranged trips. Theatre tickets are payable in advance as theatres will only hold a group booking for a limited period. Should you wish to cancel after you have confirmed a booking it is your responsibility to find a person willing to take your place and reimburse you accordingly. In some instances, if we have a waiting list for example, we will put you in touch with someone who has shown an interest.

ALL COACH FARES ARE SUBJECT TO NUMBERS In many instances we are unaware of final numbers so we cannot confirm the cost of the coach until this is ascertained. We now include a gratuity amount in the costing to include coach drivers and where applicable site guides. If we need to cancel through lack of support then those who have paid will get a full refund. Cheques should be made payable to U3A Kettering No. 2 A/C Thank you for your forbearance in this matter. Maureen.

Trips & Visits

Suggested trips for 2014 a) A wander round Stamford b) Hampton Court Palace & Gardens c) Dance 'til Dawn Vincent & Flavia d) Saffron Waldron in June I am displaying a sheet for any suggestions you may have for trips in 2014. I have yet to book anything so please put forward your suggestion asap.

NEW Groups

GOLFERS GROUP is now running. See details in

interest group reports.

THEATRE GROUP This seems to have caught a lot of

interest. Please see me at this meeting so that we may arrange a meeting at my home in January.

Contact: Maureen Curd 01832 732 361 [email protected]

March 18th Meeting

Do you have a hobby/interest?

Why not come along and share it with the members? Whatever your interest; Collecting, Craft Making, Painting, Sky Diving, Snake Charming, Sport etc. come along and let others share in your passion. Perhaps you will find others who share the same interest and maybe even enough people to start an interest group. Just bring something along to make a simple table top display so you can chat with fellow members. Group leaders please feel free to come along and put on a display too. You will not be asked to stand up, and speak. Just to be on hand to chat to other members

Group Leader Meeting 2013

Committee Meeting 2013

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Kettering U3A January 2014


Card Making 1 — Christmas was definitely over when

we started the new year card making with enthusiasm. As always we started with coffee and finished up the Christmas shortbread before card making began. Mary Earl provided us with some wonderful label cards and each of us followed her idea but added some of own interpretation. Its amazing what you can do with a luggage label and some backing paper, buttons and bows.

February's meeting is at 167 Headlands. Please phone Marian if you are not coming. 01536 510354. Thank you ladies for an enjoyable January meeting and look forward to seeing you all in February. Report by Marian Tucker

Contact: Mary Earl 01536 522456

Bookworms — Members choose the books we are to

read, and so far we have read an eclectic selection. It is a way of introduction to authors we would not normally have chosen. If you enjoy reading, why not join us? Contact: Pauline Parkin 01536 799197

A Good Read—New members welcome.

Contact: Diana Ellis 01536 723380

Bridge - Every Friday at the

Bridge club 1.30pm-4pm.

Contact: Sue Macfarlane 01536 523754

Canals & Waterways — Next meeting at 2.0pm at

North Park Pavilion for a talk by Mary Matts from Foxton.

Previous visit to Foxton Canal Museum Previous visit to Foxton Locks

Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515730 or [email protected]

News — Interest Groups — Visits and Reports

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Kettering U3A January 2014


Friday Pop-in - We meet at the Toller church

rooms 10 – 11.30 on the first Friday of every month. New members please come and join us for coffee, exchange of books, magazines and local news. We need your support. Contact: Sue Hince 01536 521023

Discussion Group — meets in the Parish Church

Rooms second Tuesday of the month 2.00-4.00 pm Contact: Mary Earl on 01536 522456

French — Please ring me if you are interested in

brushing up your knowledge of the language. Contact: Diana Ellis 01536 723380

Computer Group — The beginners classes are

progressing slowly and we would have learnt about using the Internet including Skype, Facebook by the time this newsletter is printed. We cover all versions of Windows and Apple Mac. All subjects will be covered as we progress in a slow, step by step way. Each lesson is fully supported by a detailed hand-out sheet to take home. More information is on the Computer Group’s internet site below including the revised timetable.

BEGINNERS COURSE New members are welcome. SIGN UP NOW at this meeting or e-mail Richard or just turn up The next sessions are 28 Jan Beginners 7 - Word Processing 1 11 Feb NO MEETING 25 Feb Beginners 8 - Word Processing 2 11 Mar Beginners 9 - TBA

Full details and up to date schedule at Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 e-mail: [email protected]

Country Matters — There will be no meeting in

January but we look forward to seeing you all at East Carlton Country Park at 10.30am, Thursday 13


February either inside or outside the café. Hoping that the snowdrops will be out in full for an enjoyable stroll around the park.

Contact Derek Warren on 01536 518560 or e-mail [email protected]

Gardening Group — Will recommence in the

Spring. Ideas for future activity will be welcome. Contact: Ray Bradbury 01536 516587

Card Making 2 — We meet again on Monday 17th

February 2014 See many more pictures on the U3A web site. Contact: Freda Smith 01536 482368

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Italian Classes — One Italian class is running.

If there is anyone else interested please contact: John Sellick 01536 517878 or [email protected]

Heartbeat— For details of the next walk,

Contact: Bridget Ling 01536 414810

German-2 Conversation for Absolute

Beginners—The established group for basic German

Conversation remains oversubscribed so this new group for absolute beginners has been formed and is now also FULL. This group meets on Wednesdays 1.30 to 3.00pm fortnightly.

Contact: Joe Fletcher 01536 722399

German–1 Basic Conversation — This established

group for Basic German Conversation is now FULL Contact: Joe Fletcher 01536 722399

Lunch Club — Hope you all had a good Christmas

and New Year, and are ready for the next year of the Lunch Club monthly get-togethers. We are starting the year with Elizabeth York hosting January at The Old Victoria, Burton Latimer. Elizabeth will be at the meeting with menus and information of times and costs etc. Please support her and put your names down. Her telephone number is 01536 726810. Glynis Hall will be hosting February. Glynis has arranged for us to go to The Red Lion, Broughton. More details next month. If you haven’t been to the Lunch Club before, give it a try this year. A very friendly group, and a very good way of meeting other members of the U3A. We have members to host February, March and April. If you feel you would like to take a turn later in the year please contact me, or see me at the meeting or lunches. Contact: Rosemary Cooke 01536 356899

Golf. Six of us make up this new group and we

welcome more members. There are a few who are members of Kettering Golf Club, a few who have brought their clubs out of the garage after several years, and two who play at different courses but not members of any particular club.

What it provides is an opportunity to play regularly with other "golfers" at different levels and we welcome

that since it provides an opportunity to improve your ability from better players. We don`t ask for handicaps before you join us but a desire to improve, have fun, and don`t take it too seriously !! We meet each Friday at Pytchley Golf Club around 1pm for a T off time for 1.30pm and we book two T times each week. Since currently we only play 9 holes we finish the golf well within two hours and have a coffee afterwards or a beer for those who want it. When the weather improves we can change to 18 holes if requested or change to another day, it depends on what the members want. At present we have three ladies and three men and we are a friendly bunch and welcome new members at differing levels. Contact: Alan Stephens 01536 726 911 or 07931 637 660 or [email protected]

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Knit and Natter - Happy and Healthy New Year to

everyone. Because of the Heart Beat Walk on Monday 6

th January we will have our 1

st knit & natter

meeting on Monday 20th January 2014. We are

looking for charities to knit for, so if anyone has any ideas could they please let us know Contact: Annette Chidwick 01536 523867

Safe Driving—Being able to drive gives us a great

deal of independence, but as we get older our ability to drive safely may be affected by many factors. Family members and friends may be concerned about our safety on the roads, so it’s important to listen to them when they voice their concerns. They may notice our forgetfulness, confusion, bad judgment, failure to follow the rules of the road, inability to see clearly, new dents on the car and aggressive driving. Vision: As we get older our eyes change. Our ability to focus on objects and to quickly shift our focus to other objects is diminished. We find it more difficult to focus on fine detail. Our peripheral vision (the ability to see things out of the corners of our eyes) is reduced. We may experience poor night vision, sensitivity to glare and weakened depth perception. Whilst most of the changes are a normal part of ageing, we should have our vision regularly checked by an optician. Hearing: Older adults may commonly experience some hearing loss. If that leads a driver to be inattentive to his or her surroundings it is a potential source of danger. If an older adult wears a hearing aid it’s essential that it’s properly maintained and placed correctly in the ear. Mental Functioning: The ability to deal effectively and decisively with traffic conditions is critical to safe driving. Even though reaction time may slow with age, drivers can drive safely and with confidence by making a few relatively simple changed to way they drive. Health and Medications: You must be medically fit to drive and some medicines shouldn’t be taken if you intend to drive. Don’t drive if you’re feeling tired or unwell – even a cold can sometimes mean that it’s not safe to drive. If you find that you’re losing concentration or feeling unwell when driving, reduce your speed so that you have more time to react. If your health is likely to affect your ability to drive, either now or in the future, don’t forget to notify the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) in Swansea. Being physically fit and mobile are particularly important for a driver, so please make sure that you have full control of your vehicle. A twisted ankle, for example, can reduce pedal (including brake) control and a stiff neck can make it difficult to look behind when reversing or checking blind spots. These few suggestions may help to keep you safe on the roads. Contact: Steve Clorley Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01832 732342 Mobile: 07973 624815 Roy Franklin Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01536 482808 Mobile: 07751 106617

Looking at Churches — Thorpe Malsor church

Church photos by Alan Robinson

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Kettering U3A January 2014


Looking at Churches — On December 18th we went

to Thorpe Malsor church & were greeted by an enthusiastic guide who had done lots of research. It is

a very pretty church and as one of our group- e-mailed me afterwards, it generated a very warm feeling on entering.

Every window is stained glass and the organ is really beautiful with colourful painted pipes. We were lucky in having with us Jenny Hodgton who is an organist and she played some Christmas Carols for us. The church is very well kept by the small congregation and there is a window dedicated to recent military heroes, which is updated continually.

An unusual item is a small medieval stone door, which would have housed sacred relics and Holy oils. Some of us climbed a spiral staircase to a confessional chamber, but I don’t think that anyone confessed ! Our next visit is to Wellingborough Round Church and February 19th will be Weston by Welland. Contact: Janet Clements 01536 507721 or [email protected]

Musical Circles 2 — The December meeting began

with the Hungarian March by Berlioz, then a piece from Mozart's Magic Flute, followed by Shostakovich Piano Concerto no 2. A member of the group brought along a CD of Chopin. We all enjoyed his choice. Gershwin, Beethoven and Bernstein closed the first half. After tea and biscuits we continued with a seasonal selection of carols played by Craig Ogden on the Guitar. The afternoon ended with an arrangement by Johnny Dankworth for clarinet and piano. Contact: Eileen Mason 01536 725925

Musical Circles 1— For information,

Contact: Carole Bradbury 01536 516587


Northamptonshire police are issuing crime prevention

advice after a phone scam continues to affect people

in Northamptonshire.

The phone scam encourages residents to part with

bank details including pin numbers and bank card

information such as card and security numbers. The

caller purports to be a bank official or police officer

investigating fraud and may request handing your card

over to a courier.

The advice from the police is as follows:

POLICE and BANKS will NEVER ask for PIN number

POLICE will not cold call about a suspected offence

BANKS will NEVER suggest you hand your card over

to a courier

NEVER give your card details, PIN number or bank

card to anyone

If you receive one of these calls END IT


Report any incidents to Action Fraud on 0300 123

2040 or on line at:

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Kettering U3A January 2014


Sugar Craft— If anyone who would like to learn, but

feels they are hopeless, come to watch as we work and I guarantee that they will soon realise that they can achieve good results. Contact: Joan Allingham 01536 722610

Poker Group —

Contact: Ted Bray 01536 521803

Playreading — For information,

Contact: Carole Bradbury 01536 516587

Photography Group — Three of us made the journey

to Wellingborough at the start of December to see two photographic exhibitions in The Castle Theatre. Along the wall at the top of the stairs was a display of prints taken at Santa Pod Raceway by Nigel Holland, called “How Quick, How Fast”. Nigel is largely confined to a wheelchair, but he has been able to get close to the action for many years and his prints show the excitement and drama in the sport of drag racing, composed through a photographer’s seeing eye. In the Gallery Room there was a display of 36 prints by the Rushden and District Photographic Society, entitled “Life Through A Lens”. The variety of subject and treatment kept us absorbed for nearly an hour, and when asked to pick the best photograph in the exhibition it was a unanimous decision on a black and white image of beach huts at Southwold. We then went across the road to the Museum, which is a place full of interest and nostalgia with many displays of old Wellingborough, and household equipment from the 1930’s, 1940’s and 1950’s. We returned to The Castle for a coffee and a chat, to finish off a slightly different but very enjoyable meeting of the Photography group.

As expected on 6th January, the bad weather made us decide to meet indoors. Thanks to Marilyn for agreeing to host the meeting. Having successfully helped one member of the group to install Photoshop Elements, we were now all “talking the same language”, and a considerable amount of progress was made in the rest of the meeting. We covered image cropping and resizing, the use of Levels and Colour Curves to improve the tonal range of the pictures, the Healing Tool to remove unwanted distractions in the pictures, and ways of removing distortions on buildings by the use of the Transform/Distort command, and the Camera Correction Filters tool. Our next meeting will be on Monday February 3

rd 2014

at 2.00pm. If the weather is promising we shall meet at Harringworth village, by the church. If the weather is bad we shall meet indoors, with a “show and tell” session, where members of the group will demonstrate that they have been doing their homework, with some “before” and “after” images. The decision as to which option is chosen will be taken the week before. Watch your e-mails! Photos taken by this group can be seen on other pages of this newsletter and on the group’s page of the Kettering U3A website. Contact: Trevor Rudkin 01536 711976 or [email protected]

Spanish Conversation— The Spanish conversation

group (I have changed the name from ‘Basic Spanish’ because this group is no longer suitable for absolute beginners) continues to meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from

2pm to 4pm. We meet at various members’ houses so there is no charge. We use the book Pasos 2 which is for second level students. We are now at full capacity. However, we would be happy to start a waiting list but because of the level our members are at, new students would need to have a reasonable knowledge of basic Spanish. We are delighted to have been able to accept a new student recently but this was only possible because she already had an understanding of basic Spanish.

Contact: Bob Thorogood 01933 650551

[email protected]

Playford English Country Dancing - We shall

recommence our Spring session on 15th Jan. as New Year's Day was on a Wednesday. We meet at St. Andrews Church Hall at 2.30p.m. until 4p.m. All are welcome to join & enjoy the exercise. No need to bring a partner as

we change partners frequently. Contact: Jean Beaver 01933 224474

Scrabble—Meetings are held at the

Parish church rooms. Time 2.00pm—4.30pm on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month. New members are wel-come. We enjoy playing in a relaxed atmosphere.

Contact: Pauline Reed 01536 513850

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Watercolour Painting Class - meets in the Parish

Church Rooms, Kettering, on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Parking is next to the Parish Church Rooms or in the Church Grounds. If you would like to join our class then please contact Jo or Barbara on the telephone numbers listed below. Claire Warner, Artist with the SAA Demonstration/Workshop on 27th February 2014 Everyone are Welcome Claire Warner is a well known Artist and will be doing a Demonstration/Workshop on the 27th February, 2014 from 1pm to 4pm in the above Parish Church Rooms. We would be pleased if any member of the U3A would like to come and enjoy an afternoon watching Claire paint. Tickets for this event are £7.50 (including tea and biscuits) and are available on the Water Colour Painting Table today, or Telephone Barbara on (01536) 523259 or Jo Beaver on (01933) 224474. We hope to have other well known Artists to do Demonstrations/Workshops in the future Contacts: Barbara Goodall 01536 523 259 Jo Beaver 01933 224 474

Wining and Dining - There is no meeting in January

but we will be going to Prezzos on February 12th at 7.0pm. If you wish to join us please let me know.

Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515730 or [email protected]

Walking Group - The next walk will be starting at

10.30 a.m. on the 5th

February from the Finch’s Arms, Hambleton, LE15 8TL. Please arrive earlier in order to pre-order lunch. Contact: Ann Kemp 01536 761241

Writers Group —

“When sorrows come, they come not single spies But in battalions.” Hamlet Act IV sc 5. Clichés in Battalions or Writer’s Block I don’t know what to write. I’m stuck. Not for Ideas; they come thick and fast. I’ve started At least four different pieces; none worth reading. A waste of ink, they lack that special spark Of creativity, leached away Not by sorrows as such, but strains, stresses, Other clichés. Pains, pills, lack Of proper sleep. Fears and frustrations come Assuredly not single spies, though on Reflection a few inimically themselves Insinuate; spectres of old wounds, Visions of wheelchairs. Age-related wear And tear approach by stealth until they cannot Be ignored. Blue-badge application Necessary thin end of the wedge. Desire to compose lurks just in reach, But what comes forth? Third-rate Self-pity. Battalions of the commonplace. Mary Wildman

Writers Group — — Are you someone with an urge

to write? Someone with an idea for a story, a poem, an article, an essay, even a play that you've been dying to get down on paper, but have never got round to it? Or have you something that you've already written and would like to share! Why not come along

to our friendly group? All you need is a love of words and a sense of humour; you'll find lots of positive encouragement and advice as well as a cuppa. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month from 1.45pm to 3.45pm in the Parish Rooms in Kettering: next meeting February 4th. For those who like a suggestion

to work to - or ignore - the topic is In the/my library.

For more information or ideas contact Mary Wildman 01536 741222 or [email protected]

Mystery Item—Answer next month

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Kettering U3A January 2014


Kettering U3A Interest Group Timetable (Updated October 2013)

Please contact group co-ordinator for more information before joining a group

Meetings below with Ise Valley U3A


Day Co-ordinator Venue Frequency Time


Canasta Pam Towns 01536 521160 Kettering Bridge Club Fortnightly 2.00-4.30pm

Swimming Isabel Collins 01536 520971 Kettering Pool Weekly 9.00-9.45am


Singing Jill Dee 01536 514054 Fuller Church 2nd & 4th Fridays 10.00-12.00

Day Co-ordinator Venue Frequency Time

No fixed day

Safe Driving Steve Clorley 01832 732342 varies varies varies Roy Franklin 01536 482808 varies varies varies

Gardening Group Ray Bradbury 01536 516587 varies varies varies

Heartbeat Bridget Ling 01536 414810 varies varies varies

Travel Groups Maureen Curd 01832 732361 varies varies varies


A Good Read Diana Ellis 01536 723380 home 1st Monday 2.00pm

Card Making 2 Freda Smith 01536 482368 home 3rd Monday 10.00 – 12 noon Musical Circles 1 Carole Bradbury 01536 516587 varies Monthly variable 2.00pm Knit and Natter Annette Chidwick 01536 523867 Home 1st & 3rd Mondays 10.00 – 12 noon

Photography Trevor Rudkin 01536 711976 varies 1st Monday monthly 2.00 – 4.00pm

Poker Ted Bray 01536 521803 home weekly 2.00pm


Bridge Experienced Roger Stimson 01536 481523 home weekly 2.00pm

Computer Group Richard Boyles 01536 744753 Fuller Church 2nd & 4th Tuesday 2.00 – 4.00pm Discussion Group Mary Earl 01536 522456 Parish Church Rooms 2nd Tuesday in month 2.00 – 4.00pm French Diana Ellis 01536 723380 home 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 2.00pm Greeting Card Making Mary Earl 01536 522456 home monthly 10.00 – 11.30am Italian John Sellick 01536 517868 Home weekly 10.00 – 11.00am Lunch Club Rosemary Cooke 01536 356899 varies 4th Tuesday varies

Sugarcraft Joan Allingham 01536 722610 home weekly 1.30 – 4.00pm Writers Group Mary Wildman 01536 741222 Parish Church Rooms 1st Tuesday 1.45 – 3.45pm


German Conversation 1 Joe Fletcher 01536 722399 home fortnightly 9.30 – 11.00 am

German Conversation 2 Joe Fletcher 01536 722399 home fortnightly 1.30 – 3.00 pm

Basic Spanish Bob Thorogood 01933 650551 varies Every 2 weeks 2.00 – 4.00pm

Bookworms Pauline Parkin 01536 799197 varies 3rd Wednesday 2.00 – 4.00pm Greeting Card Making Mary Earl 01536 522456 home monthly 10.00 - 11.30am Looking at Churches Janet Clements 01536 507721 varies 3rd Wednesday 2.00pm Musical Circles 2 Eileen Mason 01536 725925 varies 3rd Wednesday 2.00pm Playford Dancing Jean Beaver 01933 224474 St.Andrews Church 2nd & 4th Wednesday 2.30 – 4.00pm Scrabble Pauline Reed 01536 513850 Parish church rooms 1st & 3rd Wednesday 2.15 – 4.30pm

Walking Ann Kemp 01536 761241 varies varies varies

Wining & Dining Christine Strachan 01536 515730 varies 2nd Wednesday varies


Canals & Waterways Christine Strachan 01536 515730 varies 3rd Thursday 2.00 – 4.00pm Country Matters Derek Warren 01536 518560 varies 2nd Thursday varies Play Reading 1 Carole Bradbury 01536 516587 home fortnightly 2.00 – 4.00pm

Water Colour Painting Barbara Goodall 01536 523259 Parish Church Rooms 2nd & 4th Thursdays 2.00 – 4.00pm

Jo Beaver 01933 224474


Bridge Sue Macfarlane 01536 523754 Bridge Club, Kettering weekly 1.30 – 4.00pm Friday Pop in Sue Hince 01536 521023 Toller Church (Meeting Ln.) 1st Fri monthly 10.00 – 11.30am

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