  • 8/14/2019 UK _glass & recycled glass production & market _report CARE2004


    CARE Report on automotive glass recycling

    2004 Update


  • 8/14/2019 UK _glass & recycled glass production & market _report CARE2004



    I would like to thank Peter Stokes (CARE Group) and the other members of the CARE Group for their support

    continued support and guidance throughout this project and the constructive feedback received. Finally I would

    like to thank Peter Pennells, Rebecca Cocking and the members of WRAP for their valuable input and feedback

    in finalising the report.

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    Table of Contents

    Executive Summary....................................................................................................................5

    Executive Summary....................................................................................................................5INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................7

    Types of Glass.........................................................................................................................7

    Glass Production the process...............................................................................................7

    Container glass....................................................................................................................7

    Flat glass.............................................................................................................................7

    Glass Production the figures................................................................................................8

    Figure 1 UK Glass Production figures by sector.....................................................................8

    Waste Glass and Glass Recycling.............................................................................................10UK Waste Arisings................................................................................................................10

    Why Recycle Glass?.............................................................................................................10

    Packaging waste regulations.............................................................................................10

    End-of-Life Vehicles Directive.........................................................................................10

    How is glass recycled?..........................................................................................................10

    Waste Glass processing.........................................................................................................11

    Benefits.............................................................................................................................11Problems associated with recycling glass.........................................................................11

    Figure 2 Production v recycling: the UKs colour imbalance................................................12

    Economics and fluctuations in market price instability....................................................12

    The markets...............................................................................................................................13

    Existing and Potential markets for waste glass.....................................................................13

    Figure 3 Potential routes for waste glass...............................................................................13

    Glass Markets........................................................................................................................13

    Fi 4 P t ll t b l t 14

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    Shredding in the UK.........................................................................................................26

    Technical and Economic Barriers to recovery ELV glass.....................................................26

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    In 1999 (published Feb 2000) CARE produced a report which looked at the challenges for industry in the

    recycling of automotive glass, against the backdrop of competing glass waste streams and limited recycling

    opportunities. Since Glass approximates to 3% of an average vehicles weight and is relatively easy to remove,

    store and transport, it is viewed as an important material en-route to the attainment of the End of Life Vehicle

    Directive targets. Four years have passed since the original report and this second report is designed to ascertain

    how that backdrop has changed and to flag up the challenges yet to be overcome, as well as emerging


    Glass still remains a significant contributor to the UKs waste stream and as such is still a primary focus in

    nationwide initiatives for recycling and re-use. In recent years, however, the adoption of new legislation into the

    UK has increased the mandatory requirements on certain industries to recycle this material. The Packaging

    Waste Directive and the ELV Directives impose set targets to the applicable industries for recycling and recovery


    The technologies associated with the variety of glass types made remain relatively unchanged in recent years.

    Glass manufacturers are becoming increasingly aware of the pressure on them to accept recycled glass cullet and

    as such investments in newer technologies are occurring. The process of re-processing glass to form cullet and

    the removal of contaminants also remains relatively unchanged with the main advances and research effort in the

    separation of the fine fractions of materials in the mix.

    Although advances in the technological side of glass making and re-processing may appear slow in terms of

    enhancing the ability to consume increased amounts of variable quality cullet, the developments in the market

    place for recycled material have been steadily ongoing. In 1999 the dominant route for recycled glass cullet

    would have been back into the glass sector, with the container sector consuming the main proportion of total

    recycled glass. However, at that time the emergence of the aggregates sector was beginning, using glass cullet as

    an aggregate substitute, primarily for highway construction. There is now a changing picture of the market

    structure for recycled glass. Although the container sector still remains the dominant consumer of glass cullet,

    the flat and fibre glass sectors are increasingly conscious that they need to increase their use of post-consumer

    glass In addition to this the aggregates sector (ranging from top end se in Glassphalt to bottom end se as a

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    The industry is arguably already on target for reaching the figures set out for 2006; however, it is necessary that

    the distinction between recovery and recycling is adhered to in reaching these targets. These targets are very high

    and therefore require a high percentage of the material that makes up an automotive vehicle to be recycled.

    Current estimates for the percentage recycled material are anywhere between 72% (EMR/SIMMS study 2003)

    and 77+% depending on the data source (ACORD annual reports.) and therefore include the main components of

    the vehicle, for example metals, and those which are easily removed, for example tyres and batteries. However,

    the industry now has to look into the ways and means of recycling the more difficult components such as glass

    and plastics in order to continue to increase the recycled and recovered weights to reach future targets.

    Increasing research and feasibility experiments have been ongoing in the automotive sector in terms of removing

    the vehicle glass. Though some advances have been made, it is still the case that the cost of removing the glass

    from vehicles at the dismantling stage (which ultimately gives the higher value product as quality is higher)

    mean it is still an uneconomic process. The cost of removing the glass from one vehicle ranges between 2.50

    and 3.50 and with the current market price for cullet ranging from 5/tonne to 45/tonne (dependent on quality)

    ELV glass generated at the dismantling stage (i.e. high cost stage requiring high cost end markets) is

    economically infeasible at present. The resultant cullet would have to fetch a minimum price of 102/tonne to

    make the process economically feasible. However, this figure is based on potential ELV waste glass arisings

    from dismantling allELV vehicles in a year. This figure is unrealistic due to the loss of glass in removal andELVs only suitable for immediate shredding and so with dismantled vehicles and glass tonnages only a

    percentage of the total the realistic figure is likely to be significantly higher between 278/tonne and 389/tonne.

    Such high prices would require high value end markets often found in the niche market areas such as decorative

    aggregates. However, these often only require small tonnages (100s to 1000s) and demand is intermittent.Alternatively, the cost of removing the glass must fall to at least half of the current best case dismantling cost

    and that is only if increasing volumes can be removed. More realistically the cost of glass removal must fall to

    less than 1/5 of the present day costs to be become viable for the higher priced end markets. But, again, the

    problems of contamination in this source often render the cullet only suitable for lower priced end markets such

    as use in the aggregates sector as a substitute for gravel, as the glass can be left in the vehicle and separated at a

    later stage.

    Although the situation remains complex and costly at present there are emerging markets that not only are able

    t d hi h l d t b t l l lit ll t O f th k t i th f l k t

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    The 1999 CARE Report on Glass Recycling

    addresses several issues to establish the situation at

    that time for automotive glass recycling. Five years

    on, the following report aims to re-address the

    situation highlighting developments in technology

    associated with glass production and glass

    recycling, the change in market structure for

    recycled glass, new and potential market entrants

    and the up to date situation in the ELV disposal

    chain with respect to overcoming the problems

    raised in the 1999 report.

    The report is in four main sections:

    SECTION 1: Focuses on re-establishing the basic

    types of glass, glass production processes and

    associated volumes in the UK.

    SECTION 2: Focuses on glass recycling.

    SECTION 3: Focuses on the current market

    situation and potential entrants.

    SECTION 4: Focuses on the role that ELV glass

    can play in the automotive industrys attempt toreach mandatory recycling targets and minimise



    There are several types of glass distinguished by

    their chemical composition. The alteration of the

    chemical constituents in the glass making mix

    ll f t t lt th ti f th

    70-74% silica (sand)

    12-16% sodium oxide

    5-11% calcium oxide

    1-3% magnesium oxide (higher in flat glass)

    1-3% aluminium oxide

    These proportions may alter slightly for the

    alternative glass types and in some cases additional

    components are added for special effects such as

    colouring the glass. For lead glass the calcium

    oxide is replace by lead oxide to give the final

    product a high refractive index creating the

    characteristic sparkle of crystal when cut.


    The four basic stages of the glass making process

    remain the same in all types of glass production

    which are1:




    The general glass making process has remained

    relatively unchanged in present years. However, it

    is necessary to briefly understand the different

    mechanical principles behind the production of the

    final products that distinguish the form of the final


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    1. Melting and refining raw materials enter the

    furnace and through a series of complex flow

    patterns the molten glass becomes free of inclusions

    and bubbles and passes smoothly and continuously

    to the next stage.

    2. Float bath the molten glass is literally floated

    along a bed of molten tin and although the principle

    of this process remains unchanged developments

    now allow variations in thickness and a marked

    improvement in the optical quality of the final


    3. Coating - the most significant advance in the

    coating process is the on-line chemical vapour

    deposition (CVD) that allows a variety of coatingless than a micron thick to be applied to the ribbon

    of glass. These can have varying functions

    including reflection of light of specified

    wavelengths. Further developments in this area

    could replace the present day method of carrying

    the optical properties of the float glass.

    4. Annealing the glass ribbon undergoes

    secondary treatment to relieve stresses to avoid

    breakage on cutting.5. Inspection advances in the inspection

    technology aid the efficiency of the float process

    allowing avoidance of imperfections undetectable

    by the human eye whilst avoiding excess waste.

    6. Cutting to order this helps to minimise waste.

    The rolled glass process is used for the manufacture

    of patterned flat glass and wired glass. The former

    f th t i f d i i l

    with the container sector dominating the glass

    market with nearly two thirds of the total market

    share and the majority of the remainder in the flat

    glass sector (Figure 1).

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    Household packaging waste forms the dominant

    proportion of the UK glass waste stream. Reportsestimate waste glass arisings in the container sector

    to be in excess of 2.4million tonnes per year. With

    the addition of the commercial waste streams,

    automotive arisings estimated at 80,000 tonnes per

    year (45,000 tonnes of ELV waste plus 15,000

    tonnes of windscreen replacements) and up to

    500,000 tonnes per year of flat glass from end-of-

    life buildings it appears that waste glass arisings in

    the UK have increased from those recorded in the1999 report. This in addition to the 180,000 tonnes

    of process scrap per year and glass arisings from

    other sources such as lighting, cahode ray tubes and

    tableware result in total UK waste glass arisings in

    the region of 3.4million tonnes per year.


    Glass is a significant contributor to the UKs totalwaste particularly as the majority goes to landfill.

    Although glass poses no significant problems in

    terms of decomposition it does require significant

    amounts of void space which is very limited in the

    UK. As one of the less problematic waste streams it

    has therefore been a primary target in recycling

    strategies to reduce the UKs waste. Voluntary

    initiatives have been encouraged in the past but it is

    th i i f l i l ti t

    which time they will be responsible for recycling

    all vehicles regardless of age.

    2. It sets recycling requirements as follows:

    By January 1st 2006

    Reuse and recovery: Min. 85% by weight on


    Reuse and recycling: Min. 80% by weight on


    Reuse specifies materials or components for the

    same purpose for which they were made; recycling

    refers to the reprocessing of the original or analternative use; recovery includes recycling with

    energy recovery (i.e. combustion).

    By January 1st 2015

    Reuse and recovery: Min. 95% by weight on


    Reuse and recycling: Min. 85% by weight on


    All vehicles post December 31st 2004 must:

    Be reusable and/or recyclable at a minimum of

    85% by weight

    Be reusable and/or recoverable at a minimum

    of 95% by weight

    3. It requires the established phase out of certain

    heavy metals and those elements exempt from

    h t t b l b ll d th t th b

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    and deliver to the consumer), although specific

    glass waste streams can involve an increased

    number of steps e.g. ELV Glass.

    The container industry is probably the best

    established sector for recycling at present due to thevast network of bottle banks situated across the UK.

    These are then routinely emptied and transported by

    various companies on a contract basis for delivery

    to the glass re-processors. In some cases the waste

    glass is re-used in the same plant as the generated

    waste or in larger operations primary glass

    producers will possess the necessary re-processing

    equipment for waste glass therefore excluding the

    final delivery stage. However, in some instances thewaste glass may not be suitable for re-use in the

    glass sector and so will be transported to other

    markets such as aggregates, or if completely

    unsuitable, to landfill.

    The main companies involved in the collection and

    processing are T Berryman & Son and Glass

    Recycling UK although some alternative markets

    are introducing their own reprocessing capabilities.



    It is always the case that in the absence of

    mandatory legislation the benefits of recycling any

    waste product must at least equal the cost of

    recycling to make it economically feasible.

    However, the benefits of glass recycling are not

    l i b t l b fi i l

    reduce expense in carbon taxes and to achieve

    the standards required by them for carbon

    reducing initiatives.

    Using recycled materials reduces the burden on

    landfills particularly in this case as glass takes

    up a considerable amount of void space.

    Reduces the use of raw materials and so the

    depletion of natural resources and degradation

    of the land for each 1 tonne of cullet used an

    approximate equivalent of 1.2 tonnes of raw

    materials are saved.

    Problems associated with recycling glass

    The glass recycling process, at first, appears fairly

    straightforward. However, there are certain

    problems associated with this waste stream that

    must be eliminated in order for the final product

    (cullet) to be of use. There are three main

    problems associated with glass re-processing:

    1. Contamination from other waste sources

    During the collection process it is easy for non-

    glass products including plastics, stones, metals and

    ceramics to be included within the glass waste

    stream. Although technologies have been developed

    to minimise these in the final cullet product any

    excess presence can lead to load rejection during

    processing and then landfill. However, if the waste

    stream is significantly crushed then some

    contaminants can be so small that the technologies

    for removal can be ineffective and unless a high

    d f i b i f h l l f

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    Figure 2 Production v recycling: the UKs colour imbalance




    Colour Production Recycled

    Green 328600 302300

    Clear 1199400 249350

    Amber 270100 65100

    Improvements in treatment quality in conjunction

    with encouraging clear imports, alternative green

    glass markets and the education of consumers in

    recent years has resulted in a large increase in the

    re-use of the excess green glass during the period

    from 1999-2000. At present it is estimated that up

    ll i l

    3. Glass breakage and glass mix

    The greater the degree of breakage the more

    difficult it is to assess the degree of contamination

    within the waste stream and therefore reflects back

    onto the problems associated with non-glass

    contamination. In addition to this it is important

    h diff f l i d h

    Shaded area represents recyclate %

    of the respective glass colour

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    At present there are two potential routes forrecycled glass; primary markets i.e. use back in the

    glass making sector and secondary (or alternative)

    markets (Figure 3). All of the markets currently

    available to the waste glass industry and those

    potential markets currently undergoing trials have

    particular specifications for the cullet quality that is

    of increasing importance as the demand on these

    markets to use recycled materials increases.

    Figure 3 Potential routes for waste glass


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    sources and whilst the flat glass sector at present

    only uses flat glass sources (of which it presently

    uses 40,000t/a and has the potential to increase this

    to 70,000t/a) the proportions used by the other two

    sectors varies in accordance with the product to be

    made and the respective specifications. The

    proportions of container and flat glass consumed by

    the container and flat glass sectors are illustrated

    below (Figure 4).

    Figure 4 Present cullet use by glass sectors














    Flat 110000 70000 40000 10000

    Container 617000 0 15000 0

    Container Flat Fibre Other


    An average estimated value for the current price of

    fl t l ll t i 25/t lth h i

    in production results from contaminated sources. It

    is for this reason that the primarily flat glass

    li i th UK Pilki t ti t th

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    Amber Green

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    Bunkers 9,000t/a

    Golf Course top dressing 111,000t/a

    Fairways 160,000t/a


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    The typical costs of aggregates are between

    5/tonne and 10/tonne. In 2002 an Aggregates Tax

    of 1.60/tonne was introduced to encourage use of

    recycled materials, which also applies to quarriedmaterial. Cullet of low grade (often higher in

    contamination) is able to compete with these prices

    as reduced quality in cullet reflects on the price

    fetched per tonne.


    The main consideration of the glass cullet used inthese applications is that it can rival or better

    traditional aggregates in terms of its mechanical

    and chemical properties set out below ().

    Table 4 General Aggregate Specifications

    Standard Specification Glass substitute Notes

    GRADINGSand < 5mm

    Gravel 5-70mmNo Problem

    Size distribution measured

    according to BS812 Section


    FLAKINESSCuboid/ Rounded


    Larger glass fractions are

    likely to be flakier

    Refers to particle shape where

    a high index is a plate like


    SHELL CONTENT No Problem




    Ten Percent Fines Value as

    specified in BS812 pt. 3:1990



    Sulphate unlikely to pose a

    problem with glass although

    chlorides form food stuffs

    may be.

    NB Although the above highlights the basic property requirements of glass, specifications are often

    li i d d d h f i i f h ifi B i i h S d d li bl S

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    Research into the use of glass as a substitute for

    sand in filtration systems such as those used for

    drinking waster and waste water purification

    processes continues to address the feasibility of thismethod on a commercial basis and waste glass is

    now being used extensively in these applications. In

    addition to basic waste purification, research has

    also shown that waste glass provided a suitable

    substitute in swimming pool filtration systems and

    there is also potential in the aquaculture and fish

    farming industries.

    Volume PotentialAlthough at present there is only a small market in

    this field for glass cullet (current sales of a few

    hundred tonnes per year) the volumes of sand used

    for which glass might act as a substitute were

    estimated to be between 45,000 and 67,000 tonnes

    in 2002. However, it is anticipated that the volumes

    of glass required for such applications could beeven greater ranging from 175,000 as far as

    220,000 tonnes per year.


    The main specification of critical importance is the

    particle size. The other specifications are detailed

    below () but generally it is important that the glass

    achieve the ultimate results of clean and purified

    water to the required standard.

    Table 5 Specifications for filtration applications

    Standard Specifications


    limitsAgreed between processor and customer

    Particle Size

    Grade 0 - 0.63mm (95% passing), 0.25mm (10% passing), 0.25mm (5% passing) Grade

    1 - 1mm (95% passing), 0.5-1mm (10% passing), 0.5mm (5% passing) Grade 3 -

    2mm (95% passing), 1-2mm (10% passing), 1mm (5% passing)

    Particle Shape Aspect ratio of greater than 5:1

    Colour SpecsEntirely brown glass with clear and blue

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    There are a variety of abrasives for which glass

    could be used as a substitute. These include blast

    abrasives, bonded abrasives and frictionaters. Blast

    abrasives are commonly used in the cleaning ofbuildings and masonry and can be either recyclable

    or expendable. The major factors for consideration

    in using glass as a substitute is that in the areas of

    cost (purchase and disposal), cleaning rate and

    consumption rate glass can equal or better the

    original material. Research has taken place to

    evaluate these aspects particularly in comparison to

    the expendable abrasive, copper slag. Glass does

    equally well and in some cases is better. Thechemical content of copper slag makes it unusable

    in environmentally sensitive areas and in this factor

    glass is clearly more competitive as it may be used

    in such areas. Bonded abrasives use crushed glass

    for the production of paper bonded abrasive sheets

    particularly by Naylors Abrasives. Frictionaters use

    glass for the production of matches and


    Volume Potential

    The main market players in the blast abrasives

    sector include Wolverhampton Abrasives, Minelco

    (previously known as Ferguson Wild Ltd.), Scangrit

    and Krysteline. The estimated UK market potential

    for waste glass is between 10,000t/a and 50,000t/a

    although the problems described later (ref: Barriers

    to entry) have so far caused resistance to the

    formation of a significant market in this area.

    However, at present, there is a current market

    consumption of approximately 3,500t/a and this

    market area is growing.


    If the varying problems are overcome the price of

    cullet could be extremely competitive with

    abrasives as current glass abrasives for grit blasting

    sell at 50-100 per tonne. The cost of conventional

    recyclable abrasives is in excess of 200/tonne

    whilst although lower in price, expendable

    abrasives still fetch a good price of between 50

    and 100/tonne. A common expendable abrasiveused is copper slag which although available at

    virtually no cost is not available in the UK and as

    such costs approximately 70/tonne to import.

    Glass abrasives can therefore compete in cost with

    the major conventional abrasives used in this



    The specifications for these materials are similar tothose for container cullet () and as the container

    industry accept a wide variety and vast amount of

    both flat and container cullet such specifications

    must be economically viable from the re-processing

    perspective. With specifications such as those

    detailed below there is significant market potential

    for consuming glass cullet.

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    The inclusion of sodium oxide in most plate and

    container glass types allows finely ground crushed

    glass to act as a fluxing agent and bind with clay in

    the production of bricks and ceramics. This resultsin a reduction of the firing temperature and so has

    the energy saving benefits described earlier which

    are particularly attractive in this industry. Research

    has shown that the inclusion of glass in bricks

    results in increased frost resistance, greater

    compressive strength and a lower water absorption.

    Volume potential

    The estimated UK domestic market in ceramics hasthe potential to use up to 20,000t/a of waste glass.

    This is in addition to the volumes that could

    potentially be used in the brick making industry

    (using a figure of 5% glass inclusion in the

    economic analysis) make the combined brick and

    ceramics markets a significant potential consumerof waste glass.


    The specifications for glass in order for its use in

    this sector (Table 7) are relatively easy to achieve

    and in particular the ability of this industry to

    consume any colour and both flat and container

    glass gives this sector significant potential in the

    UKs waste glass market.

    Table 7 Brick specifications

    Standard Specifications

    Particle Size

    >106m (

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    There a number of niche markets for recycled glass

    that use it for a variety of applications. Although

    the total volume potential for these markets is small

    in comparison to the others described it is often inthese applications that the selling price is high.

    There are a number of other potential markets for

    waste glass which include paint filler, zeolites,

    foam glass and glass tiles. Paint filler can use finely

    ground glass for a specialist exterior paint with a

    sand textured finish, whilst foam glass is used in

    the construction industry and glass tiles are popularparticularly in the Scandinavian market (Table 8).

    Table 8 Niche market company products

    Company Name Product Glass use t/a

    Crystal architectural Products Resin composite flooring 100

    Eight Inch Furniture/worktops 10

    Freeform Arts Trust Pavers/blocks 40

    GreenGlass UK Wine glasses 450

    Recycled Glass CompanyDecorative Aggregates primarily

    decorative glass chipping1000

    Windmill AggregatesDecorative Aggregates used in the

    glass gravel and floral industries1500

    William Tracey Decorative Aggregates 1000

    The Clean Washington Centre(Research)

    Paint Filler Particle size must range between0.2 and 0.4m. Current UK market

    is very small

    US Research Zeolites

    Finer glass is more reactive and

    therefore a particle size of

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    The following section summarises the development

    in markets from 1999 to present and in the future

    for the use of glass cullet. In addition to this withthe current waste glass arisings exceeding 3 million

    tonnes per year this section summarises the present

    total market capacity by sector for waste glass and

    the potential capacity for waste glass (taking into

    account increases in actual market capacity and

    potential market entrants). In 1999 the primary

    markets for recycled glass were in the glass sector

    itself with the dominant intake in the container

    sector. However, the aggregates sector wasemerging in the reuse of glass cullet. The 2002

    figures (Figure 5) show that although the container

    sector still remains the dominant player in the

    recycled glass market the aggregates sector is

    increasing steadily in its use of glass cullet. In

    addition to this there are emerging markets in the

    filtration and abrasives sectors that show increasing

    potential as research continues and new markets

    emerge. However, there is not only an increasing

    potential of current market players to take in greater

    loads of recycled glass but advances in research aregiving rise to realise potentials for new market

    entrants that could consume significant proportions

    of waste glass. If current market players realise

    their potential for consuming glass cullet and the

    potential entrants realise their potential for

    consuming waste glass the market structure could

    change significantly (Figure 6). The aggregates

    sector would theoretically be the dominant market

    player. However, the realistic view is that thechange in market structure although continuing to

    develop form the 2002 figures is unlikely to reach

    the proposed state in Figure 6. The main barriers to

    this are the specifications for each and the

    economic feasibility of using glass in low value end

    markets such as the aggregates sector.

    Figure 5 - recycled glass market current players and market dominance5%









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    Every sector is subject to a variation of

    specifications to which the glass cullet must adhereto be used. However, there are additional barriers to

    entry in some sectors and some factors are more

    critical than others. The following section

    highlights the main factors that pose problems in

    the entry of glass cullet into that market.

    Container Sector

    The main problem faced in this sector is the colour

    imbalance although measures have been taken toreduce this and this is now less of a problem than it

    was a few years ago.

    Flat glass sector

    The critical factor for the flat glass sector is the

    contamination levels of the glass which from post-

    consumer sources are still unpredictable and a

    significant barrier to the intake of such cullet by the

    flat glass producers.

    Fibre glass sector

    The quality requirements of continuous re-

    enforcement fibre manufacturers is still too

    stringent to allow the use of external cullet

    however, insulation fibre manufacturers use a

    considerable amount of external cullet. The ceramic

    content is the particular problem for contaminating

    fib l d i d h f d ll

    abrasive sector to make use of the alternative but

    recently this has become more available. The recent

    emergence of a UK Market for recycled glass

    however still faces problems such as an apparentweak enforcement of the sand blasting legislation

    that limits the benefits of glass in environmentally

    sensitive areas. In addition to this the overall

    abrasive market is declining although the market

    share for glass abrasives is increasing.

    Bricks & Ceramics

    The main barrier for the UK is the insufficient

    grinding capacity to allow the production of therequired particle sizes for the use in the ceramics

    sector in particular, but also for brick production. In

    the potter industry there must be increasing work to

    address the metal contamination levels of external

    cullet as these could be detrimental to the glazing


    Niche Markets

    The main problems faced in these markets are themarkets themselves which are small and therefore

    subject to the fluctuation, in supply and demand to

    a larger extent. The ability to source the required

    materials at the required time are therefore critical.

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    Table 9 Composition of an average automobile

    Material Average Weight (kg) % Weight

    Ferrous Metal 780 68.3

    Light Non-Ferrous Metal 72 6.3

    Heavy Non-Ferrous Metal 17 1.5

    Electrical/Electronics 8 0.7

    Fluids 24 2.1

    Plastics 104 9.1Carpet 4 0.4

    Process Polymers 12 1.1

    Tyres 40 3.5

    Rubber 18 1.6

    Glass 33 2.9

    Batter 13 1.1

    Other 17 1.5

    TOTAL 1142 100

    The table above () details the composition of an

    average passenger car for 2000.

    Materials such as the metal fraction of motor

    vehicles are relatively easy to recover and therefore

    have been for many years. With the adoption of the

    EU Directive on End-of-Life Vehicles in 2000

    figures have estimated that the automotive industry

    sheets of glass. This acts as an adhesive in the event

    that the glass breaks whereby the glass does not

    shatter but remains in contact with the PVB.

    Another inclusion in the rear windscreens of

    automotives is metal in the form of heating

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    construction applications (most commonly 6mm).

    Flat glass is rejected at production if any optical

    defects greater than 0.5mm are found and therefore

    it is mandatory that contaminants are less than

    0.3mm in size to present production loss.


    There are three main stages at which automotive

    glass can enter the waste steam. The first is at the

    production stage. In shaping and forming excess

    glass is cut to achieve the final product. This waste

    glass and any breakages during the production

    phase are able to be recycled as cullet as the sourceis known (downstream processing) and

    contamination low. The second is in the window

    replacement sector. Such businesses replace the

    broken window with a new one and again this is a

    fairly low contamination source providing it is not

    mixed with other waste sources prior to

    transportation to a glass re-processor. Also, many

    windscreen replacements are often due to a chip in

    the main viewing section of the car windscreen andas such the glass can be removed almost whole

    which helps to minimise contamination. This

    process is driven by the incorporation of recycling

    cost into the replacement cost which is ultimately

    born by the consumer or their insurance company

    and as such delivers a relatively low contaminated

    cullet at virtually no cost to the cullet processor.

    The final fate of glass in motor vehicles is at the

    End-of-Life stage which could be through the

    natural expiration of the vehicle or prematurethrough road incidents. The following sections

    address the fate of glass at the ELV stage.

    ELV glass

    Prior to the ELV Directive and the increasing

    government pressures on producer responsibility

    the disposal of a motor vehicle at the end-of-its

    natural life was the responsibility of the owner at

    that time. In the event that the ELV was such due toa road incident or similar then it was most likely

    that the ELV would become the responsibility of

    the insurance company who would then seek the

    relevant disposal routes for that car. However,

    following the increasing producer responsibility

    regulations and the ELV Directive it is now the

    responsibility of vehicle manufacturers to dispose

    correctly of all vehicles on the market from 2002

    and by 2007 they will be responsible for thedisposal of ALL vehicles regardless of age.

    There are two main routes for ELVs (after vehicle

    collection) primarily dependent on whether they are

    premature or natural (Figure 7).

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    Salvage operators work on behalf of insurance

    companies in cases where an ELV has been

    subjected to an incident of some sort that involves

    an insurance claim. After this as with natural ELVs

    the vehicle passes to the dismantlers most often forrecovery of used parts.

    Dismantling in the UK

    In contrast to the 1999 figures, estimates form the

    Department of trade and Industry (DTI) in 2002

    quote the numbers of dismantling companies in the

    UK to be between 2000 and 3500. Under the

    Environmental Protection Act 1990 UK operating

    dismantlers are required to be authorised orregistered exempt so the apparent reduction in

    figures may be due to the increasingly stringent

    environmental standards on these companies.

    However, as the majority are small family run firms

    within only a few (approximately 1000) larger

    firms it is unfortunately more likely to be the case

    that there are those companies still operating

    outside the required standards and therefore not

    registered in the above way. At present there are1553 dismantlers and scrap yards affiliated to trade


    If the automotive glass is to be recycled at the

    dismantling stage it must first be removed from the

    vehicle. The ease of removal is dependent upon the

    method of sealing used in manufacture. The use of

    a rubberised gasket seal is comparatively easy when

    considering removal of the whole window however

    crushed and shredded into pieces. These are then

    sorted using a variety of methods into product

    streams. The main product fraction is shredded steel

    which accounts for approximately 70% of the

    output whilst the remaining 30% is primaryshredder fluff (25%) and heavy media. The

    shredder fluff is comprised mainly of foam in

    addition to light weight non-metallic materials

    whilst the heavy material is often a variable mix of

    materials such as rubber and concrete. Modern

    plants use floatation methods for separation of the

    materials (Dense Media Separation) and following

    separation the heavy fraction can be processed

    further at heavy media plants at which stage somematerials such as copper, aluminium, magnesium,

    glass and plastics can be removed whilst the

    remainder shredder fluff is currently land filled.

    There is ongoing research into the possibility of

    further separating the materials in shredder fluff.

    If the glass is separated sufficiently form the other

    materials with contamination below the limits set

    out in the glass sector specifications and thealternative markets then it may follow one of these

    routes to fetch a reasonable market price. However,

    in most cases the concrete contamination is too

    significant and the only real market available for

    the waste is in the aggregates sector. In the event

    that this is still unsuitable the only option left is


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    minutes/vehicle. The main cost incurred at this

    stage is the labour cost of dismantling and the cost

    equivalent of this ranges between approximately

    2.50 and 3.50 per vehicle.

    Toughened glass, which cannot be cut out, isremoved by breaking the glass in situ using a

    pointed implement and the subsequent small

    fragments are collected. However, even with this

    technique much of the glass is lost and there is an

    increased chance of contamination with other small


    The value of the waste glass from ELV is dependent

    primarily upon its quality but general market cullet prices can range form as low as 5/tonne up to

    45/tonne for clear cullet of sufficient quality.

    Appendix 1 details the realistic and potential

    revenue of glass cullet from ELVs over the current

    market range of cullet prices and greater prices. The

    total minimum and maximum costs of dismantling

    are calculated using the values of 2.50 and 3.50

    per vehicle respectively and the total ELV waste

    glass arisings per year. These figures are used tocalculate the net income to the car manufacturers

    (only taking into account simple sales and cost

    prices and excluding secondary cost such as

    transportation and reprocessing). These are

    projected upwards for increased cullet values to

    determine the market price required to give a net

    income rather than net loss.

    likely to be the car manufacturers that must absorb

    the cost of this process as it becomes necessary to

    recycle glass in order to reach ELV Directive

    targets at least at present if not for some

    considerable time into the future. The solution tothe problem may therefore lie in the manufacturing

    stage such that bonding methods are changed and

    developed to make glass removal more efficient at

    the ELV stage of a cars life cycle.

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    Department of Trade & Industry (2002)End of Life Vehicles (ELV)Waste Arisings and Recycling Rates.

    Enviros (May 2004)Recycled Glass Market Study & Standards Review 2004 Update. The Waste & ResourcesAction Programme (Published May 2004).

    Glass Recycling Report. (Issue 1) (2002) Glasspac.

    Glass Stakeholder Update. (2003). The Waste & Resources Action Programme.

    Hurley, J (2003)A Market Survey for Foam Glass. The Waste & Resources Action Programme (Published April2003).

    Kollamthodi, S, Bird, A. B., Elghali, L, Johnstone, K, Wayman, M & McColl, V, A N (TRL Limited) (2003)Data Required To Monitor Compliance With The End Of Life Vehicles Directive. Prepared for DEFRA project

    report PR SE/483/02.

    Kollamthodi, S, Johnstone, K & Elghali, L, (TRL Limited) (2003)Data Required To Monitor Compliance With

    The End Of Life Vehicles Directive. Part 2 Report Demonstrating compliance. Prepared for DEFRA project

    report PR SE/518/02.

    Recovered container glass specification for quality and guidance for good practice in collection (PAS 101)(2003). The Waste & Resources Action Programme.

    Smith, Dr. A. S. (CERAM Building Technology 2004) To demonstrate commercial viability of incorporating

    ground glass in bricks with reduced emissions and energy savings. The Waste & Resources ActionProgramme (Published March 2004).

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    Current situation at current dismantling costs of 2.50-3.50 per vehicle

    Market Price () ofcullet/tonne



    Cost of dismantling () Net income



    realistic mincost

    realistic maxcost

    potential mincost

    potential maxcost

    5 95,000.00 260,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -5,179,917.50 -7,289,884.50 -5,014,917.50 -7,124,884.50

    10 190,000.00 520,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -5,084,917.50 -7,194,884.50 -4,754,917.50 -6,864,884.5015 285,000.00 780,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -4,989,917.50 -7,099,884.50 -4,494,917.50 -6,604,884.50


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    20 380,000.00 1,040,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -4,894,917.50 -7,004,884.50 -4,234,917.50 -6,344,884.50

    25 475,000.00 1,300,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -4,799,917.50 -6,909,884.50 -3,974,917.50 -6,084,884.50

    30 570,000.00 1,560,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -4,704,917.50 -6,814,884.50 -3,714,917.50 -5,824,884.50

    35 665,000.00 1,820,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -4,609,917.50 -6,719,884.50 -3,454,917.50 -5,564,884.50

    40 760,000.00 2,080,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -4,514,917.50 -6,624,884.50 -3,194,917.50 -5,304,884.50

    45 855,000.00 2,340,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -4,419,917.50 -6,529,884.50 -2,934,917.50 -5,044,884.5050 950,000.00 2,600,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -4,324,917.50 -6,434,884.50 -2,674,917.50 -4,784,884.50

    55 1,045,000.00 2,860,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -4,229,917.50 -6,339,884.50 -2,414,917.50 -4,524,884.50

    60 1,140,000.00 3,120,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -4,134,917.50 -6,244,884.50 -2,154,917.50 -4,264,884.50

    65 1,235,000.00 3,380,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -4,039,917.50 -6,149,884.50 -1,894,917.50 -4,004,884.50

    70 1,330,000.00 3,640,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -3,944,917.50 -6,054,884.50 -1,634,917.50 -3,744,884.50

    75 1,425,000.00 3,900,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -3,849,917.50 -5,959,884.50 -1,374,917.50 -3,484,884.50

    80 1,520,000.00 4,160,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -3,754,917.50 -5,864,884.50 -1,114,917.50 -3,224,884.50

    85 1,615,000.00 4,420,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -3,659,917.50 -5,769,884.50 -854,917.50 -2,964,884.50

    90 1,710,000.00 4,680,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -3,564,917.50 -5,674,884.50 -594,917.50 -2,704,884.50

    95 1,805,000.00 4,940,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -3,469,917.50 -5,579,884.50 -334,917.50 -2,444,884.50

    100 1,900,000.00 5,200,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -3,374,917.50 -5,484,884.50 -74,917.50 -2,184,884.50

    101 1,919,000.00 5,252,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -3,355,917.50 -5,465,884.50 -22,917.50 -2,132,884.50

    102 1,938,000.00 5,304,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -3,336,917.50 -5,446,884.50 29,082.50 -2,080,884.50

    142 2,698,000.00 7,384,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -2,576,917.50 -4,686,884.50 2,109,082.50 -884.50

    143 2,717,000.00 7,436,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -2,557,917.50 -4,667,884.50 2,161,082.50 51,115.50

    277 5,263,000.00 14,404,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 -11,917.50 -2,121,884.50 9,129,082.50 7,019,115.50

    278 5,282,000.00 14,456,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 7,082.50 -2,102,884.50 9,181,082.50 7,071,115.50

    388 7,372,000.00 20,176,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 2,097,082.50 -12,884.50 14,901,082.50 12,791,115.50

    389 7,391,000.00 20,228,000.00 5,274,917.50 7,384,884.50 2,116,082.50 6,115.50 14,953,082.50 12,843,115.50

    * Realistic amounts of ELV glass estimated at 19,000 tonnes per year** Potential amounts of ELV glass estimated at 52,000 tonnes per year

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    Dismantling costs reduction needed to bring cullet back into range of market pricesRealistic revenue based on realistic glass tonnages available

    Market Price () of cullet/tonne

    Realistic RevenueCost of dismantling/vehicle Total Cost of dismantling Net income

    Threshold (red) Threshold (black) Red Black Red Black

    5 95,000 0.05 0.04 105,498 84,399 -10,498 10,60110 190,000 0.10 0.09 210,997 189,897 -20,997 103

    15 285,000 0.14 0.13 295,395 274,296 -10,395 10,704

    20 380,000 0.19 0.18 400,894 379,794 -20,894 206

    25 475,000 0.23 0.22 485,292 464,193 -10,292 10,807

    30 570,000 0.28 0.27 590,791 569,691 -20,791 309

    35 665,000 0.32 0.31 675,189 654,090 -10,189 10,910

    40 760,000 0.37 0.36 780,688 759,588 -20,688 412

    45 855,000 0.41 0.40 865,086 843,987 -10,086 11,013

    50 950,000 0.46 0.45 970,585 949,485 -20,585 515

    Potential revenue based on potential glass tonnages available

    Market Price () of cullet/tonne

    Potential Revenue Cost of dismantling/vehicle Total Cost of dismantling Net incomeThreshold (red) Threshold (black) Red Black Red Black

    5 260,000 0.13 0.12 274,296 253,196 -14,296 6,804

    10 520,000 0.25 0.24 527,492 506,392 -7,492 13,608

    15 780,000 0.37 0.36 780,688 759,588 -688 20,412

    20 1,040,000 0.50 0.49 1,054,984 1,033,884 -14,984 6,116

    25 1,300,000 0.62 0.61 1,308,180 1,287,080 -8,180 12,920

    30 1,560,000 0.74 0.73 1,561,376 1,540,276 -1,376 19,724

    35 1,820,000 0.87 0.86 1,835,671 1,814,572 -15,671 5,428

    40 2,080,000 0.99 0.98 2,088,867 2,067,768 -8,867 12,232

    45 2,340,000 1.11 1.10 2,342,063 2,320,964 -2,063 19,036

    50 2,600,000 1.24 1.23 2,616,359 2,595,259 -16,359 4,741


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