  • Ukrainian Gypsy Fortune Telling

    Simon Vanderbelt 2013

    This is a free e-book but only in the sense that I'm not charging for it, it's not copyright free.

    If you want your friends to have a copy, great, but please send them to the Afterworld website where they can download their own copy. Not much to

    ask is it?

  • Table of ContentsIntroduction..................................................................................................4Who are the Ukrainian Gypsies?..................................................................5Letters and Numbers A Gypsy's Luck........................................................6

    Lucky 7s..................................................................................................6E & H (or rather E & N)...........................................................................6

    Cartomancy..................................................................................................7Historical Use..........................................................................................7Interpreting the Cards.............................................................................7The Spread.............................................................................................8Example Reading....................................................................................9

    The Sitter ..........................................................................................9The Spread........................................................................................9Summary..........................................................................................10

    Conclusion.............................................................................................11Coin Reading.............................................................................................12

    Historical Use........................................................................................12The Reading..........................................................................................12Conclusion............................................................................................13

    Bone Mediumship......................................................................................14Historical Use........................................................................................14The Reading..........................................................................................14Conclusion............................................................................................15

    Appendix 1 Card Definitions....................................................................16Clubs.....................................................................................................16Hearts...................................................................................................16Spades..................................................................................................17Diamonds..............................................................................................17

    Appendix 2 Crib Sheet............................................................................18

  • IntroductionFirstly, thanks very much for downloading this e-book, even if it is free! I imagine you fall into one of two categories; you're either a lover of fortune telling systems and histories and will try and read as much as possible on the subject or, more likely, you're an owner of a Ouija Deck and want to get a bit more out of it in terms of readings.

    The Ukrainian Gypsy traditions are something I've been researching and become fascinated with for a couple of years now. Initially it stemmed from an act I had planned, a comedy mentalism act featuring a rubbish Ukrainian psychic. The act never happened, mostly because I'm not funny, but the interest in the Gypsy fortune-tellers held firm.

    I soon realised that guests as psychic parties etc. found it just as interesting, if not more so, as I did. The fact that so little is known about these Gypsy fortune-tellers allowed me to weave fantastic, colourful back stories for simple mentalism routines. People loved the fact that it was all something different from the usual tarot and angel card readings, something with a charming story.

    The fortune-telling systems in this book are those discovered through my own research into this wonderful sub-culture. If you're a magician or mentalist then hopefully you'll find something to embellish your routines with. If you're a 'reader' (I know, the two aren't mutually exclusive!) then hopefully you'll have something new and interesting to offer your sitters.

    Finally, this e-book isn't an instruction on how to give readings as a whole. I make an assumption that you're either an experienced reader or a new enthusiast who has other resources from which to learn the art of readings. If you don't have such resources then I can heartily recommend work from my good friend Paul Voodini, The Reader of Minds (

    Whatever you take from this e-book, just be sure to have fun with it. Otherwise, what's the point?

    Simon Vanderbelt

    January 2013

  • Who are the Ukrainian Gypsies?The term Gypsy is, in reality, a term given to the Romani by people other than themselves (an exonym) and our Ukrainian Gypsies share the same genealogy, although their history is quite unique amongst the Romani.

    The vast majority of Romani were settled in central Europe, in particular Italy, up until the 19th Century having emigrated from South Asia approximately 1000 years ago. Our Ukrainians shared that migratory journey up until the 16th Century when a number of family lines made the journey to the Black Sea to what was then Galicia-Volhynia, a troubled state that forms today's Ukraine.

    As with all Romani people, written documentation is spare, with history being an oral tradition. However, written accounts by spectators at the time do elude to strangers settling in a number of areas. The area was about to come under the rule of The Kingdom of Poland having been the subject of warring between Poland, Lithuania and Hungary for hundreds of years previously. Local commentators and officials noted a rise in an immigrant population which closely matches what we know of the Romani. Not surprisingly during those troubled times, these immigrants were treated with a high degree of suspicion. Some things never seem to change do they?

    Over the next few hundred years, stories became more and more documented regarding the Ukrainian Gypsies (they seemingly never gave themselves an endonym), in particular their trades as craftsmen, entertainers and, most interestingly for us, fortune-tellers.

    Nowadays, the Ukrainian Gypsies don't feature as a significant ethnic group within the country, having amalgamated into the wider population and with later Romani immigrants. Their traditions still do however, and high-street fortune-tellers on the markets of Odessa are still using the oracles as you'll learn in this e-book.

  • Letters and Numbers A Gypsy's LuckBoth numbers and letters play a strong part in the Gypsy's life. Like our Western superstition of the number 13, certain numbers and letters are similarly prominent in their culture.

    For mentalists and bizarre magicians, using the Gypsies as a backstory, much can be made of these, especially in combination with a Ouija Deck.

    Lucky 7s

    The number seven is considered incredibly lucky in Gypsy culture. House numbers, car registrations and birthdates or anniversaries involving 7 or multiples are especially desired. Not surprisingly, July is an incredibly busy month for weddings!

    E & H (or rather E & N)

    The letter H in the Cyrillic Ukrainian alphabet, for reasons unknown, is considered extremely unlucky. Stories are rife in Ukrainian history of villages that felt the Gypsy travellers unwelcome would daub their buildings and signage with the letter H in large red painted letters, reminiscent of a scene from a Hammer Horror movie, with terrified villagers hiding behind this superstition for protection. Not surprisingly, the Gypsies being as superstitious as they were, avoided these villages without question.

    Owners of the Ouija Deck will notice the letter N missing from the Ouija Design on the back of the cards. N is the romanised equivalent of the Cyrillic letter H.

    E, being the seventh letter of the Cyrillic Ukrainian alphabet is considered lucky, many Gypsy names will begin with E.

  • Cartomancy

    Historical Use

    Fortune-telling with cards is the most recent oracle in the Gypsy traditions, starting probably no earlier than the late 17th or 18th Centuries. For whatever reason, the popularity of the Tarot in Western Europe never took as much of a stronghold in the East and Russia.

    If you use this system yourself, then you're in a small, elite but very interesting club. Casanova noted in his diary that his Russian mistress would read his fortunes using playing cards. Contemporary reports of the time (this was during his time in England in the late 1760s) describe the woman as a fair but weasel looking lass, looking as if borne of India but known to be of the Cossacks.

    Later, 'Mad Monk' Grigori Rasputin was well documented as taking favour with a Ukrainian fortune-teller with card readings being his preferred oracle.

    Fortune-telling was a commercial enterprise for the Ukrainian Gypsy and both the reading and indeed the divinatory meanings for each card are a reflection on this. The fortune-teller's customers were almost exclusively young females, concerned with their love life and their family businesses and as you will see, the cards refer to these matters almost entirely.

    If you've ever read Tarot, whether professionally or not, you've no doubt learnt or at least heard of a whole plethora of spreads for various topics and themes. The Gypsy tradition had no such need and kept readings to a simple, one-size-fits-all spread. As a result, and in combination with the meanings of the cards, readers might not find this spread or indeed, system suitable for in-depth readings.

    Interpreting the Cards

    The meanings for each card are given in Appendix 1 at the end of this e-book, along with an printable A5 'crib sheet'. For owners of The Ouija Deck, your life is made so much easier with each meaning printed on the face of the cards!

    The meanings themselves have naturally evolved greatly over the years, especially with the Gypsy traditions being primarily oral in nature. A fortune-teller would teach her daughter how to read the cards and she her own daughter in turn, with a new variation each time. The first known published meanings came in Russian magazine (Housewife)

  • in 1938, reacting to the popularity of fortune-telling at the time, giving everyday women the means to read fortunes for themselves and friends.

    For the modern reader (and indeed, sitter) an amount of interpretation will be required in order to make these statements 'fit' with a modern sitters' lifestyle. Certainly genders should not be taken for granted, if your sitter is a gay female for example and the reading seems focused on romance, it's probably fair to substitute males for females in romantic cards.

    Additionally, the cards don't always concern themselves with the sitter directly. A card that predicts a marriage of wealth for example (Ace Diamonds) isn't necessarily predicting a marriage for the sitter, but possibly someone related to the general theme of the reading itself.

    1 - The sitter's current situation: More often than not, this card will set the 'theme' for the reading, a romance card indicating the reading will concern itself with romance etc. rather than indicating an exact situation the sitter finds themselves in.

    2 - The sitter's unconscious hopes and dreams: One of the more difficult cards for the reader to interpret without help from the sitter. This card indicates those emotions and feelings which are affecting their current situation. If this card doesn't make immediate sense to the sitter, it is likely to indicate unconscious thoughts that even they are unaware of. Cards 3 and 4 should provide clarity.

  • 3 and 4 Distant (3) and Recent (4) past events: These are past events that are still shaping the current situation and potentially, future events. These cards can often be the most difficult to interpret as the meanings for each card are given in a future tense. Simply reword the meaning for your sitter, for example: The Eight of Clubs reads You will receive an offer which you should accept. In one of these past positions, it would be referring to a past offer the sitter received, whom may or may not have accepted the offer although as they card states, they perhaps should have done. There is no defined time frame with these cards, that should be determined together with your sitter whom should recognise the events and be able to give a time frame.

    5 The immediate future: This is an event that will happen within the next few days usually, certainly no longer than a week.

    6 and 7 Near (6) and Distant (7) Future Events: As with the past cards (3 and 4) there is no defined time frame, these could be within months or even years. The context of the reading should give you some idea as a reader. As a general rule, if no timing seems obvious to you, they often match the time frame defined with the past cards.

    Example Reading

    This is a reading given by myself recently for a young woman called Katie. It took place at a house party where I had been booked to provide a little light psychic entertainment.

    The Sitter

    Katie is in her mid-twenties and has recently split up with her boyfriend after a 3 year relationship. She works in a call centre and generally enjoys her work and has a healthy social life.

    The Spread

    Card 1: Queen of Diamonds.Whatever fate deals you, your friends will be of help.

    Katie immediately identified with this as her current situation. Her boyfriend had recently left her and her friends were currently offering her much needed emotional and practical support.

    Card 2: Ten of Hearts.A broken heart will be mended.

    This brought a wry smile to Katie's face and she agreed that a mended

  • heart was definitely her current dreams and hopes.

    Card 3: Seven of Spades.A very simple and plain wedding is to be expected.

    Katie and her boyfriend had been discussing, albeit casually, the kind of ceremony they would like should they decide to wed. A simple 'civil ceremony' was agreed upon. Elaine stated this was approximately 8 months ago.

    Card 4: Ten of Clubs.A work promotion is due within the month.

    This card confused Katie initially as there had been no promotion, nor had she applied for one at all recently. I felt this was referring to a missed opportunity to progress rather than a formal rejection of promotion. Whilst she couldn't think of anything specific that fitted, Katie did admit that in the last month, relationship troubles had affected her attitude in work and as a result hadn't perhaps put as much effort as she had previously done.

    Card 5: Jack of Hearts.A sweet new friendship will be formed.

    Katie seemed a little concerned at this idea of the immediate future as she had no desires to begin another romance so soon. I explained that I felt that it was more likely to be a strictly platonic friendship with a male, one which helped her restore a little faith in the male of the species!

    Card 6: Three of Hearts.Take time to make decisions, caution is your friend.

    I felt this card was referring to decisions Katie would have to make in the coming months regarding 'closure' on her relationship. I urged her not to make rash decisions in this respect and exercise caution as they card suggests.

    Card 7: Eight of HeartsA string of good fortune awaits you in work.

    I explained to Katie, that without the distractions of an unhappy relationship, she would be more work focused and as a result would find a great deal of successes. Rather than a single event with a defined time in the future, I felt these successes would occur over the next year, possibly even further.


    Katie was very pleased with her reading and impressed with the clarity in which she identified with it. She went away happy and confident that she

  • would be able to move on from her unhappy relationship and subsequent split, in particular looking forward to making an improved effort to improve herself in work.


    Personally, I've found these card readings best used as an uplifting, entertaining brief reading which is more about the fun of having your future foretold rather than a deeper 'guidance' reading as you might experience with the Tarot.

    Naturally, owners of the Ouija Deck have life easy when it comes to these kinds of readings. A Ouija Deck can of course be utilised to provide simple one-card readings, which are brief and fun, in a strolling working environment.

  • Coin ReadingGypsy coin readings are a very brief, at-a-glance approach to fortune-telling. With a simple throw of coins, it will indicate the elements of the sitter's life which show signs of needing attention in some way. In truth they were employed as a hook to encourage a potential sitter to pay for a card reading.

    Historical Use

    When a family travelled to a new town, there would be no shortage of sitters, wishing to have their cards read or to receive guidance from deceased loved ones (bone readings). Coin readings wouldn't need to be used in these occasions as the sitters were already more than willing to hand over their hard-earned money. However, during 'off-season' and whilst on the road, passing travellers would be lured in with the promise of a 'free' reading. The Gypsy would then use her sales pitch to sell them a card reading. Docc Hilford would've made an excellent Ukrainian Gypsy!

    The Reading

    The reader has a small cloth laid out in preparation of the reading upon which is drawn a triangle, each point labelled 'Love', 'Business', 'Family'.

    The sitter is instructed to take a large handful of coins (it's worthwhile encouraging them to perhaps select a range of coins rather than predominantly a single value) from their purse, pocket or wallet etc. and to

  • pass them to the reader who cups the coins in both hands, shaking them as you might a group of dice. The reader then gently throws the coins onto the cloth and consults the pattern of coins.

    Attention is given, initially, to the coins which tend toward each point on the triangle. The coins which land there, or absence of coins, indicate the type of future events which are to occur in that area of the sitter's life.

    If the coins are primarily high value coins then a bright future is predicted, a grouping mostly of low value coins indicate a level of status quo for that area of life and while nothing significantly bad is due to occur, there is always room for improvement. If a point of the triangle has very few or no coins land around it then a loss or drop in fortune is foretold.

    A number of coins will of course land in the centre of the cloth and these require closer interpretation by the reader who should try and identify some kind of pattern or trend within the coins. This pattern will go some way to identifying the cause of any fortunes or misfortunes that have been predicted by the coins on the points of the triangle.

    It's impossible to provide a distinct list of patterns that might emerge as there are too many variables present to do so. This part of the reading calls upon the creative skills of the reader to interpret although patterns such as low value coins in a group 'flowing' into higher value coins or gaps in coins towards the points on the triangle would seemingly indicate a the cause (low value or gaps) are of life and the one which will be affected (high value).


    It's probably very obvious as to how the Gypsies would utilise this brief reading to 'up sell' a card or bone reading. Depending on the attitude of the sitter, either a positive prediction would warrant further investigation or the opposite may be true, desiring more details on losses and failures so as to be able to avoid them if possible.

    It's a very simple, quick and direct, reading system that probably won't fit with many 'performers' or professional readers. I've used it myself at psychic parties, mostly as a simple demonstration when discussing the Gypsy fortune-tellers whose methods I use. There's often an amount of curiousity and the guests often ask me to show how it's done.

  • Bone MediumshipBone readings, as performed by the Gypsies are one of the more unique systems of readings that they gave. There seems to be no documented evidence of any other Romani peoples or their descendants using bones as an oracle. The nearest in similarity to these readings are performed in some African states. Quite how it entered into the repertoire of our Ukrainians is something of a mystery.

    Gypsy bone readings can be considered, very loosely, as a form of mediumship, in that the fortunes given are said to originate from deceased members of the sitters' family although the messages are given in the formation of 'thrown bones' (similar to the coin readings) rather than direct clairvoyancy of any kind. There's no 'talking' to or from the dead.

    Historical Use

    Bone readings were the Gypsy's 'premium' product, conducted by elder, vastly-experienced readers, whilst the younger generation stuck to card and coin readings. It's said that only many years fortune-telling experience would give the Gypsy the 'power' to read the bones.

    A reading would be arranged in advance and the sitter instructed to cook and serve a large family meal, ideally comprising of chicken or other bird of comparable size as the main meat dish. The bones of the bird were to be delivered, unwashed, to the Gypsy no later than midnight on the night of the meal.

    The following day, at dawn, the Gypsy would visit the sitter in their own home, bringing the now washed bones with them and conduct the reading at the same table as the previous night's meal was ate.

    The Reading

    The bones would be given to the sitter to shake and throw down onto the table, in a similar fashion to the coin throw mentioned earlier, albeit this time performed by the sitter rather than reader.

    Unlike most other fortune-telling oracles, there is no 'system' in place with bone readings. The reader simply gazes at the bones and awaits 'divinatory inspiration' much like a scryer does with her crystal ball or other tool.

  • Conclusion

    So how do you do it? That in itself requires a much longer publication than this it really comes down to 'doing it for real'. Thankfully, such publications already exist and once again I'd refer the reader to Paul Voodini's ebooks (, in particular his collaborative efforts with psychic Cathy Shadows. These books offer an excellent insight into using your intuition without a 'system'. I really can't recommend them enough.

  • Appendix 1 Card DefinitionsThe following pages list all the 52 cards (no joker is used) of a standard playing card deck, along with their definitions.


    Ace A celebration or party is imminent.

    Two You will receive a refusal today, but tomorrow will change everything.

    Three Look further afield and you will find true love.

    Four Work hard for success and extra luck will come.

    Five Your first child will not be your last.

    Six A musician will soon have an importance in your life.

    Seven You will suffer a small setback but you should not let it worry you.

    Eight You will receive an offer which you should accept.

    Nine A stroke of luck will be yours, combining both love and money.

    Ten A work promotion is due within the month.

    Jack Money is due to you, be sure to spend it wisely.

    Queen A fair looking woman is jealous of you.

    King A reunion with an old male acquaintance will lead to a renewed friendship.


    Ace A perfect sweetheart is bound for you.

    Two Be sure to be gentle with your loved ones' heart today.

    Three Take time to make decisions, caution is your friend.

    Four You will be free of your greatest fear within six months.

    Five A long overseas journey is due, but home will be destiny.

    Six Ignore spiteful comments and you will prosper.

    Seven You can be sure your love is true.

    Eight A string of good fortune awaits you in work.

  • Nine A new love interest is just around the corner.

    Ten A broken heart will be mended.

    Jack A sweet new friendship will be formed.

    Queen Take heed of a friend with advice for your love plans.

    King Be careful with new friends as there may be more than meets the eye.


    Ace A disappointment will become a blessing in disguise.

    Two Small troubles will persist in bothering you.

    Three Luck smiles upon you and sends you money and pleasure.

    Four Be sure to accept the counsel of others with different ideas to your own.

    Five An argument must be avoided at all costs.

    Six Be courageous now and the future will brighten.

    Seven A very simple and plain wedding is to be expected.

    Eight A change in business methods is necessary for success.

    Nine A week of good fortune awaits you.

    Ten What troubles you today will bring smiles tomorrow.

    Jack Delay any romantic plans.

    Queen Beware a silver haired woman who means you harm.

    King Trust the friend who offers to help you.


    Ace A marriage of wealth is due imminently.

    Two Heartache will soon ease.

    Three Charitable work will bring many rewards.

    Four A holiday of enjoyment is due within a month.

    Five Long journeys with others are to be avoided.

    Six Be on guard against enemies and tricksters.

  • Seven Strange happenings are due to befall you.

    Eight False kindness will only end in truth and misery.

    Nine A stroke of luck will fix your income worries.

    Ten A lifelong marriage is a certainty.

    Jack Your previous bad luck will reverse from today.

    Queen Whatever fate deals you, your friends will be of help.

    King Exotic travel will bring pleasure and profit.

    Appendix 2 Crib SheetOpposite is a small crib sheet of the card definitions which can be printed out on an A5 sheet.

  • Clubs HeartsA A celebration or party is imminent. A A perfect sweetheart is bound for you.

    2 You will receive a refusal today, but tomorrow will change everything.

    2 Be sure to be gentle with your loved ones' heart today.

    3 Look further afield and you will find true love. 3 Take time to make decisions, caution is your friend.

    4 Work hard for success and extra luck will come. 4 You will be free of your greatest fear within six months.

    5 Your first child will not be your last. 5 A long overseas journey is due, but home will be destiny.

    6 A musician will soon have an importance in your life.

    6 Ignore spiteful comments and you will prosper.

    7 You will suffer a small setback but you should not let it worry you.

    7 You can be sure your love is true.

    8 You will receive an offer which you should accept. 8 A string of good fortune awaits you in work.

    9 A stroke of luck will be yours, combining both love and money.

    9 A new love interest is just around the corner.

    10 A work promotion is due within the month. 10 A broken heart will be mended.

    J Money is due to you, be sure to spend it wisely. J A broken heart will be mended.

    Q A fair looking woman is jealous of you. Q Take heed of a friend with advice for your love plans.

    K A reunion with an old male acquaintance will lead to a renewed friendship.

    K Be careful with new friends as there may be more than meets the eye.

    Spades DiamondsA A disappointment will become a blessing in

    disguise.A A marriage of wealth is due imminently.

    2 Small troubles will persist in bothering you. 2 Heartache will soon ease.

    3 Luck smiles upon you and sends you money and pleasure.

    3 Charitable work will bring many rewards.

    4 Be sure to accept the counsel of others with different ideas to your own.

    4 A holiday of enjoyment is due within a month.

    5 An argument must be avoided at all costs. 5 Long journeys with others are to be avoided.

    6 Be courageous now and the future will brighten. 6 Be on guard against enemies and tricksters.

    7 A very simple and plain wedding is to be expected.

    7 Strange happenings are due to befall you.

    8 A change in business methods is necessary for success.

    8 False kindness will only end in truth and misery.

    9 A week of good fortune awaits you. 9 A stroke of luck will fix your income worries.

    10 What troubles you today will bring smiles tomorrow.

    10 A lifelong marriage is a certainty.

    J Delay any romantic plans. J Your previous bad luck will reverse from today.

    Q Beware a silver haired woman who means you harm.

    Q Whatever fate deals you, your friends will be of help.

    K Trust the friend who offers to help you. K Exotic travel will bring pleasure and profit.

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