Page 1: Understanding Acharit Hayamim and Chavlei HaMashiach


Acharit Hayamim and

Chavlei HaMashiach

R’ Itzhak Shapira

Page 2: Understanding Acharit Hayamim and Chavlei HaMashiach

מקדש ישראל ' ברוך אתה ה


Baruch Ata Adonai

M’ekadesh Yisrael V’azmanim

Understanding the Term Acharit Hayamim

Page 3: Understanding Acharit Hayamim and Chavlei HaMashiach

ים מ ית הי אחר אחר


סוף יומיא

“The End”

Understanding the Term Acharit Hayamim

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Page 6: Understanding Acharit Hayamim and Chavlei HaMashiach

ו׃ כו־ב ל ים ה ל ם שוע מ ש יון ש ל הר־צ ( פ)ע

Because of Mount Zion, which lies desolate; Jackals prowl

over it.

ור׃ ר וד ד אך ל ס ב כ ש ם ת עול הוה ל ה י את

But You, O LORD, are enthroned forever, Your throne

endures through the ages.

ים׃ ך ימ ר א נו ל ב עז נו ת ח כ ש צח ת נ ה ל מ ל

Why have You forgotten us utterly, Forsaken us for all time?

יך ונשוב ל ה ׀ א הו נו י יב ה]הש וב נש ם׃ [ ו ד ק ינו כ ש ימ חד

Take us back, O LORD, to Yourself, And let us come back;

Renew our days as of old!

-Echa 5

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זעמן פעמונים


זמן ע

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זעמן פעמונים


זמן ע

גוג ומגוג

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358ספרות –385= שכינה


1,444= מעולם לא זזה שכינה מכותל המערבי

אלופו של עולם-1,000

מקדש= 444

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Now when Yeshua went out and was going

away from the Temple, His disciples came up

to point out to Him the Temple

buildings. 2 “Don’t you see all these?” He

responded to them. “Amen, I tell you, not one

stone will be left here on top of another—

every one will be torn down!”

-Matthew 24

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Chavli HaMashiach

ק ע ז יל ת ח ת ת ד ל יב ל ר ה תק ר ו ה מ יה כ ל בחב

ה׃ הו יך י נ פ ינו מ י ן ה כ

Like a woman with child Approaching

childbirth, Writhing and screaming

in her pangs, So are we become

because of You, O LORD.

-Isaiah 26:17

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Chavli HaMashiachYeshua answered them, “Be careful that no one

leads you astray! 5 For many will come in My

name, saying, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will lead

many astray. 6 You will hear of wars and

rumors of wars. See that you are not

alarmed, for this must happen but it is not

yet the end. 7 For nation will rise up against

nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And

there will be famines and earthquakes in

various places. 8 But all these things are only

the beginning of birth pains.

-Matthew 24:4-8

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What was Yeshua talking about?

The Sages taught in a baraita: With regard to the seven-year period, i.e.,

the Sabbatical cycle, during which the Messiah, son of David,

comes: During the first year, this verse will be fulfilled: “And I will

cause it to rain upon one city and cause it not to rain upon another

city” (Amos 4:7). During the second year of that period, arrows of

famine will be shot, indicating that there will be famine only in certain

places. During the third year there will be a great famine, and men,

women, children, the pious, and men of action will die, and the

Torah is forgotten by those who study it. During the fourth year

there will be plenty but not great plenty. During the fifth year there

will be great plenty and they will eat, and drink, and rejoice, and the

Torah will return to those who study it. During the sixth year,

heavenly voices will be heard. During the Sabbatical Year, wars, e.g.,

the war of Gog and Magog, will be waged involving the Jewish

people. During the year after the conclusion of the Sabbatical Year, the

son of David will come.

-Sanhedrin 97a

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The severity of these days

ייתי ולא איחמיניה [ רבה]אמר עולא ייתי ולא איחמיניה וכן אמר

רב יוסף אמר ייתי ואזכי דאיתיב בטולא דכופיתא דחמריה

Ulla says: Let the Messiah come, but after my

death, so that I will not see him, as I fear the

suffering that will precede his coming. Likewise,

Rabba says: Let the Messiah come, but after my

death, so that I will not see him. Rav Yosef says:

Let the Messiah come, and I will be privileged to

sit in the shadow of his donkey’s excrement. I

am willing to undergo all the pain and disgrace

associated with his arrival.

-Sanhedrin 98b

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How will the Geulah will come?

צצוו תר ה י מ ן ל ם־כ ר א אמ ה ות ב ר ק ים ב נ הב

ה׃ הו ת־י ש א ר ד ך ל ל י ות כ נ ה א ז

But the children struggled in her

womb, and she said, “If so, why do I

exist?”She went to inquire of the


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How will the Geulah will come?

ת ז ח ו א יד יו ו ח א א ן יצ י־כ חר א ו ו ב עש בעק

ב א שמו יעק קר ה וי נ ים ש ש ן־ש ק ב ח צ י ו

ם׃ ת ת א ד ל ב

Then his brother emerged, holding on

to the heel of Esau; so they named

him Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old

when they were born.

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How will the Geulah will come?

ויקרא שמו יעקב לומר שזה שנוטל עקב עשו

.הוא על העתיד

His name will be called Yaakov to

state that he grab the heel of Esav in

the future…

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How will the Geulah will come?





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Roadmap for Geulah

I say then, they did not stumble so as to

fall, did they? May it never be! But by their

false step salvation has come to the

Gentiles, to provoke Israel to

jealousy. 12 Now if their transgression

leads to riches for the world, and their

loss riches for the Gentiles, then how

much more their fullness!

-Romans 11:11

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Roadmap for Geulah

For I do not want you, brothers and

sisters, to be ignorant of this mystery—

lest you be wise in your own eyes—that a

partial hardening has come upon Israel

until the fullness of the Gentiles has

come in;

-Romans 11:25

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When a Jew feel certain

“void”, and even if he

calculates that he is “not

worthy”, there is a

commandment from the

Torah to ask HaShem to

fill his void.

The greatest void of the

Jewish people are, that

they are still exile,

double darkness since

the Messiah yet to


The Lacking of “Yaakov”

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The Mutual need for each other

24 ‘ADONAI bless you and keep you!25 ADONAI make His face to shine on you and

be gracious to you![c]

26 ADONAI turn His face toward you and grant

you shalom!’




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The Fullness of MaShiach

Esav=David son of Jesse


דוד בן ישי=עשיו

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The Talmud on Isaiah 9

“….Rabbi Yosi stated…the name of the Messiah

is Shalom as he is called “everlasting father

prince of peace.” Rabbi Yehoshuah responded,

great is the Shalom, as the nation of Israel is

called Shalom (Zechariah 8).…Rabbi Yosi stated,

great is the Shalom, when king Messiah reveals

himself to Israel he will bring Shalom, as it

stated “How beautiful upon the mountains are

the feet of the messenger of good tidings…..”

פרק השלום מסכת זוטא-

אף שמו של משיח נקרא שלום : רבי יוסי הגלילי אומר

(. ישעיה ט" )אבי עד שר שלום: "שנאמר

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Reaching the Final Geulah

G-D said to Israel, you wept and spoke before of me: “we were orphans and we don’t have a father….in the future

the redeemer that I will bring the Geulah of Persia, and also

for them there will be no Father and Mother as it is written: “He had raised

Hadassah—that is

Esther—his uncle’s

daughter, for she had

neither father nor mother”

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Devarim 31:18

י כ נ א ההואיוםב ניפ יראסת רהסת ,ו לכ על , -

ה ע ר ש ראש ,ה הע : י נהכ פ ל , -א ים יםאלה ר אח

And I will surely hide My face in that

day for all the evil which they shall have

wrought, in that they are turned unto

other gods.

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Hastarat Panim




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Hester Panim

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Hastarat Panim

Rabbi Yisrael Logasi B’ekvot HaMashiach writes:

נם מ נב ,א ת יאהנ אה יב כ א לג עלמל ת ד יםפ רתהס בולנ ל וב

הד חותהמ י עותו יהש יםבי ה םמ ה אב ה ת ב ק ש ד ע אמ יח י , כ

ש ר יםה ןש הומעש ע יחוט ל יצ ,

The prophet Malachi prophesized that the

magnitude of the H’astarat Hapanim (hiding of the

face), confusion will be great during the days that

called “Akevot HaMashiach” (heel of the Messiah),

the work of Hasatan will be great in those days.

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Hastarat Panim

On commentary on Devarim 31 we read:

הב ש רו לי א הראש ר צ ר חז י ת ה אמונתוב קל יה , ה חי ר מכ

יק ז הח יל ת ש יוב בב יד ר יותפ ח יפ זה , ש ו רי אמונתוב א .

The son of Israel who would want to strengthen in

his faith (during the time of Hesther Panim), will

have to hold in his hands two swords (think about

Ephesians….fyi), and he will remain in his faith.

This is called הסתרה כפולה (double darkness).

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Hastarat Panim

Rabbi Logasi continues:

The Hesther Panim that we are in him today never

existed (in the past exiles), it represents the

decline of the generations. There are no Shepard’s

who can flock the sheep with the revelation of the

Ruach Hakodesh. It is because there is no

generation that is worthy as we see at the end of

Maschet Sutah….

ת ס יםפ רהה נובונ יםש א יהל ארוי מותוכ ה יא , ה פ ו נ ימ

ידת ר הדורותי ין , יםא י רוע עוש תר לויב אןהצ א עתג הופ ו

שהק רוח ד הוא , פ ו יןש נ ימ אויהדורא ךר כ ישל רהי א ש

יניוב היעש ע עוד , אכ ו הסוףב מוב סוט .

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Overcoming Hester Panim SHILUACH HAKEN: Devarim22:6-7

א קןו ר ק י י ניך -כ פ פור ל צ

ל כ ך ב ר ץ או על-בד -ע

ץ ר א ים או , ה ח ר פ א

ים יצ ת על, ב צ ב ם ר א ה -ו

ים ח ר פ א -או על, ה

ים יצ ם-ל א--הב א קח ה , ת

ים-על נ .הב

“If there happens to be a bird’s nest in front of you along the road, in any tree or on the ground, with young ones or eggs and the hen sitting on the young or on the eggs, you are not to take the hen with the young.

שלח ז ח ת -אתשל

אם ת,ה א ים -ו נ הב

קח ך-ת ך, ל יטב ל מען י , ל

ים ת ימ הארכ {ס}.ו

You must certainly let the hen go, but the young you may take

for yourself so that it may go well with you and you may prolong your days.

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SHILUACH HAKEN: Devarim 22:6-7


Motherשיחמהרון א

רדכימסתר א

שיחמליהו א

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The process of returning

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The Answer is in one


Return- Shuvu!

The process of returning

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חזרתו של מישהו או משהו לאותו מקום או

.לאותו מצב שהו היה קודם לכן

The process of returning

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י גם ם כ את ר ק ז את נ י ל יח ענה -כ ש המ

יו בות ק ע כת ב ל ת ל כם מופ יר ל א ש ה ם ו כ בעד

For you were called to this, because

Messiah also suffered for you,

leaving you an example so that you

might follow in His footsteps

Finding the Akevot

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1. Footsteps of HaShem

2. Footsteps of Israel

3. Footsteps of Mashiach

Attributes of Footsteps:

1. The covenants

2. Lead us to Geulah

Footsteps identification

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