Page 1: Understanding Muay Thai – Make Your Martial Arts Training Count

Article: Phillymma.Com


Many people these days are taking up martial arts training – some to increase their self defence skills, others as a

fitness regime and some even pursue this field as a hobby. There are also people who practice these arts as a sport

and undergo rigorous training and skill development exercises to fight professionally in local events as well as

international gatherings. Overall, the interest in martial arts is definitely on a rise these days.

Muay Thai is one such fighting art that is rapidly gaining in popularity all over the world. Originating in Thailand, this

mixed martial art format is known for its effects on weight loss and fitness building. It is also widely accepted as an

effective self defence technique to master. Let us see what Muay Thai is all about.


To be a good Muay Thai fighter, one of the first requisites is to have a lean and sit body. Trainers recommend a run

of at least 5kms a day to begin with in order to bring one’s body into shape for becoming capable of performing this

martial art moves. The practice concerns the lower region of the body mostly and most Muay Thai moves involve

extensive use of the legs. In fact, this martial art is considered as the epitome of kicking. This is why running and

jogging is recommended to enhance the strength of one’s leg muscles and develop flexibility. You should also be

light on your feet, which is why skipping is also recommended as a preparation exercise For Muay Thai fighters. In

fact, hopping from one foot to another is considered better than jumping on both feet while skipping.


If you are interested in taking up Muay Thai training, the first thing you should do is enrol yourself with a reputed

gym or trainer in your locality. There are four possible practice methods for Muay Thai.

Shadow Boxing, that involves practicing moves in front of a mirror. This allows fighters to simulate offensive

as well as defensive skills and follow moves to perfect their stance and balance.

Practicing with a punching bag comes next where you learn how to channelize your power through the

moves you have perfected. It will help you perfect your placement and technique, making your hits more

targeted and result producing.

The next level will be practicing with Thai pads. Here, either your trainer or a well trained partner will wear

the pads to represent targets for you to strike this can help you perfect your attack on a moving opponent as

well as develop your defensive skills

And finally comes the sparring where you actually get to use your moves and skills in professional bouts

against trained opponents. Here you get a real life feel of the intricacies of Muay Thai fighting and reach the

level of a skilled fighter yourself.

If you are looking for training in Muay Thai in Philadelphia, is one website you can trust. Make sure you check out

what they have to offer.


Shane Johnson is an expert in mixed martial arts who also likes to share his extensive knowledge about the field

through the many articles and blogs he writes. He recommends as the best name to trust for

learning various forms of MMA in Philadelphia.

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