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Introduction toSymbols


of Unification Church

UC Mosaic

v 10.8

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Short Vocabalary:CSG = Cheon Seong Gyeong, Holy TextbookCIG = Cheon Il Guk, Two persons become one, KoHCP = Cheong Pyeong, Spir. training ground KoreaDP = Divine PrincipleLSA = Lord of Second AdventTF = True Father, Sun Myung MoonTM = True Mother, Hak Ja Han MoonUC = Unification Church

See also extended Vocabalary:

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HSA-UWCHoly Spirit(ual) Association

for the Unification ofWorld Christianity

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Jahve a fearful God

O.TMosesAbraham, Isaak, Jacob


Spiritual Gap


= Animals

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God, a loving Father


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God, Man made Divine! C.T

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Godof Night

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God of Day

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God of Night & Day /TP of Heaven, Earth, and Heaven, Earth, and Humankind

1st, 2nd & 3rd Blessings




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600-200BC 1684AD 1905

”TOE”Theory of EverythingSpirit & Physical Laws unitedSpirit thought > speed of light



e Tru

th Newton& Kepler


”The Earth is round”

Classical Physics F = ma

Early GreekCulture Pythagoras,HerodotusPlato,Aristotle

Relativity/Quantum Physics E = mc^2


Compare the Development of Physical Truth

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4000BC 0 2000AD


2013 13Jan H.C. (22Febr)



l Tru

th &






C.P Moses JakobMain: 10 Commandments

Main: Love God & Your Neighbor as yourself

Main: Blessing Live Holy Life CIG,CSG … JonSong…


C.P. Jesus as Christ, New Adam“The Way”

C.P. True Parents1960



…with the Development of Spiritual Truth

Cheon IlGuk


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The Mountaintop, or the Summit as it may be called, may be viewed from the North, East, South or West; from above, below, or from within.

Each view looks different; yet each viewer looks at the same Mountaintop. So it is with religions of man — Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Taoism, and so forth.

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How do they apply to you right now in your life? To what degree have you incorporated each one?

Each created its own principles that follow some of the Divine Principles of Truth. In the end, it all comes back to the Relationship of "THE ONE GOD WITHIN."

In our life, each of us searches for Truth within our heart. Go through the following Divine Principles, and carefully consider each one.

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The real spiritual starting point of preparation for a Unification Churchwas the sad answer to Jesus prayer 2000 years ago in Israel!

Go the Way of the Cross!That led to a need for 2nd Advent of Christ!

Only God new the plan (=Korea), according to Jesus

Gethsemane (Mk. 14:36)

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TF SunMyungMoon starting his public Messianic mission 19453 –years preparation before first 7-year course1948-1953Ending in Korean War 1950-53


Jesus doing his 3 –yearPublic preparation

Ending in Crucifixion

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1st 7-year course






2nd 7-year course

3rd 7-year course

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The Imitation of Christby

Thomas a Kempis1400

C.P. (Central person) Jesus as Christ,

New Adam“The Way”

C.T. (Core teaching) “Love God and your neighbor”• “Forgive and love your


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Some 13 Core Teachings of Jesus:

Initial Message "This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel."

The Golden Rule: "Do to others whatever you would have them do to you." 

The Greatest Commandment: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength... You shall love your neighbor as yourself." 

Love of Enemies: "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you." 

Repentance & Forgiveness: "If your brother sins, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him.

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Judging Others: "Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you.“

Faith & Prayer: "Have faith in God... Therefore I tell you, all that you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it and it shall be yours." 

Jesus' Destiny: "The Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and rise after three days.

Jesus' Identity: "Again the high priest asked him and said to him, 'Are you the Messiah, the son of the Blessed One?' Then Jesus answered, 'I am; and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power and coming with the clouds of heaven.' " 

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Jesus and the Father: "After Jesus was baptized... a voice came from the heavens, saying, 'This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.' me by my Father. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.“

Jesus and the Holy Spirit: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.“

Healing: "And these signs (casting out) shall follow them that believe (Christians) in My name (Jesus) shall they "cast out 'devils'." Mark 16

Follower: “Take up your cross and follow Me” (Matth 16; Mark 8; Luke 9)"

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Some 13 Core Teachings of True Father Moon:

Initial Message:  The Messiah, Christ, LSA, 3rd Adam - will be born in Korea as a man, - and marry in Holy Marriage - and Bless others in Holy Marriage. /DP

The Golden Rule: "Do to others whatever you would have them do to you." 

The Greatest Commandment: Fulfill the 3 Blessings.Whatever the time or place, love is most important. God was searching for a person who would live with a heart of love and who, when faced with suffering, could cut off its effects with love. /TF Biography  

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…Core Teachings of True Father Moon:

Love of Enemies: "When you love your enemies rather than seeking revenge, you create the condition for winning them over and eventually leading them. All the world religions- Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, etc.-that are persecuting me are actually signing over their blessings to me in the process. That is the inevitable consequence of their opposition.”

“This is universal truth. Therefore, persecution is not really a bad thing; in fact, it is almost a necessity. Throughout history religions have been persecuted, but still they have flourished. Persecution does not necessarily bring destruction.”

“This operates like a balance scale. If you push one end all the way down, the other end will rise all the way up. When Western culture and Western people persecute me, the Oriental, black and colored people will rise and acknowledge me as their champion. They

will support me. "  /23 Jan 1983

“Historians will record that Reverend Moon truly exemplified the command of Jesus: Love your enemies. Reverend Moon has been loving his enemies through every circumstance, including this recent court indictment and trial. I inspired the creation of the Inchon film for the purpose of awakening of the American public. Likewise I inaugurated the creation of The Washington Times to inspire righteous public opinion for the sake of America. These deeds will be recorded by future historians as manifestations of loving

one's enemies.” /1 May 1984

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...Core Teachings of True Father Moon:

Repentance & Forgiveness: Law of Indemnity + The Blessing

Judging Others: "Stop judging each other” /DaeMoNim

Faith & Prayer: Pray for the sake of all humanity, or for the heart of God and the cosmic dispensation.History is looking forward to another epoch, and such paryings, the coming of the Lord of the Second Advent. /SMM 16Oct 77

TF Destiny: Not to die (Prophetic, 3 dove in Noahs Ark) Marriage of the Lamb Fulfill the 3 Great Blessings

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...Core Teachings of True Father Moon:

TF' Identity: At a meeting held in the eastern part of the United States on the occasion of his first visit to the U.S.A., a questioner bluntly asked him: "Are you Christ?" In reply Sun Myung Moon raised his hand and pointed to various members of the audience in turn, saying: "and so are you... and you... and you also, if you can accept it.The purpose of the coming Lord is that some day all shall be like him – like Christ.“In a way then, the Divine Principle, this new revelation, is the documentary of my life. It is my own life experience. The Divine Principle is in me, and I am in the Divine Principle.

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...Core Teachings of True Father Moon:

TF and the Heavenly Father: My every action is to liberate God from his sorrow.God has been following Reverend Moon all these silent, lonely years.

TF and the Holy Spirit: TF + TM = True Parents “New Holy Trinity”

Healing: CP Providence since 1995…Ancestor Liberation

Following:  We have to make sure that we are very strict in following True Parents and ensure that all of humanity will eventually follow our footsteps. In order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven after the year 2000, we have to enter as families, as Blessed couples.

We cannot enter the Kingdom of God without True Parents' grace. No matter how difficult your situation may be, you have to follow behind the Lord of the Second Advent. You have to follow completely. /IS MY TRUE SON'S DAY April 18, 1996

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Apostle Paul

• 1962: I bear witness to the fact that the Old Testament and the New Testamentcombined are not sufficient to live by in the New Cosmic Age we have ascended into.To be saved, every man, woman and child must commence their mission before they leave this earth plane. And before they can do this they must find the reason for the original sin and what original sin is. Perfection and resurrection can only be achieved through work and that work must be done in the body, the spirit of Truth demands it.

… through the original sin none is righteous, NOT ONE PERSON. Rom. 3:10It means that all have a common guilt, a common sin.

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Apostle Paul

Paul 9.11.2001 "I recognize the importance of human responsibility."

Now after learning the Principle, I became even more confident that the Apostle Paul's traditional view of God was very mistaken. We necessarily should have attended God, the resurrected Jesus and the Messiah.

Individual responsibility of 100% is of tremendous importance for God's providence.I promise to study the Principle and lead Christian believers here in the right direction. I have been making thorough preparation for accomplishing my assigned mission.

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Da Vinci Code

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God wanted to have Jesus marry and have a home and children. Together with his children he could have expanded to a society and nation and world which was one family of God. Then the praise of God would have been heard from the entire earth; that sound would have echoed and resounded in the spirit world, and the spirit world and physical world together would have been joyful in celebration.

After the Messiah fulfills God's will, he will have a day of celebration and dancing. The Messiah will dance and the whole universe will dance with him. Even God will come down and be everyone's partner, dancing together. That's the way God wants it done on God's Day. /SMM 1 Jan 1978

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Because Joseph took this kind of action the bible refers to him as a righteous man. It was God's desire that Zachariah, Elizabeth and John the Baptist surround and protect the Messiah no matter how difficult their family situation might be.

None of them wanted to protect Jesus. Zachariah, Elizabeth and John the Baptist all knew how Jesus was conceived.

They all were opposed to Jesus marrying their younger daughter. This family secret phenomena became the basis for the problem of incest. / SMM19 Apr 1996

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2000 year of preparationfor the Second Coming of Christ

M Luther (1483-1546)

R. SteinerAntroposophy

Korean PhopheciesPubl. 1998

Nostradamus 1503-1566

Swedenborg 1688-1772


”1920”Tagore Yeats


St John of Patmos

Fatima Ford

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Luther on Islam

As early as 1518, Dr. Martin Luther had identified the Islamic faith as the"scourge of God." *For the rest of his life Luther believed that the Muslims were God's punishment upon a sinful Christendom who had, among other sins (ingratitude, toleration of wicked sects, worship of the god Mammon, drunkenness, greed, and the split of Christendom which had provoked His wrath), tolerated the papal abomination. ___________________________________________________________

Say, "We believe in God, and in what has been revealed to us, and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in what was given to Moses, Jesus, and the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to God do we submit.“/WS1, Islam.Qur'an 3.84

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As discussed in the Principle, Ishmael, the elder of Abraham's two sons, could not receive God's blessing when Abrahams position a father of faith was passed to Isaac, the second son. Abraham had made a mistake in the sacrifice of birds and animals but through his determination to restore that mistake he offered his son as sacrifice. In the original dispensation, Abraham was to lay a foundation of faith after which Ishmael and Isaac would lay a foundation of substance. God's blessing would then have been given to Isaac and Ishmael.

DP and Islam

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As shown in the Principle, the church did not succeed in establishing a purified foundation for true parents in its first 400 years. Consequently, by the end of the fourth century Christianity could not be confined as the global Abel and therefore entered a long history of wandering in the wilderness of the fallen world in a prolonged providence. These shortcomings in Christianity meant that it could not restore the errors of the Israelites and was not able to embrace the Ishmaelites. Thus the stage was set for God to send Mohammed as a prophet to the Ishmaelites.

DP and Islam

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Jerusalem, al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock 692AD

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2000 year preparationProphecies

Nostradamus 1503-1566

X 75Long awaited he will never return in Europe.

He will appear in Asia; One of the league issued from great Hermes,

He will grow above all other powers in the Orient.


Medical DoctorProphet

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The Fall of Man is described in Sexual terms exactly like the novel (?) Divine Principle by Dr Sun Myung Moon

Book IX: Satan returns to Eden and enters into the body of a sleepingserpent. The serpent tempts Eve to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. She eats and takes some fruit for Adam. Adam realizes that Eve hasbeen tricked, but eats of the fruit, deciding that he would rather die with Eve than live without her.

John Milton Paradise Lost


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At first the two become intoxicated by the fruit, and both become lustful and sleep together;

afterwards, in their loss of innocence Adam and Eve cover their nakedness and fall into despair:

"They sat them down to weep, nor only tears/ Rained at their eyes, but high winds worse within/ Began to rise, high passions, anger, hate,/ Mistrust, suspicion, discord, and shook greatly/ Their inward state of mind."

John Milton Paradise Lost


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2000 year preparationProphecies

Swedenborg was called the “Columbus of the Spiritual World",“the Nordic Aristoteles", or "Swedish Newton".

He called Himself plainly " the servant of Jesus Christ".

Swedenborg 1688-1772

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2000 year preparationProphecies

• Man survives physical death in a living body• Our spirit is already in the Spirit World when alive in the Physical World.• God does not judge us – Our life does!• Jesus did not resurect physically.• 2nd Coming is Swedenborgs revelation

Swedenborg 1688-1772

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SpiritualVibration: Evil spirit World Good Paradise KoH True Love & God

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DP: Christ conceusness is a matter of mental warfare against the lower evil thoughts (vibrations)

• That’s why Jesus as Christ was controversial

• That’s why DP (Divine Principle) and LSA (Lord of Second Advent) are controversial!

Eph 6:12: “For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities (rulers), against the powers, against the world-rulers of thisdarkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

Apostle Paul instructs us to put on our spiritual armour because our battle in this world is a "spiritual" one. A warfare that involves the trickery and power of the devil, as opposed to a human battle.

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2000 year preparationProphecies

Dr. Young Oon Kim:

For me, Divine Principle's idea of the polarity in Godsounded like Swedenborg's idea of God's dual essentialities: divine wisdom and divine love.

Since man is a representative image of wisdom and woman is a representative image of love, there is need for them to have a reciprocal relationship. Isn't this like our Unification theologies emphasis upon the polarity of man and woman and the need for give and take?  

Swedenborg 1688-1772

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2000 year preparationProphecies

Dr. Young Oon Kim:

There are two worlds, the spiritual and the natural. These are distinct, yet similar. Spirit world has trees, mountains, cities and societies, just as does the natural world.

Swedenborg 1688-1772

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2000 year preparationProphecies

Dr. Young Oon Kim:Swedenborg also corrects the traditional doctrine of the resurrection.Jesus' physical body was not resurrected. By overcoming the last trial -the crucifixion- Jesus was completely glorified.

He "made the very corporeal in Himself Divine." That is, he no longer had a human body like ours.

Swedenborg 1688-1772

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Quote 1929 about Korea, written by the greatIndien Poet and Nobel literate Tagore:

"In the golden Age of Asia Korea was one of the light-bearers and that light is waiting again to be lit for the enlightenment of the East."

2000 year preparationProphecies

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Därefter så uppenbarade dom under en följd av år, ett enormt tidsschema som omfattade hela historiens struktur och mening, tolkat som ett komplicerat mönster av 2000-års perioder.

Tre år senare, så hade Yeats femtio anteckningsböcker fulla av nedskrivet material.

Han omarbetade dessa och publicerade det hela i en 300 sidors bok kallad "En Vision". ”A Vision” Efter att freden mellan västmakterna och Tyskland undertecknats i Versaillesfördraget den 28 juni 1919,så publicerade W.B. Yeats ett poem med titeln "Återkomsten" (1920). ”The Second Coming” (1920)

2000 year preparationProphecies

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In 1915 Bailey discovered the Theosophical Society and the work of Blavatsky.

The Reappearance of the Christ is part of a set of 24 books by Alice A. Bailey, written in cooperation with a Tibetan teacher between 1919-1949, constitute a continuation of the Ageless Wisdom.

2000 year preparationProphecies

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page 44The general staff of the Christ is already active in the form of the New Group of World Servers … The spiritual and organising effect of expressed and voiced invocation has been also attempted since 1935, and the energy of the invocative cry of humanity has been directed into those channels which reach from Earth to that High Place where dwells the Christ.

Comment: 1935 was the very year the young Sun Myung Moon was asked by Jesus to finnish Jesus mission!

2000 year preparationProphecies

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p. 66 The works and teachings of Christ will be difficult to accept for the christian world, but in spite of this still be accepted in the Orient.

He will be a World teacher and not just a christian teacher.

p. 69 "the time of decision", as it is called in hierarchical circles, was in the time of full moon in June 1936 and full moon in june 1945.

The time of decision covered only 9 years ( a relatively short time period);

and resulted in the decision that Christ should return or become visible on Earth as soon as possible, and much earlier that planned.

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Comet McNaught viewed over the Pacific in 2007

Comet McNaught, 

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R. Steiner, Austrian

• Nature is like a huge life womb for Man• Life is like a plant, with the potential future budding inside of it.

• Comment: 1. Life in water = the womb 2. life in the air = Earth 3. life in Love = Spirit World

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• Steiner regarded the same spiritual forces working in nature as in mans mind.

• Nature is all the time (naturally) developing its possibilities

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• S. was greatly influenced by Goethes Colour-theory, "S: a total experience of the colour without the form“

• The internal and external are always in a rel. ship (compare Swedenborg “Law of Correspondence")

• Founder of Waldorf School

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Steiner founded The School of Spiritual Science, intended as an "organ of initiative" for research and study and as "the soul of the Anthroposophical Society"

Steiner believed that through freely chosen ethical disciplines and meditative training, anyone could develop the ability to experience the spiritual world, including the higher nature of oneself and others.

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Steiner believed that such discipline and training would help a person to become a more moral, creative and free individual – free in the sense of being capable of actions motivated solely by love.

He believed in equality of human rights for political life, individual freedom in cultural life, and voluntary, uncoerced cooperation between organizations of producers, distributors and consumers to provide solidarity in economic life.

Comment: Compare with Unfication Thoughts theoryof new Economics and Culture.

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Science has come to understand the distinction between the optical spectrum, as observed by Newton, and the phenomenon of human colour perception as presented by Goethe

According to Goethe, "Newton's error... was trusting math over the sensations of his eye."

Pre-Raphaelites. and J. M. W. Turner studied it comprehensively.

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Steiner describes Christ's being and mission on earth as having a central place in human evolution:The being of Christ is central to all religions, though called by different names by each.

Every religion is valid and true for the time and cultural context in which it was born.

Christ Second Coming would become manifest in non-physical form, in the "etheric realm" — i.e. visible to spiritual vision and apparent in community life

Comment: We are NOW entering the Universal Aquarian Age!

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Exploding star “ a Supernova

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• Hitler• Archangel Russia• Einstein• Billy & Ruth Graham• 1920

2000 year preparationProphecies


Ref: Jon Quinn

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• Hitler; The book is a Satanic Bible. It is based on racial hatred and love of violence. Hitler wrote that God had given him the commission to eradicate the Jew and raise up a new race of men, "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator by defending against the Jew; I am fighting for the Lord." Of course, the Lord is Satan who rules this earth. Hitler had total confidence in himself. He is a Satanic Christ.

• Archangel Russia; The following is a few notes about Archangel, Russia. In time, we will complete this section of the book. For now, we want to mention the amazing historical fact that Lenin's Red Army marched into the city of Archangel in February 3 days before Sun Myung Moon was born. Coincidence? The most evil, godless empire known to man was born 3 days before the Messiah was born. Three is the number of separation. Satan struck first with his evil ideology and its spokesman, Lenin. Three days later, God gave the world His spokesman for truth, Sun Myung Moon.

2000 year preparationProphecies


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• Einstein, “From the 1920s to the end of his life in 1955, he searched for what he called a unified field theory. He said the universe is exactly engineered: "God is subtle but he is not malicious.“

2000 year preparationProphecies


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• Billy & Ruth Graham, I would like to tell the importance of a person who was born in 1920. It is the story of a girl born and raised in China. Her name was Ruth Bell. When she was 15, she was, as amazing as it sounds, living a few miles from the spot Jesus gave his mission to a 15 year old boy on Easter morning, 1935. By growing up in China, she learned to love oriental people. She was not corrupted by the West. By going to school in Korea she was groomed to be a bridge between the young, humble Korean messiah and the rich, powerful white nations. She would have been invaluable as a helpmate to her husband who would have to grapple with the heresy and the skin color of someone so different than the John the Baptist. Her acceptance of the young Christ from the East would have been as important as her husband's. Christians have been waiting for 2000 years for the return of Jesus. They needed Ruth Graham to help them make the jump to accepting what looked like a blasphemer of God.

2000 year preparationProphecies


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• 1920 William Butler Yeats was one of the greatest poets of the 20th century. He and his wife were very interested in things spiritual. He published one of the most famous poems of the 20th century, The Second Coming, in 1920. There is no coincidence that he published this in the same year that Sun Myung Moon was born.

Rev. Moon is the Second Coming of Christ. Spirit world was working to prepare mankind for the new messiah,from the very day of his birth 1920!

2000 year preparationProphecies


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Pyongyang 1946earliest roots of UC

• West Coast: Female group - Inside Belly Church "The new Lord is twenty-six and you must serve him well, as you have served me," Jesus said.”

• East Coast: Male group -

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Moon taught that Korea was the second Israel and that the return of Jesus would take place in Korea. But, he said, the return would not happen in either the spiritual or supernatural way that Christians tended to expect.He said that, just as the mission of the Old Testament prophet Elijah passed in the time of Jesus to John the Baptist, sothe mission of Jesus would pass to another.

Pyongyang in 1946 was still a dynamic center for Korean Christianity. Denominations which had been banned by the Japanese had re-established themselves. There were churches everywhere. Christians called the city the Jerusalem of the East. But the writing was on the wall, as the Soviet-backed authorities began breaking up Christian power.l

1946Pyongyang1st attempt

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Hungnam after US bombing raids (Imperial War Museum, London)

"Weren't you hurt?" Pak asked Moon after it was over. Moon had been working in the area where empty sacks were stored when the bombing began.

"God said that no one would be hurt within a twelve-meter radius of me. While the bombing was going on, I was praying and communicating with the saints in the spiritual world," Moon replied. Pak, elated that they had both survived, began singing the 'Garden of Restoration' song.

After a body count, the guards announced that two hundred and seventy people had been killed during the raid. /The Early Years, 1920-53 - Michael Breen

May 1948-May 1950“PrisonWitnessing”

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In 1948, Israel became independent; therefore, some might think it reasonable for the Lord to come back to Israel.

Korea also became independent in 1948. However, Korea was liberated from Japanese colonization, in contrast to modern Israel's situation. Conceivably both countries may have become independent at the same time because the physical Israel inherited something from the spiritual Israel, Korea.


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The fact that the Jewish people, who had been wandering for 2,000 years, found their nation, shows that all their sins had been forgiven.

Because Jesus' death was indemnified, mankind was able to receive forgiveness and the Lord of the Second Advent could come.


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Unified Korea has the shape of an Angel blowing a horn! 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord."

The Archangel Gabriel will blow a sacred trumpet horn to wake the dead at the Last Judgement

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Korean War National Sacrifice (God’s and Satan’s Front Line) 1953

Kim Il Sung(False Father)

True Parents

1 2 3 4 56 7 8 910



Satan Cain


View of life ⇒ Cain-type democracy

View of life ⇒Abel-type democracy

Communism (Esau)





Yu-il thoughtHomocentric

Ju-che thought



Brotherhood Godism

From ODP Slides 81

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Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World



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Divine Spirit Association for the Unification of World



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"Holy Spirit" here is not the same as the Holy Spirit

who is part of the trinity of God.

A more accurate translation would have been

"divine spirit"

because the first of the two Chinese characters

that make up the term,

"Shin" means divinity or God,

while the second character, "Ryeng,"

means ghost or spirit. Moreover, divine spirit is the way that the dictionaries translate the word.

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However, because the official translation has always been "Holy Spirit," it will be left as it is despite the obvious confusion.

But keep in mind that "Holy Spirit" in this section refers not to the third member of the trinity of God and that it is identical to the term, "Divine Spirit," which is used interchangeably hereto convey more accurate meaning.

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From David S Kim, one of the 4 founders / Let Us Learn From The Past, publ.2009

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Korean flag

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The Korean flag is called taegukki. Its appearance symbolizes the principles of yin and yang in Oriental philosophy. The circle in the center is divided into two equal parts. 

The upper red section represents the ”positive” cosmic energy yang. Similarly, the lower blue section symbolizes, the ”negative” cosmic forces yin. 

The two forces together embody the concept of perpetual motion and balance and harmony that characterize the eternal realm. (KoH)

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The circle is surrounded by four trigram, one in each corner, from the ancient Chinese wisdom book I Ching 

Confucius and Lao-tse has commented on this important book of wisdom!

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Each trigram symbolizes one of the four  universal elements (from top left aroundclockwise):

Name   Property Element  Family relationshipCh'ien, the creative  -   strong  - heaven - FatherK'an,  the precipice  -  dangerous - water   -  second sonK'un,  the host  -   sacrificing  -  earth   -  MotherLi,  connects -  is brilliant  -  fire  -  second daughter

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Pusan 1952roots of UC

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UC flag

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Original UC flag is red and white. • Red color symbolizes power, energy and positivity.

• Also red is a clear symbol fro the blood of martyrs.

• The white background symbolizes purity and holiness.

• The 12 rays representing the 12 human characters. Israel's 12 tribes, Jesus' 12 disciples, Jacobs 12 sons


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• *12 can be divided by 3.

• *As the key word for number 3 is harmony (at least outwardly), this implies that the number 12 will also contain within itself certain harmony. However, because we are dealing with the level 4 of spirit manifestation, this is a different kind of harmony, as it is connected with the cosmos. • *In other words, the number 12 implies some kind of a cosmic harmony.


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• *Life is experienced (at least outwardly) as harmonious (12 is divisible by 3) and the individual feels his or her connection with the global plan for humanity and the cosmic karma.• *On a very high level, the person of the number 12 is able to withstand with

easy the intensity of very high vibrations, thus willingly cooperating and collaborating with the spiritual world on variety of earthly problems, which ultimately leads to the minimizing of their negative karma and impact on the people


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• *manifestations of the number 12 on the earthly plane are the arts, especially the music, since there are 12 major half-tone

• *Its first manifestation (the music) is filling up the human soul with a harmony of a very high spiritual order and its second one (the astrology) is revealing to humans that their destiny is just a fragment of the cosmic evolution

* / Ref:

(not UC)


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• In the future, centering on God's Kingdom, an era of registration will arrive.

• People will try to be part of the 12 tribes and 144,000 group of people. Do you know what the 144,00 group of people is?

• An era of registration is coming. Centered on the unification of North Korea and South Korea, /Dr Sang Hun Lee


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TF 1954Korea

TF, True Father = SunMyungMoon

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TF 50’sKorea

TF, True Father = SunMyungMoon

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TF 50’sKorea

TF, True Father = SunMyungMoon

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TF 60’sKorea

TF, True Father = SunMyungMoon

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January 4, 1959Miss Young Oon Kim Begins the American Mission

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From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture

Restoring the Marriage of Jesus

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1962Start of the Little Angels

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Martin Luther King

Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children.I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed - we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.

This will be the day, this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning "My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty,of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring!"

Aug 1963Washington

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Martin Luther King

And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it Ring from every tenement and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, blackmen and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will beable to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual,

"Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last."

Aug 1963Washington

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Reiner Vincenz, the first Unificationist to join in Europe. Peter KochOne of the first missionaries to Europe.


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Reiner Vincenz SeungHwa ceremony

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The Jesus of Galilee will not return - it is not necessary.

The Christ who manifested through him is the Eternal – he will manifest again.

 Mr. Moon in deep meditation can project himself and be seen just as Jesus has been able to project himself and be seen by the saints. 

This is one of the marks - of the messiahs always.


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Mr. Moon reminded me that in the Book of Revelation there is a picture of the New Jerusalem, the Holy City, coming down out of the heavens.

And there was a door on the east and a door on the south, a door on the north and a door on the west –and when the teacher comes, he always has to come through the eastern gate.

In the Holy City of Jerusalem there is an eastern gate long since sealed and blocked. It will never be opened until the new teacher comes. /Arthur Ford sitting 1965


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The Golden Gate, as it is called in Christian literature, is the oldest of the current gates in Jerusalem's Old City Walls. According to Jewish tradition, the Shekhinah  ,used to appear through this gate (Divine Presence)(שכינהand will appear again when the Messiah comes (Ezekiel 44:1–3) Hence the name Sha'ar HaRachamim ( הרחמים .theGate of Mercy ,(שער

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  But you cannot expect the message to be accepted immediately by vast numbers of people only those who are ready and who are willing to listen and to whom this particular message seems to be right and meaningful.

That is the way that all the world teachers have had to go. 

And remember one thing only, that if it is of God, it can not fail. And it is of God. /Arthur Ford sitting 1965


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Father speaking at the second workshop for matching candidates preparing for the 777-Couple Blessing Ceremony; on the blackboard: 1.Membership number 2. Local church 3. Name 4. Date of Birth 5. Date of joining the church 6. Length of time in a public mission 7. Number of spiritual children 8. Educational level 9. Current occupation

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The 777-Couple Blessing Ceremony took place in the Changchung Stadium in Seoul on October 21, 1970. According to an article in the American magazine Time, in which was recorded: "Master Moon intoned: 'Will you swear to love your spouse forever?'

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Happy TF 1974at Belvedere

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Dr. Lee 1973

SMM (1935-42)


2005 3Color2007 Color slides

2008 ODP Dr. Lee 1984


Wolli Haesol 1957Wolli Kangron > 1966 Engl.

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Divine Truth

Love -Testimony


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Several Printings

1973, 1980 Level 4, 1996, 2005 3color,2013 ODP (1952 TF version)

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Starting Hawai 2008 ODP – Original Divine Principle WS

• Rev. Yoo Korea 2008...• Rev Ye summer 2012 Korea• Prof. Yong Taek Oh's 2012• Rev. Young 2012• Rev. An 2012…and many more

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• Marx, Engels, Lenin• Denies God and existence of Spirit• Like Lucifer did in the Fall• MATERIAL law CONTROLS MAN• Man is evolved Animal• free world exploits the poor• uses words “Democracy, peace, freedom”• Communistic reality: No Demo., peace, freedom• Fear, secret police…everywhere


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• Conflict Class Struggle• ‘Revolution’• Workers Paradise ?

• In Reality: Conflict leads to Destruction Hatred Resentment

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The character of Unification Thought, (Godism)which is the philosophical systematization of this truth received as revelation by Reverend Moon, is described by Dr. Lee as:

A philosophical theory dealing with questions of being, logic, cognition, value, art, history, and practice; a theory assuming theological nature in that it deals with the attributes of God, creation, providence, etc.;

Dr. Lee 1973

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Dr. Lee 1973

a theory of standards for settling actual problems; a reform theory which is aimed at restoration to the original world; a complementary theory which recognizes the truth in existing philosophies and theologies; a theory for cultural revolution which provides the basis for the culture of the Kingdom of Heaven; and the true liberation theory which aims to liberate all humankind from Satan and thus to liberate God. /Lee

- 1973 Unification Thought - 1981 Explaining Unification Thought- 1991 Fundamentals Unification Thought - 1992 Essentials of Unification Thought (Head-Wing Thought)

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Karl Heinrich Marx (1818 – 1883)

a German philosopher, political economist, historian, political theorist, sociologist, and communist revolutionary, whose ideas played a significant role in the development of modern communism and socialism.

Marx summarized his approach in the first line of chapter one of The Communist Manifesto, published in 1848: "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." Marx argued that capitalism, like previous socioeconomic systems, would inevitably produce internal tensions which would lead to its destruction. Just as capitalism replaced feudalism, he believed socialism would, in its turn, replace capitalism, and lead to a stateless, classless society called pure communism.

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Marx, April 18, 2002

I, Marx, affirm God's existence and that He is the Parent of all humankind. I denied God and shouted loudly with confidence to the extent that people believed me more than God.

Now I'd like to reveal my experience with God to the whole world. I felt that my theoretical paradigm was crumbling as I listened to the Godism lecture. At the same time my pride was damaged severely.


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When I listened to Godism, I thought it was a dream, but it was not. Then a beam of light came into my heart like a red-hot bullet.

I, Marx, have met God. I have found that He is the Parent of humankind. I have felt the greatness of God's love. I clearly convey to you who God is. He is the Parent of humankind. Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who is on the Earth, brought this fact to light.

The Divine Principle and Unification Thought express the original standards that open the way to salvation, so you must read them! . I ask this of you seriously. I clearly say that I apologize for my past to God and True Parents and love them and am proud of them. Marx, April 18, 2002


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From Evolution Theory to a New Creation Theory --Errors in Darwinism and a Proposal from Unification Thought by Dr. Sang Hun Lee

Dr. Sang Hun Lee

Evolutionwith God

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Unification Theological Seminary, New York. UTS Founded in 1975,

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I. Comment on Evolution by Dr. Moon 1 Febr 1982

Many people believe that man came into being through an evolutionary process.This is an expedient explanation but it cannot actually be the fundamental one.

Even evolution must have had an origin somewhere. Did the animal become a human through an evolutionary process? Where is the origin of man's spirit, mind, and thought within the animal? Where did human thought begin in the evolutionary process? Did animals have any spiritual ancestors?


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I. Comment on Evolution by Dr. Moon 1 Febr 1982

Does the amoebae, the beginning point of the evolutionary theory, contain theenergy necessary to propel itself forward into a higher form of being? If not, that extra energy must be supplied from the outside. Who is in a position to supply the energy necessary to make one object into another object? Observers of the phenomenon of evolutionary development do not try to figure out this question. They only observe the end result and call it evolution.

But if we look more deeply into the internal aspect, we conclude that there must be some additional source of energy besides the object which is



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II. Comment on Evolution by Dr. Moon

Communism And Falsehood1. Evolutionism

For thousands of years, or hundreds of millions of years, has any energy been added to monkeys? Can the monkey have that kind of original

character? So we can conclude that, unlike the monkey, a great original energy hasbeen given to humans. The reason why an unchanging element, not changeable element, has been added into humans, is so they can becomea substantial object to the unchanging Subject. This logic is, right!

We have that kind of original character, which means that there must be a

Subjective real being who also has that kind of original character.

Comment & conclusion: God exist!


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Dr. Sang Hun Lee



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Dr. Sang Hun Lee

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The content includes the reflections of 80 historical leaders of Judeo-Christianity, as well as 13 disciples of Confucius.

The seminar was conducted by Dr. Sang Hun Lee, who was President of the Unification Thought Research Institute in his earthly life, and who passed into the Spiritual World in 1997.

Dr. Lee interviewed the participants and conveyed these messages, which were recorded by Mrs. Young Soon Kim between August 27 and November 13, 2001.

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Booksby Prof.Young Oon Kim





DPand its



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Faith and Life by Rev. Yo Han Lee



Content: Divine Principle Applied to Our Daily Life

• Volume1 Internal guidanceSixth SenceCain & AbelIndemnity,

Witnessing, Prayer

• Volume 2Adam FamilyNoas FamilyAbrahams FamilyJacobs Cource

• Volume 3 Moses FamilyLife of Jesus

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Excerpts from intervue of Sun Myung Moonby Frederik Sonntag

Moon: The Divine Principle is not a philosophy, not a theory; it is a principle. It is an unchanging truth of God.

Once that truth is revealed, then that principle must be lived, acted upon. At least a foundation for its accomplishment must be laid. Then Satan cannot invade.

When a person is completely united with the truth, then Satan cannot take him away from God.


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For instance, if God and Adam and Eve had been completely united with truth, then there would have been no room for Satan to infiltrate.

Truth must become incarnate. It must be lived or fulfilled within a living person. (Jesus, LSA)Otherwise it can be taken away and misused by Satan.

This is why I do not reveal truth until the conditions are all met or the truth is embodied to a certain point. In a way then, the Divine Principle, this new revelation, is the documentary of my life. It is my own life experience.

The Divine Principle is in me, and I am in the Divine Principle.


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Who sees me frequently in their dreams? Sometimes you may find yourself crying when you are missing me. If you are out fund raising and all of a sudden you are struck with such love for me that you start crying and missing me, then a few steps ahead of you I will be standing there, even carrying the same kind of fund raising product you have and going ahead of you fund raising. This is happening all over, particularly in Japan. There are many mysterious spiritual things happening to our Japanese members, especially to those selling the marble vases door-to-door. All kinds of spiritual assistance are coming to them and other members themselves are completely flabbergasted at how much money they are earning. The secret is that God comes down and helps them.


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Young Whi Kim

Divine PrincipleStudy Guide 1,2 & Q&A

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No 1 1984 No 2 1985 No 3 1987


Heavenly TraditionNo 1,2,3

No 3 online

Young Whi Kim

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Books by Rev. Paul WernerEarly missionary toEurope 1964


• Heaven Down To Earth• Psyche and Spirit (Free online)

• In Harmony with the Eternal• Tapping the Unlimited reservoir

• Series: Small booklets from the above

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No 1


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Hon Dok HaeGathering for Reading

and Learning SeriesVol. 1-12 Online


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Who Is He?by Sung Mo Koo

The Messiah down to earth in secret

The Korean Books of Prophecy



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For the last twenty years I have immersed myself in the many books of prophecy found in Korea. These books of prophecy, some thirty in number, appeared five hundred to one thousand years ago.

In a sense it is not an exaggeration to call Korea a nation of prophecies. Often called secret communications, prophecies have their human authors.

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Nonetheless, as we delve more and more deeply into these texts, we come to realize that they are not created through individual decisions.

Rather, they are messages revealing the plans of the Creator, transmitted to the earth through living human beings.

In this book, I have selected seven major prophecies and treated as concisely as possible those parts relating directly to Korea and Japan.

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This is a perilous time of great change on the earth, a time unprecedented since the universe came to be. At this time I pray deeply that we will avoid the path ofdeath and find the path of life, entering into Heaven on earth and coming into the realm of protection of the heavenly God/Buddha. August 1998 Sung Mo Koo

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The Messiah. Then who is he? When heaven sent him down to earth in secret,his surname was Moon.

Born north of the 38th parallel, going through the suffering of prison life, receiving ridicule and rejection and giving matchings and the blessing of marriage to those who believe in God.

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Who is he? Is he not the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, whom all humankind is to attend as the True Parents?All secret messages and prophecies are meant to testify to this very moment and to this hitherto hidden heavenly secret.

Oh, God! Oh, our protector! Thank you, we can only thank you!The Lord's Prayer…

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Sun Myung Moon, beside a spiritually inspired paintingof the New Buddha to Come!

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Bo Hi Pak: The Messiah I,II 2002


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Quote:• “ …the first of several instances during the war when my life was miraculously saved.“

• One thing was clear, there would no more retreating. We had to defend our fatherland even at the cost of our lives. That was the thinking of this group of idealistic cadets.

The author as a first lieutenant during the Korean War

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In my own way, I was on a spiritual search. I hungeredand thirsted for the truth.

During the Korean War, I had come face to face with death numerous times. This made me look at the fundamental questions of life with a special sense of gravity. I wanted to commit myself to a religious path.

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Encounter withthe Unification


As a Christian, I spent a great deal of time reading the Bible. It seemed, though, that the quagmire (swamp) of doubt only became deeper as I continued my search.

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Then, one day, a letter was delivered to me. The senderwas someone with whom I was not directly acquainted, aMiss Young Oon Kim who "worked as a secretary in theKMAG chaplain's office, which was located in the same compound where I worked.

The letter's contents were quite short, saying only, "There is a place where they discuss matters that are important to human life. Would you like to go there with me sometime?

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There was no blackboard available, so Miss Kim placeda white piece of paper on a table and wrote in large letters,"Principle of Creation.

In her extraordinary lecture that first evening, Young OonKim explained the hidden meanings of the Bible to me one byone. Her words were like the warm spring sun falling on theHan River, melting away the thick ice of winter without asound. She told me that these words represented the fulfillmentof Jesus' prophesy in John 16:25.

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If the Lord is to come with a physical body, then wherewill this take place? Believe it or not, the Principle sayshe comes to Korea.“

"Korea! You must be joking!" That was my first reactionwhen Professor Kim said those shocking words. If she hadbegun her lecture the day before with this pronouncement,I probably would have walked out of the room.

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Chapter 18

The Kidnapping ofthe Chairman of theWashington Times

Abduction in New York CityIn autumn 1984


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• In autumn 1984, a rather unusual experience happened tome: I was kidnapped by people I had never seen beforeand of whom I had no knowledge whatsoever.


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• In autumn 1984, a rather unusual experience happened tome: I was kidnapped by people I had never seen beforeand of whom I had no knowledge whatsoever.

• In America, kidnapping is an extremely serious offense,comparable with murder. It is so serious that the FBI is mobilized,regardless of where a kidnapping takes place.’


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• In autumn 1984, a rather unusual experience happened tome: I was kidnapped by people I had never seen beforeand of whom I had no knowledge whatsoever.

• In America, kidnapping is an extremely serious offense,comparable with murder. It is so serious that the FBI is mobilized,regardless of where a kidnapping takes place.’

• "Nice to meet you," I said. "But where is your boss? (korean political leader)Couldn't he make it?""The minister wanted you to join him for dinner, so he has reserved a room at one of the best Korean restaurants in thecity. He is waiting for you therenow. It is close by. It willonly take about five minutes to get there. Please allow us to take you.


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• In autumn 1984, a rather unusual experience happened tome: I was kidnapped by people I had never seen beforeand of whom I had no knowledge whatsoever.

• In America, kidnapping is an extremely serious offense,comparable with murder. It is so serious that the FBI is mobilized,regardless of where a kidnapping takes place.’

• "Nice to meet you," I said. "But where is your boss? (korean political leader)Couldn't he make it?""The minister wanted you to join him for dinner, so he has reserved a room at one of the best Korean restaurants in thecity. He is waiting for you therenow. It is close by. It willonly take about five minutes to get there. Please allow us to take you.

• "We're going to execute you at midnight tonight!" one ofthem said. Perhaps because I had been trained to be calmunder such conditions, or because I had confronted deathseveral times during my army career, I began to calmly analyze my situation


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• are they agents from the North, or could they be acting under orders from the Soviet KGB? If so, then I'm a dead man for certain. If it's political, there's no way to get out of it. It's the end of the line for me! I have no choice but to face the grim reality.


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• are they agents from the North, or could they be acting under orders from the Soviet KGB? If so, then I'm a dead man for certain. If it's political, there's no way to get out of it. It's the end of the line for me! I have no choice but to face the grim reality.

• The driver shouted,"Blindfold him!" The youths promptly carried out the instructions, then pushed me down on the floor. They placed theirfeet on me and held me down with their shoes.


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• are they agents from the North, or could they be acting under orders from the Soviet KGB? If so, then I'm a dead man for certain. If it's political, there's no way to get out of it. It's the end of the line for me! I have no choice but to face the grim reality.

• The driver shouted,"Blindfold him!" The youths promptly carried out the instructions, then pushed me down on the floor. They placed theirfeet on me and held me down with their shoes.

• At my Office: The one person most alarmed was Hak Ja Han Moon. She immediately telephoned Danbury, where Reverend Moon was incarcerated at the time.When he heard that I had gone missing, Reverend Moon immediately curled up with both knees underneath himand entered into deep prayer. I later found out that he was awakeand in deep prayer the whole time I was kidnapped.


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• we need $1 million!

• "A telephone call is absolutely out of the question. Didn't I tell you that that will only get all of us killed? The only way it can be done is if I go to the bank myself. The bank is in Washington. It's open until three in the afternoon, so I can still make it if you take me to La Guardia airport straight away.


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• we need $1 million!

• "A telephone call is absolutely out of the question. Didn't I tell you that that will only get all of us killed? The only way it can be done is if I go to the bank myself. The bank is in Washington. It's open until three in the afternoon, so I can still make it if you take me to La Guardia airport straight away.

• You've got two choices. Either you kill me, or you take my word andsend me to the airport. Make your choice.“

It took a little more than one hour to get to La Guardia airport. At the airport, the driver mumbled, "I'm very sorry,“ over and over again. It was quite a contrast from the day before, to say the least. When I left to board the plane, he kept saying, "Thank you. Please give it your best." He alsomanaged to bow a full ninety degrees. (In Korea, such a deep bow indicates deep respect or obeisance.) The next moment I was free.


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• When I left the bank I went directly back home to my house in McLean, Virginia. I rang the front doorbell and waited. A man I had never seen before answered the door. He looked me in the face and asked me, "Who are you?""I'm the owner of this house. I'm Colonel Pak.


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• When I left the bank I went directly back home to my house in McLean, Virginia. I rang the front doorbell and waited. A man I had never seen before answered the door. He looked me in the face and asked me, "Who are you?""I'm the owner of this house. I'm Colonel Pak.

• The kidnappers were caught almost right away. Only the ringleader slipped away. He escaped to Japan, only to be apprehended by the Japanese government and extradited to the United States. The $500,000 never even left the bank, thanks to the FBI, which acted swiftly to put everything inorder and tie up all the details. In the end, the news of my kidnapping simply attracted a lot of coverage in the Korean newspapers.


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• When I left the bank I went directly back home to my house in McLean, Virginia. I rang the front doorbell and waited. A man I had never seen before answered the door. He looked me in the face and asked me, "Who are you?""I'm the owner of this house. I'm Colonel Pak.

• The kidnappers were caught almost right away. Only the ringleader slipped away. He escaped to Japan, only to be apprehended by the Japanese government and extradited to the United States. The $500,000 never even left the bank, thanks to the FBI, which acted swiftly to put everything inorder and tie up all the details. In the end, the news of my kidnapping simply attracted a lot of coverage in the Korean newspapers.

The news that I was back was immediately telephoned to Danbury. As I later found out, Father had been fasting and praying continuously. He only stopped when he got the newsI was back.


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No 2


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The Story of the Rev Sun Myung Moon in the Collapse of Communism



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• Part I Freedom, Family and Faith: The Role of the Media in the 21st Century

• Part II Reagan and the fight for freedom

• Part III Today in the Light of Dispensational History Today, compared to the size of the communists' power, the New Yorker Hotel (Unification Church World Mission Center) is like that small cubbyhole of 20 years ago. We have only a handful of people, yet we are talking about the liberation of the communists; we are talking about Moscow. I am sure most people laugh. Let them laugh now. I know one thing: In the communist world, the children of the communist leaders are on the side of God. The next generation in the Soviet Union will be on my side.


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• Part V CAUSA

Latin American heads of state expressed an interest in hearing an ideological response to Marxism.

Heartened by the genuine interest expressed by Latin American governmental, religious, and civic leaders, Reverend Moon established CAUSA International. The first nation to express an interest in the CAUSA program was Bolivia. The first CAUSA seminar took place there in December 1980.


Since the demise of the Soviet Union, the American Leadership Conference continues to hold seminars for state legislators and religious and civic leaders; however, their major focus is no longer communism but rather strengthening the family and ethical values. 

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Gorbachev with (many ethnical roots (maybe also korean roots!)

A melting pot of religions, Russia’s Stavropol region is home to 14 ethnicities, which makes its diverse culture truly unique.The Caucasus has been home to a multitude of ethnic groups for centuries.

Whether it’s a traditional Russian song, the serenity of prayer within an Armenian church, or even the simplicity of daily conversation around the dinner table in an Islamic home, the cultural, religious and ethnic diversity in the region is special.“There are Christians, Muslims and Jewish people here. We even have Catholics, but we try not to consider the religious differences. We consider ourselves people of our town who live together,” says Sultan Temirov, who is the head of the Cherkess Society in the resort city of Pyatigorsk.

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Koryo-saram is the name which ethnic Koreans in the post-Soviet states use to refer to themselves. Approximately 500,000 ethnic Koreans reside in the former Soviet Union, primarily in the now-independent states of Central Asia.

There are also large Korean communities in southern Russia (around Volgograd), the Caucasus, and southern Ukraine. These communities can be traced back to the Koreans who were living in the Russian Far East during the late 19th century.

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Page 184: Unification Church Symbols & Traditions Introduction Gary Fleischer

Online Testimonies

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Members Testimonies

Online Testimonies

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Song Pres. Europe

1983-1994Dr. Joon Ho Seuk

Early Koreans

2008Hwang Sun-jo

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2005Kevin Mc Carthy

2003Jon Quinn




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(HSA)-UWC(Holy Spirit(ual)) Association

for the Unification ofWorld Christianity

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Written in a down-to-earth, familiar style, Ellanson’s book has a noteworthy rhythm. It leads the reader from amazing spiritual experiences to heart-stopping dangers he faced to joyful times to deep experiences of the Divine Principle, God, and the marriage tradition of the church. Lowell artfully weaves together all of these elements to create a volume that notonly fascinates but naturally educates any reader in the exciting basics of the theology of the Unification Church and the Marriage Blessing for which it is famous.

2010Lowell C. Ellanson

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I realized at one point that the 12 points that are mentioned in Understanding Marriage are all part of the Principle of Creation (in Divine Principle) – so I rearranged them into their rightful place within the PofC and then I could see what was missing from the course –

the section on Mind/body unity and the section on growth and the role of vitality elements. 

They come together as a whole philosophy when you understand that our mind and heart should embody the positions of a true parent, true child, and true brother/sister.

The 12 points are all part of achieving those three positions - If you fulfil all the 3 positions, you embody the 12 points and more.

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In my field these 5 qualities can termed as; Protective Parent (more masculine qualities + ve)

Nurturing Parent (more feminine qualities - ve)

Adult (Neutral)

Free child (Neutral)

Adapted child (neutral):

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Comparing Science and Human Love

Protective Parent (more masculine qualities + ve): Providing protective boundaries and rules, ensuring effective discipline, contracts, protecting the organism from outside threats etc

Nurturing Parent (more feminine qualities - ve): Offering encouragement, support, praise, growth, empathy, education, and a desire to offer yourself for the benefit of something larger 

Adult (Neutral): Making sure the work gets done, planning, problem solving, day to day running of the organism

Free child (Neutral): Creativity, ability to express needs, fun, laughter, celebration, honesty

Adapted child (neutral): Responds to requests, lives within rules, loyalty, respectful behaviour, sense of fairness

The new course I teach is based on the Principle of creation - see for full theory.

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A New Course in a New Era - Sun Jo Hwang Sun Jo Hwang February 18, 2001. Rev.

Relating with God Through Living for Others. Sun Jo Hwang March 2002 ...

The Path to True Ownership in Cheon Il Guk. Sun Jo Hwang March 16, 2003 The providence can't be completed through the power of human reasoning. ...

Powerpoint slides: Google for “Rev Hwang”

Book 2008:Power through a Providential Perspective

Rev. Hwang Sun-jo

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All speches from 1965 to 23 March 1975,are Master SpeaksAfter that Words of Reverend Sun Myung Moon

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The completion of the 8 textbooks

Proclamation of the Word that firmly establishes the True Parents of Heaven , Earth and Humankind

8 Textbooks and Teaching Material “8TTM”

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• HSA-UWC 1954 Holy Spiritual Association for the Unification of World Christianity

• Tongil Gyohoe (Kor.)

• The Family, Tongil Family, Tongilfamiljen (Swe)

• Unification Church: An elderly woman in the Taegu group, Lee Jae-gun, was asked by a Christian which church she belonged to. "The Unification Church," she said, making the name up on the spot. /The early years by M. Breen

• (“Moonies”) in the violent 70’s (first used in 1974 by the American media, when the UC held a campaign at Madison Square Garden in New York City.)


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• Unificationists • Family Federation for World Peace and Unification 1994

• Living in Cheon Il Guk 2000-…, 2013-…


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TF:You can tell people, "If you want to know about the Moonies, comewith me and live with us for three days. You will learn a lot."

Let them taste the water (spiritual) and taste the Divine Principle.

What is the power that makes you so strong and what makes youso sure that God's kingdom on earth can be a reality?

Let them learn about this. Divine Principle enters your body and cleanses it of all kinds of ingredients that clog you up. We call it Moon-wash. /Mainstream of the Dispensation of God Sun Myung Moon November 19, 1978 

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• (“Moonies”) labeled in the violent 70’s

…(all) members of the Church in the 70s were very immature; the leaders of the Church were very critical and jealous of each others and they were condemning many members as Cains and Satan inspired.

Because of this condemnation of leaders such members were isolated from others because other members were afraid of being friends to Satan inspired members. And members were believing what their leaders said. In my opinion this kind of behaviour toward other human beings is irresponsible and really psychological terror. It can be considered a crime.

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Artist: Benny Andersson Sweden

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Benny Andersson

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In the Palace

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Unification Church

Unification of what!

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Unification Church

Unification of Ourselves!

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Unification Church

Unification of Ourselves!

1. Mind & Body

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Unification Church

Unification of Ourselves!

1. Mind & Body2. Husband & Wife

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Unification Church

Unification of Ourselves!

1. Mind & Body2. Husband & Wife3. Mankind & The World

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Unification Church

Unification of Ourselves!

1. Mind & Body2. Husband & Wife3. Mankind & The World4. The Physical & Spiritual Worlds

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Unification Church

Unification of Ourselves!

1. Mind & Body2. Husband & Wife3. Mankind & The World4. Physical & Spiritual Worlds

The Fall!

Root cause of conflict = separation of …!

DP: “There is no freedom outside the Principle”

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Who gave Lucifer - SATAN his spiritual power over Man & Gods Creation!

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SINLESS (before the Fall) Adam & Eve!

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Who can restore it back to Man!

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Spritual! Spiritual & Physical!

Tool: SINLESS New Adam & Eve!Jesus tried both Salvations

but achieved only one,Spiritual Salvation!

True Parents = fulfillment of both!

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Loss of spirit

In outside jobs or physical missions in the Church you can keep yourselves constantly busy, and become highly skilled and highly admired, but Satan takes your spirit away.

So this is what Satan has done to man, and what Father is trying to restore and put back: the foundation of spiritual and principled thought.

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Loss of spirit…

You are going to need this kind of guidance in your lives, i.e., thought consistent with a broader Principle.

The more ideal way, of course, would be to stick to one job, the longer the better, but there first needs to be the spiritual discipline and thought. Just working day after day for the sake of "bread winning" makes no sense at all. /SM840712

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TF10 children 1972

Everyone of you shall take Jacob's position. You shall marry and have 12 children of your own, the internal ones twelve sons and daughters and externally you shall have 12 spiritual children. External internal both, 12 spiritual children each. Eventually that will expand into 72 disciples, 12 and 72 makes 84. / Tribal Messiah 1978

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Life in UC 70’sLouise Moore-Scheirer:In the old days of First Generation UM, we would call it "Sacrifice yourself for others, come into the Love of God, and Share your Blessings with all."

An even older version was: Separate yourself from satan, come into the love of God, and sacrifice yourself for others. But those days are gone forever basically. Today there is a new level of Blessing and Good Fortune, and I, as one, could not be happier or more relieved.

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1989TF more then 12 children

If you really understand the depth of the Divine Principle, you know that he (True Father) is going the way of Jacob as the exemplary course, so I'm supposed to give birth to at least 12 children /True Mother 1975

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• Chinese 12 animal years: From Chinese tradition each year has an animal tradition. Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Chicken, Cow, Dog, Pig

These 12 animal years have a subject and object relationship.

• Even the Greek Philosophy was created based on the principle of these animals. Based on the nature of these animals - characteristics were adapted to describe human life. If you look at the animal world carefully, there is a natural enemy, tiger, deer, lion, sheep and whatever there is always a subject object position. One dominates the other. /SMM Sept 27, 2003


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• The four broad rays symbolize the 4 winds, the 4 main religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Eastern Religions • 4 seasons, Spring,Summer,Autumn and Winter• the 4 elements in Classical Oriental pholosophy and Hinduism, Buddhism

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• The square in the middle represents the Four Position Foundation, or God’s original ideal of family — it has the parent, the child, and all centered on God.

• The center of that symbol is God’s essence, and that essence is true love. When we begin, we always like to draw the symbol with our hands. I want to ask you all to join me in drawing the symbol with our hands. We’re going to first draw the circle, that is, give and receive action, then the Four Position Foundation, and then receiving or inheriting the true love of God. Aju. Give yourselves a warm round of applause. /HyJN

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Born on February 9, 1939, Rev. Chong Goo Park joined our church on January 20, 1956, during his second year of high school, and was blessed in 1961 among the 36 couples. His early missions in the church included serving as itinerary worker for a province and witnessing leader at the headquarters church in Seoul. In 1964, he set up a school to teach English and other subjects, receiving an award for his efforts from the Korean Ministry of Education five years later. In 1968, Father presented him with an award for outstanding work during the first seven-year course and six years later gave him the title of Rev. Park. During 1976 and 1977, he served as an itinerary worker for world missions in Asia, and from 1977 until his death of cancer in 1982, he worked tirelessly to build up CARP throughout the United States and, most recently, in Europe.

“Tiger Park!”Dr Seuk

Hyo Jin Nim


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Family Federation for World Peace and Unification

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1954 1960 2003 2013





l P



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1954 2008 2013







l P



1992 1994 2000

UPF 2005

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2000 2004 2008 2012


UPF 2005

2013 13Jan (22Febr)



l P




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The Tradition, Book One, Chapter 1 - Attendance EtiquetteChapter 2 - Prayer Rooms and AltarsChapter 3 - ServicesChapter 4 - Pledge ServiceChapter 5 - Il Jeung Prayer and FundChapter 6 - Pictures of the True FamilyChapter 7 - Holy SongsChapter 8 - Holy SaltChapter 9 - Holy GroundChapter 10 - Unification ChurchChapter 11 - Unification Church FlagChapter 12 - Indemnity FundChapter 13 - TithingChapter 14 - Holy Days and Holidays Chapter 15 - Shimjung CandlesChapter 16 - Birth Candles Chapter 17 - Ae Chun CandlesChapter 18 - Holy RobesChapter 19 - Births, Birth CeremonyChapter 20 - Eight Day Dedication CeremonyChapter 21 - Blessed - Family CeremoniesChapter 22 - Blessed Family Practices

Chapter 23 - Deaths, Seung Hwa Ceremony, Funerals online

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We should understand that mind, body, and material belong to the public, but not without a purpose to it.

The purpose is to bring a total oneness between a subject and an object centered on God in order to have a right ownership. Then, we eventually come to own God ourselves. If we own God instead of material, not only shall we come to own everything, not to mention material, but also shall we become a perfect subject towards the material. /SMM 1/6/75

One of the main teachings of the Unification Thought is: Mine is yours, and yours is a nation's, and a nation's is the world's, and the world's is God's, and God's is mine. /SMM /6/4/72

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Official founding of HSA-UWC

19542nd attempt

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Holy Wedding of LSA and his Bride

The Bible Marriage of the Lamb


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“New Future of Christiany”Madison Square Garden 18 Sept 1974

19741st Main Speech

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"God’s Hope for America" Yankee Stadium 1976

19762nd Main Speech

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"God’s Hope for America" Washington Monument 1976

19763rd Main Speech

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From the providential point of view, heavenly history is also moving into a new phase of accomplishment. My personal ministry of 30 years was consummated in 1976, (1946-1976)and 1977 marks the dawn of a new level in my mission.

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• Wednesday Service• Sunday Service

• 40 day Summer/Winter Witnessing

EarlyUC Traditions

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2, 7, 21, 40 Day Basic WS




l P


ess New


3 1/2 years FRRestore Material Creation

Formula Course 1980ETF,STF,DONE 2000

True Parents Blessing Blessed Holy Life CIG,CSG

Spiritual Training


3 1/2 years WitnessingRestore People

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l P


ess New


Spiritual Life




Ideal Human form = Christ

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Juankoski Finland

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First MissionaryEllen van Kampen 1972

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Blessing 1978

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WonHwaDo 1987

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Blessing People 1998

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ca 2000Youth at Sea

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Full BowMeaning

• First, it is a very symbolic act. You bow down with four limbs, meaning that you are standing on the four- position foundation. This bow also reflects the proper subject and object relationship, because, as you bow, you move from high to low, which symbolizes the vertical relationship between heaven and earth.

Belvedere ca 1980

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• Stand naturally, not in a stiff way, with one foot slightly ahead of the other. The right foot symbolizes man and the left foot symbolizes woman. The right foot should go slightly ahead of the left, symbolizing also the subject

and object relationship between man and woman.

• Then, as you bow, all parts of the body come closer together, and this symbolizes how the four-position foundation becomes one.

Belvedere ca 1980

Full BowMeaning

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• The head symbolizes God, and both arms symbolize man and woman and the relationship that they have.

• The feet represent earth.

• So, when we raise our arms to touch our head, this shows the subject and object becoming one with each other and one with God, then coming down to

be one with the earth.

Belvedere ca 1980

Full BowMeaning

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• Even the face symbolizes this whole relationship. • The eyes symbolize God, • the nose symbolizes man and woman -- one but with two parts – • and the mouth symbolizes earth. • The eyes look out and see; this represents heaven. • 'Me torso’, the body symbolizes the universe.

Full BowMeaning

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• The universe stands on the foundation of the four-position relationship. It's very appropriate to greet and respect God, and those who represent God,

in this way.

• In Korea (and Japan), this custom has existed for thousands of years. However, we do it, not because of the Korean custom, but because it coincides with the Principle.

This is the way children greet their parents every day, every morning.

Full BowMeaning

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• This is the most proper way to show respect because it reminds us in a very meaningful way of who we truly are in front of God and in front of one another.

• This is also very important to Pledge each week, each month, and each year.

Full BowMeaning

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• At these times, the man and wife, if they are blessed, should bow down in an easterly direction, because that is where the sun rises and this too symbolizes God. • The North is another direction you can bow towards because the highest point, the North Pole, is in that direction. Also, the North Star, which has been

the guiding point for mankind throughout history, is in the northern sky.

/The Meaning Of The Full BowReverend Sun Myung Moon

1 Oct 1980

Full BowMeaning

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① As the Owner of Cheon Il Guk, Our family pledges by centering on true love ② to seek our original homeland ③ and establish the original ideal of creation

④ the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven

①Takes interest ( I am the owner )②Takes responsibility③Protects④Raises

Owner「 Reference 」


Family PledgeVerse 1

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① As the Owner of Cheon Il Guk, Our family

pledges by centering on true love

② to represent and become central to heaven and earth

③ we pledge to perfect the dutiful family way of filial sons and daughters in our family

④ patriots in our nation, saints in the world

⑤ and divine sons and daughters in heaven and


Family PledgeVerse 2

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  ① As the Owner of Cheon Il Guk, Our family

pledges by centering on true love

② to perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart

③ the Three Great Kingships

④ and the Realm of the Royal Family

Family PledgeVerse 3


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① As the Owner of Cheon Il Guk, Our family pledges by centering on true love ② to build the universal family encompassing Heaven and Earth ③ which is God's ideal of creation

④ and perfect the world of freedom, peace,

unity and happiness


Family PledgeVerse 4

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① As the Owner of Cheon Il Guk, Our family

pledges by centering on true love

② to strive everyday

③ to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world

④ as subject and object partners


Family PledgeVerse 5

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① As the Owner of Cheon Il Guk, Our family pledges by centering on true love

② to embody God and True Parents

③ we will perfect a family that moves heavenly fortune

④ and conveys Heaven's blessing to our community


Family PledgeVerse 6

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① As the Owner of Cheon Il Guk, Our family pledges by centering on true love

② to perfect a world based on the culture of heart

③ which is rooted in the original lineage

④ through living for the sake of others


Family PledgeVerse 7

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① As the Owner of Cheon Il Guk, Our family pledges by centering on true love

② as we enter the Completed Testament age

③ to achieve the ideal oneness of God and humankind in love

④ through absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience

⑤ thereby perfecting the realm of liberation and the realm of being completely free in the of the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven


Family PledgeVerse 8

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A Sinner ?

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Another Sinner ????????????

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Yes both…and all Mankindare sadly born as inheritad

and “Born Sinners” from the Fall of Man

All according to Jewish/Christian/Islamicand Principle teaching

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New Test. John 8:44:Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.

Islam. Qur'an 7.11-27:O Children of Adam! We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover your shame, as well as to be an adornment to you.

O Children of Adam! Let not Satan seduce you in the same manner as he got your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their clothing in order to expose their private parts. He and his tribe watch you from where you cannot see them! We have made the devils friends only to those without faith.

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Divine Principle I.2.2.2:

Eve, having become one body with the archangel through their illicit sexual relationship, was in the position of the archangel to Adam.

Adam, by becoming one body with Eve, inherited all the elements Eve had received from Lucifer, in the same manner she did. These elements were then transmitted to their descendants... and mankind has multiplied sin to the present day, thus perpetuating the lineage of Satan.

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3 stages of Human Life


Birth “Birth”(not Death)

Physical &Spritual

Physical death &Spritual “Birth”

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The Womb of Mother Earth


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Solar Wind effect = Aurora

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Tang GamIndemnity

Because the providence of God's salvation is the providence of restorationthrough indemnity (Tang gam), that is, to let man, who has lost his value through the fall, regain it through a course which reverses that of the fall.

The fall occurred due to the fact that man did not fulfill his responsibility for growth.

It is necessary, therefore, to fulfill this responsibility by subjective determination(reject sleep, sex, food and welcome prayer, fasting, FR, witnessing)in order to return to the original self through indemnity.

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Tang Gam

Throughout this course, man must be exposed to uneasiness, despair or suffering. Also, since the fall occurred due to lack of faith in God's word, man is askedto compensate for this by believing unconditionally. But this belief must not be a superstition. It is for this reason that the paradox of faith (being unconditional). But such a paradoxical faith is requested only until the Second Advent.

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Tang Gam

Starting from the Second Advent, faith stands on the base of the new wordsof God; therefore it is no longer paradoxical, because the absolute truth isrevealed by the new words.

Thus faith until eternity is not necessary. After having restored the original self and the world compleely, through the Second Advent, we will not need faith nor prayer.

/Sung Han Lee

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Classification of sin

Solution:BlessingAncestor Liberation

1 Original sin2 Hereditary sin3 Collective sin4 Individual sin


Common baseCommon base

Condition for Condition for give and take actiongive and take action

Violation of Violation of heavenly lawheavenly law


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EveEve AdamAdamArch-Arch-angelangelArch-Arch-angelangel Eve Adam

1 Failing to take God’s standpoint2 Leaving one’s proper position3 Reversing dominion4 Multiplying the criminal act

Eve AdamArch-Arch-angelangel

Fallen NatureFallen Nature

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The right way to deal with sin.

1. Realization of sin. But this time first we must realize the extent of God’s forgiving love. If we don’t understand the forgiving nature of God, we have no place to take our sin. If we don’t let God deal with our sin then Satan will deal with it, and will surely use it against us to destroy us.

2. Guilt. True guilt leads us to the strong desire to take responsibility for our sins. We have realized how our sins have hurt God, how our sins have hurt ourselves. Guilt gives us the strength to handle the course of restitution under God’s love and forgiveness. Guilt brings us into submission, humbly before God. It brings us to the place where God can deal with us.

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3. Repentance. Now we can repent with all our heart! Why does repentance free the sinner from Satan? Because it is one thing that Satan cannot do! He is the father of false pride. Satan hates to hear the voice of the repenter, just as God rejoices (Luke 15:7) over the repentance of even one sinner.

4. New determination. Take up the cross and follow. Go and sin no more. (Based on their understanding, some explanation of the need to lay an indemnity condition or Tang Gam.) Now we must go the reverse way of sin. Instead of replacing the love of God with self gratification, we become the second self of God and Jesus by sacrificing ourselves for the sake and benefit of others. We connect to the true source of love by becoming a temple of God and letting his spirit dwell in us. As we connect to the true source of love, then our desire for false love (sin) will decrease.

We are free and have LIFE!


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Tang GamTF 11Nov 2000

True Parents have finished paying indemnity. (2000)

There is no indemnity now. All you need to do is wipe clean your horizontal life,raise your sons and daughters and enter the age of father-son cooperation.

There is no indemnity. Since this is the time for us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in Heaven within the realm liberated by God and True Parents, who ultimately desire true liberty for the world, we are havingthe Transition of the Three Ages Four Position Foundation Registration Unification Blessing Ceremony in Chung Pyung.

Everything is included in these words. /SMM 11Nov 2000

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Achieve Human Completion

Gods Direct and Indirect Dominion

If you look at the Principle of the Unification Church you will find mention of realms of indirect and direct dominion. /SMM

The Fall!

The Fall!

The Fall!

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Achieve Human Completion

Gods Direct and Indirect Dominion

Gods 1st,2nd 3rd Blessing

If you look at the Principle of the Unification Church you will find mention of realms of indirect and direct dominion. /SMM

The UM Blessing of Marriage

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Due to the Fall, all humanity came to remain in the realm of indirect dominion, disconnected from the realm of direct dominion. This resulted from Adam and Eve's failure to fulfill their portion of responsibility, and consequently the providence of restoration has been prolonged.

We have not understood this. What is it that we need to do in the realm of indirect dominion in order to reach the realm of direct dominion where we can be connected to the realm of God's love?

We must fulfill our portion of responsibility. /SMM (1976.1.31)

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What do the words "Principle of the Unification Church" mean? Why is it called the Principle? The purpose of the Principle is to show clearly the borderline between the realm of dominion based upon accomplishments through the Principle and the realm of direct dominion. /SMM (1986.1.3)

The realm of direct dominion is a place where Adam and Eve can participate together, united in love. Thus, the realm of indirect dominion is the realm in which their portion of responsibility has yet to be completed. When the portion of responsibility is fulfilled and Adam and Eve become husband and wife centered on love, God becomes the internal Father and Adam and Eve become the external parents. When these unite as the inner and the outer, the realm of direct dominion is established for the first time.

In this process, marriage is therefore absolutely necessary. You cannot enter this realm as a single person. /SMM (1986.1.31)

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Founding of IFVOC

To humankind's great loss, communism raised its head during this century. Reverend Moon perceived that without overcoming communism, humankind could not achieve eternal peace.

He therefore revealed Unification Thought as an ideological alternative to communism, and established an influential organization, the International Federation for Victory Over Communism (IFVOC), on January 13, 1968.

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Unification Thought Institute

The Unification Thought Institute was established on August 7, 1971, with the purpose of unifying religion, science and philosophy centered on the Unification Principle.

Its goals include overcoming and eradicating communism, and finally systematizing the God-centered ideal which will bring the Kingdom of Heaven on the foundation of a unified and harmonized human civilization.

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Korean Pottery – Unification PotteryMany miracles!

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CAUSA's inception was as an ideologically-based God-centered movement for the support of "Victory Over Communism" activities in South America during the time of prolific communist infiltration into that region.

In the Latin language, CAUSA means "Cause," or the "First Cause" namely God. 

As part of the CAUSA movement, the International Security Council has met annually since its first convention in Paris, February 17 to 20, 1985.

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Ask studentswho this is?

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Died 1984Seung Hwa 1985

Heung Jin Nim

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Heung Jin Nim & Hoon Sook (Julia)

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Heung Jin Moon - from the book The Victory Of Love

Preface: One day in the beginning of 1984, on a somewhatchilly morning in Cairo, Egypt, I was having breakfast with Rev. Walter Gottesman. At the time, I was the International Itinerary Worker in Africa. Rev. Gottesman, an 1800 Couple, who was the missionary to Egypt,and I were seated at a table which was covered by very thick glass. All of a sudden, one corner of this glass cover cracked, and the line of the crack formed a small letter "h".

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We had not put any hot dish on that corner; in fact, all the food we were eating for breakfast was cold. But when I touched the place where the glass cracked, it was very hot. Both Walter and I were certain that it was some kind ofspiritual phenomenon.

Soon after that, we received the sorrowful news of Heung Jin Nim's Seung Hwa. /Dr. Zin Moon Kim (visited Finland 2000)

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Background: At the time of the accident TF was doing a VOC rally in Korea.

There were assassins ready to kill TF.

The sacrifice of HJN is regarded as indemnity that protected TF:S life at that time.

After the Seung Hwa ceremony there were several messages from spir world coming through brothers and sisters around Europe and the World.

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• Father Rupert Maeyer in Munich, gives Testimonies from Spri World.

• Faith Jones, a UK mediumistic sister, travels around UC Europe and gives messages from Heung Jin Nim and Jesus. Members chose 8 cities x 7 churches, to witness to.

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”Black Heung Jin Nim” 1988  , Kundioni, a brother from Zimbabwe Africa, travels around the world meeting brothers/sisters giving messages from Heung Jin Nim allowing couples to start their families.

Later becomes controversial.


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Citizens Federation for the Unification of the FatherlandThe Citizens Federation was established by the members of the National Professors and Students Federation for the Unification of the Fatherland and their colleagues in Seoul on May 15, 1987.

Reverend Moon said, in his inaugural address, that the reunification of Korea was a historic task, connected with the resolution of worldwide problems.

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In 1996, True Father added the word “True” to God’s Day and the other original Holy Days.

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In 2010, True Father established the “Heavenly Calendar,” which displaced the Gregorian calendar in Unificationist observances and corresponded in most respects with the lunar calendar. As a result, from 2011, True God’s Day was no longer observed on January 1 but on the first day of the first month of the Heavenly Calendar

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•   승화식  (Seunghwa Ceremony) is to be held within three days after one dies.

  • 성화예식  (Seonghwa Ceremony = Connect to Heaven) is to be held from the time of

- Conception- Marriage- Death


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On January 7, 2013, True Mother announced that Unificationists should address God as “Heavenly Parent.”

Thereafter, True God’s Day became “True Heavenly Parent Day.”

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History: Prayer and fasting was daily standard in the early days of UC!

2000 years ago Jesus said:

“Fasting indemnifies the forces of satan.”

“Prayers call on the power of God.”


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The Importance of Prayer Reverend Sun Myung Moon April 15, 1979

Prayer is an absolute necessity. You may kneel down all the way to pray, but the most important thing is that you create an environment of commitment first. Unless your basic attitude is ready, no amount of prayer will be useful. In the Christian world today many people pray every day, but do you think they pray to destroy the Christian churches? No, they pray for prosperity, but the churches are crumbling nevertheless. Do you pray for the sake of the Unification Church? You don't have to pray for the Unification Church; pray for the big things: the nation, the world, the liberation of God. What you are really doing then is praying for a cross even bigger than the Unification Church.


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A Life of Prayer, April 15, 1979 Prayers of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon.

The most important thing in prayer is the attitude of the person who is praying. The most essential thing is your commitment to go forward without reservation. If anything wants to block you, you have to be decided that it will never stop you. Unless you have that commitment first, God will not waste His time trying to help you. He has always been deceived in history, so what God needs to see is proof of what you are and how strong your commitment is. You may tell God you are totally committed, but He will shake His head and think, "I have to wait three more years and see." If God sees that something isn't quite right in you, He will wait before sending down His help. God needs to be sure.


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Do you think I made a commitment to God that I would never change, not for fifty years or the rest of my life? I prayed first for the absolute faith which could say, "Even if not a single person in this world can believe, I will believe and follow in whatever incredible course You give me." Second, I asked for absolute knowledge and wisdom. Third, I asked for absolute love.


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In order to fulfill bigger things you need an adventurous mind and be willing to take risks.

Then God will tell you not to worry, that He is right behind you. If you throw yourself into overcoming the stone walls and persecution before you, God will take up your battle for He knows who is just and who is unjust.

But first God will watch, giving you a chance to knock your opponent down with your own capability. This is the same thing a father and mother would do. If you come running to God to ask for help before you even confront your enemy.

He, like any parent, will be ashamed to hear you and will send you back out again. Create a good problem: be a heavenly troublemaker instead.


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The power of prayer

The younger Rev. Hyung Jin Moon had wondered what the real power behind his father’s success was. He was sure it was due to the power of his prayer life and he suggested that his audience study Jesus' teaching on prayer.

Matthew, Chapter 6 records Jesus giving The Lord's Prayer, and Rev. Moon suggested that he was not simply teaching his disciples a prayer to recite by routine, but was giving his disciples a pattern or formula for prayer.

After asking everyone to say the prayer with him, Rev. Moon noted that it started with “Hallowed be Thy Name,” then “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done." We needed to first praise God, then pray that His will be done. A relationship with God was a gift and could only be effective on God's terms.

After we have started this way, we could pray for "our daily bread" and to be forgiven and able to forgive others, and not to be led into evil, he explained.


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1. Before 1960 TF prayed in the name of the Lord

2. From 1960 TF and all members prayed

in the Name of True Parents (In TPN, TN=Their Name)

3. From 1999 we pray in our own Holy Blessed names…Aju! (IMN In My Name)

"Aju" means "My Lord" in Chinese characters.

Used instead of "Amen"


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• On September 14, 1999, Rev. Moon opened the era in which blessed families could pray in their own names [i.e. conclude their prayers by offering it in their names]. At the time of the commemoration of the 14th True Children’s Day on October 27, 2000, he established a new format for the prayer ending.

4. On New Year’s Day, 2001, he instructed that our communication with God should be in the form of a report rather than a prayer.


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• As you all know, whenever we pray, we end with the word Aju.

• It’s important to understand the meaning of Aju. It is from Chinese characters. The character for Ah is for me, myself, or my. It can also be possessive, mine. Then Ju is the character for lord or owner.

So every time Unificationists pray and say, “Amen, Aju,” what we’re saying in Aju is that we’re praising God, saying, “My Lord.” It’s very important to understand how we end our prayers and how we can understand what Father Moon has guided us to report to heaven. /HyJN


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He also taught his listeners that people often thought of God as a vending machine, to be kicked a couple of times if the candy didn't come, but that didn't work.

And, he asserted, Father Sun Myung Moon's heart and teaching went even further: after praise, he prayed for the world, nations, others, before self.


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He had once been in an airplane in the middle of a violent storm (S. America small plane) and started praying "save me, save me", but then he remembered he had recently given a sermon on prayer, and that this was not the right way to pray! He started praising God, and the fear went away.

We needed to pray not for what we wished but to trust God. Our lives would change if we came before God in the way He expected.

/ Rev. Hyung Jin Moon


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The Importance of Prayer (4/15/79)From the Book: A Life of Prayer, 1991

The Importance of Prayer (4/15/79)Belvedere, New York  Translator: Bo Hi Pak

Prayer and Action (April 15, 1979)

Prayer (March 29, 1981)


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A Life of Prayer, April 15, 1979 Prayers of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon.

Benefits of Prayer by Rev. Ken Sudo


Pray and Grow by Rev. In Hoi Lee

10 Best tips on Prayer by brother Jim Stephens January 2000


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2nd Gen Prayer

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History: According to the lunar calendar, March 16, 1960, is the date of our True Parents' Holy Blessing. This was also the day Father created and used Holy Salt for the first time.

He used it to sanctify the church hall before the ceremony, and taught its importance at the meeting he held afterward.

After the ceremony, he distributed Holy Salt to those in attendance. He asked those individuals to pass on Holy Salt to members throughout the world.

Holy Salt

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Holy Salt

Biblically the number 7 = earthly perfectionExodus 25:37 And thou shalt make the lamps thereof, seven;

and they shall light the lamps thereof, to give light over against it. 

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Comment from Christian tradition:

We have a priest that does the blessing with the exorcism prayers.

Not many priest do that anymore. He also does oil and water at the same time.

I carry a small amount of salt and water with me all the time. we have used it in motel rooms and on camping trips. When I know we will be in contact with someone who is confrontational about the faith I bless myself and the kids. I have slipped all three into whatever I am cooking, especially when it just seems like the devil is making my house crazy with little spats and tiffs. I never use it without also saying a short prayer also.

Oh and to avoid vacuuming it up I place it in corners where the vacuum doesn't reach. I have even slipped it into the holy water font at Catholic Churches that have lots of abuses.

Holy Salt

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Holy Candles drive away Satan and there are several kinds that we will not enumerate here. Their creation, use, and bequeathing is the subject of an elaborate and detailed ritual. Families will store their “seed” candle by which they can sanctify more candles and matches for their own or others’ use.

1. Shimjung Candles 2. Birth Candles 3. Ae Chun Candles

Holy Candles

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Significance: Shimjung Candles* have the ability to diminish Satan's power. As they burn, the spiritual atmosphere changes, becoming more pure and holy. When we use them, we comfort God's heart. He recognizes that we are striving to become His true sons and daughters and to help Him ultimately to fulfill His original will.

History: On January 5, 1966, True Father gathered the president and nine regional leaders. of the Korean church and, after explaining their significance, bequeathed one candle and one box of matches to each. Father referred to these as Shimjung Candles.

1. Shimjung Candles Holy Candles

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Significance: According to the Principle, blessed children should be born in a godly environment; during this period of restoration they are still born in impure, ungodly environments. The use of these candles makes a condition for a holy environment to be created during the birth of the blessed child.

History: The Birth Candle tradition originated at the time of Ye Jin Nim's birth. After the 36 Couples started married life, True Father be- queathed one Birth Candle and one box or book of Birth Matches to each couple. Since that time, they have traditionally endowed Birth Candles to other couples.

1. 2. Birth Candles 3.

Holy Candles

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Holy Candles

Significance: The English translation of Ae Chun Cho is Love of God Candles, referring to the love that God has for humankind. Unlike Shimjung or Birth Candles, Ae Chun Candles are a pair of candles. One is referred to as a "Father" candle and the other, a "Mother" candle. As they represent the harmony and love of the True Parents, these candles must always be burned together. The candlelight is a symbol to ward off all satanic infiltration; it gives a spiritual shield of protection from Satan.

God and True Parents are present each time the Ae Chun Candles are lit. As Father began this tradition with Mother, when we light the Ae Chun Candles we are allowed to share the tradition of our True Parents. Whenever these candles are lit, the authority of true love is present. The speech which Father gave at Belvedere on May 20, 1984, in which he explains the significance of the Ae Chun Candles, was published in the August 1984 issue of Today's World and is excerpted below.

1. 2. 3. Ae Chun Candles

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Holy Robes

Holy robes The design of these white garments was given by a medium, who said they are the customary dress in the Kingdom of Heaven. They “symbolically purify us externally.” Their design and use is highly prescribed, although in recent years their use for holy days is diminishing.

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Images Pictures of True Parents and True Family serve as protection, like the blood on the Hebrews’ doors that spared them from the angel of death. By them, with our sincere faith, angels and good ancestors protect the home. A church flag fulfills a similar function.

Holy Pictures

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Holy Pictures

True Father is quoted as saying:

From now on (1984), we are going to stress the value of carrying my picture. Without the protection of God, I could never have survived the untold hardships and difficulties I have faced. So for anybody who carries my picture from now on, it will serve as protection for them. At the time of the Jewish Exodus, God sent a plague upon the houses of the Egyptians which killed all their firstborn sons. All the houses which had the blood of the lamb on their doorway were spared that tragedy.

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Holy Pictures

Therefore, the Israelites were spared. By the same token, isn't it possible that during some modern-day calamity, those who are carrying my picture would be spared? That is the way the spirit world looks at it.Now that Heung Jin Nim has passed into heaven, the spirit world is intervening more and more with worldly affairs. So those who are carrying the True Parents' picture will unquestionably be given protection by angels and good spirit world. If you could open your spiritual eyes, you would see the same kind of phenomenon occurring even now, here in this room.

/"Let Us Go Over the Hill," given on February 7, 1984

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Holy Grounds

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Holy Grounds1965-66

120 Holy Grounds worldwide established by True Father

19 in Europe: 70. Lisbon, Portugal 7.11.65 71. Madrid, Spain 7.13.65 72. London, England 7.15.65 73. Copenhagen, Denmark 7.20.65 74. Oslo, Norway 7.24.65 75. Stockholm, Sweden 7.24.65 76. Berlin, Germany 7.26.65 77. Frankfurt, Germany 7.29.65 78. Essen, Germany 8.05.65 79. Amsterdam, The Netherlands 8.08.65 80. Brussels, Belgium 8.09.65 81. Luxembourg, Luxembourg 8.09.65 82. Paris, France 8.10.65 83. Geneva, Switzerland 8.13.65 84. Alps Mountains, Switzerland 8.13.65 85. Baduka, Liechtenstein 8.15.65 86. Vienna, Austria 8.16.65 87. Rome, Italy 8.19.65 88. The Vatican, Italy 8.20.65 89. Athens, Greece 8.22.65 90.

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Making ofHoly Grounds


Soil and rocks from Korea!

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Making ofHoly Grounds


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3 Spiritual Children

• At the Fall 3 archangels Michael, Gabriel, Lucifer

• Jesus 3 main disciples Peter, James, John • Noas 3 sons,

• saving spirits from Adam to Noah

• establish the family of Adam, Noah, Abraham

• Restore archangels supporting LSA.

3 buds

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Spiritual Childrenin our lifetime

• 12 + 72 = 84

• Our Tribe

• If you add 12 and 72, you get a total of 84.

• Moreover, if you multiply 12 people by seven years, you get a total of 84.

Single-Mindedness at the Risk of Your Life July 8, 1973 Tokyo, Japan /SMM

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Spiritual ChildrenIn our lifetime

• Unless we are connected to our own 12 apostles and 72

disciples, we cannot build the bridge that leads to the Kingdom of God on earth, which Jesus wanted to establish. • Therefore, each one of you has an individual mission of

building the bridge to reach the Kingdom of God on earth by restoring 84 spiritual children.

Single-Mindedness at the Risk of Your Life July 8, 1973 Tokyo, Japan /SMM

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Spiritual ChildrenIn our lifetime

That is why we have the motto of 1-1-1.

Each member should restore at least one spiritual child per month. This is the essence of the standard for the restoration of the world.

Single-Mindedness at the Risk of Your Life July 8, 1973 Tokyo, Japan /SMM

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Spiritual ChildrenIn our lifetime

12 +72=847 years x 12 months = 84

We need 3 archangels= Spiritual Childrento restore our family

3 Spir. KingdomsOld Test.New Test.Completed Test.

1st Adam2nd Adam3rd Adam

/Commments by Dr. Seuk

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Spiritual ChildrenIn our lifetime

• If your religious life declines, then you will have absolutely no assistance from the spirit world, and eventually, you will have no relationship with the spirit world, either.

• It is essential for you to seek spiritual assistance whenever you gather together.According to the principle of creation, the relationship between the spirit world and the physical world is like the relationship between parents and children.

Single-Mindedness at the Risk of Your Life July 8, 1973 Tokyo, Japan /SMM

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Spiritual ChildrenIn our lifetime

• Without three spiritual children, you cannot stand in the position of having complete support from three archangels; your position remains in the fallen realm and you are liable to Satan's claim at any moment. • Also, the three archangels should attend Adam and Eve for three years, in such total unity that they would sacrifice everything to see the day of your Blessing.

Single-Mindedness at the Risk of Your Life July 8, 1973 Tokyo, Japan /SMM

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Spiritual ChildrenIn our lifetime

• When that three-year period is over, Adam should receive God's approval and say to the archangels, with God's heart, "Please let me receive the Blessing with my spouse-to-be, since I have grown to maturity." This is the principle of the Unification Church. It is logical that you cannot receive the Blessing without three spiritual children; it is absolutely impermissible.

• Whoever becomes married without three spiritual children will remain in the fallen realm.

Single-Mindedness at the Risk of Your Life July 8, 1973 Tokyo, Japan /SMM

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Spiritual ChildrenIn our lifetime

• Why did three wise men from the East visit Jesus at his birth? As the minimum condition for Jesus to be connected with the standard of the world, men of high spirit came and offered gifts to him.

These wise men were the ones who had longed for the Savior even before Jesus was conceived. Once they found out about his birth, they sacrificed everything and traveled any distance so that they could attend him. The appearance of the three wise men from the East is in accordance with the Principle.

Single-Mindedness at the Risk of Your Life July 8, 1973 Tokyo, Japan /SMM

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Spiritual ChildrenIn our lifetime

• Even Jesus, who was followed by three main disciples, had to walk this path, regardless of life or death, because of this principle of spiritual children.

• Since people have not comprehended this principle so far, Satan has been dominating this world, bringing all things of creation into disgrace. In order to restore an archangelic realm, spiritual children should love Adam and Eve, who are spiritual parents, and their child, even when it is still in the mother's womb. /SMM 13 May 1983 Single-Mindedness at the Risk of Your Life July 8, 1973

Tokyo, Japan /SMM

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Abel Tribe Cain Tribe

Own Relatives Other people Friends Neighbours

Our Tribe 12 + 72 = 84

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WitnessingTF 1965

Question: What are the requirements and qualifications for a person to be blessed in Marriage? What are the requirements for already married couples?

Answer: To be blessed, you need be a pure virgin or a bachelor.That’s the first requirement. But this is not enough.

Since we are all fallen we need to go opposite direction first to be restored.You must first find and lead spiritual children.

You must guide and teach three people to a level where they also can receive a blessed marriage.

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Then you yourself can receive a blessed marriage and be their spiritual parents.

This is eight restored people, representing the eight members of Adam and Noah's family. Then you must restore all things, the whole world to God.Noah's eight family members performed the Judgement and renewed the entire world to God.

You must create a victorious foundation in the satanic world. God must recognize you as the victor in this world, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and have dominion over all things." These words must be fulfilled by you.

For the already married people: Because marriage in the satanic world is not recognized by God, the man and woman must go their separate ways as brother and sister. /TF 1965

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• Witnessing results depend

• 40 percent on the spirit world,

• 30 percent on one's understanding of the Divine Principle, and

• 30 percent on one's practice.

• The secret of witnessing to a person is to • see him/her often with your eyes, • talk to him often with your mouth, • listen to him often with your ears, • be concerned about him often with your heart, • and give him much. /TF

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Don’t hide the Great New Truth Divine Principle!Go out and boldly Witness!

Shy UC Member?

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Controversials:About Homosexuality from 224 speeches

Homosexuality is unnatural, against God's law of creation. Homosexuals are growing in number, they bring the question of Homosexual rights even to the Congress. Then can we leave things as they are? (No!) Or do something about it? What shall we do with this problem? We will try to persuade and convince those people. But if they don't listen to me, or listen to us, what would we do? Shall we beat on them? (No.) … /SMM 750307

Where is your enemy? Our real enemy is the internal enemies of drug use and tree sex and immorality,plus the infiltration of evil ideologies such as homosexuality. /SMM 800221

Universal law when people grow up, they naturally seek the opposite sex for companionship. This is the natural way for remedying loneliness. if everyone in the world were to live as homosexuals for one century. All humanity would simply cease to exist! Homosexuality is a satanic force which is exactly opposite universal law. It brings destruction rather than creation. /SMM 820919

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Controversials:About Homosexuality contin.

Men and women who practice homosexuality may feel strong sensations from

that, but it has no resonance in truth; ultimately it is hollow. But when two people experience true love, it resonates throughout the universe. There is a special feeling in a room when husband and wife are there together; it creates a natural atmosphere of love. While a deviated experience may be comentarily exciting, an icy cold feeling of despair and destruction follows it. True love has a warmth and a fragrance unknown to deviated love.

What is the mission of the spirit world? They are the assistants or supporters to make this world right. Spirit world is assisting in God's program. American culture today is centered upon sensational and physical experiences such as drugs and promiscuity. Furthermore, there is a growing subculture promoting the perverted sexual behavior of homosexuality and lesbianism. They are trying to make it legitimate. These things have their roots in a satanic origin and the American culture is buying it, absorbing it. Satan's love culture is an evil love culture. Satan is promoting it and America is buying it./SMM 820919

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Controversials:About Homosexuality contin.

The problem is not with me or the Unification Church, nor with the Principle. Many abnormal things are being encouraged, including homosexuality and so forth. Even if you research and study forever, you will not find that kind of relationship in the animal kingdom. Only human beings have that kind of problem. /SMM 870823

A phenomenon of America for the past two decades has been free sex, with promiscuity, wife-swapping, blatant homosexuality, and so forth. Now the consequences of such practices are being seen in the form of widespread divorce, as well as the spread of diseases like AIDS, which is incurable. Why is that disease incurable? God always has mercy upon man, except for this one cardinal sin against love. /SMM 870823

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Holy Wine Ceremonyonly for 1st Gen.

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Holy Wine Ceremonyonly for 1st Gen.

Ingredients: 21 What is inside the holy wine? It has an ingredient that symbolizes parents’ love. Also, it has to have something in it that symbolizes blood. Accordingly, when you drink that, you become one body with parents’ love and one body with parents’ blood. Then how is the holy wine made? It is wine which is madefrom ingredients that symbolize the earth, the seas,and heaven, and that symbolize the whole cosmos.

In the holy wine there are three kinds of alcohol. Besides that, it has an ingredient which symbolizes all things.The fact of drinking this means that one is being born spiritually and physically.If this ceremony did not exist, original sin could not be removed and the lineagecould not be converted. Without converting the blood lineage, one cannot become one body with God’s love by passing through the standard of perfection.The holy wine ceremony is the ceremony which indemnifies all of this.

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Indemnity stickCeremonyonly for 1st Gen.

• 3 hard bashes!

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3 Day Ceremonyonly for 1st Gen.

• Holy Handkerchief• Holy Salt• Holy Gown (clothes)• 2 Basins or bowls• Picture of True Parents

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3 Day CeremonyOnly for 1st Gen.

The Spiritual Basis Of The 3-Day Ceremony's Procedure

During the first two days of the Three-Day ceremony, the woman is in the position of the "Bride of the Messiah" and "mother" to her spouse. Therefore, she initiates each part of the ceremony.

Through the ceremony of the first day, the man is raised from his position of archangel (being reborn as the son of the Messiah and his wife) to the position of sinless Adam in the formation stage.

Through the ceremony of the second day the man is raised from the position of "Newborn Adam" to the "Adam before the fall" position.

Each part of the ceremony of the third day is therefore initiated by the man in his position of Adam. The man takes the leadership role to restore dominion. Through this ceremony, they become one as the eternal ideal couple and husband and wife.

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The Blessing for1st, 2nd, 3rd…all future Gens

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The Blessing Ceremony is for all Mankind!

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Foundation Day 2013

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The Blessing is the key for entering the Third Israel

Abraham established Israel through the offering of sacrifices, but the Unification Church is creating Israel through the Blessing. Therefore, entering the third Israel is possible only through the Blessing.

/CSG (158-258, 1967.12.29)

The Blessing

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• 3 to 4 years of active work in any public ministry in our movement

• at least three spiritual children

• fasting for 7 days

• give an offering of money.

The Blessing

Original very strict conditions to qualify to receive the Blessing: From 3, 32…777 couples!

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1978 Motto "Home Church and the Completion of the Kingdom of Heaven.“

Slogan: 1-1-1 = every member, guides one new member,

every month.

(TF own goal 1-10-1)

1978Home Church

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Anyone who listens and is totally obedient, without hesitation, shall receive an incredible reward. Those who try to figure out an easier way will be the least in the Kingdom of Heaven, like John the Baptist.

/Total Self Re-Evaluation 9.14.80, Belvedere

Be a Doer!Not a Thinker!

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Home church has everything, for kings and queens down to the lowliest beggar. For the last three yearsyou have had all kinds of ups and downs, and hard times with your leader, now with Dr. [Mose] Durst and before him with Rev. [Won Pil] Kim, but it all boils down to one conclusion -- you have to do home church.

/Total Self Re-Evaluation 9.14.80, Belvedere

Home Church

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Beauty of Nature

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Beauty of Nature

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Holy Songs


Holy Songs are an important part of the Unification life of faith. Even though a congregation may come from various religious backgrounds or have different daily schedules, people can more easily feel united centering on Holy Songs.

Although they are usually sung during prayer, Pledge, Sunday services, or meetings, it is not unusual to hear members sing or play them when alone or even in small groups.

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Holy Songs


Holy Songs actually have several purposes. Whenever members gather and sing Holy Songs, the environment can change and unity can be generated. Satanic power diminishes; the spiritual atmosphere of the gathering can become clear, pure, and godly. When members sing Holy Songs, they often feel more purified internally.

Whether one desires to become more joyful or more serious, Holy Songs can help one to focus upon finding a deeper relationship to God. Holy Songs, therefore, are very important in preparing the atmosphere.

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Holy Songs

Holy Songs Written by True Father

Through meditation and deep prayer, Father wrote many Holy Songs himself. As the representative of all humankind, and on behalf of all people, Father gave glory to God through these songs.The following is a list in chronological order of the Holy Songs for which True Father wrote the words.

1. "Garden of Restoration," written as a poem in Hungnam prison, North Korea (date not certain)2. "Song of the Victors," 1947, Pyongyang3. "New Song of Inspiration," November 1950, Pyongyang4. "Blessing of Glory," November 1950, Pyongyang5. "Suffering Heart," 1951, Pusan6. "Grace of the Holy Garden," Spring, 19537. "Song of Principle Soldiers," February 1959, Seoul (written during the first training session) not yet introduced in the Western world8. "Unified Soldiers," 1962, Seoul

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Cheong PyeongTraining Center1960-1995…

Dae Mo Nim 

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Cheong PyeongTraining Center1960-1995…

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SECTION I - Resurrection

Biblical Concept of Life and Death Death Caused by the Fall Meaning of Resurrection How does Resurrection Change Man?

SECTION II - Providence of Resurrection Spiritual Phenomena Occurring in the Last Days The First Resurrection The Providence of Resurrection for Spirit Men Resurrection through Second coming of Spirit Men Who Were Christians in Their Lifetime Resurrection through Second Coming in the Growth Stage Resurrection through Second Coming in the Perfection Stage Resurrection through Second Coming of Spirit Men Outside of Paradise Reincarnation Viewed from the Standpoint of Resurrection through Second Coming

SECTION III - Unification of Religions by Resurrection through Second Coming Unification of Christianity by Resurrection through Second Coming Unification of All Other Religions by Resurrection through Second Coming Unification of Non-Religious Men by Resurrection through Second Coming

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Tree of Love

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Tree of Heart

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Tree of all things

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Tree of Loyalty

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Tree of Blessing

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5 Holy Trees

LoveHeartAll ThingsLoyaltyBlessing

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Lucifer the Falland sicknesses

4 fallen natures• failing God's standpoint• leaving proper position • reversing dominion • multiplying the criminal act

DP: Over time, the works of a good spirit will increase a person's sense of peace and righteousness and even improve his health. The works of evil spirits,on the contrary, will gradually lead to an increase of anxiety, fear and selfishness and cause his health to deteriorate.

Sin• Original sin • Hereditary sin • Collective sin • Individual sin

Bible: Man became deceitful!

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May 4, 1997


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The Age of Realm of 4th Adam started

Your blessed couple represents the fourth Adam. If you have that absolute confidence, then Satan cannot interfere in your life.


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Cheon Syeong Geong

Dedication to True Parents: 2003.10.26

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From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture

Restoring the Physical Fall

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In March 2004, Reverend Moon was crowned King of Peace, completed with kingly robes and golden crowns, in a building of the U.S. Senate.


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Cheon Jeong Gung Peace Palace, Museum and Meeting Center Inaugurated in Korea

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200990th Birthday Celebration of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, 67th Birthday Celebration of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon

The Coronation for the Realm of Liberation for God, the King of Kings on January 15, 2009: “At the same time I am deeply sorry before heaven; I have reached my 90th year of life, yet I have been unable to fully restore the 6.5 billion people of this world to God.”

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Little AngelsUniversal Ballet

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Tong-Il Moo-Do, a Unified Martial Art

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Tong-Il Moo-Do, a Unified Martial Art

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Tong-Il Moo-Do, a Unified Martial Art

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Unification Martyrs

1974 - 1980Maria Zivna (martyred April 11, 1974 before being blessed)

1980 - 1984Masaki Sasamoto (1800), martyred December 18, 1980

1980 - 1984Jin Joo Byrne, (Martyred) September 2002

There have been several other deaths in car accidents (FR Teams)

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Died 1984Seung Hwa 1985

Heung Jin Nim

Unification Martyrs

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Seung Hwa Ceremony


The tradition of the Seung Hwa Ceremony for blessed members was taught by our True Parents after the death of their son, Heung Jin Moon, on January 2, 1984. World level Seung Hwa Ceremonies for Heung Jin were heldboth in Tarrytown, New York (Belvedere), and Seoul, Korea (the Little Angels School).

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Seung Hwa Ceremony

Even though many funeral ceremonies have been held for members of the Unification Church, it is only because of Heung Jin Nim's sacrifice for True Parents that the tradition of the Seung Hwa Ceremony could begin.

Originally, this could not have been begun until the True Parents went to the spiritual world. Yet based on Heung Jin Nim's dedication and organization of the spiritual world, blessed members can now receive the foundation of the Seung Hwa Ceremony.

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• Roman Catholic Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo - Maria Sung

• Archbishop George Augustus Stallings, founder of the Amani Temple African American Catholic Congregation in Washington, D.C.  

• Nation of Islam (NOI) Minister Louis Farrakhan

Supportive Ministers

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2000 2004 2008 2012


2013 13Jan(22Febr)

2003 2006 2010 Coronation of God's kingship on January 13, 2001

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Cheon Buk Gung 210, 21 000, 210 000 Formation-Growth-Completion

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Gods 8TTM8 Textbook Teaching Material

• Sermons of SMM 1956 – present• Expositions of the EDP 1 May 1966• Cheon Seong Gyeong 18 Apr 2004• Family Pledge 2 May 1994 – 18 Apr 2004• Pyong Hwa Shin Gyeong 12 Sep 2005 – Present• True Family – Gateway to Heaven 30 Jan 2009• Owner of Peace and Owner of Lineage 7 Jul 2009• World Scripture 28 Jan 2009 - Vol.1 30% of TF speeches 1991 - Vol.2 50% of TF speeches 2006 - Vol.3 100% of TF speeches

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Cheon Seong GyeongLike Expanded Divine Principle

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Numerology3,4,12,40 …

The Zodiac

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Numerology3,4,12,40 …

Quote DP: The central figures in providential history must fulfill numerical periods of indemnity to restore the numbers twelve, four, twenty-one and forty before they can restore the foundation of faith.

Number 40: Examples include: Noah's forty-day flood judgment, Moses' forty-day fasts, the forty-day mission to spy out the land of Canaan, Jesus' forty-day fast, and the forty days of the ministry of the resurrected Jesus.

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Numerology3,4,12,40 …

DP Quote: To understand how the number forty is fulfilled in the growing period, we must first study the significance of the number ten.

If we divide each of the three stages of the growing period into three sub-stages, we arrive at a total of nine levels. Herein lies the significance of the number nine in the Principle.

As a numerical unfolding of the dual characteristics of the invisible God, each of God's creations passes through the nine levels of the growing period. Each then fulfills its purpose of creation when it becomes one with God in the realm of His direct dominion, which constitutes the tenth level. For this reason, we call the number ten the number of unity.

4 Position Foundation x 10 = 40

In the four position foundation which Adam and Eve should have established, each position was to pass through the ten levels in their course to maturity, fulfilling in total the number forty

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The Four Position Foundation Which Fulfills the Three Objects Purpose

1. Origin-Division-Union Action








through Origin-Division-Union Action

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2. The Three Objects Purpose







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3. The Four Position Foundation





- root of the numbers 4, 3 and 12

- God’s eternal purpose of creation

- basic foundation for goodness, existence, and force

- root of the principle of three stages

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  I Ching 

•  The Mayan Culture

•  Kalevala, Finnish national epos

•  Nostradamus ~ China Abandons Communism  

•  Titanic! 

•  Edgar Cayce, American Prophet

•   Dr. Sun Myung Moon 

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The solstice sun will align with the Dark Rift of our very own Milky Way Galaxy. This cosmic center-point is also known as 'The Great Womb of our Galactic Mother',and on December 21st 2012, the plane of our solar system will line up exactly with the plane of our galaxy - a cycle that has taken 26,000 years to complete.

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Teilhard de Chardin termed the Omega Point, or the moment of conscious separation of those on the green ray and higher paths from those still trapped in third-density yellow.

• The definition of OMEGA is the ending of a series or sequence; "the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end"--Revelation • The last (24th) letter of the Greek alphabet

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2012 •  I Ching Quote: I Ching, or Book of Changesmathematically based on the time waves that is the foundation for all changes in the Universe.

Groups of  64 six-line combinations called hexagram, show all the combinations of Yin och Yang (like + and - ). 

It shows 2012 as the End of Age.

Another researcher - Martin Schonberger, discovered 1973, an exact similarity between these 64 hexagrams and the 64 triple systems 4x4x4 =  the 64 combinations in our DNA.

Ref: Google for "I Ching 2012 Invisible landscape"

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2012 Mayan Calendar; 

the Great Cycle started in 3114 BC and ends in December 2012. 

In 2012 the plane of our Solar System will line up exactly with the plane of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. 

This cycle has taken 26,000 years to complete. Virgil Armstrong also says that two other galaxies will line up with ours at the same time. A cosmic event!

Ref: Google for "Mayacalender + Galaxy"

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•  Titanic!

Titanic sank 10th of April 1912.

Exactly 100 year before the year 2012!

Was it a symbolic catastrophe 100 year before the absolute end of our Age! 

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2012 •  Nostradamus ~ China Abandons Communism

Quatrain 4.32In those places and times that meat gives way to fishThe communal law will be made in opposition:The old ones hold strong, then removed from the scene,Panta chiona philon put much behind.

That part of the world that depends almost exclusively on the seafor its protein will overthrow its "common" or "communal" law.

In December 2012 China will abandon communism. In its place, the people will either embrace democracy…

East Asia will never allow a communist state to gain control of the region again. 

Ref: Google for   Michael McClellan's Nostradamus and the Final Age

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2012 • Kalevala, Finnish national epos

Case in point is the mysterious existence of myths obviously describing precession in the ancient verses of the Kalevala, the Finnish National Epic. These myths were relayed from the earliest times by way of singers. 

Many of these stories are thoroughly magical and are filled with sky lore. The Finnish language is not of Indo- European origin and up until the late 19th century peasants in Finland and northwestern Russia had little contact with Europe. Indeed, their heritage suggests more contact with Central Asia than Europe.… 

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2012 • Kalevala, Finnish national epos

…Some of the Kalevala stories describe a sacred Mill called the Sampo (derived from sanskrit Skambha = pillar or pole) with a "many ciphered cover". 

This spinning Mill is a metaphor for a Golden Age of plenty and the starry sky spinning around the Pole Star (known as the Nail of the North), which in the Far North is almost straight over head. The Mill at some point is disturbed, its pillar being pulled out of itspeg, and a new one - a new "age" - must be constructed. This becomes the chore of Ilmarinen, the primeval smith. In this legend, ancient knowledge of precession among unsophisticated "peasants" who were nonetheless astute skywatchers, was preserved via oral tradition almost down to modern times. 

Ref:  Google for “Why2012”

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2012 • Edgar Cayce, American Prophet

Other predictions were about dramatic changes in the Earth's surface in the period of 1958 to 1998. The cause of these he put down to a tilting in the Earth's rotational axis which he said would begin in 1936. 

The first sign of this change in the Earth's core would be the "breaking up of  some conditions" in the South Pacific and "sinking or rising" in the  Mediterranean or Etna area. Cayce forecast that, by the end of the century, New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco would be destroyed. 

He said that "the greater portion of Japan must go into the sea" at this time, and that northern Europe would be "changed as in the twinkling of an eye." In 1941, Cayce predicted that lands would appear in the Atlantic and the Pacific in the coming years, and that "the coastline now of many a land will be the bed of the ocean. 

Ref: Google for “crystalinks + edgar cayce”

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2012 •  Dr. Sun Myung Moon 

You should take ownership and prepare for the spirit world life War 2, so this is a crucial time and we have to accomplish the will of God by 2010 or 2012. 

So you have to migrate back to your hometown and find our own nation, ... Ref: 

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2012 •  Dr. Sun Myung Moon 

You should take ownership and prepare for the spirit world life War 2, so this is a crucial time and we have to accomplish the will of God by 2010 or 2012. 

So you have to migrate back to your hometown and find our own nation, ... Ref: 

You should take ownership of the 120 report and Heung Jin's report, and prepare for the spirit world life War 2, so this is a crucial time and we have to accomplish the will of God by 2010 or 2012. So you have to migrate back to your hometown and find our own nation, ... Ref: 5 Apr 2002

True Parents' Arrival and Joyful Gathering we are in. It is time to dash toward the providence of 2004 and totally accomplish it by 2012 if 2004 is delayed. Everyone there made that determination. True Parents ... Ref: 8 Nov 2002 

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Japan after Tsunami March 2011

Gods protection!

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From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture

Restoring the Spiritual Fall

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Conclusion & Summary

Marriage of the Lamb!

Jesus as MessiahIsrael

2013 13Jan!

2nd ComingKorea

2000year of Jewish faithBuddhism 565BCConfucius 552BCSocrates 470BC


2000 years of Christian faithM Luther 1483Nostradamus

Swedenborg & LinnéBlavatsky,Bailey,Steiner

World History

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Ancestor Liberation:

With deep gratitude for Heavenly Father and True ParentsI like to share my testimony On Saturday the 3rd of December 2011, we welcomed home our 210 generations of blessed ancestors of 8 lineages.Present were our daughter Christabel and her husband Robert, Petra’s cousin Monika, and Petra and myself.

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Ancestor Liberation:

The whole week before the event we prepared ourselves and our home to welcome our ancestors.We made a beautiful poster. we bought roses in the exact colour of the poster: pink and we prepared food from the regions our 8 tribes were coming from: Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Far East.

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Ancestor Liberation:

At 1 pm exactly we started our ceremony to welcome our blessed ancestors.We bowed, recited the Pledge and then Petra prayed.And it is during her prayer that I could see the spirit world around us.

Please look at your Blessing ring. There is a centre and this centre was an altar with beautiful offerings. I could see exactly the same dishes on the altar which we had on our altar, just a lot bigger.

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Ancestor Liberation:4 plates filled with food (1 plate for 2 tribes), chopsticks and fork as well as four glasses of water.Above the altar, in the air, was True Parents’ picture. It was multi-dimensional. Where ever you stood around the altar you could see the picture. And above the picture was the a huge “ball” of white sparkling and translucent energy. It was God in all His might.

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Ancestor Liberation:The whole scene was overwhelming. I looked again and I saw (please look again at your Blessing ring) 4 huge lines of ancestors. two of our tribes together, coming from the 4 corners of the ring, representing East and West, North and South.Interesting was also that the couples we recently blessed were at the front, closest to the altar.Our whole little flat was packed with our ancestors, so was the compound of surrounding flats, the gardens, the parking area and beyond.

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Ancestor Liberation:210 generations of ancestors of 8 lineages are altogether 1680 couples.As they were standing facing the altar in the middle everyone was praying.When Petra finished her prayer we sang Tongil. The ancestors joined in.I looked at our blessed ancestors who usually wear white Holy Gowns, now they were wearing golden robes.The atmosphere was highly charged.

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Ancestor Liberation:At the end of our introduction to the ancestors and to over 20 collateral couples (many we knew personally) we raised our glasses, when I heardvery loud, harmonious and powerful music. It was the music when True Parents enter the room for a Blessing ceremony.

When we gently shouted “welcome home our ancestors”, everyone of the tribes had a glass and cheered.

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Ancestor Liberation:As we were also celebrating Christabel, Robert’s and my birthday we had 3 cakes and Baklava sweets. Everyone likes sweet things, including our ancestors.My wife asked me every hour till we went to bed “what are they doing now?”. the answer was always the same. They were still talking and they were still eating.

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Ancestor Liberation:You may ask, can we feel a difference since our blessed ancestors came home. Yes, we do. There is an atmosphere of giving and receiving. Not individual giving and then someone receives. No, it is like a constant and it seems never ending flow of spiritual energy and love.

Our biggest concern is, that we have the capacity to receive all this Heavenly Fortune our ancestors brought with them. Philip Hill 3.December 2011 in Shaw

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1920 1943 1960 1992 2000 2012

3rd Adamborn

2013 13Jan H.C.(22Febr)Messianic Years

1920 - 2013

1935-1942 1954 1995 2003 2013






TF Seung Hwa2012




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From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture

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From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture

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From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture

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Foundation Day 2013

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The Age of Hon Dok HaeIs completed and perfected. /TF

What does that mean:By doing HonDoHaeWe can make our Spirit Man grow to perfection.

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Because God created Man with His words, we fail with the loss of God's words.

By reading God's words daily, our spirit man can grow and finally can become perfected.

By this you can understand the importance of Hoon Dok Hwe.

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This declaration here is a signed contract between Heavenly Father and Father, not just a declaration.

When Father said this, God's guarantee was behind it. Father is not just saying it, but it is approved by Heavenly Father and Heavenly Father guaranteed this.

Therefore if we do Hoon Dok Hwe as Father is emphasizing, results will come. /Yong Whi Kim

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Young Adults Recruited in Korea for Missionary Work Overseas

Young adults are filling out applications to serve as missionaries in the 20 strategic nations and 20 providential nations as part of the Vision 2020 project, according to the International headquarters of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU). The youth will be known as Cheon Il Guk youth missionaries and will substantiate the heart and culture of Cheon Il Guk to the 20 strategic nations and 20 providential nations.

31 Jul 2013

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Endof the Beginning

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• TP = True Parents, SM Moon & HJH Moon

• SMM = Sun Myung Moon• LSA = Lord of Second Advent

• Chanyang Yeoksa = Holy Song Session

• CP Chyung Pyeong = Training ground in Korea

• Aju = With the opening of the Cheon Jeong Gung Museum (June 13, 2006), the Era of 'Amen' ended and the Era of 'Aju' began

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• Cheon Bok Gung = Heaven's Heart Temple, slide 393

• Eog Mansei = Eog-mansei we have said for decades when we are trying to express our commitment, celebrate a great victory or look forward to a great providential victory with True Parents

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• HDH, Hon Dok Hae = Gathering Reading

• CIG, Cheon Ihl Guk = The Chinese symbol Cheon (means two persons), Il (means becoming one). Two people become one. The mind and body become one.

• Cheon Syeong Geong = Gathering of speeches. "Cheon Seong Gyeong defines the way for two people to walk towards holiness; these way is none other than the family.” /SMM

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2005Kevin Mc Carthy

2003Jon QuinnAvailable online

Unification Members

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Unification MovementSpiritual Phenomena

I Am in This Place

Testimonies about Jesus & Sun Myung Moon


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Shirley Stadelhofer

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All of a sudden, something in the form of a soft light appeared at the foot of my bed. It did not speak and I was not afraid, but I had a strongfeeling that it was a spiritual manifestation of Jesus. I believed he was trying to tell me something, but I wasn’t sure what it was. After the vision faded, astrong conviction came to me that this “appearance” was a confirmation that the revelation from Sun Myung Moon, which I had been studying, was notfalse prophecy or heresy, but a new truth from God!

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2007Unification Members

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The 2010–11 Middle East and North Africa protests, also known as the Arab Spring, are a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests which have been taking place in the Middle East and North Africa since 18 December 2010.

Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt; a civil war in Libya; major protests in Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Oman andYemen; and minor protests in Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Western Sahara.


Comment: DP “There is no freedom outside the Principle”

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2009 2012Individuals



Christian NsekaBorn in Kinshasa, Zaire

Unification Members



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2010 Ali Majhoub

His Dreams & Spirit World

Unification Members

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2011 Anslie H Abraham

Born in India,Family converted

to ChristianityGrew up in Hindu

and Muslim environment.

Unification Members

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Father's last words were, "I have completed everything"


True Fathers Seung Hwa 25 February 1920 – 3 September 2012

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See: Theological Meaning of date, time and age of

True Father's Passing


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2012 Bret Aaron Moss

Unification Members

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2012 Johannes Stampf 

Unification Members

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2012by Robert  and Janice Maddox Based on five basic elements of sin

Unification Members

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The Spirit-Person and the Spirit-World: An Otherdimensional Primer by Kerry Pobanz (2001) Life In Eternity:

Human Beings In the Spirit World (2013)by Kerry Pobanz

Unification Disciples 2013

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May 2013Jennifer P. Tanabe

Unification Members

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May 2013Jennifer P. Tanabe

Unification Members

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"A Testimony to God's Word, in Regard to Divine Principle" Gil Ja Sa Eu 2013Early Testimonies from UC 50’s

Unification Members

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Michael HentrichUnification Members

2013 2014

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The publication of the new scriptures commissioned by True Mother, which were unveiled during the joint celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC) and the publication of a new edition of the Cheon Seong Gyeong (12 Chapters) and Pyeong Hwa Gyeongat the Cheong Pyeong Training Center in Gapyeong, Korea on June 10, 2013.

June 10, 2013

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Think of the last 2,000 years in which we just had the Bible. Now with True Parents, we have the path to Cheon Il Guk clear ahead of us, and the foundation that True Father has given us is his word.

There are three core books in preparation that are a summary of Father’s words: • the Cheon Seong Gyeong, • Pyeonghwa Gyeong (Peace Messages) and a third • the Champumo Gyeong, or True Parents life story

/True Mother 2013

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True Parents [Hak Ja Han] bestowed a motto for the victory of 2020! /Dae Mo Nim Jan 1, 2014

'Let us become true owners of Cheon Il Guk who practice true love in resemblance to our creator,

the Heavenly Parent!‘

Finally the year 2014 was welcomed with much anticipation.

On this day at the Hoon Dok Hae True Mother bestowed the New Year Motto which will be the direction for the unification family for the victory of year 2020.

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Divine Principle

Unification Theological Seminary

More Lecture slides:

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Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there to inspire us of the coming KoH!Have a great Blessed week.Prepared for 2nd gen inspiration by Bengt de Paulis.

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