Download - Unit 1 Lesson 3


CivicsApplied Knowledge AssessmentColonial Autobiography(25 points)

Autobiography: Anne is a 15 year old girl who lives in Richmond, Virginia. She has a mother, a father, and 4 siblings. She has 3 brothers and one sister. Her father grew and planted many different crops, but mainly tobacco. The family also had many animals including pigs, cows, and chickens. They lived in a very small wooden house on their farm. Her fathers main duty was to raise the crops. Her mother would often be found knitting, sewing, cooking, or looking after all of the animals. While her brothers were off learning, Anne and her sisters would be learning to sew and knit from their mother. Anne also helped clean the house. She would sweep and wash dishes to help her mother out. Anne and her sister learned many things from their mother. Comparison/Contrast: Annes life is very different from mine. First off, I do not live on a farm. I live in an average sized home in a nice little community. Also, my parents do not earn a living off of planting crops. Instead, we get crops from our local grocery store. We also do not have animals. Yes, we have cats, but we do not rely on them for money or food. Today, mothers have the choice of working or looking after the home or children. My mother works, but still cooks and looks after my siblings and I. Back then, education was not required, and only some boys received an education. These days, all boys and girls have to go to school. Instead of staying home with my mother all day, I am off at school. Our families are a bit alike, too. Every family member has their role. They have chores or certain things that need to be done each day. They also have different jobs to do so that the family can live and be stable. A lot of things have changed since Colonial times, but even today every family member plays an important role in their family. Works Cited:

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