English IIIEnglish III
Do-Now: Put this into your notes in your own words
, ; .
Semi-colons need to connect two full sentences (no dependent clauses)
The two full sentences on either side of the semi-colon need to be very closely related.
Example: The paper was finally finished; Joe had spent hours working on it.
Try Some. Are these correct or incorrect?
The days in October get cold; since it is getting close to winter.
INCORRECT (not a full sentence after the semi-colon)
Ms. Stitt likes the cold now; she appreciates it more since she didn’t have it in Los Angeles.
In Los Angeles, it was always sunny and 70 degrees; Los Angeles also has many different attractions like Disneyland and Hollywood.
INCORRECT (unrelated)
Ms. Stitt’s favorite thing to do in California was to visit national parks; she loved exploring Yosemite, Death Valley, and Zion.
Ms. Stitt will be very sad if she doesn’t get to go to a National Park this year; Ms. Stitt will also be sad if Notre Dame loses any other football games.
INCORRECT (unrelated)
Period 4: Tania,
Period 6: Diego,
Period 7: Elizabeth,
Next journals due Tuesday, November 4th (4 journals)
Next outside reading reflection due next Wednesday, Oct. 29th
Reminder: Oct. 31st is final deadline for 1st session standard make-up before they go to summer school
Future outside reading reflections: If you do not underline/italicize your novel title and accidentally put it in quotes or forget, you will be deducted a point (which may drop you below passing)– this is an EASY correction– do it!
Tip of the Day:
TIP #8: You don’t need to use the words “for example” so much in your papers
Many undocumented immigrants are simply immigrants without papers. For example, in the article “Undocumented Americans,” the author, Chavez, says…
BETTER: Many undocumented immigrants are simply immigrants without papers. In the article, “Undocumented Americans,” the author, Chavez, says…
SWBAT (Students will be able to…)
Explain how the Salem Witch Trials began
Determine different pieces of plot for a story
Let’s remind ourselves…
Remind your partner of two things:
1) How does the culture of the Puritan lifestyle play into the witch trials?
2) Is The Crucible a historically accurate play? Explain.
The Crucible
“Goody” means “Mrs.”
Reverend Parris (he’s upset… need someone who can act upset)
Sets the story up
Introduces conflict within the story
3. Climax
The “turning point” in a story– defines the outcome of the story
Close to the end of a text
4. Falling Action
5. Resolution
Lourdes leaves Enrique to go to the United States
Enrique is moved around from home to home and gets involved in drugs
2. Rising Action
Enrique embarks on his train ride
Enrique gets beaten up, has to attempt the journey multiple times
Enrique makes it to the US,
but is having troubles
3. Climax
Enrique doesn’t know if he will be able to stay in the U.S. when in jail
Sonia Nazario decides to intervene
4. Falling Action
5. Resolution
Enrique is granted a visa to stay in the US
Create a plot chart for the story.
On each blank line, write the event that would describe the step
Find one quote for each piece of your chart as textual evidence.
Read to p. 16 and respond to the questions Ms. Stitt gives you
Finish your chart on Snow White
Next class:
Think-alouds in a circle with kids on outside reading and kids on inside thinking?
AND/OR primary sources?

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