


1. Definition and causes of the French Revolution

2. Mayor events of the French Revolution

3. The Napoleonic Empire

4. Consequences of the Napoleonic Empire and the French Revolution

5. The Restoration in Europe

6. Liberalism, nationalism and Democracy

7. The age of revolution: 1820, 1830 and 1848

8. Italian and German unification

1. Definition and causes of the French Revolution


The French Revolution was a period of violent political and social change, in order to abolish the absolute monarchy and to put end to the estates system of the Ancient Regime.

1. Definition and causes of the French Revolution


A- The influence of the Enlightenment

• French intellectuals and bourgeoisie supported Enlightenment ideas and tried to put them into practice.

• For example, they demanded that all French subject be free and equal under the law.

1. Definition and causes of the French Revolution


B- The political crisis

• In France, the Estates General brought together representatives of the three estates of the realm to advise the king on important issues, such as tax increases.

• The Estates General is a meeting of representatives of the three estates in France.

1. Definition and causes of the French Revolution


B- The political crisis

• Both the clergy (the First Estate) and the nobility (the Second Estate) had 300 representatives in the Estates General, and each group had one vote.

• In contrast, the middle class and peasantry (the Third Estate) had 600 representatives and only one vote.

1. Definition and causes of the French Revolution


B- The political crisis

1. Definition and causes of the French Revolution


B- The political crisis

• King Louis XVI (1774-1792) governed France as an absolute monarch and opposed meetings of the Estates General.

• For that reason, the estates of the realm could not present their demands or try to limit the king`s power.

1. Definition and causes of the French Revolution


C- The economic crisis

• The French state was bankrupt as a result of its participation in military conflicts, such as the American War of Independence.

• The royal family also spend large amounts of money on palaces, luxury goods and extravagant parties.

• To improve the country´s finances, Louis XVI´s ministers suggested that he increase taxes, even for the privileged upper classes.

1. Definition and causes of the French Revolution


D- The social crisis

• By the late 18th century, all three estates of the realm were discontented with the crown , but for different reasons.

• The nobility and the clergy:

They wanted to protect their traditional economic privileges.

They refused to pay the taxes that the king´s ministers were demanding.

1. Definition and causes of the French Revolution


D- The social crisis

• The middle class and the peasantry were also discontented:

The bourgeoisie (upper middle class) wanted to abolish the absolute monarchy because it didn´t allow them to participate in government.

The petite bourgeoisie (lower middle class) was suffering from economic difficulties caused by wars, higher taxes and increased competition from British products.

1. Definition and causes of the French Revolution


D- The social crisis

The peasantry also suffered economic problems caused by wars, taxes and poor harvests.

Moreover, they also had to pay higher rent to the clergy and nobility.

• In addition to these problems, the middle class and peasantry were angered by the luxurious lifestyle of the royal family, the court and the privileged groups in general.


1. Look at the caricature and discuss in pairs.


2. Read the text and answer the questions in pairs.

2. Mayor events of the French Revolution

The beginning

• In the face of increasing political and economical problems, Louis XVI decided to call together the Estates General in 1789 in order to increase taxes.

• This meeting marked the beginning of the French Revolution.

2. Mayor events of the French Revolution

The National Assembly (1789)

• At the meeting of the Estates General, the Third Estate proposed a new voting system in which each representative would have an individual vote.

• When the king refused, the members of the Third Estate declared themselves the true representatives of the Nation.

• Then they formed a National Assembly and demanded a new constitution.

Reunión de los Estados Generales.

5 de Mayo de 1789

Juramento del Juego de Pelota

2. Mayor events of the French Revolution

The Constituent Assembly (1789-1791)

• The situation was very tense.

• The king had surrounded the palace with troops in order to defend his power.

• Part of nobility and clergy pressured him to dissolve the assembly by the use of the army.

2. Mayor events of the French Revolution

The Constituent Assembly (1789-1791)

• At the same time, protesters began to riots in the streets of Paris.

• On 14 July 1789 protesters attacked the Bastille, a famous political prison.

• (It is considered the symbol of the French Revolution)

• After that, more riots broke out in the countryside and in other cities around France.

2. Mayor events of the French Revolution

The Constituent Assembly (1789-1791)

• The king finally agreed to the Third Estate´s demands.

• A new Constituent Assembly was elected to write a constitution.

• Part of the nobility and clergy was included in the Assembly.

2. Mayor events of the French Revolution

The Constituent Assembly (1789-1791)

• The Constituent Assembly implemented a number of legal reforms:

Abolished feudal rights: there will be no more privileges. Nobility will have to work and pay taxes.

Approved the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and the Citizen: all men are born free and equal in their rights, liberty consist of the freedom to do anything which doesn´t harm other people.

2. Mayor events of the French Revolution

The Constituent Assembly (1789-1791)

Adopted a constitution (1791) which established:

o Constitutional monarchy

o Popular sovereignty

o Separation of powers

o Limited male suffrage

2. Mayor events of the French Revolution

The Constituent Assembly (1789-1791)

• Worried by the assembly´s reforms, Louis XVI tried to scape to Austria to ask for support there.

• However, the revolutionaries discovered the king´s plans and prevented his escape.

2. Mayor events of the French Revolution

The Legislative Assembly (1791-1792)

• Was elected to implement the necessary legal changes.

• Two political groups dominated this assembly:


• Moderate political ideas.

• Represented the interest of the bourgeoisie.

• Liberal economic policies.

• Limited suffrage.


• Radical political ideas.

• Representad the interest of workers known as the sans-culottes.

• Wanted to abolish the monarchy and put the king on a trial.

• Expand the suffrage.

• Control price rises to help the worker

2. Mayor events of the French Revolution

The Legislative Assembly (1791-1792)

• Louis XVI opposed the reforms of the Legislative Assembly and asked Austria for support.

• In response, the assembly imprisoned the king, abolished the monarchy and declared France a republic.

2. Mayor events of the French Revolution

The Convention (1792-1795)

• A new assembly known as the Convention was elected.

• Louis XVI was accused of treason and then executed.

• A number or European countries formed a coalition and declare war on France to prevent the revolution from spreading.

2. Mayor events of the French Revolution

The Convention (1792-1795)

• The leader of the Convention was Robespierre.

• The Jacobins took control of the government and imposed a dictatorship, known as the Terror.

• They tried to coordinate the European war.

• They also dealt with the activities of counter-revolutionaries at home.

2. Mayor events of the French Revolution

The Directory (1795 – 1799) and

the Consulate (1799 - 1804)

• The Directory gained the control by 1795.

• It was a more conservative government which was composed of five members.

• They wanted to stop the violence and executions.

• Represented the interest of the middle class.

2. Mayor events of the French Revolution

The Directory (1795 – 1799) and

the Consulate (1799-1804)

• In 1799, France was still at war with other European powers, and at home radical revolutionaries wanted to regain control.

• In response, General Napoleon Bonaparte organised a military coup and established a new form of government called the Consulate.

• This was a group of three leaders known as consuls, which included Napoleon himself as head of state and First Consul.


3. Complete the text below with the following words: attacked, bread, court, demands, March, October, protest, thousand, Versailles, women.


4. Copy in your exercise book in the correct chronological order

ACTIVITIES 5. Match the sentences to the assemblies and governments:

ACTIVITIES 6. Answer these questions:

ACTIVITIES 7. Complete the table:

ACTIVITIES 7. Complete the table:

ACTIVITIES 8. Find the following information:

3. The Napoleonic Empire

• Napoleon Bonaparte was named First Consul for Live in 1802.

• He then declared himself emperor of France in 1804.

Napoleon´s policy achievements:


• Establish the Civil Code:


civil marriage


state education


• Expanded his empire

military victories

imposed enlightened policies

imposed constitutions in all Europe

Abolished absolute monarchy

3. The Napoleonic Empire

• Napoleon defeated all of the countries that were allied against France, except Great Britain.

• However, from 1812 onwards, his power began to decline because he had to divide his forces between two very distant fronts: Spain and the Russian Empire.

• Napoleon was finally defeated in 1815 at the Battle of Waterloo.

• The victorious powers re-established the Ancient Regimen.

POLITICAL Constitutional



Popular sovereignty

Separation of powers

Limited male suffrage

Civil Rights

Political groups


Property rights

Free trade

4. The consequences of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Empire

SOCIAL States system ends

No more privileges

ACTIVITIES 9. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false ones.

ACTIVITIES 10. Look at the map of the Napoleonic Empire and answer the following questions:

ACTIVITIES 10. Complete the text with the following words: bourgeoisie, constitutional, elections, equal, estates, laws, nobility, political, private, privileges, republics, tax.

5. The Restoration in Europe

• The Restoration was the return to the political system of the Ancient Regime after Napoleon´s defeat in 1815.

• The leaders of various European states met at the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815), where they agreed the following measures:

• The restoration of Absolute Monarchy: the European monarchs who had been deposed by Napoleon returned to power. However, some of these monarchs had to accept constitutional limits to their power.

5. The Restoration in Europe

• Changes to Europe´s borders: Napoleon's conquest had transformed the map of Europe. After his defeat, another series of changes were made.

5. The Restoration in Europe


1. Francia queda cercada en su franco oriental por los estados tapón de Países Bajos,

Suiza y Piamonte- Cerdeña.

2. Los Países Bajos salen reforzados al serles incorporados Bélgica y Luxemburgo.

3. El Reino de Saboya también sale reforzado.

4. Prusia se incorpora Renania.

5. Rusia recibe gran parte de Polonia y obtiene Finlandia.

6. Austria recibe el Reino Lombardo-Véneto y su influencia alcanza a Alemania y a toda la

península itálica.

7. Suecia se incorpora Noruega y pierde Finlandia.

8. Gran Bretaña obtiene Malta y refuerza sus posiciones coloniales en las Antillas y el


9. La Confederación Germánica, con 38 estados, sustituye al Sacro Imperio, con 240

estados, teniendo un ejército propio y una Dieta, presidida por Austria.

10. La península itálica queda dividida en siete estados: el Reino Lombardo -Véneto, que

pertenece a Austria; el Reino de Piamonte-Cerdeña; los ducados absolutistas de

Toscana, Parma y Módena; los Estados Pontificios controlados por el Papa; y el Reino

de las Dos Sicilias, gobernado por los Borbones.

EUROPE, 1815

5. The Restoration in Europe

• Two alliances were formed to enforce the agreement of the Congress of Vienna, and also to support Europe´s restored monarchs in the event of revolution:

• The Holy Alliance: Russia, Austria and Prussia.

•The Quadruple Alliance: the three members of the Holy Alliance plus Great Britain.

6. Liberalism, Nationalism and Democracy

• The revolutions of the 19th century were reactions to the restoration of Ancient Regime and the return to absolutism.

• These revolutions were inspired by two political ideologies –Liberalism and Nationalism- as well as by the idea of Democracy.

7. The Age of Revolution

• Political revolutions took place during the firs half of the 19th century in Europe.

• These revolutionary movements were based on liberal and nationalist ideologies.

• 1820, 1830 and 1848.


- Spain: liberal revolution

against Fernando VII

- Greece: won its

independence from the

Ottoman Empire through a

liberal and nationalist



- France: liberal

revolution established a

constitutional monarchy.

- Belgium: nationalist

revolution gained

independence from the



- France, Austrian

Empire, German

Confederation and Italy.

- More radical than 1820

and 1830.

- The middle classes and

proletariat also


- They demanded

democratic reforms.

7. The Age of Revolution

7. The Age of Revolution


• All revolutions failed except France 1848

• In France: proclamation of the Second Republic and the Introduction of Universal manhood Suffrage.

• In Europe: final end of to the absolute monarchy.

Independencia de Grecia, 1820

Independencia de Bélgica, 1830

8. The Italian and German Unification

• Until the mid-19th century modern day Italy and Germany were divided into numerous independent states.

• However, in both cases nationalist movements emerged during the first half of the 19th century.

• As a result of their efforts, these states unified to form two new nation-states.



• Cavour

• Mazzini

• Garibaldi

• King Victor Emmanuel II

Unification process

• Initiated by the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia in 1859.

• After gaining support from France, fought successfully against Austria, that were expelled from Lombardy and north of Italy.

Unification process

• Garibaldi conquered the King of Two Sicilies.

• North and South became joined.

• Rome was annexed in 1870 and became the capital city of the new state.

• The process ends in 1871.

Unification process

• Unified Italy became a constitutional monarchy.

• Victor Emmanuel II was its King



• Otto Von Bismark

• Wilhelm I

Unification process

• Initiated by the Kingdom of Prussia.

• Bismarck, the Prussian chancellor.

• Conflict with Denmark over two duchies (Schleswing and Holstein).

• Control the North.

Unification process

• Austro-Prussian War (1866): control the South.

• Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871): France had to surrender the

region of Alsace-Lorraine to Germany.

Bismarck established the Second Reich

Wilhelm I as its kaiser.


By José Luis Alcaide Juárez Geography & History teacher

IES Puerta de la Axarquía

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