Download - Unit 3: Review

Page 1: Unit 3:  Review

Unit 3 Test reviewyay!

Page 2: Unit 3:  Review


Page 3: Unit 3:  Review

How do you win the Electoral College?

magic numbers? 538 and 270

majority v plurality (more than half...more than the other)


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What is the difference between plurality and majority?

We just did that one

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What is the secret number in the E.C.?

Again, we just did that one

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How would you describe members of the national news media? Where do they fall on the political spectrum?

generally - liberal

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What was the era of the party press

political parties had newsapapers that they published, these were read by a small number of well-educated people

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Who do we directly elect?

House members, Senate members

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What are swing/battleground states? How do they affect the Electoral College?

These are competitive states that could go either way. They make all the difference in presidential elections. examples: PA, OH, Florida, now VA

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What is the most important variable in determining the outcome of an election?


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Why do some states try to move their primary election forward?

more attention, a larger impact

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What was the McCain-Feingold Bill?

Eliminate soft money

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What are PACs?

registered organiztions that raise money to donate to campaigns and candidates

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What is the primary function of a lobbyist?

Provide information to members of Congress...usually important on technical issues. They do this through a variety of methods.

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How can the FCC regulate broadcasters?

Equal Time Rule

Issuing Licenses

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How does the media cover campaigns

sound bytes and photo opportunities. Does not necessarily get to the meat of the issue

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What is the Iowa Caucus

Earliest Caucus - get together...not private. You try to encourage people to vote as you do

What is the New Hampshire Primary

Earliest primary - it is a private ballot

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What do interest groups do?

Try to influence members of the legislature to vote a certain way on a bill. Usually to the group’s benefit

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What are some reforms that have been offered to the Electoral College?

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What is the turnout like for the two major parties?

Republicans usually have a higher turnout, their members are more tightly wedded to their party. Republicans do better with independents.

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What type of PAC usually supports Democrats?


What is a drawback of television and media coverage

verbal slips and foibles

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What is the difference between primary voters and general election voters?

Their swing, more liberal then more middle grounded

What type of incentives get people to join an interest group?

Solidary, material, puposive

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What is gerrymandering

Redrawing districts to the benefit of a group of people or a party

What is malapportionment

Population drawing so that voters in less populated areas have more sway/voting power

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Why do we have so many interest groups in the United States?

diversity, federalism, weakness of political parties, leadership roles

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