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OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Unit 4: Joseph OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness Lesson

Scripture: Genesis 43-47

Lesson Goal: Joseph was one of the twelve sons of Jacob. He became a slave and prisoner in the foreign land of Egypt because his jealous brothers sold him to some Midianite traders. In this lesson we will see Joseph forgives his brothers and his family is reunited.

Introduction: This is the fifth lesson in Unit 4: Life of Joseph. Joseph was one of the twelve sons of Jacob. He became a slave and prisoner in the foreign land of Egypt because his jealous brothers sold him to some Midianite traders. In this lesson we will see what Joseph did when he meets back up with his brothers after twenty years. The lesson is found in the first book of the Bible called Genesis. Genesis is the first book of Law. The books of the Law are the first five books in the Old Testament. Let's say the books of Law together: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Attention Getter: “Forgive” Have you ever found it hard to forgive someone of something? Perhaps someone took your bike and rode it without asking you. Maybe they even broke something on your bike. How should you feel about that?

Maybe kids have said mean things to you or perhaps someone has played a mean dirty trick on you? Or, has anyone made you a special promise they couldn’t keep? What should you do?

The word forgive means to be kind when someone has done something that is wrong. You cannot forget what they did but you can treat them as if they had never done the mean things--that is what it means to forgive. You are not mean to them but show them mercy or pardon them. Sometimes to forgive others is not an easy thing to do.

We have been learning about the life of Joseph. His brothers were so jealous of him that they sold him into slavery. He had been taken away from his family to a foreign land. Joseph had a good reason to bear a grudge against his brothers but he didn't.

Opening Prayer: “Father, when we can’t see how You’re working in our lives, help us to be patient, like Joseph was. Help us to remember that You truly do make all things work together for good for those of us that love You and are called according to Your purpose. We want to have good listening ears this morning so that we might learn the wonderful life lessons You have for us in this passage of the Bible. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”

Memory Verse: The memory verse is Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." NIV

Lesson Video: When Joseph was a young boy he lived in the land of Canaan with his father Jacob and eleven brothers and one sister. Joseph was loved by his father very much and so he gave Joseph a coat of many colors.

One night Joseph had two dreams. One was about ten sheaves of grain bowing down to his sheaf. Another dream was about the sun and moon and ten stars bowing down to him. These dreams which

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OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017

were from God told Joseph that someday his brothers and father would bow down to him. When Joseph told his brothers and father about the dream everyone was very upset. The brothers were especially angry and hated Joseph so much that they began to plot how they would kill him. Instead his jealous brothers threw him in a pit before they sold him as a slave to some Midianite traders that came by. The ten brothers lied to their father Jacob and told him that Joseph had been killed by a wild beast. Jacob wept and wept. He thought he would never see his son Joseph again.

Joseph was taken to Egypt where he became the head slave of Potiphar the captain of Pharaoh's guard. Because he was so trustworthy his master soon put him in charge of all his household.

One day Potiphar's wife tried to get Joseph to do wrong. When Joseph would not disobey God, she falsely accused him of a terrible sin. Because he no longer trusted Joseph, Potiphar sent him to prison.

But even in prison, Joseph trusted God to take care of him and the Lord was with him! The prison warden was impressed with Joseph and soon he put him in charge of the other prisoners and the daily routine of the prison.

One day two new prisoners arrived-- the Pharaoh's baker and the Pharaoh's butler. Each of them had done something to anger the Pharaoh. One night God gave a dream to both the baker and butler. "Tell me your dreams," replied Joseph. "God can interpret them." The butler's dream was about three grape branches and how he squeezed juice into the Pharaoh's cup. Joseph interpreted the dream and said. "In three days, King Pharaoh is going to take you out of prison and you will be his cupbearer again!" The butler promised to remember Joseph in prison. But the baker's dream was not good news. He dreamed he had three baskets on his head and in the top basket was bread and rolls which the birds ate. Joseph told him that the dream meant that he would die in three days. Everything that Joseph predicted came true.

Month after month went by, but no word came from the butler and Joseph was still locked up in prison. Joseph must have thought the butler had forgotten him! Then one night, the Pharaoh had two dreams. The first was about seven fat cows coming up from the Nile River and then seven lean cows came up and ate them. The second dream was about a wheat plant with seven heads of healthy grain being eaten by seven shriveled heads of grain. All the wise men and magicians in Egypt could tell him what they meant! Finally the king's butler told him about Joseph's interpretation of his dream and how everything he had said came true." Pharaoh sent for Joseph and God helped him interpreted the Pharaoh's dreams. "Both dreams mean the same thing," Joseph explained.

"The seven cows and the seven heads of grain both represent seven years of prosperity. The skinny cows and withered ears of corn show that afterward there will be seven years of famine. God has given you these two dreams to warn you about the severe famine that is coming. It will be so bad that the good years will be forgotten!”

Then Joseph advised Pharaoh to find a wise man and put him in charge of the entire land of Egypt. He should collect one-fifth of all the crops during the seven good years and store them in barns. That way there will be enough to eat when the seven years of famine come to the land of Egypt.

Because the Pharaoh liked Joseph's idea he said, "Since God has revealed the meaning of the dreams to you, I will put you in charge of my court, and all my people will take orders from you. Only I will have a rank higher than yours."

Then Pharaoh removed his official ring from his hand and placed it on Joseph's finger. He dressed him in fine linen clothing and hung a gold chain around his neck. And so Pharaoh made Joseph ruler over all the land of Egypt.

Joseph was no longer a slave. Now he was next to the king in rank and power! Pharaoh also gave

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Joseph the chariot of his second-in-command, and wherever he went the people bowed themselves before him, shouting, "Long live the ruler!" God had shown His great power by taking Joseph from prison to the palace in just one day!

Joseph who was now 30 years old was given a new Egyptian name, Zaphenath-paneah. The Pharaoh also gave him a wife whose name was Asenath. So Joseph took charge of the entire land of Egypt.

As predicted for seven years the land produced bumper crops. During those years Joseph built places to store the surplus grain. He gathered all the crops grown in Egypt and stored the grain from the surrounding fields in the cities. He piled up huge amounts of grain like sand on the seashore. Finally he stopped keeping records because there was too much to measure. During this time, Joseph never forgot his family. He knew that God had blessed him because he was now the most powerful prince of Egypt.

But he must have wondered what had happened to his father. Was he still alive? What about his little brother Benjamin? And of course he could not forget what his mean brothers had done to him.

During this time two sons were born to Joseph and his wife Asenath. Joseph named his older son Manasseh which means to forget, saying, "God has made me forget all my troubles and everyone in my father's family." He named his second son Ephraim which means fruitful, saying, "God has made me fruitful in this land of my grief."

When the seven years of bumper crops throughout the land of Egypt came to an end, the seven years of famine began. The famine struck all the surrounding countries, including the land where Joseph's brothers lived, but throughout Egypt there was plenty of food. Eventually the famine spread throughout the land of Egypt as well. When the people cried out to Pharaoh for food, he told them, "Go to Joseph, and do whatever he tells you."

So with severe famine everywhere Joseph opened up the storehouses and distributed grain to the Egyptians. People from all around came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph because the famine was severe throughout the whole region. The famine was all across the country and it reached even to Joseph's home in Canaan.

When Joseph's father Jacob heard that grain was available in Egypt, he said to his sons, "Go and buy enough grain to keep us alive. Otherwise we'll die." But Jacob wouldn't let Joseph's younger brother Benjamin go with them. He was afraid some harm might come to him like it had to Joseph.

Since Joseph was governor of Egypt and in charge of selling the grain, the ten brothers had to come to him. When they arrived, they bowed before Joseph with their faces to the ground. They never thought that this important man dressed like an Egyptian and speaking the Egyptian language was their own brother, Joseph. But Joseph recognized his brothers instantly. He decided to pretend not to know them. "Where are you from?" he demanded. "From the land of Canaan," they replied

Joseph wanted to see if they were still jealous of him so he accused them of being spies. "No, my lord!" they protested. "Your servants have simply come to buy food. We are all brothers of the same family. Our youngest brother is back in Canaan."

"You are spies!" Joseph insisted.

Joseph wanted to see his younger brother Benjamin so he thought of a plan. He said to them, "I swear by the life of Pharaoh that you will never leave Egypt unless your youngest brother comes here! One of you must go and get your brother. I'll keep the rest of you here in prison. Then we'll find out whether or not your story is true." So Joseph put them all in prison for three days.

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On the third day Joseph said to them. "I am a God-fearing man. Do as I say and you will live. One of you must remain in prison. The rest may go home with grain. But you must bring your youngest brother back to me to prove that you are telling the truth." The brothers were all terrified so they agreed.

The brothers spoke among themselves. "We are being punished because of what we did to Joseph long ago. We saw his anguish when he pleaded for his life, but we wouldn't listen. That's why we're in this trouble." "Didn't I tell you not to sin against the boy?" Rueben asked. "But you wouldn't listen. Now we have to answer for his blood!"

They did not know that Joseph could understand all they were saying as they had been speaking through an interpreter. Joseph turned away from them and began to weep.

When Joseph regained his composure, he chose Simeon and had him tied up right before their eyes and taken to prison. Joseph then ordered his servant to fill the men's sacks with grain. He also gave them supplies for the journey home. Joseph made sure that the brothers got plenty of grain. He did want his family to go hungry especially his father and little brother Benjamin. Joseph did not want to take their money for the food so he secretly gave orders that their money be put back in their sacks of grain. The brothers set off back to Canaan.

When they stopped for the night they discovered the money in the top of their sacks. Then their hearts sank. Trembling they said to each other, "What as God done to us?" They couldn't understand how it got there, and they were more afraid than ever to return to Egypt.

When they got home they told Jacob all that had happened. They told him how they could have no more grain unless they took their youngest brother Benjamin back with them. They said that Simeon would have to stay in jail until they returned.

Jacob was also terrified when he saw the returned money. "You are robbing me of my children!" he cried. "Joseph is gone! Simeon is gone! And now you want to take Benjamin, too. Everything is going against me! Benjamin will not go to Egypt with you. His brother Joseph is dead and he is all I have left."

The famine continued to ravage Canaan so Jacob said to his sons, "Go back and buy us more food." "We can only return if Benjamin is with us," said Judah. "I personally guarantee his safety and will be responsible for bringing him back." Very reluctantly Jacob sent Benjamin with them. They packed gifts of honey, nuts, spices, and myrrh. They also took double the money that had been put back into their sacks.

When they arrived back in Egypt Joseph told them to go to his palace to eat with them at mid-day. The terrified brothers were convinced they would be made into slaves. At the palace entrance they explained to the palace manager how they had discovered the money in their sacks and offered it back. "Relax. Don't be afraid," he replied. "Your God, must have put this treasure into your sacks." He then released Simeon to join them.

When Joseph came home, the brothers bowed before him and gave him gifts. "Is your father still alive and well?" Joseph asked and was pleased to hear that he was. "Is this your youngest brother?" Joseph enquired. "May God be loving to him."

Joseph was so overcome at seeing his younger brother he had to hurry into another room where he broke down and wept. After washing his face he returned.

Joseph sat his brother at the meal table in age order from the oldest to the youngest. Joseph sat at his own table. When Benjamin was served five times as much food as the others, Joseph watched his brothers closely. Would they get jealous and say it wasn't fair and treat Benjamin the way they

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had treated Joseph so long ago? No! They didn't even seem to notice that Benjamin had received more food. They were changed men!

After they had eaten Joseph said to himself that he must give them one more test. He gave orders for their sacks to be filled with grain but he instructed that his silver cup be put in Benjamin's sack. The brothers got up at dawn to leave on their journey home with their donkeys loaded with grain.

When they had gone only a short distance out of the city, Joseph said to his palace manager, "Chase after them and stop them. When you catch up with them, ask, "Why have you repaid my kindness with such evil and stolen my master's silver cup?"

The palace manager caught up with the men and spoke to them as he had been instructed. "What are you talking about?" the brothers responded. "If you find his cup with any one of us, let that man die and all the rest of us become your slaves." They were sure that none of them had stolen the silver cup.

The sacks were searched and the silver cup was found in Benjamin's sack. When the brothers saw this, they tore their clothing in despair. This time they would not betray their brother. They were all escorted back to the city.

Judah and his brothers fell to the ground before Joseph, "What have you done?" Joseph demanded. "Don't you know I can predict the future? Judah replied, "How can we explain and prove our innocence? God is punishing us for our sins. My lord, we have all returned to be your slaves not just our brother who had your cup in his sack."

"Only the man who stole my cup will be my slave." Joseph replied.

"I cannot go back to my father without Benjamin," Judah cried. "If we return without him our father will die of grief. I guaranteed I would take care of the boy so please make me your slave instead."

Joseph could bear it no longer. He asked his servants to leave so he could be alone with his brothers. Then he broke down and wept. He wept so loudly the Egyptians could hear him and reported it to Pharaoh. "I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold as a slave," he announced. The shocked brothers were speechless. "Don't be upset, or angry with yourselves. It was God who sent me here ahead of you to preserve your lives. This famine that has ravaged the land for two years will last five more years. God made me an advisor to Pharaoh and the governor of all Egypt. Now hurry back to my father and tell him. Bring him to Egypt and you can all live here in Egypt where you can be near me. Otherwise you will all starve."

Weeping with joy, he embraced Benjamin. Then Joseph kissed each of his brothers and wept over them. After that the brothers began talking freely with him. What a wonderful reunion it was!

When the Pharaoh heard about Joseph's family he said to Joseph, "Tell your brothers to hurry back to the land of Canaan and get your father and their families. I will give them the very best land in Egypt--the land of Goshen. And they will eat from the best that the land produces. Send the wagons to bring them all here.

When the brothers reached home, they ran into their father's tent, crying, "Joseph is alive, Joseph is alive, and he is ruler of all the land of Egypt!" Jacob was stunned and just couldn't believe it. The brothers repeated to Jacob everything Joseph had told them.

When Jacob saw the wagons Joseph had sent he exclaimed, "It must be true! My son Joseph is alive! I must go and see him before I die." Jacob and his whole family set off for Egypt. On the way God told him, "Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for there I will make your family into a great nation."

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At the borderland of Egypt, Joseph came in his royal chariot to meet his father and his relatives. What a happy, joyous meeting! Joseph wept and hugged his father for a long time.

Jacob and his sons settled in Goshen. Jacob gave a blessing to Joseph's sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. Later then Jacob was close to dying, he called his sons to him and blessed them. He then breathed his last. Jacob's body was taken back to Canaan and buried in the tomb of his father Abraham just as he had requested.

God teaches us many wonderful things through Joseph's life. Even though Joseph was in prison and in a pit he was faithful to God. But more important God was completely faithful to Joseph. He took care of Joseph. He was never alone. No matter where Joseph was God was with him.

If you have asked Jesus to be your Savior then that that is the kind of God you have, too. Sometimes you feel all alone, but you really aren't. God is with you and He will always be faithful to you. He will help you just as He helped Joseph.

Another thing that we can learn in this story is about God's love for Joseph's brothers. The brothers hated Joseph and wanted to kill him. Hatred and killing does not please God. We know that while they didn't kill Joseph they did sell him as a slave. God still loved Joseph's brothers even though they were doing wrong. Years later God would use Joseph to take care of them!

Even though Joseph could have gotten back at his brother, he didn't. He made the right choice--the choice that pleased God. He forgave his brothers. We should also be forgiving and kind to those who have done us wrong.

Our memory verse is Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." NIV God helped Joseph forgive his brothers of all their wrong deeds. God wants us to have our sins forgiven too. That is why He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross. His death provides for us a way to go to heaven. We have to decide if we want to receive that gift of forgiveness by believing in Jesus. Have you asked Jesus to forgive you? Remember that God has a special purpose for your life. He promises that He will never leave you and that He will work all things in your life for good. Perhaps there is someone that you need to forgive today. Why don't you talk to God about it now?

Remember "Let's forgive others!"

Review Questions: Batter Up! Preparation: Assemble the following materials: Bibles, masking tape, paper, pencil, paper clip. Use the masking tape to outline a baseball field with no more than 10 feet between the bases. Prepare a spinner by dividing a square into four equal areas. Print one of the following words in each of the inner squares: double, single, home run, and triple. Using a pencil to hold the paper clip, spin the clip around. The square that is indicated by the paper clip will determine the play for each question. Procedure: Play a game similar to baseball. Divide the class into two teams. Decide which team will be “up” first. Volunteers from each team will stand in the position of “pitcher” and “batter.” Pitcher reads aloud one of the following review questions. Batter gives an answer. If the answer is correct then he can spin the spinner to find out what kind of “hit” he or she has made. Single is first base. Double is second base and triple is third base. Batter moves to that position on the baseball field outline. Continue playing allowing each team to be up until three runs are scored or five minutes have elapsed, whichever comes first. As each batter takes a turn, move the players who are already on base the same number of bases as the batter.

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1. Why was Joseph in Egypt? (His brothers had sold him into slavery.)

2. Why did Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt? (To get grain. There was a famine in the land of Canaan; they were starving.)

3. Why didn’t Joseph’s brothers recognize him? (They thought he might be dead by now and they certainly weren’t expecting to see him in Egypt dressed as a prince in royal clothing.)

4. How did Joseph treat his brothers when they returned to Egypt with their little brother Benjamin? (When they arrived back in Egypt Joseph told them to go to his palace to eat with them at mid-day. )

5. What did the brothers think that Joseph was going to do with them? (The terrified brothers were convinced they would be made into slaves.)

6. How did Joseph treat the brothers during the feast at his house? (He seated them by age and then gave Benjamin portions that were five times greater than any one else.)

7. What was Joseph’s final test to see if his brothers had changed after 20 years? (He decided to put his own special silver cup in Benjamin’s sack to see what their reaction would be. To see if they’d be honest.)

8. What was the response of the brothers when Joseph’s servant caught up with them on their way home and said that Joseph’s silver cup was missing? (They said that they were innocent and if the cup was found that the person who stole it should be killed and the rest of them would become Pharaoh’s slaves.)

9. Whose sack was the silver cup found in? (Benjamin’s) 10. Because Judah was so sorry, what did he suggest that all of the brothers become? (He

suggested that they all become Joseph’s slaves.) 11. What did Judah tell Joseph? (Let me be your slave instead of Benjamin. If Benjamin does not

return then their father would die of grief.) 12. How Judah had changed from 20 years earlier when he convinced his brothers to sell Joseph into

slavery! What was the biggest change in Judah’s heart? (Now he was so concerned for his father and youngest brother’s happiness that he was willing to die for them.)

13. What did Joseph do when he saw the wonderful change in his brother’s hearts? (Joseph made himself known to his brothers; he had completely forgiven them of all their wrong doings against him.)

14. Why did Joseph tell his brothers not to be unhappy about selling him into slavery? (Because it was obviously God’s plan.)

15. What did Pharaoh tell Joseph to do regarding their father? (Go get him and bring him and their household to live in Egypt.)

16. They all stayed in Egypt for many, many years. But, what land had God promised to the children of Israel? (The land of Canaan.)

Bible Memory Verse Activity: “Paper Clip Chain” Say: “Our memory verse is Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." NIV Have students look up the verse in scripture and read it aloud several times together in unison.

Preparation: Assemble the following items: Bibles and large paper clips

Procedure: Sit with the children in a circle. Read Ephesians 4:32 aloud with the children. Say: “How does someone who is compassionate act?” (They care for and help others in need.) “What does “forgiving” mean? (The word forgiving means being kind when someone has done something that is wrong.) “To help us remember the words of Ephesians 4:32, let’s make a paper clip chain.”

Give each child several paper clips. As you say the first word of the verse, hook one of your paper clips to a paper clip of the child next to you. You and the child each may use only one hand as you hook your paper clips together. Continue hooking paper clips around the circle, each child adding a paper clip and saying the next word of the verse.

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Group Learning Activity: “Bandages” (Grades K-3) Preparation: Bring a package of Band-Aids or adhesive bandages. Make sure you have several different sizes for each child.

Procedure: Say: “Our lesson was about how Joseph forgave his brothers for treating him so badly. Forgiveness means to be kind when someone has done something that is wrong. You cannot forget what they did but you can treat them as if they had never done the mean things--that is what it means to forgive. You are not mean to them but show them mercy or pardon them. Sometimes to forgive others is not an easy thing to do. Joseph could have treated his family very badly when they needed food but he didn’t.” Say: “When might people who live together as a family need to forgive each other? (Let students respond. Examples might be when someone breaks something; when someone says something that is mean or unkind; when someone forgets to do a job.) As each student responds with a situation that needs forgiveness, give them a bandage and let them put it on. Emphasize that forgiveness is like a bandage. Bandages are used to help protect a wound and help it heal. When we forgive others we are helping to heal the broken relationship between people. Use a big bandage when the kids talk about a very difficult situation such as forgiving when they really want to take revenge. Be sure to allow all students an opportunity to respond. Help those who are having difficulty by suggesting a situation to them. Give each student a bandage and ask them to help others this week that have hurt feelings and need forgiveness.

Group Learning Activity: “Forgiveness” Group Discussion (Grades 3-5) Preparation: Bibles, large poster paper, markers Procedure: Have students look up the following scriptures. Summarize the truth of each passage on the poster paper.

Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Biblical Principle: God has a plan for each of our live and He is in control of all situations. He only wants what is best for us.

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Biblical Principle: We are to trust in God even when we do not understand. God will direct us if we faith in Him.”

Luke 17:3-5 “Take heed to yourselves. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. “And if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day returns to you, saying, 'I repent,' you shall forgive him.” And the apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith.” Biblical Principle: We are to forgive others many times.

Matthew 6:12 “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” Biblical Principle: Christ will forgive us as we forgive others. We need forgiveness often so we should forgive others often.

Ephesians 4:32 “And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you.” Biblical Principle: We should treat others with kindness

and forgiveness just like Christ has treated us—generously.

Use the Biblical principles in a discussion of the following scenarios:

1. When a relative, friend, or neighbor is grieved by the lost of a family member how can we help them deal with this grief?

2. God shows Jacob and his family that by remaining obedient to Him He can help overcome personal grief, brotherly hatred, and worldwide famine. What should this reminder move us to remember?

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3. Jacob was an elderly man by this time. He had dealt with many issues during his 130 years. Faced with death because of the famine and aware of the instructions of his forefathers to live in the land of Canaan, Jacob realized the hand of the Lord and moves to Egypt. The Lord reassures Jacob by appearing to him and repeating His promises. How does the Lord reassure us as we continue on our life’s journey on earth?

4. The Lord had a plan and Joseph was part of it. Through Joseph’s faithfulness to God, the Lord blessed all of Egypt and the countries that surrounded it. Pharaoh and the people of Egypt were grateful to Joseph and his God. How did Joseph’s words and actions while in Egypt help to spread the knowledge of the only true God?

5. What are some ways that we, living in the foreign world called earth, can show our love for God and spread His love to all?

6. The time had come for Jacob to pass on the blessing of a Savior. In giving the blessing to Judah, Jacob reminded all of his children of the comfort that this Savior would bring. Name several times and/or ways that we should discuss the comfort of the Savior with our family; with our relatives; with our community; with the world.

7. Jacob blessed the most powerful, earthly ruler in his day, Pharaoh. How should we treat those who have been placed in authority over us at home, at school, in our community, and in our country?

8. The reunion of Jacob and Joseph was a joyful occasion. Sometimes reunions are not joyful because of disagreements among family members. This was evident with Joseph and his brothers after Jacob died. Joseph’s brothers, even after seeing, hearing, and living all the events of the past several years, feared the power of an earthly ruler, Joseph, instead of the heavenly king God. Joseph had to point out to his brothers God’s hand in everything that had happened. God may turn what is evil into our good. Give examples of how we can prepare now so that our family reunions will be joyous occasions both the reunions here on earth and our reunion in heaven.

Group Learning Activity: "Joseph's Life Time Line" (Grades 3-5) Preparation: Collect the following items: Bible, butcher paper, scissors, note cards, pencils or pens, colored markers, ruler, glue. Procedure: Attach a long strip of butcher paper to the wall. Draw a thick horizontal line in the middle of the paper. Review the events in this lesson inviting volunteers to add events to the time line. Students are to write the events on the note cards and attach them to the time line in the appropriate order. Students may draw objects or stick figures to show the story events. Save the time line to use again for each lesson in this unit. Events from Lesson 4.1 to record were the Birth, Gift of coat, Dream about the Sheaves of Wheat, Dream about the Sun, Moon, and Stars, Joseph traveling to field; Brothers throwing Joseph into pit; Joseph being sold to the Midianites, Joseph traveling to Egypt. Events from Lesson 4.2 include: Joseph sold to Potiphar; Potiphar's wife tempts Joseph; Joseph put in prison. Events from Lesson 4.3 include: Joseph in charge of Prison, Joseph interpreting Chief Butler and Baker's Dream, Butler serving the Pharaoh, Joseph interpreting the Pharaoh's Dream; Joseph as the Ruler. Events from Lesson 4.4: Joseph as a Prince, Joseph and his wife and two sons, Joseph storing grain, Brothers Bowing to Joseph, Brothers returning to father Jacob.

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OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Events from Lesson 4.5: Joseph invited Brothers to dinner; Joseph puts silver cup in Benjamin;s sack; Joseph reveals himself to the brothers; Brothers return to Jacob and bring families back to Egypt; Joseph and his father Jacob are reunited.

Group Learning Activity: “Forgive” Game (Grades K-4) Purpose: To reinforce the concept of the word “forgive” by playing a game similar to HORSE in basketball. Preparation: Assemble the following materials: Bibles, large sheets of paper, markers, large container such as a box or basket, scrap paper. Print each letter of the work “forgive” on a separate sheet of paper. Set the large container (box or basket) in the center of the open area in the classroom. Arrange papers with the printed letters around the container at various distances. Procedure: Ask: “What word do these letters spell?” (Point to the letters as you spell aloud the word “forgive.”) What does “forgive” mean? We are going to play a game to help us remember things we can say or do when we need to forgive someone. Give each child a sheet of scrap paper. Child writes his or her name on the paper and then crumples the paper to make a ball. Each child stands next to a lettered paper (more than one child may stand next to each paper.) On your signal the children toss paper balls toward the container. Open the paper balls that landed in the container and read the names aloud. The named children write their names on the paper next to which they are standing and then move to a different paper. Children can retrieve their paper balls and play again. First child to sign all the papers tells a time to show forgiveness or a way to show forgiveness. Ask the following questions” “What can someone say to show forgiveness?” (“I forgive you.” “It’s OK.” “I understand.” What can someone do to show forgiveness? (Treat people kindly; do something thoughtful for the other person.)

Group Learning Activity: “Bag of Rocks” Object Lesson (Grades K-5) Preparation: A plastic bag or heavy paper bag or vegetable netting bag; large assortment of small to medium sized decorative rocks Procedure: Talk with the children about forgiveness. Have a child hold the bag and as you put some rocks, books, or other heavy items into it. Describe several different scenarios in which a child may feel angry or hurt. (one for each heavy object in the bag). Explain that each rock represents an angry or hurt feeling. Have the child walk around the room or just hold the bag for a while. Explain that when we keep our angry and hurt feelings, they become burdens to us. If we can forgive others, our burden will be gone and we will feel better. (Take the rocks out.) Emphasize that people are more important than problems. It is important to forgive others and continue to love and care about them. Encourage the children to be as forgiving as Joseph was to his brothers. Suggest that the children share this activity with their families. Encourage them to discuss how keeping angry or hurt feelings is like carrying around a bag of heavy rocks.

Page 11: Unit 4: Joseph OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness Lesson · 2017-06-29 · 3 OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017 Joseph the chariot of his second-in-command, and


OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Craft Learning Activity: “Silver Cup” Preparation: plastic cup or goblet and aluminum foil for each student Procedure: Cover a paper cup or plastic goblet with foil to look like the silver cup. Talk about how Joseph’s brothers had changed. Say: “In this lesson Joseph invited his brothers to come to dinner at his house. He wanted to see if they had changed from their selfish ways. He gave Benjamin five times as much to eat as they had. The brothers did not seem to notice the difference. They were no longer jealous. Joseph then wanted to test the brothers again. He hid his silver cup in Benjamin’s sack of grain. After the brothers were on their way home, Joseph sent a servant to find the silver cup and bring his little brother Benjamin back? What did the brothers do when Benjamin had to return to Joseph? (They went back with Benjamin and offered themselves as slaves instead of Benjamin.) How did this show that the brothers had changed? (They were more concerned about Benjamin and their father than they were themselves.) We are going to make a silver cup to help remind us of the change that these brothers had. Talk about what it means to change when a person becomes a Christian. (When a person becomes a Christian, God give them the Holy Spirit to live within them. The Spirit of Jesus helps us to change how we live, think, and act toward others. We are commanded as Christians to become more like Christ. He was loving, kind, forgiving, and merciful to others.

Craft Learning Activity: “Share” Art Picture (Grades 2-5) Preparation: Assemble the following items for each student: large sheet of drawing paper; glue; colored markers; large grains of wheat, corn, or other kernels. Cover table with newspaper. Procedure: Say: “In this lesson, what did Joseph do that was surprising?” (He forgave his brothers who had done mean things to him. He helped his brothers and family when they were in need.) “We can surprise others, too, by the kind things we do! What are some kind things we can do? (Forgive. Share. Take turns. Help. ) List the kind actions on poster paper. Give each child a sheet of large drawing art paper and a marker. Each child should choose a kind action from the list and print the word(s) on the center of the paper. Be sure to use large letters. Make a string of glue tracing each letter formation. Carefully lay the grains of wheat or corn end to end on the long string of glue. Allow grain to dry before children take the picture home. Optional: Make a crayon resist picture by making the letters of the word by pressing down very hard with a white crayon. Using a paintbrush and cup of water the child lightly brushes watercolor paint over the invisible word. The crayon will resist the paint, revealing the word. Allow to dry thoroughly before students take the artwork home.

Craft Learning Activity: “Benjamin’s Grain Bag” (Grades K-3) Preparation: a small brown or gold cloth sack for each student (wedding favor sack are pretty cheap and work great); optional is small plastic gift bags. Corn pops cereal (enough to fill all the bags); gold coins or pennies; aluminum foil; plastic communion cup Procedure: Each child will take a small sack and fill it with corn pops cereal to represent the grain. Then, they are to place some of the gold coins (pennies or other coins could also be used) and a foil covered communion cup in the top of the sack.

Page 12: Unit 4: Joseph OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness Lesson · 2017-06-29 · 3 OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017 Joseph the chariot of his second-in-command, and


OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017

After the sacks were tied shut, they glued the Bible verse onto a gift tag and attached it to the sack. "And he commanded the steward of his house, saying, 'Fill the men's sacks with food, as much as they can carry, and put each man's money in the mouth of his sack. Also put my cup, my silver cup, in the mouth of the youngest, and his grain money.' So he did according to the word that Joseph had spoken." Genesis 44:1-2

Craft Learning Activity: “Forgiveness Medal” (Grades K-4) Purpose: To make a “medal” for each child to remind them of the importance of forgiving others. Preparation: Bibles, Yellow cardstock paper or cardboard; 3” plastic lid to trace a circle on paper; Pencils; Scissors; Markers Hole puncher; Yarn cut in 28” lengths; Glitter (optional) Procedure: Place the plastic lid on the paper and trace around it. Cut out the circle. Using the markers, write “I will forgive” on the circle. Then decorate it. Add glitter if you wish. Punch a hole in the top. Thread the yarn through the hole and tie it off to make a necklace. Wear your medal proudly.

Read Matthew 6:14–15 with the children and discuss its meaning. Help them understand that if they forgive others, they will feel happier and Heavenly Father will forgive them of their wrongdoings. Ask the children to think of someone who has hurt their feelings. Challenge them to pray for that person and then do something kind for them. Say: “In our lesson Joseph wore a gold chain around his neck to show that he was the second most important person in the land of Egypt. Even though he had great power he was still willing to forgive his brothers. Each of us will be blessed by forgiving those who offend us. As each child accepts the challenge to return kindness for an unkind deed, give her or him a “medal” as a reminder of what the child promised to do.” Life Application Challenge: “Receiving Forgiveness” Say: “Who can say our memory verse Ephesians 4:32? Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." What can we do this week to show forgiveness to someone in our family? What did Jesus do so that we could be forgiven? (Jesus died on the cross to take the punishment for the wrong things we do and then He came back to life.) Encourage children to think about their relationship with Christ. Ask if they have received the gift of eternal life by believing in Jesus as their Savior. Encourage children to pray and ask Jesus to be their Savior. Close in prayer asking God’s help in showing forgiveness to others this week.

Page 13: Unit 4: Joseph OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness Lesson · 2017-06-29 · 3 OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017 Joseph the chariot of his second-in-command, and


OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Joseph A Man of Forgiveness

Ephesians 4:32

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."

Page 14: Unit 4: Joseph OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness Lesson · 2017-06-29 · 3 OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017 Joseph the chariot of his second-in-command, and


OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Page 15: Unit 4: Joseph OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness Lesson · 2017-06-29 · 3 OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017 Joseph the chariot of his second-in-command, and


OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Page 16: Unit 4: Joseph OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness Lesson · 2017-06-29 · 3 OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017 Joseph the chariot of his second-in-command, and


OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Page 17: Unit 4: Joseph OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness Lesson · 2017-06-29 · 3 OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017 Joseph the chariot of his second-in-command, and


OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Page 18: Unit 4: Joseph OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness Lesson · 2017-06-29 · 3 OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017 Joseph the chariot of his second-in-command, and


OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Page 19: Unit 4: Joseph OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness Lesson · 2017-06-29 · 3 OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017 Joseph the chariot of his second-in-command, and


OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Word Search

Joseph's Life


baker cupbearer God Judah robe Benjamin dream grain Pharaoh signet ring brothers Egypt Ishmaelites Potiphar silver Canaan famine Jacob prison slave cistern flocks jealous Rachel storehouses cows goat blood Joseph Reuben wise

Page 20: Unit 4: Joseph OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness Lesson · 2017-06-29 · 3 OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017 Joseph the chariot of his second-in-command, and


OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Page 21: Unit 4: Joseph OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness Lesson · 2017-06-29 · 3 OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017 Joseph the chariot of his second-in-command, and


OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Page 22: Unit 4: Joseph OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness Lesson · 2017-06-29 · 3 OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017 Joseph the chariot of his second-in-command, and


OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Page 23: Unit 4: Joseph OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness Lesson · 2017-06-29 · 3 OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017 Joseph the chariot of his second-in-command, and


OT4.5 Joseph A Man of Forgiveness ©Beverly Wilson 2017

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