

CLASSIFICATION • Classification, Taxonomy, Binomial nomenclature + scientific

names, kingdoms, cladograms, plants parts + functions

• Kingdoms and Domains

• Defining characteristics of Kingdoms:

Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Fungi, and Protista

• Review of cellular respiration and ATP

• Plant roots, stems, and leaves

• Plant tissues

• Photosynthesis and its relationship to cellular respiration

Scientist’s Name - MODERN SYSTEM 514 RED

Carolus Linnaneus



"Dear King Phillip Can Only Find Green Shoes" "Dear King Phillip Came Over For Good Spaghetti”

History of The Classification System pp523







1.Eubacteria 2.Archaebacteria 3.Protista 4.Fungi 5.Plantae 6.Animalia


Each Group is a taxon

/taxa/ taxonomy


• REVIEW PAGE 523 and 524

NEW - Diagrams

from Biology Book - Pearson / Miller & Levine


Organism A Bacteria like

streps and


Fungi like

mushrooms +yeast

Protist like amoeba or

paramecium pp610-616

1.KINGDOM pp 524

2.STRUCTURE -pp 524

* Unicellular – Multicellular

* Prokaryote or Eukaryote

* Cell walls or No cell wall

3. NUTRITION - *Autotroph

*Heterotroph *saprophyte

pp. 582 pp. 622 pp. 610-611

4. MOVEMENT pp. 581 pp. 606-607


Sexual - Asexual

pp. 583 pp. 620 pp. 608

6. ADAPTATIONS (3) pp. 581


- Positive role in ecosystem &


pp. 584-585 pp. 622 pp. 611

8. NEGATIVE IMPACT pp. 584-585 pp. 622 pp. 615



What is Cladistics, Clade & Cladogram,

Derived Character, and Phylogeny (pp468, 516-517)

DERIVED CHARACTER arises as a new trait in a clade and is passed on to descendants

The more recently clades share a common ancestor the more likely they are closely related

Node location shows

most recent

common ancestor


1. Xylem tissue VASCULAR Carries H20

2. Phloem tissue VASCULAR Carries food

3. Seed Reproduction

4. Cone Reproductin

5. Leaves -680,681 Function - Photosynthesis


Adaptations -

6. Roots -669, 671 Absorb H20; Anchors plant

7. Stems 674 Holds leaves out for PS; carries water

8. Stomata + guard cells - 681-2 Gas exchange

9. Flowers reproduction

10. Gymnosperms Define


11. Angiosperms Define


12. Responses /Tropism in Plants Phototropism





Tissue System + Functions Component Tissues Location of Tissue Systems

Dermal Tissue System

• protection

• prevention of water loss

Epidermal Hairs

Root Hairs-+H2O


Guard cells



Periderm (in older stems and roots)

Ground Tissue System

• photosynthesis

• food storage

• regeneration

• support & protection

Parenchyma +Collenchyma+

Sclerenchyma tissue

Vascular Tissue System

• transport of water , food,

+ minerals

Xylem tissue-water transport =tracheids

Phloem tissue-food transport=seive


GAS Exchange by

Plants: pp 681

* CO2 in-Photosynthesis

* O2 out-respiration

* O2 in-respiration

* CO2 out-respiration

* H2O in-vapor






PP 647-Diagram - 648 - Read Key


• 7.1 –binomial-nomenclature, genus, phylum, class, family, species, classification, hierarchy, kingdom, taxonomy, domain, order, Linnaeus, phylogeny, cladogram, cladistics, clade, dichotomous-key.

• 7.2-autotroph, heterotroph, fungi, microorganism, bacteria, , prokaryote, eukaryote, microbe, protist, unicellular

• 7.3- Know the meaning & function of each word -angiosperm, gymnosperm, chlorophyll, respiration, transpiration, translocation, roots, cone, stems, flower, fruit, seeds, conifer, stomata, vascular, plant-tissue, guard-cells, xylem, phloem. tracheid

• Transpiration

• Translocation

• Transcription

• Translation

* Transformation

* Phototrophic - uses light to get energy..nutrition

* Phototropic-responding to light…response

• Stoma /Stomata


Easily confused Vocab words

Learning Objectives - Students will be able to…

7-1: Describe why organisms are hierarchically classified. (SC.912.L.15.4, SC.912.N.1.2)

7-2: Explain reasons for changes in how organisms have been classified over time. (SC.912.L.15.4,


7-3: Explain the scientific system for classifying and naming a species. (SC.912.L.15.4, SC.912.L.15.6)

7-4: Identify how organisms are classified based upon evolutionary relationships. (SC.912.L.15.4)

7-5: Explain how cladistics reflects evolutionary relationships (phylogeny). (SC.912.L.15.4, SC.912.N.3.5)

7-6: Illustrate the evolutionary relationships among organisms based upon shared characteristics.


7-7: List defining characteristics that distinguish the kingdoms and domains of living things.(SC.912.L.15.6)

7-8: Compare and contrast representative bacteria, protist, and fungi species. (SC.912.L.14.3,SC.912.L.15.4,

7-9: Describe how bacteria, protists, and fungi are classified based upon evolutionary relationships.


7-10: Identify adaptations of bacteria, protists, and fungi to different environments.(SC.912.L.15.4,


7-11: Describe the ecological roles of bacteria, fungi, and protists. (SC.912.L.15.6,SC.912.L.17.9)

7-12: Evaluate the importance of bacteria, fungi, and protists to ecosystems and human society.(SC.912.L.15.6,

7-13: Relate the structures of plants to their functions. (SC.912.L.14.7)

7-14: Identify adaptations plants have for living in different environments. (SC.912.L.14.7,SC.912.L.14.10)

7-15: Describe the phylogenetic relationships among the plant divisions. (SC.912.L.15.4)

7-16: Describe important physiological processes in plants -transport, photosynthesis, and response to stimuli.

7-17: Identify the reactants and products of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

7-18: State the function of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. (SC.912.L.18.7,SC.912.L.18.8)

7-19: Explain the role of ATP in cells. (SC.912.L.18.10)

7-20: Analyze the interrelated nature of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. (SC.912.L.18.9)

EOC Practice Unit 7 pp1

1.A group of organisms at any particular level in a classification system is called a 512

A.species B.genus C.taxon D.Phylums

2. Species is a group of organisms characterized by all of the following except they not normally interbreed with other species in nature B. can be distinguished from other species

C.are incapable of hybridization with other species D. remain relatively constant

3.Prokaryotic organisms make up the 524

A.Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, & Protists B. Archaebacteria & Protists

C.Protists & Eubacteria D.Eubacteria & Archaebacteria

4. Of the six kingdoms now recognized, 524

A.two are plants and four are animals B. four are eukaryotes and two are prokaryotes

C.four are macroscopic and two are microscopic D. two are eukaryotes and four are prokaryotes

5.In printed scientific names, only the _______________ is capitalized. 512

family B. class C. species D.genus

6. In the early 1700's, the classification system used was 523

A. polynomial B.pentanomial C.binomial D.tetranomial E.Trinomial

7.Characteristics that have arisen as a result of common evolutionary descent are said to be 468

A. analogous B. homogenous C. heterogamous D. Homologous

8.The oldest level of taxonomic classification is

A.class C. genus D. phylum E.Species

9.Multicellular organisms and unicellular yeasts are contained in 524

A.Animalia B.Plantae C. Protista D.Fungi E.Eubacteria

10.taxon consisting of the most closely related species is called a(n) 514 B.order C.genus D.phylum

EOC Practice Unit 7 pp2

11.The binomial system of classification was developed by: 513

A. Darwin B. Wallace C. Linnaeus D. Malthus

12.Which one of the following sequences shows the correct hierarchy of classification, going from the most inclusive to the least inclusive?

A) Kingdom, Domain, Phylum, Order, Class, Family, Genus, Species

B) Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

C) Genus, Species, Kingdom, Phylum, Order, Class, Family

D) Species, Genus, Family, Class, Order, Phylum, Kingdom

E) Domain, Phylum, Kingdom, Genus, Species, Family, Order, Class

13. Escherichia coli is the scientific name for a bacterium. Escherichia denotes 512

A. phylum B. species C. genus D. order

14. The system for naming species in which two words are used to name an organism is 512

A. dichotomous keying B. cladistics C. binomial nomenclature D. fan diagramming

15. Which term includes the other three?

A genus B. family C. subfamily D. order

16.Two organisms are placed in the same species if they: 494

A. are able to share similar environments

B. are able to mate and produce fertile offspring

C. both require the same food materials

D. Both have structures for aerobic respiration

EOC Practice Unit 7 pp4

17. Which domain has peptidoglycan as part of its cell wall structure? 524

A.Eubacteria B. Archaea C.Eukaryota D. Animalia

18. Which domain is NOT prokaryotic? 524

A. Eubacteria B. Archaea C Eukaryota D.Animalia

19.Which of the following lists the terms in order from the group with the most species to the group with the least?

A. order, phylum, family, genus B. phylum, class, order, family

C. family, genus, order, phylum D. genus, family, order, phylum

20. Classifying organisms using a cladogram depends on identifying ------------- 517-518

A. external and internal structural similarities

B. characteristics that have been present in the group for the longest time

C. new characteristics that have appeared most recently as lineages evolve

D. individual variations within the group

21. An analysis of derived characters is used to generate a 518

A. family tree based on external appearance. B. family tree based on DNA structure.

C. cladogram. D.traditional classification system.

22. What does a cladistic analysis show about organisms? 517 top of page

A. the relative importance of each derived character B. the order in which derived characters evolved

C. the general fitness of the organisms analyzed D.all traits of each organism analyzed

EOC Practice Unit 7 pp5

23.Organisms in the kingdoms Eubacteria & Archaebacteria were previously grouped in a kingdom -523

A. Animalia. B.Monera. C.Fungi. D.Eukarya.

24. Biologists use a classification system to group organisms in part because organisms

A. are going extinct. B.are too much alike. C. are very numerous and diverse. D.share too many derived characters.

25.Based on their names, the baboons Papio annubis and Papio cynocephalus do NOT belong to the same pp512

A. class. B.genus. D.species.

26.Multicellular organisms with no cell walls or chloroplasts are members of the kingdom pp524

A. Animalia B.Plantae C.Protista D.Fungi

27. The green pigment contained in plants is: A. Carotene B. chlorophyll C. chloroplast D. sunlight

28. Photosynthesis is the process where plants convert: pp232 A. sugar and sunlight into oxygen B. sugar and oxygen into carbon dioxide and energy C. carbon dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen D.Water to gas

29. Water travels through the stem of a plant by: A transpiration B evaporation C capillary action D.translocation

30. The loss of water through the leaves of a plant is called: A inspiration B expiration C transpiration D. translocation

31. Food made by the leaves of the plant moves to other parts of the plant A through the leaves by transpiration B through the xylem by osmosis

C through the phloem by translocation D through the leaves by photosynthesis 32. The cuticle is a waxy layer on the surface of a leaf. Its function is to: A. reduce water loss B. protect plants from viruses C.take in gases needed for photosynthesis D. to attract insects 33. The stomata are the pores in the leaf. Their function is to take in: 686

A. carbon dioxide for photosynthesis B. oxygen for photosynthesis C. carbon dioxide for respiration D. water for plant processes

34. Plants respire: A. only in sunlight B. only at night C. all the time D. Never

35. The movement of water through the plant is triggered by A. transpiration B. photosynthesis C. respiration D. reproduction 36. The opening and closing of the stomata is regulated by 686 A. the leaves B. guard cells C. xylem D. Pholem 37. Which kingdoms have photosynthetic organisms? pp524 A fungi and plants B fungi and protists C protists and plants D plants and animals 38.The scientific name for the woodchuck is Marmota monax, and the scientific name for the long-tailed marmot is

Marmota caudata. Which of the following statements describes the taxonomic relationship between the woodchuck and the long-tailed marmot? 512

A. They belong to different phyla. B. They belong to the same genus. C. They belong to the same species. D. They belong to different families. 39.If the xylem in a young tree is damaged, which process is first affected? A performing photosynthesis B transporting sugar to the roots C transporting water to the leaves D absorbing water from the soil 40. What kingdoms did Carolus Linnaeus originally use for his classification system? 523 A Fungi and Protista B Fungi and Animalia C Plantae and Protista D Plantae and Animalia

EOC Unit 7 pp7

41. What is the main function of leaves?

A Leaves provide support for growth and a place to store food.

B Leaves provide a place for photosynthesis to occur.

C Leaves absorb water and minerals and transport nutrients to the stem.

D Leaves create a barrier from prevents water from the plant from evaporating

42. The three main kinds of living things Bacteria, Archaea, and Euckarya have been labeled as 524

A) Species. B) Kingdoms. C) Domains. D) Families

43. When scientists want to identify an organism they can use a series of paired statements or questions called 517

A. Questionnaire B. dichotomous key C. binomial nomenclature D. cladogram


44.Euglena are one-celled organisms containing chlorophyll. A culture of Euglena is placed into a beaker in a

dark room with a flashlight shining on one side, as shown in the diagram. The Euglena gather on one side of the

beaker. What can be inferred about Euglena from this experiment?

A . Euglena show a positive response to light. B. Euglena show a positive response to darkness.

C. Euglena show a negative response to light. D. Euglena do not react to light.

45. Flagella are important to the essential functions within a sponge because flagella

A. protect the organism from predators. B.digest food particles trapped within the organism.

C. help move water through the organism’s body. D. produce toxins that make them poisonous to predators

46. The amount of water a plant has in its tissues is determined primarily by the balance of which of the following processes?

A. runoff and root absorption B. respiration and photosynthesis

C. precipitation and photosynthesis D. root absorption and transpiration

47. In seed plants, what is an important difference between gymnosperms and most angiosperms? Pp647+648 red

A. Gymnosperms rely on animals to carry pollen from the female gametophyte to the male gametophyte, while angiosperms rely on wind.

B. Gymnosperms require water for sperm to travel from the male gametophyte to the female gametophyte, while angiosperms do not rely on water for fertilization.

C. In gymnosperms, male gametophytes and female gametophytes are produced in different structures, while in angiosperms they are usually produced in the same structure

D. D. Both gynosperms & angiosperms produce seed d on the scales of cones but angiosperms have flowers.

47. The 3 domain system arose when scientists found that Eubacteria and Archaebacteria were more

A. Like Eukaryotes B.similar than scientists thought C.sissimilar that scientists thought D. like fungi

49. Characteristics between the branch points of a cladogram that are shared by all organisms above

the branch point and are not present in any below it are called pp516-17 Red

A. homologous characters. B. homoplastic characters. C. ancestral characters.

D. derived characters E. novel characters.

50. A phylogenetically based taxonomy is important not only in creating a logical way to name

organisms, but also in learning about ________ of organisms using information in related species.

Pp 516-517 Red

A. Physiology B. behavior C. development D. physiology, behavior, and development

The Interelationship /Correlation between Photosynthesis and Respiration

with water and Bromothymol Blue

with water and Bromothymol Blue +

Elodea plant

with water and Bromothymol Blue


with water and Bromothymol Blue +

Elodea plant afetr a few hours in darkness

Why does the Elodea plant turn the Bromothyol Blue Yellow Which process is the plant carrying out?

What will happen if a fish or another animal is added to Elodea and BB What will happen if we place the plant in the sunlight again ?

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