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ExplorationWhat do you remember about the Explorers and the Silk Road?What do you remember about Columbus?

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Unit 7

Exploration and


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Unit 7 Exploration and ColonizationYou should be able to identify the significance of each of

the following:

• goods and services• free trade• colonial period • Charter of 1732 • reasons for settlement • (charity, economics, and defense) • trustee • malcontents • Spanish threat from Florida• Royal governor

•James Oglethorpe•Tomochichi•Mary Musgrove•Salzburgers•Highland Scots•malcontents•Savannah

Copy these to your notebook!

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Exploration and Colonization

• This unit will focus on the geographical, political, social, and economic factors that contributed to Georgia’s colonization. Students will understand that production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services were an essential part of the economic motivation behind European movement and migration that led to colonial development. Students will learn that through conflict and change various groups and individuals affected the Native American culture while at the same time building a new culture of their own. They will also describe how location and economic ideas are interrelated..

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SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures in Georgia.

c. Explain reasons for European exploration and settlement of North America, with emphasis on the interests of the French, Spanish, and British in the southeastern area.

Can you make a question of this?

Conflict and Change

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History Highlights Map Lesson

Refer to Lessons Folder for

Teacher’s Guide

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•Why did the English, Spanish and French

want to explore, colonize and “claim” the land in the New World?

New World Spain



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Why did they come?

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To Spain

Sailors depended upon Ocean and wind currents For their travels


St. Augustine

Spain’s settlement of St. Augustine was an effort to protect its treasureson their return trip to Spain

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for Exploration

and Colonization

Spain France England

Copy this chart onto your paper, then using your textbook, find at least one reason that each of the 3 countries wanted to explore and settle the new world

Formative Assessment

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•Spanish explorers wanted

to bring the Catholic

religion to the natives in

America.•They also wanted to find

gold and other riches.

•They also wanted fame/power

that would come to them when they added new

land to the Spanish empire.

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• Like Spain, France also wanted to spread Christianity and find great wealth from the colonies. (Religion)

• France also wanted international prestige/power that came with discovering new territory.

Video First French Colonists 3 mins (in folder)

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England• England sought to use this new land to

establish a mercantile system. (Economics)

• England also did not want to be left behind

in the search for new land and power. (Defense)

•England’s cities had become too crowded

with people, and the new land would be a

place where many of England’s homeless

could go for a fresh start. (Charity)

Video: Reasons for colonization 3 mins (in folder)

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Which explorer is most associated with the exploration of Georgia?

A. Ponce de León B. Amerigo Vespucci C. Hernando de Soto D. Christopher Columbus

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Why did European nations explore the Americas?

A. They wanted to find farmland.

B. They wanted to establish naval dominance.

C. They wanted to search for riches.

D. They wanted to meet new people.

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What was the purpose of the Spanish mission system?

A. To spread Spanish colonialism

B. To trade European goods

C. To access the American coastline

D. To spread Catholicism.

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• SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures in Georgia.

b. Evaluate the impact of European contact on Native American cultures; include Spanish missions along the barrier islands, and the explorations of Hernando DeSoto.

Try to make a question of this element!

Conflict and Change

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Page 20: Unit 7 exploration and colonization ppt (3)

They be all of goodly stature, mighty, faire

and as well shapen…as

any people in all the worlde,

very gentill, curtious and of good nature… the men be of tawny color, hawke nosed and of a pleasant countenance…the women be well favored and modest…”

This was written by one of the Spanish Explorers about the Native Americans.Pretend you were one of these Natives, what would you have to say about the Spaniards? Write a short description of the Spaniards’ appearance and your Impression.

Formative Assessment

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• Conflict and Change: The student will understand that when there is conflict between or within societies, change is the result.

How did early European contact affect the culture of the Mississippian Indians? (H1b)

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Video: Impact of Spanish Explorers on Native Americans 1.5 mins (in folder)

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Impact of Explorers on Native American Culture

• Europeans brought diseases such as measles, chicken pox, small pox, influenza, and whooping cough which resulted in the death of 1/3 of the Native American population. What affect might this have had on their civilization? Think: division of labor/specialization.

• They also brought slavery, death, religion, and guns.

• Not all contributions were negative. Europeans also brought tools, weapons and horses!

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Native Americans contributed to the Europeans by trading with the Europeans and showing them how to survive in the new world and introducing new foods such as corn and squash.

Both cultures impacted one another. Some Native Americans began to dress in European fashions and speak English.

Without the Native American’s help, European colonization in the New World would never have survived. Can you think of one event in particular that we celebrate during November?

Production Distribution and


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• Why did early Georgia colonists work to maintain good relations with Native Americans?

A. The colonists believed they might need Native Americans to help defend themselves against Spain. B. The colonists wanted Native Americans to join them in a rebellion against Great Britain. C. The colonists needed to convince Native Americans to give up their land without a treaty. D. The colonists wanted to make up for past hostilities between themselves and Native Americans

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Video: DeSoto’s visit to the South East 2 mins

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Hernando De Soto

• One of the best known Spanish explorers.

• Was very cruel to the natives he found.

• Known for staying the longest, traveling the farthest, and killing the most Native Americans living in Georgia. (1540)

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De Soto stole the Native Americans’ food stores,

captured women, kidnapped their chiefs, killed and maimed

the natives. Europeans also brought diseases (measles and small pox) which Indians had no

immunity to….

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Archeological discoveries clearly show evidence of European Swords

These bones are from Native Americans who encountered DeSoto and his men

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More than 1/2 of De Soto’s expedition including De Soto himself died during the 4 year expedition.

1/3 of the total Native Americans died as well. The Mississippian Culture/ mound builders disappeared.

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During the 2 centuries following the discovery of the new world, over 90% of the Native population vanished…. Students, stand up and count off, 1-10, everyone but the 10’s sit down. This represents the proportion of Native population that was lost!

The Great Mississippian mound builders gave way to the Creek and Cherokee nations.

Conflict and Change

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Early Spanish Missions

• The purpose of the missions was to convert Native Americans to Catholicism.

• Native Americans used the missions to help integrate themselves into the European world

Learned European methods of alsfarming etc…• Spanish missions settled along Georgia’s barrier

islands because these islands were easier to access than the mainland was.

• The first Spanish mission was St. Augustine.– The first Spanish Mission on Georgia soil was Guale.

How do you think this helped Spain to control the Native Americans?

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St. Augustine, Florida:

Oldest City in North America

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Sites of Early Spanish Missions


Movement and Migration

Movement and Migration

What ideas were brought by the missionaries? How, If at all, did this affect the Native Americans?

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• If we knew then… What we know now.You are a member of one of four groups as assigned by your teacher.• Spanish • English• French• Native Americans

Based upon what we have learned to date, resources provided by teachers and any additional research as necessary, discuss and debate reasons for and arguments against exploration and colonization of the new world. You will choose a representative from each group to present your argument to the U.N. Council (Teacher and class)

The class (UN Council) will vote on one of the 4 groups based on each of the arguments and support their choice with a paragraph.

Summative: Assessment

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Does not meet Meets Exceeds


( including religious)

Fails to identify appropriate social reasons for exploration, colonization

Identifies appropriate social reasons for exploration, colonization

Identifies appropriate social reasons and compares them to current situations

Political Fails to identify appropriate political reasons for exploration, colonization

Identifies appropriate political reasons for exploration, colonization

Identifies appropriate political reasons and compares them to current situations


(includes natural resources and mercantilism

Fails to identify appropriate economic (includes, natural resources and mercantilism) reasons for exploration, colonization

Identifies appropriate economic (includes, natural resources and mercantilism) reasons for exploration, colonization

Identifies appropriate economic reasons and compares them to current situations

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Teacher handout

Forest Products,

Furs, AnimalSkins

Indigo,Rice, Silk,Wine



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SS8H2 The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia's history.

a. Explain the importance of James Oglethorpe, the Charter of 1732, reasons for settlement,

(charity, economics, and defense),

Tomochichi, Mary Musgrove, and the city of Savannah.

Individuals, Groups

and Institu


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History Highlights Map Lesson

Refer to Lessons Folder for

Teacher’s Guide

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Founding of the Georgia Colony 7mins (in folder)

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The Founding of Georgia

James Edward Oglethorpe: Wealthy, politician, humanitarian, Parliament,

prison reform.

I. Georgia Is Created: Oglethorpe, Trustees, King George II , Charter 1732 ( boundaries.rights, powers)

*Charity * Economics * Defense video: cvig 1988 975.8

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Reasons for the Settlement of Georgia

• Charity

• Economics

• Defense

Home for the Homeless


Fort Frederica

Match each item on the right with it’s appropriate category

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According to the original Charter of King George II, Georgia extended to the west coast even though no explorers had been there yet. As years and wars passed,

Georgia’s western boundary moved first to the Mississippi River and then to the Chatahoochee.

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Georgia as a Trustee Colony:

21 Trustees in charge for 20 years * They could not own land, hold office, get paid. * Looked for industrious skilled workers who were down on their luck

First colonists: Sail to Georgia, Nov. 17, 1732Ship Anne- 114-125 people sailed Landed at Yamacraw Bluff on Feb. 12, 1733Mary and John Musgrove became interpretors, Tomochichi: Chief of the Yamacraw Indians whobefriended Ogelthorpe

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Photo of the spot along the river called “Yamacraw Bluff”

Have you stood here?

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Fort Frederica 1735

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Ruins of foundation of original dwellings at Fort FredericaJames Oglethorpe Lived HERE1

How Tabby is made

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Page 51: Unit 7 exploration and colonization ppt (3)

Which statement best explains why England established the Georgia colony?

A. England wanted a port available for ships sailing to China and the East Indies. B. England wanted to create a trading partnership with the Native Americans. C. England wanted to provide a safe haven for Catholics who were being persecuted. D. England wanted a buffer state to prevent Spanish and Native American invasions of South Carolina.

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Ruins of Soldiers’ Barracks at Fort Frederica

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Remember, exploration began as an effort to find a new trade route to the far east to get precious spices, silk and gems. Since Georgia was at a similar latitude, It was believed that Georgia would be able to produce some of these raw materials (mulberry trees to sustain silkworms and produce silk.

Mercantilism:The colonies would produce raw materials which would be sent back to England for manufacturing. The manufactured goods would then be sold around the globe ( including back to the colonies!) Discuss: What are the advantages of this system?Why was it important for a small country like England?

Production D



and Consu


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Video: mercantilism 4 mins- in folder

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Georgia as a Trustee Colony

• The Trustee period in Georgia began when King George II gave permission to establish the colony in 1732.

• Georgia was governed by trustees for its first twenty years.

• The trustees hoped the settlers would produce wine and silk to send back to England.

• New settlers had to plant mulberry trees for the raising of silkworms.

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Liquor Rum


Not everyone was welcome in Georgia

Can you guess why?Refer to page 116 in your text(Georgia and the American Experience)

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Strict Rules for the Colonists

• No slaves were allowed in the colony.

• No rum or other liquor was allowed.

• Land was limited to 50 acres per family.

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Mary Musgrove

• Married to a South Carolina trader.

• Was a vital link between the English settlers and the Creek people.

• Was an interpreter between Oglethorpe and the Creeks.

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• Chief of the Yamacraw Indians.

• Gave Oglethorpe permission to settle at Yamacraw Bluff.

• Traveled to England with Oglethorpe.

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• Georgia’s first city.• Savannah was to

have four large squares, and each square was to have its own system of smaller squares and rectangles.

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• Summative Assessment SS8H2 in folder labeled assessments.

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SS8H2 The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history.

b. Evaluate the Trustee Period of Georgia’s colonial history, emphasizing the role of the Salzburgers, Highland Scots, malcontents, and the Spanish threat from Florida.

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Georgia’s First Settlement:Savannah, blocks, death. New Settlers:Jews, Lutheran Saltzburgers video 8 mins, Germans, Swiss

Growing Pains (Malcontents) video 6 mins

complaints about rules land ownershiprestrictions, slavery ban, prohibition.

Building Forts: Darien, Scotts Highlanders video 10 mins , Saint Simons Island

Individuals, Groups

and Institu


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The Salzburgers• German-speaking settlers who

settled Ebenezer and were known especially for their success in producing silk.

• They came to Georgia seeking religious freedom.

• They called their home Ebenezer.

• They worked hard and Ebenezer became the most successful Georgia community.

• They did not approve of slavery.

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Highland Scots/Scottish Highlanders

• A group of people known for their fighting abilities who were brought to Georgia to build Georgia’s first fort at Darien.

• They came to the colony to re-establish the fallen Fort King George.

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The Spanish Threat from Florida

• Georgian soldiers made an unsuccessful attack on the Spanish mission of St. Augustine, Florida, in 1740. Two years later, the Spanish attacked Fort Frederica. The tension between British Georgia and Spanish Florida came to a head in the Battle of Bloody Marsh. Oglethorpe waged one more attack against Spanish Florida. The attack was unsuccessful.

Optional Reading: Crutchfield, James A. It Happened in Georgia: Battle of Bloody Marsh

Guilford Ct: Morris Book Publishing, 2007

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When the Georgia colony was established, which religious group was not allowed to settle in it?

A. Jews B. Puritans C. Catholics D. Protestants

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Trustee Colony

Time Period




Land Ownership




The Colonists (Groups, Origins Etc…

Graphic Organizer

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SS8H2 The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history.

c. Explain the development of Georgia as a royal colony with regard to land ownership, slavery, government, and the impact of the royal governors.

Individuals, Groups and


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Georgia as a Royal Colony

• 1752-1776• This meant that Georgia was controlled by

the British government.• Government

– Executive Branch included a royal governor and his council.

– Legislative Branch – two-house (bicameral)– Judicial Branch – made up of a high court, a

general court, and a justice of the peace.

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There was no longer a rule against slavery.

Half of the people living in Georgia were enslaved people from Africa.

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Land Ownership• Settlers who came to

the colony by way of the Trust’s charity, were limited to fifty-acre land grants.

• Those who paid could have up to 500 acres of land and were required to have at least one servant or family member for every fifty acres of their grant.

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John Reynolds

• First royal governor of Georgia.

• Introduced the idea of self-government and set up a court system.

• Proved ineffective and was recalled at the end of 1756.

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Henry Ellis

• Second royal governor of Georgia.

• Established a sound foundation for government.

• Asked to go back to England after three years.

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James Wright

• Last royal governor of Georgia.

• A popular governor

• Georgia enjoyed a period of remarkable growth during his tenure.

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Trustee Colony Royal Colony

Time Period




Land Ownership




The Colonists (Groups, Origins Etc…

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SS8G1 The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.

d. Evaluate the impact of climate on

Georgia’s development.

Based on what we have learned so far, how do YOU think climate might haveimpacted Georgia’s development?


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Georgia’s Climate• Warm Temperate Subtropical• Hot and humid weather, frequent rainfall,

and poor soil.• Georgia’s climate impacted Georgia’s

development because settlers could produce enough food to feed their families.

• However, life was very hard for the Georgia colonists. The climate and soil were not right for growing the crops that they thought they could. The heat and humidity resulted in death from disease.

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SS8E1 The student will give examples of the kinds of goods and services produced in Georgia in different historical periods.

Deer Skins

Silk Worms PineMulberry Trees


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Task: You have been hired by James Ogelthorpe to research all of the resources and crops that Georgia produces. You are to write a report to King George in order to obtain additional funding for the colony.

SS8E1 Summative Assessment

Does not meet

Meets Exceeds

Gives examples of crops and resources appropriate to the colonial period

Examples are inappropriate.

Gives examples of at least 7 appropriate resources

Gives examples of at least 7 appropriate resources and explains how they support the economy

Discuss Process and Due Dates

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