  • 7/30/2019 Unit 8 Math Project Revised




    SHORTAGEWhat does it take a family of four touse 300 KwH/month? For my yearlongproject, I worked with my family inorder to reduce our electricityconsumption. Although my familys

    electricity usage isnt that bad, I stillfelt that there was room forimprovement. So I decided to take it asa challenge and reduce my familysusage. I started of this project bymaking a clear and organized plan andthen implementing it in our daily life.

    The first step we took towardsconserving electricity was switchingoff the lights and air-cons when not inuse! My plan also included thefollowing steps: setting the air-cons to23 degree celsius, making use ofdaylight in the morning, turning on thewashing machines only with full loads,turning off all the electronicappliances when not in use, chargingthe electronics (iphones, ipads, laptopsetc.) in the morning instead ofcharging them overnight andovercharging them. Although we cameup with this plan and we agreed tofollow the plan, everything didnt go asper the plan because we kept forgettingabout it. So then I came up with anidea, and we decided to put stickynotes all around the house, specially,beside the switchboards as a reminder.

    That idea really helped my family tokeep up with the plan and implementit.

    My family has been very

    supportive and cooperative with

    helping me. My familys efforts

    can be seen in the results as we

    have come down from 575 KwH in

    August to 485 KwH in March.

    There were a few ups and downs

    in the middle though. For

    example, in November and

    February my KwH went up

    because we werent following our

    plan due to many other

    distractions like in February I had

    guests so there were more people

    in the house, which resulted in

    using more electricity. As you can

    see in the data, December is the

    month when I actually stayed on

    top of the plan and made sure that

    everyone followed it and so my

    efforts showed of in that months

    bill. I hope that we continue this

    plan and make consistent efforts

    to have a sustainable living.

    Lookin at the Results

    May 7th, 2013 SNEKHA SELVAKUMAR

    continued on page 2

  • 7/30/2019 Unit 8 Math Project Revised


    By Snekha

    The first step towards making a

    prediction is drawing a fitted line in

    the graph with my monthly data. The

    efforts of my family have proven to

    have paid off as the fitted line on the

    graph has a negative slope which

    means that my electricity usage has

    been decreasing. The next step is to

    find the equation of this fitted line. To

    do this, I chose two points (1, 539)

    and (7, 485). In order to find the

    equation of the line, I need to use the

    formula y=mx+b. So lets first start by

    finding the slope of the line by using

    this formula:

    So now, just substitute and solve it:

    Now I know that the slope of my fitted

    line is -9. So far this is what my

    equation looked like: y = -9x+b. Next, I

    have to determine my y-intercept. To

    do this, I will have to substitute any

    one of the coordinates with x and y.

    In my case, I chose to substitute the

    ordered pair (1, 539). Heres what it

    will look like after substitution:

    Now we solve this

    equation to find out y-intercept(b).

    Following are the steps of how I found

    b using the formula above:

    Therefore, the equation of my fitted

    line is y= -9x + 548. Now I will use this

    equation to make a prediction about

    how many months it will take my

    family to bring my monthly electricity

    usage to 300 KwH.



    Considering that my fitted line goes downhill and is a example of

    linear decay, this matches with the trends that my family is working

    towards to make a positive difference. There is a clear and strong

    relationship between the line and the trends. The more electricity

    we conserve each month the steeper the slope will be. There is

    also a clear connection between the efforts my family has put in

    this the action and the line because when we put in more effort

    and make sure everything goes right, the KwH decreases however

    sometimes when we become careless and forget about our plans,

    then again our usage goes up drastically. This can be clearly seen in

    my graph and my table.

    MAKING A PREDICTION!Now that I have my equation, I just need to substitute and solve to find

    the no. of months it will take my family to bring down my electricity

    usage to 300 KwH per month. As y represents the amount of KwH in

    the equation, we have to substitute 300 for y and then solve for x. So

    this what the substitution and the solving should look like:

    In conclusion, it will take my family approximately 28

    months to bring our electricity usage down to 300 KwH

    if we continue reducing our usage at this rate!

    Finding the Equation ofm Fitted Line!

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