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The angle of a just-released New York University study 

( is, of course, that ole' left-wing canard

known as "income inequality," but the findings are still

useful in drawing other conclusions, and not ones that are very 

pleasant. Is America now a bigger version of Chicago, where

Democrats and the media have so expertly rigged the electoral

game that, even as their policies fai,l they're able to stay in power?

 According to the study, we are now back to 1969 levels with respect to median net worth in

this country. A large part of this is the housing crisis we've yet to recover from, which cost

the middle class 18% of its net worth. The news isn't much better with respect to median

incomes, which have dropped to $26,364, setting us all the way back to 1999.

 And as middle class incomes declined, the debt-load among the middle class has increased


In a nutshell: those of us in the middle class earn less, are worth less, and owe more.

Meanwhile, during this same period of time, the wealthy increased their wealth by an

unbelievable 71%.

Normally, I don't care about the gap between the rich and the rest of us. I'm not rich, and

at the age of 46, it's probably safe to say I'll never be rich; but I didn't care because I

 begrudge no one their success. But that was before…



United States of Chicago: Middle ClassNet-Worth Collapses to 1969 Levels





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Before we looted the Treasury and mortgaged the futures of generations to bail out the Too

Big To Fails; before we started losing ground while the Bailed Out prospered.

 What's especially troubling, though, is that it didn't have to be like this. All of us, rich and

poor alike, would be doing fine had Barack Obama only done what Ronald Reagan did

 when Reagan inherited an economic situation even more dire than the one Obama

inherited. Instead of getting out of the way of the economy, though, Obama did just the


Obama exploded the deficit, attempted to micro-manage the economy through a failed

stimulus, enslaved tens of millions on various forms of social welfare, hyper-regulatedeverything through policies like Dodd-Frank, and created years of economic uncertainty 

 with leviathans like ObamaCare and the creation of one debt ceiling/fiscal cliff economic

crisis after another.

Now those of us in the middle class are going backwards. The rich, however, are getting

richer, because the rich always get richer. What's galling this time, though, is that the size

of the pie is decreasing for the rest of us.

 Which wouldn't be so troubling had Obama not just won re-election -- in large part with

the support of the wealthy who understand that Obama's class warfare rhetoric isn't so

much about punishing them as it is about empowering the government -- which in turn

protects the wealthy. Bank of America, General Electric, and the monster conglomerates

that share ownership in most mainstream media outlets love it when cumbersomegovernment regulations increase the cost of doing business.

They can afford it. Their biggest threat -- up and coming competition -- cannot.

See how this works?

But I digress.

 What does it say about the everyday American people that falling incomes, chronic

unemployment, increasing poverty, collapsing net worth, and stagnant economic growth

qualifies as an acceptable enough record to win a second chance to do more of the same?

But the most frightening prospect in all of this is that our current economic situation has

apparently become the new and accepted normal.

People seem to have forgotten the boom times between 1983 and 2007 -- almost a quartercentury of unprecedented growth, incredibly low unemployment, manageable deficits, and

a growing of the wealth pie that was interrupted only by two shallow recessions. Just a few 

 years ago, the thought of celebrating 100,000 new jobs per month and a 2.7% GDP was


 And yet, here we are.

But what does it mean?

 Well, my worst fear is that Obama and the Democrats have cracked the same electoral

code Obama and the Democrats cracked in Chicago and most every big city in America. A 

code that wins them election after election after election in places like Chicago, Detroit,

 Washington DC, and Los Angeles, even as those cities literally crumble into bankruptcy 

 before the voters' eyes.

But if you get enough people on the government dole; divide the population as a whole but

conquer through a fractured coalition; empower the unions, and so weaken, defeat, and

demonize the opposition (Republicans) -- you can stay in power even as your policies

decimate everything they touch.

Oh, and the media. In order for America to become The United States of Chicago,

Democrats must own the media -- a corporatist media for a corporatist party that defends

the status quo, demonizes the opposition, and, most importantly, regards the creation of 

100,000 jobs and a 2.7% GDP as something worth celebrating.


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Showing 80 of 162 comments

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 A  LIKE REPLY  24 minutes ago 1 Like F

How can people not see the liberal agenda? Its right out in the open - oppress the p rivate sector with an

overwhelmingly expensively regulatory and tax structure, drive up the deficit to increase inflation - all of which

ends up costing consumers, mandate healthcare premiums that cost up to 50% more than they do normally on

the young with the least amount of disposable income to subsidize discounts for the elderly that need the

healthcare the most and then add an additional tax on top of that, incorporate moratoriums on Federal land and

offshore drilling along with oppressive regulations to bankrupt the coal industry that powers 2/3 of the nation's

energy in a shameless effort to create an energy crisis that would peak in the Summer when energy demand

skyrockets and supplies are oppressively restricted to cause brownouts and blackouts in order to create a crisisto pass cap and trade, tax everything from capital gains, transactions, the Internet, 401K's that have already

been taxed in many cases, initiate costly food regulations on top of food inflation to make groceries harder to

afford on anemic income levels, which also makes people less ambitious to look for a job in the first place and

ultimately drive a government dependency and an even greater likelihood of them voting democrat in order to

leverage their political power through economic oppression. The media, Hollywood and education system will

assist in indoctrinating those who don't know any better to believe a massive lie and sustain support for this

agenda. Ultimately the country will turn into Greece and probably be taken over by China and we'll all officially

be living in a Communist country.


 A  LIKE REPLY  29 minutes ago F

As Gomer Pyle would say "Surprise" "Surprise".......The new "world order" of the US....brought on by "forced in

te gration" "aff irma tive ac tion" "ap pease ment to bl ack ra ce"......"re pa ra tions"......"wel fare" name



 A  LIKE REPLY  29 minutes ago F

Short term analysis is perfect for short-sighted folks with a selective memory.What's happening with the middle

class is a result of Reaganomics, not so much Barry's policies. How else do you explain that over the last 30

years, the rich have only gotten richer and while the middle class continues to struggle wait for that wealth to

"trickle down"? Keep f***ing that chicken, Wingnuts...


 A  LIKE REPLY   3 minutes ago in reply to bigchino F

You don't have clue what you're talking about, stupid azs


The most profound evil we face in America today is the absolute abnegation of the main stream media in its

responsibility to protect the American people from an absolutely fraudulent president, a completely corrupt

administration, destruction of the Constitution, collapse of the rule of law, the advancement of an obvious

communistic agenda, the determination to eliminate God f rom the public square, the intentional bankrupting of

the country, dismemberment of the country's security and military, and the protection of our borders. Until this

evil is rectified, the continual disintegration of the country will continue unabated, leaving all Americans

unprotected and fearful of a fascist government. May these 'useful idiots", being used by the despots in charge,

have an awakening to the carnage they are responsible for. If not, may God have mercy on their darkened



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 A  LIKE REPLY   34 minutes ago F

 A  LIKE REPLY  49 minutes ago 2 Likes F

"I see cannibals munchin' a missionary luncheon..."

America is now controlled by cannibals, cannibals who won on a promise of free lunch for all.

And cannibalism works...until you are the last one at the table.


 A  LIKE REPLY  49 minutes ago F

Pigs pigs pigs...dishonest deceitful liars....etc etc etc


 A  LIKE REPLY  49 minutes ago F

WELL, Obama promised to cut taxes for the middle class. He just forgot to tell them that they would make a

whole lot less taxable income, hence pay less in taxes.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 2 Likes F

Communist President Barack Obama is winning his war against prosperity.


 A  LIKE REPLY  46 minutes ago in reply to Myviewpoint  F

I love the fact that the right can be outraged about anything....They were outraged that Obama hated

the rich and wanted their money....Now they're outraged because Obama protects the rich...

It is amazing what you can write about when facts are meaningless...!!!


 A  LIKE REPLY   38 minutes ago in reply to michael thomas 1 Like F

Obama only wants to protect his class of rich.

You seem to be willing to come to his defence and support him so much, you must be living on

his Food Stamps.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 2 Likes F

The only way to stop the evil is face that you have been castrated by political correctness. HATE the thieves

stealing your money, hate the liars that abuse their families and countrymen by taking what they have not

earned, hate the governmenet that never hesitates to insult and marginalize Christians and producers, hate the

people that vote out of misguided sympathy for the lazy thieves, hate the govt that finances a mexican invasion

to drive down wages and then makes you subsidize their medical care and food and education (are you really

that stupid?) , hate the party that steals your vote then complains you should surrender your morals and beliefs

to let them get elected, hate them all with passion, hate them and their excuses. If you dont you have lost, they

have no shortage of passionate hatred for you, they have no reluctance about stealing elections, they have no

hesitation to send slum dwelling evil monsters out as mobs to attack you, they intentionally raise their little

monsters to hate you.

HATE or die, dont take a knife to a gun fight in the words of Obama, do you even listen to your enemies? They

are your enemies and you better realize it.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 2 Likes F

0bama's America is like a mob. He will bring us death, and democrats will love him for it.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 3 Likes F

When the feds try to take our guns... then you'll know 'IT'S GAME ON'!


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 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 5 Likes F

yep, he's gonna make income EQUAL alright..

 just as in ANY Communist land there are RICH people

and there are VERY POOR people..


welcome to the U.S.S.A.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 1 Like F

I agree with every argument in this article except fot 1. The Repulicans are just as much to blame for this big

government mess as the democrats are. Bush was a fiscal moron. That's how Obama became president. Ron

Paul was and is right.


 A  LIKE REPLY   59 minutes ago in reply to warmingsmorming F

...except Bush had a democrat congress with which to deal... and a Treasury Secretary (Paulson)

who ran Goldman, had lots of liberal friends and indeed was a moderate progressive... Paulson later

wrote that he supported and voted for BO... Paulson protected the TBTFs... except Lehman

(interesting, eh)... and while he did have a liquidy crisis to deal with for a short time... the core issue

was and IS lack of real capital and equity... all the earnings of TBTF banks come from the Feds Zero

interest policy... Bush was a lame duck... he put a fox in the henhouse... and those policies of gov't

picking winners and losers continues...


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 3 Likes F

The hordes of ignorant and uninformed Obama voters will hear Dear Leader blame it on Bush, the GOP or the

boogeyman and they'll believe it.

Generations of public education at work folks.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 2 Likes F

If it wasn't for the crime, corruption, and high taxes, Illinois(D) would be a great place to live.

Chicago is tracking for 500 murders this year! Another proud year for the Santa Clause party.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 4 Likes F

Perhaps the homeless should move in with our Congressional elected.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago 4 Likes F

I really got tired of everybody saying"Obama just doesn't understand the economy" YES he does and he's doing

everything he can with monetary policy,Obamacare,EPA Regs to COLLAPSE AMERICA. All at the same time

making sure the likes of G. Soros and all his bundlers get rewarded with TAXPAYER DOLLARS on failed

GREEN ENERGY PROJECTS!And has the gall to spend $4 million taxpayer money on a vacation to Hawaii!


 A  LIKE REPLY  2 hours ago 1 Like F

People like 0bama, voters that support 0bama, have been around since the beginning of time. Back when men

and women were hunters and gatherers, liberals were the types that contributed nothing except the ability to sit

around the fire and relax while others were out trying to ensure survival of the village. And as your typical far

left liberal of today does, feeling a bit guilty, had to find a way to feel self important therefore creating

committees amongst themselves that would decide how to divy up whatever was brought in from the days hunt.

Nothing has changed, same as they ever were.



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 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to Majiic12 3 Likes F

William Bradford was the governor of the original Pilgrim colony, founded at Plymouth in 1621. The

colony was first organized on a communal basis, as their financiers required. Land was owned in

common. The Pilgrims farmed communally, too, following the "from each according to his abilities, to

each according to his needs" precept. The results were disastrous. Communism didn't work any better

400 years ago than it does today. By 1623, the colony had suffered serious losses. Starvation was


Bradford realized that the communal system encouraged and rewarded waste and laziness and

inefficiency, and destroyed individual initiative. Desperate, he abolished it. He distributed private plots

of land among the surviving Pilgrims, encouraging them to plant early and farm as individuals, not


The results: a bountiful early harvest that saved the colonies. After the harvest, the Pilgrims celebrated

with a day of Thanksgiving -- on August 9th.

 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to kendrick1 F

Wonderful post. Thanks.


 A  LIKE REPLY  2 hours ago 3 Likes F made it happen. You must love to be must love to be

must love your stupidity...because YOU voted for the 'massa' who now owns you!

I have vowed to never again visit the once great city of Chicago...until all the Democratzi 'loons' are thrown out

of power...and from the mentality shown in the 2012 won't be in MY lifetime!







 A  LIKE REPLY  2 hours ago 2 Likes F

I have to say that I didn't think Obama could copy the Chicago model on a national level, but he has. And the

only reason it works is because the corrupt media is helping him. It's easy to understand how you can control

local and state media - enough so that you can control your message. But to do so nationally is incredible. I

suppose it's not really that hard when the media is in love with you in the first place, but still it's been amazing

the level of devotion the press has shown to Obama. They have been like another arm of his campaign.


It's time for the conservatives to fight back hard against machine that Obama has behind him. They have a

knack for twisting numbers and facts and spewing out propaganda across their news outlets. They use

academia shaped arguments to constantly bombard us with their left leaning, self engrossed

statistical studies. Well, here's a fact that we should use against them when they pull the old "Rich to Middle

Class wealth gap" ... The wealthy have ALWAYS (common sense) had more money in the stock market than

the Middle Class. When the housing crash happened, which was caused in great part by misters Dodd and

Frank (DEMS) through their unrelenting push for the decade prior to water down lending criteria, the Middle

Class could not take the hit to their stock portfolios. In the year following the March '09 stock crash, the middle

class instinctively sold huge portions of their stock holdings ... the rich did not feel the same pressure and were

guided by Warren Buffett (spokesperson on the economy for Obama) to buy more and hold on. Then came the

QEs from Bernanke under pressure from the president and democratic leaders - Bernanke clearly stated that

the reason for the QEs was to PUSH UP stock prices. Very good if you still had stock, a non-starter if you didn't.From 2009 through today, the Fed has managed to facilitate the push up in stock prices for the rich (which, for

my democratic friends, helped the almost equal number of Democratic millionaires in the U.S.) and the

democratic controlled congress from 2008-2010 has managed to tighten lending standards (which, again, from

1997 thru 2007 they obliterated in their cowardly bending to Fannie Mae) to the point where the banks now

simply borrow money from the Fed at 50 basis points and lend it out to the business community at 200 - 300

basis points ... why risk lending when you can simply BROKER the money with a guaranteed profit.

Obama and the Democratic Party have, as always, managed to "out shout" the Republican Party on this wealth

disparity, while facilitating the very mechanism that has created the gap! What a game they have going! Time for

the lazy conservatives and republicans to get off their butts and and get aggressive! Do your homework and get

the message out! Fight against the democratic machine's SPIN!

Call them out on all their propaganda and neutralize this wave of invincibility they feel they have. If the 3.5

million conservatives that didn't come out to vote for Romney actually showed up on election day, we might not

be in this one-sided dog and pony show that Obama is putting on. GET OFF YOUR BUTTS!


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 A  LIKE REPLY  2 hours ago 2 Likes F

 A  LIKE REPLY  2 hours ago F

It would not surprise me if pictures of BHO actually lined hanging in the streets of Chicago ... these banners of

BHO remind of German Propoganda .... let the brainwashing of Americans continue - I guess? .. they voted for



 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to ourfoundingfather F

Those banners in the story's picture are actually hanging on light poles on what looks like Michigan

Avenue in Chicago. They hung similar banners in 2008.


 A  LIKE REPLY  2 hours ago F

Chicago and the state of Illinois are going to financially collapse along with California, New York, Michigan and

several others.


Once it happens it will set off an economic chain reaction leading up to a civil war or break-up of the union. My

take is the latter since wars cost money and the federal government will not be able to pay people to fight on

their behalf, nor will the progressive states who back it.


The USA is colloectively over 200 trillion dollars in debt which can never be repaid, this nation is standing on itslast leg.


We are going to become a repeat occurence of the Ottoman Empire.


 A  LIKE REPLY  2 hours ago F

Those getting Obamabucks will lose too. Just ask the Greeks. And burning sh!t down won't help. Good luck



 A  LIKE REPLY  2 hours ago 2 Likes F

"Oh, and the media. In order for America to become The United States of Chicago, Democrats must own the

media -- a corporatist media for a corporatist party that defends the status quo, demonizes the opposition, and,

most importantly, celebrates the creation of 100,000 jobs and a 2.7% GDP as something worth celebrating."


first step that all Reps and conservatives can do starting immediately.




They are the propaganda arm of the Dems and the Left. Do not support them.



make and keep his pledge to yourself and for America and encourage all Reps and

conservatives you know to do likewise.


 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago 3 Likes F

No one says it better than Mark Steyn:

"...If I were John Boehner, I'd say: "Clearly there's no mandate for small government in the election results. So,

if you milquetoast pantywaist sad-sack excuses for the sorriest bunch of so-called Americans who ever lived 

want to vote for Swede-sized statism, it' s time to pony up."


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 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago 6 Likes F

All issues come down to one common denominator...Imam Obama...the Food Stamp King...the worst and most

anti-American president in history....supported by the most ignorant in our society.


 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago 2 Likes F

Al Capone or Sam Giancana, who stated,"The government and us are cut from the same cloth", may both be

dead but their spirits live on in this Administration. Illinois. The state that gave us a president that freed the

slaves, has now given us a group of scoundrels that want us to become slaves not to another human being but

to an every growing and intrusive government. How far we have fallen. And he has not been re-inaugurated



 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago 2 Likes F

The banana republic.....Obama's plan is working perfectly!!!


 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago 4 Likes F

You can't have a middle class with communism. It must be eliminated.


 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago 3 Likes F

Let's be real clear, this situation is Because of Barack 0bama, not anyone else. And his continuing to campaign

on behalf of the "middle class" is a joke. This is Exactly what he wants so that they become dependent upon

the government handouts. This is Exactly Barry 0bama S0et0ro's Amerika.

Middle Class=The new Poor.


 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago 3 Likes F

Tell me, folks. If the president WERE trying to bring down this country, what would he be doing differently?


 A  LIKE REPLY  2 hours ago in reply to Cardilover F

Touche!!! Mr. divide and conquer. What middle class is Obama talking about? Aren't the 23 million

people unemployed was once middle class?


 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago 6 Likes F

Congratulations to Chicago's own "Barack Obama".

And I thought he was from Hawaii(no hospital has record of his birth) or was it Kenya?

I hope all you fools will suffer for voting for this charlatan, he will not deliver what he promised the second time

around neither. He is just an incessant liar. He play you all for fools that you really are. Suffer!!!!!


 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago 1 Like F

"According to the study, we are now back to 1969 levels with respect to median net worth in this country."




Is America now a bigger version of Chicago, where Democrats and the media have so expertly rigged the

electoral game that even as their policies fail they're able to stay in power? THE ANSWER to this is a

resounding "YES". The Voters didn't want this. Their choice in vote was taken from all of us who voted against

Tyranny. It's not rocket science why Mitt Romney felt a sucker punch when he saw it was taken from him. The

Great Deception is our electronic voting system and until someone of influence see's this and does something

about it, there will not be another conservative President in the White House which by now should be painted


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 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago 3 Likes F not for race, but for the pro-death policies the people who reside there now represent. Racism ended

in this country the day a Black man took the Presidency! And by the did Liberty!

 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago 3 Likes F

Definitely. The GOP won't be winning any more elections, now that the impossible has happened and Obama

has been given four more years to f*ck things up.


 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago 5 Likes F

Nothing is going to Save us from our National Nightmare and it All could've

been stopped if major talk show host loved this country more then themselves

by Questioning the Spy's Forged Fake Cover Story Past and Birth Fable of

Being Born American. And by Asking one simple question No Spy can answer

'Who Are You?' but instead these closeted collaborators took part in the

Silence of Treason the Spy's affective censor the Axis of Silence.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to ispike F

It was either that or America is burned to the ground by 0bama's supporters.

The malfeasant in Washington value power and control over the masses more than they value truth.

Their lives depend on it.


 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago 2 Likes F

While those in power share obama's (A linsky's) socio/economic vision;

the country can not not grow economically, it will spend itself into oblivion.

Common sense and basic mathematics dictate that where more is taken than contributed,

there will always be a deficit.

Citizens who are successful and have prospered are not automatons, vending machines,

from which Progressive Socialists may arbitrarily confiscate whatever they wish.


 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago 4 Likes F

If there is nothing the Republicans can do, then there is nothing to be done.

Elections have consequences. Let the voters bear them in full.

One way or another, Obama WILL be forced to own his sh-t. The Republicans need to step aside and let that


Let America go off the fiscal cliff. The sooner the better.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to trinidadconservative F



 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to trinidadconservative 1 Like F

The entire liberal plan relies on republicans arguing every point brought forward by our terrible

president. Barry's policies aren't geared to improve America, they are geared to destroy the republican

party. If the GOP argues and compormises, in whatever way shape or form, any downside of the

compormise will be placed squarely on their shoulders. They shold completely back off. Walk away and

let this moron do whatever it is he wants to do.



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 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago F

This should surprise no one. Since the 1980s there has been a deliberate effort by our government to funnel

money to the richest one percent of Americans. Eventually it all melted down in 2008, but wealthy Americans

had a heck of a ride. But they left the economy in shambles and the people who are always hurt the most in an

economic recession is those on the bottom rung.

To blame this on President Obama is disingenuous and wrong headed. He is the first president in 30 years to

recognize the devastation that trickle down policies have brought down on the middle class and attempt to do

something about it. The problem has been the weak economy has tied his hands. That is about to change.

 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to LeoGustave F


 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago in reply to LeoGustave 3 Likes F

Leo, you didn't answer my question. During your 25 years in the Air Force when you said you were

bombing Iraq and Kosovo in your B-1s and B-52s, which would you say was the most righteous of the

two wars?


 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago 1 Like F

We are witness to the collapse of whats left of enemy occupied united states our

endless night of terror is just about to begin prepare yourself and family, guns

ammo and food stocks. 2008 Red Dawn the Espionage Coup a Red Chinese Spy

is installed as president Beijing's puppet. 2012 Invasion USA Beijing Hacks into

the Election Final Tally over Three Million Votes are Deleted the Spy is now an

Absolute Soviet Ruler the Lord of the Flies he who Commands the Terrified white

mice in the Quisling House and the Vichy Senate along with the former u.s supreme

court are now the Spy's functionaries his Supreme Stooges.


 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago in reply to ispike 1 Like F

Pretty scary stuff there.

The more likely scenario is the US degrading into something resembling Italy: a former great power

living off leftovers and squabbling endlessly amongst themselves.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to ishallbefree F

Scary more like Terrifying the Spy and his Gestapo henchmen

have big plans on how to Disarm, Deport and Liquidate the

Loyal Americans those who are threat to the Spy's Soviet



 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago 6 Likes F

If yoi look at turnout rates in many of these key areas that keep Dems in power you will see some fishy data.

How is it that Obama got more than 100% of the vote in some areas? There is voter fraud going on, but



 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to KJinAZ  F

We've been programmed to rely on the government to take care of us. Let's see! The government has

investigated your claim and found that there is no voter fraud!

100% of the vote in some areas? Lyndon Johnson bettered that in one of his elections. He not only got

100% of the vote but the votes were cast in alphabetical order!



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 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago in reply to KJinAZ  F

He DID NOT get more than 100% of the vote. Nobody is doing anything about it because it's NOT


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to Rick Drake F


When the strings are pulled, do you feel it, or does everything really feel like you are

saying/doing it yourself?


 A  LIKE REPLY  2 hours ago in reply to Rick Drake 2 Likes F

This county had more votes then they should have, and they all went for Obama.

There were reports that Acorn was paying laid off union workers to move to key areas on

Ohio. There are more problems with getting the military vote in again this time, which is usually



 A  LIKE 2 hours ago in reply to KJinAZ  F

Your link no longer exists so I have no idea what county you're taking about. "There

were reports (Acorn)" Any links to those "reports"? "There are more problems(military vote)" What problems? Links?


 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago in reply to Rick Drake 3 Likes F

Are you sure Rick? Positive?


 A  LIKE 2 hours ago in reply to infinite5280 F

Yes, I'm positive. If you have evidence to the contrary, bring it on, I so enjoy proving

you wrong.


 A  LIKE REPLY  4 hours ago 4 Likes F

So, the middle class is losing the battle and war thanks to Obama and the Democrat policies. It's only going to

get worse and he won't stop until we all crash and burn, yet he has the audacity to ridicule the Republicans in a

factory this week for being like Scrooge because they won't approve his fiscal cliff scheme of raising taxes on

those who make over $200,000-$250,000 but refusing to cut any entitlement programs or reform them.

Those who voted for this man and those who promoted his agenda are either too stupid or hate capitalism so

much that they would rather see the ruin of the greatest country in the world than have a moderate Republican

win the election.


 A  LIKE REPLY  4 hours ago 9 Likes F

This is merely what Liberalism looks like, and, Liberals will vote for more of it en masse.

Rank and File Liberals like their station in life: Poor and Sucking Off The Government.

Liberals in charge like owning human beings as Slaves.

What the Liberal does not like is when there are people who do not want Liberalism and will not live under the

crushing weight of tyranny.


 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago in reply to EOD 4 Likes F

Anyone living in Illinois could see this coming when Obama was elected the first time. He is the direct

result of the Chicago Democratic machine. The mobsters of the 20's and 30's didn't just go away, they

became politions.


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 A  LIKE REPLY  4 hours ago 11 Likes F

For some reason, I'm getting to the point where I'm enjoying the heck out of the negative trends. I sincerely

hope they continue to go in a downward spiral of death. Why is that? Probably because the Warmists and

feminists and gays and stoners and abortionists and every other freak show you can imagine, have seized

power in the country and are slowly rippingg it apart. Since I have nothing invested in this mess, and really don't

care who lives and who dies, I can sit back and enjoy it for itssheer entertainment value. The only way for

America to save itself is for there to be a complete and total collapse and then it can be rebuilt, and maybe the

right way this time. Until that happens, "Nuke the nachos and open some beers. Everybody likes a good train

wreck!" Forward!


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to Pogo13 F

I completely agree. Can you imagine actually caring about idiotic second-raters like Rick Drake?

The sooner the likes of him suffer, the better. Let's all vote democrat next time.


 A  LIKE REPLY  4 hours ago in reply to Pogo13 1 Like F

Such a patriot, you should be ashamed.


 A  LIKE REPLY   3 hours ago in reply to rickdrake58 2 Likes F

Pogo's got a point there Rick. Which of those classes represents you?


 A  LIKE REPLY  4 hours ago in reply to Pogo13 5 Likes F

I'm with you. Every time I see the stock market increase since the election, it bums me out. I want the

whole thing to burn. My sister flipped on me for voting for Romney. She said, "What about women's

rights?" I answered, "Because I don't vote based on me. I vote on the country." Common sense, no?

Wait. What am I talking about? Obama's in office. It isn't common sense. Not that Romney wasn't for

women's rights, blah, blah, blah.


 A  LIKE REPLY  4 hours ago in reply to LA_Republican F


 A  LIKE REPLY  4 hours ago 5 Likes F

Uh, it's called 'Plantation Politics' and the Democrats have been pushing it since Johnson and from time-to-time

the RINO's have helped push it also.

This is what I see happening with O's re-election - Accelerated economic migration out of blue states to

prosperous red states run by conservative Gov's. So the blue's will become dark blues and the red's bright

red's. Eventually the tide will turn to where a radical socialist like Obama can't win a national election. And the

GOP had better get it's act together and start supporting the middle-class primarily. Running a bright capable

candidate who is associated with corp America won't work - Corp America by-and-large has taken advantage of

working American's at every opportunity the last 30 years under the guise of Globalism, and the voters mostly

don't trust them.


 A  LIKE REPLY  4 hours ago in reply to JackBolly 3 Likes F

I would argue that the "Republicans" Lose because they run wishy washy Moderates.The Conservative

Movement wins when it sticks to running Conservative Candidates.We also need to stop allowing the

Media and DC insider Pundits to Pick our candidates.



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 A  LIKE REPLY  4 hours ago in reply to GenJMosby 3 Likes F

Romney was far from the problem. And conservative candidates will get killed in today's media

climate. Were you living under a rock when they absolutely trashed Palin and Ryan?

 A  LIKE REPLY  4 hours ago 1 Like F

Where is Marcus Brutus when you need him?


 A  LIKE REPLY  4 hours ago in reply to RoscoeArbuckle 4 Likes F

Stocking up on ammo at the Roman gun store.STORMWAVES …

 A  LIKE REPLY  4 hours ago F

The Commerce Department said on Tuesday housing starts increased 3.6 percent to a seasonally adjusted

annual rate of 894,000 units -- the highest since July 2008.

The report was the latest to show the broadening housing market recovery was now entrenched. Economists,

who had expected groundbreaking to slow to an 840,000-unit rate, said the housing strength laid a foundation

for faster economic growth next year.

"The broad improvement in home prices, home equity, starts, and inventory clearing are key developments that

position the economy for stronger growth next year, and beyond," said Eric Green, chief economist at TD

Securities in New York.

The housing market has decisively turned around after an unprecedented collapse that landed the economy in

its worst recession since the Great Depression. The recovery, marked by rising home sales, prices and buildingactivity is being driven by pent-up demand and record low mortgage rates.


 A  LIKE REPLY  1 hour ago in reply to rickdrake58 F

Sell everything you have and buy GM stock! It's running about $24.50/share now. Demonstate your

confidence by putting your money where your mouth is! Oh yes! Buy a Chevy Volt!


d States of Chicago: Middle Class Net Worth Collapses to 1969 Levels

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