Page 1: unSEXY Conf 2013: Darian Shirazi, Radius

Customers, Culture and Cash


Page 2: unSEXY Conf 2013: Darian Shirazi, Radius

Raise your hand

How many of your employees talk to customers every day?

a. 0-5%b. 5%-20%c. 20%-50%d. 50-100%

How many should?

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Two companies, different approaches

2004-2010 (current board member)


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A familiar model

Pre-funding founders fielded all customer inbounds.

Transitioned to traditional support model post funding.

Invested in customer feedback, success, and other programs. Measured using NPS.

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A recent email from a well-known startup

“Thanks for writing in. You're right in reporting this, so thanks so much for doing so. I have let the bugs team know about this. The bugs team is responsible for responding to bugs/inconsistencies on the product. In future, please feel free to e-mail [email protected].”


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A different approach (WIP)

Pre-funding, pre-revenue all employees fielded customer inbounds.

Post funding: same.

Though we have dozens of enterprise customers and 2.5M+ end-users we have yet to hire a single customer support head.

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Support parties!

Always the same participants: the (current and future) business


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Obvious learnings

Product-market fit acceleration (nuff said).

Markets change fast.

Not everyone lives in Silicon Valley.

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More subtle, however

Customers (and partners) hate your competitors.

You’ll ship faster when constantly interrupted by customers.

Authenticity translates to LTV*.

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Cash money

Your sales process starts before you know it.

Forging customer relationships early shortcuts sales cycles dramatically.

Upsell, retention, and displacement of competitors come naturally.

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How to

Start early and set the precedent.

Put the tools in place, they’re cheap:

• live chat • email (direct)• phone

Walk the talk.

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