Page 1: Unusual print ads annotation  tttt

Unusual Print AdsMatthew Lumley

Page 2: Unusual print ads annotation  tttt

What is the product?The product is a BMW sports car

What are they advertising?They are advertising a BMW car that has been altered to make it better than before

What are they telling us about the product?It’s a car that can swim through traffic with ease, Its as fast, agile and nothing can come close to it.

Is there a message in the advert?Yes, it is saying that this product is a hunter in the market, it is the best, and will win over any other product and beat them in the fight for success.

Who is the advert meant for? (target audience)For wealthier people as it does not include the price or the look of the actual car itself. If you were to buy this car, chances are you already know about it and the price you are going to pay.

Do you think it reaches the correct target audience?Yes, however it is not very informative so if someone has never seen this car before they wont be too impressed as they would have no idea what it actually looked like and the price. This may lead to it losing sales which would affect the business.

What type of advert is it? (humorous, informative, surreal, dramatic, realist – you may have to research these terms and define them to find out)I think it is a surreal advert which is well designed and well thought through

What do you think of the advert and do you think it works?Yes and no, it works well as it portrays a sense of freedom and speed along with agile and being the best of the best however it is not informative at all, as it has no figures, doe not show the actually shape of the car or the name.

Page 3: Unusual print ads annotation  tttt

What is the product?A Nike shoeWhat are they advertising?They are advertising a Nike sports

What are they telling us about the product?They are saying that this product took a lot of time, effort and a lot of people to make it, hence the construction site with lots of workers on.

Is there a message in the advert?They are saying that every shoe Nike makes has been thought about, a lot of time has been spent on the manufacturing of the shoe to make it strong and of high quality.

Who is the advert meant for? (target audience)Young adults, children and sports people as it is a sport shoe.

Do you think it reaches the correct target audience?Yes as it is not a hard concept to grasp (construction site) and it shows the point well. It shows their audience why they should buy the shoe for example sportsmen should buy it as its strong and reliable.

What type of advert is it? (humorous, informative, surreal, dramatic, realist – you may have to research these terms and define them to find out)I think it is a humorous advert as it is not actually happening but is quite a funny aspect

What do you think of the advert and do you think it works?I really like this as its quite humorous and is also informative, it gives information but it doesn’t actually have it written on the advert but uses imagery to do so.

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