Download - Urami Bushi


Urami Bushi - Kaji Meiko -

Hanayo kireito odaterare
Saitte misereba sugu chiraseraru
Baka-na Baka-na Baka-na onna-no urami bushiThe flower, if it is pretty, becomes flattered
(Then) If it shows itself in full blossom, soon its petals are scattered
Foolish! Foolish! Foolish woman's bitter melody.

Sadane kanashito akiramete
Naki o misereba mata nakasareru
Onna onna onna-no namida-no urami bushiIf fate is harsh, you must accept it
If you show yourself crying, you will be forced to cry again
A Woman, a woman, a woman's tears' bitter melody*

Nikui kuyashii yursenai
kesunai kisenai wasurarenai
Tsukinu tsukinu tsukinu onna-no urami bushiThis hateful regret, I cannot forgive
It is not erased. I does not disappear. I cannot forget it.
Pierced through, pierced through. Pierced through woman's bitter melody.

Yuumei-yo mirento warawarete
Samete misemasu mada samekireru
Onna onna onna gokoro-no urami bushiWhen dreams bring lingering regret, laugh
If they appear while you're awake, don't close your eyes
A woman, a woman, a woman's heart's bitter melody

Makka-na bara-nya toge ga aru
Sashitaka naiga sasazu nya okanu
Moeru moeru moeru onna-no urami bushiThe most brilliantly red rose has many thorns
If the (thorn's) wound was not deep, it was not fate to wound deeply
Burning, burning. Burning woman's bitter melody.

Shinde hanami ga saku jyanashi
Urami hitosuji ikite iku
Onna onna onna-no inochi-no urami bushiThe dying fruit of the flower*, it can no longer bloom
In blind bitterness it lives out its days
A woman, a woman, a woman's life's bitter melody.


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