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Urban Cycling:Community

Support, EconomicDevelopment, andHealthy Outcomes

2011 Michigan Bike Summit

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City of Detroit

³A city built for the automobile thatfinally grew to embrace bicycles,

greenways and better public transit.´Mayor Dave Bing, 2011 State of the City address

³If I hear another person tell me that bike

lanes are going to save this city, I¶mgoing to strangle them.´

Anonymous city official, 2011

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Detroit Food & Fitness Collaborative

Funded by Kellogg Foundation

Focus on Food, Schools, andBuilt Environment

Goals include buildinggreenways and havingComplete Street policies

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Detroit Greenways Coalition

�Michigan Trails & Greenways Alliance (including staff position)

�Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan�Community development corporations

�City of Detroit staff 

�Traffic Engineering

�City Planning Commission

�Planning Department

�Health and Wellness Promotion

�Councilman Ken Cockrel Jr.



�Wayne State and others

�Other Non-profits

�Greening of Detroit

�City Year 

�Gleaners Food Bank

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Detroit Greenways Coalition Accomplishments


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Number of Greenways in Detroit

0 5 10 15




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Miles of Bike Lanes in Detroit

4 6

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Why this is so important

Low cost mobilityEnvironmental justice


Public safetySafe Routes to School

Enhance transit

Green jobsEconomic development

Quality of Life

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Plan for Gen Y, Boomers, and $ /gallon gas

³The suburbs have lost their sheen: Both young workersand retiring Boomers areactively seeking to live in

densely packed, mixed-usecommunities that don¶trequire cars²that is, cities or revitalized outskirts in whichresidences, shops, schools,

parks, and other amenitiesexist close together.´

Harvard Business Review

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Whites Stripes of Gentrification


ho are webuilding this for?

The existingcommunity?

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Perceptions of Bicycling in the Motor City

Bicycling last choice mode

of transportationNew perception: Healthy,green, money saver, fun

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Detroit Works Project

Benefits today¶scommunities andtomorrow¶s

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Other Steps to Build Diversity

Bicycling in Detroit brochure�Black, Hispanic, Arab-American, andimmigrant populations

Underground Railroad BicycleRoutes & brochure

Improve bike access andrepair in the community

How to better diversifyDetroit Greenways


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The multi-million dollar challenge«


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Detroit Greenways CoalitionDetroit Parks Coalition

Complete StreetsWorkgroupLand Conservancy

Greening of Detroit

A New Model?


HamtramckHighland ParkWayne County

State of MichiganFederal government

Private FoundationsMembershipDonations

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We Hope For Better Things;

It Shall Rise From the Ashes

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