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U s e r G u i d e / S a fe To S l e e pC h a p t e r 1 _ G e n e r a l i t i e sP _ 0 2

Thank you for purchasing the SafeToSleep

Sleep & bleeding monitor

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U s e r G u i d e / S a fe To S l e e p C h a p t e r 1 _ G e n e r a l i t i e s P_03

Warning and DisclaimerSudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is defined as the sud-

den and unexplained death of an infant less than one year of

age. Even after decades of study the causes of SIDS are still

not fully understood. This product does not claim to prevent

SIDS, as there is no product that can make such a claim.

The best way to protect the sleep safety of your baby is to

create a Safe Sleep Environment. The American Academy

of Pediatrics has issued guidelines on creating a safe sleep

environment. These guidelines have been supported by the

Center for Disease Control (CDC). We have provided the top

tips for a safe sleep environment on the page 6. You can learn

more at

Please note that this product is not a medical device, but

rather a home-use monitor designed to help parents care

for the sleep wellness of their babies. Babies with a known

predisposition to any breathing or health abnormality should

be monitored by a doctor. Please seek advice from doctors

or health care professional for medical diagnosis or when

unsure of any symptoms.

Finally, you should not rely on the SafeToSleep Monitor for

the wellbeing of your baby. It is not a substitute for proper

adult supervision. It is important that an adult stays within

range of the monitor at all times during use.

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U s e r G u i d e / S a fe To S l e e pC h a p t e r 1 _ G e n e r a l i t i e s


Guidelines for a SafeSleep Enviroment

Placeing Your Babyon the SleepMat

Maintenance and Useof the SleepMat

Included in RetailPackage

Installing the Batteries

Pairing the Parent Unit and SleepMat

Parent Unite Set Up Options

Key Features ofParent Unit

Baby Activity StatusIcons on Parent Unit

Alert Conditions for the Parent Unit

Other Status Indicators on the Parent Unit

Error Notifications

Compatible Device

Smartphone Support

Smart phone QuickStart Instructions

Limited Warrenty

Battery Information

Disposable Instructions

FTC statement


Using the Parent Unit Smartphone Users

02 03
















Table ofContents

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U s e r G u i d e / S a fe To S l e e pC h a p t e r 1 _ G e n e r a l i t i e s

Safe Sleep EnvironmentGuidelines

1. Place your baby to sleep on his back for ever y sleep.

Babies up to one year of age should always be placed on their backs to sleep during naps and at night. However, if your baby has rolled from his back to his side or stomach on his own, he can be left in that position if he is already able to roll from tummy to back and back to tummy. If your baby falls asleep in a car safety seat, stroller, swing , infant carrier, or infant sling he should be moved to a f irm sleep sur face as soon as possible.

2 . Place your baby to sleep on a firm sleep surface that meets current safet y standards.

The SleepMat meets or exceeds all U. S. and Canadian consumer product safety standards. The crib, bassinet, portable crib, or play yard you use should meet current safety standards. Cover the mattress that comes with the product with a f itted sheet. Do not put blankets or pillows between the mattress and the fitted sheet. Never put your baby to sleep on a chair, sofa, water bed, cushion, or sheepskin.

3 . Keep soft objects, loose bedding, or any objects that could increase the risk of entrapment, suffocation, or strangulation out of the crib.

Pillows, quilts, comforters, sheepskins, bumper pads, and stuffed toys can cause your baby to suffocate.

4. Place your baby to sleep in the same room where you sleep but not the same bed.

Keep the crib or bassinet within an arm’s reach of your bed. You can easily watch or breastfeed your baby by having your baby nearby. Babies who sleep in the same bed as their parents are at risk of suffocation or strangulation. Parents can

roll onto babies during sleep or babies can get tangled in the sheets or blankets.

1. Do not let your baby get too hot.

Keep the room where your baby sleeps at a comfortable temperature. In general, dress your baby in no more than one extra layer than you would wear. Your baby may be too hot if she is sweating or if her chest feels hot. If you are worried that your baby is cold, infant sleep clothing designed to keep babies warm without the risk of covering their heads can be used.

2 . Offer a pacifier at nap time and bedtime.

It ’s OK if your baby doesn’t want to use a pacifier. You can tr y offering a pacifier again, but some babies don’t like to use pacifiers. If your baby takes the pacifier and it falls out after he falls asleep, you don’t have to put it back in.

The information contained herein should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.

Source: Putting Baby Safely to Sleep: How Parents Can Reduce the Risk of SIDS and Suffocation (Copyright © 2011 American: Academy of Pediatrics)

The American Association of Pediatrics has issued the following guidelines for creating a safe sleep environment. You can Learn more at


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The baby is supposed to lie directly on the SleepMat and

his or her feet has to be oriented toward plastic unit.

Placing Your Baby on SleepMat

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U s e r G u i d e / S a fe To S l e e pC h a p t e r 1 _ G e n e r a l i t i e s

Care, Maintenance and Use Use of SleepMat

— Do not add thick and heav y items such as mattress between your baby and the SleepMat as it may affect the sensitivity. Light clothing , swaddle blankets, the provided SleepMat covers are OK to use.

— Avoid major movement activity around the mat as it is highly sensitive and may pick up the movement signal as part of the movement signal of the baby. Patting action, high vibration or motor-running activities will affect the accuracy of the breath rate.

— The SleepMat is designed to support a weight range between 4.4 lbs. – 26.4 lbs.

— Use the SleepMat for sleeping purposes only. The SleepMat should not be used as a play mat.

— Any form of spillage or stain should be wiped off immediately with water on a damp cloth to prevent permanent stain on the mat. Avoid using strong detergent. Gentle wipe is sufficient to clean up stains. Excessive scrubbing action may damage the water-resistance property of the mat.

— The operating temperature range for the SleepMat is from 400F - 1100F. Do not operate the SleepMat beyond this range as it may not function according to defined specifications.

Care and Maintenance

No Jumping orStomping

No Sharp Hit

Do not fold

No ExcessiveBending

Do not exceedweight limit

Do Not Immercein Water

Your SleepMat is constructed with highly sensitive fiber optics technology. To ensure accuracy and durability, please observe the instructions.


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U s e r G u i d e / S a fe To S l e e p C h a p t e r 1 _ G e n e r a l i t i e s P_09

Apple Bluetooth-enabled smart devices and tablets running minimum iOS 5.0

Android Bluetooth-enabled smart devices and tablets run-ning minimum OS version 2.1

a. b.

a. SleepMatb. SleepMat Coverc. Parent Unitd. User Guidee. Registration Crad

Included in Retail Package




Compatible Smart Devices

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a. Speaker

b. LED indicator

c. Microphone

d. Power button




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Buttons andIndicators


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a. Push-to-talk button

b. Power button

c. Alarm enable button

d. Sensitivity button

e. Speaker

f. Microphone

g. Volume button

h. Alarm selection button

i. battery compartment

Parent Unit

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1. Turn over the SleepMat.

2 . Use a screwdriver to loosen the safety screw. The safety screw will remain attached to the batter y compartment cover.

3 . Remove the batter y compartment cover and insert four A A batteries. Make sure the positive and negative ends are facing the correct direction.






Istalling the batteries

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1. Turn over the Parent Unit

2 . Remove the batter y compartment cover and insert two A A batteries. Make sure the positive and negative ends are facing the correct direction.

3 . Replace the batter y compartment cover and tighten the security screw.





Parent Unit

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S a fe To S l e e p ©

02Using the Parent Unit

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Pairing is the process that securely connects two devices using Bluetooth communication. The SleepMat and Parent Unit must be paired before they can communicate with each other. This process is simple and takes only a few moments to complete.

1. Press and hold the POWER button(a) on the SleepMat until you hear a tone and the LED light(b) starts flashing red and green alternately (3 -5 seconds). The SleepMat will be in Discoverable Mode.

2 . Press and hold the POWER button(c) on the Parent Unit until you see the SleepMat icon (3 -5 seconds). Release the power button.

3 . The Parent Control Unit will establish connection with the SleepMat automatically. Once connection is established, the system will be ready to use.

When an auto-calibration process is in progress, the display will indicate a rotating circular animation.

The SleepMat will establish communication with only 1 device at a time. If you are using a smartphone, make sure the smart phone application is turned off when the Parent Unit is in use and vice versa.

To disconnect the Parent Unit, press and hold the power button until the display turns off.

ab c

U s e r G u i d e / S a fe To S l e e p Chapter2_Using the Parent Unit P _ 1 5

Paring ParentUnit with SleepMat

Parent UnitSleepMat

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1. Ring / Vibrate Notification

2 . Volume Setting

3 . Alert Enable/Disable

4. SleepMat Sensitivity

There are four personal options you can set on the Parent Unit:

The Parent Unit will notify you of an alert by a ring /vibrate combination, or by vibrate only. The two notification modes are controlled by the switch on the right side of the unit.

Use the Volume switch on the right hand side of the Parent Unit to select one of the three available volume levels.

U s e r G u i d e / S a fe To S l e e pChapter2_Using the Parent UnitP _ 1 6

1. Ring/Vibrate Setting 2. Volume Setting

Set Up Options

Up Position

Down Position

Ring and Vibrate

Vibrate Only

Page 17: User Guide

Alarm can be enabled and disabled with the alert button except the “ No Breating ” alarm which is always on and cennot be disabled.

Newborns should be set to Level 3 for highest sensitivity due to their low body weight and naturally shallow breath movements. As your baby grows, you may need to reduce sensitivity to maintain high accuracy reading.

Use the Alert Enable Button to toggle the alerts on and off. The alert icon ( ) will appear at the top of the LCD as shown (highlighted in red) when alerts are enabled.

Q. What alerts are controlled with Alert Button?

Use the SleepMat Sensitivity button to toggle between the three sensitivity levels. The sensitivity icon ( ) will change to reflect the selected sensitivity level.

Baby moving extensively and display does not show strong movement

Baby sleeping soundly and display shows strong movement

Increase sensitivity level

Decrease sensitivity level

U s e r G u i d e / S a fe To S l e e p Chapter2_Using the Parent Unit P _ 1 7

3. Alert Enable/Disable 4. SleepMat Sensitivity

Slow Breathing

Fast Breathing

Baby Wake Up

Baby Absence

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3breath rate is 10 or less breaths per minute

breath rate is 85 or more breaths per minute

Baby wakes up from sleep lasting over 5 minutes

Baby rolls off or is removed from SleepMat

High Sensitivity

Medium Sensitivity

Low Sensitivity

Alarm Button Sensitivity Button

Page 18: User Guide

Sound activity from the baby will automatically be transmitted to the Parent Unit speaker. The speaker is located in the lower left corner of Parent Unit. Use the Volume switch to control the volume of the Parent Unit speaker.

2. Talk-To-Baby


The Talk-To-Baby feature allows you to communicate with your baby by talking into the Parent Unit. As you talk into the Parent Unit, the sound is transmitted to the speaker on the SleepMat, helping to sooth and comfort you baby. Press & hold the TALK button. The Talk icon will display on the LCD screen when the microphone is activated.

1. Press & hold the TALK button. The Talk icon will display on the LCD screen when the microphone is activated.

2 . Speak into the microphone at the bottom of the Parent Unit.

3 . The sound will transmitted to the speaker on the SleepMat.

4. Release the TALK button when complete.

U s e r G u i d e / S a fe To S l e e pChapter2_Using the Parent UnitP _ 1 8


1. Audio Monitor

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Baby Activity Status Icons

Sleeping AbsenceMoving or Awake

The Parent Unit will display one of three icons to communicate the current status of the baby.

This icon will display when the baby is sleeping soundly.

The Breath Per Minute (BPM) count will display in the upper right corner when the baby is sleeping.

This icon will display when the when the baby is moving or is awake.

This icon will display when the baby is not on the SleepMat.

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Alert States Icons

The No Breath Alarm will trigger when the SleepMat detects no breathing movement from the baby.

This is a mandatory alarm and cannot be disabled.

Alarm Scenario — SleepMat detects no breath movement for 15 seconds

Alarm Notification — The Baby Alarm Icon will be displayed on the Parent Unit

— Parent Unit will alarm at maximum volume and vibrate SleepMat will alarm at maximum volume

— The LED on the SleepMat will blink red

The Slow Breath Alert will inform you when the SleepMat detects slow breathing movements from the baby.

This alert can be enabled or disabled with the Alert Enable button.

Alarm Scenario — The breath rate as indicated on the Parent Unit is 10 or

less breaths per minute.

Alarm Notification — The Baby Alarm Icon will be displayed on the Parent Unit

— The breath count display will FL ASH at 10 BPM or less

1. No Breath Alarm 2. Slow Breath Alert

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The Rapid Breath Alert will inform you when the SleepMat detects rapid breathing movements from the Baby.

This alert can be enabled or disabled with the Alert Enable button.

Alarm Scenario — The breath rate as indicated on the Parent Unit is 85 or

more breaths per minute.

Alarm Notification — The Baby Alarm Icon will be displayed on the Parent Unit

— The breath count display will f lash at 85 BPM or more

The Wakeup Alert is designed to inform you when your baby has woken up from sleep and is crying or agitated.

This alert can be controled with the Alert Enable button

Alarm Scenario — The Wakeup Alert will be trig gered when the SleepMat

— • detects both constant movement and sound for a period of 20 seconds.

— Alarm Notification The baby awake icon will display when the Wakeup Alert is trig gered.

— The baby must be asleep for over f ive minutes for the

3. Rapid Breath Alert 4. Wakeup Alert

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5. Unknown States 6. Baby Absence Alert

There may be exceptional unknown situations where, for example, your babies may toss or rotate such that only part of their body lies on the SleepMat, or where a parent’s hand or elbow may press on the mat, rendering the current state of the baby to be non-deterministic.

As a precaution for the unknown states, the display will be indicated as shown, to alert parents/care-givers to check on the baby. Please attend to your baby.

The Baby Absence Alert is designed to inform you when your baby has rolled off or has been carried off the SleepMat.

• This alert can be enabled or disabled with the Alert Enable button.• The Baby Absence icon will display when this alert is triggered.

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Other Status Indications

The range between the Parent Unit and SleepMat is up to 100 feet (30 meters) line of sight. Indoor distances may be reduced by the layout of the building or concrete structure.

When communication between the Parent Unit and SleepMat is lost, link loss icon as shown will blink on the display and an alarm will be activated. Move the Parent Unit closer to the SleepMat to maintain connection.

If the Parent Unit is out of range for 5 minutes, it will auto-matically power off. Both the SleepMat and Parent Unit must be turned off and paired again to reestablish connection.

The low battery indication for the Parent Unit will be dis-played as shown (highlighted in red) and blink simultaneously when the battery for the Parent Unit is low.

Replace battery for the Parent Unit.

The low battery indication for the SleepMat will be displayed as shown (highlighted in red) and blink simultaneously when the battery for the SleepMat is low.

Out of Range / Link Loss Notification Low Battery Notification – Parent Unit

Low Battery Notification – SleepMat

To conser ve batter y power, turn off SleepMat when not in use.

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U s e r G u i d e / S a fe To S l e e pChapter2_Using the Parent UnitP _ 24

Error Notifications

Error 1Fiber Optic Sensor Damaged

Error 8Weight Limit Exceeded

Error 9General Error

The fiber optic sensing mechanism inside the SleepMat has been damaged and is no longer functioning.

The SleepMat is experiencing a high pressure or heavy weight beyond its operating threshold. This will activate an alarm on the Parent Unit.

The SleepMat is experiencing a general error and is not operating properly. The Parent Unit will display a blinking icon. Try to remove/replace the batteries

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Pairing Apple Devices

1. From the Home screen, select Settings.

2 . Select General > Bluetooth and make sure Bluetooth is turned on.

3 . Your mobile device will begin to scan for devices

4. ouch the SafeToSleep device in the list to pair with the SleepMat.

Pairing Android Devices

1. Under Settings > Wireless & networks, make sure Bluetooth is turned on.

2 . Touch Bluetooth. Your phone scans for and displays the IDs of all available Bluetooth devices in range.

3 . If your mobile device stops scanning before your Bluetooth device is ready, touch Search for devices.

4. Touch the SafeToSleep device in the list to pair with the SleepMat.1. Download the SleepMat Application from the Apps Store

or Android Marketplace.

2 . Press and hold the POWER button on the SleepMat until you hear a tone and the LED light starts flashing red and green alternately (3 -5 seconds). The SleepMat will be in Discoverable Mode.

3 . Pair your mobile phone and SleepMat. You must pair your phone with a device before you can connect to it. Once you pair your phone with a device, they stay paired unless you unpair them.

U s e r G u i d e / S a fe To S l e e pChapter3_Smartphone UsersP _ 2 6

Quick Start Instructions

DevicesSmartphones and Tablets w/ Bluetooth

Minimum Operating SystemiOS 5.0

DevicesSmartphones and Tablets w/ Bluetooth

Minimum Operating SystemVersion 2.1

Compatible Devices

Quick Start Instructions

Smartphone Support

Visit www.SafeToSleep .com for user guides and support.

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U s e r G u i d e / S a fe To S l e e p Chapter3_Smartphone Users P _ 2 7

Limited Warranty

Battery Information

Disposal Instructions

FCC Statement

SafeToSleep will repair or replace (at our option) your unit free of charge for 12 months from the date of purchase if the unit is defective in workmanship or materials. To claim your repair/replacement, the product must be returned to SafeToSleep along with a copy of the original purchase receipt. In the absence of the purchase receipt, the warranty will be 12 months from the date of manufacture. This warranty does not apply to normal wear or damage from misuse, abuse, improper storage and handling, installation, accident, unauthorized repair or alteration. The Limited Warranty is invalid of the factory-applied serial number has been altered or removed from this product. This Limited Warranty is only valid in the United States. Please contact our Customer Service Department by phone at 586-693-1100 or via email at for details. Do not dispose of the mat with unsorted waste. Improper

disposal may be harmful to the environment and human health. Please refer to your local waste authority for information on return and collection systems in your area.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This device is a low-power electronic and electrical apparatus and satisfies international standard EN50371.

Battery Types: Your SafeToSleep products will work with alkaline, lithium, or rechargeable AA batteries. You will get best performance from lithium batteries.

Warning: Do not mix battery types (for example, alkaline and lithium batteries), and don’t mix old batteries with new batteries. Don’t open or puncture the batteries, install them backwards, or expose them to fire, high temperatures, or water. Don’t charge non-rechargeable AA batteries. Keep batteries secured and out of the reach of children. Replace or recharge all batteries at the same time.

Important: Dispose of batteries according to your local environmental laws and guidelines.

Battery level indicator: Your SleepMat and Parent Unit are both equipped with low battery warning indicators.

Long term storage: If you won’t be using your SafeToSleep products for an extended period, turn them off to conserve battery power. If you won’t use the products for more than three weeks, you should remove the batteries for long term storage.

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“Made for iPhone” and “Made for iPad” mean that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPhone, or iPad, respectively, and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards. Please note that the use of this accessory with iPhone, or iPad may affect wireless performance. iPad and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Android is a registered trademark of Google Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners.

SafeToSleep™38283 Mound RoadSterling Heights, MI 48310

2002 © SafeToSleep All rights reserved

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