Page 1: Using ADO and the ListView Control _ Visual Basic 6 (VB6)



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Using ADO and the ListView control

Written By TheVBProgramer.

(Customer Table Maintenance Example)

This VB6 tutorial demonstrates uses of ADO not covered in other tutorials on this site. The sample project presented

here is a simple "one-table" database application. It works with a table of customer data (name, address, phone,

etc.) and allows the user to view, add, update, and delete customer records. Also, this sample project uses the

ListView control to display the records that the application will be working with. The use of the ListView control is

covered at the end of this topic.

The sample application uses an MS-Access database called Cust.mdb, consisting of one table called Customer. The

columns of the table are defined as follows:

Column Name Data Type

CustID Number (Long Integer)

LastName Text (50)

FirstName Text (50)

Address Text (50)

City Text (25)

State Text (2)

Zip Text (5)

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Visual Basic 6 (VB6)

Page 2: Using ADO and the ListView Control _ Visual Basic 6 (VB6)

NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

OLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

PhoneNumber Text (10)

Screen-shots of the sample application are shown below.

Initially, this screen is in "read-only" mode; only the list portion is active. The data entry fields on the bottom half of

the screen are grayed out are not enterable. The buttons to add, update, and delete are available; the buttons to

save or cancel are not available. A screen-shot of the screen in this state is shown below:

To add a customer, click the "Add" button. This will enable the fields on the bottom half of the screen. The buttons to

add, update, and delete will become unavailable; the buttons to save or cancel will be available. A screen-shot of the

screen in this state is shown below:

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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

PLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

You can then enter the values for the new record:

When you are done entering data into the fields, click the Save button, which will cause the new record to be added

to the list and will cause the screen to revert back to its initial "read-only" state. A screen-shot of the screen in this

state is shown below:

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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

QLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

To modify data for an existing customer record, click the customer record in the list to highlight it and click the

"Update" button. This will enable the fields on the bottom half of the screen. The buttons to add, update, and delete

will become unavailable; the buttons to save or cancel will be available. When you are done changing the data in the

fields, click the Save button, which will cause the record to be updated in the list and will cause the screen to revert

back to its initial "read-only" state.

To delete a customer record, click the customer record in the list to highlight it and click the "Delete" button. The

following message will be displayed:

Responding "Yes" to the confirmation prompt will cause the applciation to delete the record and remove it from the


To exit the Customer Maintenance screen, click the "Close" button when the screen is in its "read only" state. The

Close button will not be available when you have an "add" or "update" pending. If you attempt to close the screen

with the Windows "X" button while you have an "add" or "update" pending, the following message will be displayed:

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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

RLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Highlights of the code, as it relates to ADO, are presented below.

Three ADO object variables (representing and ADO Connection, Command, and Recordset, respectively) are

declared at the form level. This a one-form application (with a handful of supporting modules), so in this case, form-

level scope is serviceable.

Private mobjConn As ADODB.Connection

Private mobjCmd As ADODB.Command

Private mobjRst As ADODB.Recordset

The database is opened in the "ConnectToDB" Sub.

First, the Connection object variable mobjConn is instantiated by setting it to New ADODB.Connection. Then the

ConnectionString property is set. A difference between this sample application and the ones in the previous topic is

that this application uses a DSN-less connection meaning that the steps we went through in the previous ADO

examples to set up a DSN are NOT required here. As you may recall from the previous examples, using a DSN

connection in your code requires that a DSN be set up on the computer that your program is running on. This restricts

where your code can run. On the other hand, a DSN-less connection specifies all the parameters necessary to connect

to the database and allows your program to be run on different machines without having to set up a new DSN.

In the case of our sample application, two parameters are required to connect to the Access database: first, the

Provider parameter (which specifies Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; and second, the Data Source parameter, which

specifies the full path of the Access mdb file. In the case of this sample application, it is expected that the mdb file

reside in the same folder as the VB project files, or, if this application is compiled, the database should reside in the

same location as the executable (.exe) file. The application path is returned by the programmer-defined function

GetAppPath (which contains the code to use the App.Path built-in function and append the backslash to it if

necessary). Note that the syntax of the ConnectionString requires each parameter name to be followed by an equal

sign (=) followed by the value. Each parameter name / value pair is separated by a semicolon (;). Embedded spaces

in the parameter names and values are evaluated properly. For example, if your application was located in the folder

"C:\My VB Apps\Database Apps", the content of the ConnectionString would be:

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\My VB Apps\Database Apps\Cust.mdb"

Note: If you connect to other databases such as Oracle or SQL Server, different parameters (such as Server, UID,

and PWD) will be required; however the syntax rules described above still apply.

After the ConnectionString has been set, the Open method is then used to open the connection to the database.

The Command object mobjCmd is then instantiated by setting it to New ADODB.Command. The Command object

represents a command to execute against a database. Command objects are often used to create recordsets or

execute action queries. A Command object must use a Connection, either by establishing its own, or by using an

existing connection. To use an existing connection, set the Command object's ActiveConnection property to the open

Connection object, as shown in the code below. This routine also sets the Command object's CommandType

property, which tells ADO how to interpret the contents of the CommandText property (which we will be setting to

SQL statements in various places in the application). Since this application will always be passing the Command

object a textual SQL string, the value is set to the constant adCmdText (other possible values for CommandType

include adCmdTable, which would cause the CommandText to be evaluated as a database table, and

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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

SLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

adCmdStoredProc, which would cause the CommandText to evaluated as the name of a stored procedure).


Private Sub ConnectToDB()


Set mobjConn = New ADODB.Connection

mobjConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _

& "Data Source=" _

& GetAppPath _

& "Cust.mdb"


Set mobjCmd = New ADODB.Command

Set mobjCmd.ActiveConnection = mobjConn

mobjCmd.CommandType = adCmdText

End Sub

In the "LoadCustomerListView" Sub, the contents of the Customer table is loaded into the listview. First, a SQL

SELECT statement is built in the String variable strSQL. The String variable strSQL is then assigned to the

CommandText property of the Command object with the statement

mobjCmd.CommandText = strSQL

Following this, the Recordset object mobjRst is then populated by assigning it the result of the Execute method of the

Command object in the statement

Set mobjRst = mobjCmd.Execute

Note: A Recordset object created with the Command.Execute method always creates a forward-only, read-only

recordset ("firehose" cursor).

The code then loops through the recordset, populating each row of the listview. At the bottom of the Sub, the

recordset object is set to Nothing, which disconnects it from the database. All manipulations of the data from the

point on are handled through the listview, until it is time to update or insert a record back into the database.

It should be noted that the process of loading the entire contents of a table into a listview in this fashion works well

for tables with a small number of rows you do not want to do this for recordsets containing thousands of rows.


Private Sub LoadCustomerListView()


Dim strSQL As String

Dim objCurrLI As ListItem

Dim strZip As String

Dim strPhone As String

strSQL = "SELECT FirstName" _

& " , LastName" _

& " , Address" _

& " , City" _

& " , State" _

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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

TLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

& " , Zip" _

& " , PhoneNumber" _

& " , CustID" _

& " FROM Customer " _

& " ORDER BY LastName" _

& " , FirstName"

mobjCmd.CommandText = strSQL

Set mobjRst = mobjCmd.Execute


With mobjRst

Do Until .EOF

strPhone = !PhoneNumber & ""

If Len(strPhone) > 0 Then

strPhone = "(" & Left$(strPhone, 3) & ") " _

& Mid$(strPhone, 4, 3) & "-" _

& Right$(strPhone, 4)

End If

Set objCurrLI = lvwCustomer.ListItems.Add(, , !FirstName & "", , "Custs")

objCurrLI.SubItems(mlngCUST_LAST_IDX) = !LastName & ""

objCurrLI.SubItems(mlngCUST_ADDR_IDX) = !Address & ""

objCurrLI.SubItems(mlngCUST_CITY_IDX) = !City & ""

objCurrLI.SubItems(mlngCUST_ST_IDX) = !State & ""

objCurrLI.SubItems(mlngCUST_ZIP_IDX) = !Zip & ""

objCurrLI.SubItems(mlngCUST_PHONE_IDX) = strPhone

objCurrLI.SubItems(mlngCUST_ID_IDX) = CStr(!CustID)



End With

With lvwCustomer

If .ListItems.Count > 0 Then

Set .SelectedItem = .ListItems(1)

lvwCustomer_ItemClick .SelectedItem

End If

End With

Set objCurrLI = Nothing

Set mobjRst = Nothing

End Sub

In the "cmdSave_Click" event procedure, depending on whether an add or update has been initiated, a SQL

INSERT or UPDATE statement is built with the String variable strSQL. The String variable strSQL is then assigned to

the CommandText property of the Command object with the statement

mobjCmd.CommandText = strSQL

The INSERT or UPDATE action query is then executed with the statement


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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

ULRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Note that the record ID plays an important role. For an add, the new record ID is obtained by calling the programmer-

defined function GetNextCustID, which is described a little later below. For an update, the record ID of the currently

selected item in the listview is used in the UPDATE statement to update the record. In either case, the contents of the

listview is updated approriately to reflect the insert or update.


Private Sub cmdSave_Click()


Dim strPhone As String

Dim objNewListItem As ListItem

Dim lngIDField As Long

Dim strSQL As String

If Not ValidateFormFields Then Exit Sub

strPhone = txtArea.Text & txtPrfx.Text & txtLine.Text

If mstrMaintMode = "ADD" Then

lngIDField = GetNextCustID()

strSQL = "INSERT INTO Customer( CustID"

strSQL = strSQL & " , FirstName"

strSQL = strSQL & " , LastName"

strSQL = strSQL & " , Address"

strSQL = strSQL & " , City"

strSQL = strSQL & " , State"

strSQL = strSQL & " , Zip"

strSQL = strSQL & " , PhoneNumber"

strSQL = strSQL & " ) VALUES ("

strSQL = strSQL & lngIDField

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & Replace$(txtFirst.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & Replace$(txtLast.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & Replace$(txtAddr.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & Replace$(txtCity.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & txtState.Text & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & txtZip.Text & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & strPhone & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ")"

Set objNewListItem = lvwCustomer.ListItems.Add(, , txtFirst.Text, , "Custs")

PopulateListItem objNewListItem

With objNewListItem

.SubItems(mlngCUST_ID_IDX) = CStr(lngIDField)


End With

Set lvwCustomer.SelectedItem = objNewListItem

Set objNewListItem = Nothing


lngIDField = CLng(lvwCustomer.SelectedItem.SubItems(mlngCUST_ID_IDX))

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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

VLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

strSQL = "UPDATE Customer SET "

strSQL = strSQL & " FirstName = '" & Replace$(txtFirst.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", LastName = '" & Replace$(txtLast.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", Address = '" & Replace$(txtAddr.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", City = '" & Replace$(txtCity.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", State = '" & txtState.Text & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", Zip = '" & txtZip.Text & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", PhoneNumber = '" & strPhone & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE CustID = " & lngIDField

lvwCustomer.SelectedItem.Text = txtFirst.Text

PopulateListItem lvwCustomer.SelectedItem

End If

mobjCmd.CommandText = strSQL


SetFormState True

mblnUpdateInProgress = False

End Sub

When we need to add a new record, a new, unique record ID must generated. In this particular sample

application, the record ID is defined as a Long Integer in the database. The GetNextCustID function shown below

uses the SQL MAX function to find the highest existing value for the CustID field, adds one to it, and returns that

value to the caller. It should be noted that if the CustID field was defined as an Access AutoNumber field, the logic of

this application would have to be modified accordingly.


Private Sub cmdSave_Click()


Dim strPhone As String

Dim objNewListItem As ListItem

Dim lngIDField As Long

Dim strSQL As String

If Not ValidateFormFields Then Exit Sub

strPhone = txtArea.Text & txtPrfx.Text & txtLine.Text

If mstrMaintMode = "ADD" Then

lngIDField = GetNextCustID()

strSQL = "INSERT INTO Customer( CustID"

strSQL = strSQL & " , FirstName"

strSQL = strSQL & " , LastName"

strSQL = strSQL & " , Address"

strSQL = strSQL & " , City"

strSQL = strSQL & " , State"

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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

NMLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

strSQL = strSQL & " , Zip"

strSQL = strSQL & " , PhoneNumber"

strSQL = strSQL & " ) VALUES ("

strSQL = strSQL & lngIDField

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & Replace$(txtFirst.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & Replace$(txtLast.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & Replace$(txtAddr.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & Replace$(txtCity.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & txtState.Text & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & txtZip.Text & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & strPhone & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ")"

Set objNewListItem = lvwCustomer.ListItems.Add(, , txtFirst.Text, , "Custs")

PopulateListItem objNewListItem

With objNewListItem

.SubItems(mlngCUST_ID_IDX) = CStr(lngIDField)


End With

Set lvwCustomer.SelectedItem = objNewListItem

Set objNewListItem = Nothing


lngIDField = CLng(lvwCustomer.SelectedItem.SubItems(mlngCUST_ID_IDX))

strSQL = "UPDATE Customer SET "

strSQL = strSQL & " FirstName = '" & Replace$(txtFirst.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", LastName = '" & Replace$(txtLast.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", Address = '" & Replace$(txtAddr.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", City = '" & Replace$(txtCity.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", State = '" & txtState.Text & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", Zip = '" & txtZip.Text & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", PhoneNumber = '" & strPhone & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE CustID = " & lngIDField

lvwCustomer.SelectedItem.Text = txtFirst.Text

PopulateListItem lvwCustomer.SelectedItem

End If

mobjCmd.CommandText = strSQL


SetFormState True

mblnUpdateInProgress = False

End Sub

For a delete action, after we have confirmed that the user truly wants to delete the record, we set the

CommandText property of the Command object directly with the necessary SQL statement as shown below:

mobjCmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Customer WHERE CustID = " & lngCustID

The DELETE action query is then executed with the statement

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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

NNLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS


Logic is then executed to update the listview to remove the deleted record.


Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()


Dim strFirstName As String

Dim strLastName As String

Dim lngCustID As Long

Dim lngNewSelIndex As Long

If lvwCustomer.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then

MsgBox "No Customer selected to delete.", _

vbExclamation, _


Exit Sub

End If

With lvwCustomer.SelectedItem

strFirstName = .Text

strLastName = .SubItems(mlngCUST_LAST_IDX)

lngCustID = CLng(.SubItems(mlngCUST_ID_IDX))

End With

If MsgBox("Are you sure that you want to delete Customer '" _

& strFirstName & " " & strLastName & "'?", _

vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _

"Confirm Delete") = vbNo Then

Exit Sub

End If

mobjCmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Customer WHERE CustID = " & lngCustID


With lvwCustomer

If .SelectedItem.Index = .ListItems.Count Then

lngNewSelIndex = .ListItems.Count - 1


lngNewSelIndex = .SelectedItem.Index

End If

.ListItems.Remove .SelectedItem.Index

If .ListItems.Count > 0 Then

Set .SelectedItem = .ListItems(lngNewSelIndex)

lvwCustomer_ItemClick .SelectedItem



End If

End With

End Sub

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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

NOLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

When the program ends, the DisconnectFromDB sub is called to clean up the database objects. The Command

object variable mobjCmd is set to Nothing. The ADO Connection is then closed by issuing the Close method on the

Connection object variable mobjConn, and then that object is set to Nothing as well. Note: It was not necessary to

"clean up" the Recordset object variable mobjRst, because it was set to Nothing at the end of each Sub in which it

was used.


Private Sub DisconnectFromDB()


Set mobjCmd = Nothing


Set mobjConn = Nothing

End Sub

Using the ListView Control

In this section of the article, code related to the use of the ListView will be explained. To incorporate the ListView

control into your project, you must add the Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 component group to your

toolbox (via Project -> Components). This is the same group that includes the ImageList, Toolbar, StatusBar, etc.

In this project, a ListView control named lvwCustomer and an ImageList control named imlLVIcons were added to

the form. (If you want to use icons with your ListView, you must store those icons in an ImageList control that will be

tied to the ListView control.) An icon representing "customers" was added to the imlLVIcons ImageList; this image

was given a Key property of "Custs".

The following properties of the ListView were set at design time:

Property Value Notes

View 3 lvwReport The ListView is used prominently in the MS-Windows interface. It is used

to display the lists of files and folders in the Windows Explorer and My

Computer applications. In those applications, you can go to the View

menu and specify Large Icons, Small Icons, List, or Details, and the

appearance of the file list is modified accordingly. With the VB ListView

control, the 0-lvwIcon (the default), 1-lvwSmallIcon, 2-lvwList, and 3-

lvwReport settings for the View property correspond respectively to the

Windows Explorer / My Computer View menu options listed above.

Setting the ListView View property to 3-lvwReport enables the display of

data in a columnar, grid-like fashion.

LabelEdit 1 - lvwManual In a Windows Explorer or My Computer ListView, you know that you can

rename a file by clicking once on its text label, then clicking it again. With

the VB ListView control, the editing of the text label is possible when the

LabelEdit property is set to 0-lvwAutomatic (which is the default). To

prevent the user from modifying the data in the text label (which is the

first column of the list when using the 3-lvwReport View), the LabelEdit

property must be set to 1-lvwManual.

FullRowSelect True This is a Boolean property that is applicable only when View is set to 3-

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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

NPLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

lvwReport. If False (the default), only the first column will be highlighted

when a row is selected. If True, the entire row will be highlighted when


GridLines True This is a Boolean property that is applicable only when View is set to 3-

lvwReport. If True, grid lines will border the cells of the ListView. The

default is False.

On the Property Pages, Image Lists tab, the "Small" Icon Image List was set to imlLVIcons (the ImageList that was

added to the form).

In the Form_Load event, a call is made to the programmer-defined Sub "SetupCustLVCols". Here, we set up the

columns for the ListView by using the Add method of the ListView's ColumnHeaders collection. The arguments for the

Add method, all optional, are: index, key, text, width, alignment, icon. In the code below, only the text and the width

arguments are specified. The text argument specifies the text that will appears in the column header. A common

technique to specify the width is to use a percentage of the ListView as a whole. In the code below, the First Name

will take up 15% of the ListView's width; the Last Name will take up 12%, and so on. In order to prevent a horizontal

scroll bar from appearing at the bottom of the ListView, keep the total width under 100% (in the code below, the

percentages add up to 98%). (If you want to display many columns, or certain columns must be particularly wide, the

total percentage can certainly exceed 100%, in which case a horizontal scroll bar will automatically appear at the

bottom of the ListView, and the user will have to scroll to see one or more columns.) Note that you may specify 0 for

the column width, in which case you create a "hidden" column, useful for storing data that the user need not see (in

this case, the "ID" column). The alignment property is not specified for any of the columns in the code below, so by

default, all of the columns will be left-aligned. The other alignment options are centered or right-aligned. The

alignment argument for left, center, and right are specified with the constants lvwColumnLeft, lvwColumnCenter, and

lvwColumnRight, respectively. The code for this Sub is as follows:


Private Sub SetupCustLVCols()


With lvwCustomer


.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "First Name", .Width * 0.15

.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Last Name", .Width * 0.12

.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Address", .Width * 0.2

.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "City", .Width * 0.15

.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "St", .Width * 0.06

.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Zip", .Width * 0.1

.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Phone #", .Width * 0.2

.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "ID", 0

End With

End Sub

Also in the Form_Load event, following the call to "SetupCustLVCols" is the call to the "LoadCustomerListView"

Sub. We looked at this Sub earlier to examine the ADO/database aspects of the code; now we will look at it to

examine the ListView aspects of the code.

A local ListItem object, objCurrLI, is declared. ListItem objects represent the entries of the ListView; they are the

components of the ListView's ListItems collection.

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After the recordset has been created, we first use the Clear method to remove all existing ListItem objects from the

ListView (this step is technically not needed in the case of this particular application, but it is good practice to do this

there could be situations where you need to reload a ListView, and failure to clear the existing items will result in

extraneous or duplicate items in the list).

As we loop through the Recordset, for each record we create a new ListItem object by invoking the Add method of

the ListItems collection, setting the reference to the new ListItem to the objCurrLI variable. The arguments for the

Add method, all optional, are: index, key, text, icon, smallicon. We are using only the text and the smallicon arguments.

The text argument sets the Text property of the ListView; it is the text that will appear in the first column of the

ListView (in this case, it is the FirstName field from the recordset). The smallicon argument refers to the image that will

appear to the left of each ListItem; here we specify "Custs", which is the Key of the desired image in the imlLVIcons

ImageList control (which we tied to this ListView control).

The remaining fields of the recordset are assigned to the corresponding SubItems entries of the current ListItem.

Whenever you add more than one ColumnHeader object, you create corresponding SubItem elements that are

associated with each ListItem. The SubItems collection is a string array of data associated with a ListItem.

ColumnHeaders and SubItems are "1-based" collections however, the upper bound of the SubItems is always one

greater than the upper bound of the ColumnHeaders. This is because ColumnHeaders(1) corresponds to the

ListItem's Text property; ColumnHeaders(2) through ColumnHeaders(n) correspond to the ListItem's SubItems(1)

through SubItems(n 1). Note that constants are used for the SubItem indexes (you could alternatively just use

hard-coded numbers to refer to the indexes). These constants were defined at the form-level:

' Customer LV SubItem Indexes ...

Private Const mlngCUST_LAST_IDX As Long = 1

Private Const mlngCUST_ADDR_IDX As Long = 2

Private Const mlngCUST_CITY_IDX As Long = 3

Private Const mlngCUST_ST_IDX As Long = 4

Private Const mlngCUST_ZIP_IDX As Long = 5

Private Const mlngCUST_PHONE_IDX As Long = 6

Private Const mlngCUST_ID_IDX As Long = 7

After the loop has completed, we then check the Count property of the ListItems collection. As long as at least one

record was loaded, we set the SelectedItem property of the ListView to the first ListItem. The SelectedItem property

of the ListView is a reference to the ListItem that is currently selected. (Normally, the SelectedItem property is set

when the user clicks on a ListItem.) We then call the ListView's ItemClick event (lvwCustomer_ItemClick). The

ItemClick event expects a ListItem argument, so we pass it the selected item that we just set. (Normally, the

ItemClick event is fired when the user clicks on a ListItem.) We will explore the code for the lvwCustomer_ItemClick

event shortly.

The code for "LoadCustomerListView" is shown below, with the ListView-related code in bold:


Private Sub LoadCustomerListView()


Dim strSQL As String

Dim objCurrLI As ListItem

Dim strZip As String

Dim strPhone As String

strSQL = "SELECT FirstName" _

& " , LastName" _

& " , Address" _

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& " , City" _

& " , State" _

& " , Zip" _

& " , PhoneNumber" _

& " , CustID" _

& " FROM Customer " _

& " ORDER BY LastName" _

& " , FirstName"

mobjCmd.CommandText = strSQL

Set mobjRst = mobjCmd.Execute


With mobjRst

Do Until .EOF

strPhone = !PhoneNumber & ""

If Len(strPhone) > 0 Then

strPhone = "(" & Left$(strPhone, 3) & ") " _

& Mid$(strPhone, 4, 3) & "-" _

& Right$(strPhone, 4)

End If

Set objCurrLI = lvwCustomer.ListItems.Add(, , !FirstName & "", , "Custs")

objCurrLI.SubItems(mlngCUST_LAST_IDX) = !LastName & ""

objCurrLI.SubItems(mlngCUST_ADDR_IDX) = !Address & ""

objCurrLI.SubItems(mlngCUST_CITY_IDX) = !City & ""

objCurrLI.SubItems(mlngCUST_ST_IDX) = !State & ""

objCurrLI.SubItems(mlngCUST_ZIP_IDX) = !Zip & ""

objCurrLI.SubItems(mlngCUST_PHONE_IDX) = strPhone

objCurrLI.SubItems(mlngCUST_ID_IDX) = CStr(!CustID)



End With

With lvwCustomer

If .ListItems.Count > 0 Then

Set .SelectedItem = .ListItems(1)

lvwCustomer_ItemClick .SelectedItem

End If

End With

Set objCurrLI = Nothing

Set mobjRst = Nothing

End Sub

The ListView's ItemClick event is fired when the user clicks on a ListItem in the ListView. VB passes an

argument called Item to the event, which refers to the ListItem that was clicked. In the lvwCustomer_ItemClick event

below, we populate the textboxes in the "Current Record" frame of the form with the data from the currently selected



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NSLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Private Sub lvwCustomer_ItemClick(ByVal Item As MSComctlLib.ListItem)


gblnPopulating = True

With Item

txtFirst.Text = .Text

txtLast.Text = .SubItems(mlngCUST_LAST_IDX)

txtAddr.Text = .SubItems(mlngCUST_ADDR_IDX)

txtCity.Text = .SubItems(mlngCUST_CITY_IDX)

txtState.Text = .SubItems(mlngCUST_ST_IDX)

txtZip.Text = .SubItems(mlngCUST_ZIP_IDX)

If .SubItems(mlngCUST_PHONE_IDX) = "" Then

txtArea.Text = ""

txtPrfx.Text = ""

txtLine.Text = ""


txtArea.Text = Mid$(.SubItems(mlngCUST_PHONE_IDX), 2, 3)

txtPrfx.Text = Mid$(.SubItems(mlngCUST_PHONE_IDX), 7, 3)

txtLine.Text = Right$(.SubItems(mlngCUST_PHONE_IDX), 4)

End If

End With

gblnPopulating = False

End Sub

The ListView's ColumnClick event is fired when the user clicks on one of the ListView's column headers. VB

passes an argument called ColumnHeader to the event, which refers to the column header that was clicked. What

we want to do is sort the ListView by the column that was clicked. The ListView control has three properties related

to sorting:

Sorted is a Boolean indicating whether or not the ListView is currently sorted.

SortKey is an integer representing the column currently sorted. Zero specifies that the ListView is sorted on the value

of the Text property (i.e., the first column). A number from 1 to the number of SubItems specifies that the ListView is

sorted on the value of that SubItem. The SubItemIndex property of the ColumnHeader object returns the

appropriate value.

SortOrder is a numeric value indicating whether the sort is ascending or descending. The values can be specified with

the constants lvwAscending or lvwDescending.

The first part of the code in the lvwCustomer_ColumnClick event checks to see if the user clicked on the column that

the ListView is currently sorted on. If so, it toggles the ascending / descending value. Otherwise, it sorts the ListView

on the clicked column in ascending order. The second part of the code makes sure that, if an item was selected prior

to the sort, it is still visible after the sort. The EnsureVisible method of the ListItem object checks that the ListItem is

currently viewable in the ListView if not, it automatically scrolls the ListView to make it viewable.


Private Sub lvwCustomer_ColumnClick(ByVal ColumnHeader As SComctlLib.ColumnHeader)


' sort the listview on the column clicked

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NTLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

With lvwCustomer

If (.Sorted) And (ColumnHeader.SubItemIndex = .SortKey) Then

If .SortOrder = lvwAscending Then

.SortOrder = lvwDescending


.SortOrder = lvwAscending

End If


.Sorted = True

.SortKey = ColumnHeader.SubItemIndex

.SortOrder = lvwAscending

End If


End With

' If an item was selected prior to the sort,

' make sure it is still visible now that the sort is done.

If Not lvwCustomer.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then


End If

End Sub

Next, we will look at the ListView's role in cmdSave_Click event. We looked at this Sub earlier to examine the

ADO/database aspects of the code; now we will look at it to examine the ListView aspects of the code.

A ListItem object variable, objNewListItem, is declared at the local level. This will be used on the "ADD" side (i.e., if we

are saving a newly added record). On the "ADD" side, after we have set up the SQL to do an INSERT, we use the Add

method of the ListItems collection to add a new ListItem. The reference to the new ListItem is assigned to the

objNewListItem variable. Note that the first name that has been entered into the txtFirst textbox is used for the Text

property of the newly added item. The next statement calls the programmer-defined Sub PopulateListItem, passing it

the newly added ListItem as an argument (the code for PopulateListItem will be shown a little later below, but all it

does is assign the values of the textboxes used in the add or update to the corresponding SubItems of the ListItem

object passed in to the Sub). Following this, the new Customer ID (that was established when GetNextCustID was

called) is assigned to the corresponding SubItem of the new ListItem. The EnsureVisible method is invoked to ensure

that the user can see the newly added item. The SelectedItem property is then set to reference the newly added

item. To clean things up, the objNewListItem variable is then set to Nothing.

On the "UPDATE" side, our job is to modify the SubItem values of the currently selected item to reflect the user's

changes. Here, we get the value for the lngIDField variable from the "hidden" Cust ID column of the currently selected

ListItem of the ListView. This variable is then used in the building of the UPDATE SQL statement. We then set the Text

property of the currently selected item to the first name entered in the txtFirst textbox, and then we call the

PopulateListItem Sub, passing the the currently selected ListItem.

The code for the "cmdSave_Click" event procedure is shown below, with the ListView-related code in bold:


Private Sub cmdSave_Click()


Dim strPhone As String

Dim objNewListItem As ListItem

Dim lngIDField As Long

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NULRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Dim strSQL As String

If Not ValidateFormFields Then Exit Sub

strPhone = txtArea.Text & txtPrfx.Text & txtLine.Text

If mstrMaintMode = "ADD" Then

lngIDField = GetNextCustID()

strSQL = "INSERT INTO Customer( CustID"

strSQL = strSQL & " , FirstName"

strSQL = strSQL & " , LastName"

strSQL = strSQL & " , Address"

strSQL = strSQL & " , City"

strSQL = strSQL & " , State"

strSQL = strSQL & " , Zip"

strSQL = strSQL & " , PhoneNumber"

strSQL = strSQL & " ) VALUES ("

strSQL = strSQL & lngIDField

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & Replace$(txtFirst.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & Replace$(txtLast.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & Replace$(txtAddr.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & Replace$(txtCity.Text, "'", "''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & txtState.Text & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & txtZip.Text & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & strPhone & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ")"

Set objNewListItem = lvwCustomer.ListItems.Add(, , txtFirst.Text, , Custs")

PopulateListItem objNewListItem

With objNewListItem

.SubItems(mlngCUST_ID_IDX) = CStr(lngIDField)


End With

Set lvwCustomer.SelectedItem = objNewListItem

Set objNewListItem = Nothing


lngIDField = CLng(lvwCustomer.SelectedItem.SubItems(mlngCUST_ID_IDX))

strSQL = "UPDATE Customer SET "

strSQL = strSQL & " FirstName = '" & Replace$(txtFirst.Text, "'", ''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", LastName = '" & Replace$(txtLast.Text, "'", ''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", Address = '" & Replace$(txtAddr.Text, "'", ''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", City = '" & Replace$(txtCity.Text, "'", ''") & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", State = '" & txtState.Text & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", Zip = '" & txtZip.Text & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & ", PhoneNumber = '" & strPhone & "'"

strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE CustID = " & lngIDField

lvwCustomer.SelectedItem.Text = txtFirst.Text

PopulateListItem lvwCustomer.SelectedItem

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NVLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

End If

mobjCmd.CommandText = strSQL


SetFormState True

mblnUpdateInProgress = False

End Sub

The code for the programmer-defined Sub "PopulateListItem" (discussed above) is shown below:


Private Sub PopulateListItem(pobjListItem As ListItem)


With pobjListItem

.SubItems(mlngCUST_LAST_IDX) = txtLast.Text

.SubItems(mlngCUST_ADDR_IDX) = txtAddr.Text

.SubItems(mlngCUST_CITY_IDX) = txtCity.Text

.SubItems(mlngCUST_ST_IDX) = txtState.Text

.SubItems(mlngCUST_ZIP_IDX) = txtZip.Text

.SubItems(mlngCUST_PHONE_IDX) _

= IIf(txtArea.Text = "", _

"", _

"(" & txtArea.Text & ") " & txtPrfx.Text & "-" & txtLine.Text)

End With

End Sub

The last bit of ListView-related code we will look at is in the cmdDelete_Click event procedure. In the first

section of highlighted code, we use the SelectedItem to get the first and last name of the customer to be deleted so

that we can present the message "Are you sure that you want to delete Customer so-and-so?"; we also get the Cust

ID for use in building the SQL string. Provided that the user goes ahead with the delete, we must refresh the ListView

accordingly: we are going to remove the currently selected item, and we also want to establish a "new" selected item

(we will store the index of the new selected item in the variable lngNewSelIndex). We first test to see if the item to

be deleted is the last item of the ListView if it is, then the "new" selected item's index will be one less than currently

selected item's index (for example, if you have five items and you delete the fifth one, the "new" last item will be the

fourth one) otherwise the "new" selected item's index will be the same as the currently selected item's index (for

example, if you have five items and you delete the third one, the item that was previously fourth will now be third).

The selected item is then removed with the Remove method of the ListItems collection. Provided that we did not

delete the very last record of the table, we set the "new" selected item (using the value of the lngNewSelIndex

variable) and then call the lvwCustomer_ItemClick event procedure, passing it that new item which will cause the

textboxes to be populated with the data from the newly selected item.


Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()


Dim strFirstName As String

Dim strLastName As String

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OMLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Dim lngCustID As Long

Dim lngNewSelIndex As Long

If lvwCustomer.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then

MsgBox "No Customer selected to delete.", _

vbExclamation, _


Exit Sub

End If

With lvwCustomer.SelectedItem

strFirstName = .Text

strLastName = .SubItems(mlngCUST_LAST_IDX)

lngCustID = CLng(.SubItems(mlngCUST_ID_IDX))

End With

If MsgBox("Are you sure that you want to delete Customer '" _

& strFirstName & " " & strLastName & "'?", _

vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _

"Confirm Delete") = vbNo Then

Exit Sub

End If

mobjCmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Customer WHERE CustID = " & lngCustID


With lvwCustomer

If .SelectedItem.Index = .ListItems.Count Then

lngNewSelIndex = .ListItems.Count - 1


lngNewSelIndex = .SelectedItem.Index

End If

.ListItems.Remove .SelectedItem.Index

If .ListItems.Count > 0 Then

Set .SelectedItem = .ListItems(lngNewSelIndex)

lvwCustomer_ItemClick .SelectedItem



End If

End With

End Sub

Download the project files for this sample application here.

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ONLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

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Fri, 12/16/2011 - 06:40 — Ahsan Sharif (not verified)

Fri, 12/16/2011 - 06:40 — Ahsan Sharif (not verified)

Fri, 12/16/2011 - 06:30 — Ahsan Sharif (not verified)

How to make datagrid editable.

how to make the data grid editable like enter new data from the data grid and stores it into the database access.


How to make datagrid editable.

how to make the datagrid editable like enter new data from the datagrid and stores it into the database access.


show listbox when an item is added in the textbox.

Page 22: Using ADO and the ListView Control _ Visual Basic 6 (VB6)

NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

OOLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Wed, 11/16/2011 - 00:20 — arvind purohit (not verified)

Thu, 10/27/2011 - 18:42 — Gaurav1988 (not verified)

Wed, 10/26/2011 - 01:05 — daminasi (not verified)

Mon, 10/10/2011 - 00:15 — darkangel (not verified)

Fri, 08/05/2011 - 06:40 — Mr. dick (not verified)

How to show a list box when an item is written in the textbox by a user and that item is already present in that list

box, it is like a google suggestion or like an intellisense.

Kindly reply me as soon as u can i want to do my project complte quickly.



plz give coding so that i cn

plz give coding so that i cn access data base by command button



ab8 table

how to make search for the names in above table. whats the programme for this


Excellent Work & plz send me sale form

hi, I'm beginner in vb6, plz help me.i make stock control project in my exam,but i have a problem.Ur customer form is

best.because if u can send list view or DBgrid, amount ,quantity and discount with made sale form like customer form.

my English poor.sorry.

my mail: [email protected].


i'm just a beginner in vb6.

i'm just a beginner in vb6. pls. help me in database connection... i will br so greatefull...



trouble shoot this error,,please,,

I had one probleme to learn about VB 6,

here are the list of the code, how to make good trouble shoot

yellow line in VB = (==>)


run time error '91'

object variable or with block variable not set"

Private Sub cbopro_Click(Area As Integer)

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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

OPLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Mon, 06/27/2011 - 00:51 — umeshHARDE (not verified)

Tue, 06/07/2011 - 07:04 — Anonymous (not verified)

Wed, 06/01/2011 - 04:58 — Deepak K N (not verified)


Private Sub cbopro_Click(Area As Integer)


==> If Area = 2 Then Call lCarikdproduk

End Sub

Private Sub lCarikdproduk()

If Trim(cbopro.Text) = "" Then Exit Sub

Set rsDetail = New ADODB.Recordset

With rsDetail

sql = "SELECT * from tbproduk WHERE kdproduk = '" & cbopro.Text & "'"

.Open sql, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

If .RecordCount = 0 Then

lblkdproduk.Caption = ""


'cnmproduk = !nmproduk

lblkdproduk.Caption = !nmproduk

End If

End With

End Sub

I need your help soon,,,

thanks a lot for your time,,


how to search a data from database

I am just beginer in vb6. I want to design a form for searching data of book with Accession No.

If anyone send me source code of the program. I really will be grateful.




I want to create AIRLINES

I want to create AIRLINES project using my own knowledge. If you do any help for me


Hello Sir, Hoe generate

Hello Sir,

Hoe generate dynamic report(Using any Reporting Tool) so that client can modify it


Page 24: Using ADO and the ListView Control _ Visual Basic 6 (VB6)

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OQLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Wed, 06/01/2011 - 04:56 — Deepak K N (not verified)

Tue, 04/19/2011 - 17:03 — Anonymous (not verified)

Fri, 03/25/2011 - 12:42 — humaira wagan

Mon, 11/21/2011 - 23:35 — PalomoSoft



Dear Sir,

How to generate dynamic reports (using any Reporting Tool) so that customer can modify it. Please guide me on this.



I want to learn ado shape

Dear Sir,

I want to learn ado shape .How to add , delete,modify record in ado shape?



listview problem in deleting items

when we are selecting any record from listview and pressing delete button it doesn't delete the selected record from

the database,it deletes the first record present in the database not the selected...plz help it out



listview problem in deleting items

here is the code..hope it will help..

lvw - listview name

cDel - name of commandbutton.

If lvw.ListItems.Count <> 0 Then

lvw.Tag = lvw.ListItems(lvw.SelectedItem.Index)

End If

Private Sub cDel_Click()

If lvw.Tag <> "" Then

If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to DELETE this record?", vbExclamation + vbYesNo, "Delete Record") = vbYes


con.Execute "Delete from tblcourse where cId = " & Int(lvw.Tag) & ""

MsgBox "Data Successfully Deleted.", vbInformation, "Delete"

Call Lvw_Loader();lvw.tag=""

Else: lvw.Tag = ""

End If

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ORLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Sun, 01/30/2011 - 10:05 — arik (not verified)

Mon, 01/31/2011 - 00:48 — David27 (not verified)

Fri, 02/18/2011 - 12:28 — ChrisGT7

Else: MsgBox "NO selected record to be Deleted.", vbExclamation, "Delete Record"

End If

End Sub


error while cancelling the add person

i love your code very good ..but there is a problem

i ereased all the contacts in the list view

and when i add person and whant to cancel i get error


run time error 91

object variable or with block variable not set


any solution??


the samething

i get the same error to..

somebody can help us?


One solution found!

Yeap! Same error to me also... The problem is at the Private Sub lvwCustomer_ItemClick. Replace the sub

with the following one:


Private Sub lvwCustomer_ItemClick(ByVal Item As MSComctlLib.ListItem)


gblnPopulating = True

If Not Item Is Nothing Then

With Item

txtFirst.Text = .Text

txtLast.Text = .SubItems(mlngCUST_LAST_IDX)

txtAddr.Text = .SubItems(mlngCUST_ADDR_IDX)

txtCity.Text = .SubItems(mlngCUST_CITY_IDX)

txtState.Text = .SubItems(mlngCUST_ST_IDX)

txtZip.Text = .SubItems(mlngCUST_ZIP_IDX)

If .SubItems(mlngCUST_PHONE_IDX) = "" Then

txtArea.Text = ""

txtPrfx.Text = ""

txtLine.Text = ""

Page 26: Using ADO and the ListView Control _ Visual Basic 6 (VB6)

NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

OSLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Fri, 07/08/2011 - 17:46 — jamesfarhant (not verified)

Tue, 07/26/2011 - 10:38 — Anonymous (not verified)


txtArea.Text = Mid$(.SubItems(mlngCUST_PHONE_IDX), 2, 3)

txtPrfx.Text = Mid$(.SubItems(mlngCUST_PHONE_IDX), 7, 3)

txtLine.Text = Right$(.SubItems(mlngCUST_PHONE_IDX), 4)

End If

End With

End If

gblnPopulating = False

End Sub

It works perfectly now. The code was trying to display the data of the item clicked! But all the records were

deleted so no display data was found. The If statement solved the problem!


progressbar loading DB

Hello everyone

i need help

i made a programm with database access using listview and a progressbar that will count the records and

display them in the progressbar

and its not working.

this is the code.

Option Explicit

Public Cn As ADODB.Connection

Public RS As ADODB.Recordset

Private Sub Form_Load()

Set RS = Cn.Execute("select * from tblAddresses ")

While Not RS.EOF

Set itm = frmMain.lvwAddress.ListItems.Add(, , RS!FirstName)


pbr.Value = pbr.Value + 1



End Sub



Under the line "pbr.Value = pbr.Value + 1" add the following command:


Of course this command will slow very much the loading proccess but it is very fancy to see a progress

bar and helps the user to check if everything is OK.

I believe this command is the missing part of your code.

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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

OTLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Sun, 02/20/2011 - 12:49 — Arik (not verified)

Sun, 02/20/2011 - 14:47 — ChrisGT7

Mon, 02/28/2011 - 13:19 — Arik (not verified)

Tue, 03/01/2011 - 04:51 — Arik



thank you now i have another

thank you

now i have another question

i created another form in the same project as this customer listview.

now how can i show the people from this form (listview)

in my other form using combo box?

i just want to display this customer list in a nother form and to add them their from the list and the person

that i choose to add.

thanks for advanced



If I understand right, you have one combo box in your new form and this combo should be filled with

all the first names of costumers? So you can choose from this combo the customer and display his

details to another combos or text boxes?

Or every time you click on a customer from the list, the combo box will be filled with all the details of

the selected costumer?

Looking forward for your explainations in order to help you.




exactly what you said before



"you have one combo box in your new form and this combo should be filled with all the first names

of costumers? So you can choose from this combo the customer and display his details to another

combos or text boxes?"

i want to display the detail of the customers in the text box.



i want to show the customers in another form using combobox and displaying the data in the


Page 28: Using ADO and the ListView Control _ Visual Basic 6 (VB6)

NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

OULRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Tue, 03/01/2011 - 16:04 — ChrisGT7

Wed, 03/02/2011 - 00:44 — Arik



Let's say your new form is Form1, the combo for customers Combo1 and a control array of

5 text boxes to display in each one all the reamining details of the chosen customer from

the combo box. Change the Index property of each text box to: 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Here are the steps of the code in your new form:

Private Sub Form_Load()

For i = 1 To frmCustMaint.lvwCustomer.ListItems.Count

Combo1.AddItem frmCustMaint.lvwCustomer.ListItems(i) & " " &



Combo1.Text = Combo1.List(0)

End Sub

Private Sub Combo1_Click()

For i = 2 To 6

Text1(i).Text = frmCustMaint.lvwCustomer.ListItems(Combo1.ListIndex + 1).SubItems(i)


End Sub

If you delete a customer while your new form is open, your combo will not be updated and

when you choose the deleted customer from it there will be a run-time error. You have to

close your form and open it again to avoid the run-time error. Or you have to copy the

code for filling the combo box in the code of the delete button.

For anything else, please ask me. I hope this sample will satisfy you!



hey ChrisGT7

im kind of new in vb 6 first of all


it dosnt work and it dosnt even give me an error or something else

ill try to make it simple that you can help me.i know im doing something wrong

this is the code of my first form(forget the customers form for now)


Option Explicit

Private lBegin As Long

Dim Columns As Long

Dim i As Long

Private fFreeze As Boolean

Private Sub abc_Click()

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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

OVLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Form4414.Show 1

End Sub

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()

frmNew.Show 1

End Sub

Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()

Dim strFirstName As String

If Me.ListView.ListItems.Count = 0 Then

MsgBox "", vbInformation, ""

Exit Sub

End If

If MsgBox("DELTE?", vbYesNo, " ") = vbYes Then

Call dbConnect

conn.Execute "Delete * from tbl_info where id_info=" &

Val(Me.ListView.SelectedItem.Text) & ""


Set conn = Nothing

Me.ListView.ListItems.Remove (Me.ListView.SelectedItem.Index)

MsgBox "", vbInformation, ""


cancel = True

End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()

If Me.ListView.ListItems.Count = 0 Then

MsgBox "", vbInformation, ""

Exit Sub

End If

frmEdit.Show 1

End Sub

Private Sub cmdRefresh_Click()

Text1.Text = ""

Call loadRecords

Form11.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

fFreeze = True

Me.MousePointer = vbHourglass

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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

PMLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Label8.Caption = " " & FormatDateTime(Now, vbLongDate)

Call loadRecords

With ListView

Columns = .ColumnHeaders.Count

For i = 1 To Columns

.ColumnHeaders(i).Position = Columns - i + 1


End With

Me.MousePointer = vbDefault

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(cancel As Integer)

Dim Form As Form

For Each Form In Forms

Unload Form



End Sub

Private Sub lvButtons_H1_Click()

frmMain525.Show 1

End Sub

Private Sub lvButtons_H2_Click()

frmCustMaint.Show 1

End Sub

Private Sub lvButtons_H3_Click()

frmBackupDba.Show 1

End Sub

Private Sub InitSearchListVw(LV As ListView)

On Error GoTo InitErr

Dim lItem As Long

Dim lSubitem As Long

For lItem = 1 To LV.ListItems.Count

For lSubitem = 0 To LV.ColumnHeaders.Count - 1

If lSubitem = 0 Then

LV.ListItems(lItem).Tag = LV.ListItems(lItem).Text


LV.ListItems(lItem).Tag = LV.ListItems(lItem).Tag & ";" & _


End If

Page 31: Using ADO and the ListView Control _ Visual Basic 6 (VB6)

Next lSubitem

Next lItem

LV.Tag = "Loaded " & lItem

Debug.Print LV.Tag & " Items"


Select Case Err.Number

Case 0:

Case 91:

Case Else:

Debug.Print Err.Number; Err.Description

End Select

End Sub

Private Sub lvButtons_H4_Click()

Dim response As Integer

response = MsgBox("?", vbYesNo + vbInformation, "")

If response = vbYes Then


End If

End Sub

Private Sub lvButtons_H5_Click()

frmMain.Show 1

End Sub

Private Sub lvButtons_H6_Click()

Text1.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub lvButtons_H7_Click()

frmMain4.Show 1

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_Change()


Call dbConnect

sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_info WHERE info_name LIKE '" & Trim(Text1.Text) & "%'"

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

rs.Open sql, conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If Not rs.EOF Then

Do Until rs.EOF

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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

POLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Set Item = Me.ListView.ListItems.Add(, , rs!id_info, , "Custs")

With ListView

Item.SubItems(1) = rs!info_name

Item.SubItems(2) = rs!info_address

Item.SubItems(3) = rs!phone

Item.SubItems(4) = rs!mobile

Item.SubItems(5) = rs!mdate

Item.SubItems(6) = rs!mone

Item.SubItems(7) = rs!tech

Item.SubItems(8) = rs!modle

Item.SubItems(9) = rs!os

Item.SubItems(10) = rs!ok

End With


cmdDelete.Enabled = True

cmdEdit.Enabled = True

cmdAdd.Enabled = True

lvButtons_H4.Enabled = True

lvButtons_H3.Enabled = True

abc.Enabled = True

lvButtons_H2.Enabled = True

lvButtons_H5.Enabled = True

cmdRefresh.Enabled = True


End If

rs.Close: Set rs = Nothing

End Sub

Sub Form_QueryUnload(cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)

Dim reply As Integer

reply = MsgBox("?", vbInformation + vbYesNo, "")

If reply = vbNo Then

cancel = 1

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Timer3_Timer()

Label2.Caption = Me.ListView.ListItems.Count

End Sub

Private Sub Timer4_Timer()

Form11.Caption = " "

End Sub

Private Sub listview_Mouseup(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As


If Button = 2 Then '

Me.PopupMenu mnuRightClick 'Show the popup menu

Page 33: Using ADO and the ListView Control _ Visual Basic 6 (VB6)

Mon, 12/12/2011 - 03:33 — Anonymous (not verified)

Wed, 03/02/2011 - 06:09 — Arik

End If

End Sub

Private Sub mnuDelete_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub lvwPeople_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)

End Sub

Private Sub refresh_click()

Call loadRecords

End Sub

Private Sub excel_click()

Form125.Show 1

End Sub

Private Sub info_Click()

Form4414.Show 1

End Sub

Private Sub details_Click()

If Me.ListView.ListItems.Count = 0 Then

MsgBox "", vbInformation, ""

Exit Sub

End If

Form3.Show 1

End Sub

Private Sub exit_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub.


this form is named form 11 so far so good.

now i made another form that contains 3 text boxes and i added a combobox

by the way the name of the database in form 11 that holds the list is called


how do i connect to form 11 and displaying the user name in the combobox in the new

form that i just created?

like i said im new in vb 6 and i need a slow explanation .

thanks for the help


help plsss..

i had a problem using list view control...

i made a program using the said control....

but when i load the program the column headers didn't appear on the screen...

what should i do???...



Page 34: Using ADO and the ListView Control _ Visual Basic 6 (VB6)

Wed, 03/02/2011 - 12:59 — ChrisGT7

Wed, 03/02/2011 - 15:26 — Arik

Wed, 03/02/2011 - 15:01 — Arik

Mon, 02/07/2011 - 02:49 — Muzammil (not verified)

Thu, 02/10/2011 - 10:40 — David27 (not verified)

can i have your email if i have any questions to ask you about vb 6?



Yes of course. Here it is: [email protected]


change text

what did you meen by Change the Index property of each text box to: 2,

3, 4, 5 and6 ?



the code worked perfect but i have en error

wrong number of arguments some thing like that


this error means, the object

this error means, the object which you are trying to use hasnt been set .. like

you use the statement

set Obj = listView.Addtime (...)

if this Obj hasnt been set and you try to use it you will get this "Object not set" error. The objects which are

not set are actually nothing, and when you try to use them, you are trying to use nothing.


i have a question if you can help me

i added to this database people that have to give me money and didnt pay do i caulculate the

amount of the total money that the people needs to give me according to the database..

for example: joey needs to give me 500 dollars and didnt pay and greg didnt pay 300 .

how can i show in a label the amount total of money that they didnt pay yet.

please help me im kind of new in here

thank you


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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

PRLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Sat, 02/19/2011 - 07:23 — ChrisGT7

Fri, 03/25/2011 - 16:22 — Arik

Mon, 02/28/2011 - 15:26 — Arik

Thu, 02/10/2011 - 10:42 — David27 (not verified)

Wed, 02/09/2011 - 16:23 — Arik (not verified)

Wed, 01/05/2011 - 23:41 — jasvorvan (not verified)

Sum the money

You have to use the SUM() in a SQL statement.

Let's say that the money you enter every time is stored in the table field named MoneyOwned. As you

can understand, the label should display the sum of the MoneyOwned field. Here is what you have to


mobjCmd.CommandText = "SELECT SUM(MoneyOwned) as PayMe FROM table_name"

SET mobjRst = mobjCmd.Execute

And finally: Label1.Caption = Format(mobjRst!PayMe, "$ #,##0.00")

I believe this should work! Looking forward the results...


vb 6

ChrisGT7 u are a pro

thanks for the help!!!!!!!!!!!



thank you worked :)


im using listview by the way

im using listview by the way



soy what do i need to do to bot get this error?


Please Help

the balance of tbStok can't update, please fix my code.....

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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

PSLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Private Sub cmdDel_Click()

Dim a, kb, sat As String

Dim qty, Balance As Double

a = txtNo_Inv.Text

Set rsA = New ADODB.Recordset

rsA.Open "SELECT * From tbSalesDetail WHERE No_Inv ='" & a & "'", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If rsA.RecordCount > 0 Then

If MsgBox("Delete?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Confirmation") = vbNo Then

Exit Sub



Set rsB = New ADODB.Recordset

rsB.Open "SELECT * From tbSalesDetail WHERE No_Inv = '" & a & "'", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If Not rsB.EOF Then


Do While Not rsB.EOF

kb = rsB.Fields(1).Value

qty = rsB.Fields(2).Value

sat = rsB.Fields(3).Value

Set rsC = New ADODB.Recordset

rsC.Open "SELECT * from tbStock WHERE Item_Code = '" & kb & "'", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If rsC.EOF Then

Set rsD = New ADODB.Recordset

rsD.Open "SELECT * From tbStock", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic


rsD.Fields(0).Value = kb

rsD.Fields(1).Value = qty

rsD.Fields(2).Value = sat




Set rsE = New ADODB.Recordset

rsE.Open "SELECT * from tbStock WHERE Item_Code = '" & kb & "'", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic


Balance = rsE.Fields(1).Value

Balance = Val(Format(Balance + qty))

End If

If Not rsB.EOF Then


End If


End If


Set rsG = New ADODB.Recordset

rsG.Open "SELECT * From tbSales WHERE No_Inv = '" & a & "'", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If Not rsG.EOF Then

Set rsF = New ADODB.Recordset

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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

PTLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Tue, 11/23/2010 - 06:29 — MUTHINI

Mon, 10/11/2010 - 22:17 — codecs-VBpro (not verified)

Tue, 10/05/2010 - 09:59 — Anonymous (not verified)

rsF.Open "SELECT tbSalesDetail.*, tbSalesDetail.No_Inv FROM tbSalesDetail WHERE (tbSalesDetail.No_Inv = '" & a &

"')", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If Not rsF.EOF Then

Do Until rsF.EOF




End If


End If

End If

End If



txtNo_Inv.Enabled = True


End Sub


visual basic (listview)

please please i need your help! am a student in college and am doing a project on HRM system. Now i want to

produce a system which will allow users to select/choose specific records from access database and then displayed

on listview.


list view

..i want help.. I had used a list view control in the enrollment system we were asked to do as a completion for

modeling and simulation subject. but i have no idea on how could i move the records shown in the list view to my

data report....i have not yet tried that but i doubt i can't do this on my thanks i found this site..maybe you

can help me...I expect an answer to my problem...please help me...our defense is set on Oct. 29,'10....please... i really

need your help.....anyway...the examples above is a big's too long....but i can use it...thank you....


VB6 inventory

Could anyone help me for my inventory system ?

I'm trying to subtract some value in my table using data environment with a particular

ID number . it only works in the first record .

could anyone help me for my case study project ?

Page 38: Using ADO and the ListView Control _ Visual Basic 6 (VB6)

NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

PULRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Fri, 09/10/2010 - 12:51 — indr4w (not verified)

Sat, 09/04/2010 - 06:59 — Ritche Lim (not verified)

Fri, 08/13/2010 - 18:39 — Gaurab Parajuli ( A vb Programmer ) (not verified)

Mon, 06/28/2010 - 03:42 — vishi (not verified)

Thu, 05/06/2010 - 01:01 — maghsoud (not verified)

thanks in advance


auto select using mouse scroll with 3 listview control

Please urgent

I have 3 listview control

LV a = table customer

LV b = table work order confirmation (woc)

LV c = table product

How to selected row When LV a i am move scroll up or down using mouse then LV b automatic view work order by id

customer and LV c automatic show product by no woc...?



Please help me

please help me for a simple code to connect a database to a listview.. im only a begginer, please give me a simple

code. using module... bec im making a project about inventory system.. please please help me.. just e mail me at

[email protected].

tnx a LOT! hope u will help me..



this is a mess for begineers programmer who want to start with using ADODB in vb6.


db list control


i want the coding of databound list control 6.0. plz help me



I have a problem in ListView and also in ListBox control, "I couldn't add more than 100 items" so what shoud i do?

Page 39: Using ADO and the ListView Control _ Visual Basic 6 (VB6)

NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

PVLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Thu, 04/08/2010 - 21:01 — Roland Boyles (not verified)

Thu, 02/25/2010 - 17:26 — Albert Enilone (not verified)

Thu, 02/25/2010 - 17:22 — Jack Human (not verified)

Tue, 03/23/2010 - 04:19 — sher shah (not verified)

Thu, 02/25/2010 - 17:14 — Anonymous (not verified)


Please Help me!!!! What

Please Help me!!!!

What control in visualbasic6 should i use when i want to capture a picture?? and How??


Find no part in the program

Süper bir uygulama jack sana katılıyorum Birde arama kısmı olsaydı programda çok daha güzel olabilirdi.

Jack sana yardım etmek isterdim ama listview de basit bir arama kodu bende mevcut istersen yazabilirim


So... Command Find Button?

Very nice application, but only one found, the search button is missing if someone can help me if I remain grateful to

those here who will write code to friends, thank you ...

In the meantime get from the database search code or search code, or get in listview I need urgent matter


About Coding


We need the following buttons coding with handler of debug.

New, Next, Privious, Last, First, Delete, Search, Find, Combo box with reports, List box with combo, Calander Date

with form, Calender Date with reports etc


[email protected]



Hi how to listview search / find ???

Please help me


Page 40: Using ADO and the ListView Control _ Visual Basic 6 (VB6)

NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

QMLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Tue, 02/23/2010 - 02:12 — RassKass (not verified)

Thu, 01/21/2010 - 20:28 — Anonymous (not verified)

Tue, 03/23/2010 - 05:17 — Anonymous (not verified)

List View


is it possible to type directly into the list view and save? i have a listview that i have customezed with column headers

and codes to include grid lines now i just wanna be able to type text and save to an access data base, the followin is

my code for grid lines

Private Sub chkGridLines_Click()

Dim rStyle As Long

Dim r As Long

'get the current ListView style

rStyle = SendMessageLong(txtSiteHist.hwnd, LVM_GETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, 0&, 0&)

If chkSelectMode.Value = 0 Then

'remove the extended bit

rStyle = rStyle Xor LVS_EX_GRIDLINES

ElseIf chkSelectMode.Value = 1 Then

'set the extended bit

rStyle = rStyle Or LVS_EX_GRIDLINES

End If

'set the new ListView style

r = SendMessageLong(txtSiteHist.hwnd, LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, 0&, rStyle)

End Sub

i would have loved to post a screen shot of the list view with grid lines, anyways please assist me with this problem

or if there is another alternative control that can help me achieve the same results, Thanks,




Where can I find that listviewcontrol? I can't find it...pls suggest me..



Add "Microsoft Windows

Add "Microsoft Windows Common Control 6.0" from componnents in VB 6.0


Page 41: Using ADO and the ListView Control _ Visual Basic 6 (VB6)

Sun, 01/17/2010 - 00:09 — alvinccruz

Sun, 02/21/2010 - 23:55 — Anonymous (not verified)

Sat, 12/26/2009 - 13:20 — Anonymous (not verified)

Thu, 12/10/2009 - 12:08 — Walid (not verified)

Thu, 12/03/2009 - 02:28 — shivesh pandey (not verified)

Great Help

I'm studying vb6 for a while and I find it difficult to understand how to use the ListView control. This Tutorial thought

me how in a couple of hours.

To further my study, I created my own program using ListView. It was a success... but... with one funny difference.

The selected record loses its highlight when I press any action buttons. I scanned my codes for possible errors, even

compared it line by line with the tutorial... Until, I check each object properties. Fortunately, the first object I checked

is the ListView control itself, its my newest control anyway. The problem lies in the ListView Property:

HideSelection (default is True)

with the following description:

Determines whether the selected item will display as selected "when the ListView loses focus".

Which is exactly was what happening as I navigate my training project. I'm actually happy to see this property, now

my training project is almost as good as the tutorial. I hope, when I create a real application, I can surpass the

tutorial though.

Thanks, its a great help and exercise.


Good coding

Good coding


Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.


Thank you

Thank you very much that was very helpfully

best regards



want to write query of mssql from vb6 by using adoconnection

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QOLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Thu, 11/05/2009 - 16:24 — Anonymous (not verified)

Mon, 10/26/2009 - 23:51 — Anonymous (not verified)

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 05:11 — PrincTM (not verified)

Thu, 10/29/2009 - 18:00 — Anonymous (not verified)

Sat, 09/19/2009 - 01:17 — Tejashree (not verified)


please help me in writing query from visual basic 6 in mssql2000 in ado connection


Really great sample. Simple

Really great sample. Simple and to the pont.




Where can you find that listviewcontrol? I can't find it. What is the name of the dll, ocx so I can add it to my




Wanna ask...

Nice really did help me a lot.. thanks

by the way

what does this code mean "If Not ValidateFormFields Then Exit Sub"???

i was just curious... can anyone explain it to me???


Hi, I think the line "If Not


I think the line "If Not ValidateFormFields Then Exit Sub" means if the validation of the data is not successful

program will not proceed with the Save operation. The function should contain whatever the validation is

necessary for each inputted data.

To the author of the program,

Thanks a lot, this has helped me so much....



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QPLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Sat, 08/08/2009 - 12:03 — kedar (not verified)

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 00:31 — Anonymous (not verified)

Sun, 06/28/2009 - 19:18 — Anonymous (not verified)

Mon, 05/18/2009 - 17:20 — grace (not verified)

Wed, 06/24/2009 - 09:23 — Anonymous (not verified)

Tue, 05/12/2009 - 00:37 — Phoenix (not verified)

thanks i was searching for the same it



i had know about listview control

but you told me how to implement it...

the information provided by you is fantastic and very useful

i m show much thankful to u


Too long!

Too long!



IWHNE I RUN THE PROJECT . IT SHOW THE ERROR MESSAGE "Private Sub PopulateListItem(pobjListItem As ListItem)"

Can't find the project or lib.




what is the function of mblnUpdateInProgress in this code?


The purpose of

The purpose of mblnUpdateInProgress, to me, is so that if the user attempts to close the application while

UpdateInProgress is flagged TRUE, the msgbox will fire telling the user to finish their current action before closing

the window.


Using with VBA

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QQLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Sun, 07/26/2009 - 23:16 — DaveCS (not verified)

Thu, 07/01/2010 - 04:03 — daniel Clerbois (not verified)


I´ve a question about this great VB example.

Is there a possibility to use in VBA?

I tried to customize but I wasn't succesful.

Could anybody help me please?

Greets Phoenix


No it cannot.

No it cannot.


lvw with vba cannot ? Yes it can

Hello, I'm currently using it in a MsAccess vba project

To use it :

in your MsAccess project, call the vba dev interface (ALT + F11 key)

Tools > References > search for: c:\windows\system32\mscomct2.ocx

it will add Microsoft Common Controls-2 6.0 (SP4) to your project and then you will be able to drag/drop the

Listview control into your form

give it a name (lvwMain for instance)

And then in your project you simply declare and set the listview object;

note : in fact in MsAccess you don't have to declare the object if you code into your form, it is recognized by its

name already ( me.LvwMain....)

Dim Lvw1 as MSComctlLib.ListView

set Lvw1 = me.lvwMain.Object

Dim lvWidth As Integer

lvWidth = Me.lvwMain.Width

'Set listview object presentation

With lvw1

.View = lvwReport

.GridLines = True

.FullRowSelect = True

.LabelEdit = lvwManual


End With

'add column headers

With lvw1


.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "{@COID}", lvWidth * 0.10, lvwColumnLeft

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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

QRLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Wed, 05/06/2009 - 18:27 — grace (not verified)

Tue, 05/05/2009 - 08:56 — jeraldo (not verified)

Fri, 05/01/2009 - 02:22 — jayesh (not verified)

Sat, 04/04/2009 - 00:33 — Anonymous (not verified)

.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "{@COL1}", lvWidth * 0.15, lvwColumnCenter

.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "{@COL2}", lvWidth * 0.12, lvwColumnCenter

End With


and there you go;

hope this will help;

and anyway, the sample is useful, quite complete and clear, thanks again




what is mstrMaintMode?



thanks for this! this can help me complete my project at school. its been 2 years and i havent done it yet. its keeping

me from graduating! anyways, thanks a lot. i love vb6 and i hope i learn soon. thanks really! cheers here from

the Philippines.


goog yar thanks very much

hey good job yar

great thnx ..ossam keep it up

thnks a lot



simple codes ... easy to understand..

thanks.. this would help a LOT.


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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

QSLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Thu, 03/26/2009 - 08:39 — ATQ.BLR.IND (not verified)

Wed, 03/25/2009 - 02:08 — otema george (not verified)

Tue, 03/24/2009 - 19:35 — mindbugs (not verified)

Mon, 07/20/2009 - 05:09 — Anonymous (not verified)

Tue, 03/10/2009 - 07:42 — Udaya K (not verified)

Excellent work, Yet very simple and nice coding...

Hi, Dude

Being an expert in VB for a decade i use controls when i really need it.

for a quick search and easy to understand code, i recomend all new to vb and experts like me to check the code


for RAD development.

Thanks again,

God Bless.


vb application

i wonder why the site has provided all the codes for vb applicattion but with the exception of "search command"

cant u put the search command just as uve put the other commands?


Datagrid Control

Hello VBProgrammer,

Your program is very WOW! for me as a beginner programmer in VB. Can you help me do the same program but using

the Datagrid Control instead of the listview? please email me :( Your help is very much appreciated..Thank you very

much..More Power!! :))

reply me for master/detail form using adodc and datagrid

I am just beginer in vb6. I want to design a form for Invoicing/Billing.

In a master detail form, adodc and datagrid control is required .

If anyone send me source code of the program. I really will be grateful.


Balaram Dey


Simple and Very Useful product

Dear Guruji,

excellent work.


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NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

QTLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 06:48 — Amir bahmanian (not verified)

Sat, 02/28/2009 - 06:34 — Abhirup (not verified)

Tue, 02/24/2009 - 02:25 — wakhuta (not verified)

Fri, 01/16/2009 - 22:08 — mike_olfato (not verified)

Sat, 12/20/2008 - 02:01 — Anonymous (not verified)

Thu, 12/04/2008 - 15:26 — Anonymous (not verified)


udaya K.


Best Sample for me

Best regards


Thank you

thank you for providing such a perfect help..

thanx a lot :)


listview icons

thank you

nice and simple code

pls send me simple code to add an icon to list view



how about...

this useful for a beginner like me. how about you add an option for a "SEARCH". the rest is perfect. hope you could

email the revise/addtional code

email:[email protected]


its really good but beginars

its really good but beginars using access database cannot use this


Listview display problem

Page 48: Using ADO and the ListView Control _ Visual Basic 6 (VB6)

NOLQLNO r ëáåÖ=̂ a l =~åÇ=íÜÉ=i áëísáÉï =Åçåíêçä=ö=sáëì ~ä=_~ëáÅ=S=Es_SF

QULRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Sun, 11/30/2008 - 02:59 — Anonymous (not verified)

Mon, 10/20/2008 - 00:42 — Jonathan (not verified)

Sat, 10/04/2008 - 16:21 — jtoutou

Wed, 09/24/2008 - 19:12 — Anonymous (not verified)

Tue, 08/12/2008 - 02:38 — che (not verified)

Just what i was looking for. 1 small problem i got, is that listview displays rubbish characters (greek language is used

on the table of the mdb), probably problem with utf-8. Any solution suggested?



is there anyone has a code sample shown above using MSSQL SERVER 2005? email me pls.... i nid help....

[email protected].... tnx 2 som1 hu wil help me.... i wil wait 4 ur help....


I'm trying to add 3 more

I'm trying to add 3 more fields to be updated into the database but when i add the code for the fields its almost like

they dont exist.

keeps telling me either my update SQL statement is wrong or my insert into is wrong depending if i choose add or


the 3 fields im trying to add are year make and model

please email if you can help

[email protected]




if you are using sql server and you make a connection with a server using a connections tring,you must also use the

microsoft jet 4 oledb connection for handling the records????


very good

very good


using ADO

TNX it really helps me


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QVLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Sun, 08/10/2008 - 20:49 — SamRas (not verified)

Wed, 08/06/2008 - 22:14 — C.J.Raghu (not verified)

Fri, 07/25/2008 - 05:35 — Anonymous (not verified)

Thu, 07/17/2008 - 23:44 — Anonymous (not verified)

Fri, 07/11/2008 - 00:30 — tahder (not verified)

Mon, 07/07/2008 - 06:39 — Anonymous (not verified)

how to add a find button???

very informative. i just want to ask on how to add a find button?


TreeView and Show data to Text box/ Grid.

Please help me. How to using Ado connection TreeView and Show data to Text box/ Grid.


how to edit ado in vb6 runtime

can you have a simple code not in the list below because its to hard to understand. my approach in vb6 is different in

the code. i was so thankful if you have those simplest code


Can i have a complete code of Customer TableMaintenance

Hi, can u give a complete code of this example..

please send it thru my emai address..

Your favor is very much appreciated


Thank you...

Very informative site.... especially learning the ADO but it is very well explained that a reader will surely understand

the basic of it... Through it i able to expand my confusions on connecting a database... This make a foundations for

every programmer to be... and a reference for those intermediate and even expert...

I salute you TheVBProgrammer for doing a great jobs... making a complicated things easier...

Keep up the good works...


where can i download this

where can i download this program

Page 50: Using ADO and the ListView Control _ Visual Basic 6 (VB6)

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RMLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Sun, 08/01/2010 - 16:06 — mikethehorse (not verified)

Mon, 07/07/2008 - 23:12 — jassi (not verified)

Tue, 07/01/2008 - 13:29 — Jassi (not verified)

Mon, 06/30/2008 - 01:21 — Anonymous (not verified)

Thu, 06/26/2008 - 05:53 — Lewis Faith (not verified)

Thu, 02/28/2008 - 14:00 — Anonymous





see above the line where it

see above the line where it is written "Hw did u like this article"

there you will find a link download the application here...

click on link


Well Done...Yipeeeeeeee...!!!!

Thanx a lot Dear

A nice coding

Thankyou so much


Thanks very much! It's

Thanks very much! It's interesting!


Visual Basic 6.0 Tutorials

I enjoyed your tutorial on using ADO and the listing control but since i am still a beginner i would like you to send me

the breakdown of vb6.0 tutorial so that i could learn, grow and become a great programmer like you. I would be

gratefull if my request is granted.

Just keep up with the good work and God Bless




Page 51: Using ADO and the ListView Control _ Visual Basic 6 (VB6)

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RNLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 02:09 — Anonymous

Tue, 12/11/2007 - 13:02 — Anonymous

Mon, 09/03/2007 - 20:59 — Anonymous

Fri, 06/01/2007 - 13:32 — Anonymous

Thu, 08/30/2007 - 18:38 — Anonymous

Sat, 05/05/2007 - 22:30 — Anonymous

This is good stuff, learned a lot just browsing the code!



how about the checkbox option? a minimal lecture will be greatly appriciated. thanx

selecting the listview and getting its value on the second 3rd or forth row, will be good to those who want to

enhance their skills.



thanks for the help


Using ADO and the ListView control

thank you very much...the information presented here helped me a lot.

thank you


Ado sample

Thank's A lot.



Malo aupito.

Oku faka'ofo'ofa

Thank you very much


Using Ado connection TreeView and Show data

Dear Vb Coder,


Using Ado and ListView Control code is fine. Please help me. How to using Ado connection TreeView and Show data to

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ROLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

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Text box/ Grid.


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RPLRPï ï ï Kî ÄSKì ëLíì íçêá~äëLì ëáåÖJ~ÇçJ~åÇJäáëíî áÉï JÅçåíêçäJî ÄS

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