Page 1: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

Using Augmented Reality Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physicsfor Teaching Physics

Somsak Techakosita, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsookb

aKasetsart University Laboratory School Center for Educational Research and DevelopmentbFaculty of Technical Education King Mongkut’s University of Technology North


Page 2: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

Physics gives us powerful tools to help us to express our creativityexpress our creativity, to see the world in

new ways and then to change it. (Cornell University, 2011)

Page 3: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

There is a significant gap between the learning obtained by students and what teachers

expect.(Zuza and Guisasola,2014)

Page 4: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

Students experience difficulties in learning physics because they must fully understand understand concepts and principlesconcepts and principles of the physical world that are sometimes impossible to seeimpossible to see.

(Dori et. al.,2003)

Page 5: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

Computer simulations Computer simulations may be used as an alternative instructional tool, in order to help students confront their cognitive constraints cognitive constraints

and develop functional understanding of and develop functional understanding of physicsphysics.

(Jimoyiannis and Komis, 2001)

Page 6: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

Virtual RealityVirtual Reality

(Ronald T. Azuma, 1997)

Page 7: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

Augmented Reality: ARAugmented Reality: AR

(Ronald T. Azuma, 1997)

Page 8: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

(a) engage, stimulate, and motivate students to explore class materials from different angles

(b) help teach subjects where students could not feasibly gain real-world first-hand experience (e.g. astronomy and geography) (c) enhance collaboration between students and instructors and among students

(d) foster student creativity and imagination

(e) help students take control of their learning at their own pace and on their own path

(f) create an authentic learning environment suitable to various learning styles

The potential of Augmented Reality for Education:

Yuen, Yaoyuneyong and Johnson (2011)

Page 9: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

ResearchResearch ObjectivesObjectives

To study the outcome of using learning and teaching materials based on AR on the topic of Electromagnetism.

Page 10: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

Research MethodologyResearch MethodologyThe developed prototype of learning and

teaching materials based on Augmented Reality on the topic of Electromagnetism is Marker based AR.

Page 11: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

Research MethodologyResearch MethodologyThe 15 participants consisted of 4 lecturers of the Department of Science Education, Faculty of

Education and 11 senior high school teachers who teach Physics.

The researcher describes the process of Augmented Reality and introduces prototype to

the participants. Then, the participants tried using the prototype.

Page 12: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

Research MethodologyResearch MethodologyThe participants assessed the prototype of learning

and teaching materials based on Augmented Reality on the topic of Electromagnetism with the developed assessment form of Sumadio and Rambli (2010); Kerawalla, Luckin, Seljeflot and Woolard (2006).

The outcomes of implementing the prototype of learning and teaching materials based on

Augmented Reality on the topic of Electromagnetism were analyzed by mean ( ) and standard deviation

(SD), which is based on five-point Likert rating scale.


Page 13: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

Research ResultResearch Result

The experience in using Augmented Reality of the participants.

9 participants6 participants

Page 14: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

Research ResultResearch ResultIssues   SD Propriety

1. Simplicity to use 4.20 0.75 high

2. Convenience to use anywhere 4.07 0.68 high

3 Convenience to use anytime 3.93 0.68 high

4. Propriety for learning and teaching 4.60 0.49 highest

5. Taking shorter time to understand 4.27 0.68 highest

6. Understanding better about studies 4.40 0.49 highest

7. Encouraging to learn and learn more 4.60 0.49 highest

8. Being able to show scientific principles correctly. 4.67 0.60 highest

9. Having flexibility that can be applied in any context.

4.33 0.79 highest

10. Users can interact with a prototype. 4.40 0.95 highest

11. Being able to use for learning and teaching 4.33 0.70 highest


Page 15: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

DiscussionKerawalla, Luckin, Seljeflot and Woolard (2006) mentioned four design requirements that need to be considered if AR is to be successfully adopted into classroom practice. (a)Flexible content that teachers can adapt to the needs of their children, (b) guided exploration so learning opportunities can be maximised, (c) in a limited time, (d) attention to the needs of institutional and curricular requirements.

Page 16: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center


• Scientificity: The content of AR based experiment must obey the scientific principles, reflect the scientific facts, and AR

applications must take into account the nature and constraints of the institutional context into which it is to be introduced;• Flexibility: The content of AR based experiment must be

flexible so that teachers can adapt it to the needs of different curriculum and individual students;

• Interactivity: It should be possible to control theprocess of AR based experiment and to add or remove

elements, so that the result of experiment will be different according to different operation.

Pengcheng, Mingquan and Xuesong (2011) suggested that successful learning and teaching materials based on AR as follows:

Page 17: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center


• Scientificity: The content of AR based experiment must obey the scientific principles, reflect the scientific facts, and AR

applications must take into account the nature and constraints of the institutional context into which it is to be introduced;• Flexibility: The content of AR based experiment must be

flexible so that teachers can adapt it to the needs of different curriculum and individual students;

• Interactivity: It should be possible to control theprocess of AR based experiment and to add or remove

elements, so that the result of experiment will be different according to different operation.

Pengcheng, Mingquan and Xuesong (2011) suggested that successful learning and teaching materials based on AR as follows:

Page 18: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

e-mail: [email protected]

Page 19: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

Research ResultResearch Result Phase 1 the component and characteristics of Connectivism learning environment

in an augmented reality Science laboratory to enhance scientific literacy.

Page 20: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

Research ResultResearch Result Phase 1 the component and characteristics of Connectivism learning environment

in an augmented reality Science laboratory to enhance scientific literacy.

Page 21: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

ResearchResearch ResultResult Phase 2 The results of evaluating and certifying the suitability of Connectivism learning

environment in an augmented reality Science laboratory to enhance scientific literacy.

Table 1: The results of evaluating the components of learning environment

Details of ComponentsDetails of Components meanmean S.D.S.D. SuitabilitySuitability

1.1 Learner 4.71 0.49 Most

1.2 Facilitator 4.57 0.53 Most

1.3 Content 4.71 0.49 Most

1.4 AR Lab 4.71 0.49 Most

1.5 Network 4.71 0.49 Most

Overall Scoring 4.69 0.06 Most

Page 22: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

Research ResultResearch Result Phase 2 The results of evaluating and certifying the suitability of Connectivism learning

environment in an augmented reality Science laboratory to enhance scientific literacy.

Table 2: The results of evaluating the learning process to enhance scientific literacy

Details of ComponentsDetails of Components meanmean S.D.S.D. SuitabilitySuitability

2.1 Researching 4.43 0.53 Much

2.2 Reasoning 4.57 0.53 Most

2.3 Reflecting 4.71 0.49 Most

Overall Scoring 4.57 0.14 Most

Page 23: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

Research ResultResearch Result Phase 2 The results of evaluating and certifying the suitability of Connectivism learning

environment in an augmented reality Science laboratory to enhance scientific literacy.

Table 3: The results of evaluating the characteristics of learning environment

Details of ComponentsDetails of Components meanmean S.D.S.D. SuitabilitySuitability

3.1 Hands-on experiment 4.71 0.49 Most

3.2 Collaboration 5.00 0.00 Most

3.3 Flexibility 4.71 0.49 Most

3.4 Connection 4.89 0.38 Most

Overall Scoring 4.82 0.14 Most

Page 24: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

Research ResultResearch Result Phase 2 The results of evaluating and certifying the suitability of Connectivism learning

environment in an augmented reality Science laboratory to enhance scientific literacy.

Table 4: The results of evaluating the characteristics of individuals with scientific literacy

Details of ComponentsDetails of Components meanmeanS.D.S.D.


4.1 Understanding of Science concepts and principles

4.71 0.49 Most

4.2 Using their Science knowledge to define questions and use the scientific

method to solve problem4.71 0.49 Most

4.3 Being able to integrate Science, Mathematics, and technology in their daily lives

4.71 0.49 Most

4.4 Being aware of the diversity and unity in nature

4.00 1.00 Most

Overall Scoring 4.54 0.31 Most

Page 25: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

Research ResultResearch Result Phase 2 The results of evaluating and certifying the suitability of Connectivism learning

environment in an augmented reality Science laboratory to enhance scientific literacy.

Table 5: The results of evaluating the environment towards practical application

Details of ComponentsDetails of Components meanmean S.D.S.D. SuitabilitySuitability

5.1 Components of Connectivism learning environment in an augmented reality Science laboratory is practical.

4.43 0.53 Much

5.2 The learning process to enhance scientific literacy is practical.

4.71 0.49 Most

5.3 Characteristiccs of Connectivism learning environment in an augmented reality Science laboratory is practical.

4.57 0.53 Most

5.4 Connectivism learning environment in augmented reality Science laboratory to enhance scientific literacy practically.

4.43 0.79 Much

Overall Scoring 4.54 0.14 Most

Page 26: Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Physics Somsak Techakosit a, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachaynun Nilsook b a Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center

ConclusionConclusionThe learning environment that I have

designed is evaluated by the experts as being suitable to increase the scientific literacy.

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