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Using Free Reports To Build Your List The vast majority of serious list builders use a free report to help them achieve high subscription rates. A free report is by no means essential as you can use other incentives or even no incentive at all. But if you want to achieve the highest of conversion rates from visitor to subscriber then a free report is a great idea and will give you a bigger boost than almost anything else at all.

Why Use An Incentive?

Email marketing is very much a numbers game and you are always looking to get an edge at all stages of the process. This includes right at the beginning when a person sees your opt-in form and considers joining it. This is the prime time for you to “sell” your list membership to them.

It has been known for a very long time that an incentive works. Forget about email marketing for a moment, this idea has been well-tested and goes back to the days of direct marketing. Think about those postcards you get with music or games products asking you to register. Often, there is some incentive for you to do so, be it coupons or vouchers or some other kind of free offer. When you offer something for apparently nothing, people are always more motivated to take action and this includes email marketing too.

A free report is an example of knowledge that has been put into written form. Your opt-in page should not only tell your visitor about the free report’s existence but it should also explain the benefits of reading it and hopefully sell the idea of subscribing well and get you more visitors.

What happens if you don’t use an incentive? Simply, you will not convert as many people. In fact, even adding a graphical representation of a free report will increase your conversion rate. As you can see, an incentive such as a free report is a very powerful tool indeed.

Where To Get A Free Report?

There are generally two ways of offering a free report.

The first is to obtain one from elsewhere. One of the obvious places to look is for PLR (private label rights) reports. These allow you to sell or sometimes give away a report and put your name on it. If you take this route, I strongly advise that you do your research to determine if the report is any good because there is a lot of low-quality PLR out there. Alternatively, you can buy high quality PLR articles and use them to construct your own report – this is often a much better idea.

The other way is to write your own report. This is the best method of all. As mentioned, PLR is often of low quality and, even when it isn’t, it can be generic and lacking in substance or may have been diluted and seen before already elsewhere on the internet.

If you write your own report, you will be sharing and imparting your own learned knowledge. Knowledge from other individuals that is fresh is usually far more trusted and interesting than something written for the purpose of licensing to others. This is why forums and discussion boards are so popular.

I strongly suggest you write your own report and save it as a pdf file. This is easily done in Microsoft Word or the free Open Office.

Report Delivery

Make sure to deliver the report as soon as the person has opted in. You can do this on a

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download page that is immediately redirected to or by providing a link in your first follow-up email, either to the download page or directly to the file itself.

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