Page 1: Using RMB (Custom Menu) in IFS Application to start a RMB (Custom Menu) in IFS Application to start a NovaCura Flow

Using RMB (Custom Menu) in IFS Application to start a NovaCura Flow

By setting up a Custom Menu in IFS Admin with an input parameter, in this example ‘woInParam=&WO_NO’:

It’s easy to transfer the Work Order number to the NovaCura Flow Web Client:

The Work Order no ‘2013622’ is transferred to the NovaCura Web Client via RMB - Right Mouse Button

(HMV - Höger Mus Val).

You must include both the path to the actual Flow and also the name of the Flow in the URL.

Page 2: Using RMB (Custom Menu) in IFS Application to start a RMB (Custom Menu) in IFS Application to start a NovaCura Flow

After logging on to the NovaCura Web Client the Work Order number is transferred automatically and filled in to the

first User Task in your Flow:

In order to transfer an input parameter from IFS Application to the NovaCura Web Client you have to define it as a

Start Parameter in your Flow:

Before you can use it in the User Task:

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