Page 1: UVic Family Centre Summer Newsletter

Issue 213 July/August 2015


DIRECTOR Elizabeth Quong STAFF Emma Chalifour Sandra Buyzk FACULTY COORDINATOR Laurene Sheilds NEWSLETTER Avril Nagel ADDRESS UVIC Family Centre 39208- 2375 Lam Circle Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2 PHONE: 250-472-4062 E-MAIL: [email protected]

In addition to weekly programs, the Family Centre is open Monday (9:30-12), Tuesday (11-3), Wednesday (9:30-3:00) and Friday (9:30-12). For more information contact the Family Centre through Facebook or by email at [email protected].

Family Centre Weekly Programs Monday – Family Learn and Share 10:00am-12noon Monday – Make and Take 7:00-9:00pm Wednesday – Early Learning Program 10:00am-12noon Friday – Early Learning Program 10:00am-12noon

Fighting the Boredom Blues

Considering where we live it’s hard to imagine any kid being bored in the summer with the countless festivals, gorgeous beaches and summer camps galore, but it happens. I even remember those childhood days that felt tedious and endless as a kid. As a parent, hearing “There’s nothing to do,” spins me into problem solving mode.

But in a recent article by the BC Council for Families, it turns out boredom might actually be a good thing. They write, “Being bored occasionally is good for children as it encourages them to think for themselves, come up with their own games and activities, take responsibility, be creative and use their imaginations. It can boost their confidence, allowing them to test their limits and discover and hone their interests.”

One of the best ways to encourage self-directed time is to incorporate more down time into the day. The article also suggests giving notice when the downtime is going to happen, to avoid allowing screen time during downtime and to provide your children with books or arts and crafts. Encouraging kids to go outside is also another way to encourage independence.

I was happy to read that it is okay to give your kids ideas if they are having trouble coming up with some. (So my problem solving isn’t all bad.) Some ideas from Today’s Parent boredom jar are draw a picture, make a necklace, jump rope, start a garden, make paper bag puppets, put on a puppet show, and play dress up.

Enjoy your free time this summer!!

Page 2: UVic Family Centre Summer Newsletter


Issue 213 July/August 2015

Reflections of a Former Campus Kid I can remember long summer evenings staring at the huge bell tower outside my window, listening to the classical concert inside this intense, ancient building. I was eight years old and living on university residence in Rhode Island, USA, with my dad, mom and little sister. Living on campus was great in many ways: I got to run through the dorm-room hallways at my leisure, visit my Dad’s office in the building, and most importantly I had a wide space to call my backyard as my sister and I played ‘hide from the students’. When I first accepted my placement at the Family Centre I thought of all the commonalities I would have with families here. It turns out there is one major difference: the Family Centre. For many people local encounters at the park are not enough to support the growth of meaningful friendships. This is where the Family Centre comes in; by offering a space for families to meet each other, gain access to high quality, well supervised play and thoughtful children’s activities. The Family Centre provides opportunities for this meaningful connection. I have come to appreciate the important of such community initiatives and I am honoured to have participated here so far. I want to thank Elizabeth, Emma and Sandy for all their guidance and support and all the families I have met so far. School is now out and I look forward to what July will bring. by Amira, CYC Practicum Student


Finger painting should more accurately be called ‘Hand Painting’ – the delight of processing with both hands can easily be recognized in these photos taken this week during our Early Learning program at the Family Centre.

To make your own finger paints follow this recipe:

Cornstarch Finger Paint

Dissolve ½ cup cornstarch in a small amount of cold water, gradually add 2 – 3 cups boiling water. Stir constantly. Cook until mixture is clear. Add food colouring or tempura paint.


Monday July 6th "Preschooler/toddler Wellness

Check" A number of families have approached us regarding wellness checks for preschoolers. In response to this Jane is going to run a mini preschooler wellness clinic! On July 6th we will have scales to weigh and measure toddlers and preschoolers. We will record these measures on growth charts and you will be able to see how your child is growing! Jane will also be available to answer your wellness related questions. If you have further suggestions for topics you would like Jane to address during her monthly visits to Learn and Share please let us know. If you wish to arrange immunizations at the Family Centre please contact Jane directly at [email protected] or 250.519.5104.

The UVic Family Centre says a Huge Thank You to Mary Ellen Purkis as she finishes ten years as Dean of the Faculty

of Human and Social Development. Mary Ellen understands the unique role that the Family Centre has in supporting students with families. She has been committed to finding the means to support the Family Centre and in her leadership role she has shared with the larger UVic community the importance of what can be done for student families. Her presence at our special events has sent a personal message of caring to the families, students, volunteers and staff! We are all very appreciative of what the whole team at the HSD Dean's Office does for the Family Centre! Thank you Mary Ellen!

Page 3: UVic Family Centre Summer Newsletter


Issue 213 July/August 2015

Art Adventures: Thank you to everyone who registered their children for the Art Adventure sessions. The program is now full, but we look forward to sharing what the children accomplish during their explorations!

July 1st is Canada Day and there is a

lot happening around town

including celebrations in the Inner Harbour and

Gorge on Art.

Oh Canada!

BC Day is August 3rd. British

Columbia was named in 1858 by members of the Hudson’s Bay

Company. It became the sixth province of

Canada in 1871.


My kids and I have done the summer reading club for the last three years. There are cool prizes and nice recognition from enthusiastic, friendly librarians. It’s a lot of fun for everyone and I highly recommend it.

For Kids 12 and under Summer Reading Club is a self-paced program that encourages you to read throughout the summer. If you can’t read yet, you can include stories that have been read to you. Whether you’re reading at home or on holidays, you can keep track of your reading and enjoy some incentives along the way. Visit for more info.

How Summer Reading Club Works

Step 1: Visit any branch of the Greater Victoria Public Library and pick up a Summer Reading Club Record. Step 2: Read for a minimum of 20 minutes every day. Step 3: Each day, write down one thing you’ve read on your reading record – just use one box per day so that you don’t run out of room before the end of the summer! Step 4: After you’ve read for 7 days, visit the library and collect your weekly prize!

“The biggest risk is keeping kids indoors.”

Outdoor play is essential because kids are more active when they’re outside: » Ontario preschoolers spend twice as much

time being active when play is outdoors (53% of time active outdoors versus 23% of time active indoors).

» Students take 35% more steps when physical education class is held outdoors.

» Canadian kids aged 9-17 who play outside after school get 20 more minutes of heart-pumping activity per day, and are three times more likely to meet the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines.

It may be no surprise that outdoor time is good for kids—but in wanting them to be safe outdoors, we sometimes over-supervise their play. Kids are more active when they have some freedom to roam and take risks: » Grade 5 and 6 students who are often or

always allowed to go out and explore unsupervised get 20% more heart-pumping activity than those who are supervised.

» 3- to 5-year-old kids are less likely to be active on playgrounds that are designed to be “safer,” because many kids equate less challenging with boring.

Excerpt from the 2015 ParticipACTION report on child and youth physical activity.    

Page 4: UVic Family Centre Summer Newsletter


Issue 213 July/August 2015

Family Learn and Share On Monday mornings from 10am-12noon the Family Centre hosts a drop-in program for families to interact and learn from one another. Each week there is a designated focus topic and facilitator. Please contact us by email, phone or Facebook if you have any questions or suggestions. Early Learning Program: Families are welcome to this drop-in program that runs Wednesday and Friday mornings from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Learning through play is encouraged by providing an environment that promotes children’s inherent love of learning and sense of wonder. Each morning session concludes with a storytime with songs/music as well as an opportunity for outdoor play. Mom’s Time Out! Do you need a ‘time-out’? The Family Centre is open on Monday nights from 7-9pm for women to get together, have a cup of tea and chat. Feel free to come for half an hour or stay for the whole time. If you don’t have children – don’t let the name deceive you! You are more than welcome. (Note: Nursing infants are welcome.) Book Club: The Family Centre has a book club that meets on the third Thursday of each month to discuss a novel chosen by the group. If you enjoy reading and would like to get together with others please come along. To find out more join our Facebook group or send us an email at [email protected]. FAMILY CENTRE SUMMER CLOSURE The Family Centre will be closed for the first two weeks of August (Monday August 3rd - Friday August 14th). Drop-in programs will resume on Wednesday, August 19th. In the event of an emergency please contact Campus Security (ph: 250-721-7599) or the Housing Office (ph: 250-721-8395).

Victoria Pride Week June 28, 2015 to July 05, 2015

Food Truck Festival Royal BC Museum May-October Sunday – Thursday 11 am – 6 pm Friday & Saturday 11 am – 9 pm

Victoria Ska and Reggae Festival July 01, 2015 to July 05, 2015 Shippoint Victoria International Buskers Festival July 17, 2015 to July 26, 2015 Downtown, various locations Moss Street Paint-In Saturday, July 18, 2015 Moss Street Victoria Symphony Splash August 3rd, 2015 Downtown Inner Harbour 21st Annual Victoria Dragon Boat Festival August 14, 2015 to August 16, 2015 Inner Harbour Pet-a-polooza August 08, 2015 to August 09, 2015 Ogden Point Victoria Flamenco Festival August 10, 2015 to August 16, 2015 Centennial Square Fringe Festival August 27 – September 6 Various theatres Victoria Chalk Festival September 12, 2015 to September 13, 2015 Downtown, various locations

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