
VA Health Professions Trainee

On-and Off-Boarding

OAA Health Professions Education Orientation January 2018

Acronyms 2FA – Two Factor Authentication (PIV card: something you have; PIN: something you know)

AD – Active Directory, Windows computer account, with email/UPN

CAG – Citrix Access Gateway (software used with VPN/remote access)

DOB – Date of birth

ePCS – E-prescribing of Controlled Substances (software to grant prescribing privileges)

e-Qip – Electronic Questionnaire for Investigations Processing

GAL – Global Address List in MS Outlook/Exchange

HPT – Health Professions Trainee

MTT – Mandatory Training for Trainees

NACI/Tier 1* – National Agency Check with Inquiries* (security clearance via e-Qip)

NSD/ESD* – National Service Desk* - (ESD) Enterprise Service Desk

OPM – Office of Personnel Management

PIV – Personal Identity Verification

SAC – Special Agreement Check (security check, fingerprints only)

TMS –VA Talent Management System

TQCVL – Trainee Qualification and Credential Verification Letter

UPN – User Principal Name (unique identifier linking AD to PIV)


Handbook 5005 Staffing (1,267 page document)

Handbook 0735 Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12) Program

Handbook 6500 Risk Management Framework for VA Information Systems – Tier 3: VA Information Security Program

References (continued)

VHA Directive 0710 Personnel Security and Suitability

Program (there is also a VA Directive 0710)


OAA Handbooks and Directives:

1400.05 Disbursement Agreements and Procedures

1400.09 Education of Physicians and Dentists

1400.08 Education of Associated Health Professions

And many, many more

OAA Online Resources

OAA SharePoint (intranet)

Trainee Processing & Guidance



OAA Help Desk (Internet-manned by live people ☺)

OAA Support Center

VHA Handbook 1400.05 (Disbursement…)

The DEO:

Is the single, designated VA employee who has oversight

responsibility for all health professions training at a VA medical


Is an education leader

Has general oversight of all trainees, including graduate medical and

dental education trainees, at the VA medical facility

Serves as the VA point of contact for all issues and trainees,

Ensures that affiliation agreements and PLAs or MOUs are in place

for all sponsoring institutions

Ensures that all [trainees] have appropriate VA

appointments through the Human Resources Service

VHA Handbook 1400.xx (Trainee Appointment)

Trainee appointment handbook does not exist

Revised VA Handbook 5005 (Staffing) was in concurrence

with OAA recommended changes, but the changes were

never made

OAA Proposed Changes to 5005 (Staffing)

Rescind VA Form 10-2850B, Application for Residents

Add VA Form 10-2850D, Application for Health Professions Trainees to be used by all trainees (ver. 2011)

Require residents paid under a disbursement agreement receive a WOC appointment, not intermittent

Updates terminology throughout to consistently refer to “health professions trainees” “Trainee” covers all individuals enrolled in accredited, affiliated, degree-

conferring and post-graduate education and training programs.

Changes the title and scope of the Resident Credentials Verification Letter (RCVL) to Trainee Qualifications and Credentials Verification Letter (TQCVL) and requires its use for all health professions trainees – not just physician and dental residents

Trainee Qualification and Credential

Verification Letter

The affiliate, or VA program director, verifies information

about the trainee(s) including: primary source verification,

physical health, immunizations, licensure, registrations,

LEIE and NPDB, etc.

Multi-year programs provide a TQCVL every academic

year listing all trainees in the program for that year

Separate TQCVLs for non-US citizens (changes coming)

VA Appointment

Period of Appointment:

Stipend: Not to exceed 3-years

WOC: Per 5005, part II, Chapter 3, G.7.c. (e)(2) WOC appointments

may be made on a temporary full-time or part-time basis, depending

on the particular objective of the program. [This means that HPTs are

to be appointed for the entire length of their program.]

WOC HPT Appointment letters, start date and end date Appointment Letter – Disbursement Agreement

Appointment Letter – Without Compensation (WOC)

Affidavit (SF-61) [oath of office] Not required for Active Duty Military personnel

Not required for VA employees participating in affiliated, accredited

training programs

Appointment Cont.

HPTs receiving a stipend must be US citizens*

Non-US citizens may be appointed as WOC HPT

The facility Director must approve appointment

One way to do it; the DEO sends a letter, to the Director, through HR asking for permission to appoint providing trainee has appropriate documentation (green card, visa, employment authorization)

GME: Non-US citizen residents are selected by the affiliate, and thereby may be appointed granted they meet all other requirements of their program

All other WOC: Affiliate states that “no US citizen will be displaced as a result of this appointment”

Appointment extension

Letter extending a trainee appointment to continue in the same, or a new program (no break in service, no fingerprints, etc.)

*Some Advanced Fellowships accept non-citizens if no qualified US citizens apply

HPT WOC Appointment Paperwork

Record Control Schedule 1140 Office of Academic Affiliation 1140.1 Clinical Trainee Onboarding Case File (CTOCF)

Maintained by: Human Resources Application for Health Professions Trainees, VA Form 10-2850D,

Declaration for Federal Employment, OF-306,

Appointment Letter,

Appointment Affidavit, SF-61,

Screening Checklist, VA Form 10-0453, and

Employment Eligibility Form, I-9 if necessary.

Temporary; cutoff, case files at the end of the calendar year in which the academic year is completed. Transfer to Federal Record Center (FRC) when 7 years old. Destroy 25 years after cutoff.

1140.2 Trainee Qualifications and Credentials Verification Letter (TQCVL)

Maintained by: [COS or ACOS/E] Temporary; cutoff at end of academic year training is completed. Destroy

5 years after cutoff.

Pre On-boarding Investigation

Does the HPT have an AD account?

Forefront Identity Manager (FIM) search


Look up “Business Email” in the PIV Portal

Step 1 - Fingerprinting Fingerprints do not expire

Trainees can courtesy fingerprint at any VA facility Gaining facility SOI (submitting office identifier) and SON (submitting office


OPM gets the results and the gaining facility** pulls the results (legal name, SSN, date of birth, city/state/country of birth)

Facilities use various methods to track clearance

Events requiring new fingerprints are: A new appointment after a break in service/new PIV

PIV credential re-issue (expire or 3-years)

Delay in PIV sponsorship/visit (120-day rule-see PIV process)

**Gaining facility HR Personnel Security Specialist must know that fingerprinting has occurred. Then they pull the information from OPM. (legal name, SSN, date of birth, city/state/country of birth)

Step 2 - TMS and MTT

Provide Trainee with local/facility instructions (Location Code and POC)

1. Trainee self-enrolls in TMS and completes training

2. TMS Administrator “Validates” into the local/facility TMS domain**

3. Sunset dates default t0 1-year if not modified, maximum 3-years; setting the accurate date saves time off-boarding


Service/Department/Local Organization

Email address

Many trainees have accounts at other facilities that must be transferred and modified/updated


DEO have a TMS Administrator on staff

Assign all WOC trainees to one service (COS or Education)

TMS Rules for non-paid staff All VA training must be completed in the VA TMS

Anyone who does NOT receive VA pay must self-enroll in the VA TMS

Trainees complete Mandatory Training for Trainees (1st time) and MTT-Refresher thereafter (MTT is the ONLY training to be completed by HPTs)

TMS accounts automatically “sunset” after a designated time (determined during validation)

Maximum sunset date is initially 3 years, and then 3 year extensions thereafter

TMS accounts must be reviewed to ensure they remain active as appropriate – MANUAL assignment

TMS accounts must be manually inactivated (or Sunset) when their appointment ends

TMS accounts must be modified when assigned Supervisor changes

Trainee TMS accounts must be moved, updated and maintained (supervisor, organization, sunset date, contact email address)

Suggest the TMS contact email be the authoritative source

Step 3 – Computer Access

Step 1 (adjudicated SAC-date) and Step 2 (MTT completion-date)

Request Accounts: Windows/AD – Smart Card (PIV) Required*

New to the VA – Just In Time (JIT) HPT


At another Facility – Use your current method (NARS, ePAS, ECAR), or CA Remedy Need to provide a Date for the “switch”

VistA/CPRS Menus, Keys, User Class, Person Class


Consider Requesting Accounts in two, separate processes

*See slide on Exemptions

Step 4 – PIV CredentialPIV Card? Or Non-PIV Card? is based on type of background investigation:

A NACI/Tier 1 background investigation is required for any trainee who will have MORE THAN 180 days in a one year period at VA, either continuously or in aggregate Special Exemption for Residents: Per VA Directive 0710 a NACI is NOT

required for “Physicians appointed under 38 U.S.C. 7406 to Low Risk/Non-sensitive positions as medical residents, provided they do not exceed 1 year of continuous service at a VA facility, regardless of the duration of the residency program.” SAC Only

Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12) states that ALL individuals accessing federal facilities and information systems are to be issued a PIV credential PIV card for employees who receive a NACI background investigation

Non-PIV card for employees who require logical access but do not require a NACI (SAC Only); up to 3 years, no different functionality

Flash Pass for employees who only require physical access

PIV Process for HPTs

Step 1 (fingerprint/clear), Step 2 (MTT) and Step 3 (AD/Windows account with “email” address and matching UPN [email protected] unique)

PIV application initiated by manager/sponsor Full, legal name as displayed on 2 official ID documents

Social security number

Date of birth

Type of Card: non-PIV or PIV [see previous slide]

Employment status: Affiliate

Employment expiration date: the same as the appointment end date (maximum 3 years)*

Will also need to know; height, weight, eye color, hair color and place of birth

*San Diego expiration dates for residents 31JULXX (additional month in case of

fellowship) and medical students 31DECXX (6 months in case of internship)

PIV Process (continued)

Step 4 - Once sponsored, the trainee reports for

biometrics capture and identity proofing

PIV Biometrics capture MUST take place within

120-days of fingerprinting/SAC else fingerprinting/SAC must be

done again (VA Handbook 0735)

Each facility is different; some make appointments, some take

walk-ins, some print the card right away, some take days/weeks

to print the card

Step 5 - One FINAL visit to accept the credential [pick up

the card and set the PIN]

Can be done on the first VA “work day”

PIV not ready on first day? Call for a 14-day exemption

Exemptions to POA

Accounts are created requiring a Smart Card (PIV)

No username/password is issued

Each individual must call the ESD to request an exemption;

HPTs call the ESD, request “exemption” because “PIV not yet issued” receive username/password for 14-days

Long Term Use case:

CAG-Non-VA Hospital

USB-restricted workstations (BCMA or computers on wheels)

Software (once remediated exemptions are removed):

AGFA Impax, Provation, CareFusion

ESD 9-1-800-921-9278

Determination based on information in AD

Actions for the WOC Trainee

Report for fingerprinting

Self-enroll and complete training in TMS every 364 days

Complete forms:

OF 306 – Declaration for Federal Employment (Trainee signs as applicant and appointee)

VA 10-2850d – Application for Health Professions Trainees (DEO signs Section IV accepting the Trainee)

Sign Appointment Letter and Affidavit (SF-61) [oath]

Report for PIV biometrics capture and identity proofing

Accept PIV credential

All steps should (and can) be completed before the first VA rotation

Stipend Paid Trainees Additional Items

Heavily dependent on Human Resources Staffing

WebHR, Personnel Actions

eQIP, Background Investigations

Additional Forms: SF-144, Statement of Prior Federal Service

Telework Letter

VA Form 4637, Employee Educational Data

Direct Deposit

W4, Federal Tax Withholding

State Tax Form

Drug Free Workplace Agreement

SF-181, Ethnicity and Race Identification

SF-256, Self-Identification of Disability

“Just Say NO to NEO” Trainees meet with HR to sign employment forms

All HPT “training” is completed in MTT or via a Program Orientation

VA Staff Involved in the Process

Education or clinical service staff (person(s) responsible for the trainee for the duration of their program)

Fingerprinting Office (may or may not be in HR)**

HR Personnel Security (adjudicate and track clearance)

HR Staffing (appointment letter, oath and retain the “packet”)

TMS Domain Manager/Administrator

ESD/OIT Helpdesk Create Accounts

Clinical Applications Coordinator or ADPAC (disseminate accounts/training in CPRS)

PIV Team (Manager,/Sponsor, Registrar**, Issuer**)

**Courtesy steps: May be staff at another facility!


Sandie Bee

VHA Office of Academic Affiliations

Trainee Onboarding Specialist

858-642-3345 (office) or 858-334-8835 (mobile)

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