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Validation Tool for Statements of Support


User Guide 1.4.0

European Citizen Initiative (ECI)

The Validation Tool is freely available to all National Authorities. We are looking for National Authorities volunteering to test the application, deploy it and use it. We also would like to set up a mailing list to better understand your needs and share information about successful solutions implemented in your organizations. If you are interested to collaborate, thank you for providing us the details of a contact person.

Software release: 1.4.0

Publication date: October 25, 2014.

Contact for support: [email protected]

For more read the Installation Guide and Release Notes:

User Guide version d31 – 24/10/2014

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Table of contents

1 Context, policies and regulations ................................................................................ 4

1.1 European Citizen Initiative (ECI) ............................................................................................ 4

1.2 Online Collection Software (OCS) .......................................................................................... 4

1.3 Validation Tool for Statements for Support (VTECI) ............................................................. 4

2 Application installation (Administrator) ..................................................................... 5

2.1 Testing environment ............................................................................................................. 5

2.2 Technical installation (IT Expert) ........................................................................................... 5

2.3 First login: configuration of country and national authority name ....................................... 5

3 Application management: Administration menu ........................................................ 5

3.1 Users and groups administration (users, roles, groups and rights) ...................................... 6

3.2 Workflows ............................................................................................................................. 6

3.3 Configuration SoS .................................................................................................................. 6

3.4 Unlock SoS ............................................................................................................................. 7

4 Initiatives management ............................................................................................. 7

4.1 Create, save and modify an Initiative .................................................................................... 7

4.2 Initiatives list ......................................................................................................................... 8

4.3 Initiative menu ...................................................................................................................... 8

5 Data import: import SoS collected Online and on Paper.............................................. 9

5.1 Data entry validation rules .................................................................................................... 9

5.2 Import Online SoS.................................................................................................................. 9

5.2.1 Create sample of Online SoS .................................................................................................. 10

5.3 Import Paper SoS ................................................................................................................. 10

5.3.1 Create Paper SoS and create sample ..................................................................................... 10

5.3.2 Paper SoS import: manually encode sample data ................................................................. 11

6 Create and manage samples ......................................................................................11

7 Manage SoS ..............................................................................................................12

7.1 Manage duplicates .............................................................................................................. 12

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8 Data management: views per Collection, per Sample and per SoS .............................13

8.1 View details per Collection .................................................................................................. 13

8.2 View details per Sample ...................................................................................................... 13

8.3 View details per Statements of Support ............................................................................. 14

9 Validation (manual or export) ...................................................................................14

9.1 Manual validation ................................................................................................................ 15

9.1.1 Fields editable or read only? .................................................................................................. 15

9.2 Export for automatic validation .......................................................................................... 16

9.3 Import results from automatic validation ........................................................................... 16

10 Project the results: view validation results ................................................................17

11 Generate certificate ..................................................................................................17

12 Delete all SoS: delete all personal data ......................................................................17

13 Annexes ....................................................................................................................19

13.1 Documentation.................................................................................................................... 19

13.2 Application management (Administrator) .......................................................................... 19

13.2.1 User administration: list of available rights ........................................................................... 19

13.3 Data entry control and validation rules .............................................................................. 19

13.3.1 Global rules applying to all Members States.......................................................................... 19

13.3.2 Country specific rules: postal code validation (checked on Joinup 7/2014) .......................... 20

13.3.3 Country specific rules: passport and ID format (checked on Joinup 7/2014) ........................ 22

13.3.4 Country specific rules: country relationship (residence or nationality) ................................. 25

13.4 Properties per countries (EU regulation 21/2011 Annex III): .............................................. 25

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1.1 European Citizen Initiative (ECI)

A European citizens' initiative is an invitation to the European Commission to propose legislation on matters

where the EU has competence to legislate. A citizens' initiative has to be backed by at least one million EU

citizens, coming from at least 7 out of the 28 member states. Minimum signatories are required in each of

those 7 member states.

The rules and procedures governing the citizens' initiative are set out in an EU Regulation adopted by the

European Parliament and the Council of the European Union in February 2011.

The petition signatures are referred to Statements of Support (SoS) in the documentation. In order to facilitate

the collection and control of these SoS, the EU Commission has developed two software's available for

download on the site JOINUP: an Online Collection Software (OCS) and a Validation Tool (VTECI). These

software are released under the European Union Public Licence (EUPL).

European Citizen's Initiative official register:

Regulation EU 211/2011:

Regulation EU 887/2013 Annex III update:

Regulation EU 1179/2011:

1.2 Online Collection Software (OCS)

OCS is an open source Web tool to serve for the online data collection of citizens supporting a given initiative.

This application allows organisers and fellow citizens to support an initiative in a more efficient manner as

opposed to paper forms. The tool facilitates both data collection and verification by the competent authorities.

Main features:

- Secure signature collection respecting ECI legislative requirements. - Forms available in 24 official languages. - Export electronic data (XML) of signatories to be analysed by national authorities.

OCS documentation and download on JOINUP:

1.3 Validation Tool for Statements for Support (VTECI)

VTECI is a web based tool available for the verification and validation of Statements of Support (SoS). It allows

National Authorities to fulfil their task specified in Article 8 of the Regulation (EU) No 211/2011 of the

European Parliament and of the Council. The national authorities have 3 months to certify the number of valid

SoS. They will use appropriate checks to verify the statements, which can be based on random sampling.

Main features:

- Import SoS collected online in OCS (XML files – relates to OCS export).

- Data entry validation rules.

- Statistical method generating samples of SoS to validate.

- Manage manual encoding of Paper SoS.

- Validation process management.

- Projection of results.

- Generate certificate for ECI organizers.

VTECI documentation and download on JOINUP:

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2.1 Testing environment

National Authorities interested to test this application are invited to contact us to get an access to the test

environment located on our server at:

2.2 Technical installation (IT Expert)

An IT expert is required to install this application. The work includes the following actions: install TOMCAT (ADP

Server), install MySQL, create the Database and deploy the application in TOMCAT. It is advised to use the web

browsers used to their latest version. Currently, all tests are done on the latest available version of Firefox.

For more information, read the Installation Guide and Release Notes available on JOINUP.

2.3 First login: configuration of country and national authority name

The first time the administrator launches the application, he will need to login as the default user

"[email protected]" and use the password "test44". The next action is to create a new administrator account

(login and password) and delete the default test account.

Configuration of Country and National Authority name

At the first login, the administrator will be prompted to select a country and provide the name of the National

Authority in charge of the validation process. This information is visible in the application header and will be

printed on the certificate at the end of the validation process.

It is not possible to change this information later because the country name defines a number of parameters

including the validation rules and the properties to consider for a given Member State.


The menu Administration located in the left column provides a view of the actions restricted by default to

administrators. This point presents its submenus.

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3.1 Users and groups administration (users, roles, groups and rights)

User Administration (users and roles)

An administrator can create, edit or delete users using the User Administration. When editing a user, he can

modify its personal data and assign him to a Group.

Defaults rights:

- Application Administrators: can do all actions.

- Users: can view the initiatives.

- Initiative Administrators: can create, edit, view, close, delete initiatives and draft certificate.

Group Administration (groups and rights)

Using the Group administration menu entry, an administrator can create, edit or delete groups. The default

groups are Administrators, Users and Initiative Administrators. Groups' rights can be customized by

administrators. All available rights are listed in the annexes.

When an administrator modifies a user role, group or rights, the corresponding user will have to logout and the

corresponding changes will be effective at his next logging.

3.2 Workflows

The application provides a workflow which is not active by default. It includes 9 actions listed on the following

screenshot. The Initiative menu follows the order of this workflow.

An administrator can activate the workflow on a given initiative clicking on the button "apply wf". Once the

workflow is active, the administrator can view the workflow status in the workflow details window, and change

its status clicking on Next Step.

3.3 Configuration SoS

It is possible to modify the Statements of Support properties using the menu Configuration SoS. By default the

record properties are mandatory and active. The administrator has the possibility to deactivate these

properties, or define a maximum length for each record.

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3.4 Unlock SoS

Only one User can access a SoS at a given time: the SoS is then "locked" by this user. Using the Unlock SoS

menu, an administrator can unlock a SoS page in case its access is blocked by a user that is unavailable.


Initiatives are created and managed through the menu Initiatives list located in the left column.

4.1 Create, save and modify an Initiative

To create a new initiative, the user needs to click on New initiative in the menu Initiative list. This action opens

the window General information. ECI official website provides the information to type in this window. Before

leaving the page, the user will create the initiative in the database by clicking on the button Create. As soon as

it is done, the button changes into Save. It will be used to save further modifications.

Registration number and Registration date are mandatory fields.

Deadline validation: National Authorities have 3 months to validate all SoS according to ECI Regulation.

SoS online informed and SoS paper informed: user should input the number of SoS informed by the organizers.

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Initiative languages: the registration language and its publication date are mandatory fields.

Contact persons: the name and email are mandatory fields.

Click on Add to save the data related to the Initiative language and Contact Persons.

Mandatory fields are used later by the application. For example, it is not possible to import Online SoS if the

registration number is not correct, or a SoS cannot have a signature date prior to the registration date or the

language publication date.

4.2 Initiatives list

The menu Initiative list opens a view presenting all initiatives. In this window, a user can create new initiatives

clicking on Create new initiative, or modify an initiative data by selecting it and clicking on Select initiative, or

delete one by clicking on Delete initiative.

4.3 Initiative menu

Once an initiative is created, the different states of the process and corresponding submenus are visible in the

menu on the left as seen in the following picture.

The picture below shows the Menus corresponding to the initiative “Test 5 – Import 150k SoS”. If the initiative

name is too long, it will be truncated.

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This point explains how to import Online and Paper Statement of Supports (SoS). These actions are performed

respectively in the menus: Import Online SoS and Import Paper SoS.

5.1 Data entry validation rules

The validation rules available in this application take into account the requirements of the 28 Member States (MS). Detailed explanation about the rules implemented is provided in annex. The country name entered in the system during the installation process defines the validation rules applying to the data.

Import and validation: an automated test controls the data. This validation is performed in 2 opportunities:

- while importing data corresponding to each Online SoS.

- each time a new Paper SoS is encoded and saved.

Validation results: after import and validation each SoS has a record containing the value "Not Verified". The value "Not Verified" is given to SoS having passed the automated tests. Their status will be manually changed to "Valid" in a later stage only after its data is manually validated. If the automated import and validation fails, this record will contain the value "Not Valid" and the motive in the field "Rejection reason".

Modifying rules: the validation rules can be modified in the database without changing the programing code. This option enables each country to modify the default rules coming with the application.

Online SoS duplicates: each signature entered in OCS has a unique identifier (it is a string like: 54ab5762-1b2d-4c2f-b6ea-2d0c7ffd410d). During the import of Online files, the application compares each new signature identifier with those already in the system. It avoids importing twice the same data for example if the operator mistakenly imports the same file twice. This test is different than the Duplicate test performed later. The latest compares the content of all records but not the identifiers. The objective of this second test is to detect if the same person has signed more than once.

OCS public demo environment. This Demo enables ECI stakeholders to get familiar with the latest version of the Online Collection System (OCS). This site can also be used to review the data entry and validation rules implemented in VTECI.

5.2 Import Online SoS

This point explains how to import the electronic data provided by the Online Collection System (OCS). Each XML file exported by OCS contains 3000 Statements of Support. Thus, the import is done per batches of 3000 signatures.

Online SoS files are imported using the menu Import Online SoS. Several buttons enable to manage the file import: Select files, Start upload or Stop.

Two other tabs provide additional information about the process: the tabs Files successfully imported and Files on error. The user can repeat the action Import files to import additional batches of data. The reports will inform the results as more data is imported into the application.

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5.2.1 Create sample of Online SoS

In the case of the Online SoS, all data related to each SoS is in an electronic format. Thus, Samples are created after all data is imported. Detailed information about the creation of Samples is provided later in this Guide.

5.3 Import Paper SoS

Improvement for VTECI 1.5: implement paper scanning management (not OCR). It would automate the Paper

forms import and simplify the process. Proposed solution(document) available on demand.

This point explains how to import data corresponding to Paper Statements of Support. The list of properties taken into account for each Member State is provided in annex. It includes information such as first name, family name, date of birth…

Members States have requested us to consider 2 use cases: - Create a Sample followed by the manual encoding of the corresponding data into this sample. - Manually encode all data into the system.

The second case applies to situations when a sampling method is not applicable. For example, when the number of SoS received in a country is low, or when a country must encode for legal reasons all data corresponding to all Paper SoS. Members States that do not use a sampling method may skip the next point.

5.3.1 Create Paper SoS and create sample

In the case of Paper SoS, when users want to validate only samples, there is no need to encode SoS that are not

included in a given Sample. In this case the process differs from the import of Online SoS.

Thus, the application offers the possibility to generate a random sample and later encode only the

corresponding data. This process takes place in 2 steps: create the records representing each individual Paper

SoS and Create a Sample. These 2 steps are described in the following points.

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-> Step 1: Create records that represent physically each Paper SoS.

The Menu Import Paper SoS enables the creation of a given number of Paper SoS. This action creates individual

SoS: some of their records contain some data (ID number, receiving date), while other records remain empty.

These SoS are still empty, but their ID can be viewed clicking on Details. The user can repeat this action several

times if necessary until the correct number of Paper SoS is created.

-> Step 2: Create a sample to encode, verify and validate

It is now possible to generate samples and perform as many simulations as possible. Samples can be created

either for Online SoS or Paper SoS alone, or for both set of data. This action is performed in the menu Create

Sample. Detailed information about the creation and management of Samples is provided later in this Guide.

5.3.2 Paper SoS import: manually encode sample data

Each Sample provides the ID number of the Paper SoS to encode. Based on this information, an operator is able

to manually encode all the corresponding details for each sample. These SoS will later be verified and validated.

To encode the data corresponding to this sample, operators will go to the menu Create Samples, select a

sample and click on Collection details. This view provides the list of Paper SoS included in this sample. Using

the button Statement of support details it is possible to enter the data of each individual Paper SoS. Once all

SoS are encoded, the button Manual validation enables to start the validation process.


In the menu Create sample, the button Create sample will calculate a sample of Online SoS and/or Paper SoS.

According to the workflow, this action is performed after importing all Online SoS and/or before manually

encoding Paper SoS. The sample provides a list of Online SoS to validate and/or a list of ID representing Paper

SoS to encode and later validate.

To create samples, the user goes to the menu Create sample. The default sampling parameters are set in the

administration module. The user can modify these parameters and then click the button Simulate new sample.

The system will calculate the sample size and later activate the button Create new sample.

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The menu Manage SoS opens the following window.

7.1 Manage duplicates

Duplicates are found using the button Manage duplicates. It displays the duplicated in a list where users can

modify their status. At this stage, we consider 2 cases:

- We are working on the complete Collections (before sampling):

All Online SoS have been imported and/or all Paper SoS have been manually encoded. For each duplicate, the

user will modify the status of one of the two SoS to Duplicate. When it is not a duplicate, he will maintain the

status as Not Verified. This way, SoS having the status "Duplicate" will be ignored in Samples.

- We are working on a Sample

Within a Sample, the user should change the status of one of each duplicate into Not Valid. This way, the

projection will be accurate. It would not be the case if the status was set to Duplicate.

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Once the data import is completed, all Online SoS and Paper SoS are in the database. Different views are

available to users:

- View both Collections (menu Manage SoS).

- View details per Collections (select a collection and click on Details).

- View details per Sample (menu Create samples, select a sample and click on Collection details).

- View details per SoS (click on SoS details either within a collection or a sample).

8.1 View details per Collection

In the menu Manage SoS, select a collection (Online or Paper) and click on Collection details. The system will

display the corresponding details. This view is identical to all countries.

8.2 View details per Sample

In the menu Create sample, select a sample, then Collection details. The application will display the

corresponding details.

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8.3 View details per Statements of Support

Improvement for VTECI 1.5: review design of task intensive window (encoding & validation)

Two paths are possible to view individual SoS details. The first one provides the details of a SoS inside the

Online or Paper collection and the second one inside a Sample.

1- Menu Manage SoS / select collection and click on Collection details / select a SoS and click on SoS details.

2- Menu Create Sample / select a sample and click on Collection details / select a SoS and click on SoS details.

When an individual SoS is selected, it is possible to modify it and later save changes.


Improvement for VTECI 1.5: review design of task intensive window (encoding & validation)

Each SoS has a status record that can take the following values: Not Verified, Not Valid, Duplicate or Valid. The

status can have the following values:

Not verified: is the default value given to a SoS when it is imported into the application.

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Not valid: is the value of a SoS that failed the validation rules; or the result of an operator manual action.

Duplicate: is a value manually given by an operator after running the test Duplicates.

Valid: is a value given after manual or automatic validation.

At the end of the validation process, all status record should contain one of the values Valid, Not Valid or

Duplicate. These values are later used to calculate the results.

9.1 Manual validation

The operator can validate all SoS in a given sample or in a complete collection (Online or Paper). In the Manual

Validation window, the user can update the Statement of Support properties, set the status (Valid, Not Valid,

Duplicate, and Not Verified) and add a note to explain the status.

Validation within a sample

To validate a Sample, the user needs to go to the menu Create Sample, select a sample and click on the

corresponding Collection details. It is then possible to click on the button Manual validation.

Validation within a complete collection

To validate all SoS within a given collection, the operator goes to the menu Manage SoS, select a collection and

click on Collection details. At this point, he has the ability to select a SoS and click on Manual validation.

9.1.1 Fields editable or read only?

- Online SoS are read-only, because they are imported from a XML file which contains data typed in OCS by

citizens. Thus, it is not possible to modify the electronic data received from the initiative organizers.

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- Paper SoS are editable, because they are introduced manually by the National Authorities and some

corrections may be necessary to match the content with the paper forms.

9.2 Export for automatic validation

"Automatic validation" means a validation performed outside the application by another entity than the

National Authority. For example the National Register or in some countries Regional Registers. In these cases, it

is necessary to export the SoS to validate and send them to the validating authority.

Following the workflow, the application provides 2 alternatives for Automatic validation depending on the

process chosen by the member state:

- Export for automatic validation of a Sample (action performed within a given Sample).

- Export for automatic validation of all SoS (action performed in the menu Manage SoS).

Once the process is chosen, the user needs to export the SoS to send to the National Register, and later import

the validation results. The user needs to indicate where to export the file. This path has to be located on the

server on which the application is deployed.

9.3 Import results from automatic validation

Following the workflow, the application provides 2 alternatives to Import the results from the automatic

validation depending on the process chosen by the member state:

- Import results from automatic validation of a Sample (action performed within a given sample).

- Import results from automatic validation of all SoS (action performed in the menu Manage SoS).

Once the validation is performed, the operator will import the results in the corresponding location (either in

the corresponding sample or in the menu Manage SoS).

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The user goes to the menu Project the results to view the results. The samples analysed are presented in a list. It enables users to investigate the impact of different sampling hypothesis.


There are 2 alternatives to generate Certificates:

1- If the analysis was based on a Sample: the user needs to go to the menu "Project the results"; and click on

link Certificate corresponding to the projection for which he wants to generate a certificate. (See right column

on the screenshot above).

2- If the analysis was done on the complete Collections. If all the Statements of Support are validated the user

can generate the certificate within the menu "Generate certificate" by clicking on the corresponding button.

A template of these certificates is provided in ECI documentation annex 3.


At the end of the validation process and the creation of the certificate, ECI Regulation requires National

Authorities to delete all personal data located in the application, all paper copies and electronic backups.

The user can delete all personal data in two ways:

1- by clicking on the button “Delete all SoS" located in the menu Delete all SoS. The action deletes all Paper

SoS and Online SoS.

2- by deleting the Initiative. This action is done clicking on “Delete initiative” in the menu Initiative list.

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13.1 Documentation

The information related to the software VTECI can in found in the following documents:

- the User Guide (this current document).

- the Installation Guide.

- the Release Notes.

These documents are published on JOINUP. You are invited to check the site for the latest updates.

13.2 Application management (Administrator)

13.2.1 User administration: list of available rights

Display groups in the admin area

Edit groups in the admin area

Delete groups in the admin area

View initiatives

Edit initiatives

Create initiatives

Delete initiatives

System administration

Draft final letters / Close initiatives

Batch import Online SoS

Create Paper collection

Batch import Paper SoS

Create Paper SoS

Update statements of support

Create samples

Manual validation

Export for automatic validation

Import automatic validation results

Project the results

Delete all SoS

Generate certificate

Sampling parameters admin

13.3 Data entry control and validation rules

This point is a complement to the point describing the data entry and validation rules. The default validation rules provided with this release are presented in the following points.

These controls and validation rules are identical to those applied to the Online Collection Software (OCS).

13.3.1 Global rules applying to all Members States

i) Age is between 16 and 2000 years. ii) The format of the birthdate is: dd/mm/yyyy.

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13.3.2 Country specific rules: postal code validation (checked on Joinup 7/2014)

Country code Postal Code Format Length



BG Any Latin alphanumeric value -




Validation rules:

N: Region: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7

NNNN: City or district










IE Any Latin alphanumeric value -

IT Any Latin alphanumeric value -




MT Any Latin alphanumeric value -


Validation rules:

NNNN: A number between 1000 and 9999.

LL: All Latin alphabetic letters are allowed.






Validation rules:

N: 0, 8 or 9







Validation rules:


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L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except Q, V, X.



L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except C, I, K, M, O, V.

L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except C, I, K, M, O, V.


Validation rules:

L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except Q, V, X.




L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except C, I, K, M, O, V.

L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except C, I, K, M, O, V.



Validation rules:

L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except Q, V, X.

L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except I, J, Z.



L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except C, I, K, M, O, V.

L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except C, I, K, M, O, V.



Validation rules:

L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except Q, V, X.

L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except I, J, Z.




L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except C, I, K, M, O, V.

L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except C, I, K, M, O, V.



Validation rules:

L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except Q, V and X.


L: Any Latin alphabetic letter from A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, S, T, U or W.


L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except C, I, K, M, O, V.

L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except C, I, K, M, O, V.



Validation rules:

L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except Q, V, X.

L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except I, J, Z.


L: Any Latin alphabetic letter from A, B, E, H, M, N, P, R, V, W, X or Y.


L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except C, I, K, M, O, V.

L: Any Latin alphabetic letter except C, I, K, M, O, V.



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This is an exception to the postal code rules, and is used for only one

postal code:

GIR 0AA This is the postal code of Girobank, now owned by Alliance & Leicester Commercial Bank. As such, it's highly unlikely to be used for the creation of a Citizens' Initiative.

Validation rules:

L: Latin alphabetic letter G.

L: Latin alphabetic letter I.

L: Latin alphabetic letter R.

N: Arabic numeral 0.

L: Latin alphabetic letter A.

L: Latin alphabetic letter A.

13.3.3 Country specific rules: passport and ID format (checked on Joinup 7/2014)

Country code Property Format Length

AT Passport: LNNNNNNN 8


Identity Card: NNNNNNN 7


BE Nationality and Country of Residence:

Nationality=Belgian OR Country of Residence = Belgium


BG Personal Identification Number: NNNNNNNNNN 10

HR Personal Identification Number: NNNNNNNNNNN 11

CY Passport: LNNNNNN Validation rules: L: Any Latin alphabetic letter from B, C, E, J. NNNNNN


LNNNNNNNN Validation rules: L: The Latin alphabetic letter K. NNNNNNNN


LLNNNNNNN Validation rules: LL: Any Latin alphabetic string from: DP => Diplomatic Passport SP => Service Passport NNNNNNN


Identity Card: NNNNNNNNNN Format rules: NN: prefix: 00 => Cypriot national (leading zeroes are omitted => the prefix is omitted) 03 => Alien born in Cyprus 05 => Alien born outside Cyprus



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Country code Property Format Length

NNNNNNNN: sequence-no. (leading zeroes are omitted)

CZ Passport NNNNNNNN 8


Identity Card: NNNNNNNNN 9




DK - - -

EE - - -

FI - - -


National Identity Card AAAAAAA 7


DE - - -

GR Passport LLNNNNNNN Validation rules: Two Latin letters followed by 7 digits. e.g. ZH9999999


Identity Card: N.B. Greek letters will not be mandatory => any Latin or Greek alphabetic character will be accepted in the position of a Greek letter.

GNNNNNN Validation rules: One Greek letter followed by 6 digits. e.g. N928409


GGNNNNNN Validation rules: Two Greek letters followed by 6 digits. e.g. AE59662


Residence certificate: NNNNNN <=6


Permanent residence certificate: NNNNN <=5


HU Passport: LLNNNNNN 8


Identity Card: NNNNNNLL 8





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Country code Property Format Length

HR Personal Identification Number: NNNNNNNNNNN 11

IE - - -

IT Passport: LLNNNNNNN 9



Identity Card: LLNNNNNNN 9




LV Personal Identification Number: NNNNNNNNNNN 11

LT Personal Identification Number: NNNNNNNNNNN 11

LU - - -

MT Personal Identification Number: - -

NL - - -

PL Personal Identification Number: NNNNNNNNNNN 11

PT Passport: LNNNNNN 7

Identity Card: NNNNNNNNNLLN 12







NN 2

N 1

RO Passport: Invalidated identification number


Identity Card: LLNNNNNN 8

Personal Identification Number: NNNNNNNNNNNNN 13

Registration Certificate: NNNNNNNNNNNNN 13

Permanent Residence Card for EU Citizens:


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Country code Property Format Length

SK - - -

SI Personal Identification Number: NNNNNNNNNNNNN 13

ES Identity Card: NNNNNNNNL 9

Foreigner’s identification number (NIE), of the card or certificate, corresponding to the registration in the Foreigners’ Central Registry:

LNNNNNNNL Validation rules: L: Any Latin alphabetic letter from X, Y, Z. NNNNNNN L


SE Personal Identification Number: NNNNNNNNNNNN 12

GB - - -

13.3.4 Country specific rules: country relationship (residence or nationality)

A signatory to a Citizens' Initiative must have a relationship with an EU country, either through residence or

nationality. The specific rules per country are specified in the Regulation (EU) 211/2011 - Annex III part C

(Annex updated in Regulation EU 887/2013 July 11, 2013). The links to the corresponding Regulations are

provided in point 1: Context, Policies and Regulations.

Thus, the citizen will have to satisfy the criteria listed and - in case more than one criteria is listed - at least one

the requirements.

13.4 Properties per countries (EU regulation 21/2011 Annex III):

The properties taken into account per countries are detailed in the EU regulation 211/2011 Annex III. This

Annex III has been updated on July 11, 2013.

It is also possible to view the properties per countries using the Online Collection Software (OCS): the selection

of a country will show the corresponding fields. The latest Initiative open on the ECI register usually uses the

last OCS release (check version number in footer and JOINUP).

The links to these documents are provided in point 1 Context, Policies and Regulations.

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