
Cloud Backup Solution for Small & Medium Size Business

Granular Backups


● Introduction

● Architecture

● System Requirements

● Deployment

● How it Works ?

● Upcoming Features

● Pricing




Not every small & medium business are using image level backups for their data

center. They look for a simple granular level backup solution to backup important

files/folders and some selected applications directly to cloud instead of backing up

entire machine including OS and other data.

Vembu OnlineBackup ensures you the best backup and recovery solutions for your

valuable business data such as, important files/folder, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft

SQL Server, Microsoft Active Directory, Microsoft SharePoint, Outlook and MySQL







Vembu OnlineBackup Client (proxy)

● This client is used to backup selected files/folders and applications such as MS

Exchange, SQL, SharePoint, AD & Outlook, etc.. directly to Vembu Cloud over WAN

● Supports backing up files from network shares

● Backup data will get encrypted before it leaves client machine

● This client agent needs to be installed on the machine which have files and


● Agent can be installed on Windows, Linux and Mac based physical or virtual



Vembu Cloud

● Vembu Cloud Servers are running on highly secured Amazon Web Services

across all continents

● The servers will be automatically scaled when receives huge loads

● The servers are running in clustered environment to avoid backup


● Vembu Cloud Servers accepts backup data directly from Vembu OnlineBackup

clients and Vembu BDR Backup Servers as well

● From centralized Vembu Customer Portal, you can manage and monitor all

your backup jobs


Vembu Portal

● Every customer has to sign up for Vembu Portal account to activate their

Vembu BDR Suite of products after trial period

● Purchase and Renew licenses

● Manage purchased licenses

● Track all your purchase and billing information

● Activate Vembu BDR Backup Server and Vembu OffsiteDR Server after trial

period with Vembu Portal account


System Requirements


Vembu OnlineBackup Client

● Supported Applications for backup○ Microsoft Exchange Server 2013, 2010, 2007○ Microsoft Exchange Server DAG 2013, 2010○ SQL Server 2012, 2008, 2005○ Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003○ MySQL 5.0 and later○ Microsoft Outlook 2013, 2010, 2007

● Supported Desktops / Laptops for backup○ Windows 8, 7, XP, Vista○ Mac OS X 10.5 and later for Intel PC’s


Vembu OnlineBackup Client (Cont...)

● Supported Servers for backup○ Windows Server 2012 R2, 2012○ Windows Server 2008 R2, 2008 SP2 and later○ Windows Server 2003 SP2 and later○ Windows SBS 2011, 2008, 2003○ RedHat Enterprise Linux 5 and later○ Debian Linux 5.0 and later○ CentOS 5.2 and later○ CloudLinux 5.10 and later○ Fedora11 and later○ Ubuntu 10.04 and later○ Gentoo




Backup Server Clustering



How it Works ?


● To backup your files and applications to Vembu Cloud, first register a

customer account in Vembu Portal (

● Then click “Vembu OnlineBackup” product. It redirects to you to Vembu Cloud

Customer portal

● Download Vembu OnlineBackup Client builds (Windows, Linux & IMac) and

install the build to backup the files and applications directly to Vembu Cloud

● You can restore the files and applications from anywhere and anytime

Signup Customer Portal


● File backup

● Microsoft Exchange Server Backup

● Microsoft Exchange Server Mailbox Backup

● Microsoft SQL Database Backup

● Microsoft SharePoint Site Level Backup

● Microsoft Outlook Backup Backup

● MySQL Database Backup

● System State Backup

Granular Backup Types


File & Folder level backup is the top feature of Vembu NetworkBackup,

● Supports all kind of documents, images, videos, graphics, slides, sheets, etc● Backup files & folders from network shares● Restore to the original location or to a different location or machine

Key options to enable or disable,

● You can add or remove any files/folders (types) from the backup schedule● Backs up NTFS permission● Automatic Directory Monitoring● Volume Shadow Copy Service (Windows 2003, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows sbs

2008 and Windows 2008

File Backup & Restore


Vembu NetworkBackup supports the following versions of the Exchange databases (Cluster and DAG).

● Microsoft Exchange 2007● Microsoft Exchange 2010● Microsoft Exchange 2013

Vembu NetworkBackup provides two ways to backup Exchange Server data.

● Microsoft Exchange Server backup● Microsoft Exchange Mailbox backup

Microsoft Exchange Server Backup


● Uses the Microsoft VSS writer(s)

● Streaming backup data to backup server without dumping

● Database level backup

● Granular level recovery

Microsoft Exchange Server Backup


● User level / Mailbox folder level backup support

● Dump the data before start the backup using MAPI

● Dump location can be mapped drive / External HDD / USB / Local drive

● Highly recommended for users who wants to backup specific mail

boxes alone

MS Exchange Mailbox Backup


Vembu NetworkBackup supports the following versions of the MSSQL Server.

● MSSSQL 2005● MSSSQL 2008● MSSSQL 2012

Option available in the MS SQL Server backup,

● Database level backup● Backup the database based on recovery model● Use SQLVDI to backup the databases● Transaction log support

MSSQL Server Backup


Vembu NetworkBackup supports the following versions of the MS SharePoint.

● MS SharePoint 2003● MS SharePoint 2007● MS SharePoint 2010● MS SharePoint 2013

Options available in the MS Sharepoint backup,

● Site collection level backup● Use STSADM to backup the databases● Mapped drive / External HDD / Local HDD are supported as dump location

MS SharePoint Backup


● Vembu NetworkBackup supports the all versions of the MySQL Server.

● Database level backup

● Backup the database based on recovery model

MySQL Backup


System State backup will backup the following components,

● System Files● COM+ Class Registration Database● SYSVOL● Active Directory● Cluster Quorum● Certificate Services● Registry● Internet Information Services

System State Backup


● AES Encryption algorithm will generate the Encryption key by using the user password

● Encrypting data cannot be read from the backup server where your backup has been stored

● No way to hack information while transferring the data to backup server

Advanced Encryption Settings

Vembu OnlineBackup Client

Encrypted Data


● Limit the bandwidth of backup data transfer

● Bandwidth throttling settings will be applied to each backup schedule configured in client

● We can set time period when this settings needs to apply

Bandwidth Throttling


Upcoming Features


Currently we are developing the below features which will be available with

our next major release.

● SAAS Backup

○ Office 365 Backup

○ Google Apps Backup

○ Salesforce Backup

● Autotask, Connectwise and Salesforce Integration

Upcoming Features






Thank You


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