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View Solution #48 - Email- Active Directory

8 months ago (Nov 03, 2015 - 9:30AM) Created by: AP Andy Peisner

Email- Active Directory

I. General Guide to using Active Directory and making Email setting changes----

a)General Navigation

b) Searching for a User

c) Activating/Managing a user Profile

a) General Navigation

Shift+R-Click on the AD shortcut and select "run as a different user"

Input your adm credentials

Expand Federation.local to view all VC Folders

You will see very many Folders, but only a few will be used on a consistent basis

You Will find all DC users (excluding IT and most labor workers) under: VC Distribution

Center> Users

New User active Directory

► Incidents

Track Time

State Edit SolutionDraft

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You will find ALL Store Level Employees under: VC Stores> Users

You will find Temp and Contract Employees under: VC Non Company Objects and their

appropriate folder

You will find users who Commute or Work Remotely (Mostly OPS team) under: VC Mobile>


You will find all Home office users (excluding IT) under: VC Home Office>General>Users

Lastly, ALL IT employees will be found under VC Home Office>Power Users>Users (regardless

of location)

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If you cannot find a user, deselect any folder by clicking in white space on the Folders Side

of the Window

Select Action from the top toolbar, and then Find

New Window Opens

b) Searching for a user

Search entire directory by Name or Description to find the user

R-Click on a user name to Enable account, if it was previously disabled (no one in position,

prior employee recently terminated)

Double click a user to open their AD window to make changes, In this example, we will use

the Store Manager from the WC store.

In the General tab, you can See the user's name, and Description. This information will auto

populate to the email signature.

When setting up a user, the only fields you will Change on this tab are: First name, Initials

and Last name

On the Address tab you Will see the store's Address tab. You won't have to change this

unless there is a typo

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On the account tab you will see the username, prefix, account options and activation


User logon name- This is what you will relay the user as their login name. They do not need

to include any suffix ( when logging in.

User account settings can be managed from here

On the telephones tab, you will see the user's applicable numbers. There will be additional

ones for mobile users and people who list their cell #

On the Organization tab You will see more general info that populates to the users signature.

If a user changes a job title (non store user) you will update it here under Job title, and also

on the General Tab above

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Attribute editor shows a lot of Misc info. You will generally access this tab to change an

employee # on confirm their identity with it.

Double click employeeID to change this field. Always ensure the digits equal six. (i.e.

employee number 1234 would be 001234) This is company policy

Right Click the user from the original folder view to reset a password

The required fields are: 8+ characters, an uppercase letter and a symbol

To see what groups users are apart of, check the Member of tab. These correlate to the

exchange server and how emails are distributed.

Whenever a new user it set up, always update their Information in the Store/Home Office

Directory on Sharepoint. In order to modify these tables, it has to be opened in Internet


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Attach files

Post Note Press alt enter to send


Select actions, and export to data sheet.

It will show in an excel view. Update the users info and refresh the page to save to


if the toolbar above is not visible, refer to the SOP for sharepoint in solution #25

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