Page 1: Viewfinder - SouthWest Video & Camera Club Sydney...of ARTBEATS ROYALTY-FREE STOCK FOOTAGE TONIGHT! MEMBERS’ PROFILE segment * (how you became interested in Video-Making) PLEASE






(how you became interested in Video-Making)



PRESENTATION: Mark Franks will demonstrate helpful camera tips (including video recording) using Canon 700D (entry-level DSLR) and showcasing its quality.

Viewfinder SEPTEMBER 2014

From the President’s Desk


Wednesday, 10th September 2014


“SHOW AND TELL” segment -You are invited to bring “items of interest” to show –including videos eg. Productions using chosen Jamendo royalty-free music files (provided by Mark Franks).

- Please present videos on DVD or USB flash-drives before commencement of meeting.







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Here we are now in August and so much has been happening.

We will be at our new location for our next club meeting and I know everyone will be happy not to walk up those stairs again! We have a great room to work out of, great amenities and a terrific kitchen.

We have chosen another very good interesting programme again. Mark Franks will show us some of the many tricks and ways to use our cameras for better results.

Ron Potter will tell us more on our Videomaker Of The Year competi-tion, and if I can, I will show you the Bloopers that went on in our club’s interclub competition. We all had fun making the film.

I must thank Jan Hudson for finding this location, not only is it a great place to hold our meetings, but it is still in Moorebank and quite easy to find.

NEW PRODUCT segment: David Tran

* VIDEO COMPETITION: This month’s meeting is the closing date for entries (7min max.) in the clubs’s second competition for 2014. (See Ron’s column p.6 for more info)




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I would like to thank David Tran and Michael Zakaria for the use of our last meet-ing place, as it had served us for many

years, and now it is time for us to move on.

Stay Focused and Start Shooting.

Bob Hallett


I am going to encourage you all to come on our trip to Mt Annan on Sunday 14th September for 10am get-together. Bring your cameras. We will all be able to have a go at using the camera slider the club has just bought. It will be a great day.

I did enjoy our speaker last month, Jacs (as she is liked to be called). So much knowledge! It was very interesting to hear what she had to say of the many films she has had to edit.

I would like you all to think up a short promo for our club. I am going to take my camera to the September meeting to shoot some of our meeting and the new location, to start my promo, and work a story around this. You are welcome to bring your cameras and do the same.

Congratulations to Maureen Tarrant and Trish Glossop with their film which they showed at our last club meeting. They used little talking rain drops to ex-

plain a story to the children in the film... a very clever way of teaching children.

I believe it is quite beautiful there. Margo & I first called in many years ago just as it was getting started, and now it has turned into a beautiful garden for everyone to enjoy.

There is a Cafe if you don’t bring your lunch, and I know there are also BBQs there as well, if you like to have a BBQ.

I would like to thank our committee for their sug-gestions and input to our committee and club meet-ings, and for all the work they do to try and make our club interesting for all of us to enjoy.

I loved the way she spoke on Pace and Rhythm when she edits, and seeing what she does, you can see and feel what she is trying to accomplish.

Max Bob Mark Ron David

Jan Josie Trish

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From the Vice President

Be Inspired and Keep the Batteries

Charged !!

Mark Franks Vice President

This bout of rain over the last weeks is good news for our field day to Mount Annan Botanic Garden on Sunday, 14th September.

If you have wide angle adapters for your camera, bring those along, as wide angle shots work great with a slider. If you have a GoPro bring that as well as they work remarkably well with the slider… take a look at some shots on the internet that you may like to emulate.

Something that will be learned is that any on camera, audio will probably be useless as the camera picks up sliding noise. This might not be apparent until the footage is put into your edit suite, unless monitoring with head phones. If planning any live sounds for the day, bring a sepa-rate audio recorder to capture clean sound!

Other good stuff for the day is: a tripod, slip, slop and slap, and some kind of bug repellant… there always seems to be something biting the ankles!

I will bring my slider as well, so we will have two sliders for use on the day.

The Australian Botanic Garden, Mount Annan.

Narellan Road, Mount Annan

Everything will be turning green and lush for our lens, and creeks flowing.

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At our last club meeting, members were advised that Michael from ParadisePro Videos, who has generously allowed us the use of his rooms for all our club meetings for the past two years, had informed the committee of his plans to

expand his business and utilise the area presently used by the club for our meetings. With this in mind, the committee inspected some other locations suitable to hold both our club and User Group meetings, and we feel we have found the perfect venue in "THE CROSSING" 33 MADDECKS AVE, MOOREBANK, located at the school pedestrian crossing, halfway along Maddecks Ave, between Nuwarra Road and Stock-ton Ave.

I would like to thank Michael for allowing us the use of his rooms for the past two years, for the times he made special trips to open up for us, for scheduling meetings with his own clients to fit in with our club meetings and for letting us store our chairs and other club equipment in his office. Thank you Michael. We wish you every success in your busi-ness ventures and look forward to our continued association especially your attendance at future meetings sharing your vast knowledge on filming and video editing, in particular the use of Edius.

What a great opportunity for the club to have Jacomiene or Jacs (as she is known) Betlem to be our guest speaker at our last meeting. Jacs is a profes-sional video and sound editor with over 30 years experience and she had us all enthralled with her stories and experiences in editing television series and docu-mentaries for major television networks both here in Australia and overseas. We hope to see Jacs again at a future club meeting and to learning more of her profession.

At our last meet-ing, Ron Potter gave the club a copy of Cyberlink Photo Director 4 to include as an

additional prize with our raffle.

Many thanks Ron, and I am sure the winner of this prize, Judy Bullock, also appreciates your generos-ity. Photo Director 4 is a "comprehensive, power-ful and intuitive solution to create professional quality photos" and to make flawless portraits and stunning sceneries.

There is plenty of space in this new venue and the opportunity to hold more workshop-styled meet-ings in which all members can participate. We are also able to promote our club on the street-facing notice board in front of the premises, advertising exposure which we hope will lead to new members joining our group.... an exciting new opportunity for the club to grow. There is ample parking along the street outside the school opposite the building, or in the parking spaces available at the rear of the shopping centre diagonally opposite.

Jacs Judy Jan

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“Happy Videoing

Jan Hudson



Permission granted for cartoons by

I look forward to catching up with members again at both the “Edius User Group” meeting at our new premises at "The Crossing" 33 Maddecks Ave Moorebank on Wednesday, 3rd September and our next club meeting on Wednesday, 10th September, so until then…..

The winner of the bottle of wine was Malcolm Ellis.

The $500 Artbeats prize was won by John Wilson. Thank you Artbeats, and to all our members who continue to support us by buying tickets in the raffle, our only money-raising revenue for the club.

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Ron Potter

Competition Manager

September 2014 Competition

This will be the final notice that our formal September 2014 Video Competition will close on Wednesday 10th September - the night of our Club Meeting. Entries may be on any subject and should have a duration (excluding titles and credits) of up to seven minutes If you have not previously forwarded your entries, please hand them to me at the Meeting. Change to Competition Rules

Starting with the 2015 Competitions: * Entries in the first formal Competition of each year (which usually closes in April) should continue to have a duration - excluding titles and credits - of up to three minutes. * Entries in the second formal Competition of each year (which usually closes in September) should now have a duration - excluding titles and credits - of between three minutes and seven minutes.

Sydney Video Makers Video of the Year Awards (VOTY) “Sydney VideoMakers Club” will be conducting its annual Video of the Year Awards Evening from 7:00pm to 9:30pm on Friday 28th November at the Film Australia Cinema at Lindfield.

The Club will be screening the best of the videos that have been entered in their 2014 Video of the Year Com-petition, as well as awarding prizes to the Competition’s winners and runners up.

The event will include awards for the NSW Inter Club Drama Competition. This free competition is open to members of South West Video Club, Sydney Video Makers, Wollongong Camera Club and ACT Video Camera Club. SWVC entered this competition last year, and won the audience appeal vote.

This will be a public event and refreshments will be provided. Members of Southwest Video Club will, as usual, be most welcome to attend this excellent event.

For more information, and to purchase tickets,

please visit the Sydney VideoMakers’ website at

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REPORT Hi all,

Well here we are at the start of spring and we are still working together with our NLE system. Last month I was happy to show you a little of the many ways of fixing the Audio, and also I gave you a small insight as to how to use the ProDad program namely Vitascene, which as you know, links in with Edius.

Hopefully I will be able to give you a demonstration of another ProDAD program namely "Heroglyph" which is a titling program, and it has so many other uses, plus it is easy to work with in Edius.

I’d just like to give you all some very interesting in-formation of what I have come across. I mentioned to you previously about a man that I have to thank alot for teaching me the “ins and outs” of Avid Media Composer.

Well, he has now switched over to our program, Edius Pro 7, and I'm sure, having learned so much from him in Avid, he will become a very important part of mine, as well as our User Group’s learning of the many features of our new program.

I have asked him if we could use some of the things

he wrote, and I was given permission to do so.


Letter from Douglas:

Last week I needed to open Media Composer to make a short tutorial in answer to a Forum ques-tion. My first reaction, when the interface opened, was one of nostalgia. The user interface looked very "professional"! Then I thought , "Professional? What is that?" After finishing the short tutorial, I was back in Edius, and then I realised that this was the place to be. Maybe not so "professional" looking . . . but extremely easy to work with. There is no need to wrestle with the "unfinished" features of MC anymore. Just ingest and edit away in real-time. For my style of projects, at least, it is the difference between night and day.

As I am new to Edius and tutorials on Edius, I'd like to invite everyone already using Edius, as well as everyone considering using Edius, to download a free tutorial (my first ever on Edius) and take a look at a concept of Media Management that I am working on. The idea behind the concept is to make the man-agement and the transfer of projects between differ-ent computers, a simple task.

Am I, a Scot, actually offering you this tutorial for free? Well, "Yes and No".

The Tutorial is free, but to get the download link sent to you, I am asking that you email me and re-quest it. Why? Because I would like to gather a few email ad-dresses to people who may be interested in my Edius tutorials in the future. I would be adding your address to my "Gaijin-Eyes Tutorials Edius News-letter" mailing list. After a couple of newsletters, you are free to opt out, if you want.

I would say that I have been learning so much from Douglas over the years, and as you know, I have been using Avid for some time, and all I would like to say is go to his site and be prepared to finally learn something. I most certainly will. His website is ...cont. next page

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At our last User Group meeting which took place at our new venue, we had plenty of our Edius users attending, and I hope we also learned a lot from each other... after all, that is what it is all about.

Jan gave us an insight into the Layouter in Edius, and she has done a very good job. She also showed us the important use of the Green screen using the Chromakey.

Our next meeting will again be very interesting with Ron Potter doing a presentation, followed by John Wilson. So I would like to ask the members of the User Group to think about what you

could show the meeting at a future time. Good luck, and happy editing with Edius Pro 7.

I followed her with another showing of the Layouter, followed by a short demonstration of Heroglyph, one of the programs from ProDAD. It was quite funny that I was asked to do the Route when I realized that I didn’t have a map on my lap-top, so I promised to show this at our next meeting. Sorry about that!

Reinfrid Langmann

Last month’s meeting turned out to be a very full and inspiring meeting, as several newsletter articles have detailed. I’d like to thank all those who participated and especially our guest speaker, Jacs Betlem, who was enthusiastically received.

Congratulations to our vice president, Mark Franks, who was recognised in his local paper “Macarthur Chronicle” (August 12, 2014), for producing a short

video of the beauty and wildlife of the Campbell-town area. The half page article included an action photo of Mark recording the video in Marsden Park, Park Central.

Mark, a wedding videographer (when not working as a Harbour City Ferries diesel mechanic), who has produced over 500 wedding videos since he began about 20 years ago, has always wanted make a video on the shortest day of the year. He shot and edited the video all on the one day (21st June), and posted it online, as he is proud to show his relatives what Campbelltown looks like.

Thank you, Mark, for always thinking of ways to promote our club...South West Video Club did get a brief mention in the article! Go to to watch Mark’s video.

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Bob Hallett (President) Email: [email protected] Ph: 0416 139 797 Mark Franks (Vice President) Email: [email protected] Max Milgate (Secretary) Email: [email protected] David Tran (Digital Planet Technologies) Ph: (02)9734 7066 Email: [email protected]


Bob Hallett (President) Mark Franks (Vice President) Jan Hudson (Treasurer) Max Milgate (Secretary) Josie Milgate (Editorial Officer/Librarian) Ron Potter (Competition Manager) Trish Glossop (Public Officer) David Tran (Technical Co-Ordinator)

SWVC website:



Time: - 7.00pm -for coffee and a chat - 7.30 pm -Meeting

Second Wednesday of the month

February - November (Christmas Party in December)

‘Viewfinder’ graphics from: Mega ClipArt

Have fun sharing knowledge.

Josie Milgate

Editorial Officer/Librarian



Hope you, together with family and friends, can all join us for our club’s social get-together at Mount Annan next Sunday, 14th September 2014. Please refer to Mark Franks’ column (page 3) for suggestions to prepare for the day. We still have our club caps available for you to purchase – $10 for members, $15 non-members. Please contact me if wishing to purchase a cap. Looking forward to see you all at our new club meeting venue on Wednesday, 10th September at 7pm, for coffee and chat, and meeting to com-mence at 7.30pm sharp.

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